01x20 - The Old Bird/Diamond Don

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x20 - The Old Bird/Diamond Don

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me, the

Conductor. Today, we're going

To meet one of the oldest birds

We know. It's called an

Archaeopteryx. So come on along

With me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time

There was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching

And said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one

Her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons

, , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny,

And don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪

Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby

Was a different size

With teeth and a tail

And big green eyes

He didn't look anything

Like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a

Pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old

Mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and

I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all

Creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on,

Buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at

Pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine

And rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows]

♪ The dinosaur train ♪


[Captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]


Hurry, mom. We don't want to

Miss the dinosaur train. We

Told petey peteinosaurus we'd

Meet him on-board for a play


[Train whistle blows]

Hey! Hey!

Hey, there he is!

Hello, pteranodon family.

Hey! Buddy and tiny!

Hi, petey!

Made it! Triassic-tastic!

Hello, mr. Conductor.

Ha ha ha ha! All aboard!

And on my way here, I saw

All kinds of birds. Tons of

Birds, and they all had wings

And a beak, just like you and

Me, tiny.


♪ I have wings and a beak


I have wings and a beak

Yeah! ♪

♪ We can glide and fly


Eat bugs passing by

Yeah! ♪

Come on, buddy. Join our

Conga line.

Um, but I don't have wings

Or a beak.

But you're a bird's best


And you have those super

Chomping teeth and a big,

Swooshy tail.

Hmm. I do.

♪ My teeth chomp

And chew, yeah!

Check my tail out,

Too, yeah! ♪

Ha ha ha ha! I'm really glad

I'm a dinosaur, but I bet it's

Fun to be a bird.

Not to be a nosy nellie, but

If you kids like birds, have

You ever heard of an


Ooh! I have! It's



It's from the jurassic, and

It's one of the first birds

There is. In fact,

Archaeopteryx means "old wing."

"Old wing"?

You mean it's really old?

Uh, it's--well, not

Necessarily. It's just called

That because it's one of the

Earliest known birds.

Hmm! Wings, beak, feathers.

Yep, looks like a bird to me.

I have a hypothesis.

Since it's a bird, I think

Archaeopteryx live in a nest,

Just like me and tiny.

And I bet archaeopteryx can

Fly all around, just like me

And petey.

One way to find out.

The train's making a stop

At archaeopteryx lagoon. That's

Where arlene archaeopteryx



[Humming a tune]

Can we visit her, mom?


Pretty please with beetles

On top?


We can certainly stop and try

To visit her.


And just in time. Time

Tunnel! Time tunnel approaching!

[Bell ringing]

Next stop, archaeopteryx lagoon

Station in the jurassic time


Bye! Say hello to arlene

Archaeopteryx for me!

We will!

Hello? Arlene archaeopteryx?

Come out, come out, wherever

You are.

Hmm. Maybe

Mrs. Archaeopteryx doesn't want

To be bothered. I mean, we

Don't know her, and she doesn't

Know we're coming here.

And what if she's really old?

Tiny, archaeopteryx may mean

"Old wing," but it doesn't mean

Arlene is old.

Yeah, but she might be.

I wonder if she's nice. Maybe

She'll at least watch us do

Things, like play or sing.

Well, you can certainly try.

She may not like singing.

[German accent]

I love songs. I have sung

For years and years and


Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo!


Are you arlene? I mean,

Mrs. Archaeopteryx?

Oh, pooh on being so formal.

You had it right the first

Time. Call me arlene.

And you are of the luckiest

Youngsters I ever seen.

Ha ha ha!

? But there's just me,


And me, buddy.

And me, tiny pteranodon.

And she's not a youngster.

She's our mom.

To me, she's a spring

Chicken. Actually, a spring


Oh, ha ha!


Why, thank you, arlene.

So, what brings your smiling

Faces to archaeopteryx

Lagoon? Surely you are not

Just here to see me.

We are here to see you.

We heard a lot about you,

Like your name means "old wing"

And that you're one of the

First birds.

Aren't you the smart one!

It does mean "old wing," and

It's true my species is one of

The first birds. Well, I do

Happen to be older, so these

Wings of mine are pretty old,

Too. But they still flap up

A good breeze, yes? Ha ha ha!

[All laughing]

Yeah, it's pretty exciting

To meet a bird from the


Oh, not just any bird.

Remember, I am one of the first

Birds ever. But you think that

Stops me from doing everything

You kids can do?


Exactly. So you came here to

Learn about this first bird,

Right? Why don't you come and

See my home? And we can all

Have a snack together. With

This young lady's permission,

Of course.



Can we, please?

We would love to. Thank you.

Oh, wunderbar. Oh, it's so

Good to have visitors.

This way, everyone!

Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Arlene doesn't seem very old

At all.

You're right, buddy.

Arlene is really fun.

She's the coolest. I bet she

Knows even more flying tricks

Than I do.

And I bet her nest is

Amazing. I can't wait

To see it.

[All giggling]

Willkommen. We are here.

Where's your nest?

Oh, I'm afraid I have to

Disappoint you. I don't live

In a nest.

What? You don't?

I guess my hypothesis was


But I'm sorry about your

Hypothesis, buddy.

It's ok.

Yeah, don't worry. Buddy's

Hypotheses aren't always right.


But, arlene, if you don't

Live in a nest, where do you


Wait! You live in a tree?


Ha ha ha ha!

Score! You live in a tree,

And I do, too. That is such a

Great, birdacious place to live.

Oh, ha ha ha! Oh, you're so

Funny, petey. Oh, you are one

Funny young bird. "Birdacious!"

Oh, I like it! Ha ha ha!

Thanks. So, can we see your


Yeah. Let's fly up and see



Um, it's a little hard for

Me. I don't have wings to fly

Up there.

Wings, schmings. You've got

Lots of other things going for

You, buddy. What does a big,

Strong, smart, handsome t-rex

Like you need wings for? Oh,


Well, to fly up to your nest.

You think wings are all that

You need for that? Watch this.

Are you ready for me?


Come fly with us!

Here goes.

What happened?

Did you change your mind

About flying?

No. That was me flying.


Ha ha ha!

Oh. Is it because you've

Been flying a long time and

Maybe your wings are tired?

Ha ha ha! You mean because

I'm old.


No, I don't fly well because

No archaeopteryx does.

Remember, birds are part

Dinosaur, and I am more

Dinosaur than bird in some ways.

You are? But you have wings

Like tiny and petey.

Yes, but my bird wings have


You're right. Our wings

Don't look the same.

Has anyone noticed my tail?

It's kind of like yours,


Yeah. Arlene has a dinosaur

Tail. Do you have teeth, arlene?

A full set of them. Ah!

[All laughing]

Wow, arlene. You're the

Perfect combination of bird and


And you are perfectly

Delightful for saying so. Now,

Does everyone still want to see

My home?



I'll fly you up, buddy.

Thanks, mom.

Whoa! It's great up here.

It works for me. It's

Comfortable, and I have a

Perfect view of any predators

Who might be coming.

This is a lot like where

I live! I love having a view!

And I can easily spot the

Thing I most like to eat.




Yeah, plants are yummy, but

That's not my favorite food. My

Favorite thing to snack on is

Flying by in the air right now.

Ooh! I know! Bugs!


I love bugs, too.

Ooh! Look! Incoming!

Let's get 'em!

Ah! Ah!


Hoo hoo hoo! So, what do you

Kids like to eat?

Fish, fish, and fish.

Meat for me. Our whole

Family eats together in a nest.

Oh, your nest sounds


It's close to a big pond. We

Catch fish and play games and

Camp out.

Oh! What fun!

But you know what I like to

Do the very most, arlene?

Ride the dinosaur train.

We all do!

Ooh, that does sound like an

Adventure. One day I would like

To take a ride.

[Train whistle blows]


Speaking of which, there's the

Train now. Sorry, arlene. We

Have to go, but it was

Wonderful to meet you.

Oh, and you, too,

Mrs. Pteranodon. Oh, buddy,

Tiny, and petey, your visit was

Such a treat. I will always

Remember it. My own kids, they

Live so far away. I will tell

You what, you come back anytime,


And maybe sometime you could

Come to pteranodon terrace.

You'lleally like our nest.

There's lots of bugs flying

Around for snacks.

I'm already looking forward

To it. Now, ok, run along or

Fly along, but don't miss your

Ride. Oh, big hugs!

Bye, arlene!

Pleased to meet you!

Thanks for the snacks!

Bye! Auf wiedersehen!

See you soon!


I'm arlene, and I have...


I'm arlene. I can sort of...


I'm arlene, and I have a...


And I walk on two...


That means I'm an...


Ha ha ha!

Yeah! A dinosaur and a bird.

Ok! Everyone do the arlene!

♪ Da da da da da da da!

Da da da da da da! ♪

All laughing]

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the

Paleontologist, and this is





That's right. Now what does

The archaeopteryx look like to


It's a bird.

In fact, scientists like me

Think that this animal was one

Of the first birds ever.

Was it that big?

No, it wasn't as big as

This. In fact, it was a lot

Smaller. Smaller. Smaller.

Perfect. Archaeopteryx was

About the size of a raven. It

Had lots of bird features like

Feathered wings, but it also

Had many dinosaur features like

Teeth, a long bony tail, and a

Big claw on its toe.


So, was arceopteryx a bird

Or a dinosaur?

A bird.

It's a dinosaur.

Believe it or not, you're

Both right. Archaeopteryx is a

Bird and a dinosaur because all

Birds are part of the dinosaur

Family. That's right. All birds

Are dinosaurs. So, the next

Time you see a chicken, a

Seagull, or even a hummingbird,

Remember, you're looking at a

Dinosaur. Pretty cool, huh?

Ok. Keep watching for more

Dinosaur discoveries.

Dinosaurs were big.

Tiny, look at all these


Whoa! They're huge!

Someday I'm going to be one

Of the biggest carnivores on

Land. Roar!

[Deep roar]


I'm a tyrannosaurus rex.

Hi, mrs. Giganotosaurus.

I wonder who really is the

Biggest dinosaur.

Good question.

Big, he is. Huge!

Whoa! That's one big


♪ I'm not

The biggest dinosaur

In fact, I'm kind of tiny

I don't have teeth

Or scary claws

But it doesn't make me whiny

Whenever I meet someone new

I march right up and what I do

Is say "hello there,

Nice to meet you,

My name is tiny"

I've met a lot of dinosaurs

And some of them were scary

And when I stand

Right next to them

I'm kind of ordinary

But if I'm friendly

They are, too

And then I say

"It's nice to meet you"

Then they say, "well, hey,

The same to you

It's nice to meet you, tiny" ♪

Hello, folks. It's me, the

Conductor. Ever wonder what

Shiny and don do at home when

Buddy and tiny go on the

Dinosaur train? Well, today

We're going to find out. So

Come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train. All aboard!

Ready, shiny?




I got it.

Yeah! Awesome!

See, tiny? Twigs and mud.

That's all you need to repair a

Nest. Now, uh, no one will know

That I tripped and fell into it

By accident, right?


Right, dad.

[Humming a tune]

One velociraptor feather, two

T-rex teeth, old egg shells.




Buddy! Tiny! It's almost time

To go. You have a play date.

Yeah. We're meeting ned

Brachiosaurus on the dinosaur


To play junior conductors.

You guys will come with us,

Right? It's going to be so much


Oh, I don't know. I think

I'd rather stay around the nest

With dad.

I want to look around the

Nest for more cool things for

My collection.

But, don, you could look for

Things on the train.

Yeah, I guess, but I'll just

Stay here with shiny.

Hmm. I hear there's fish

Balls on the snack cart today.

And ned said he'd let us

Ride on his neck.

I bet the engineer would let

Us blow the whistle.

That sounds like fun. But

Can't we do all that another


All right. You two have

A great time on the train.

We want to hear all your

Stories when you get back.


Ok. Have fun here.

Oh, I bet we will.


When we get back, we can all

Play toss 'n' catch. Bye!

So, what do we explore today?

[Hums a tune]

Let's find someplace new so

I can get more shiny things.

How about...mmm, here?

That cave? Hmm...no.

Caves are boring. We should go

Someplace else.

But we've never been in

There. It's somewhere new.

But it's a cave.

A cave is just a hole on its


So, team pteranodon, what

Adventure are we thinking about

For today?

We're exploring a cave.

We're thinking about

Exploring a cave.

Oh. Then I'll think about

It, too. Ok, let's do it! Ha ha!

You see that? I "caved" in

To exploring the cave. Ha ha!

[Both laugh]

Yeah. Ok, team. Let's head

To the cliff and check out that



Oh, boy.


I bet I'll find amazing

Things in the cave for my

Collection--some old teeth or

Fossil bones or maybe a whole



Maybe the cave is a secret

Hideout for a brand-new animal

We've never even seen before.

An animal with big teeth and

Claws and--

And one that probably

Doesn't want us bothering it.

Can we just go explore the


You know, shiny, you might

Like the inside of this cave.

Caves have all kinds of

Surprising things in them.

Like...surprise shiny things?

Oh, yes, sometimes. I say we

Keep our eyes peeled and our

Beaks bright.



Ahem. That means "pay

Attention." Heh heh heh! So?

Caving? Huh? Huh?



Caving! Go, team! Yay!

You can do it, shiny. Just

Take a deep breath before we go

Into the cave.

Ok, dad.

[Inhales deeply]

Good. Let's explore!


This is so cool!

["Cool" echoing]

Wow. There's an echo.

I know. What a great cave!

["Cave" echoing]

[Water dripping]

Eek! What's that?

Hmm. Not sure. Um...

Let's see. Oh! Here it is.

It's just water. Dad? Shiny?

Don't be nervous. It was just

Dripping water.

N-n-nervous? Why, I wasn't

Nervous. I--i just didn't see

Anything shiny in there.

And I was just checking on

Your sister. Uh, you good, tiny?

[Laughs nervously]

She's good.

But we have to explore.

There could be lots of things

In the cave. Shiny things. We

Barely went in. Come on. Let's

Look some more.

Deep breath.

[Inhales deeply]


[Low squawking]

What's that?


What's what?

[Squawking continues]

Aah! What is it? Is it

A monster?

Shiny, it's not a monster.

It's just a bird. Look.

Yeah. You're one of those

Big pond birds. I've seen you

Before. You're en--you're

Enantiornithine, right?

Yes. An enantiornithine who

Is trying to get some sleep,

So, could you stop with the



Yeah. I wasn't screaming.

I was singing.

♪ Aaah ♪

Don't you mean

♪ La la looo? ♪


Intereing. Ha! Ok. I'm out of

Here. Bye-bye!


Ok. So we found a bird. Can we

Go now?

Nah. I want to keep

Exploring. Can't we, dad?


Well, I say we just sit and

Think about this for a minute.


[Both laughing]

Sorry, dad. Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine, but I'm

Going to have a word with this

Rock, that's for sure. Ha ha!

Hey, kids, look at this.

Wow. That rock is red.

Really red. And it's shiny.

Why, it sure is. Actually,

Shiny, this is called a mineral.

A mineral? But it looks like

Some kind of rock.

Well, team, a mineral is a

Solid piece that comes from the

Earth and is made up of the

Same material all the way

Through. And a rock is made

From a bunch of different kinds

Of minerals.

Oh! I get it.

So this mineral is a ruby.

The whole thing is a ruby, and

That's why it's called ruby red.

Are all minerals shiny and


Well, some more than others,

But they come in all kinds of


Purple? Blue? Green?

Yes, yes, and yes, don.

Diamonds, another mineral, are

Very clear, and they also come

In green, purple, yellow, red,

A whole rainbow of colors.

A rainbow of shiny colors?


Better believe it. Diamonds

Sparkle more than most

Minerals, or that's what I'm

Told. I've never actually

Found one myself.

Then what are we waiting

For? Let's explore this cave

And find these minerals, maybe

Even some diamonds.

So now you want to be in the


I do. I really do. Just

Maybe you and dad can lead

The way.

[All humming a tune]

Hey, I wonder what's up

There. Woo hoo!

Don! Hello! Where'd you go?



There you are, son. Don't

Disappear like that. We have to

Stay together.

Oh. Sorry, dad.

Good. Everybody's here.

Quite an adventure, huh?

Yeah. It's a little too dark

Right here. Can we try to get

Out of the cave now?

Sure. Good plan, shiny. Ok.

Let's see. We came into the--

I see light.

Huh. Well, me, too, don.

Come on. Follow me.

We'll be in the daylight in

No time, shiny.



Hey, the lights are all twinkly.


It's really hard.

But it's so shiny and

Beautiful. Are these those

Minerals you said were the


Yeah! Are these those

Diamond things?

You know what? I think they


Heh! Ta-da!


Now that is one impressively

Shiny mineral. Hey, kids, let's

Take this and see how it shines


I like that idea a lot, dad.

Look. The minerals are

Sparklier than ever out here.

Oh! And I can see myself in all

Of them.


See? It was fun exploring in

The cave. You were nervous, but

You made it through.

♪ La la loo! ♪

Nervous? I wasn't--ok, maybe

I was a little nervous, but you

Did a great job leading us out,

Don. Thanks.

Shiny's right. Heh! I am

Pteranodon proud of both of you.

I'm proud to have a dad who

Knows so much about minerals.

Well, the reason I know so

Much about them is when I was a

Kid, I loved shiny things, like

Minerals, just like you, shiny.


And I liked collecting

Things when I was a kid, too.

Collecting things? That's

Like me.

Yep. You're right, don.


[Train whistle blows]


The dinosaur train. Mom and

Tiny anduddy will be home


Ok, kids. Let's get back to

The nest to meet them.


Here, don. You can have this

Ruby for your colltion.

Really? Thanks, shiny.

All those minerals back in

The cave were so amazing. One

Day, we should show them to

Tiny and buddy.

Yeah. I bet they'd like them.

Too bad we didn't bring home

One of those diamonds.

Hey, shiny. Hey, don. Oh,

You guys missed the best trip.

Yeah. We played junior

Conductor with ned, and we even

Got to toot the whistle. I wish

You guys could have been there

With us.

Hmm. Sounds fun.

How was it staying home?


And fun.

Yeah, you know, a little of

This, a little of that.

This and that?

We did look at some minerals.

Which we found in a cave.

Minerals? Will you tell us

About them?

Wait. First, remember we're

Going to play toss and catch?

Yeah! Let's play! Whoo! Yeah!

Over here! Catch me over here!



[Both giggling]


Hey! Wait up!


Hi. I'm dr. Scott, the

Paleontologist. What do you

Think these are?

They're rocks.

Good guess, but these are a

Little different. They're

Called minerals. Rocks are

Actually made of minerals.

Most minerals form way down

Deep, below the surface of the

Earth, where it's very hot. And

Many minerals that we find

Today were around before the



When these shiny minerals

Are first discovered, they're

Often rough and dirty,

Sometimes looking like broken


But once they're carefully cut

And polished, well, they look...


So, whenever you see a

Beautiful, polished mineral,

Like a diamond or a ruby, think

About how it formed deep within

The earth long ago, maybe even

Before the time of the

Dinosaurs. All right. Remember,

Get outside, get into nature,

And make your own discoveries.

Did you know that the

Dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There

Was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's

Visit the jurassic. It was a

Warm, damp climate full of both

Jungles and forests. The first

Known birds and many of the

Biggest dinosaurs, like

Stegosaurus, lived in the

Jurassic. And that's just one

Of the stops on the dinosaur


...and that means fish.

♪ If I could wish

For just one dish

My greatest wish

Would be more fish! ♪


[Captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

♪ Dinosaur train

Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train

Dinosaur train

We're gonna ride

The dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪
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