05x12 - Dinosaur Train: Adventure Island

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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05x12 - Dinosaur Train: Adventure Island

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- [buzzing]

[footsteps scampering]

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

[pterosaurs squawking]

♪ ♪

[dinosaurs roaring softly]

♪ ♪

- Huh?

[playful music]


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


Ah! [panting]

[ground rumbling]

[gasps, sniffs]

[train wheels squeaking]

♪ ♪



[exciting music]

[train whistle toots]

- [roars]

- Hello.


[steam hissing]

[playful music]

♪ ♪

[footsteps thumping softly]

[upbeat country music]

- ♪ All aboard the Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ It's comin' round the bend ♪

♪ It's always been our favorite ♪

♪ Our true and faithful friend ♪

Gilbert? - Uncle Conductor.

[steam hisses] [train whistle toots]

♪ All aboard, we've got to say ♪

♪ It's never let us down ♪

♪ It won't complain in snow or rain ♪

♪ The finest train around ♪

all: ♪ Your wheels, your walls, your velvet seats ♪

♪ Your waggin' tail in back ♪

[train whistle toots]

♪ The happy chuffin' sound you make ♪

♪ When you're boomin' down the track ♪

♪ All aboard the Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ It's comin' round the bend ♪

♪ Big and long and goin' strong ♪

♪ Our true and faithful friend ♪

- ♪ All aboard ♪ - ♪ All aboard ♪

all: ♪ All aboard ♪

♪ The Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ ♪

[train whistle toots]

- Well, if it isn't

the Pteranodon family.

Hello, Tiny. - [squawks]

- Shiny. - [giggles]

- Don. - ♪ La-la-loo ♪

- And Buddy, my T. rex buddy.

- [giggles] Rawr!

- And of course,

Mr. and Mrs. Pteranodon.

Ha, that's all of you.

We haven't a moment to lose.

All aboard! all: Yeah!

[train whistle toots]

[upbeat banjo music]

♪ ♪

- [inhales deeply, sighs heavily]

- Tickets. Tickets, please.

- [giggles]

- Well, looks like we're full to capacity,

just like I like it.

Now, where are we all going?

all: Adventure Island!

[all cheering]

- I'm just so excited.

- I can't believe it's finally open.

- And we're all going together!

- For a dream vacation!

It's gonna be the best time ever!

♪ La-la-loo ♪ - Time--time?

Ooh, speaking of time,

it's time for a very special Express Time Tunnel,

which will take us directly there.

[all cheering] Time Tunnel!

Express Time Tunnel to Adventure Island!

[mystical music]

♪ ♪

- [gasps] Oh, my.

all: Ooh!


- [sighs] Yes.

We're headed to the middle of the sea

in the middle of the Jurassic time period

for the grand opening of a theme park so brand-new,

even I haven't been to it.

And I'm as excited as you are

just to take you to Adventure Island.

- Isn't there a brand-new song about it?

- Oh, you mean the "Adventure Island Song"?

[all gasp] - Exactly.

Shall we sing it, Uncle Conductor?

- D'oh, gee, Gilbert. [laughs]

I'm not prepared.

Plus, we just sang a song.

I don't think these folks want to hear another--

all: Sing it, sing it, sing it, sing it!

- Ooh, ooh, ooh! Ooh, sing it!

Pretty, pretty please!

- Well, if our passengers demand it.

- ♪ How come we're singing' ♪

♪ How come we're smilin' ♪

- ♪ 'Cause everyone's goin' to Adventure Island ♪

- ♪ Did you say Adventure Island ♪

- ♪ Yes, I did, Adventure Island ♪

both: ♪ Everyone's goin' to Adventure Island ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ And what'll we do there ♪

all: ♪ Ride the rides ♪

- ♪ Swim and glide ♪

- ♪ Swoop and dive ♪

- ♪ Yes, and when you ride these rides ♪

♪ You get to find out what it's like inside ♪

♪ That particular species of dinosaur ♪

- ♪ You mean I get to stomp and roar ♪

- Yup!

both: ♪ Crawl, swim, fly, or soar ♪

♪ Every kid can be ♪

♪ Any dinosaur ♪

- ♪ You mean I can swim ♪ - ♪ And I can fly ♪

- ♪ Yes, on wings across the sky ♪

- ♪ Then I wanna fly like a pterosaur ♪

both: A sauropod that goes on all fours ♪

- ♪ You'll do all that and then some more ♪

all: ♪ On Adventure Island ♪

♪ Adventure Island ♪

♪ Crawl, swim, fly, or soar ♪

♪ Every kid can be ♪

♪ Any dinosaur ♪

- ♪ So much fun ♪

♪ So many rides ♪

♪ What should I go on ♪

♪ I can't decide ♪

- ♪ Well, I'm gonna try the T. rex ride ♪

♪ I wanna find out what it's like to be ♪

♪ A T. rex who's as tall as a tree ♪

♪ I get to romp and stomp and roar ♪

♪ I'll roar till my ears get sore ♪

♪ Today I'm gonna finally see ♪

♪ Just what it's really like to be ♪

♪ A giant grown-up T. rex ♪


all: ♪ On Adventure Island ♪

♪ Adventure Island ♪

♪ Crawl, swim, fly, or soar ♪

♪ Every kid can be ♪

♪ Any dinosaur ♪

- Yeah! [all cheering]

[light music]

♪ ♪

- Mom, Dad, can I go on all the rides all by myself?

- All by yourself? - You mean without us?

- Yeah, after all, I'm gonna grow up

to be a giant T. rex someday, and they're super brave.

This sounds like great practice.

- I don't think so, Buddy.

- Hmm. [gasps]

What if it was all of us kids sticking together as a group?

- Hmm, I don't know.

We'll think about it when we get there.

- D'oh, I hope so! I can't wait to get there!

- All in good time, Buddy.

[pocket watch chiming] Ooh, time.

Speaking of time, it's Adventure Island time!

Next stop, Adventure Island!

[excited chatter]

all: Ooh, Adventure Island.

[ethereal choral music]

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

[both giggle]

- Oh, boy! Oh, boy!

- Oh, boy, oh, boy! I can't wait!

I can't wait. Let's go!

[excited chatter]

- Hmm. [chuckles]

- Welcome to opening day... - Whoa!

- On Adventure Island!

- [shouts]

- I'll take it from here, sonny boy.

- [scoffs] Hello, Thurston.

Good to see you, as always.

So you've been assigned to work here on Adventure Island?

- [chuckling] Oh, much more than that.

I had a hand in designing this spectacular new theme park,

so I'm pretty much in charge of the whole island.

- Oh, wonderful. - Excuse me.

And now for the Adventure Island tour!

Everyone ready to be amazed?

all: Yeah!

- [chuckles] [whistle blows]

- All clear! - Initiate...

♪ ♪

[all gasping]

[mechanical whirring]

- Wow, whoa! [chuckles]

[excited chatter]

- Whoa, we're up in the air.

♪ ♪

- [chuckles]

[lever cranks]

- [squawks]

What's going on, Mr. Thurston?

- Ah, you are now part

of Adventure Island's unique suspended train system.

- [stammers]

But, Thurston, I'm the conductor

of the Dinosaur Train.

I am supposed to stay with it! - [chuckles]

We'll return you safely to the Dinosaur Train

at the end of the tour, Mr. Conductor.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Why don't we just take the Dinosaur Train around the park?

- [laughs]

Because this special suspended train has a better view

than if we stayed below on that squeaky old Dinosaur Train.

- "Squeaky"? Well, I just oiled it!

- And besides,

the Dinosaur Train is a thing of the past.

Adventure Island is the future!

- What do you mean, "the future"?

- The future is... robot dinosaurs!

- [yelps] all: Robot dinosaurs?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Wow.

♪ ♪

all: Whoa, robot dinosaurs!

- Huh! Robot dinosaurs.

- Yes, robot dinosaurs... rule.

♪ Why travel back and forth in time ♪

♪ Who needs that anymore ♪

♪ What our patrons really want ♪

♪ Is robot dinosaurs ♪

♪ Time travel takes far too much time ♪

♪ A fact you can't ignore ♪

♪ My metal versions are sublime ♪

♪ They're robot dinosaurs ♪

- ♪ So you built all the different kinds ♪

- ♪ Like sauropods and all ♪

- ♪ Yes, my robot sauropods have necks ♪

♪ That are every bit as tall ♪

- ♪ I see your robot theropods still run on three-toed feet ♪

- ♪ But unlike normal theropods ♪

♪ These never need to eat ♪

♪ Why visit actual dinosaurs ♪

♪ They truly make me snore ♪

♪ What Adventure Island has ♪

♪ Is robot dinosaurs ♪

all: ♪ Oh, what Adventure Island has ♪

- ♪ Adventure Island has ♪

all: ♪ Is robot dinosaurs ♪ - ♪ Robot dinosaurs ♪

Everybody mambo!

♪ A-one, step, and three, four ♪

♪ And one, step, and three, four, and ♪

- ♪ One step, and three, four ♪

♪ A-one, step, and three, four ♪

♪ And one ♪

[giggles] This is fun!

- Robot dinosaurs.

[laughs sarcastically]

Real actual dinosaurs are amazing and fascinating.

And so is time travel, Thurston.

What do you say to that?

- I'm sorry. Can't hear you.

I'm too busy dancing the mambo into the future!

- Um, Mr. Thurston?

- ♪ Three, four, and ♪

Yes, Tiny?

- So the robot dinosaurs don't eat any food.

- Good! More fish-wiches for me!

- So if they don't eat food, what makes them go?

- Yeah, where do these robot things

get their power from?

- I have a hypothesis.

Maybe the power that runs the robots

comes from something on Adventure Island?

- Excellent hypothesis, Buddy! I'll elucidate.

- Uh...

- That means I'll explain. - Ah, good.

- The entire island is run by geothermal steam power.

[music stops]

That's energy that comes from deep in the earth as steam.

all: Whoa. Steam power?

- Yes, the steam is under great pressure,

enough to drive the mighty gears

that run Adventure Island.

- [roars]

- Hey, you were right, Buddy. - I have a question.

Are there no real dinosaurs on Adventure Island,

besides us?

- Well, there are all of the Troodon engineers

who work here and run the rides.

They can be identified by their name tags.

Most of the Troodons work

in Adventure Island's Central Control

behind the scenes.

Ah, and here we are! Central Control.

Hello, everyone.

And goodbye. On with the tour!

- [giggles] Whoa.

Look at that robot sauropod. He's programmed to chew.

all: Whoa, whoa!

- See? Isn't it a triumph?

Everything is driven by brilliant engineering

and powered by steam.

In fact, the whole island runs like a steam-powered clock.

- But they're not real dinosaurs.

They're robots. - Yes.

Why robot dinosaurs, Thurston,

when there's a whole actual Mesozoic Era

of real dinosaurs to meet?

- Here on Adventure Island,

every kid can be any dinosaur!

- Um, how exactly?

- By riding in a robot version of one,

which is so much better than trying to ride a real one.

all: Whoa!

- But can you make friends with a robot?

- They're robots.

You don't need to make friends with them.

- [sighs]

Well, very impressive, Thurston.

- Yes, it is. Oh! I mean thank you.

[eerie music]

[ground rumbling]

♪ ♪

[panicked chatter]

- That was weird. Felt like an earthquake.

- Wasn't it just giant stomping robot dinosaur feet?

- Hmm, maybe.

Um, Mr. Thurston? I have another hypothesis.

- Oh, oh, oh! That's two hypotheses, Buddy.

You only get one.

That was a joke. What's your other hypothesis?

- Well, what if there was an earthquake

on Adventure Island?

Would that affect the steam power

that runs everything?

- Oh, pfft, an extremely unlikely hypothesis.

[mechanical whirring]


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Oh, what's wrong? What happened?

- Well, I hope you tested everything thoroughly first

before you opened the park to visitors.

- [cackles]


Sheesh, what a fuddy-duddy.

After all, it is called Adventure Island.

Lighten up, Mr. Conductor. [scoffs]

[solemn music]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Ah, here we are back where we started.

[all cheering]

Now your own Adventure Island adventure can begin

when you experience the rides.

- Yeah! - Yeah, let's get on the rides!

- I cannot wait.

- Well, have fun on Adventure Island,

Pteranodon family.

I gotta stay on schedule.

There's lots more stops today

for the "old-fashioned" Dinosaur Train.

all: Okay. Bye, Mr. Conductor!

- All aboard...

[melancholy music]

♪ ♪

[train whistle toots]

♪ ♪

[solemn country music]

♪ All aboard the Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ It's comin' round the bend ♪

♪ It may not quite be up-to-date ♪

♪ But it's still a faithful friend ♪

♪ All aboard ♪ - ♪ All aboard ♪

- ♪ All aboard ♪

all: ♪ The Dinosaur Train ♪

- [chuckles]

Go experience the rides!

Have fun! [all cheering]

- Okay. Oh, be careful.

Don't run. Okay, this is gonna be great.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- [gasps] A Jurassic churro?

Ooh, ooh, ooh, can I have one? - Mm-hmm.

- [crunches] Oh, boy.

- I'll have one of those.

- [gasps]

[inspiring music]

♪ ♪


A tyrannosaurus just like me.

So can I ride the rides by myself

if I ride with Tiny, Shiny, and Don?

- Maybe after we've had some time

to think about it, Buddy.

First you have to learn to be patient.

- Okay, I'll be patient.

- Here's the Quetzalcoatlus Coaster, Buddy.

Let's all ride it together and see how you do.

all: Whoo-hoo, yay!

- Whoo-hoo, yeah!

all: Huh? Oh.

- Why are we... I don't understand.

- Hmm, looks like we'll all have to be patient.

- It's okay.

Why don't we do the Theropod Cheer while we wait?

- Yeah! - Yes!

all: One, big legs with three-toed feet.

Two, lots of teeth for eating meat.

Three, long tail for balancing well.

And four, theropods have a great sense of smell.

One, big legs with three-toed feet.

Two, lots of teeth...

[all screaming]

- Whoo-hoo! [laughter]

- Whoa! Oh, ah!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Pte-radical!

- [screams]

[all cheering] [yelps]

- [giggling]

- [screams] Oh.


[all giggle] - Yeah!

Whoo, this is fun! - [panting]

I--you know, it just doesn't make sense.

I fly all the time. I am an expert flier.

- [squawks] I know, hon.

- See how patient we were?

The line was long, but we didn't complain once.

Now can we kids ride the rides by ourselves?

- [squawks] Yeah, can we?

- I kind of like having Mom and Dad on the ride with us.

- Well, you did show us you can be patient.

Now show us you can listen

and follow the instructions and make good choices,

and then we'll consider letting you ride by yourselves.

- Yes, okay!

We can't wait to show you we can listen

and follow the instructions.

- And make good choices.

- Let's start with the migrating dino

bumper cars ride.

Remember, listen to the instructions.

- Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Migrating Sauropod ride.

[stammering] I...

all: Whoo!

[all giggling] - Nothing!

Okay, you sauropods stick together

in a migrating herd.

Meanwhile, the theropods,

you're gonna try and herd these sauropods

into that corner at the end of the course

while the sauropods are gonna try to get to the other corner.


The first team to successfully migrate

to the other side wins.

- So how does this thingy work?

- Hmm, it's a robot, so it must be programmed

to do what we do with these controls.

I think you run the legs and I run the neck and head?

- Sounds easy.

- Oh, pull that lever, Tiny, and I bet it'll start to walk.

- [groans] Hey, it worked, Shiny.

- Okay, now, here's how to run the sauropods.

- Hmm. both: Whoa!

[both giggling]

- Wait, I haven't given you your instructions yet!

- Well, huh, their patience didn't last too long, did it?

[playful music]

both: Whee!

- Looks like they're programmed to stick together.

This is so great!

♪ ♪

- ♪ La-la-loo ♪

What's this do?

- Not that one. both: Whoa!

[both yelp]

- Buddy, watch where you're going!

[squawks] Buddy, we're all tangled up.

Let us go.

both: Faster, faster! [laughing]


- Buddy, Don, untangle us. - Look out!

Robot theropods coming through!

- Oh, they're all beating us.

Let's just race to the finish line.

- Um, yeah, let's go.

both: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

both: Whoo-hoo! Let's go, let's go, let's go!

♪ ♪

We made it! Whoo-hoo!

both: Wait for us!

- [gasps] - Whoa!

[both scream]

- So how'd that go, Buddy?

- I think we came in last.

[chuckles weakly]

We forgot to wait and listen to the instructions.

- Yeah. - Don't worry, Dad.

I can remember on the next ride.

I know we can do it. - And make better choices.


- Well, here's your chance, Buddy.

The next ride is the Pterano-thopters.

- Pterano-thopters? This should be easy!

- [squawks] Okay, stick together, kids.

all: Yes, we will. Whoo-hoo!

- We'll be flying with you and watching to see

if you kids can listen to the instructions.

Meet up at the exit at the end of the ride, okay?

- Okay.

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

- These Pterano-thopter robots are programmed to fly,

swoop, dive, and catch fish.

- Hey, that's what we do already.

- [squawks] This ride'll be a snap.

- [chuckles] For you guys, maybe.

- You pull up on the stick to fly higher

and push it down to dive.

See if you can time your dive

to grab these robot fish as they jump out of the pond.

The Pterano-thopter that catches the most fish...

[snorts] Wins.

- I can't wait to try this. [roars]

I finally get to find out what it's like to fly.

- Yeah, and fish.

I know I'm a herbivore,

but I've always wanted to try it.

- Okay, team, did you listen to all the instructions?

- [squawks] - [roars]

all: Yes! - Do you have any questions?

- Yes, all this talk about fake fishing

is making me hungry.

Does the cafeteria have fish-wiches?

- [chuckles] I think so.

But first rides, and then we'll eat.

You kids ready? all: Yes!

Go, Team Pteranodon!

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- [giggles] Whoo!

- Whoo-hoo! - Whoa, whoa!

♪ ♪

[whimpers] Whoa!

- Pull up on the stick, Buddy, like the Troodon engineer said.

- Got it.

♪ ♪


I'm flying. I'm flying!

- Look out below!

Whee, I'm flying!

♪ ♪

[both laugh]

♪ ♪

- Wow--whoa! [laughs, yelps]


♪ ♪

[mechanical whirring]

[all giggling]

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

[laughs] Well, you are all too kind.

My friends,

the opening of the park has been a monumental success,

and each and every one of you played a vital role.


Of course, none of your roles were as vital as mine,

but, well, I'm sure you all did your best.

- Mm-hmm.

[alarm blaring]

[all giggling]

♪ ♪

- Yes, I caught five!

♪ I'm in the lead ♪

♪ ♪

- That's five. And six!

- Okay, that's all the fish. All Pterano-thopters in!

♪ ♪

- Hmm...whoa.

No. [gags]

Yup, they're fake. - That was so fun!

Good job, Spikey!

You'd make a great Pteranodon.

- Wow, thanks, Shiny!

Best day ever!

[all giggling]

- We wait right here at the exit for Mom and Dad.

- [sighs] Whew.

Flying a Pterano-thopter is harder than I thought.

- Whoa, yeah.

I'm glad I don't have to swoop and dive for fish all day.

Wait, I do swoop and dive for fish all day.

Anyway, it's a lot harder

to do it in a Pterano-thopter.


Excellent job, kids.

You followed the instructions perfectly.

- Mm-hmm, very grown-up and responsible.

I think you kids are ready for...

both: The Theropod Tracker ride.

[all cheering]

- [panting]

[hopeful music]

♪ ♪

[all scream]

- [roars]

- You know, hon,

maybe they're ready to ride one by themselves.

- Do you really think so?

- Yes, they're really learning how to listen

and make good choices.

Plus, I wouldn't mind sitting down for a minute.

- Okay, team, you get to ride this one by yourselves.

[all gasp, cheer]

- This means a lot.

I'll really show you how grown-up I can be.

- Good, remember your mom and I will meet you at the exit

when you're done.

- Stick together and wait at the meeting place...

all: The exit! Yay!

[both sigh]

- Okeydokes, you got all kinds of giant robot theropods here.

You pick the one you think can best track this little critter

and catch it before it reaches the end of the course.

Choose the theropod that can best do the job.

Some are faster and more nimble.

Some are bigger and more powerful.

So pick your ride and saddle up!

[all giggling]

[laid-back country music]

♪ ♪

- Wow.


[inspiring music]

Hello, T. rex.


- [squawks] Hello, allosaurus.

- Nice to meet you, Pinocchio rex.

My name is Tiny.

- And I'm gonna be a daspletosaurus.

♪ La-la-loo ♪

- [chuckles] All right.

Whoa! Whoa, whoa!

- Whoa, look at Buddy go. [chuckles]

- Yay, Buddy! Ride, ride like the wind!

- Whoa, wow, this thing is hard to control.

Let me see if I could slow it down.

- [roars]

- That didn't slow it down at all.

Whoa, whoa! Whoa!

[all giggling]

Whoa, whoa!

- Where'd it go?

I think it's behind those bushes.

[playful music]

- Mine's a Pinocchio rex.

They have the best sense of smell.

I bet this robot has a robotic sniffer.

♪ ♪

[mechanical whirring]

And it's that way!

- Yeah! Way to go, Tiny!

[footsteps stomping]

- Whoops! Wrong way.

- [squawks]

How do you like it so far, Buddy?

- I get to sit way up here and see through its eyes.

I can't believe I get to be this tall someday.

- [laughs] I know! Me neither.

- But I don't think I'm very good at it.

- Don't worry. Take your time.

You'll figure it out.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- Uh-oh.

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

Yeah! We caught it!

Yay, giant robot theropod!

- Whoo-hoo! both: Yeah!

- [chuckles nervously]

- Time for the Theropod Cheer!

Ready? Okay.

all: One, big legs with three-toed feet.

Two, lots of teeth for eating meat.

Three, long tail for balancing well.

And four, theropods have a great sense of smell.

- [whimpers] all: Whoa!

- Huh? Oh! - Oh, dear.

- [chuckles nervously] Oops, sorry.

My fault.

[bell rings]

- Well, that was a right nice job, kids.

- Yeah, I guess.

- Ah, don't worry, young theropod.

You'll make a great grown-up T. rex someday.

Just keep at it. - Yeah, okay.

[melancholy music]

- So what do you wanna do now? Go find some fish-wiches?

Ooh, or Jurassic churros? - No, Don.

We have to stick together and wait at the exit.

- Oh, right. Follow the instructions.

both: [squawk] And wait for Mom and Dad!

- Oh, you kids did great.

You followed all the instructions.

I'm so proud. both: Whoo-hoo!

- Yeah! - Thanks.

I guess I'm not really ready to be a giant grown-up T. rex yet.

- Hey, kiddo, you tried.

Maybe you'll get another chance to do it better.

- Really? Thanks, Dad!

[hopeful music]

♪ ♪

- [roars]

♪ ♪

[music swells]

[both scream]

[water splashes]

- This is the one that drops you

from way, way up high.

Right? - [squawks]

Hey, look. It's on the map.

Hmm, you get into a boat-sized

crocodilian Mastodonsaurus

that climbs to the very top of the mountain...

- Then you float down a long stream

that winds back and forth and then...

- Plunges down an epic waterfall into...

Boom! This splash pool.

- Hmm, what happens when your Mastodonsaurus boat

splashes into the pool?

[gasps] [both screaming]

[ground rumbling]

[chuckles weakly] - Boom!

- Okay, then.

- Hmm, sort of felt like an earthquake.

[ground rumbling]

[suspenseful music]

- Uh, Tricia, would you take a look at this?

The steam pressure really jumped

after that weird rumbling.

- Let's see the readout.

[printer whirring]

Mm-hmm. Wow.

- [whispering] Do you think an earthquake

could be the cause of the rumble that we felt?

- Could be. Let's show this to Thurston.

And since the entire island theme park

and all the robots are driven by steam power,

maybe too much steam pressure could cause problems.

- Yes, yes, but... [scoffs]

That's highly unlikely.

- I don't know, Thurston. I mean, look.

It seems to be already happening.

- Eh, dah-dah-dah-dah-dah. Everything will be fine.

I have to get back to work.

I'm coming up with a slogan for Adventure Island.

What do you think of "Adventure Island

runs perfectly like a steam-powered clock"?

- Um...

- Don't you have robots to watch?

- Yes, sir? - Well, go on, then.

Scoot. Scoot, scoot.

[upbeat music]

both: [screaming]

♪ ♪

[water splashes]

Whoo! [giggling]

It sure is the ultimate plunge!

- [whimpers]

- Shiny, are you sure you wanna ride this one?

- [whimpers] [riders screaming]

[chuckles nervously]

[water splashes]

- Yeah, Shiny, your mom and I were thinking

of riding something a little slower and quieter.

- [gasps] Ooh, look!

Moonlight Jurassic Swamp ride. Seems nice and quiet.

- [chuckles, squawks] Are you kidding?

I can't wait to ride that waterfall.

We showed that we're grown-up enough to do it,

so let's do it.

[riders screaming] [gulps]

[water splashes] [laughs nervously]

- Shiny is right, kids. You have earned it.

Your dad and I are going to go ride our own ride,

and you all get to ride another ride all by yourselves.

all: [cheering]

Yay, we're so grown-up!

[whistle blows]

- But first, we need to pick the meeting place

where we'll all get together when we're done with our rides.

Hmm, your mom and I will ride

the Moonlight Jurassic Swamp ride

while you ride the amphibious water one.

And then we'll all meet up at the visitor center.

all: Yeah!

- Can't miss that tower with a giant T. rex on it.

- So remember, stick together. all: Okay.

both: What do you do? all: Stick together!

both: Right!

- ♪ Kids can get lost, it happens ♪

♪ But there's no need to fear ♪

♪ We just come up with a meeting place ♪

♪ And how to get there from here ♪

- ♪ You can ask a Troodon with a badge ♪

♪ There's plenty to be found ♪

both: ♪ Just remember your name and species ♪

♪ And wait till we come around ♪

- ♪ Stick together and wait at the meeting place ♪

- ♪ And you'll come looking for us ♪

- ♪ Right, remember your name and species ♪

- Rawr! ♪ I'm Buddy Tyrannosaurus ♪

- ♪ We're Tiny ♪ - ♪ Shiny ♪

♪ And Don ♪ all: [squawk]

♪ We're all Pteranodons ♪ - Good!

♪ The Troodons will help you find ♪

♪ Your dear old Dad and Mom ♪

both: ♪ So what do you do ♪ all: ♪ Stick together ♪

both: ♪ Say what ♪ all: ♪ Stick together ♪

all: ♪ 'Cause we're Team Pteranodon ♪

both: ♪ So what do you do ♪ all: ♪ Stick together ♪

- ♪ One more time ♪ all: ♪ Stick together ♪

all: ♪ 'Cause we're Team Pteranodon ♪

Stick together!

[squawk] - Rawr!

[cheers and applause]

[chuckles] I mean...[squawks]

- Wonderful. - Okay, kids.

Remember, if anything goes wrong, stay calm

and just use your senses to find our meeting place.

- Wait, what are our senses again?

- You know, our seeing and hearing.

- And our smelling and tasting. both: And touching.

- Ooh, ooh! And digging holes?

- Well, digging holes does use your sense of touch, Don.

- They mean like using your sense of smell.

[all sniffing]

- Like, my sense of smell tells me...


That they sell Jurassic churros over that way.

- Oh.

- [squawks] Exactly, Buddy.

Now, where's the meeting place?

all: The visitor center!

- Okay, this is big, kids.

You're gonna be on your own.

Are you sure you wanna do this?

- Ready? Okay.

all: Go, Team Pteranodon!

[all squawk] - Rawr!

[all cheering]

[all laughing]

- Yeah. all: Bye, Mom and Dad!

- Well, they're growing up.

So responsible. [clears throat]

No, there's something in my eye.

[soft music]

[dramatic music]

[riders screaming]

[water splashes] [all gasp]

♪ ♪

[all screaming, cheering]

[all gasping]

- Whoa. - [squawks]

I think I've got the hang of it.


What's happening now?

- Looks like we're going up to the top.

all: Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!

- Yeah. Oh, boy.

[soft banjo music playing]

♪ ♪

- [sighs] This is romantic, isn't it?

- Yeah. Hope the kids are okay.

- The kids are fine, hon. Relax.

Here, have a churro. - Oh, thanks.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

all: Whoa!

[all gasping]

♪ ♪


[water rushing] - What's that noise?

- Is it the waterfall?

all: Whoa!

[all screaming, cheering]

[exciting music]

- [chuckles] Guys, that wasn't so bad.

More like a water slide than a waterfall.

all: Whoa.

[all scream]

[ground rumbling] - Oh, that's weird.


Something is a little...

- What is it, hon?

[rumbling continues]

- Huh, did you feel that? Is it part of the ride?

- It's fine.

And the kids are fine.

- [sighs] Right, yeah.

Kids are fine. Any more churros?

[rumbling continues]

[suspenseful music]

[alarm blaring]

- [gasps] It is an earthquake!

Look at the spike in the pressure

from the steam power plant.

- I wonder how this will affect the robot dinosaurs.

- Mm-hmm, I'd better go get Thurston.

- "Adventure Island, the unsinkable theme park"--

no, that's no good.

"Adventure Island,

the theme park where nothing can possibly go wrong."

- Thurston, something's gone wrong!

There was a big spike in the steam pressure

at the power plant.

- And the problem is?

- Well, I'm worried that

with all of the earthquakes we've been having

that the pressure at the plant has become so overheated

that we run the risk of massive malfunctions.

Some of the robots in the park could already be affected.

- Well, tut-tut, Tricia. The pressure is fine.

It'll never happen. [chuckles]

[tense music]

[ground rumbling]

[steam hissing]

♪ ♪

[panicked chatter]

♪ ♪

[robot dinosaurs roaring]

♪ ♪

[ground rumbling]

both: Huh?

[mischievous music]

♪ ♪

both: Whee! I'm flying!

♪ ♪

- [chuckles] - [gasps]

[engines humming] [water splashes]

Now I'm swimming? - Wait, what?

- This isn't what the ride is supposed to do.

- [chuckles] Whoa.

- You're right, kid.

This isn't what it's programmed to do.

- Uh, excuse me, Mr. Troodon engineer?

I think our sauropod is broken. - Broken?

- Well, they're supposed to act like a herd...

- And move together in a migration.

- Aren't they? What are they doing now?

both: Playing leapfrog.

[whimsical music]

♪ ♪

[soft banjo music playing]

♪ ♪

- Huh, what? - Hmm, what?

[both yelp]

- [squawks] - Whoa!

Yikes, oh!

[both screaming]

- Whoa! [both panting]

- Hmm, our reptilian boat seems

to have fallen asleep.

- And no more Jurassic banjo music.

- Ride must be temporarily stopped.

- Oh, well.

Now we can get some real peace and quiet.

- Yeah, and to tell you the truth,

that Jurassic banjo was starting to annoy me.

- [chuckles] Me too.

- [sighs]

[power clicks off]

[eerie music]

Hope the kids are okay.

all: [giggling]


[ground rumbling]

Whoo! [ground rumbling]

[ground rumbling]

[all laughing, cheering]

[bubbles popping]

- Yeah! - [squawks]

[suspenseful music]


[water bursting]

all: Whoa! - Whoo-hoo!

- [squawks] all: Whoa!

- Whoo-hoo! both: Whee!

♪ ♪

all: Whoa!

- Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

♪ ♪

[squawks] Wow, this ride is complicated.

- But I have to say it-- not very scary.

- Probably 'cause I'm doing such a great job

piloting the robot.

[all giggle] - Yeah.

- But I thought there was gonna be a big waterfall.

- What's that noise? [gasps]

[water slide rattling]

all: Whoa! - Whoo-hoo!

[ground rumbling]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

all: Whee! Whoa!

- Wait, why are we in a swamp?

This doesn't seem right.

- [squawks] What happens now?

- We steer for shore?

- Something's wrong with our Mastodonsaurus boat.

It's trying to swim on land.

[powers whirs down]

Guys, I think this ride is broken.

- Wow, lucky we're real dinosaurs and pterosaurs

and can just get out and walk.

- [squawks] What's going on?

- Remember Buddy's hypothesis?

What if there was an earthquake?

Would it affect the steam power that runs everything?

- Yeah, I think there was an earthquake.

That's what the rumbling was. - And--

- That's why our ride is broken.

- Your hypothesis was right, Buddy.

- [gasps]

And now the robots won't do what they're programmed to do.

[playful music]

♪ ♪

- So what should we do?

- Just like Mom and Dad said-- stick together.

One, two, three, four.

- That's all of us. Good job, Team Pteranodon.

- And now we go to the meeting place.

- The visitor center.

all: And wait for Mom and Dad.

- The robot dinosaur vehicles aren't working,

so I think we're gonna have to walk.

- [squawks]

Shiny and Don and I can fly there.

- But look, the jungle is covered

by some kind of camouflage net.

I don't think we can fly out of here.

- Besides, Mom and Dad would want us to stick together.

We'll just have to use our tracking skills

and all of our senses to find a way to hike out of here.

- [squawks] Buddy's right.

- Okay, let's find the visitor center

and wait for Mom and Dad.

- I wonder if their ride is broken.

[solemn music]

♪ ♪

- Aha! - [giggles]

[dramatic music]

- Aha!

I knew we'd find an emergency exit.

- My goodness!

The Troodons think of everything.

- Okay, that earthquake probably affected

other rides too,

just like Buddy's hypothesis.

- I hope the kids remember to stick together

and get to the meeting place.

♪ ♪

- Let's go find them. - [squawks]

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

all: ♪ Oh, what Adventure Island has ♪

♪ Is robot dinosaurs ♪

[music distorts, fades]

- [screams]

[panicked chatter]

- I said I'm busy. What is it?

- Show Thurston what's going on out there.

♪ ♪

- None of the robots are behaving

like their species should.

The fliers are trying to swim. - Uh-huh, so?

- The swimmers are trying to fly!

- No big deal.

- And one carnivore is trying to eat kale salad.

- [scoffs] Kale salad?

That's ridiculous! [groans]

Foolish, malfunctioning,

unreliable robots.

Whose idea was this?

[chatter stops]

- [clears throat]

Maybe you should've tested your idea

before you opened the park?

- No, no! It isn't my fault.

It's somebody else's! Never mine, ever.

Ew, kale salad. Ugh.

- Okay, we'll take it from here, Thurston.

All right, grab some hose clamps and tape,

and follow me.

We'll fix those broken pipes

and get the steam pressure back where it needs to be.

- Yes, exactly!


[eerie music]

[footsteps stomping]

♪ ♪

all: Whoa! Wow!

♪ ♪

[lively music playing]

- Okay, this way is no good.

We have to work our way around these robot triceratops.

♪ ♪

[sniffing] I smell churros!

- You do?

They're near the visitor center.

- This way! Come on!

♪ ♪

[all gasp, wail]

- Come on, come on, come on. Let's go.

Let's get out of here. - Whoa!

[ground rumbling]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[train whistle toots]

[relaxed country music]

♪ ♪

- Almost time, Gilbert. - You mean Time Tunnel time?

[pocket watch chiming] - [gasps]

[ground rumbling]


all: Whoa!

[panicked chatter]

- You know, I think I'll switch tracks up ahead

and take us to the nearest roundhouse.

- Huh?

- Better check up on how things are going

back at Adventure Island.

That earthquake may have caused some problems,

just like Buddy hypothesized.

- Aye, aye, Uncle Conductor.

[exciting music]

[bell dinging]

♪ ♪

[overlapping chatter]

♪ ♪

- Now, now. Nothing's wrong, folks.

[chuckles] Just following a hunch.

We've had an earthquake, and they may need our help

back in Adventure Island.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Oh, I just hope we get there in time.

[upbeat country music]

both: ♪ All aboard the Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ It's comin' round the bend ♪

♪ Never fear, the train is here ♪

♪ We're gonna save our friends ♪

- ♪ All aboard ♪ - ♪ All aboard ♪

all: ♪ All aboard ♪

♪ The Dinosaur Train ♪

[footsteps stomping]

[mischievous music]

♪ ♪

- [sniffing]

I think the visitor center is this way.

♪ ♪

[hopeful music]

I see it! I see the tower!

- Ooh, ooh, what news of the churro stand?

- Well, it's still there, Don,

but we need to meet Mom and Dad at the visitor center.

Come on.

♪ ♪

[panicked chatter]

[playful music]

♪ ♪

- [vocalizes] - [gasps]


It's nuts out there! Where's Thurston?

- Forget Thurston. Help us fix everything.

[overlapping chatter]

- [chuckles] Whew.

Oh, oh, ooh! Thurston, you've done it again.

Nothing could go wrong now-- [screams]

- [roars]

- [panting, yelping]


[yelps] - [roars]

- [screaming]


Oh, dear.

Nature and machines have fallen out of balance.

What in the Mesozoic have I created?

[lively music]

♪ ♪

- Are you still sure this is the right way?

- Not really.

I think it's this way to the visitor center,

but look at all these giant robot dinosaurs in our way.

I'm not sure how to get past them.


Why did I think we were grown-up enough

to do the ride by ourselves?

We should've stayed with Mom and Dad.

Now we're stuck with a bunch of robot dinosaurs

between us and where we wanna go.


Maybe I'm not grown-up enough to figure this out.

- Really?

'Cause I was just about to ask you what we're gonna do next.

- [squawks] Okay.

Everyone, take a deep breath and remember all the things

we've learned about being grown-up and responsible.

Right? all: [breathe deeply]

Right. Stay calm.

- Right, stay calm. [breathes deeply]

- We'll find our way.

We just have to not get stepped on while we do it.

We're all gonna be T. rexes like you, Buddy,

and use your super T. rex tracking skills

and find the visitor center and Mom and Dad.

- [chuckles] I'm not really that skilled.

- [squawks] Are you kidding?

You're a T. rex! You're a tyrannosaurus!

You're the biggest carnivore in the Cretaceous forest!

Come on!

[rock music]

all: ♪ T. rex, roar, I'm a tyrannosaurus ♪

♪ I'm the biggest carnivore in the Cretaceous forest ♪

♪ Gonna romp and stomp around, the biggest dinosaur in town ♪

♪ Gonna romp and stomp all day ♪

♪ 'Cause nothing's standing in my way ♪

♪ T. rex, roar, I'm a tyrannosaurus ♪

♪ I'm the biggest carnivore in the Cretaceous forest ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm a T. rex, yeah, I'm a T. rex ♪

♪ A roaring round the forest tyrannosaurus rex ♪

♪ Roar ♪

♪ ♪

- [vocalizing] - Yeah, let's do this.

The visitor center is just past these robot sauropods.

[mischievous music]

[lively music playing]

- What are they doing?

- [squawks] Dancing?

- [sighs] Dancing sauropods?

Boy, did that earthquake mess things up.

- I know what they're dancing. It's the mambo.

both: The mambo? - Yeah, remember?

Thurston and the Troodon waiters showed it to us.

both: Oh, yeah.

Everybody mambo!

- It's easy!

♪ A-one, step, and three, four ♪

♪ And one, step, and three, four ♪

♪ And one ♪

- Oh, that gives me an idea.

What if we move past the sauropods every time they step

and make room for us to get through their feet?

- Right, as long as we're keeping in step,

no one steps on us.

- Come on!

♪ ♪

all: ♪ A one, step, and three, four ♪

♪ And one, step, and three, four ♪

♪ And one, step, and three, four, and one ♪

♪ ♪

[both sigh] - We all made it.

Wait, hold up. Where's Don?

♪ ♪

- [yelps]

- Help!

- Wait, did you hear that?

Sounds like someone calling for help.

- [screaming] Help!



all: Thurston?

- Please rescue me

from these rampaging robot sauropods.

They're out of control! [wails]

- Okay, let's mambo dance our way to him.

Ready? - Hmm...

wait, now it look like they're doing the cha-cha.

I think. - You think?

Or are you sure? - What?

Now we have to learn another dance?

- [hums] Yes.

It's definitely the cha-cha. See?

♪ A-one and two and three, cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ A-one, a-two, a-three, cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ ♪

♪ A-one, a-two ♪ - Hmm, okay, team.

I think we can dance through their legs at "cha-cha-cha."

What do you think? - [squawks]

Let's do it!

- Everybody cha-cha!

♪ ♪

all: ♪ A-one, a-two, a-three ♪ - Uh, children, help!

I'm still up here! - ♪ And one, two, three ♪

Wait, what's next?

- ♪ A-one, two, and three, cha-cha-cha ♪

Come on! - [wails]

Help! I'm coming down now!

all: ♪ Two, three, cha-cha, step ♪

♪ One, two, three, cha-cha, grab him ♪

- Whoa!


♪ One, two, three, four ♪

No, no four. Uh, well, step and cha.

Cha-cha, cha-cha. There's three of those ones.

And step, step. And two.

[laughs nervously]

- [squawks] I see it!

This way, guys!

[all panting]

- [groans]

- [squawks] Is everyone okay?

- Actually, everyone is not okay.

Shiny, you were late.

Buddy, it's "one and two and step."

And, Thurston... [sighs]

I don't even know where to start.

- Yes, well, it's a good thing you found me, children.

- Okay, we're all together. Good.

We're headed for the visitor center.

That's the meeting place

where Mom and Dad are going to wait for us,

which is right over these giant cliffs.

all: Aww.

- Hmm.

Let's take that boat and ride it over the falls.

It should take us straight there.

- Wait, over what falls? Have you tested it yet?

- [giggles]

It is called Adventure Island after all, Thurston.

[playful music]

Hmm. [squawks]

Yup, the robot boat's not working.

We can paddle it, though.

Grab some giant leaves and come on.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- What's that roaring sound?

- Just the waterfall,

but there's nothing to be scared about.

Shiny's a really good pilot.

- Oh, I'm not scared.

I didn't mean that I was scared,

but I asked--no!

all: Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!

- [laughing nervously, screaming]

[all screaming]

♪ ♪

[water splashes]

[mystical music]

- [yawns]

Wow, we got through the whole night.

♪ ♪

all: [gasp]

We made it!


- [squawks]

Look, a Troodon with a badge, just like the song.

- Hello? And who are you?

- I'm Buddy Tyrannosaurus! - We're Tiny.

- Shiny! - And Don!

- [squawks] all: ♪ We're all Pteranodons ♪

- And this is our meeting place.

We're supposed to wait here for our mom and dad.

- Perfect, I'll wait here with you.

all: Thanks!

♪ ♪

- Thurston, are you kind of lost too?

You wanna wait with us?

- [inhales, stammers] Yes.

♪ ♪

[all sigh]

- So where are Mom and Dad? - I don't know.

But we have to wait right here until they come.

- Right. - But how long will that take?

both: [squawk]

[gasp] Kids! - And Thurston?

all: Mom and Dad! Yay!

- You found your way to the meeting place

and you waited here for us.

- I'm so proud of you.

You really are growing up. - Yup, you are.

[whimpering] So responsible.

- Wow, I guess we really are.

[ground rumbling]

- Wait, is that another earthquake?

[lively music playing]

- Nope, it's that herd of robot sauropods.

- It's crazy out here!

- And they're still dancing the cha-cha.

Wait, now they're dancing the mambo again.

No, it's some new dance I've never heard of.

I'll call it "the robot."

Hmm. - [squawks]

Come on, kids. Let's get out of their way.

[percussive electronic music playing]

- [yelps]

♪ ♪

- Come on, everybody. Get in the elevator.

♪ ♪

- Hey, look. Here come the robot theropods.

- They must be overheated too.

[steam hissing]

- How in the Mesozoic Era

are we going to round up all these robot dinosaurs

and get them to a safe place so we can fix them?


[hopeful music]

♪ ♪

- Hmm.

Robots overheated.

[gasps] They're next to the water.

Hmm, I have a hypothesis!

- You do? Finally! What is it?

- I think if we can get those robot theropods under control,

we can use them to round up those dancing sauropods

and get everyone to safety.

Quick, Tiny, Shiny, lift me up

and carry me to the robot T. rex.

And, Don, see if you can get

the rest of those robot theropods

to follow my lead.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

both: [gasp] all: Whoa!

♪ ♪

- Uh, are you sure about this, Buddy?

- [laughs] Don't worry.

I'm a tyrannosaurus.

I'm the biggest carnivore in the Cretaceous forest.

I can do this!

Whoo-hoo! [grunts]

Whoa! Easy there, critter.

Whoa, okay. Oh--oh, no, no, no, no!

That's not it!

♪ ♪

- [gibbering]

[all roar]


♪ ♪

- Easy, easy, easy! [panting]

That's better. Here goes--

Whoa, whoa!

[both gasp] [stammers]


[both gasp]

- [squawks] - [whimpers]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- [gasps]

[steam hissing]

I think it worked.

He's cooled down and back to normal.

Yippee ti-i-yay!

Time to round up some sauropods.


[exciting music]

- Said it before, and I'll say it again.

That kid'll make a great grown-up T. rex someday.

- Yay, Buddy! - You go, son!

♪ ♪

- [roars]

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

- Huh? Now what?

[lively music playing]

♪ ♪

Huh? Oh, no.

Now the robot theropods are doing it too.

- Whoa!

- [squawks] - [gasps]

[foreboding music]

♪ ♪

Don, we've got to lead them to water.

- [squawks] Yeah, follow us.

[all roar]

♪ ♪

[tranquil music]

♪ ♪

[lively music playing]

♪ ♪

- ♪ A-one, step, and three and ♪

Whoa! ♪ One, step ♪

♪ And three and four ♪ Oh!

♪ One, step ♪ [screams]

Rounding them up is harder than I thought.

[ground rumbling]

♪ ♪

[all roar]

- [squawks] We got this, Buddy!

- Whoo-hoo!

- It's a robot dinosaur dance-off!

♪ La-la-loo ♪

♪ ♪

- [roars]

♪ ♪

- Olé. - Olé.

[giggles] Look, they're running away.

They're no match for our mambo.

[footsteps stomping]

- There, we rounded them up. Now let's fence them in.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- Whoa, guys, I think it's safe to come out.

They did it! - Yahoo!

- [chuckles] - Yeah.

♪ ♪

[all cheering]

♪ ♪

- Great job, kids. That was pretty amazing.

[excited chatter]

[ground rumbling] [all gasp]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Eek, they're coming back! We're doomed!

Why did I ever create them?

If only someone or something

would arrive in the nick of time to save us.

[train whistle tooting]

all: [gasp]

It's the Dinosaur Train!

- And the conductor! Hoo!

- ♪ Hey, everybody, no need to fear ♪

♪ Your day-saving pals are finally here ♪

♪ If you're ever in danger, in trouble or pain ♪

♪ Just listen for the whistle ♪

both: ♪ Of the Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride the Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ both: ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

both: ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

both: ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

both: ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

both: ♪ We're gonna ride ♪

all: ♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The Dinosaur Train ♪ - [roars]

[all cheering]

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

[train whistle toots] - All aboard!

♪ ♪

Oh, really? I don't think so.

[train whistle toots]

♪ ♪


Dinosaur families, I am so relieved

to see all of you together and safe.

- Oh, Mr. Conductor. Thank goodness you're here.

My robot dinosaurs are malfunctioning.

- Yes, they seem to be dancing the mambo.

- Ooh, and sometimes the cha-cha.

- Can you possibly help us fix them?

- Well, my cha-cha is kind of rusty, Thurston,

but I'm sure we can fix anything.

Never fear. The Dinosaur Train is here.

- Yes, I...

I said some terrible things about the Dinosaur Train,

and, well, I'm-- I'm very sorry, Mr. Conductor.

- Mm-hmm, you didn't actually test

your Adventure Island robots before you opened the park

to all these dinosaur families, did you?

- No, I didn't.

And I... [stammers]


- Oh, it's all right, Thurston. I forgive you.

[laughs] Again.

- May I have a hug?

- Ah, sure.

Bring it in. - Oh, I really am so sorry!

Why must I always do this?

When will I ever learn?

- Oh, there, there. It's all right.

Oh, oh, we'll fix this and get Adventure Island

up and running properly again.


♪ ♪

- [grunts]

- Well, hello, Tricia. Good to see you.

So what do you think we should do to fix these robots?

- Well, after the earthquake, there's too much steam power.

The robots are too hot.

We need to cool down the power plant first.

- Yes, yes, but how will we do that?

- Hmm, wow.

I have another hypothesis.

both: Good. What is it?

- Well, when my robot T. rex fell in the water,

the temperature cooled down quickly,

and it started working again.

So what if we move the water from the amphibious water ride

to cool down the power plant?

- Yes, and once the power plant has cooled down enough,

we can recharge the robots

with the correct temperature steam power again.

- And everything'll go back to normal?

- It's a pretty complicated hypothesis.

- Hmm, it's a bold plan,

so bold, it just might work.

Let's do it! - We're on it!

Come on, guys. - Okay.

[overlapping chatter]

- Or, you know, whatever you think is best.

[hopeful music]

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo! - We got this, Buddy!

♪ ♪

- Yay, the steam temperature's returning to normal.

[both sigh]

- Come on, team, let's go. [all panting]

♪ ♪

[all cheering]

all: [chanting] Buddy, Buddy, Buddy!

Buddy, Buddy, Buddy!

Buddy, Buddy, Buddy!

- Wow, what a hypothesis.

T. rexes are so smart!

- [squawks] We're so proud of all you kids.

- Yes, we're going to have to enjoy every minute

of you still being kids.

You're growing up so fast.

[gentle music]

- Um, missed a spot, Thurston.

Ha, I'm kidding! [sighs]

It actually has never looked better.

It's as good as new. - It is as good as new.

A wonderful, splendid, perfect train, Mr. Conductor.

It is the greatest.

- What's that? Once again in my good ear.

- I said it's the greatest.

[all giggle]

[train whistle toots]

Time traveling to visit actual real dinosaurs

is--well, it is amazing and fascinating.

And real, actual dinosaurs are wonderful.

[all cheering]

- Yes, real dinosaurs rule! [squawks]

- One, two, three, four. Yup, that's all of you.

Everyone's together and safe. Now what?

- Well, why not take the Dinosaur Train

on a ride through the whole Mesozoic Era

and go visit some real, actual dinosaurs?

- [squawks] Yes, best ride of all!

- Say, you can come too, Thurston.

You might even learn something.

[upbeat country music]

♪ All aboard the Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ It's comin' round the bend ♪

♪ Washed and waxed and up-to-date ♪

♪ And still a faithful friend ♪

♪ Oh, all aboard, we've got to say ♪

♪ It's never let us down ♪

♪ It won't complain in snow or rain ♪

♪ The finest train around ♪

both: ♪ Who cares what other people say ♪

♪ You always pass the test ♪

♪ And this is coming from the ones ♪

♪ Who really know you best ♪

all: ♪ Your wheels, your walls, your velvet seats ♪

♪ Your waggin' tail in back ♪

♪ ♪

♪ The happy chuffin' sound you make ♪

♪ When you're boomin' down the track ♪

♪ All aboard the Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ It's comin' round the bend ♪

♪ It's always been our favorite ♪

♪ Our true and faithful friend ♪

- ♪ All aboard ♪ all: ♪ All aboard ♪

♪ All aboard ♪

♪ The Dinosaur Train ♪

[pocket watch chiming] - Time Tunnel!

Time Tunnel approaching!

[upbeat country music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ I wanna ride ♪

♪ The Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- [laughs]


[clears throat]

♪ ♪

all: [giggle] Whee!

- Whoo-hoo!

[engine humming] all: [gasp]

♪ ♪

Huh? - [chuckles]

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ ♪

- [yelps]

[laughs] Whoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

- Whoa, oh! [screams]

Oh, oh.

[chuckles, gags]

Guys? [stammers]

Hold on, what? - [chuckles]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train, Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ ♪

- [yelps] - [humming]


♪ ♪


[upbeat music playing]

all: ♪ Oh, what Adventure Island has ♪

♪ Is robot dinosaurs ♪


♪ ♪

- [chuckling]

♪ ♪

[train whistle toots]

♪ ♪

[funky music]

♪ ♪

all: Whoa!

- [whimpers] - [sighs]

♪ ♪

- Hmm? Huh?


♪ ♪

- [roars]

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ I wanna ride ♪

♪ The Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ We're gonna ride ♪

- ♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

- ♪ The Dinosaur Train ♪

- [buzzing]

[footsteps scampering]
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