03x06 - Episode 6

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Rojst - The Mire". Aired: August 18, 2018.*
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In an early-'80s Polish town, a prost*tute and a youth leader are found k*lled, but the police's handling of the case makes two journalists suspicious.
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03x06 - Episode 6

Post by bunniefuu »


[Mika] Come on!

We got more guys in the garden!

Jesus Christ, I could've been fishing.

God d... d... damn it.

Jass, stop! What the f*ck?


Jass, now!

[girl screams]

[tense music playing]

[commando] On the ground! Go left!

[high-pitched squeal]

[muffled g*nshots]

[commando] On the ground now!

[groans in pain]

Ah f*ck!

[Baldie grunts]

[tense music continues]


- [clatter]
- [woman grunts]

[Babe coughs]

[woman grunts]

[woman choking]

[Babe breathing nervously]

[distant g*nshots]

[body thuds]

[g*nshots continue]

[commando 1] Sir, we have an officer down!

[commando 2] Oh, f*cking hell.
Call an ambulance!

[commando 3] Ground floor, clear!

[commando 1] Upper floor, clear!

[commander] Jass, leave it.

[Jass] What's wrong, Mika?

[music fades]

[opening theme music playing]


[music fades]

[electronic dance music playing]

[singing in German]



[solemn music playing]

[in English]
I've looked everywhere for you.

[brakes squealing]

[man in German] Hello! You okay?


[Aluś] Fine, thanks.

[man] How was the drive?

[Aluś] No problems.

[man] Ah, park at the ramp.

[Aluś] Sure thing.

[ominous music playing]

[groans, body thuds]

[punching thud]

[in English] Come on out!

Come on!

By the wall!

- [girl grunts]
- Come here. Let's go.

Come on!


Come on, come on.

Stay close, come on. Stay close.

[girl groans]

[Piotr] Hold on.

You can do it. Let's go. Let's go.

[Piotr] Come on.


- [dogs barking]
- [guards in German] Stop!

[Piotr in English] Let's go, run! Come on!

- [tense music playing]
- Go, go, go! Come on, come on!

Go, go!


[Piotr] Come on, come on. Go!

- [blade rasps]
- [dog whimpers]


[Piotr grunts]

[music fades]

Come on, you're good.

[Kinga] Thank you.

[guard] Please wait, sir.

- [Babe] Hi there.
- Oh, hi. Uh...

- Just a little joke.
- I was...

- Leave a message after the beep. Bye.
- Uh... Oh.

[distant coughing]

[Kinga] I found it. Filip Wasiak.

He uses his mother's last name,
but Kociołek adopted him.

He's been on the wanted list
for two years.

What for?

Kidnapping, attempted m*rder,
m*rder, and pimping.

His files are right here.

[knocks on window]
Hey, get into my office now.

Last address was
number 5 Słowińskiego Place.

[Leśniak] Go on in.

Sit down.

I suspected a mole in our office
for some time now.

You though?

It says here the prosecutor's office
has been lying

about the bodies in the forest.


There are very dire consequences
for the removal of any files.

It's possible you'll even be
banned from practicing law.

Victims still deserve the facts.

Even when they're inconvenient to us.

Then you've tied my hands here.

I've got no choice but to go ahead
and file for disciplinary action.

It'll end your career.

I'm not going to let this go, not ever.

It's really too bad.
You were a promising one.

We're done here.

Return those files.

- Give 'em back to me!
- [phone ringing]

- Leśniak.
- [man] Sir, our men are dead.

- How many?
- Four.

Plain clothes? Uniform?

Two of each. Come as soon as you can.

Yeah, on my way.

What is it?

That's none of your business
any longer, I suppose.


No, maybe you should know.

There are people who willingly
give their lives for this country.

Last night, four officers.

Which officers?

Get out of here.

Go on. Move it.

Ma'am is this number 5 Słowińskiego Place?

Guess that depends.

You German?

Polish. We're Polish.

We're looking for an old friend.

Mister, you've got some funny ideas.

No one's lived there in ages.

It was set on fire in 1992.

For insurance money, I bet.

And now?

Now, nobody even knows who it belongs to.

[Wanycz] Thank you.

Please wait a minute. Just a minute.

[mysterious music playing]

[indistinct chattering]

[banging at door]



[music fades]

[door opens]

- What is it?
- Go to the hotel. They wanna see you.

Who sent you?

Some big sh*ts
who are in from the capital.

They police?

How would I know?
They've got the manager though.

Gimme a smoke, mister.

Wait outside.

Daddy'll be back soon.

[door closes]

[man 1] The guy just looks at him,
and he starts bawling like a little baby.

- Get it?
- [man 2 laughs] That's true.

[man 1] Yeah.

[clears throat]

Oh! There he is!

The comrades would like a moment
to speak to you.

What about, if I may?

That's yet to be determined,
Comrade Kociołek.

[man 2] Sit down.

Today, we sort of dismissed someone.

Szustak, your manager.

Mmm... Seems to have been soliciting women,

exchanging currency.

Obtaining illegal meat, even.

The man's gonna hang, for sure.

Comrade Kociołek, did you know about that?

Have you heard anything?

There have been some rumors around town.
I've heard a little bit about it.

Though I never had any proof of it.

But my impression was that
whatever he was up to

had been dictated to him by the party.

He was my superior, after all.

And to me, my comrades,

hierarchy is not to be questioned.

Comrade Jassijej was
most complimentary of you, Kociołek.

Of the strong opinion
that you got just the right energy,

faith in socialism, just like
a mother's got faith in her child,

like... an Arab in Allah. Hmm?

Faith in the party
that's been leading Poland, yeah.

In that case,

we have, um, an offer for you,

Comrade Kociołek.

- Hi, Bożenka.
- Hello.


How was the meeting, Comrade Kociołek.

Super. It went very well.

[Jassijej] Keep it up.

I'll definitely try.

[wife] Stefan, will you take
those suitcases, or should I carry them?

I will.

Are you leaving?

[sighs] My dear wife's been unhappy
since we got here.

- [wife] Oh, Mr. Kociołek, good morning.
- Good morning to you.

Don't believe him if he's trying
to take all the credit for it.

It was actually my idea
for your promotion.

You're the only one who's able
to clean this place up

and get rid of
the prostitutes and thieves.

[Kociołek] I'll do my best.

I'm sure of it.

Goodbye to you.

Okay, Anuszka, pack up your toys quickly.

It's in your capable hands now.

Just keep it classy, you hear.
You're in charge now.

Stefan, sir.

I have one other thing I need to ask you.


If anything ever happens to me,

you understand, anything...

would you please make sure
that my boy's okay?


I've said it before, haven't I?

To the Roma,

debt's a matter of honor.

["Banjo bongo" playing]

[children shouting indistinctly]

[music continues]

[car horn honking]

You were right, Groszek.

Summer was absolutely amazing.

You manage Ogniwo. I got the hotel.

We'll be on top of this town of ours.

There's a fire
already burning in hell for us.

The devil's a myth, Grochu.
It's me and you, man.

You be well, Mr. Manager.

Kocioł, will you be my witness?

In court?

No, moron.

Helena and I are gonna get married.

[music continues]


[music ends]

[Wanycz] "I no longer remember
your laughter

or the way that you spoke to me."

"All I want is to fall asleep
on this sleepless night,

hoping that I may dream of you."

"I'm still scrambling around
for your words

but can't find them."

"Just a little bit of


"Silent suffering."

"We were, it was."

"We are, it is."

"We will pass, but not it."

"I'm sorry, I think life should be lived.
It has to be lived."

"Simply put."

"Without feeling too sorry for yourself."

"And if I got a second chance, my love,

the one I long for...

I'd say no."

[audience clapping]

[clapping echoes]

So did you find something in there?

[pensive music playing]

[Nadia] Witek!

They found Wanda!

[Wanycz] Lost and Found Day.

[Nadia] You're not gonna ask,
I don't know, where, what, how?

[Wanycz] Where?

In Germany, border town.

What's wrong?

What's that?

[Wanycz] It's a message from the past.

From her?

[wistful music playing]

[music fades]

[examiner] Oh. Counselor, hi.

Man, we haven't been this busy since,
well, the bus accident in '88.

Did nobody tell you?

Yesterday, someone
f*cking stole the boxes.

The skeleton of the swimmer, you know?

[device whirring]

The guy from INR
almost had a heart attack.

Do you have Sergeant Małecki?

[breathes shakily]

I have his belongings.

Would you like to look at them?


[sobs, sniffles]



- [Jass] What time's your train?
- In the evening.

I still have to say goodbye to the Vogt.

I would bring you,
but Wanda is coming home today.

Anna, you don't need to worry about me.

[Jass] I know. Thanks for everything.

Don't mention it.
That's what fathers are for.

[Jass] Were you able
to find the manager's son?

Yeah. His name is Albert.

A bit similar to Alfred.

It makes a difference, though, doesn't it?

That's right, Albert.

I remember. Of course.

We each loved our mothers so very much.

Maybe that's why
I connected with him so quickly.

I was the person
who took Mother's necklace.

I wanted him

to give it to his mom, you know?

Figured he might, at the very least,
be able to buy her love.

Nonsense. Your mother...

your mother did love you.

Just maybe in her particular way.

In her particular way?

[Jassijej] Yeah.

Just put the past behind you now.

There's no going back, after all.

[siren wailing]


[Jass] Psst.

- [Jass] Hi.
- Hey.

[Jass] How is she?

Everything's okay.

Yeah. We should be out of here tomorrow.

Everything's okay.


She wasn't r*ped.


She's safe now. She's gonna be okay.

I was so afraid of losing her.

If I had been able to get a hold
of one of those m*therf*ckers...

We'll get 'em. I promise.

But first, I've gotta
be able to speak to her.

Yeah, go ahead.

Well, this is a surprise.

[Jass] Let's just say I was passing by.

You gave us quite a scare.

[Wanda] You found Basia?

Tell me about everything.

How did it happen?

I felt like earning a bit of money.

Running away.

Since I wasn't wanted at home.

You were wanted at home.

How would you know if I was or not?


Dad's just taking his pills,
and Joanna's there doing her best,

and I'm right in the middle of it all.

I never got to say I love you
before she died.

Your mother knew you loved her, Wanda.

I miss her so much, is all.

Me too.

Some friends had told me

that there was some guy

who wanted models.

And they thought I would be good at it.

We were supposed to go to Germany.

Near the crossing,
we stopped at this kind of, uh, restaurant

with an airplane set up out front.

But I blacked out after that.

I woke up locked in the white room
with the other girls that were found.

I gave Basia the bracelet
'cause I thought she would get out.

Is this the man?

Did you see him?

Was anybody else there?

The Czech King.

The Czech King?

What did he look like?

I never saw him, but the girls
were terrified he would come in there.

But they said his name was Albert.

[door opens]

[mysterious music playing]

[door closes]

[Jass] I've gotta go.

[Joanna] Hi, Wanda.


Thanks so much.

How about givin' me a lift somewhere?

[announcement chime plays]

[woman] The express train from Zakopane
will enter track two at platform one.

Please stand behind the yellow line.

[Jass] Dad!


I could've sworn
we already said our goodbyes.

Where did you find
the man you were looking for?

- [Jassijej] Sorry, I can't tell you.
- Why not?

Because I promised
that I would protect the guy.

I don't give a f*ck.

The guy's responsible for Wanda.
You have to help me, Dad.

I'm sorry, my dear.

A word of honor is a word of honor.

[announcement chime plays]

[woman] The delayed express train
from Zakopane

will depart from track two
at platform one.

We apologize for the delay.

All passengers
for the express train from Zakopane,

please make your way
to track two, platform one.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

[upbeat pop music playing]

Oh, now isn't that a surprise, huh?


In our bar. [laughs]

Cheer up, ma'am!

Tonight, your drinks are on me.
Don't worry.


[bartender] Hey, double on the rocks?

Next time, maybe.

Th... this is not how I imagined
the end of my career going, Jass.

That's the job he signed up for.

He knew the risks.

Jass, what the f*ck?

What the f*ck?

The boy was my... my own nephew.
Can you imagine that?


I said the p... p... police
would be good for him.

And all that's left to do
is follow the case to the end,

wherever it may go.

I guess I... I just don't feel like it
right now all that much.

Man, I fought to have the Gypsy case.
You know why?

Romani. Ro... Romani.

Because you're Romani.

And... and I feel I've gotta re... repay you...

you know?

You've got a big opportunity
to pay back what you owe.

We've got a chance
to lock up the m*therf*cker.

But he's the manager's son.
That's all I've got.

The manager had a son?

And his name's Albert.

[laughs, sniffles]

You're... you're tellin' me
that lowlife is the son of


A lowlife?

You mean the guy
who worked here forever, for years?

The... the one with the giant potato nose
and the... the Wayne Newton haircut?

Three... three years I looked for him.

Well, the man's come home now.

- How do you know?
- Stop talking, and help me.

Ch... check?

Leave it. The idiot's paying.


You... you b... better drive.

No, thank you.

[tense music playing]

[music fades]

[Mika] He... he sleeps here.

[uneasy music playing]

Don't move.

[Jass] Guess you don't recognize me?

Of course I do.

You're that f*ckin'
obnoxious lesbo pig, right?

There was a time when
they called me Anuszka.

Queen of the realm forever and always.


That's right.

Only you and my father
knew about the shed.

[Jass] Who are you burying there?

- [uneasy music continues]
- [dogs barking in distance]

[Kociołek] f*ck, put him down.
Put him down.

Oh f*ck, man!

- [Grochu] You said that...
- [Kociołek] Shut up and throw him in.

Come on, Grochu.

Grab the kraut.


[pants, groans]

[Grochu] I'll check his pockets.

[sobs] I know.
I know I f*cked up. I'm sorry.

It just kinda happened. I'm sorry.

- [g*n cocks]
- No, no, wait.

Don't do it, please!
Just wait. Please, Filip's waiting.


I'll be so good to him. I swear. The best.

I promised him I'd be back.

Kocioł! Kocioł, f*ck!

You're not gonna leave him motherless!
You've gotta speak to him, please!

Kocioł, come on!

Please, just put the g*n down.

[Viola crying]

As if he was even really your f*cking kid.

You'd have tried to leave again.

Man, what the f*ck?

Keep going forward.

Why would you... f*ck!

For f*ck's sake, come on!

[water burbling]

[baby crying in distance]

Where's my mom?

You were right, bud.
Mommy had to leave for a little while.

Where did she go, Daddy?

She went to Paris.

And will she come back for us?

Yeah, for sure.

And if she doesn't come back,
we'll go find her.

You know, Dad,

I gave Mommy the most "wonderfullest" gift
in the world yesterday.

Yeah? What?

[whispers] The princess necklace.

[thunder rumbling]

[rain pattering]

[Jass] Did you k*ll the manager?

The old man
really dropped the ball, didn't he?

I mean, lying to a kid's face like that?
Come on.

You've gotta come
with me and my partner, you know?

Whoa! [laughs]

My favorite Detective Mushmouth!

Hi, Mika!

Can you please just let me bury my mother?
Then I'm yours, okay?

[announcement chime plays]

[dog whimpering]

[Muszka] Relax, honey.

Excuse me. Could you let me...
Excuse me. I've got...

Would you... would you be so kind and...
Thank you.

- [dog barks]
- There, there.

Excuse me. Could you
move out of my way, please?

- But of course.
- Thank you.

There, there, we're going.

- [dog barks]
- We're going to see Jana Pawła, yes.

[woman] May I?

Can't find another place?

[dog barking]

Fine, then.

[Kinga sighs]

Well, let's all just pray
that the weather in Rome

is a little friendlier
'cause this has been really crazy.

- Mmm.
- What's his name?


Hey, by any chance, were you ever
a part of our swimming section?

You got me confused.

I'm afraid of water.


I would've bet money I've seen your face
in a team photo dating to around 1960.

- I think it was freestyle?
- What are you talking about?

[siren wails]

Calm down. Just stay put. Just stay put.

Wait, Kinga!

[Joanna] I'm so glad I caught you.

Thank you for everything.

Because of you,
the team will continue excavating.

I mean, you sacrificed so much,
and not a lot of people would do that.

Thank you so much.

I knew your sister.

We were in the same school and swim class.

I'm the person who caused her to jump.

And I'm sorry
I didn't tell you about that earlier.

But I'm too much of a coward.

Okay, folks.

Uh, in an episode from last month,
we put out a survey

about the things that women have been
forbidden to be or do in the past.

Now the survey's in,
and the responses include

the ability to have a job and wear pants.

The times have changed.

For the better?

- [applause on TV]
- Anyway, welcome to our show!

[door opens]

Are you going to drive me?

[Wanda] They must've forgotten about me.

Just saying goodbye.

But if you find you ever need anything,
whatever it may be, I'm here.

I'll always be there for you.


You'll always be my second mom, you know?


[Mika] Get your stitches t... taken out?

Your Krysia's a pretty special woman.

I'm very blessed. [sniffles]

Can you give me a ride somewhere?

How was the precinct?

[Mika] Albert confessed to everything.

We also busted the head of the... business.

It... [laughs]...it was his stepmother.

For real?

She wanted to save ol' Kociołek.

Even went and bought him a ticket to Rome.

But... [coughs]...his vengeance was swifter
than the pope's own... own grace.

Just a f... family sq... squabble in the end.

And their German branch?

Wasiak and Muszyńska
are just Polish small fry.

The actual m... movers and makers
are out of our reach.

[Limahl barks]

What now, Mika?

With what?

Life, man.

Ya gonna go fishing?

[Mika sighs]

Come on. Who'd stop
all the b... bad guys in the burg?


And we can all sleep peacefully now.

- That's right.
- Hmm.

Just don't get k*lled, please, Jass.

The stars say I've got 30 more years.


- [car door closes]
- [sighs]

Hey, you wanna go home, huh?

[Limahl barks]

[jazz music playing]

[boy] Whoa!

- [boy] Hey, Mr. Manager.
- [car horn honks]

What's up, Curly?

Some day, son...

this'll be all yours.


What's the rush, my love?

[boys whistle]

[boy] Nice going, huh?


[jazz music continues]


[music ends]

[indistinct chattering]

[driver in German]
We're here. Happy New Year.

[Wanycz] Thank you.

[doorbell ringing]

[door opens]

[Wanycz] Excuse me.


Is Elsa Koepke in?

[gentle music playing in background]

Who are you?

A friend from the past.

Unfortunately, my mother
died two years ago.

I understand.

I'm sorry.

I never believed her
when she said you had died.

[emotional music playing]

She made it up

because it made it easier for me
to understand

why you never responded to that letter.

Why are you here now?

I just received the letter.


you'd like to... come in?

[music fades]

[door closes]

[fireworks whistling]

[funky pop music playing]

[music fades]

[tender music playing]

[music fades]
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