01x02 - A Surprise for Minnie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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01x02 - A Surprise for Minnie

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody.
It's me, mickey mouse.

Say, you wanna come
inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right!

Let's go.

Ah, I almost forgot.

To make
the clubhouse appear,

We get to say
the magic words--

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey mouse.

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

That's me!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

Roll call!




Ruff ruff!



Right here.

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

Welcome to our
clubhouse, everybody.

It's the silly switch.

I wonder
what silly surprise

The silly switch
has for us today.

Let's see.

To get the silly switch
to work,

We have to say...
Silly switch.

Come on.
Say it with me.

Silly switch.

Ah, look. Gosh.

What shape is that?

A heart. Right.

Wow. You're good
with shapes.

[Bell rings]

Ooh, sounds like
we have a visitor.

Hiya, mickey.


Look, it's our friend goofy.

Everybody say, hiya, goofy.

Hi, everybody.

Here you go, mickey.

A cookie!

Oh, boy. Thanks!

What's the special occasion?

Happy valentine's day.

Today is valentine's day?

Yeah. All day long.

You didn't forget

It was valentine's day,
did you?

Well, as a matter of fact,

I kind of, sort of did.

Gosh. That's ok though.

Cause all you
really have to say

Is happy
valentine's day.

Actually, I have

A valentine's day
present for you

Right here in my,
uh...toy box.

Oh, I'll close my eyes
and guess what it is.

Uh, is it bigger
than my toes?

You could say that.
Can I wear it
on my nose?

Sure. Why not.

Is it...

A stinky shoe?

How'd you ever guess?

I love stinky shoes.


Ah, shucks.


This is the best
valentine's day
present ever.

Thank you, mickey.

You're very, very welcome.

I bet you
got something

Really great
for minnie, too.


I better go deliver

The rest of my
valentine's day cookies.

See ya.

Yeah. See ya.

Thanks for the cookie.

Oh, gosh.

I can't forget minnie
on valentine's day.

It's her favorite holiday.

What to do. Let's think.

I know.

We can make a valentine's
day card for minnie.

She'll love it!

Hot dog!

Oh, will you help me

Make a valentine's day
card for minnie?

All right!

She'll be so happy.

Come on, everybody.

Let's go get
our mouseka tools

From the mouseka doer.

♪ Mouseka hey, mouseka hi,
mouseka ho ♪

♪ Mouseka ready,
mouseka set, here we go ♪

♪ You're a thinking
and a solving ♪

♪ Work it through-er ♪

♪ Mouseka me, mouseka you,
mouseka doer ♪

♪ Mouseka me,
mouseka you, mouseka doer ♪



Mouseka doer!

♪ Mouseka tools,
mouseka tools ♪

♪ Mouseka tools ♪

♪ Here are your
mouseka tools ♪

A rose.

A pump.

A box of crayons.

And a mystery mouseka tool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

Look, it's toodles.

Hiya, toodles.

[Mickey laughing]

Gosh. Hey, there.

Toodles is gonna bring us
our mouseka tools

When we need them.

Hmm, let's call up

The arts and crafts
area, ok?

Does that look like
the arts and crafts area?

No. That's the kitchen.

Is that the arts
and crafts area?

Nah. That's the bathroom.

Is that the arts
and crafts area?

You betcha!

Come on, everybody.

Let's go make minnie's
valentine's day card.

Hiya, mickey.

Hiya, donald.

What you doing?

We're making a valentine's day
card for minnie.

A card?

Ooh, I want to
make one, too.

Ok, pal.

This is gonna be fun.

We need to draw minnie's
valentine's day card,

But, uh...

I don't see anything
to draw with.

Yeah. Me, too.

What's the big idea?

Let's call toodles
and check our mouseka tools.

Maybe they can help us.

Everybody say, oh, toodles!

Oh, toodles!
Oh, toodles!

A rose, a pump,

A box of crayons,

Or the mystery
mouseka tool.

What mouseka tool
can we use to draw

A valentine's day card
for minnie?

The crayons.


We got ears.

Say cheers!

All right.
We got our crayons.

And now we're
ready to draw.

Hmm. What's a good shape
to draw for valentine's day?

A circle?

A square?

A triangle?

Or a heart?

Good idea.

Let's draw a heart.

Well, I'd like
to draw a square.

Ok, donald. Go for it!

I'm going to make the best
valentine ever.


Gee, how's that look?

Now, let's fill it in

With minnie's
favorite color.

Can you guess what
minnie's favorite color is?

Pink. Right!

I'm gonna make mine blue.

A blue square.

Why, that's...

That's very
creative, donald.

Blue is my
favorite color.

Hmm. Something's
still missing.

Something that will give
this pink heart

Some glitter and shine.

Should we use
a ball of yarn,

A tube of sparkles,

Or a carton of milk?

Hmm, which one will make
the card glitter and shine?

The sparkles. Right!

Hot dog.

We made a valentine's
day card for minnie.

Good going, everybody.

Let's go look through

The telescope
to find minnie.

Everybody say




Everybody hold on tight.


[Both laughing]


The telescope will help us
to see things

That are far away.

Let's look for minnie.

Is that minnie?

It sure is.

She's at the fountain
in the flower garden.

And look,
daisy and pluto

Are there with her, too.

Come on, let's take this

Valentine's day card
to minnie.
Valentine's day card
to minnie.

Flower garden,
here we come.

Minnie is gonna
love this card.

[Car rattles]

Oh, no.

Hey, what's the big idea?

Well, I think we have
a flat tire.

Yeah. The tire's
flat as a pancake.

That bump
must've knocked

All the air out of it.

Now what?

Well, let's check
the trunk.

Hmm. Golf clubs.

Space helmet.

A stinky shoe.

Huh. So that's where
the other one went.

But no spare tire.

Ah, this is a catastrophe.

No, it's not, donald.

We still haven't checked
our mouseka tools.

Everybody say,
oh, toodles!

Oh, toodles!
Oh, toodles!

A rose.

A pump.

Or the mystery
mouseka tool.

What can we use to fill
the tire up with air?

The pump. Right!

That'll work better
than the rose

Or the mystery
mouseka tool.

We got ears.
Say cheers!

Will you help me
pump up the tire with air?


Put your hands
out in front of you

And pump, pump, pump...

Pump, pump, pump.

Hmm, is that the right
shape for a tire?

Nah. That's a square.

Keep pumping.

Pump, pump...


Hmm? Is that the right
shape for a tire?

Nope. That's a triangle.

Keep pumping.

Pump, pump, pump.

How about this one.

You betcha.

That's a circle.

Oh, boy. We pumped up
a nice, round tire.

Flower garden,
here we come.

You got it!

The flower garden
is in mickey park.

Do you see mickey park?

Yeah. There it is.

Right. Let's go.

Oh, boy. We made it
to mickey park.

The flower garden
is right inside.

We need to find
minnie and fast.

Valentine's day
is almost over.


It's pete.

Pete's my name,

And gate keeping
is my game.

Well, now that'll be

This many flower petals
for the mouse.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

And this many flower petals
for the duck.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Hmm. It says I need

And I need 5 petals, too.

And 5 petals...

Plus 5 petals...

Equals 10 petals.

But where are we
gonna get

Besides the flower garden,
you mean.


Sorry, boys.

If you don't play
with flower petals,

Then you can't
come in.

Why, I ought to--

Whoa, easy there, pal.

I have an idea.

Maybe one of our
mouseka tools

Can help us out.

That's a great idea.

Say, oh, toodles!

Oh, toodles!
Oh, toodles!

Hey, what--

Get this crazy--


Come here,
you little--

A rose.

Or the mystery
mouseka tool.

Which mouseka tool
can we use

To pay pete with petals?

The rose. Right.

Because roses have petals.

We got ears.
Say cheers!

Will you help me
count out the petals?











Sorry. You're one
petal short there,

Gee, that's funny.

I was sure I had
enough petals.

Huh? What's that?

You saw a petal?

Under the stand?


There it is.

I see it, I see it.

Me, too.

We have 9 petals,
and we're adding 1 more.

So now, how many petals
do we have?

10. Yeah!

Well, color me

There you go.

Come on.
We better hurry.

Hmm, I wonder where
mickey and donald could be?

It's getting kind of late.

Oh, don't worry, daisy.

They'll be here.

Mickey never forgets
valentine's day.



happy valentine's day!

[Gasps] oh!

Why, mickey,
it's so beautiful.

You shouldn't have.

I made it with
a little help

From all my friends.

That's so sweet.

Thank you so much.

Ah, you're welcome.

And thank you, too,

Oh, and, uh, mickey...

This is for you.

Happy valentine's day.

Ah, minnie.


Ahem. Donald.

Yes, daisy?

Did you forget

Uh, no.
I don't think so. Why?


Uh, daisy duck.


Uh-oh. Daisy's
gonna be so sad

If donald forgot her
valentine's day gift.

Maybe we can help him out

With a mouseka tool.

Everybody whisper.

Oh, toodles.

Oh, toodles.
Oh, toodles.

Let's see,

Well, we've already
used the crayons,

The pump, and the rose.

This means it's time for

The mystery mouseka tool.

Everybody say
mystery mouseka tool.

What's today's
mystery mouseka tool?

A ribbon. Right.

Can we make a gift
for daisy

Out of a ribbon?


What does daisy like
to wear on her head?

A bow. Right!

Can you make a bow
out of a ribbon?

You sure can.

Hey! We've used all
our mouseka tools.

Say, super cheers!

I give up.

What else
did I forget?

Humph. Well, I never.

Hey, what's the big id--


Oh, donald!


Is that for me?


Oh, donald.
You shouldn't have.

But I'm so glad you did.


I forgot.

Oh, yeah.
I did, didn't i?

I knew you wouldn't
forget valentine's day.

Me forget valentine's day?


Thanks, guys.

Look. I picked these
just for you.

Happy valentine's day.

And happy valentine's
day to...ah...


Ah, phooey.

[All laughing]

Happy valentine's day,

Whoa! Whoa!


Oh, boy!

And happy valentine's day
to you, too.


To everybody!

Oh, hooray!

Hey, listen.
Come on, everybody.

Stand up.

It's time to do
the mouseka dance.

Everybody, dance with us.

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears,
it's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
no problem solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

Gee, we had
a great day today

Making a valentine's day
card for minnie.

First, we used crayons
to make the card.

We filled the tune car's
tire up with air.

That sounds like a gas.

We counted out

And 5 for me, too.

That made 10
all together.

And we helped donald
give daisy

A bow for valentine's day.

You what?

Just kidding.
I love my bow.

No matter
who it came from.


What a hot dog day.

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand new day,
what you waiting for ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out,
step on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splitting the scene,
we're full of these ♪

♪ So long for now
from mickey mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

See ya real soon.
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