Demons Within, The (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Demons Within, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

"The scariest

monsters are the ones

that lurk within our souls."

Good morning, Izzy.

- Hey.

- Hey.

You look lovely this morning.


Did you sleep well?

I did. Yeah.

There's some fresh

fruit if you want any.

Oh, okay.

Hey, can I borrow the car tonight?


- You gonna see Luke?

- Yeah.

Why don't you ask him to come by?

I haven't seen him in a while.

Good idea.






What the f*ck?

Mom! Mom!


Mom, Mom!



Izzy, get the hell up.

Christ, I'm up.

I don't know how much more of

this behavior I can take.

Glenn, she needs help.

Oh, go to hell.

Siri, play "The Antibodies".


I'm sorry.

I don't think I should be here.

You're exactly where you're meant to be.

So why are you here?

I found you on the internet.

Have you ever felt like

completely resented?

Like you're not even wanted?

I hate my parents and I want them to die.

Or maybe it's me that should go.

I mean, it's like

a sick f*cking joke, right?

They pretend I'm not there,

and if they're lucky,

maybe I will disappear.

You're such a lovely girl,

who could possibly not wanna have you?

Is this your first time in therapy?

Why does it matter?

You want a way out.

It's not just about your

mommy and daddy, Isabelle.

There's always more to the story.

What are you talking about?

They have no idea

what is swimming around

in that head of yours, do they?


But I do.

Next time cut deeper, bitch.


No one cares.

You're this poor little...

Poor little Izzy.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

Hey, hey!

Iz, Iz, Isabelle, it's okay.

It's okay, you're okay.

Hey, what happened?

Uh, nothing.

Well, I just got scared,

I just got scared.

Okay, I texted you

and you didn't respond

so I was coming in after you.

Oh, no, no, no.

I left my cell phone in there.

- No, Luke, Luke, Luke!

- Hey, hey, it's okay.


You must have dropped it when you

were running out of there.

You think I'm f*cking crazy.

I don't think you're crazy, Iz.

Yeah, well, I know what I saw.

Okay, so what did you see?

Her eyes, they...


I will be right back.

Iz, you don't even believe in God.

I don't think I can believe in anything.

"On your own tonight, Iz."

No question of like, where are you?

Are you okay?

f*ck them.

f*ck 'em both.

Keep doing that you're

gonna destroy that thing.

You know, I can't even remember a time

when I heard happiness in their voices.

It's like when someone dies

and their voice just fades away slowly.

No, actually, I

do remember their voices.

"Why is your secretary

calling you at midnight?"

"Why are you so paranoid?"

"Why is Izzy such a problem?"

Blah, blah, blah.

It's bullshit.

You know, someday I'm

just gonna disappear.

Okay, where should we go?

f*ck, I really ruined it this time.

You know, I heard that

someone gave Andy Warhol

a golden telephone and told him

that he could talk to God on it.

I heard they gave it to Jim Morrison.

Yeah, I heard that too.

Maybe this is my golden telephone.

I have a lot to say.


What, do we have f*cking rats?

Oh, is my f*cking closet a litter box?


I'm home.

Did you start the dishwasher like I asked?

Oh, f*ck.

Are we free of parental guidance?

Yes, finally.

How's my girl?

What? Hey.


They're f*cking spying on me.



Hey, who was the text from?

I don't know.

My f*cking phone is,

it's not letting me see who

calls or texts are from.

My god.

It's probably just from Jen.

- You're right.

- Yeah.

She's probably pissed

we're not at school.

It's okay.

Yeah, so Friday I was

supposed to go to this party

with a couple friends, but I just got off

the phone with them, they canceled on me.

Wait, you were going to Michael's party?

Yeah, Michael's party.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, I'm gonna go too,

but I have to see if Izzy's

even up for it anymore.

Oh, well, I mean, if Izzy

cancels out, I mean, yeah,

maybe you could go or I can

pick you up or something.

What's going on?

I don't know, Iz just texted me.

I don't know,

she's been so paranoid lately.

She just texted me if

I'm checking up on her

and I've been here talking

to you this whole time.

That's weird.

Yeah, I know.

Let's see if she even

comes to school today.


Jen's pissed at us.


I can't catch a f*cking break.


The school called again.

Get dressed, I'm taking you myself.


You have a hangover?

Don't lie!

I should just put you in boarding school.

Yeah, well, that's one

way to get rid of me.

Get dressed!

Drip, drip,



You can't fight this.

You are alone.

I'm right here.




Isabelle, if we leave right now,

we can still make third period.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

I'll meet you there.


Oh, sweetie.

Your parents are down there,

so I'm gonna take the window.

You are alone.

You of all people should

know what's wrong with her.

- So what's going on?

- I don't know.

I don't know.

I mean, it could be

adolescent neuro development.

Oh, cut the psychobabble, Glenn.

I'm serious.

Look, for all we know, our

daughter could be bipolar

or possibly suffering from

a personality disorder.

Well, should we check her

into a hospital or what?

I gotta go to work.

We can talk about this later.


f*cking bitch!

f*cking bitch!

Hey, sorry I'm late.

Jen's Beamer's in the shop.


It's cool, you can ride shotgun.

Jen, can you move to the back seat please?

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

Hey, Iz.

Hope you don't mind.

Having a car can be a real

pain in the ass sometimes.

Well, I guess I'm lucky

I don't have one then.

And much of madness and

more of sin and horror,

the soul of the plot.

So, Poe's perception...

Jen, do you wanna tell us

what Poe's perception is

of humanity?

I really would love to,

but I really don't know

- what you're talking about.

- Weren't paying attention?


Isabelle, your thoughts.

Thank you, Jennifer.


So in...

Is that a vape pen?


You know where to put it.


Lucas, are you with us?

So, I'll give you a dollar

if you can even tell me

the short story we're talking about.

Uh, it was the, uh,

the one with the bird,

the the quoth the raven?

Or is it quote or quoth?

Okay, you got Poe right.

It's "The Conqueror Worm".

All right, at least you're awake.

That's a good start.

Yeah, it's hilarious, isn't it, Jennifer?

So let's get back to

what we're talking about.

Poe's perception of

humanity is that people

are controlled by mysterious

and unseen forces.

Does that make sense to everybody?

Isabelle, what do you think?

Courtney, any thoughts?

All right.

Daniel, can you tell me

the author of the story

we're talking about?


His name Steve or something?

Shockingly, it's not Steve.

It's Edgar Allan Poe.

So you guys are really picking

this up, which is fantastic.

We will pick this up right here tomorrow,

and see if we can get you

a little more engaged.

Oh, Daniel, look, have you

seen these cute decorations

done by the fifth graders?

Yeah, those are cool.

- Yeah.

- Hey, Friday night,

if you're not doing anything

Do you hear these crickets?

- Yeah.

- I thought they would

get an exterminator by now.

- Pretty bad.

- Hang in there, Iz,

just one more period and we can

escape this hell hole, okay?


What'd you do to yourself?

Why do you think I

did something to myself?

It was an accident.

An accident?

Hey, Izzy.

God, you look like shit.

What's wrong with you?

f*ck, Izzy.

What, you're bleeding again.

Yeah, so what? I'm bleeding again.

So what?

Did you do that to yourself?

Why do you think I did it to myself?

- Did you?

- Yeah.

I forgot your parents are

"as seen on TV" psychics.

Guess the apple doesn't

fall far from the tree.

Oh, Iz.

Chill, you're you're starting

to sound a little crazy, okay?

- Crazy?

- Yeah.

You haven't seen crazy.

No, Luke. Wait, I got it.


Come on, Iz.


- Izzy.

- Who is this?

How does it feel to be unloved?

Who is this?

k*ll yourself.

This isn't f*cking funny.

No one cares.

Do it.

You don't deserve all these

f*cking material novelties.

Save them!

f*cking loser!

Poor little Izzy.

k*ll yourself, k*ll yourself.

Know who else is cute.

- Who?

- Mr. Craft.

Mister, are you serious?

- Yes!

- You're into him?

- Yes!

- Okay, okay.

I have to go check on

Iz and she's probably

in the bathroom.

Do you wanna come with me?

- We can-

- Sure, yeah.

k*ll yourself, Izzy.

Do it.


You know, I guess

Mr. Craft is kinda hot.

Oh my god, Izzy.

What did you

Go get someone!

Kennedy, go get someone!

- Okay, okay, okay.

- Izzy, no!

What did you do?

What did you do?

Kennedy, it's my free period.

- No, come on.

- No, don't touch me.

- It's okay, Izzy.

- Uh, what's this

- emergency all about?

- Call 911!

- Sorry.

- Mr. Craft!

Mr. Craft call 911!

Hey, this is Mr. Scott Craft

at Middle Point High School.

We have an emergency,

I think it's like maybe

a su1c1de or something.

Yeah, just send an ambulance

as soon as you can.

- Hurry!

- Okay, I'll stay

on the phone.

Dr. Wagner, you have

a call on line three.

Uh take a message.

But it's about Izzy.

What f*cking now?

Don't worry, I'm not gonna bite.

I'm gonna turn your arm.

Got yourself some bad lacerations.

You're gonna go through hell

and drag everyone with you.

Can I help you, father?


Thank you.

May I come in?

I'm leaving right now.

Is that a good idea?

What, are you a priest or something?

Oh, I am Father Gabriel.

What's your name?

Do you miss it?

The sex?

Do you miss that delicious feeling?

How old are you?

Old enough.

You've got some significant injuries.

Do you wanna see them?

No, thank you.

Why are you here?

I come here to pray for

and with the sick and dying,

offer them last rites.

Would you give me my last

rites if I ask for them?

Do you believe in God?

We're atheists.


My father, Dr. Glenn Wagner,

psycho logic extraordinaire,

and my mother, Katherine

Wagner, the super doc,

saving kids from viruses and colds.

They don't have time for me

and they don't have time for your God.

She's in room 1013.

Down the hall to your right.


The best of luck to you.

So, daughter of super doctors,

I still don't know your name.

It's just Isabelle.

Well, just Isabelle...

Why don't you hold on to this.

Just in case.

What the hell was that

priest doing in your room?

Good to see you too, Katherine.

Okay, I get it.

You win, you're depressed.

You're a little rich girl

with a poor me syndrome.

But su1c1de?


You know, I was an only child too,

but did I sit around

feeling sorry for myself?

No, I learned how to be

strong, unlike your father.


I'm sorry.

You have to be stronger

than this, Isabelle.

The man had the audacity

to leave you his card?

He's a priest.

His job is to be there for

people who have no one.

Glenn, this is the third

message I've left you.

I need you to call me back.

It's urgent.

Izzy, you're not gonna

find any kind of salvation

or enlightenment from that priest.

Just cut out the nonsense

and give me the card, Izzy.

Okay, fine.

You want in on this

fabricated spirit world?

Have at it.

Because you know, wait,

calling all deities

- Mom.

- Here's Isabelle!

Come and get her!



What the f*ck, Mom?

- Izzy.

- How could you?

Stop with the dramatic.

What is going on with you two?

I don't.

- Oh, great.

- Christ, what now?

Izzy, it's just the power.

I'll help you.

- Izzy.

- Iz?

You look better to me.

- What is it?

- Oh no!

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Izzy, what!

Izzy, Iz!

Help me!

Please no.

Let me go.

Get away!

Get away from me, please!

Get away!


Izzy, help!

- Help me!

- Katherine, hold her down!

Hold her down!

This'll calm her down.

Izzy, Izzy?

Let's go, let her be.


One second.

Come on.

I'm coming.

We're the problem.

Pediatrician and a psychiatrist

who can't even keep

their own daughter from

trying to take her life.

Keep her sane.

There's something wrong

with the heat in here.

Then call someone,

or wait till I get back from my symposium

and I'll take care of it.

After what just happened,

you're still going?

Of course.

This has been being planned

for over a year, Katherine.

I'm the keynote speaker!

Who f*cking cares if

you're the keynote speaker?

What the hell's wrong with you?

Open your eyes, Katherine.

They are open, Glenn.

None of this would be

happening if you had set aside

your practice and been the mother

that she needed growing up.

f*ck you!

f*ck you?

f*ck you?

Now, I'll be damned if I'll

let her actions dictate

my life and my obligations.

And you may wanna work on

your retorts because f*ck you

doesn't have the same

effect it had 17 years ago.


Oh, she's freezing.

I'll, uh, I'll go take

a look at the heater.

Izzy, I'm...

I'm so sorry for whatever it

is we did or we didn't do.

I'm so very sorry.


Honey, what's wrong.



I can't hear you.

It is a brand new day, Izzy.

Izzy, don't forget to take your pills.

Do you need me to get you some water?



Taking care of Izzy instead

of those impotent urchins.

Luke, Jen.

Hey, Mrs. Wagner.

Can we see her?

It's really not a good time.

Just for a moment.

Yeah, sure. Come in.

She's upstairs in her room.

Your friends came to see you.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Oh, wait.

Do I know you?



- Okay.

- I'll get all of you.

Fine, but payback's a bitch.




- Why what?

- Why are you sorry?

I don't understand.

I don't know, politeness?

Since when is the

perfect Jenn Lee polite?

- Isabelle!

- Iz.

You know what the funny thing is about

when you try to k*ll herself?

Everyone looks at you as weak.

Don't do that, she'll k*ll herself.

Don't say that, she'll k*ll herself.

It's a joke.

That's enough.

No, it isn't.

Don't let anyone tell

you that they're better

or stronger than you.

They're just trying to

keep you out of the club.


Look, all I'm saying is that he wants

you to feel unworthy.

You are not getting in the club ever.

Iz, stop.

Don't say sorry if you don't mean it,

because then it really doesn't matter.


Lighten up.

I'm just trying to make

Jen feel important.

It feels good every now

and then, doesn't it, Mom?

I am gonna let you three

have some time alone.

I'm sorry, Jen.

It's fine, it's fine.

I wanna leave.


Can't talk to your mom like that.


You guys down for a head change?


You know, maybe it's

not such a good idea.

I don't think you'd know a good idea

if it punched you in the face.


Get a f*cking room.

- I wanna f*ck you.

- Yeah?

I wanna f*ck you to death.


- Isabelle!

- Stop.


What are you doing, Iz?



Iz, get off of me, please.

I wanna f*ck you too, Jenny.

No, no.

Izzy, stop.

Get off of me, please.

Stop, Luke, please stop.

Get off of me, Iz!


You wanna break her?

You wanna break her, Luke?

f*cking bitch!

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

What happened?


Are you okay?

f*ck you!





Oh, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

Oh, f*ck.

Oh, f*ck.

What the f*ck did she do?


Are you okay?



Oh, Jesus Christ, Iz.

f*cking f*ck.

Why are you helping me?

Everyone hates me.

Why don't you?

I don't hate you, Iz.

What is happening to me?

Poor little Izzy.

Poor little Izzy.



Mommy, please help me!

I need you!


Izzy, what is it?

What is it?

Rock-a-bye baby.


- Isabelle.

- Down comes the baby.

- Please.

- Down comes the baby.

Down comes the baby cradle and all.

Down comes the f*cking

baby cradle and all!

Please, Mommy k*ll me.

Oh, no, no, no, no, don't.

- Mommy.

- No, we're gonna be okay.

k*ll me.

No, it's gonna be okay.

Send me to hell like you did my sister.

Down comes the baby.

Down comes the baby.

You don't.

There's no way you could

possibly know about...

I wasn't ready.

I didn't, I wasn't ready.

I made a mistake just like

f*cking Isabelle's a mistake,

- right, Katherine?

- No!


Mommy, k*ll me.

- k*ll me, Mommy.

- No, I won't!

k*ll this one too, Mommy!

That's not what it was!

It's not what it was!

I wasn't ready!

I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready!

f*ck you!

Oh, I'm gonna tell Daddy and

you're gonna be in trouble!


Help me, please.

Please, help me.

- f*cking help me.

- Stop, Izzy!

f*cking help me!

f*cking help me.

Oh, god.



f*cking bitch.

Just trying to help you.

You can help me by cutting

your daughter in half

so I could have double the f*ck.

Izzy, please, I know

you're in there, Izzy.

Izzy! Izzy!

She's not here anymore.

I know, she was already asking me about

why the construction was taking so long.

I told her that we were waiting

on that grant from the state

to come through before we can finish.

All right, thanks.


Thank you for calling Hope

Hospital, there's always hope.

How may I help you?

This is Dr. Katherine Wagner.

Glenn Wagner is my husband.

My daughter Isabelle needs your help.

Please. Yes, right now.


Is this the Wagner residence?


Are you Isabel Wagner's mother?


She's, she's, that's Izzy right there.

Hi, Izzy.



These men are gonna get you help.


Izzy, sweetie.

Look at me.


- Izzy. Calm down.

- f*ck!


Izzy, It's okay

- Izzy, come on.

- Izzy.

- Calm down.

- Izzy, calm down.

Izzy. Calm down.


All right.

Izzy, calm down.

Go this way.

Izzy, you're gonna get sedated.

You're a f*cking whore!

- Izzy. Izzy.

- Oh, f*ck.

I'm going to f*ck your husband.

You f*cking baby k*ller.

Izzy, they're trying to help you.

- Please just let them help you.

- f*ck!

Holy f*ck, stupid whore.

- Stupid f*cking bitch!

- Izzy.

Work with me, Izzy, come on.

- You're okay.

- Cross these, Andrew.

Izzy, just let them help you.

Please, please, just,

I'll be right behind you.

I'm gonna, I'll be right behind you.

- I'm gonna follow you there.

- Meet you there bitch.

Meet you f*cking there!

Izzy, you need to calm down.

Deep breaths, Izzy.

Deep breaths.

Can you tell me what's going on?

Guys, you see this?

Yeah, her eyes are dialated.

Izzy, what are you on?

Izzy, what'd you take?

Right, the other one over there.

Watch out, BJ, got one behind you.

Izzy, come on.

Stop resisting.

You're only hurting yourself.

If only.

- Izzy, you need to calm down.

- Izzy, calm down.

Can you get your arm out?

- Yep.

- You ready?

- Izzy?

- Gonna be okay, baby.

Izzy, you need to calm down.

You f*cking whore.

You f*cking whore!

Now that's not very nice.

Grab that sedative, Andrew.

Just watch her.

What'd you take, Izzy?

All right, BJ, Brian,

we're gonna give her half.

And we'll go from there.

All right, sedative in.


- You f*cking bitch.

- See what that does.

It might not calm her down.

- Izzy.

- Just breathe. Just breathe.

Just breathe.

Calm down, Izzy.

Ready to take her out?

Calm down.

You got her on the side, BJ?


You need to calm down, Izzy.

You need to calm down. Izzy.

- Yep.

- That's right.

There you go.

Stay calm. You're okay.

What are you on, Izzy?

You ever had this happen before?

So many f*cking times.

What happened last time?

She died.

Who died?

We might have to hit her again.

All right, let's hit

her when we get in the back.


That f*cking whore.

All right.



What's going on?

I will step over here.

- How are you feeling, Izzy?

- Annoyed.

With what?

What are you annoyed with?

How is she able to speak

a different language?

If you guys are

good we're gonna head out.

Izzy, look straight ahead

at the ceiling for me.

I, I, I need to go to

the hospital with Isabelle.

Look at my art!

So I feel like I

really had a breakthrough

with Roberta today.

And I do think her

chakras are finally in line.

Well, that's always a good thing.

We're gonna get through

this, Mrs. Wagner.

Iz is like the strongest girl that I know.


Are you Katherine?

Have a great day.

Dr. Fitzgerald, this is Katherine.

Katherine, please this way.

Thank you.

Thank you for coming here.

What happened?

- She-

- Where's Glenn?

He's away at some conference.

It's okay.

I'll see.

Look, Katherine, you need to go home.

All right, it's getting late.

Isabelle's going to be fine.

I'll make sure I take care of her.

Thank you.

It's gonna be okay.

Hello, Isabelle.

I am Dr. Fitzgerald.

Your father is a colleague of mine.

So, what's going on?

Well, maybe a little later.

There's demons in me.

What do you mean?

I tried to k*ll myself.

You tried to k*ll yourself.

Well, have you thought

about k*lling others?


Could you loosen these straps?

I really, I really

don't wanna lose a hand.

Of course.

Damn orderlies.

Oh, there you go.

- Ah, man.

- There you go.

Oh, my god!

What's happening!

What the hell is happening?

Are you okay?


What happened?

I think that's them at the door.

Good afternoon, ma'am.

Are you the mother of Isabelle Wagner?


Detective Daniels.

Have you heard or seen from her today?

No, not yet.

Have you heard what took

place at the hospital?

Yes, I'm aware.

And you haven't seen her?

No, not yet.

Is there a Mr. Wagner

available that I could speak to?


He should be home at some point today.

All right, Mrs. Wagner.

Well, it is incredibly

imperative that if you see

or you hear from Isabelle

that you reach out

to me immediately.

Here's my direct number.

All right, you have a

great rest of your day.


You need to come home right now.

What's going on?

The police were just here.

For God's sakes,

what is it you can't handle?

f*ck you.

Oh shit.

Oh shit.





It's gonna be okay, it's

Listen to me, okay?

- 323-466-

- Izzy, we need to call

- the hospital.

- 7677.

We need to call the hospital.


Call him.






Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.



Where are you you stupid f*cking cat!





- Iz.

- Katherine, what the f*ck?

Mom's lost her f*cking mind.

Help me out of this.

What the hell's going on here?

She's f*cking crazy.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Let's get you in the

other room and see if we can

get you cleaned up.

Okay, can you get up?

Oh, come on, sweetheart.

Let's go.

You okay?

Oh, man.

What's been going on?

She's crazy.

She's crazy.

I'm gone a few days.

You can't handle your own daughter?

What the hell's going on here?

With Patricia, right?

What are you talking about?

Come on, Glenn, you

can't keep secrets from me.

f*cking liar.

What the hell's gotten into you, Iz?

You'd like to get into

Isabelle, wouldn't you?

f*cking fornicator,

you f*ck your secretary

and you think of Isabelle's

sweet little body

when you do it, don't you?

You son of a bitch.

Hold on, hold on.

You went off to f*ck

your secretary and left me

here to deal with this?

What what?

Being a mother?

f*ck you.

No, if you had been here

instead of out f*cking around,

you would know what I've been dealing

with the last few days.

What'd you do, Glenn?

Fleshy, fleshy fucker.

You're a f*cking sinner,

you f*cking fornicator.

Fornicator, you're a sinner

and I'm gonna get you too.

Oh God, I'm done.

I'm calling that priest.

What? What priest?


- Father Gaberiel.

- Yes.

I'm Katherine Wagner.

You you met my daughter

Isabelle in the hospital.

Yes, Isabelle.

Why were you crying

when you left her room?

I felt something dark.

I was afraid for her.

Can you come see her?

Of course.

Oh f*ck.





f*ck you!


Help me, please.

Iz, what the hell did you do?

I'm not doing it, they are.

Who? Who?

- Who-

- We're devouring her soul.

Who's hurting you?

Luke, hold her down.

What the f*ck are you doing?

- Just-

- Don't you f*cking

- touch her with that!

- Just hold her down.

Listen to me, hold her down.

If you f*cking hurt her, Glenn,

- I swear to god!

- I'm not gonna hurt her!

I have never touched the girl, listen.

Trust me.

Don't you f*cking

- touch her with that.

- Trust me!

Relax, okay?

- You did this to her!

- I did nothing to her.

- You did this!

- I did nothing to her.

Just calm down.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Okay, and just relax and

help me hold her down.

Look, this is narcosis.

It's the only thing that's

gonna take care of this.


This is your f*cking daughter!

Look at that, that's

not my f*cking daughter!


Now get your ass down

there and hold her down.


Get off me!


It seems to match.


Luke, grab those pillows for me.

Make sure she's comfortable.

We want her to...

Okay, I'm gonna run

down and get something.

Be right back.

Okay, try to put her

over here in the middle.

Here, we'll tie.

Let me tie her down here.

Get that one.

Is that necessary?

I just don't want her to

hurt herself when she wakes up.

The way she's been thrashing around,

you just never know.

Let me have her other arm.

Those ones are the feet.

So this will be, it's not gonna hurt her,

it's just gonna keep her safe.

Come on.

There we go.

Have you started her feet?

- I'm trying.

- Put them together.

There we go.

There we go.

I think we need to put two together.


She'll be fine, okay?

When she wakes up in the morning,

hopefully she'll forget everything

and anything ever happened.

There we go.

So what do we do now?

Just, just let her rest, okay?

Go downstairs and let her rest.


It's been

brought to my attention that

you've requested the ancient

text of the rite of exorcism.

Is this about the girl

at the hospital we spoke of?

Doesn't matter.

The church has a process,

it must be followed.

Father, this girl needs my help.

There's no time for process.

I fear for her life and her soul.

Father Patrick and I

were discussing the girl,

you have no experience, you

have no training in exorcism.

The church cannot and it

will not approve of this.

Has she undergone a psych eval?

That's something I'd have to find out.

Her mother asked me to come to their home.

Go to the home,

gather as much information

as you possibly can,

and then you come back to me.

You are not going there to

perform an exorcism, Gaberiel.

Bless her, bless her indeed,

but do not do anything

that you are not ready for.

You'll be in my prayers, my friend.

Faith over loyalty, that's

a hard decision to make.

Look buddy, I can't explain

what's going on with her,

but I think we ought just

sit down and have a drink,

maybe talk about it, you know?

Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

I got some good old

Thank you.

So, I tried to explain earlier,

but something's got into Izzy

and I don't know what it is.

I just don't want her to be in any pain.

I know what that, that makes two of us.

Hi, Daddy?

- Izzy.

- f*ck off!

Calm down, calm down.

- No, get off me!

- It's okay.

No, you're gonna hurt yourself.

- f*ckers.

- You're gonna hurt yourself.

- f*ckers!

- Come on, come on, come on.

- Stop, Izzy.

- I'm going to eat

your f*cking soul!

f*ck you!

Izzy, this isn't you.

This isn't you talking.

Oh, f*ck you, Daddy.

- You fucker!

- Izzy...

You just wanna f*ck Izzy, don't you?

You f*cking pervert.


f*ck you.

Please help us.

Why are you here?

f*ck you.

Isabelle, can you hear me?

Isabelle's dead.

Your mother gave me

permission to pray over you.

Do we have your blessing?

Do what you gotta do.

f*ck you!



Father, you are all powerful.

We come to you today to ask protection

over Isabelle and her family.

- f*ck!

- By you Father and

the archangel Michael,

that she'd be safe from sin

and bring peace to her.

As you have said, Lord,

"I leave you peace,

I give you my peace."

Isabelle, can you hear me?

Isabelle's dead.

And bring peace to her.

You have said, Lord, "I leave you peace,

I give you my peace."

Grant that through the

intersession of the Virgin Mary,

we are liberated from every evil

and enjoy your peace always.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


She seems to have passed out.

What's that mean?

A moment's peace.

So what do we do?

For now let her rest and

tomorrow bring her to the church.

She'll be okay here?

Do what you gotta do.


Where is he?

I haven't seen him.

I know where he is.

Okay, let's try to make her comfortable.

Let's let her get some

rest like the father said.

There we go.

It's late, you should probably get home.

I'll come by in the

morning before school

if that's all right with you.

Of course.


Thank you for everything.

Father Gaberiel, you okay?

Why didn't you call me sooner?

Would you have come back?

What Isabelle said earlier...

I, I don't have the energy for

this conversation right now.

Look, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for, for not listening.

I'm sorry for not being here.

I'm sorry for everything.

Stay back.

Stay back!


Isabelle, what the hell?

I thought this was over?

f*ck do you want?

In the name of Jesus

Christ, our God and Lord.

In the name of the blessed

Virgin Mary, the mother of God.

In the name of the

blessed Archangel Michael,

unclean spirits name yourself.

You can't save her.

Even your church knows you

can't f*cking save her.

You fight against each other for her.

But who will win?

I am Mara.

I am As mode us.

I am Nastema!

What did I tell you?

What did I tell you?

I told you you weren't ready for this.

- No.

- Unclean spirit.

You little bitch.

Puny little dweeb.

Isabelle, come on.

Behold the power of the cross.


Bands of enemies.

As smoke is driven away.

As wax melts before the fire.

We drive you from us, unclean

spirits, all satanic powers,

all infernal invaders, all wicked legions,

assemblies and sects.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

may you be snatched away and driven

from all souls made in the image of God.

- Mom?

- Izzy.

What the f*ck?

- Please.

- Izzy.


Please don't let it come back.

Please don't let it come back.

No, of course not.

Of course not, of course not.

Is it over?

It's over.

It's over.

Do you think

she remembers anything?

I hope not.
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