01x26 - Hubert's Unfinished Symphony

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Get Smart". Aired: September 18, 1965 – May 15, 1970.*
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Series centers on bumbling secret agent Maxwell Smart (Adams), aka Agent 86, and his unnamed female partner, Agent 99 (Feldon).
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01x26 - Hubert's Unfinished Symphony

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Playing classical music ]

What are you doing?

I lost my cufflink.

Wait a minute.
There's one sure way
to find a cufflink.

- How?
- You take
the other cufflink

And you drop it,
and it'll land
in the same place.

Well, did it land
in the same place?

It must have.now both
cufflinks are lost.

Will you stop
crawling around?

You're supposed to be
acting dignified.

You'll give away
our cover identity, 86.

Like you just did
by calling me 86.

I'm gregory wilcox,

Music critic for
the "concert music" magazine.

You'll never find me
giving away our cover
identity, chief.

You just did by
calling me chief.

- I'm franklin giles,
your editor.
- Yes, sir.

Well, an editor
can be called chief.

If you're keeping
time with the music,
you're way out of tempo.

I am not keeping time.
I'm nervous.

As soon as he finishes
the concert, our agent
is going to give us the name

Of the top kaos ringleader,
the new mr. Big.

Is rudolph hubert
a regular control agent

Who became a concert
violinist, or is it
the other way around?

no, he's always been
a control agent.

But his talent as
a violinist has given
him a perfect cover,

And it gives him access
to places where our other
agents couldn't get in.

Gee, that's the glamorous end
of the business, chief.

Too bad I flunked out
of spy music school.

[ audience applauding ]
bravo! bravo!

I think he's giving us
a signal. Check him
with your glasses.

- Where'd you get those?
- Oh, I misplaced
my glasses, chief.

He's touching his bow
to his left shoulder.

That's an emergency signal.
He's in danger. Let's go.

- Oh!
- What's the matter?

- I found my cufflinks.
- Where?

They're in my shoe.
I told you they'd
both land

In the same place,

Man: tonight I think
my piano playing was
masterful for the first time.

In fact, I was telling--
ah, rudolph.

Yes, I was telling rudolph
I think now he's ready

For the great
prokofiev concerto.

He's dead.

Yes, and they tried
to make it look
like su1c1de.

Max, hubert was
too good an agent

Not to leave the name
of mr. Big somewhere.

- Look for it.
- Right, chief.

Now where would an agent
who's a violinist
leave a clue?

- Chief!
- What?

I've got it.
In his violin.

That's a good idea.
Look in there and see
if you can find a name.

Right, chief.

- Chief!
- What?

- I found it.
- What is it?

The name of kaos'
new mr. Big is...


[ theme music playing ]

Mr. Wilcox
and mr. Giles,

- You discovered the body.
- That's right, inspector.

Now, mr. Badeff,
you, miss darvey

And mr. Wolenska

Were the last people
to see rudolph hubert alive.

It was immediately
after the concert.

Miss darvey and I
were congratulating wolenska

On the brilliance
of his piano playing
this evening.

Is this true,
mr. Wolenska?

Yes, yes, I was
magnificent tonight.

No, no, I mean
about seeing hubert alive.

He passed us
on the way to his
dressing room.

Do any of you know
why rudolph hubert might
have taken his own life?

I know why.

Because of me.

I refused to play any
of the symphonies
he composed.

Time and time again he
asked me to play them

And always I refused.

But why wouldn't you play
them, mr. Wolenska?

Because they
were terrible.

I should have
played them anyway.

Don't touch my hands!

They belong
to the world.

If you must touch me,

Don't ever touch me
below the elbow.

as you know,

I'm the owner
of badeff hall.

I have a private
suite upstairs.

Couldn't we continue
up there?

I'm afraid that
wolenska is upset being

In hubert's
dressing room.

Thank you.

Max, I'm convinced
that hubert left a clue

As to the name
of kaos' new mr. Big.

Now let's check
with agent 44.

He's been on constant
surveillance ever since
hubert got to town.

Wait a minute, chief.

Agent 44 wasn't supposed
to contact hubert.

Well, he might
have seen something.
Let's go.

- Hello, 44.
- Hello, chief.

- Hello, smart.
- 44.

Hubert was k*lled.

Yes, I heard some people
talking about it.

Have you seen anything
suspicious around here?

From here,
everything looks suspicious.

Left a lead for us,

- The name of the new mr. Big.
- 44: he didn't leave it
with me.

Hey, chief, I'm getting
tired of these assignments.

The blood's been rushing
to my head all day.

I had an awful time
digesting my dinner.

Is there anything
I can do for you?

Just one thing.
Could you pick up
the loose change

From the bottom of the case?
Keeps falling out
of my pockets.

Well, there's nothing
in here, chief.

- [ Screams ]
- shh!

Remember what you said
about being quiet.

If you have to scream,
whisper it.

I was sure hubert
left a clue somewhere
in this piano.

He was standing
right near it when
he signaled us.

Chief, hubert was one
of our best agents.

I'm sure he left a clue
to the identity
of mr. Big

Somewhere in
a very devious place.

I guess you're right, max.
I'll phone parker and have
him go down to the lab

And set up a special
search operation
for tomorrow.

Then I'll fill you in
on a plan I have.

- Right here?
- Yes, right here.

Let me have
your shoe phone, max.

Thank you.

May I have the key,
please, max?

Sorry about that,

But a lot of people
have been using my shoe
for personal calls.

Hello, parker,
I'm sorry to disturb you
at a time like this,

But this is a blue alert

I want you to go over
to the lab and set up
a special search operation

For badeff concert hall
for agent 86.

Now he'll need an assistant
on this one,

So find out which of our
agents has a good enough
knowledge of music

So they won't be
under suspicion here.

All right, go over there
right away.

- Here's your shoe phone, max.
- Oh, thank you, chief.

Now here is my plan.

And I'm glad we're not
in my office, or you
would insist

On our using
the cone of silence.

I've already taken
measures for that, chief.

I've brought along
the portable cone
of silence.

It was in my car.

Max, we don't need that.
Besides, it doesn't work.

Look, chief,
according to the handbook,

You've got to take
some security measures

If you're gonna talk
about a plan away from
control headquarters.

All right, max.

I want you to talk
to badeff, nicola darvey
and wolenska.

They were the last people
to see hubert alive.

And one of them
may have k*lled him.

Now I want you
to find out how long
they knew hubert.

Now with your cover
as music critic

You can tell them that
you're doing a human
interest story on him.

- Is that it, chief?
- That's it.

Well, we didn't need
the cone of silence
for that.

I told you we didn't.
Now let's get this
thing off.

- I can't get the lock open.
- Neither can i.

Chief, I guess we'll just
have to walk out of here

With the cone
of silence on.

Max, we can't go back
to control like this.

We look ridiculous.

Well, maybe if
we just act casual,
nobody will notice.

- I got mine off, chief.
- Good, now help me.

- [ door closes ]
- shh.

- [ footsteps approaching ]
- listen.

Chief, I think someone
is sneaking around
the dressing room area.

That may be the k*ller
trying to find out if
hubert left a clue

As to his identity.
Check it out.

Right, chief, then I'll
come back and get you out
of the cone of silence.

Miss darvey,
what are you doing
in hubert's dressing room?

Oh, I must have
made a mistake.

I thought this was
my dressing room,

But mine's next door.

What are you
doing here?

Oh, well, I'm just trying
to gather a little
background material

For the article that
I'm writing on hubert.

Perhaps you
could help me.

I'm afraid that I barely
knew him, mr. Wilcox.

And now if you'll
excuse me, I'd like
to change my clothes

And go home.

It's been rather
an exhausting night.

Yes, I guess that working
in the concert field

Throws your personal life
into a complete state of...


I think we can
consider her

Our prime suspect,

Stop it, max. The echo
in here is giving me
a terrible headache.

Hmm, maybe I'd better
get a sledgehammer.

- [ door closes ]
- shh. Did you
hear that, chief?

- [ footsteps approaching ]
- another visitor
to the dressing rooms.

I'll check it out.
You stay undercover.

Mr. Badeff, uh,
what are you doing here?

I own the hall.

I was going through
hubert's effects.

What are you
doing here?

I was thinking about
the article I'm writing
on hubert,

And I couldn't sleep.

Sleep? Why, you haven't
even had time

To go home
and go to bed.

Oh, well, that's probably
why I couldn't sleep.

Incidentally, mr. Badeff,
as long as you're here,

I wonder if you'd help me
with my article on hubert.

I don't believe
I could help you.
I barely knew him.

I merely engaged him
for this concert.

It's a terrible tragedy
to happen here.

You know, I built
this theater myself,

Piece by piece.

- You built this place
piece by piece?
- Yes.

You wouldn't happen to have
an old hammer lying around,
would you?

of course not.

And I shall be
closing the theater
in five minutes.

I will assume you've
left. Good night.

Good night.

Badeff claims he didn't
know hubert either,

But he's acting
very strangely.

I think he's our
prime suspect, chief.

I thought you said nicola
was our prime suspect.

I did, but isn't it
better to have a choice?

- Did you find a hammer?
- No, chief.

Well, you'll have to
use your g*n.

Right, chief.

No, max,
the other end!

Oh, right, chief.

- [ Screams ]
- shh!

[ footsteps approaching ]

Do you hear that?

Back to the dressing room.

And tell me, wolenska,

Why did you come back
for hubert's sheet music
at this late hour?

I shall perform it
tomorrow night
in his honor.

It will be my tribute
to my fellow artists

And perhaps
ease a bit of the sorrow

In my heart.

Don't touch my hands!

Sorry about that.
Is this the music?

Yes, but the symphony
has no title.

Hubert did not
finish it.

Well, why don't we
just call it "hubert's
unfinished symphony"?

A spark of genius,
mr. Wilcox!

I shall rehearse it
every single moment

From now until my
magnificent performance
tomorrow night.

Come on, chief,
let's get back to control.
I want to check on wolenska.

I think he's
our prime suspect.

What about nicola
and badeff?

Oh, yes, well,
in the science
of criminology,

There's only
one way to narrow down
a choice like this.

- What's that?
- Eenie meenie miney--

- Max!
- Come on, chief.

- Let's get out of here.
- Let me get this thing off.

- I can't see anything
out of here, max.
- Don't worry, I'll lead you.

There's a stair
to the orchestra pit
right over here.

- Are you sure?
- Positive, chief.

I don't know.
Somehow I think the hammer
might have been easier.

What's up, chief?
I got here as soon
as I could.

We need someone
with a good musical

To work with max
at badeff hall.
Fill me in.

Well, I know
a little bit about opera.
I studied singing.

And I can play the violin
and the harp.

That's it, the violin.
You'll go along with max
as his violin protege.

Better take along
this helio-coat, smart.
It may come in handy.

I think we could use
an emergency w*apon, max.

Well, we have one
right here, 99.

This violin
sh**t like a g*n.

Sorry about that,

I didn't know
the violin was loaded.

[ Plays chords,
hits sour note ]

Carrie, my dear,
it is true.

You've never heard
anything like this
in your life.

I don't think so,

[ Continues playing ]

[ Hits sour note ]

Bravo, magnificent!

You like that,
mr. Wilcox?

Are you certain
you're a music lover?

of course I am.

Do you know that I once
listened to three straight
weeks of beethoven?

Would you believe it?
Three weeks of beethoven.

I find that hard
to believe.

Would you believe
two weeks of bach?

I don't think so.

How about an hour
of "looney tunes"?

[ Hits sour note ]

This is ridiculous!

Hubert was a good man
but a terrible composer.

Whoever heard
of such notes?

B-flat, a, d-flat,

E, f-sharp, f-natural.
[ Harrumphs ]

Did you hear that, nicola?
B-flat, a, d-flat, e,

F-sharp, f-natural?

- "Badeff."
- Yes, that's my name.

Evidently, hubert did
leave some evidence
of my identity.

You know, if I could
figure it out, someone
else very well might.

Wolenska's playing
it tonight.

No, he isn't.

Have boris fix the piano
so that we get rid
of wolenska

And "hubert's unfinished
symphony" at the same time.

Enough, wolenska.
That's enough rehearsing.

in just a few hours
you have a concert.

You should rest.

- Good luck, mr. Wolenska.
- Don't touch my hands!

- Hello, 44.
- Hello, 66.

Well, I'm upside down.

you need help?
Haven't been on my feet
since yesterday.

oh, sure,
everything's important.

Everything's important
but me.

I don't know why
I always get these

I'm always
in a washing machine
or a frozen food locker

Or a mailbox.

Max, I think
I've got a lead.
Forget 44.

Oh, sure, forget 44.

Everybody forgets 44.
Forget him.

Forget 44,
forget him.

- What is it, 99?
- Well, badeff didn't
want us to get a look

At "hubert's
unfinished symphony."

Was that music the last
thing that hubert wrote

- Before he was k*lled?
- Well, I guess so.

It was discovered
right beside the body
when we found him.

Well, the last six notes
were very odd, max.

Maybe he left
the name of mr. Big
in the symphony.

Do you remember
the notes?

Of course I remember
the notes.

After all, I studied
a little piano myself.

Now let's see...

[ Sighs ]

B-flat, a,

D-flat, e,

F-sharp and f-natural.

Put them all together--
they spell "badeff."

Badeff! Well, then badeff
is the k*ller.

Then badeff
is mr. Big.

Well, let's just go
right upstairs, 99,

And give mr. Badeff
a nice big surprise.

Well, you certainly ruined
a nice surprise.

Max, you've been working
on those ropes for two
hours. Any luck?

Nothing, 99.
I can't get loose.

Release them, boris.

Well, I see you've
finally come to your
senses, badeff.

- You're going
to surrender, eh?
- Hardly, mr. Smart.

We're merely getting
ready to k*ll you.

The floor
of this storeroom

Is really an electronic
booby trap.

One step anywhere will
initiate an electronic

Which will cause several
large heavy objects

To crash down.

And when your
bodies are found,
you will appear

To have died
by accident.

You'll never get away
with this, badeff.

Someone's gonna figure
out your name

The minute wolenska plays
"hubert's unfinished

- He'll never get
to play it.
- [ crowd applauding ]

Wolenska's just come
onstage to start
the concert.

Oh, good, we can
hear it down here, 99.

You'll only hear
the first selection

That lasts exactly
three minutes.

Then after his bow,
according to the program
that I've arranged,

Wolenska will sit down
to play "hubert's unfinished

However, when his fingers

Strike the first chord,

it will set off a b*mb
in the piano,

which will explode,
destroying him and
the evidence.

[ piano playing ]

This switch will activate
the electronic floor.

Max, that concerto lasts
exactly three minutes.

What are we
going to do?

- I'm going to test
this floor, 99.
- I have a thought.

What's your thought?

Call the chief
on your shoe-phone.

Do you have another
thought?that was
my shoe-phone.

Time's running out,

There must
be a way, 99.

Wait a minute.
If we can't go
across the floor,

- Go over it.
- If we can't go
across the floor, go...

Of course.
My helio-coat.

Okay, 99.
You can come across
the floor now.

And bring a sharp pin.

[ piano playing ]

- Boris.
- Max, use the violin g*n.

All right, hold it.

One stroke of my bow,

And this violin
will play its song of death.

I don't know about you,
but this is k*lling me.

All right,
come on, boris.

I'm used to dealing
with gorillas like you.

Listen, boris,

I hope I wasn't out
of line with that crack
about the gorilla.

Hold it!
Max, stop wolenska.

When he hits
the first chord,
the b*mb will explode!

[ audience applauding ]

- Stop!
- Don't touch my hands!

[ audience clamoring ]

Oh, thank you, mr. Smart.
Thank you.

You saved my life.

Don't touch my hands!

[ Playing ]

Well, we got them.
All of them.

Badeff and nicola are
on their way to jail.

At last we've broken
the cultural arm
of kaos.

This is going to be
a real blow to evil
music lovers everywhere.

Is there anything
wrong, max?

Huh? Oh, no, chief.

It's just that, well,
this has been a particularly
tough case

And my nerves are
a little on edge.
Besides, I'm hurt.

- What is it, max?
- Well...

This is the first time
I've played in front of
an audience, you know?

That was very brave
of you, max.

It was my debut.

I've never heard
"chopsticks" played
with such imagination.

Well, why didn't they
ask for an encore?

Listen, max, some of us
are born to do one thing.
Some aren't.

You have your talents.
Others have other talents.

You're absolutely
right, chief.

I may never get to play
with the philharmonic,

- But on the other hand...
- Yes.

...is leonard bernstein
licensed to k*ll?

[ theme music playing ]
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