01x25 - Doctor Daisy, M.D.

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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01x25 - Doctor Daisy, M.D.

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody.
It's me, mickey mouse.

Say, you wanna come
inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right!

Let's go.

Ah, I almost forgot.

To make
the clubhouse appear,

We get to say
the magic words--

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey mouse.

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

That's me!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

Roll call!




Ruff ruff!



Right here.

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

It's the...

Welcome to our clubhouse.


Whoa! Whoa!

Hiya, mickey.

Are you all right, goofy?

Gawrsh, I think so.

No boo-boos
on my head.

No boo-boos
on my arm.

One boo-boo
on my nose.

One boo-boo on my nose!

I got a boo-boo!

Did I hear someone
say boo-boo?

I know how
to make goofy
feel better.

Let's take a look.

Hmm. It look like
goofy's boo-boo

Just needs
to cool down a bit.

Great idea, daisy.

Let's all blow some air
on goofy's boo-boo.

Everybody blow!

It's working! My boo-boo's
getting smaller.

Whoo-hoo! You did it!

Thanks daisy, and thank you,
boo-boo blowers.

♪ My boo-boo feels better ♪

♪ My boo-boo feels better ♪


Gee, daisy, I never knew
you were such a good
pretend doctor.

Oh, I love playing
pretend doctor.

Someday I want to get my
pretend doctor sticker.

Wow! A pretend doctor

You have to be
a really good pretend doctor
to get one of those.

I want to be the best
pretend doctor

In the whole wide world.

Hey, everybody!

There's a doctor
in the house--

Dr. Daisy!

Ruff ruff!

Oh, boy!

Dr. Daisy?

Ooh! I want to visit
the pretend doctor.

Golly, look at
all the friends

Who came to see
dr. Daisy.

Ooh! And a mystery patient
has come, too.


We're all pretending
that we're not
feeling well

So dr. Daisy can
make us feel better.

Yeah! It's
gonna be fun!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And if you make
everybody feel better,

Why, you'll get
your pretend
doctor sticker for sure.


Hey, will you help daisy
play pretend doctor?

So I can get
my pretend doctor sticker?

Hot dog! Ha ha!

Come on. Let's go
to the mousekedoer

And get our mouseketools.

♪ Mouseker-hey, mouseker-hi,
mouseker-ho ♪

♪ Mouseker-ready, mouseker-set,
here we go! ♪

♪ You're a thinkin' and
a solvin' work-it-througher ♪

♪ Mouseke-me, mouseker-you,
mousekedoer ♪

♪ Mouseker-me,
mouseker-you, mousekedoer ♪

Meeska, mooska,


♪ Mouseketools, mouseketools,
mouseketools ♪

♪ Here are
your mouseketools ♪

A giraffe...

A piggy bank...

Ooh, and a magnifying glass,

And the mystery mouseketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

Look, it's toodles!

Hiya, toodles!

Ha ha! Oh, gosh.
Hey, there! Ho ho!

Toodles is gonna
bring us our mouseketools

When we need 'em.

We've got
our mouseketools. Ha ha!

Now let's turn the clubhouse
into a pretend doctor's office

So daisy can make
our friends feel better.

To the anywhere area!

Everybody say,
"pretend doctor's office."

Oh, boy! The doctor
is in the clubhouse.

Dr. Daisy, there are
some friends--

Ah-hyuck--some patients
waiting to see ya.

Oh, this is lovely.

Let's figure out
how many patients
need help.

Come on.
Let's count 'em.

1, 2,

3, 4.

4 Patients.

Oh, my. How will I
ever keep track
of everybody?

Dr. Daisy,
come take a look!

I made a chart
of all your patients.

First, there's pluto,

Then minnie,

Then donald,

And finally,
the mystery patient.

Gee, thanks, goofy.

Come on. Let's call
dr. Daisy's first patient.

Pluto. Everybody say,
"first patient."

All: first patient.

Ruff ruff!

Hiya, pluto.

What's the matter?

♪ Does your head hurt? ♪


♪ Do your shoulders hurt? ♪


♪ Do your knees hurt? ♪


Hmm. ♪ Then
what's the matter? ♪

What's pluto
holding up?

His paw. Right.

Pluto, does
your paw hurt?

[Panting] yeah, yeah.

Oh, I see
what's the matter.

Pluto has
a pretend thorn
stuck in his paw.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You figured it out,
dr. Daisy.

Thank you. Now we need
something to help us
pull out the thorn.

Hey, what about
a mouseketool?

Everybody say,
"oh, toodles."

All: oh, toodles.

A giraffe,

A piggy bank,

A magnifying glass,

And the mystery mouseketool.

Hmm. I wonder.

Could a piggy bank
pull out a thorn?

Nah, that's silly.

Well, how about
a magnifying glass?

A magnifying glass
can help us see a thorn,

But I won't help us
pull it out.

That means it's time for
the mystery mouseketool.

Everybody say,
"mystery mouseketool."

Toy tweezers!

Can toy tweezers help us
pull out a thorn?

You betcha!

We got ears,
say cheers!

Toy tweezers.

Toy tweezers.

Let's help daisy
pull the thorn
out of pluto's paw.

Help me pinch the thorn.

Pinch, pinch,
pinch the thorn.

Got it!



Wow. You're a good
doctor helper.

We got pluto's
thorn out.

Ha ha! Little fella.

Look! His paw's
feeling better.

Way to go, dr. Daisy.

Thanks, mickey.

I wonder if I'm closer

To getting my pretend
doctor sticker.

Well, let's take a look
at the chart.

lookee here!

It's a check
next to pluto.

That's right.
Pluto's all better.

Gawrsh. Just
to help

And then dr. Daisy
gets her--

All: pretend
doctor sticker.

Hot dog. We're ready
to call the next patient.

Who's second on the list?

Oh, what do you know?
Minnie mouse. Right.

Everybody say,
"second patient."

All: second patient.


Hiya, minnie.

What's the matter?

♪ Does
your head hurt? ♪

Oh, no.

♪ Do your shoulders hurt? ♪


♪ Do your knees
hurt? ♪


Hmm. ♪ Then
what's the matter? ♪

What's minnie
pointing to?

Her tummy. Yeah.

Minnie, does
your tummy hurt?

Yes, dr. Daisy.

I'm pretending
to have a tummy ache.

I see. I see.

Well, there's only
one way to help
a tummy ache.

With a green apple,
of course.

Ooh, I know where
we can get
green apples.

Follow me.

Oh, my goodness!

There are so many
different kinds
of fruit trees.

Well, we need the fruit tree
that has green apples.

Mickey: which tree
has green apples?

Right. That one.

Wow. The green apples
sure are high up there.

We're going to need
a mouseketool
to help us reach them.

Everybody say,
"oh, toodles."

All: oh, toodles.

Hiya, toodles.

A giraffe,

A piggy bank,

Or a magnifying glass.

Which mouseketool
can help us reach
high up in the tree?

The giraffe. Right!

We got ears,
say cheers!

Whoa. Ok, mr. Giraffe,

Now see if you can reach
those green apples.

Oh, no!

The giraffe
isn't picking the apples,

He's eating them.

We started with 4 apples,
but the giraffe
just ate one.

So how many apples are left?

Only 3.

Daisy: uh-oh. The giraffe
ate a second apple.

Ooh! There's only
one apple left.

Help me reach the last apple
before the giraffe eats it.

Reach high.

Minnie: keep reaching.

Ooh, he's almost there.


Got it!

All right!


Well, what do you know.

We did it! We got
the last green apple.

Gee, thanks for helping.

Here you go, minnie.

One apple to make
your pretend tummy ache
feel better.

I feel much better.

Thank you, dr. Daisy,

And thank you, too.

And thank you, too.

Way to go,
dr. Daisy.

Oh, do you think I'm closer
to getting my pretend
doctor sticker?

Let's go take a look.

Ah-hyuck. Dr. Daisy
helped another patient
feel better.

who's next on the list?

Donald duck. Right.

Donald is the third patient.

Everybody say,
"third patient."

All: third patient.

Well, it's about time.

Hiya, donald.

What's the matter?

♪ Does your head hurt? ♪


♪ Do your
shoulders hurt? ♪


♪ Do your knees hurt? ♪



♪ Then what's the matter? ♪

what's donald pointing to?

His arm. Right!

Donald, are you pretending
that your arm hurts?

That's it.

Hmm. It looks like
your arm fell asleep.

Oh, no!

And this arm
fell asleep, too.

Oh, this is terrible.

What a predicament.

Don't worry, donald.

I know how to fix
sleeping arms.

You do?

With jumping beans.

Daisy, that's
a great idea.

Jumping beans
will jump around

And wake donald's arms
right up.

There's only one problem.

We don't have
any jumping beans.

I know where we can get
some jumping beans.

Come one!

Everybody say,
"moo mart."

Moo mart.

Oh, customers.

Welcome to moo mart.

Today we have a special
on big bloomers.

No, thanks, clarabell.

We need to buy
some jumping beans.

Oh, I think
I might have some of those
right over here.

Do you see the jar
of jumping beans?

Ha! Yeah,
there it is.

Ooh! Jumpy little things,
aren't they?

That'll be 6 coins, please.

Mickey, I don't have
any coins.

Gee, me neither.

What are we going to do?

I need the jumping beans
to make donald's
sleeping arms to wake up.

Why don't we check
our mouseketools.

Everybody say,
"oh, toodles."

Oh, toodles.

The magnifying glass
or the piggy bank.

Which mouseketool
can give us some coins?

The piggy bank.
You got it.

We got ears,
say cheers.

Clarabell said
the jumping beans
cost 6 coins.

Help me count out

1, 2,

3, 4,

5, 6.

Great counting.

There you go.

We did it!

Now let's get
these jumping beans
to donald.

Here you go, donald.

Take some jumping beans
in each hand.



Hey, how about that.

It's working!

Donald's arms are
starting to wake up.

Come on.
Let's help him
shake his arms.

Shake your arms,

Shake, shake, shake.

Shake, shake, shake.

My arm's not asleep anymore.

Thank you, dr. Daisy.

I'm all better.

You're welcome, donald.

Ahh. This is fun!

[Both laugh]

Which box should we put
a check mark in this time?

That one. Right!

Oh, my. I'm so close
to getting my--

All: pretend doctor sticker.

All: pretend doctor sticker.

There's only
one person left

For dr. Daisy to help.

Who is it?

Oh, yeah. It's, uh...
The mystery patient.

Gawrsh! I wonder who
the mystery patient's
gonna be.

Me, too.

Well, let's call him
and find out.

Everybody say,
"mystery patient."

All: mystery patient.


Now we'll find out
who the mystery patient is

Once and for all.


All: pete?

That's my name.
Don't wear it out.

Right this way, pete.

Dr. Daisy
will see you now.

Hiya, pete.

What's the matter?

♪ Does your head hurt? ♪


♪ Do your shoulders hurt? ♪


♪ Do your knees hurt? ♪

Wrong again.

Hmm. ♪ Then
what's the matter? ♪

hmm. Where's pete pointing?

Why, he's pointing
all over his body.

That's right. I've got
these spotty spots

You'll never figure out
what's wrong with me.

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, no, mickey.

Now I'll never get
my pretend doctor

Gee, don't give up, daisy.

I know you can do it.

If only I could get
a really close look
at those spots.

Why don't we check
our mouseketools.

Everybody say,
"oh, toodles."

Oh, toodles.

Can a magnifying glass

Help us get a better look
at pete's spots?

You betcha!

We used all
our mouseketools.

Say, "super cheers."

Dr. Daisy, try this.

Mickey: look! Pete's spot
has a little animal in it.

What animal do you see?


A chicken. Right.

Daisy: I know
what's wrong with pete.

He's pretending to have
the chicken pox.

Aw, drats.

You've gone
and figured it out.

Hot dog!

Hmm. Let's see.

I know!

The only way to get rid
of pretend chicken pox

Is to shake them off
with a chicken dance.

You have 15 spots, pete,

So you have to flap
your wings 15 times.

I don't wanna
do that.

Oh, come on, pete.

talked me into it.

A-1, a-2, a-3,



I'm tuckered out.

I can't chicken
dance anymore.

Uh-oh. Pete
only flapped 4 times.

We gotta help pete
shake away his chicken pox.

Let's flap our wings
and count together...

Starting from 5.

Ready? 5,

6, 7,

8, 9,

10, 11,

12, 13,

14, 15!

my chicken pox...

They're all gone!

Dr. Daisy,
you are a genius.

Who, little old me?

Ha ha ha ha.

Well, I couldn't
have done it
without everyone's help.

Let's see if you got
your pretend doctor sticker.

All the boxes
have been checked.

And you know
what that means.

[Gasps] I get my pretend
doctor sticker!

[Everyone cheers]

And thank you,
doctor helpers.

It's time to do
the mousekedance.

♪ Hot dog ♪

[Ruff ruff]

♪ hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggety dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears,
it's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
the problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggety dog ♪

We had such
a great time today

Helping dr. Daisy
get her sticker.

Which mouseketool
did we use

To help dr. Daisy pull out
pluto's pretend thorn?

The toy tweezers.

What animal helped us
reach the green apples?

Minnie: that was
the giraffe.

Which mouseketool
gave us coins

So we could buy
jumping beans for donald?

Donald: the piggy bank.

And what did we use
to get a close up look

At those spots on pete?

Pete and daisy:
the magnifying glass.

Well, what a hot dog day.

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggety dog ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day,
what ya waitin' for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out,
stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggety dog ♪

♪ Hot dog,
hot dog, hot diggety dog ♪

♪ We're sweatin' the scene,
we're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now
from mickey mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the mickey mouse ♪

♪ Club ♪

♪ House ♪

See you real soon.
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