05x20 - What Now?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Good Trouble". Aired: January 2019 to present.*
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"Good Trouble" is the new series spin off from The Fosters, following Callie and Mariana in Los Angeles as they begin a whole new adventure of a lifetime together.
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05x20 - What Now?

Post by bunniefuu »

Knock, knock. Did someone order a host?

I can't work with that guy.

Maybe we can convince
them to cast someone else.

- Like who?
- Me.

What's wrong?

Yuri, the artist I used to work for,

he's showing a new
collection of paintings

in the style I created for him.

And since I didn't
actually paint them for him,

he's gonna get away with
not paying me a commission.

The producers have decided

to have Serena do the staged reading.

No, this is New York all over again.

- Davia, that is...
- No, I never should have trusted you again.

I think you know I still love you.

And maybe you're making excuses

for why we can't be together.

- Can I think about it?
- Yeah. Sure.

If you agree to stop crashing
my community meetings,

I'll push your women's center through.

I like you.

I understand why Callie
told you not to tell anyone.

But I am not just anyone.

I just don't know if I can do this.

You told Riley that you knew I
was unhoused before I told her.

LADLE: I have feelings for you.

JOAQUIN: I can't be casual with you.

Not as long as you have these
unresolved feelings for Evan, I can't.

I can't do this again.

MARIANA: Evan can't remember

the last two years of his life.

CALLIE: But they did say that
he might get his memory back.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

JENNA: What was this?

SILAS: It's an old yurt for storage.

Got damaged in a storm,
so we took it down.

We have a warrant to
search the property.

Silas has Jenna's phone.


I can't believe she
chose to go back there.

I shouldn't have let her leave here.


MARIANA: Please.

Please... Please just let me out.

You can't leave

until we've cleansed your mind

and your spirit of your demons, Mariana.

Just let me out.

JOAQUIN: Hey, you okay?

Yeah, just... a bad dream.

Do you, do you want to talk about it?

Not really.

So I know that emotions
were kind of high last night.

So, you know, if this is
just something that happened

and you're still figuring things out,


I get it.


I'm ready to move on.

I'm sorry.


God, I'm just so worried about Jenna.

I can't believe she went back to Silas.

I just... I don't know what to do.

There may not be anything you can do.

♪ Ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

- Good morning.
- Good morning.


- Where's Silas?
- Out in the fields.

He's trying to protect
us from those looking

to destroy our harmony here.

Especially with all
this Madison nonsense.

She disconnected from
the source and left.

Just like Silas told us.

I was in the sweat lodge with Madison

during the purification ceremony.

Sweat lodge?


The yurt used to be over there.

It was so hot inside.

Madison was having a really hard time.

We were all struggling, but... Silas

kept bringing hot stones in
and pouring water over them.

MADISON: Please... Please,
no. I wanna get out of here.

HOLLY: Madison was begging
Silas to let her out.

He said it was her demons rising in her.

And the more she resisted,

the more they would make her sick.

He finally let the rest of us leave,

but he made her stay. (SNIFFLES)

I was, I was afraid for her.

And then the next day,

Silas told us that she left the farm.

Did you believe him?

Of course.

Silas is our salvation.

Yes, he is.

I learned that when I left

and I was plunged into darkness.

We have to protect his light

from those who want to destroy him.

Like your brother?

Especially my brother.


YURI: Oh, there he is!

The masked muralist himself...


You know, I can't say
I particularly enjoyed

your latest piece of street
art, if you can call it that.

I mean, what is it, computer generated?

So you've gone from painting to pasting

in my absence.

I'm disappointed. I thought
you wanted to be a real artist.

At least it's my work
and not someone else's

I'm trying to pass off as my own.

Oh, I painted every
piece of my new show.

based on a new style I created.

And some of those are
just knockoffs of pieces

I already painted for you.

Yuri, you owe me commission
on every piece you sell.

I owe you nothing!

But I happen to believe in you.

So I'm gonna

open the door to an opportunity

that is gonna guarantee you

the career you want as a fine artist.

The gallery shows,
the residencies, the...

the credit that you so
desperately think you deserve.

Not to mention the big fat checks.

Oh, yeah? And how are
you going to do that?

Because I've arranged a meeting
for you with Frank Barda.


The famous modern artist Frank Barda.

He's looking for a new apprentice.


Thought that might happen.

Oh, he's expecting you
at 8:00 p.m. tonight.

Don't be late.


And I consider whatever debt
you think I might owe you...


Ethan just called me.

- And?
- Well, I wasn't going to answer

but then he kept calling and texting.

- And?
- Serena's sick,

and they need me to do
the staged reading today.

- And?
- And screw him.

Why should I help him
after what he did to me?

Because you worked
really hard on that show.

And you wouldn't be doing it for him,

you'd be doing it for yourself.

- Because you are the best Darla,

and you know it.

So the best way to screw
him and the producers

is to go on stage and prove it.




- Um...
- Yeah.

Claudia? Thank you.

I need you to make a decision.

I've gotta know where we stand

and... if I need to move on.

And before you answer that,

You have to know something.

My work... isn't going away.

I wanna be with you.

But I have plans for my career


and about to make a
pretty bold move, so.

You'd have to be onboard.

Onboard with what, exactly?


JENNA: Silas.

Uh, I-I just want you to know that

if anything did happen
to Madison on the farm...

I-I know it wasn't your fault.

It would have been an accident.

Not that I'm questioning you at all.

But if you had to...

put her to rest,

I am begging you

move her off of the property,

somewhere where no
one will ever find her.

And I can help you...


because I know my brother,
and he will not stop coming.

Trying to extinguish your light.

And the world needs you.

We need you.

So please, don't take any chances.



Hey! Hey!

♪ I'm so fresh everybody's like, whoa ♪

♪ Yeah, everybody like, whoa ♪

- Yes, so good!

Oh, my gosh! Well done, everyone.

You looked amazing.
Everyone looks great.

- I think we have to film it again today.

Let me see... Cass.

GALEN: Let's see... Jarvis.

- Hey!

And Luca.

Let's do it! We got it!

Here we go, here we go.

Show them tons of love. Here we go!

♪ Step into the limelight ♪

♪ Limelight ♪

GALEN: Whoo!

♪ Step into the limelight ♪

Oh, my gosh!

♪ Limelight, bright lights,
I know they see the glow ♪

♪ I gotta do a thing 'cause
I used to tell me no ♪

♪ I'm so fresh, everybody's like, whoa ♪

♪ Yeah, everybody like, whoa ♪

Great job, Luca!

Oh, God!


Amazing job, everyone.

Everyone did an amazing
job and looked incredible.

When it gets posted,
share with everyone.

They got to see this. It was so amazing!

Have a great rest of your
week. I'll see you next week.

- GALEN: Bye.

You were amazing.

I couldn't take my eyes off you.

- Thank you.
- What made you stay this time?

Uh, Callie.

She actually found my alien ID number,

so I do not have to hide anymore.

Oh, my God, that's great news.

LUCA: I know, right? Yeah.


actually explained everything
to Galen this morning,

and she gave me another chance.

See that?

Good things happen when
you're honest with people.


Maybe, maybe we should talk.

Um, I actually, I have
to go to work right now.

Uh, tonight after your shift.

That sounds good.

Hi, I'm Alice Kwan,

and welcome to my w... Shit!

Alright. Cut, cut. Listen.

And this time, just look at the camera

as if it was your best friend
and say, "Welcome to the world

of 'America's Funniest
Ferrets and Friends.'"

Yes, I know my lines. I wrote them.

Diva. Okay, ready? Take two.

Only this time, a little more zazz.

- Zazz?

Okay, but maybe remember to
hit the record button this time.


Alright, ready and action!

Wait. No! She needs
a little more powder.

- Just, just a little. Just a little.
- Okay.

- Shiny. Shiny.
- That's enough.

Alright, alright. Good. Action!

I am the director!

I am the only one that
is allowed to call action!


ALICE: Welcome to the world
of "America's Funniest Furry Friends."

I'm your host, Alice
Kwan, reporting "fur" duty.

And now we're behind the scenes

of "America's Funniest
Ferrets and Friends."

Much like ferrets,
our hardworking writers

need 8 to 10 meals a day,

which is why we have our
handy craft services truck.


I'll have a tuna cup, please.

This isn't your show.

Get out of here before I call security.

We gotta get out of here. Run!

- Going out for this part too, huh?

Hope one of us gets it. (CHUCKLES)

You with CAA?

Don't forget, after
your haircut at noon,

you have a meeting with the
studio heads at 3:00 p.m.

and dinner with Quentin Ferretino.

Ferret is in.

Representation is at an all-time high.

I feel optimistic. (LAUGHS)

That's it for your host

of "America's Funniest
Ferrets and Friends."

Once again, I'm Alice Kwan,

and I hope you'll tune in next week

for more of our adorable furry friends.

And cut! I think we got it.

Perfecto, bravo!

- Excellent.
- Brava!

Okay, so I guess now
we just cut it together

and send it to the network

and hope they like me better than Derek.

MORTY: How could they not?

Hey, hey, we believe in you, kid.

Just like you believed in us.

- MORTY: Oh!
- Come on, bring it.

- ALICE: Oh, too close!

you enough for doing this.

No, you can't.

I'm not doing it for you.

Okay, so Serena's not really sick.

I spoke to her, and we both agreed

you are Darla,

and this play will not
succeed without you.

- Curtain up in five.
- Thank you.

You are going to k*ll it.

- I think I'm going to be sick.
- What?

First off,

I just want to thank
my peers for electing me

as the new City Council President.

I promise to uphold the
integrity of this council

and serve our great city with honor.

Our first order of business, is item 11:

Bringing The Center for Women
Impacted by Incarceration

and Housing Insecurity back
to the table for a vote.


Open the roll.


Close the roll.

Tabulate the vote.


Motion passes.

So I'm gathering you made
a deal with Jack Hauss.

You got what you wanted
and he got what he wanted.

And now the police will get

all the tanks and military
equipment they want.

I guess you're officially
a politician now.




What am I doing?

I'm supposed to be
getting married tomorrow.

Why am I having cold feet?

♪ I'm on a rollercoaster ♪

♪ Of emotions ♪

♪ What if you were just ♪

♪ My habit to break ♪

♪ Why do I make things so hard? ♪

♪ I've been like this from the start ♪

- Darla, you're a mess.
- WOMAN: You always do this.

- MAN: Pull yourself together.
- MAN 2: You're self-destructive.

I know. I know!

Can I get you another drink?

- Sure.

Frank Barda is the resident
artist at the LA Arts Museum,

and he's known for launching
the careers of his apprentices.

I mean, the exposure
I get to all the people

who matter in the art world is huge.

The people who matter?

Yeah, so there's a small
group of collectors, patrons,

critics who determine
what's important art.

And not the public?

Well, no, the public
doesn't collect fine art.

You trust Yuri?

But I do trust he knows that he owes me.

And he's probably
afraid that I'll out him

if, you know, I don't have
my own reputation to lose.

What about your street art?

Look, I appreciate
that you appreciate it,

but like I've told you,
it's not considered real art.

Yeah. By this cabal
of people who matter.

I don't know. Uh, kowtowing
to a bunch of elites

doesn't really sound like who you are.

Jay, you've known me five minutes.

How could you really know who I am?

Uh, look, I can't sit
around in the moment

eating strawberries all day.

And you're a doctor.

Like, whether or not you're a surgeon

or, or in the ER,

you're part of an elite group.

So don't judge me for
wanting to be somebody.

Okay, so, yes, I did make
a deal with Jack Hauss

to get the women's center passed.

But all I said is I wouldn't

oppose his bid to become
City Council President.

I didn't say

I wouldn't find another way to expose

where her really stands on the issues.

And are you gonna do that?

I'm gonna run against him for his seat.



♪ Don't let me go ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Don't let me go ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Don't let me go ♪

I-I'm so sorry. I, I
shouldn't have done that.

No, no. Don't be. Don't be sorry.

Um, I just... I was not expecting this.

♪ Frozen in time... ♪


- Hey.
- Hey.

So... uh, was Riley in class today?

Yeah. Yeah.

We're actually going to talk tonight.

What are you going to tell her?

I'm not sure. I mean, I...

I guess I'm just,
like, a little confused.

DAVIA: ♪ What is it about
you that turns me on? ♪

♪ I barely know you, but
the feeling's strong ♪

♪ I'm at a loss for
the right words to say ♪

♪ When your wandering
eyes look at me that way ♪

♪ What makes you want to settle? ♪

♪ Don't you want to fool around? ♪

♪ Why are you so intent ♪

♪ On a wedding gown? ♪

MAN: Darla!

What are you doing?

We're getting married tomorrow.

Were you going to cheat on me
the night before our wedding?

You're one to talk about cheating.

Maybe marriage isn't for us.

♪ Oh, girl, you're
preaching to the chorus ♪

Darla, I love you.

Look, just say the word
and we can get out of here.


Yo, I mean, not that.

- Hi. Hello.

You wanted to see me?

Yes, Alice. Uh, take a seat.

I watched your reel.

Oh. So what'd you think?

I think you're hilarious.


You scared me there. Nothing new though.

You're the network. I'm always scared.

Mm, see? So funny.

So, do I get the job as the host?

No. We'll be sticking with Derek.

- However,

I have some even better news.

We've been trying to cast a role

in the new sitcom we picked up,

so I sent your reel to the producers

and guess what?

Afraid to guess actually.

They want to cast you.
As a series regular.

- A series regular.
- KARLA: Mm-hmm.


Really. Exciting, right?

Um, what about "AFF&F"?

Well, since you'll be leaving,
we'll hire a new head writer.

And that person will
keep the guys on staff.

Well, I guess that'll be up to them.

But in these cases, I'm sad to say,

they usually clean house.


♪ I got lost along the way ♪

♪ I thought my story
was written for me ♪

♪ I thought I had it all under control ♪

♪ But the sunset in the distance ♪

♪ Was never there at all ♪

♪ I've been banging down the door ♪

♪ When all along I had the key ♪

♪ And no one's to blame ♪

♪ I just need a change ♪

♪ Some things just aren't meant to be ♪

♪ Because this time ♪

♪ This time ♪

♪ This time ♪

♪ I'm choosing me ♪

This time...

♪ I'm choosing me! ♪


♪ Going through the motions ♪

♪ Everybody knows it ♪

♪ Knows it, knows it ♪

♪ All of these emotions
are locked and loaded ♪

♪ Locked and loaded ♪

♪ Don't know what I'm doing ♪

♪ If it's a game, I'm losing ♪

♪ It's a game, it's a game ♪

♪ In the lottery of human ♪

♪ You win a prison ♪


Hello. Uh...

Are you...

Do you have a moment to, uh, talk?

About some, uh...




I am a huge fan of your work.

I love the use of negative
space in your latest series,

and I've read all your
essays on action painting

and postmodernism.

It would be an honor
to be your apprentice,

and I would work
harder than anyone else.

A career in fine art
is all I've ever wanted.

Uh, like I said, I, uh,
I went to art school,

and this has been my
dream since I was a kid.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

You were saying?

Sorry, I, uh, lost my train of thought.

I'm in. I'm onboard, for all of it.

- Really?
- Yes!

What you're about to do is
important and I want to support you.

And I wanna be with you.

Okay, I better do this! (LAUGHS)


Good evening, and thank you for coming.

My name is Malika Williams

and I'm officially announcing

that I'm running against Jack Hauss

for his seat on the Los
Angeles City Council.

♪ Feel my body heat,
temperature rising ♪

We k*lled it.

- Yes, we did.

MAN: Whoo!

Whoo! (LAUGHS)

There they are!

Congratulations, everyone.

Tonight was a huge success.

We're already getting
calls from investors.

Hmm. A success that in large part

we owe to Davia.

Yeah. I mean, this is my
show, and she's my Darla.

And if you don't agree,

then I'm leaving and
taking my show with me.

- We absolutely agree.

She is a star. You are a star.

MALCOM: Wonderful. So good.

And there's more good news.

Based on tonight's response,
we've decided to skip LA tryouts

and take the show straight to New York.

Off-Broadway to start,

then hopefully opening on Broadway.

- Congrats.
- Congrats.

MAN: Oh, my God.


I knew!

Oh, my God.

- MURRAY: Well, I mean...
- MORTY: No, there's no excuse.

- MURRAY: There's something...
- MORTY: There's nothing. There's...

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Why hasn't she...

- Oh, hey.
- MORTY: Where have you been?

We're on pins and needles.

Um, I took a little walk around the lot.


I'm not the new host.

- Oh, I oughta...
- Alright. Stop it!

- You'll give yourself a hernia.
- Oh.

But, uh, they did offer me a sitcom.

A sitcom?

A part. A part on a sitcom.

- Oh.
- A guest part?


A series regular, actually.

Yeah. Congratulations.

MORRIE: It's wonderful!


does... that mean you're leaving us?


♪ I show love in funny ways ♪


♪ Pull it apart and rearrange ♪

♪ Off stage ♪


DAVIA: And the show
is moving to New York.

New York?

Well, that's the dream, right?

Yes, but, you know,

the show could run for six months

or a year or two years, you know?

Um, maybe you could move
the restaurant to Brooklyn?

You know I would.


So what do we do?

We do long distance.

I'll come to New York as much as I can.

You come home whenever you can.

Okay. Okay.

Uh, but if the show is a success,

you know, two years is a long time.

Not in the scheme of
our whole lives together.

Are we... spending our
whole lives together?

- That's my plan.
- Huh.

We are strong.

We're going to get
through this together,

and everything else that comes our way.


I love you.

I love you, too.

- Holy crap.

I am so proud of you.

You are going to be a star.



Do you have a moment to, uh, talk

about some, uh...

uh, things.


- So, um...
- JOAQUIN: Uh, Mariana.

Sorry to interrupt.

Uh, I need to talk to
you. It's important.

I'm-I'm so sorry. I-I'll be right back.

- What is it?
- Jenna just called.


- Jenna?

JENNA: I only have a second to talk.

Silas is moving Madison's body tonight.

She's buried on the farm,

out in the field south of the bees.

- Wh-what did he say, exactly?
- JENNA: I have to go.

No, no, no, no, no. Hello? Hello.

She said that, that Silas is
moving Madison's body tonight.

We have to tell Detective Briggs.

We already burned our bridges with him.

He's not going to take us seriously.

Should we take this seriously?

- It could be a trap.
- No, I don't think so.

Jenna sounded terrified.

So w-what can we do?

We go out there, we
try to get some photos,

and we bring them to Briggs.

No, Joaquin, we could be arrested.

And if we don't, then
Silas might move the body

and he'll never be caught.

Okay, I'll, I'll meet you downstairs.


Everything alright?

I'm so sorry. Can we talk another time?

Something urgent came up.

Yes. Of course.

Anything I can do to help?


No. Uh, it's personal.

Yeah. I understand.


What is that?

He stopped digging.

I got to get closer. Stay here.

- Yeah.
- MARIANA: Be careful.

- Hey.
- Hey.

How'd it go?

He offered me the job.

So you took it?


- Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, my God.

Is that...

JOAQUIN: Holy shit.

Wh-what do we do now?

What about Silas?

Where is he?

- Joaquin!

Well, I guess it's just
you and me now, Mariana.

- (g*nsh*t)
- Ah!





How's Jenna?

She's, uh,

she's calm, a little bit shaky.

I'm gonna make her some tea.

Oh, hey, I got that.

- How are you doing?
- I'm okay.

Got a hell of a headache, but.

So I, uh, I got a text.

Silas is stable. Looks
like he's gonna make it.


For Jenna.

If he had died, it would have
made everything worse for her.


I hope he goes away for
the rest of his life.

Yeah, how are you... how are you doing?

A little numb.

Glad it's over.



Well, at least Madison's
family gets some closure now.

People always say that, "closure."

As if it's any consolation after
finding out that your daughter's dead.

You're right.

You're right, we just don't
know what else to say, I guess.

Did you talk to Evan?

Evan? No.

Uh, do you know what he wanted
earlier? Why he was here?

I'm sure we'll find out.


Hey, starfish!

What's wrong?

I just got off the
phone with the landlord.

They're selling the building.

And we all have to be
out in three months.




DENNIS: And... white beans
with stirred tomatoes.


Guys, I remember our first
Coterie Family Dinner.

We're so happy you're
here for the last one.

I know, me too. I would not miss it.

Well... while we're all together.

I want to share the new
artwork for the show!

Love it!

She's a star!

A star!

What, what happened to the sitcom?

Oh, I had to turn it down.

Yeah, I didn't want to leave the guys.

And they ended up
cancelling the sitcom anyway.

Yeah, they just pulled the plug.

It's a brutal business.

Oh, look, here's your girl.

Hey, everyone!

Oh, is that Ladle?

- Ladle!
- Hey.

Oh, my money was on the dancer

- not the girl named after a soup spoon.
- Shh.

Wait, Davia, when do
you leave for New York?

- Friday.
- Wow.

Jamie and I will definitely
come up from DC to see the show.

Oh, I would love that. Thank you.

Wait, Malika, how is the campaign going?

It's... going.

What does that mean?

Don't be shy!

She kicked Jack Hauss' ass
in the town hall debates

and she's gaining on him in the polls.

I've had incredible support

from community activists
and organizers, so.

Hey, it's time for these old white men

to step aside so we can let

some fresh young blood into politics.

- Preach!
- ALICE: Preach, brother!

Absolutely. But, sometimes
you have to choose

between the better of two old men

especially when one
wants to be a dictator.

- Yes!
- Absolutely.

Vote, vote, vote, vote!

Yes, save our democracy
and our social rights!

But where are the young
inspirational leaders of tomorrow?

- We're looking at one.
- Hey!

That's right!

Here, here! To councilwoman

soon-to-be-elect, Malika Williams!

Sounds really good to me!

Okay, um, since we're

singing each other's praises, Gael?

Would you care to share?

Well, I just won

a big contract to paint
a mural in downtown.

- Oh!
- DAVIA: Legally?

- Yeah!

- That's amazing!
- Thank you, thank you.

And, um, I gave up the chance
toapprentice for this really big artist

so I can focus on my street art

and it's been paying off.

- Good for you, Gael!
- We've always believed in you.

- ALICE: We're so proud.
- Yes, it's nice to see you

believing in yourself.

Um, I also have some news.


I'm about to go on the road
dancing for Olivia Rodrigo!

Hey, Joaquin, what about you, man?

- What's next?
- Oh, uh,

so my series of articles on cults

is getting a lot of attention and

I have offers to write for
a few different magazines.

- So that's cool.
- That's great!

And once Jenna's done with rehab,

we're gonna go see our parents

and try to work out some family shit.

- That's good, man.
- That's great.

DAVIA: Ooh, that smells good!

I remember everything.

It all came back to me, at once.

Everything we've been through

and all of my, my feelings.



I love you.

What's wrong?


Evan got his memory back.


- Sorry I'm late.

DAVIA: No, you're fine!

Here. Come sit.

- Hello, everyone.

I can't believe this is our last
family dinner at the Coterie.

Yeah. But we're still
gonna get together!

And, we are buying a house!

So you can all come to our place.


ALICE: It's true. Yeah.

It's mostly her money. But, you know.

Look at us all growin' up
and movin' on with our lives.

KELLY: Speak for yourself, girl.

I don't know if anyone
else remembers this one?


♪ Party rock ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Party rock is in the house tonight ♪

♪ Everybody just have
a good time (YEAH) ♪

♪ And we gon' make you
lose your mind (WOO) ♪

♪ Everybody just have a good time ♪


♪ Party rock is in the house tonight ♪

♪ Everybody just have a good time ♪

♪ I can feel it, baby ♪

♪ And we gon' make you
lose your mind (YEAH) ♪

♪ We just wanna see you ♪

Shake that!



♪ Party rock is in the house tonight ♪

♪ Everybody just have a good time ♪

♪ And we gon' make you lose your mind ♪

♪ Everybody just have a
good, good, good time ♪


♪ Put your hands up ♪

Feel it, man!

♪ Put your hands up ♪


♪ Put your hands up ♪

Shake that!

♪ Every day I'm shufflin' ♪

It's the end of an era.

Mm. I hate endings.

But with endings come new beginnings.

Spare me the platitudes.

It sucks.

Yeah, but think of all the great
things that we've done here.

Yeah. No one can ever
take those memories away.

Mm. Never.

I haven't been here that long.

But this is the best
place I've ever lived.

I mean, I guess it's not saying
much. I was homeless before this.

But, still, it's the
best. it's the best.

I mean, I came here
to spy on all of you.

I didn't even find any dirt.

But, um, I did find, uh,

- a group of lifelong friends.
- Yeah.

- Love you, dude.
- Love ya.

Do you think anyone will remember us?

That we were even here?

I like to think so.

That we had some sort of impact.

Man, I'm gonna miss you all.

- Ugh, me too!
- So much.

All of you.

Can we please just

promise to keep in touch as see
each other as much as we can?

- Yeah.
- A family forever.

A toast.

To the best of times past

and the best of times to come.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

♪ I can't wish you away ♪

Alright, guys.

I think I'm gonna turn in for the night.

So... good night.

- Good night.
- Night, man.

LUCA: Yeah, me too.

♪ But she's not there anymore ♪

♪ She's not there... ♪

Yeah. I'm done feeling things.

♪ Better call her by a different name ♪

♪ 'Cause I... ♪

♪ I'll never be the same ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ This time is for the better ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ This time is for the better... ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I feel the loss ♪

♪ The cost of loving ♪

♪ But I'm gonna let
the floodgates open ♪

♪ And I'll let that river ♪

♪ Carry me off to a place... ♪

I don't wanna say good-bye.

I know.

- Me either.

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ This time is for the better ♪

♪ Movin' on ♪

♪ It feels like hell ♪

♪ But I'm learning
how to not get burned ♪

♪ By the embers of my own flame ♪

♪ Mmm... ♪


It's been quite the journey.

And there's no one that I
would have rather done it with.



♪ Mmm, I'm changin' ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ This time is for the better ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ This time is for the better ♪

♪ Change, change, change... ♪

♪ I'm changin' ♪

♪ For the better ♪

♪ This time, for the better ♪

♪ Change, change, change... ♪

- ♪ I am changing ♪
- ♪ For the better ♪

♪ This time is for the better ♪
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