01x05 - The Runaways!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Raccoons". Aired: July 4, 1985 – August 28, 1992.*
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Series revolves around Bert Raccoon and married couple Ralph and Melissa Raccoon, of whom Bert is a friend and roommate.
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01x05 - The Runaways!

Post by bunniefuu »


Cyril Sneer:

Cyril Sneer:

Cyril Sneer:
Cedric get

Cyril Sneer:
Cedric get over

Cyril Sneer:
Cedric get over here!


Cedric Sneer:
No Pop, I'm leaving.

Pig: He's with the raccoons!

Cyril: What?! The Raccoons?!

I should have known!

They'll never know
what hit them!

Cedric, just stand right there

and he's never going back.

Narrator: This is the
Evergreen forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



It's a beautiful day.

The kind of day when everything
feels just right.

And as morning breaks in the
Evergreen forest,

Schaeffer is off
to help his friends

Ralph, Bert and Melissa Raccoon
with their garden.

Unfortunately for Ranger Dan,

things aren't as pleasant inside

as they are outside.

[kids laughing]

Dan: The kids promised
to clean this mess

first thing this morning.

Tommy, Julie, could you
please come in here?

Broo the Puppy: Woof-woof!
[ball bouncing]

[ball bouncing]




[sad whine]

Dan: Didn't we make
an agreement last night?

You've got to be
more considerate,

and clean up the
messes you make.

Julie/Tommy: Yes, Dad.

Dan: I think it would be fair
if you guys cleaned up this mess

by the time I get
back, don't you?

Julie: Yes, Dad!

Tommy: Yes Dad.

Dan: Don't forget now,

I'll see you soon.

Julie/Tommy: Bye.

Julie: He's not very
happy with us, is he?

Here Tommy, you put
the toys in the box

and I'll put the books away.

Broo: [sad whine]

Tommy: This is no fun.

It's a lot nicer
outside than it is in here!

Julie: I know, I'd
rather be outside too,

but you heard Dad.

Tommy: You know,
if we weren't here,

then we wouldn't be making
these messes all the time.

Julie: And dad wouldn't be
getting angry with us.

Tommy: Maybe he'd
be happier without us.

Julie: Maybe he would.
Maybe we should leave.

Tommy: Yeah, we can
get along on our own.

Julie: Hey, you want to?
Come on Tommy?

It'll be fun!

Tommy: Yeah, let's go!

Broo: [whines]

Tommy: Ohh Broo...
we wouldn't leave without you.

Julie: I'll get the backpack!

Tommy: I'll get the food!

Julie: This will be fun!

I guess, we'll never
see this house again,

Tommy: Yeah.

Broo: Woof-woof!

Tommy: Hey Broo, wait for us!
Julie: Broo... [laugh]

[phone ringing]

Cyril: Big Time Corporation
down two points?!?

Buy 100 shares, got that?!

[phone ringing]

Enormous Industrial
up three points?!

[phone ringing]
Sell, sell!!

I'll make a fortune! Got that?

Cedric: Yep, Pop!

Cyril: Sofia will be here at 12.

Bring sandwiches. Got that?

Cedric: Yes, Pop!

Cyril: Sandwiches!?

Cedric: Uh...Pop?
That was a personal call for me.

Cyril: What?! I've told you
a thousand times,

no personal calls
on the business lines.

Cerdic: But Pop,
we don't have any other lines.

Cyril: That's because there's
no profit in a personal call.

Anyway, what's this about lunch,

when they're bucks to be?

Cedric: Well, I, I thought
I'd take an hour off

for a picnic with Sophia.

Cyril: An hour off??

That's where it all starts.

Then you'll want an
hour and a half off!

Then you'll want a week off!

Then three weeks paid
vacation and a dental plan!

Cedric: No, Pop!

It's just a picnic.

Cyril: Oooh,
now it's a company picnic?

Next, it'll be a company car,
and then a pension!

Why don't you
just retire right now?!


Cerdic: Well, uh...
if that's what you want.

If that's the way he wants it,

then that's the
way he'll get it.

Retire right now, huh?

Well, maybe I will take
the rest of my life off!

Cyril: Cedric,
the stock market has reopened!

You're not still going
on that picnic, are you?

Cedric: No Pop, I'm leaving!

Cyril: Snow shoes?!

Where is this picnic?
The North Pole?


That was a little
funny one there! [laughs]


Cedric: No Father,
you told me to retire,

and that's what I'm going to do.

Cyril: Don't be foolish,
you're overreacting.

Cedric: Could you please
hand me my snorkel?

Cyril: Well,
seeing you're intent on it,

Let me help you pack.

Cedric: No, thank you!

Cyril: And while we're at it,

why don't I call the limousine?

Cedric: I can manage very well
on my own. Thank you.

Cyril: So alright!

You call the limousine.

Don't forget to write!

Running away from home...
Ha! He'll be back.

They all come back.

♪ [suspenseful music]

Narrator: At that moment,
not far off in the forest,

Schaeffer, Ralph,
Melissa and Bert

were busy gathering the fall
harvest from their garden.

Bert: He-he-he...


Melissa: Woaaah!


[bam, ploink!]

Bert: Ow!

Melissa: Oh, sorry Bert,

are you alright?

Bert: I...yeah, I think so.


[wagon squeaking]

Cedric: Hi guys.
Ralph: Hi Cedric!

Schaeffer: Hey.
What's in the trunk?

Cedric: Oh nothing,

just a few of my
personal belongings.

Melissa: Cedric,
is everything all right?

Cedric: No. I've left home.

Pop doesn't appreciate me.

He thinks I'm just a living,
breathing, adding machine.

Melissa: Oh, Cedric.

Cyril loves you, in
his own mercenary way.

Cedric: Well, he sure has a
funny way of showing it,

Ralph: But what are
you going to do?

Where are you going to stay?

Cerdic: Well, I...

I guess I'll just
camp up somewhere other.

Bert: Heeeey, I know!

You can share my room.

Melissa: That's right!
You can stay with us.

Ralph: We'd be happy
to help you out.

Bert: It'll be like a
sleepover party!

Every night!
[laughs] Yoohooo!

Cedric: This is gonna be fun!

I think I'm going to be
very happy in my new home.

Gee, thanks guys.

Narrator: As the day wore on,

Tommy and Julie were having
a wonderful time,

as they wandered
further from home

and deeper into
the Evergreen forest.

Broo: Woof! [pants]

Tommy: Hey, how about
a game of leapfrog?

Julie: Sure!


Tommy: [laughs]

Julie: [giggles]
Come on, Broo!

Broo: Woof-woof!

♪ [upbeat music]


♪ Uuuuh-uuh-uuuh


Julie: [giggles]
Wait up, Broo!

♪ I can see a light shining
in the night from you ♪


♪ Somewhere in the dark,


♪ A lone spark or two


♪ So why, oh why,

♪ can't I get through to you?


♪ I try and try

♪ but what more can I do?


♪ Sooner or later


♪ The sooner, the better


♪ Tell her you love her


♪ Never forget her


♪ Sooner than later


♪ The sooner, the better


Julie: Boo!
Tommy: Uaah!



Broo: Woof!

[phone ringing]

Cyril: Mega Corp!

The Pig: But Sir,
it's only 11:30!

Cyril: We're not talking time.
We're talking dollars!

If you were twice as smart
as you think you are,

you'd still be a halfwit!


The Pig: Uaaah!







Cyril: Hello, Mega Property!

Fine! Then sell!

Then buy, then sell! Then buy!

[chuckles] They'll
never know what hit them!


What are you morons doing?

This place looks
like a pig sty!

The Pig: Ohh, thanks Sir!

We try, Sir.

Cyril: You idiots are costing
me money on the stock market!

And right now, pork futures
aren't looking very bright!

The Pigs: Uuuh!

♪ [playful music]


Melissa: Bert, don't
eat so many carrots.

Save some for dinner.

Bert: They're uh, heh heh,

good for the eyesight, Melissa.

Schaeffer: [chuckles]
At the rate you're going,

you'll have X ray vision.

Ralph: Cedric,
what are you doing?

Cedric: Making
an inventory chart.

Every time you take
a jar from the cupboard,

you have to sign for it.

Pop does that.

Inventory control cuts costs.

Melissa: Cedric, we
don't need to do that here.

Cedric: Melissa, if you cut down

on the number
of carrots per jar,

you could increase your
growth product by 10%.

Of course, I can't fix your
whole system in a day,

but in a year or so,

I can have everything
running smoothly.

[phone ringing]

Cyril: Hello! Hello? Hello!


The McHuge corporation
is down 117 points?!


That's a disaster!!
Cedric, get over here!

The Pig: Who's turn
is it to be Cedric?

Not me. I was him last time.

Not me! The glasses
make me dizzy.

[nervous chuckle]

Oh, Sir, we don't really
cut it as Cedric.

Maybe you should get him back?

Cyril: Maybe your ears would
look good as a purse.

The Pig: Maybe...?

♪ [gentle music]

Julie: I'm getting hungry.

Let's stop and eat lunch.

Tommy: Yeah, good idea!

You're going to love
what I packed for lunch.

Broo: Woof-woof!


Tommy: Look! Ice cream.

Julie: Oh, Tommy...

Broo: [lick-lick]

Tommy: Don't worry,
I've got some...

...chocolate bars.

Julie: Is that
all you packed?!

Tommy: Yeah.

Julie: I'm so hungry.

Maybe we should
pick some berries?

Tommy: But we don't know
which ones are safe to eat.

Julie: Dad would know.


Melissa: Hi Sophia.
Sophia Tutu: Hi Melissa,

is Cedric here?

Cedric: Sofia!!

Sophia: Cedric, I just
stopped by the mansion

to meet you for our picnic,

and the Pig said you'd run away.

Cedric: Yes. I'm on my own now.

Sophia: What
on earth happened?

Cedric: Oh, Pop doesn't
appreciate me.

How did Pop look, by the way?

Sophia: Oh, terrible!
Cedric: Really?

Sophia: Yes, the pigs have made
a mess out of everything.

Cedric: Really?

Did he say anything about me?

Sophia: Well...

He seemed to think
you'd be back in an hour.

Bert: Hey Dad, well he's wrong!

'Cause Cedric's stayin' right
here where he's needed!!

Right, roomy?

Cedric: Uhm...that's right.

Cyril: How could you leave me,
you thankless ingrate?

After all I've done for you!!

Keeping you out
of the poor house,

sending you to the best college?

And what about all the
good times we've had?

Oh, remember when I took you
to make your first deposit,

and I bought the bank
and froze your assets?

Wasn't that fun?

And this is how you repay me?

♪ [melancholic music]

Baby Cedric: [crying]


Cedric: Ugh!

Cyril: Uaaah!

♪ [sad music]



The Pigs: Smash-smash!
Cyril: Well, did you find him?

The Pig: Yes Sir! We followed
the girl, like you said and...

The Pig: He's with the Raccoons!

Cyril: The Raccoons?!

I should have known!

They're the ones
who put him up to this!

The Pig: But Sir...?

Cyril: Those bothersome
rodents are a bad influence.

They've got the poor kid

The Pig: But Sir, you were
the one who made him retire.

You were the one who...

[nervous laugh] Uhm...saw
through the raccoons all along.

Cyril: And don't
you ever forget it!!

The Pig: Winning him back
looks almost impossible, Sir.

Cyril: Nothing's impossible!

Where there's a will...

...there's a way

of writing your one
and only son out of it!

The Pigs: [gasp!]

Narrator: As dusk begins to fall
on the Evergreen forest,

Schaeffer and Sophia
set off for home,

and Cedric prepares to spend

his first night on his own.

Cedric: Well, time
for me to unpack.

Bert: Hey, what you're
looking for, Cedric?

Cedric: My favorite bowl.

I like to eat my chocolate
pudding from my favorite bowl.

Bert: Chocolate pudding??

Ho-hoo! Yummy!

Cedric: Yeah! Every night,
Dad makes me chocolate pudding

before I go to bed.

Ah-ha! Here it is.

Ralph: Gee, you sure
packed a lot of stuff, Cedric.

Cedric: Oh no! This
is just my overnight bag.

I'm expecting the rest shortly.

[loud knocking]

Melissa: I wonder who that could
be at this time of night?

Bert: I'll get it!

[gasps] Hey, what
are you doing here?

The Pig: None of your
business.!We're here for Cedric!

Cedric: Oh, have you guys
brought my bags?

The Pig: No...

We've brought you...

an ultimatum.

Cedric: I'd rather have my bags.

[squeaky sound]

The Pig: Aaoooh!

[squeaky sound]

Your dad...our boss...

owner of many things,

including Snag, wants you home.

Right now!!

Or you will be written
out of his Will.

Bert: Aaaah...hog-wash!

Cedric: His Will?!
Well, that's too bad,

but if he really wanted me,

he'd come and get me.

Bert: Yeah, we got news for him.

Cedric is staying right here

and he's never going back!

You got that?!


That'll show old Cyril,
eh Cedric?


Cedric: [sadly]
Yes, Bert.

♪ [dramatic music]

[wild animals sounds]


Julie: Uuuh...
Tommy: Uaah!

[scary sounds]

Julie/Tommy: [screams]

♪ [dramatic music]


[owl screeches]

[scary sounds]





Tommy: I wanna go home!
Julie: Me too.

I wish, we just cleaned up the
mess like Dad asked us to.

Let's go back home, Tommy.

Tommy: But...but
which way is home?

[distant howl]
Julie: I don't know.

Oh, Tommy...
I think we're lost.

[thunder rumbles]
Broo: [whines]

Cyril: I've lost him,
my only son.

Snag: [growling]
Cyril: He's never coming back.

Me! Cyril Sneer!

Why, I've never lost
anything in my whole life.

My days won't be complete
without him, Snag.

♪ [gentle music]

Dan: Julie? Tommy?

Julie, Tommy, I'm home!

are the kids with you?

Schaeffer: Uhn uh!

Dan: Then where are they?
Schaeffer: [barks]

Dan: I'm worried! It's
not like them to be away.

♪ [dramatic music]

[sighs] We've got
to find them, Schaeffer.

Come on, let's go!

Schaeffer: [barks]

Ralph: Goodnight, Bert.
Goodnight, Cedric!

Cedric: Good night.
Bert: Good night.

Cedric: Wait!
Bert: What is it?

Cedric: I can't fall asleep
until I hear my lullaby.

Ralph: I don't think
we know your lullaby.

Melissa: Why don't
you sing it for us,

and maybe we'll learn
it for tomorrow night?

Cedric: It's not the same,
unless Pop is singing it.

Cyril: And I'll never
be able to sing him

that lullaby...again.

♪ A dollar for your
thoughts, my son ♪

♪ See money while you sleep.

♪ Watch those dollars
jump the fence ♪

♪ Instead of silly sheep.

Cedric: That's it!!
That's my song!

Cyril: ♪ And as each dollar...

♪ ...earn its wings

♪ Snatch it from the air

♪ Do this a million
times, my son ♪

♪ And you'll be a millionaire

Cedric: Pop!
Pop, is that you?


Pop! Pop? Pop?

Pop!! You came for me?

Cyril: Well...I was
just in the neighborhood.

I...I was walking the Snag!

Cedric: But, Pop...

You never walk Snag!

Cyril: Well, it was...

Well, it was for the exercise.

It's good for
the heart, you know?

Cedric: Ah Pop,
you're all heart.

Schaeffer: [sniffing]

Ruff, ruff, ruff!

Dan: It's Tommy's.
Good boy, Schaefer!

♪ [dramatic music]


[distant howling]

Broo: Auuuuuuu!


[distant howl]

Schaeffer: [howls]

Julie: Tommy,
did you hear that?!

Tommy: I'm scared?

[distant howl]
Julie: [gasps]

[distant howling]


Julie: Help!
Schaefer: Woof!

Julie: [gasps]

Dan: Tommy! Julie!

[dogs panting]
Tommy: Oh, Dad...

Are we ever glad to see you!

Broo: [happy barking]
Dan: Come on kids,

let's go home!

Cyril: ♪ And as each
dollar earns its wings. ♪

♪ Snatch it from the air

♪ Do this a million
times, my son ♪

♪ And you'll be a millionaire.

[soft snorring]

Good night, Cedric.

I knew he'd come back.

Tommy: We love you Daddy.

Dan: I love you too.

My life would be
empty without you.

Narrator: Tommy and Julie
discovered that day,

as Cedric did,

that even though their father
was angry with them,

it didn't mean he
stopped loving them.

That night, in the
Evergreen forest,

everyone slept
in their own beds.

Happy to know,

there's no place like home.

♪ [show theme music]


♪ Ooooooh

♪ You can run with us

♪ We've got
everything you need ♪

♪ Run with us

♪ We are free

♪ Come with us

♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us

♪ Oh-oh-oooh, run with us

♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

♪ Run with us
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