01x02 - Bullard Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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01x02 - Bullard Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Is this familiar?

Children don't come with instructions.

But now sanity is speeding your way.

She's supernanny, gifted with over years of experience.

She's cared for countless kids...

You going to shake my hand and say hello?

...cured thousands of tantrums,

...saved hundreds of families,

And she's putting a moratorim on mayhem.

Look at me.

Each week, a new family screams for help.

Supernanny answers the call.

No problem is too big...

[ Screams ]

No child is too difficult.

She's jo frost, supernanny.

You've been very, very naughty.

Tonight on "supernanny," jo meets the bullards...


...whose children's bratty backtalking...

And bedtime hysterics have let mom emotionally drained.

I feel like a horrible mom.

Jo has weeks to help rebuiid mom's broken spirit

And teach these overworked parents

How to regain control of their household.

If this works out, it's gonna change everything.

[ Crying ]

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Johnny

Let's take a look and see who we've got here.

Okay, hi. We're the bullards.

I'm jen, and this is bryce.

And we're here to talk about our two kids,

Brycie, who's , and rylan, who's .


Ha ha.ha ha.

We own a plumbing company,

And bryce runs the operations outside of the office,

And I run the operations in the house.

[ Telephone rings ]

Bullard plumbing.

When bryce is at work,

I'm usually taking care of the kids,

Manning the phones,

Making sure all the invoices and bids get out.

The problems that we have with bryce

Are backtalking us all the time...


...not listening...

Get in here now. Get in here.

Stop it.

Bryce: ...being very rude and disrespectful to us.

You're years old. Stop.

Bryce, just settle down, please.

[ Laughing ]

Bedtime with rylan, it's pretty frustrating.

Rylan just does not want to go to bed at night.

I love you.

Come on.

As a mother, I feel like

I've done something wrong to create this.

[ Crying ]

[ Exhales heavily ]

I feel like the kids run the house.

Hang on. No. Just wait.

Bedtime. Come on.

It's been minutes.

[ Grunting ]

This is crazy.

Don't you throw that toy. I got you.

I think it's just easier to give in to the kids...

Do you want to brush your teeth?

...than to enforce the rules.

You don't have to. Will you just come out?

I would love to get control of our house back.

I would love to know that we are in charge,

Instead of my children being in charge.

I'd definitely love to get control back.

I am begging for supernanny's help right now.


This family clearly needs help, and I'm on my way.


How are you?

That's the supernanny!

I'm bryce. Nice to meet you.

I'm pleased to meet you, bryce.

I'm jen, and this is rylan.

Hello, rylan.

When I first arrived at the bullard family,

They were extremely pleased to see me.

Say, "nice to meet you."

Pleased to meet you.

Come on in.

I think I was expecting an older, very stern woman.

Bryce: I was expecting supernanny to be really strict

And ready to tell us exactly what to do.

Jen: it was a wonderful surprise when I met jo.

She's someone I feel like

I could sit down and talk to right away.

You've got some issues that need to be addressed,

But I'm here today to observe you as a family,

So go ahead as normal.

I'm not here, and I will watch you.

Brilliant. All right, then.

Just after I arrived, brycie started to act up.

Hey, tell me about your day.

It was cold out? Bryce?


What's the deal?

What's the deal?

Brycie could sometimes be disrespectful

And backtalking his parents.

That's not nice. You don't have to say that.

You don't have to talk like that.

When? When? When?

And is that constant, the smart-mouthing?

The smart-mouthing, yeah, has definitely gotten worse.

Smart-mouthing is -- yeah.

Smart-mouthing! Yeah!

Hey, bryce.

Bryce, you're gonna go to time-out

And go to bed early.


You're gonna go to bed early tonight.

And the mimicking -- all of that.

Yeah, he does that to annoy us.

There are ways in which you can voice your opinion,

And how brycie does that is not acceptable.

There you go, guys.

Don't color on the table.

The boys were coloring at the dining table,

And rylan went to color on brycie's book,

And he had an absolute fit.

Bryce, stop.

No, no, no!


Bryce, stop it!


Bryce: tell him to go to time-out.


Put him in time-out.

Bryce, listen to me.


[ Crying ]

That's ridiculous.

Look at me. Wait a second, bryce.

Brycie, look at me, okay?

He doesn't know better.

Bryce, he doesn't understand.

Bryce, that's not yours. Yours is right here.

You don't have to act like that.

Why do you act like that?

This all got heated.

There's no communication going on in the kitchen,

And, clearly, mum has had enough.

Do you need help with anything?

What are you coloring?

What is that?

[ Telephone rings ]

Bullard plumbing.

[ Telephone rings ]

Bullard plumbing.

[ Telephone rings ]

This phone doesn't stop ringing --

Just constant ringing.

It's really loud, as well.

That was too easy.

Jen: hey, don't drag him.

That was too easy.

Where were you?

Well, come on.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Beeps ]

[ Telephone rings ]

Businesswoman now.

I'm constantly moving.

If I'm not working in the office,

I'm doing laundry.

If I'm not doing laundry, I'm taking care of rylan.

If I'm not taking care of rylan,

I'm mopping the floors.

There's plenty to do here during the day.

[ Telephone rings ]

There goes my phone.

Jen's just taken on too much for her own good.

Come on.

Nothing's really being done properly.

So, why don't you get them started with some spaghetti?

Hang on. I'll get you some.

Jo: so, jen, you get to eat tonight?

I do get to eat tonight, just a little later.

Okay, here we go.

[ Telephone rings ]

Bullard plumbing.


Can you hear me?

Okay, let me go get on a different phone.

Hold on one second.

This phone might be going dead.

It's :, and mum's day still hasn't ended.

Not on the couch.

We're working over here. You guys go over there.

Bryce, we're working over here, okay?

Settle down. Settle down. Settle down.


Aah! Aah!


It's : at night.

The children are overstimulated,

Running around the house.

How are they gonna get the children to bed?


[ Laughing ]

Jen: sweet dreams.

I'll leave it cracked, okay?

Bryce: we're putting him to bed, right?

Okay, good night, sweetheart.

Putting rylan to bed -- it's hard work.

[ Crying ]

That usually takes hours.

Mommy's here.

His winnie the pooh blanket's out on the couch.

What's the matter?

Let's get your blankie.

Come on.

Here, rylan.

Here, buddy.

[ Crying ]

I love you.

Sweet dreams, sweetheart.

[ Crying ]

Night-night, buddy. I love you.

[ Crying continues ]

Getting rylan to sleep is a nightmare.

It really is a nightmare for the whole family.

No, rylan. Come here, sweetheart.

Brycie, hold on a second, please.

I love you.

Rylan, hey.

Hey, come on.

Come on, bryce. It's fine.

The only thing is that you'll sit with him on the couch

Until he goes to sleep --

Stay out of it. You don't put him to bed.

So why don't you just let me try,

And you go work for a little bit, okay?



[ Crying continues ]

I'll be right back to check on you.

I'll come check on you, honey.

I love you.

So, how many times do you do that a night?

Probably about five times.

Five times --

Putting him into bed, comes out,

Putting him back to bed?

Does he come out of the room?

Yes, sometimes, he comes out of his room,

Which he's about to do right now.

[ Crying ]


Jen trying to put rylan to bed

Was extremely emotional to watch.

How does it make you feel

When you've got to listen to your baby cry?

It's exhausting.

It's horrible.

[ Sniffling ]


Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

I don't know what we did wrong, I guess.

I don't know how this started or when it started,

But I just don't know how to help him.

Coming up, on "supernanny"...

[ Crying ]

...jen breaks down...

I feel like a horrible mom.

...and jo lays down the law.

If you do not open your eyes, I might as well go home now.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Johnny

[ Crying ]

Jen: putting rylan to bed takes hours.

I think it was maybe nine times he had gotten up

Until, finally, I just agreed that he could sit on the sofa.

You just sit with mommy? No?

It just feels hopeless.

I just don't see an end coming to it.

[ Sniffling ]

Hey, come here.

Come here.


You can take a break, hon. You don't have to...

Do you know...

Jen, it's all right to turn around

And go, "I don't know."


It's hard for me to say that, though.

Because why?

I feel like a horrible mom.

What makes you feel like you're a horrible mum, jen?

Because you only have one chance with these kids...

And I just feel like...

If I don't know what I'm doing,

Then they're gonna pay for it,

And it's a horrible feeling.

'Cause I love my boys so much,

And I just don't want to screw them up.

Oh, I know you do.

I see that, jen. I see that.

I see that very clearly.

And that is all right, to turn around and go,

"I love my kids, but I don't know.

I haven't got the answers."

I haven't a clue.

But it's all right to admit that.

Thank you.

It's all right to admit that.

We are so happy you're here.

And I'm glad I'm here, too.

Jo: jen had struggled for more than hours to settle rylan.

She feels completely out of control,

And she's desperate.

She doesn't know where to turn, what to do for the better,

And she's exhausted, mentally and physically.

When I first meet a family,

I go in and I observe their family life

And the dynamics between parents and their children,

And I take mental notes throughout the day

Of what I feel is not working.

And I sit down, and I talk to the parents.

Well, I've observed, and I've taken mental notes,

So follow me through, and let's have a chat.


Jen: jo's probably noticing that we're always yelling

And screaming in my house.

It's always chaotic.

It's nerve-racking having a stranger in the house,

But maybe she'll give us some peace in the house

And a little more control.

Jo: bryce and jen...

I've had the pleasure of being able

To come inside your home and observe.

You have two adorable children.

I think it's fantastic that you have your own business.

Your business puts the bread and butter on the table.

I do recognize, though,

That there is a price that is being paid...

And that price is steep.

You run a successful business that's open -.

But let me remind you, you're both parents,

And that's a - job, too.

We've got brycie, who backchats.

I mean, why do you sit and tolerate brycie,

Who's years old,

And he talks to you with such disrespect?

I don't know what else I can do.

I can't smack him or anything,

'Cause that's not right.

Your boy is laughing at the pair of you,

And you're his parents.

You're meant to be in charge.

It's absurd.

Sleeping is a big, big, big issue in this house.

You have taught rylan exactly how to behave.

You have given him the bad habits.

You've taught him that,

If he screams and cries enough,

That he can come out onto the sofa.

Can you blame him?



He wants his quality time with you during the nighttime

Because he's not given it during the day.

I work from : to : every day,

So I'm not here during the day at all

To have any structure or any playtime

Or anything with him.

And when you are home,

We're busy doing other things,

Other than just sitting and spending time with him,

I think is what she's saying.

You're not consistent, the pair of you,

With anything that you lay down as discipline.

You don't agree on anything.

Yeah, it's true.

And, jen, you shout at bryce.

I know I talk badly to him.

You need a break?

This is tough to hear, but this is the truth.

You're meant to be together.

You're meant to be solid.

You're your kids' rock,

And there's no united front between the pair of you.

If you do not take what I am saying seriously,

If you do not open your eyes

To see exactly what's going on in your family life...

Then we're fighting a losing battle,

And I might as well go home now.

No, I'm definitely taking it seriously, yeah.

I'm dedicated to be able

To help the pair of you turn that around.

Are you committed %, bryce?


Jen, are you?


So we're in for some hard work,

But we're in to change this for the good.

She pinned us when she said that bryce and I don't communicate.

We don't have time to discuss our children.

When we are talking, it's usually business.

She had a lot of good points,

So I think the truth is what hurt the most.

It's good.

I think it's gonna be really good for the family.

We needed to hear it.

Coming up, on "supernanny"...

Jo shows the bullards how to tame the boys' rebellion.

If they don't listen,

You place them on the naughty mat.

But will jen have the strength to follow through?

[ Crying ]

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good


How are you?


I want to put something on the fridge door.

When I've seen the issues that need to be addressed,

I then go in to the family with a new household routine.

"The bullard work and family schedule."

I'm excited. Okay.

They so badly need to maintain a balance

Between their work and their family life.

This work and family schedule gives you boundaries.

Where you see red, it means that you can't answer the phone,

Which I think has evened out nicely throughout the day.

The places where I've stated

That you need to have the phone off

Is because they're crucial to your family.

There's no reason why this can't work.

I think that's fantastic.

I know he is probably annoyed,

'Cause he wants me to answer the phone hours a day,

But I think that will help me out tremendously.

Bryce: I think it'll work well,

Except for, maybe, the phones for the business,

But, other than that,

I hope we can stick to the schedule.

Jo: after establishing the routine,

I wanted to address the discipline

And the children's naughty behavior.

These mats -- there's two of them.

Rug, yes.

It's a rug. Yes, it is, rylan.

I'm introducing naughty mats into the home.

Okay, this is how it goes.

You give your children a warning.

You tell them to stop the behavior

That's not acceptable.

You come down to their level, okay?

And you give them eye contact, and you use a voice...

[ Deep voice ] that's low like that.

Stop that behavior.

[ Normal voice ] once you give that warning,

If they don't listen to you,

You place them on the naughty mat.

You say to them, "you've not listened,

And I want you to stay there now until I come and get you."

When that time is up, go back over,

And you say to them,

"That behavior was not acceptable.

"You know why you're here on that step.

I want an apology."

[ Telephone rings ]

Jen: you've reached bullard plumbing.

Please leave a message, and we'll get back to you.

Jo: the phones were off. The schedule was working well.

Everything was going fine until brycie started to play up.


Bring me your backpack, sweetie.

Brycie started to push rylan around,

And he just wouldn't stop.

Jen: bryce, bryce, stop.

Jo: jen, the first warning.

If I have to ask you again, you'll go to the naughty mat.

He didn't stop pushing his brother,

So he got sent to the naughty mat.



Walk to the mat right now.

Brycie: mom!

Change your tone.

And he did not like it.

He started shouting and yelling at the top of his voice.

Jo: if you don't put your foot down now

And you don't show him authority --

Don't look at him.

Don't look at him and give him dirty looks.

You're the adult here, and you're in charge.

All right?

Just ignore him shouting,

And you just do your thing with rylan,

And after minutes,

Then you go over to him, okay?


Jo: jen stuck out the minutes,

And she went and told him, "I want an apology."

I will listen to you,

But I want you to calmly tell me what you have to say.

Give me a hug.

I want you to say you're sorry.

This is what we do. This is what we do.

You didn't listen to mommy,

So mommy would like an apology for that behavior.

You get the apology, he comes off the mat, okay?

I'm saying this quite clearly in front of you, brycie.

You know why?

Because you're a smart, intelligent boy,

And I know that you know better.

But you do need to listen to mommy.

Brycie's realizing that when he behaves

In a way that's unacceptable, there is a consequence for it.

Come here.

Come here.


[ Telephone rings ]

Later on, jen got a phone call from bryce.


Where are you?

No, I've been trying to get ahold of you, bryce,

And you haven't been answering your phones.

Jen: okay. All right. Bye.

Jo: so, what's going on?

I just got off the phone with bryce.

I could tell he was agitated with me

Because I had the phone off.

He doesn't know how to separate work and family.

To him, it's all one.

Bryce: hello.

There's daddy.

Hey, what's up, buddy?

What's up?

Jo: tonight, jen started to tell bryce

Exactly how she was feeling.

I just want you to understand

That this schedule is important to me.

I like it, and it's working for me so far.

It's just gonna be hard to get used to.

Know that you can get ahold of me at those times.

Yeah, but it doesn't work that way.

It does. It can wait.

People aren't gonna die.

It's plumbing.

Bryce: I don't like the phones being off.

It's a sacrifice for the better, I think,

But, still, it's gonna be tough.


Jo: mum and dad have allowed rylan's sleeping pattern

To take over the entire family every evening.

This issue seriously needs to change,

Because it's affecting everybody in the family dramatically.

Jen and bryce, we're gonna use the sleep separation technique

With rylan to get him off to sleep, okay?

And this is how it works.

You come into the room.

You keep calm.

You read a nighttime story,

Kisses and cuddles, and so to bed.

And you place rylan into his crib.

When you've done that, you move to this corner here,

And you sit down, like so,

So he can see the side of your face,

But you're not giving him eye contact.

Each night, you move further and further away

From the crib or bed,

So that you establish this pattern

Of your child feeling secure in their bed,

But not feeling anxious

Because they're left in their bedroom on their own.

Do not under any circumstances --

As soon as you see him trying to climb over,

Get up from your spot, and try and stop him,

Because what you will do

Is find yourself fighting with your son in the crib like this

To try and keep him down, and you can't control that.

From wherever he's standing,

He's not getting no communication

Or eye contact with you,

Because that is what he's gonna be looking for,

And that is what he's gonna try and grab.

And once he's got it, he won't stop.

Jen: putting rylan to bed takes hours.

I'm usually just exhausted and nearly in tears.

If this bedtime routine works out,

It's gonna change everything.

Jo: jen went to put rylan to bed

And had started to read stories to him.

And then, very quickly, he gave her signs

That he wanted to go into the living room.


No sofa -- here, rylan's room.

It's lovely.

[ Whining ]


Kisses and cuddles, and so to bed.

Rylan, it's time for night-night.

Jo: jen put rylan in his crib, and he didn't want to go there.






Jen: I started to kind of feel anxious about the routine

When I had to bow my head and basically ignore him.

[ Crying ]

Jo: rylan decided to climb out of the crib.

Jen put him back into the crib, and he just went mad.

[ Shrieking ]

Jen: when rylan was just crying, "mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"

It got to be too much at one point.

I almost got up and grabbed him out of the crib.

[ Crying ]

Jo: jen became very emotional and started to cry.

Listening to her child call her name

Was just ripping her heart out.



Jen: although it was only minutes,

It seemed like an hour.

I honestly could not have done that without jo.

I was just so excited

That we had gotten my -year-old to sleep

And fairly calmly.

I was just so happy, I can't even put it into words.

Jo: I'm gonna leave for a couple of days,

And jen and bryce are gonna have to put the techniques

That I've taught them into practice,

Because I'm not around forever.

You guys are on your own.

I want to see that routine underneath your belts.

I want to see no more backchat from brycie.

Follow the small details with the technique --

The bedtime routine.

Talk to one another.

Thank you.


I think they're gonna be challenged while I'm away.

Take care.

Thank you very much.

Trust me.

I am gonna be watching them.

Jen: I'm worried that when she's gone,

I'm gonna forget.

All of a sudden,

I feel like I don't know how to parent.

Coming up, on "supernanny"...

How will the bullards handle the new rules without jo?

Jen: are you talking to me?

You are looking to cause conflict in this restaurant.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Jo: I'm going away for a couple of days.

I've taught jen and bryce techniques

That they need to implement.

Trust me -- I am gonna be watching them.

Four for dinner.

Jen: tonight, we went out to eat.

I was nervous,

And I was anticipating the worst.

This is good. They're all at a restaurant.

Bryce: hey, sit down.

Sit down and eat your dinner.

Come on.

Good boy.

Eat your half, rylan. Eat your half.

He don't want any of i.

Well, let's see.

What's going on here with rylan and his food?

One more bite.

I'll trade you a bite for a drink.

Rylan's not eating his food,

But brycie's doing really, really well.

Well, you did awesome on your ribs.

Thank you so much. It was very good.

A peek at the dessert tra, perchance?

Do you want to do desser?

Are you kidding?

You are looking to cause conflict in this restaurant.

You and brycie are gonna sit

And eat something with chocolate in there

And leave rylan out?

So, rylan's now setting the standard.

Because he never ate, nobody can have dessert now.

If rylan didn't eat his dinner,

We all have to suffer?

This is crazy.

I don't know if dessert is called "suffering."


Let's go, rylan. Come on.

Aw, look.

Putting rylan to bed.


I got this one.

[ Music playing ]

What's that noise? Is that a musical toy?

What is going on there?

My word, there's a light show going on in the bedroom.


Bryce, you've overstimulated rylan now.

♪ Ooh-oh

You're never getting your son to sleep now,

I'll tell you that.

[ Music stops ]






[ Snoring ]

What were you thinking?

At least one of them's sleeping.

Sit and drink your juice, please.


I am talking to your eye.

Talk to the eyes ball?

Don't say that to me, okay?

If I have to ask you again,

You'll go to the naughty mat, okay?

Are you talking to me?

Excuse me? "Talk to the hand"?

I don't think so.

I'm done. Stop with your mouth.

So, if you've already given him a warning,

Why is he not on the naughty mat?

We're gonna start your reading.


I said it the other day.

Don't talk back to me,

Or you'll go to the naughty mat.

Mom, I can't!

Jen, put brycie on the naughty mat.

You were trying to get out of your reading.


Yes, you were.


Say it again,

And you go to the time-out mat.

Is this backtalking? I'm confused.

Bryce, come on.

We've got to get your homework done.

Jo: I can't believe this is going on.

I need to get back to this house.

Coming up, on "supernanny"...

Jo returns to get the bullars back on track.

Mommy needed a good talking-to in that restaurant --

I tell you that.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good


Bryce: hi. How are you?

Hi. How are you?

I really love bringing in the dvd,

Because it shows the parents

Exactly where they've gone wrong.

Okay, I've got footage for the pair of you

To sit down and take a look at this.


Okay, guys, take a look.

Talk to the eye balls. Talk to the hand now.

Are you talking to me?

Don't say that to me.

It's not funny. You're not being cute.

You are there and then telling young brycie

Not to address you with that attitude,

And you need him to take you seriously.

Make sure you're aware

Of when he starts to backtalk.

Remember, use the naughty mat

And nip that in the bud straightaway.

Do you want to do dessert?

You and brycie are gonna sit

And eat something with chocolate in there

And leave rylan out?

If rylan didn't eat his dinner,

We all have to suffer?

Mommy panics again.

Mommy needed a good talking-to in that restaurant --

I tell you that.

There are ways in which the pair of you can talk

Without shouting and yelling in front of the kids,

Because that's what they pick up.

We're talking about dessert.

Rylan didn't eat his food,

So, no, he's not entitled to dessert.

But young brycie ate his food, and he behaved beautifully,

And that should be rewarded.

But you're saying yes.

You're were saying no,

Because of the fear that rylan would kick off

And have a fit in front of everybody,

And you'd feel embarrassed.

Everybody's entitled to have a dessert if they want.

Right, right. Sorry.

I got this one.


Hold on a minute. What was that music?

That's the toy that I gave him that didn't seem to work.

That was a hard bedtime night for bryce.

Bryce, what were you thinking?

You're overstimulating.

I kind of realized that about minutes later.

Anything musical, anything that's gonna give a light show

Is gonna overstimulate rylan,

And it's gonna become playtime, not bedtime.

Keep it all calm and put him to bed

And then start edging yourself out, as well, okay?

So we've watched the footage,

And what I'm going to do is I'm gonna stick around today,

Help the pair of you reinforce and fine-tune the stuff

That still needs working on.

That would be fantastic.

Great. Thank you.

Thank you.

Bryce: watching jen on the dvd --

That's pretty scary.

She just looks meaner on the dvd than in real life.

Jen: I didn't even realize how much I raised my voice

At both the kids and bryce,

And I'm definitely gonna change that.

Why is he on that mat?

He's on the mat for backtalking outside

And not taking his boots off when he got in.

Jo: children do need boundaries,

And they do need to be told by their parents

What they can get away with and what they can't.

Okay, please speak to me.

Okay, don't whine.

He needs to look at you

So that he can communicate with you.

Look at mommy. Look at mommy.

Without whining, can you tell me...

I'm definitely learning the discipline part of it.

Can I have a hug?

This process has not been easy, but, to me, it's all worth it.

I think brycie's learning to respect

Both bryce and I as parents.

I love you. Okay?

It's bedtime for pooh, isn't it?

Jo: you're doing well.

We're gonna make that bed properly,

So it's all cozy.

Tonight, bryce put rylan to bed,

And it was a very special moment.

He put rylan into his crib, and he sat on the floor,

Put his head down,

And he waited for him to get out of the crib,

But he didn't get out -- not once.

Bryce: I didn't think he would just go to bed

Within minutes -- that was amazing.

It just feels awesome.

Jen: the biggest way it's impacted us,

I think, is the sleep.

Now I wake up, and I'm refreshed,

And I'm ready to start my day.


All right.

And because of the schedule,

I have a lot more balance between work and family.

Off -- can you say "off"?



Good job.

I think my family is just gonna be so well-rounded now.

Coming up, on "supernanny"...

When jo says her final goodbye...

Goodbye, brycie. Goodbye, rylan.

...will the bullards keep the control they've regained?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

[ Laughing ]

The bullard family have changed immensely.

They've gone from a family

That have had no boundaries or discipline,

But now they get it.

They're happier, the children are happier,

And they're managing to juggle work and family.

Bryce: we get along better now.

The boys listen to us. They respect us.

They go to bed on time.

I mean, it's a huge impact -- huge.


Jen: the routine helps out greatly.

I don't feel stressed anymore.

I think it's great for the kids to be on a schedule.

Oh, no!

I'm overwhelmed with joy right now.

Jo: all right, then.

Can you give jo-jo a hug?

Bye-bye, darling.


Jen: say "thank you."

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Rylan, can you come give her a hug?

Give her a hug and say goodbye.

Can you say goodbye to jo-jo?

Say bye-bye.

I've got to go. Oh! Aw!


Bye-bye, darling.

Can you blow her a kiss?

Rylan and brycie -- they're just sweeties.

They really are.

[ Smooches ]

Oh! Thank you!

[ Laughing ]

It's always hard to leave a family

That you become so attached to.

Bryce: thank you very much.

Thank you.

Jo: I'm very proud of jen, of bryce.

I'm proud that they've embraced fear,

Embraced their anxiety.

Bryce, take care.

They faced up to what they needed to do

In order to change their life for the better,

And they got the results that they truly deserve.

We've got a routine working in this house now.

Stick with it.

You've got a nice balance between family and business,

So let the both of them thrive.

All right.

Take care. Bye.

Bye, brycie. Bye, rylan.

Jen: I'm feeling a little overwhelmed

That it's all over.

It's been such a great experience

For my whole family...

And it's really gonna change our lives.

I am so thankful

That we were able to go through this whole experience.

We have control back. We really do.

Jen's happier. I'm happier.

The boys are happier.

Brycie doesn't backtalk anymore.

May I be excused?

Jen: yes, you may.

Rylan just goes to bed within , minutes.

Bryce now understands that we can run a business

And still spend quality time with our kids,

And nothing's gonna be broken.

Bryce: I can see how happy the kids are,

So I'm gonna put the kids before the business now.

Bryce and I have a whole new outlook on life.

Bryce: we communicate better.

We're more loving towards each other.

We don't really yell at each other that much anymore,

And I think it's affected us in a positive way.

Jen: we are gonna take what jo has taught us,

And I think it's just gonna get better and better.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, rylan can't get up.

He's fallen and can't get up.


Brycie: sorry.
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