01x07 - Gorbea Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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01x07 - Gorbea Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny"...

Jo meets the gorbea family...

Hiya! Hi!

Pleased to meet you.

...whose mom shoulders all te household responsibilities...

Settle down, you guys. Calm down.

...while her -year-old is stuck to her like glue.

Jo has two weeks to pry this mom from her son's grip...

It's something so simple. Why is it so hard for me?

...get dad to pull his weight around the house...

It wouldn't harm you to discipline your own children

And put yourself out there.

...and give the family back

The peace and quiet they desperately desire.

[ Screaming ]

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Johnny

Right, then. Let's see who we've got here.

Hello, we're the gorbea family. I'm robert.

I'm a service technician for a local phone company.

And I'm evelina,

And I'm a collection rep for the phone company.

We've known each other since I was in my teens.

We have three children.

Demetrius is . Meya's .

♪ Cha-cha-cha ♪ cha-cha-cha

Evelina: and adam is /. [ Screaming ]

Supernanny, you have met your match with adam.

Adam is just clinging to me always,

From the time he wakes up

To the time that we're out the door.

He's just very determined. He's relentless.

Too much, too much.

He gets very jealous when anybody gets close to me.

Adam, no! Why are you doing that?

He's a pain in the butt.

I think demetrius and meya feel neglected.

He hogs her. He's a mom hog.


I have to wait for adam to go to bed

Before I can go to bed.

I'll try and put him in his crib,

But he'll kick and scream.

Want to go sleep in your bed now?no.

Evelina: sometimes I'm just too tired to stay up,

And I'm the last one to fall asleep in this house.

Like right now, I'm very frustrated and angry.

Sounds like I'm not even here.


Physically, you are.

I need robert to be more involved.

It's a lot to take on.

I help.

Robert, you're sitting on your famous chair,

And you're trying to watch tv.

When I get home, I'm exhausted.

I have a real rigorous job,

And I don't want to do girlie dishes.

Those are for girls, right?

[ Scoffs ]

I cannot go nowhere with you like that.

Come on, adam!

[ Screaming ]

Supernanny, please, we need your help.

We really want supernanny to come.

Stand by, gorbea family.

I'm on my way.

Hiya! Hi!

How are you? Pleased to meet you.

I'm evelina. Jo frost. Pleased to meet you.

"Mary poppins is on my door," was my first impression.

How are you?good.

Good. What's your name?meya.

Hi, meya. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo.

When I first met the family,

They were very warm and inviting.

Hi, demetrius. Pleased to meet you.

Mom seemed very relieved to see me.

Adam, pleased to meet you.

Adam, shake her hand.

I was just really excited.

She was very sweet, very nice.

Evelina, I know that you've got some issues

That need to be addressed.


And I'm here to resolve those.

Just carry on as normal,

And I'm gonna sit back and watch you, all right?


I'm going to sit and watch you all play, okay?

Adam is a little boy

Who has an enormous amount of energy.

But, my god, does he have a temper.

[ Screaming ]

[ Crying ]

Oh, he's clinging on for dear life now.

If I manage to get away from him,

Then he'll run and charge me,

And that's when he'll throw himself on me, and then...

It would be really hard to believe

That adam was separated at birth from his mother,

Because he is totally attached to her hip /.

So, he's got you completely locked down there,

Ball and chain. Yes.

So, what do you do now in a situation like this?

Usually, I'll just try and get away,

And then he'll come chasing me around the house.

Adam, please.

[ Screaming ]

[ Crying ]

I just wanted to scream for help.

Doing a full circle here.

I get very frustrated,

So, you know, I give in to him,

And I'll let him cling to me.

Nobody gets a chance to watch any programs they like

When adam wants to watch the television.

No, no. Turn it off.

[ Adam screaming ]

Jo: and if they even try to resist it,

Adam has a floor display.

[ Crying ]

My tv!

Oh, tv!

Come on. Not right now.

No, no more.

I want tv!

My tv!

My tv!

Adam, come on. Get up.

Get up. Stop. No.

I really don't know

How evelina gets anything done in that house,

Because adam takes up all of mom's time.

In the afternoon,

I had a chance to have a one-to-one talk

To meya and demetrius.

So, you came in to mommy earlier,

And you were saying that the noise was really loud.

Do you find it really irritating and too loud for you?

Every day?

Every day adam's like that?

Right. And what do you do?

So, do you get time with mommy?

Why is that?

He hogs her?

How does that make you feel?

Demetrius and meya are really missing out

On their mom's love, attention, and time,

'Cause it's always about adam,

And that's really, really sad.


Hello. How are you?

Pleased to meet you.

I'm robert. Jo frost.

The first thing that he introduced me to

Was transition time.

Robert: normally, when I get home,

I do a thing called transition time.

I'll relax for maybe about minutes.

I won't allow the kids to bombard me with anything,

'Cause usually the house is pretty hectic

By the time I get home.

He'll just sit on the couch and just do nothing.

So, when that's his time, it's his time only,

And nobody could approach him and talk to him.

[ Laughing ]

Settle down, you guys. This is a madhouse.

Calm down.

Did you not know the ice-cream man was out there?

It's the busiest time in the house...

[ Adam screaming ]

Evelina: guys, calm down! You're too loud!

...and dad's out of action.

It shouldn't be one person doing %

And the other person sitting on his throne.

It's exhausting.

Stop. Be quiet.

Jo: mom was just doing everything,

And she needed a break,

And she handed adam over to dad.

What are you doing?

Jo: adam didn't like that at all.

[ Screaming ]

So he got really aggressive, and he started pinching dad,

And dad just really can't cope.

[ Screaming continues ]

He pinched me and bit me.


I'm real reluctant to intervene

Because he usually starts crying even more.

At that point, I just put him down, say, "go find your mom."

Coming up on...

Adam puts mom to bed.

You ready to go to bed? No.


And jo exposes robert's hidden agenda.

Your butt does not get off from that seat and do anything.

I was getting away with it, and she messed it up for me.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Johnny

Good night. I love you.

I'll be in there in a little bit.

Good night, mom.

Did you guys brush your teeth?

Stop it, demetrius.

Jo: I really couldn't believe that at : at night,

Adam was emptying his toy box.

When mom tried to put adam into his crib,

He was refusing to go in point-blank.

No! No! No!

No! No!


[ Screaming ]

It's so hard to get adam to go to sleep in his own bed.

By this time, I'm tired. Robert's tired.

We all just want to go to sleep.

She has to wait until he decides he's ready to go to bed.

It's half past :.

Mom's out in the kitchen, still working.

Dad's gone off to bed.

And adam's watching cartoons.

This is not working --

Seriously isn't working,

And it needs to change now.

Let's turn goofy off.

No! No! No! No! No!

No! No!

Come on. You go to bed with mommy.

As she picked him up and took him into herbedroom,

He refused.


Okay, he's got me by my neck.

Adam's so desperate to cling onto evelina

That he pinches and scratches.

So this is what he always does?

He grabs me by my throat and my neck,

And he'll just squeeze me as hard as he can,

And his nails dig into me.

Evelina was in real pain,

And it was just awful to watch.

I just have to keep him --

Keep him away.

Settle down.


You ready to go to bed?


Evelina: mnh-mnh.

No, I don't want to play. I want to go to sleep.


Everyone's sleepy now.

It's adam's turn to go to sleep, okay?

Evelina, good night.

I'm gonna let you get some rest.

Okay. Thank you.

Good night, adam.

It's quarter to :,

And adam has now decided that hewants to go to bed,

So everybody can go to bed now.

What a palaver.

I just can't wait to get into this house tomorrow

And change everything.

When I first meet a family,

I go in and watch the dynamics

Between the children and the parents.

After yet another big tantrum,

It was time for me to sit down with the gorbea family.

Evelina and robert, I've seen more than enough,

So let's sit down and have a talk, okay?

I'm really, really nervous.

She's there to be judgmental, and I'm not used to that.

Robert and evelina, I know that you love your kids.

That's clear as day for me, and I can see that.

And that heart shows very clearly.

But I'm here to talk about the things that need to change.

Adam controlling this house has to stop.

You guys have lost control.

Where is your authority in this house?

Adam screams.

He kicks.

He is aggressive.

Why have you not dealt with the aggression, evelina?

Why do you allow your son to pull your hair,

Mark your neck, and treat you the way he treats you?

I don't know what to do.

Inside, I'm screaming and crying,

But I'm just --

I'm probably just as attached to him as he is to me.

You treat him like a baby, and he behaves like a baby.

But he's not a baby.

He's years old.

I know.

When he screams,

He doesn't get told that that behavior is unacceptable.

He gets placed onto your hip

So that that screaming will stop.

Let's move on to bedtime.

Adam decides when he goes to bed,

And he decides when yougo to bed.

I can't just make him fall asleep

At the time I want him to. I'd love that.

If : was the time that he can fall asleep,

Then I would definitely have him in bed at :.

So adam, yet again, dictates when he's going to bed.

And you go to put him in his crib,

And he doesn't want to be in his crib.

He's slept with me almost every single night.

You've let this go on far too long.

Now, demetrius and meya --

Lovely kids.

But you know how much they're suffering?

Meya wants her mommy's time...

Evelina: yeah, I know.

...and so does demetrius.

I know.

And they need that.

And that responsibility you've both walked away from.

You both need to come together equally.

Robert, your transition period is how long?


You could have fooled me, robert.

Looks like it's going on all night.

[ Laughs ]

You sit down in your chair, in your throne,

Television on,

And you can see with your own eyes what's going on around you,

But your butt does not get off from that seat and do anything.


[ Snickers ]

'Cause I don't feel like it.

It wouldn't harm you to put your hands in the sink

And do a bit of washing up.

It wouldn't harm you to discipline your own children.

It wouldn't harm you to upgrade yourself a little bit

And put yourself out there.

I suppose I could try.

Robert: kind of a humbling thing.

She blew my transition time out of the water.

And I was getting away with it,

And now she came and messed it up for me.

And are you willing and committed to want change?

Absolutely. I'm ready.

Great. Okay, then.

When jo was telling me about how adam is not my little baby,

That almost made me cry.

To separate myself from that

Is just really hard for me to do.

Coming up on...

Robert ventures into unknown territory.

This is k*lling me.

And will evelina find the strength

To separate herself from her baby?

Don't laugh. It's not funny.

I'm almost crying. I can't handle his face.

[ Crying ]

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Hi, guys. Come around me.

I've got something to show you all.

Day one of teaching,

I went into the house and gave the gorbea family a new routine.

The family schedule.

Mom desperately needs help,

And dad needs to get more involved with his family.

Dad, we're doing chore time over the weekend

From : to :, okay?

And then between : and :,

Dad, I would like you to take all three children out.

This sound good?

Mom, break time in that period.

That means no chores.

It's "you" time, okay?

Evelina: I need robert to realize how important his help is

And how it can bring us together, as well,

Although I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself

For two hours without my kids.

I don't know what that's like.

We'll see how well we can apply that.

Oh, we're gonna do this.

We're gonna do this and change things here.

Every time adam screams and shouts,

Evelina picks him up,

And that's only teaching adam that if he screams and shouts,

He gets his own way.

Give him the choice.

You can either sit in your chair and eat your sandwich

Or you can go and play.

I'm introducing a special technique

Called the off-the-hip technique

To detach a clingy child from his mother.

Adam...adam, look at me. Look at me.

You can sit in your high chair and eat your sandwich

Or you can go and play.

Which one do you want to do?

When your child is putting their hands up

To want to be picked up, you come down to your child's level,

You use eye contact, and in a very calm voice,

You ask your child to stop screaming.

Come over here. Come over here.

Tell him to stop crying.

Adam, stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying.

Evelina, when he starts clinging onto you,

Don't feel like you got to hold him.

Let go. Give him that space. Let him go.

The reason why he kicks and screams

And he holds onto you

Is because you latch on, too.

And he will do what he's doing now,

Which is sobbing, okay?

Don't pick him up. Don't pick him up.

Go down to his level

And say to him, "what do you want?

Stop crying. I cannot hear you."

[ Screaming ]

Oh, my gosh.

This is the bigger picture.

You're now teaching him

That if he wants to talk to you and cuddle you,

Then he's to stop screaming to do that.

Adam was totally shocked at mom's behavior.

[ Screaming ]

When he comes up to you again,

Go back down, okay?

Go back down.

After minutes, adam started to calm down.

Look at mommy.

Peanut butter, yes.

You want a peanut-butter sandwich? Yeah.

Ask me for one. No crying.

[ Crying ]

Jo: don't laugh. It's not funny.

I'm almost crying. I can't handle his face.

It's heartbreaking, like somebody just got my heart

And just mashed it up and kind of threw it out.

I was about to give up.

Mommy wants to give you hugs and kisses, okay,

But not when you're screaming.

Not when you're crying, okay?

Jo: that's it. No more crying.

No more crying.

Evelina: I don't like seeing him like that.

It just breaks my heart.

I was shocked that it actually worked.

Jo: adam needs to be weaned off of his mother,

But evelina needs to be weaned off of adam, too.

It was just best described as a kid going through an exorcism.

And...and it worked.

I was lost for words, like I am now.


[ Laughs ]

Robert put white tape over the routine.

What's this?

And he rubbed out "dad chores."

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Come on, robert, get real.

I am gonna teach you how to fold clothes,

How to put a hoover over the house,

And how to go food shopping with adam on your own.

I think she punished me as a result

And sent me to a supermarket.

I want you to get some detergent.

[ Chuckling ]

He's not liking this.

[ Both laugh ]

I've gone to the supermarket, don't get me wrong,

But never with adam.

Jo: mom shouldn't be responsible for adam the whole time.

Evelina: I love you. Bye-bye.

I taught dad the involvement technique with adam,

And that is to make it fun.

So, this is where you want to use the involvement technique.

Get him involved in the chore that you have to do.

Give him the bags and put the vegetables or the fruits in

And then put it into the basket.

Get him involved so he doesn't start wandering off.

Oh, lord, this is crazy.

Towards the middle of it, I had a little anxiety attack.

Adam, come here.

Some of the aisles were kind of small.

Adam started to grab for things.

This is k*lling me.

Jo: shopping's going really well.

Dad's definitely breaking a sweat,

But adam's behaving really well.

Lots of praise. Keep up the praise.

Robert: it took a little doing on my part.

Thank you.

I'm gonna buy him a lollipop.

That's for you, okay, for helping me.

Can't say that it was fun, but I got through it.

I think I can pull it off. It wasn't that hard.

Jo: you just pulled it off.

You just did pull it off. You did well.

All right.

Coming up on...

Evelina breaks down.

How can I listen to my baby cry for me

And not do anything about it?

And robert reports for household duty.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Sleep in this household has been a major problem.

The next thing to tackle

Is keeping adam out of mom and dad's bed.

Three years of having him right next to me, and then now --

It's gonna take a long time for me to get used to.

Jo: in the evening, I sat mom and dad down

And explained to them the sleep-in-you-own-bed technique.

What we're establishing is two things --

One, that adam feels comfortable in his own crib,

And the second is that if he comes out,

That he goes straight back into his crib,

Because that's where he sleeps.

The technique is take adam into his bedroom,

Keep everything nice and calm,

Read him a lovely bedtime story...

He likes the story.

...and then kisses and cuddles and place him into his crib.

[ Crying ]

Instead of walking out of the room,

Move a short distance away from the crib...

Come away. Sit down.

...and sit down on the floor and put your head down.

This way, adam can be secure

In knowing mom is still in the room.

Sit down right by the chest...

And put your head down.

If, then, adam got out from the crib,

Mom was to place him straight back and say, "it's bedtime."

Put him back into the bed.

It's all right, evelina. It's all right, evelina.

Just put him straight back.

Put him straight back.

Put him straight back up. Straight back up.

If he gets out of the bed again,

Say nothing but place him straight back into the crib.

Head down. You're doing good.

[ Adam screaming ]

Evelina: after a while, I just began to cry.

How can I listen to my baby cry for me

And not do anything about it?

Head down. Head down.

Jo: I told evelina that no matter what,

You have to keep putting him back into bed,

No matter how many times it takes.

Evelina: it was very draining

To have to get up and put him back,

Get up and put him back.

But emotionally, it hurt times worse.

Jo: he started to throw himself on mom and pull her hair,

Pinched her neck.

It was physically hurting evelina.

[ Screaming ]

No pulling mommy's hair.

I believe it took a little over an hour

Before he finally wore himself out.

[ Crying ]

[ Silence ]

When jo and I left the room, jo was excited.

She was happy for me.

I didn't feel good about myself.

You have showed amazing strength,

And you should be proud of that.

Tomorrow I'll probably feel

A little bit more excited about it,

But right now, I'm just...just in pieces.

[ Crickets chirping ]

Jo: it's the weekend,

And that means it's mr. Mom time.

Oh, yes.

And, mom, go and put your feet up

And enjoy your morning.

Look at daddy. Daddy's doing the washing up.

What's this?

This doesn't look like putting your feet up.

Grab all of this.

Think of three things that you could do right now

That wasn't to do with the house

Or the children or robert.

I don't know. [ Laughs ]

Mom refused to take a break,

So I kicked her out of the house

And told her to go and take a walk.

Want to help, meya?yeah.

All right, good.

Go ask your mom if she wants to help.

[ Dog barking ]

How do I fold these?

Button it up first.

Stay over here, adam.

Grab one sleeve, bring it over and down.


Miss me?

I got you guys a snack.

And look at your oven.

Oh, wow.

I think I can see my reflection.

[ Laughs ]

Give dad some praise

Because it wasn't easy for him today

And he broke out a hard sweat.

I know. I can see.

But he's done really well.

[ Vacuum whirring ]

Before jo got here, I knew what I was doing --

What little I was doing -- but I was getting away with it.

And looks like now, I'm not.

Jo: I'm gonna leave the family for a few days

Because they need to be able to get on without me around.

[ Laughing ] don't go!

Keep with the off-the-hip technique.

Dad, you managed to go to the supermarket quite nicely.

I'd like to see you do it again.

Robert: my biggest fear is that everything's gonna fall apart

And maybe go back to the way it was.

Jo: evelina and robert

Have definitely still got challenges to face.

I really can't wait to see how they get on without me.

But I am gonna be watching them.

Coming up on...

Robert steps up at bedtime...

I actually feel like I really accomplished something.

...while evelina struggles to get it right.

And jo returns with kudos...


Mr. Mom.

...and criticism.

You've gone back to square one.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Jo: I've left the gorbea family for a couple of days

So that they can try the techniques on their own.

But I am gonna be watching them.

Come on. Come help me, adam.

Jo's opened my eyes and made me step up a little bit.

Either I have to conform

Or there's gonna be some friction between evelina and i.

I did the dishes.

Wait a minute.

Did you do your dishes on your own?

That's right. Wow!

He's learning.

This is fantastic!


What a turnaround.

Robert: I took adam a bath. I read him a story.

Come on, let's go to bed.

It's dad's turn to put adam to bed.

Let's see how he gets on.

[ Smooches ] love you.


Robert: I sat there for about seven minutes.

Decided after minutes, he was asleep.

I actually feel good,

Like I really accomplished something.

Robert, way to go!


Mama has to get ready for work.

Come on, mom. Deal with that clingyness.

Get him off of you.

Come on, evelina.

Create some space.

Come on.

Mama doesn't have time to fight with you.

Evelina: it was very, very hard,

Just because I tend to give in to adam when I respond to him.

[ Crying ]

Hey, hey.

Use the off-the-hip technique.

Come down to adam's level.

Emotionally, it's been difficult.

I didn't know it would be this hard.

When adam's trying to cling to me,

I'm wondering why it's so hard for me...

Adam, stop.

...to break the cycle.

Go down...

[ Crying ]

...to his level.

That's right, robert. Come down to his level.

He wants dinner, and dinner's not ready.

Tell him it's on its way.

I can make him something.

Oh, boy.

We're gonna have to work on this.

Evelina: adam, it's bedtime.

Okay, mom's putting adam to bed.

Do noses.

Robert: bye, adam. See you tomorrow.

[ Crying ]

Why are you talking to him?

Adam needs to go to sleep now.

Stop talking to him.

You're just not following any of the steps

For the sleeping technique.

Robert: evelina. Yeah?

You want me to try? It's just backfiring.

She's screwing it all up 'cause she keeps talking with him.

She should have had silence the whole time.

Absolutely right, robert.

It's okay. Right now, it's sleep time.

She's been in there almost an hour now.

She needs just to stay quiet.


This is crazy.

Oh, evelina, what'd you expect?

You've brought this all on yourself.

[ Crickets chirping ]

Hiya! How are you?

Good. How are you?

Very well, thank you.

I really love bringing in the dvd...

I've been having a look at some footage,

And I would like to show you it.

...because it shows the parents

Exactly where they've gone wrong.

Let's take a look at this footage whilst I've been away.

I guess we're done.


Mr. Mom.

Look at this!

Getting adam involved.

Give me five.


I love it.

I'm gonna put your wipes away. Move.

Mom! No, no, no!



Come on.

Mama doesn't have time to fight with you.

You've gone back to square one.

You've got him clinging, 'cause what he wants to do

Is stay hugged to you like a little koala bear.

You can remember the off-the-hip technique.

Go down, level, eye contact, talking to him,

Create space, come back up again,

Remove him from the situation.

This is all part of the process

Of separating from adam

As him separating to you.


[ Crying ]

I hate when he cries.

What is happening there?

I was just taking my time with it.


Because it's just still so hard.

You're still struggling with your own emotional needs...

I am.

...to separate yourself from adam.

What you're actually doing

Is undermining the technique of the sleep routine.

It's no talking, no eye contact

And put him straight back to bed

We are moving forward.

So I'm gonna be here today to carry on and give you support.

So, are we ready for me hard work?


Great. Okay. Let us get to it.

I think evelina's had a bit of a hard time letting go of adam.

She has a whole lot of work to do.

Evelina: what we've learned so far

Has been challenging and difficult for me.

It's really up to me to really want things to change.

Coming up on...

Evelina's uphill battle continues.

Project your voice.

No! No.

And the clock is ticking...

Until jo's gone for good.


When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Jo: on my return day with the family,

I like to help them correct the mistakes

And then to build on the success I've seen.

In the afternoon, adam became very clingy with mom,

So I felt that it was necessary

To go through the off-the-hip technique again with her.

[ Crying ]

Come down to him, evelina.

Let go.

Stand up. What's the matter?

Mom is still struggling with trying to get adam off of her.

Use your voice, evelina.

"No, do not pull mommy's hair. It hurts."

I don't understand why it's so hard for me.

I really don't. It's something so simple.

"Here, adam. You stay there."

Why is it so hard for me?

Go straight into the hip technique with him.

Come down.

Lower your tone.

Tell him where you're going.

You want a hug? You want a hug?

Yeah. Stop crying.

Stop crying.

Look at me. Do not pull my hair.

Tell him he can follow you if he wants to.

Keep talking to him.

Come on. You can come with me.

I could see that evelina was really struggling

With using an authoritative voice

When she was trying to discipline adam.

Adam, stop.

So I took her aside,

And we started to work on improving her voice control.

[ Clears throat ]

Clear your throat.

[ Coughs ]

I want you to turn around,

In a low voice, authoritative, and go,

"No. Stop that!" No. Stop that.

I mean that! I mean that.

This is your warning! This is your warning.

No! No.

Great. Okay, project the voice.

No! No!

Whoa. [ Laughs ]

No. No! Great. Good.

No! Good! [ Laughs ]

Yes! You did it.

Don't make me do it again.

Evelina has really come a long way.

She's started to catch on.

She's calmer now and much more patient.

Okay, stop crying.

You ready to get in your big-boy chair so you can eat?

You want to eat?

Come on, let's go.

Let's go in your big-boy chair so you can eat.

Keep talking. Mommy can get plates.

Fantastic, evelina.

I have more confidence in myself,

And now I'm understanding how necessary it is

That I create a space between adam and myself.

Let go of mommy.

Jo: since adam is no longer getting all the attention,

Demetrius and meya are now getting to spend

More quality time with their parents.

Evelina: now I can spend more time with my older kids.

Demetrius and meya deserve that attention from us.

It's really nice. I'm spending time with my mom and dad.

Thank you.

This is adam's.

I am beginning to get my mom back from the mom hogger.

I think things are already showing change and improvement.

Where's the mouse?

Um, right there.

Robert had successfully done the first stage

Of the sleep-in-your-own-bed technique,

So now it was time for him to move on to the second stage.

The only difference is

Your child is now comfortable and secure in their crib,

So you can now separate yourself from your child

And go into a separate room.

If adam comes out of his crib,

You take him back into his bedroom and walk back out again.

Every time adam comes out of his bedroom,

You repeat the procedure.

Little adam came out of his room,

Dad put him back.

We sat there.

Adam came out...

[ Crying ]

...and dad put him back.

Robert has really got ahold of this sleep technique.

[ Silence ]

Hey! [ Laughs ]

Time for me to go.


Bye, darling.

You take care, okay?

Demetrius: jo gave us lots of help.

I'm gonna miss her.

Meya, take care, darling, okay?

I like jo...

That much.

You gonna be a good boy?

Good. You listen to mommy and daddy, okay?

Bye-bye, darling.

Robert, you've gone from caveman to modern man.

[ Both laugh ]

Totally impressed.

Give us a hug.

You take care, okay?

Appreciate you so much.

You're more than welcome.

Evelina, give me a hug, dear.

You're welcome.



Bye! Bye, jo-jo!


They're a genuine family that really needed help.

And it's a wonderful feeling to be able to walk away

And know that you've helped make a difference.

Robert: it's amazing just how mild-mannered adam is now

Compared to before jo got here.

He's a completely different kid.

Evelina: meya and demetrius are just blown away

On how adam's behavior has changed.

He can scream so loud.

We haven't heard that for days now -- days.

I'm grateful to jo for opening my eyes.

Spending more time with the kids

Actually is a pleasant thing.

Evelina: before all of this, robert and I --

Our relationship was deteriorating,

And I was losing patience very quickly.

And now there's just so much change in robert that I see.

It saved our relationship.

Robert: there's been big changes in evelina,

Almost as if jo armed her with some knowledge,

And it made her happier

And, in return, she makes me happy.

Evelina: my family has changed tremendously.

It's just brought a new sunshine in our lives.

I can't even really put it all into words.

We've been given another chance.

You know, I think you've had more than enough time

To get away with what you've been getting away with.

And now you've got to pull your weight.

You came over here and...

And what? Exposed me.

[ Laughs ]
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