02x02 - Webb Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x02 - Webb Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny," jo meets the webb family.

Hi, pleased to meet you. Cathy? With three energized kids...


[Cathy] hey! Do not throw!


This family is running on empty.

Josef! Don't throw it.

While dad's job takes him on the road...

[Cathy] see you later. Bye, now.

Mom becomes a single parent in desperate need of jo's help.

You did not listen,

And you've been sent to the naughty chair.

But when dad returns, things come to a screeching halt.

[Needle scratching record]

: On weekends

Is absolutely not gonna happen.

Arthur, work with me here. Come on. Okay.

I don't have the commitment to the technique. So what's your decision?

So I'm going downstairs.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look and see what family we've got here.

Hi, my name is cathy webb, and this is my husband arthur.

We have three small kids... I won! I won! I won!

Josef, who is ,

Paige, who is , who has down's syndrome

And madison, who is and /.


We had children one after the other,

And it just seems like our life has just gone haywire.

[Screeches] [arthur] unh-unh.

Let me have that. Thank you.

[Screams] josef, stop. You're gonna break her arm.

I am in management consulting,

And my job involves traveling weeks out of the year--

Leaving on sunday mostly, and returning on friday.

Cathy is also a professional, has a full-time job.

With arthur being gone the entire week,

I feel as if I'm a single mom...

Where's daddy?

And I feel like I'm just at my wit's end right now.

[Both grunting]



I'm sorry. Can you hold on one quick second for me?

This woman is worn out.


Paige is a special needs child.

[Cries] yes, I'm almost done.

Developmentally, she's right now years old.

So she demands, definitely, a lot of my time.

[Blows raspberry]

Paige, that is not nice. [Laughs]

Madison, she's very demanding.

No, mommy!

She's, at times, very clingy.


Can you walk?

[Crying] no! [Jo] uh-oh.

You've got a little one...


[Cathy] josef, sit in your seat and eat.

Josef, who is our -year-old.

He is very independent.

He sometimes feels

As if he's being left out because I spend

A lot of time with paige and madison.


When I'm here with the children alone during the week,

I mainly struggle with getting them in bed at a decent hour.

No, no more reading.

[Cries] what?

Don't get out anymore. Do you understand?

A lot of times when I call,

We can't even finish a conversation

Because the inmates are running the asylum, it seems like.



Hey, hey, hey. Calm down.


Supernanny, please come to this house.

I desperately need your help.

This family could sure do with my help.

I'm on my way.

[Rings doorbell]

Hello. How are you? Hi.

Hi, I'm arthur webb.

Very pleased to meet you. I'm jo frost. How you doing? Come in, jo.

Jo came into the house. She looked like a supernanny.

You know, she had her hair pulled back in a bun.

She looked very prim and proper.

Hi, pleased to meet you. Cathy?

Yes. Nice to meet you as well.

How are you? Good. Fine. Thank you.


When I first met jo,

I could tell right from the beginning

That she was a no-nonsense type of person,

And that she was gonna whip us into shape.

This is paige.

Hi, paige. Hi.

Pleased to meet you.

[Cathy] and that's madison.

She's got other things on her mind.

Hi, josef. Let me shake jo-jo's hand.

Pleased to meet you.


So all here together, which is absolutely wonderful.

What I would love you guys to do is just to carry on as normal.

I'm gonna be a fly on the wall and just watch you as a family.

Okay, thanks. Okay.

As soon as I walked in

Through the door, met the family,

Arthur was, like, "bye!"

I have to catch the landfill before it closes at .

Right. Okey-dokey. All right, then. Okay? All right, thanks.

[Cathy] say "bye, daddy!"

See you later. All right now.

[Jo] and there we were-- me, mom and the kids.

What happens for you at this time of the day?

Normally I'm doing what I'm doing now--

Cleaning up the kitchen,

Or I'm dressing the kids or doing something like that.

I'll let you carry on then with those dishes. Okay. Thank you.



I think he's got that remote stuck to his hands.

It's not going anywhere.

Just follow me.

Television on in here.

Television on in here.

Josef's room.

Television. Television.

Television. Not much really going on in this household.

Where's the fun? It's awkward.

I thought there was gonna be activities going on,

And the house was gonna be full of energy

And the kids running around screaming.

But it wasn't. It was really quiet.

I mean, nobody's going anywhere. It's like lockup.

I think mom is at a loose end of what to do with the kids.

So, josef?


When you're not on the computer,

And when you're not playing video games,

What does josef do?

What do you do?

Trying to talk to josef is rather difficult.

Because he's just like, "uh..."

[Girl] mom!

I'm gonna let you carry on then.


I'll see you later.


Hold on one second for me, okay?

Madison, I need you to get down, okay?


When I'm done, you can play. I'm not done yet.

[Madison] no!

Maddy, go watch television, okay? No!

The kids don't want to watch television.

They're bored of watching television.

They probably watch it every day.

Maria, can you hold on one second, okay?

Come on. Out. So, cathy, what's it like on the weekends?

Is dad normally in and out, or is he around, or...

He's normally asleep or watching television or something.

Have you spoke about it with him? [Girl] mommy!

I work. I'm stressed.

So it's as if he has downtime and I don't.

So of course I get resentful about that.

You don't think things are gonna change?

We've talked about it, but... Nothing's gonna--

No avail.


So, cathy, do you have much time to spend with paige?

She has down's syndrome, the condition.

Does that allow you much time during your day

To spend with her?

No, on a regular basis,

I don't have a lot of time, between work--

Some of the other things

I would like to spend more time with her--

As far as being more self-sufficient-- teaching her life skills.

Right, exactly.

Verbally, she does have problems

Trying to communicate.

What happened, paige?

[Crying] h-he hit me.

Josef, did you hit her?

Her pronunciation is not very clear at all.

She gets very frustrated

Because she is trying so hard to engage.

Now I notice this as being a very big problem

In the household,

Because her brother josef

Does misunderstand this,

And they end up fighting and arguing a lot.

He becomes very mean

And very aggressive, where he ends up hurting her.

Josef, go in your room.

Come on, paige. Let's comb your hair.

We were gonna send a search warrant out for you.

What? A search warrant? Yeah, we were.

Whatever it is that I have to get done on the weekend

To keep the household running

And keep our lifestyle going, that's what I do.

You're at work from monday to friday.

Sunday. From sunday.


Must miss the family, huh?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Miss 'em a lot.


[Jo] I hadn't seen much of arthur since he'd got home,

So I checked in with cathy as she was bathing the kids.

Where's dad, mom?

I found out that arthur was having a power nap

That was only meant to be an hour long.

But two hours later,

Cathy's still doing all the work,

And he's still in bed.

Coming up--the kids keep mom up past her bedtime...

We could go on until :. I did hear that correctly?

And jo's got just one question for dad...

Arthur, where were you?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Paige, come here. Come get in your bed.

[Babbles] mama's bed.

No, you're not getting in mommy's bed. Your bed.

So, mom, what's happening at the moment now?

I'm trying to get everybody... [Josef shouting]

Into their respective beds, and that's not happening.

Bedtime doesn't exist in this household.

Mom has no real routine.

Maddy, I need you to get into bed, okay?



It's bedtime now. This should be happening during the daytime.

Good night.

The woman's got the patience of a saint.

She really has.

She's back and forth from upstairs to downstairs

Putting those children to bed.

And the dad's in bed-- no help.

Good night.

What time can this normally go on till?

Oh, we could go on until :.


I did hear that correctly? Yes.

Yes, we're looking at :.

Unh-unh-unh. Unh-unh. Turn around.

Every day I say, "I'm not sure how much longer I can do this."

Something is gonna have to give, and I don't want it to be me.

You hide it behind that big smile. [Chuckles]

And you keep laughing, but seriously--

Seriously, if I didn't, I would cry.



There's one mom trying to get all her kids to sleep,

Which she's not doing very well, because they keep getting up.

And she was exhausted, and it was a real effort.

And the dad's in bed.

To be honest with you, I really couldn't believe it.

I was that close from knocking on the door myself.

I'm gonna leave you to get on with the rest of your chores,

Because as it is, we've got a young one up again.


And I know you've got a lot to still do, okay?

So I will see you tomorrow.

Okay, great. I sure will. Thank you. Good night. Bye. Good night.

When I first meet a family, I go in and I watch

The dynamic between the parents and the children.

And afterwards, I sit down with them,

And I address the issues

That definitely need to be sorted out.

Arthur, cathy, I've seen more than enough.

So why don't we sit down in the dining area

And go and discuss these issues, okay?

Okay. Okay, great.

I'm a little nervous about what jo's going to say.

I know that she's gonna have a lot to pick out.

I was really thinking, you know,

"What is she gonna be able to tell me?"

Or "what is she gonna be able to tell cathy

"That cathy's gonna be able to relate to our kids?"

Now I have to take my hat off to the pair of you.

I think you have done tremendously well with paige,

And I must say, you have three beautiful children.

You really do. Thank you.

But... Something's got to give.

The television is on in every room.

It doesn't get switched off.

And that's having a serious impact on the kids.

None of the children play together.

I agree. I guess the television in the place--

The games as a means to babysit.

But let's talk about that, cathy.

There isn't a schedule.

There is no routine in the house where things get done.

Not only has that got

The children not knowing what's coming next,

But actually, you haven't got the foggiest, either.

And on top of all of this, we've got bedtime.

Now bedtime is just a joke.

Yes, it is.

Yesterday, you struggled.

You struggled hard, putting those children to bed.

Arthur, where were you?

I really have to explain to you how worn down cathy is

And how she's feeling.

I mean, why?

You observed one night. I do help.

Cathy, that's not what you were telling me.

He helps here and there,

But it's not a consistent type of help

As I needed it last night.

Why are you not there on the weekends when you can be?

Why do you not prioritize things so that you can have

That quality time with them?

And what part of you, arthur, is not listening

To the fact that cathy needs your help?

The part of arthur that's selfish.

You say you miss your family, and you want to be with them.

But I don't see that happening.

In my opinion, jo's in fantasy land.

She had the gall to call me selfish,

And she doesn't know me that well.

There is no reason why we can't change

What's going on here for the better,

So that you're both happy as a couple

And so that your kids are much happier.

So are you guys both up for some serious hard work

To change this?

Yes. Yes.

Right. Okay. So let's get to it, then.

I think jo could see that

I'm just existing on a day-to-day basis--

Just doing things that I have to do to get things done.

But I'm not really that happy inside.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

Weekend, :, everybody waking up.

[Needle scratching record] jo's schedule is anything but routine...

That's not gonna happen. Arthur, work with me here. Come on!

While paige gets some expert advice on communication...

Say, "mickey."

Gickey. "Mih."


Oh, that is great! Oh, very good!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] the first thing I do after observing a family

Is to go back and place on their merry walls

A structured routine.

How you doing?

Very well.

That's exactly what I did for the webb family

Because they do desperately need a routine.

There is no structure.

First off, we have a weekday routine.

Kids at school,

And, of course, mom, you're at work.

At :, the kids come home.

: To :, the kids can have some tv time.

[Cathy] okay.

To :, from bath time onwards,

We're encouraging that whole wind down period.

So :, lights out.

The schedule that jo put together,

I really appreciate the time and effort she put into it.

What I want jo to do is to teach cathy

To get better control of the household when I'm not here.

This is a very optimistic weekday routine, okay?

Very optimistic.

Weekend, as you can see,

That at :, everybody waking up.

[Needle scratches on record]


[Cathy] everybody? That's not gonna happen.

Every--why is that, arthur?

It's not gonna happen.

I'm up at : every day during the week.

Arthur, work with me, here. Come on. Work with me.

All right, I'll tell you what,

Okay, I'll tell you what, give this a chance to work.

: On weekends is not,

Absolutely not, gonna happen.

The point I am trying to make, arthur,

Is that if you choose not to do something,

Then cathy's just gonna go, "well, who is gonna do it?

"I might as well do it."

You know, admittedly, there's probably some things

That I can do to help out a little bit more

And I'm willing to do that. It's gonna happen.

I'm gonna have to-- well, okay, we'll see. Okay.

So let's just finish here and start getting on with it.

[Jo] arthur left for work,

So over the next couple of days, mom and I and the kids

Will be working on the weekday routine.

Hey, cathy, can I have your attention for a minute?

I just want to go through some discipline with you

For the kids. Okay.

[Jo] every household needs discipline,

But I noticed that cathy didn't have any set technique in place,

So I introduced the naughty chair.

[Josef] oh, baby!

Not long after, I got to see

Exactly how she was going to handle it.

[Josef yells]

[Cathy] josef, come here. [Josef yells]

Josef, are you outside? No.

No. We don't yell inside the house.

This is the first warning.

No more yelling inside the house.

Now go sit in your seat

And wait for mommy to finish fixing dinner.

Good, mom.


Josef, I asked you not to yell inside the house.

This is your second warning.


Just one? They just get one?

Just one warning? Okay.

Yet again, josef didn't listen to mom.

He was shouting

And he had to go on the naughty chair.

There's no yelling inside the house.

I gave you a warning,

But you continued to do it.

Sit here for seven minutes.

Okay, mom, let's teach him.

Okay, straight down.

Josef, you were told by mommy to stop yelling.

You did not listen and you've been sent

To the naughty chair.

Now you will stay here for seven minutes.

Okay, it's with conviction here.

You're not havin' it. You're the mom of the house.

"Do as you're told, full stop.

"Otherwise, you're gonna be spending a lot of time

"On that naughty chair." That's his choice.

[Jo] mom used to let josef get away with blue m*rder,

And all of a sudden now, she's got the naughty chair,

And she's to be taken seriously.

Come here, young man. Back to the naughty chair.

We'll have to start your time

Go and get him and bring him straight back downstairs

Into that chair.

Remember, you mean business.

Cath, no speaking. Just bring him down.

[Tire squeals]

[Jo] I told cathy to bring the naughty chair

Into the kitchen so she could carry on with dinner.

[Madison cries]

[Jo] it was time to give the girls a bath,

But josef, he was carrying on,

So I told mom to bring the naughty chair

Straight up to the bathroom.


[Jo] cathy's persistence paid off.

After an hour, josef finally gave up.

Okay, mom, remember your voice.

All right, remember what josef has just done.

Now, I want you to apologize to me

For getting out of your naughty chair.

Okay. Let's go downstairs and have some pizza

And some dessert.

Would you like that?

Let's go.

[Jo] today, I introduced dr. Lynn koegel to cathy

To help paige with her speech.

[Dr. Koegel] that was so nice of you to introduce us.

Sister. And that's your little sister?

Hi, madison.

[Cathy] say hi.

Dr. Koegel runs a university of california research center

Which helps thousands of special need children

Around the world.

Should we go in here and play?

Oh. In here? Are these your toys?

Whose turn?

Mine. Okay, you do it!

[Cathy] paige, is it your turn?

Say "my turn."

My turn.

All right. Here it comes.

And that was perfect

Because of instead of just saying yes,

You went a step further. That was excellent.

I wanted to work with cathy

To have her ask more open-ended questions

And more questions altogether.

She wasn't asking very many questions

Nor was she asking a lot of different types of questions.

Whose turn is it?

Dr. Koegel?

Dr. Koegel? You've got a good memory, huh?

You're so smart! You remembered my name!

Paige did a lot of remarkable things

As far as repeating dr. Koegel's name.

That was something that she--

I had never seen her do before,

Have that recollection so quickly.

If it's hard to understand her,

You can even have her say it one more time.

I mean, I wouldn't do it if she starts turning her off.

Okay, okay. That's a dog. Dog.

What does the dog say? Woof woof!

Woof woof woof woof. Very good, very good.

That's excellent. That's excellent having her name

And you know, she's doing so well,

You might even want to go a step further.

If she says cow,

You can say "brown cow," or just say a little more after,

Adding on to what she says,

But that was excellent. I love that.

Mom, cake! That's a cake?

I was so happy with the progress that paige made

And really, I have to give her mom credit.

She must have said dozens of words

Just in a -minute period,

So I was so incredibly impressed

With how quickly cathy picked it up

And was able to just evoke that communication

To get her talking

And get her using all kinds of different words

And getting them a little clearer.

Say "mickey."






Oh, very good! That was great!

Very good! Nice job! That was good!

I'm really optimistic

That paige's communication will just explode

If cathy continues to do as well as she did.

Okay, what else do we have here? What's that?

Mickey mouse.

That was great!wow!

That was so clear.

Just looking at what dr. Koegel and also jo has shown me,

I think it's gonna definitely help paige with her speech.

Coming up on...

When josef pushes jo's techniques to the limits...

Be firm. Make him move.

Jo resorts to drastic measures.

I want you to go straight into josef's room

And I want you to pick up

That video game and take them out his room.

All right, none of this nonsense now.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] after dr. Koegel left,

I introduced the shared play technique.

These children haven't been taught

How to play with each other, which is so sad.

Josef, this is a game that we're playing

This is really good

Because we'll be able to show paige and madison

How to play this game.

We've never sat down and played a game together as a family.

Each child presses the teeth in the crocodile's mouth.

Josef, you're going to be first

And then paige

And then maddy. All fingers away.

Ready? Who's the first person to take a turn?

[Jo] it's all about give-and-take,

Learning to share,

Learning to take turns.

Is paige next?

[Jo] this is not just

A skill you learn for playing games.

It's also something that you take with you into adulthood.

Paige, say "my turn."

M-my turn.

My turn.

My turn. Good girl.

Okay, you push down the teeth.


[Cathy] it's your turn, madison.

I was just happy to see them sharing.

It's not a new concept, but it's a new concept for us,

For the kids to share, so that was good to see.

It's josef's turn.

Aah! Unh!

[Cathy] okay, your turn now, paige.

Whoo! Yay!

[Jo] for me, what was wonderful to see

Was there was energy in the house--

Laughing, giggling, and having fun.

Instead of the house that we'd seen two days before,

Which was completely flat,

And this is how their house should be.

[Cathy] you can see that?


Bedtime drags on in this house

And tonight, I'm gonna help cathy to change that.

What we want to do is to show the children

That they're not being rewarded with communication,

We're breaking a cycle,

That has been going on for years,

And tonight, we're doing it.


So it's kisses and cuddles, tuck the children into bed.

Come over this way.

[Jo] mom, short and sweet. Kiss, hug and let's go.

[Cathy] mwah. I'll see you in the morning.

[Jo] as she kissed the children good night,

And came out of the children's bedrooms,

They started to come out.

What's the first thing you say, mom?

Back to bed. It's bedtime.

It's bedtime.

Remember every time you talk to your kids,

You're gonna put half an hour on your bedtime.

All right, let's go. What do we have here?

No talking, mom. What do we say in the technique?

What's the second thing?


Maddy, bedtime.

[Jo] the kids, they weren't havin' none of it.

As soon as mom put them into their bedrooms,

They came back out straightaway.

Okay, mom, deal with josef and then both girls.


[Jo] mom is doing a fantastic job right now.

She's puttin' those kids back into bed

And they're just testing her on every level and then some.

[Telephone rings]

As you can see.

[Josef] better get back in!


[Cathy] after trying to get the kids to bed for two hours,

At that point, I said, "jo, this is not working.

"I'm sorry. You may have done it with other children before,

"But the webb children, it's not gonna work with them."

At that point, I was not a believer.

Be firm. Make him move. Honey, bedroom.

Cathy was doing great,

But josef continued to test mom

By distracting the girls,

And I knew then that I had to take

More drastic measures about this bedtime technique.

All right, mom, let's stop right here. Aah!

Let's start taking charge.

Let's start having more authority around this house.

I want you to go straight into josef's room

And I want you to pick up that video game

And the remote controls

And take them out his room, all right?

None of this nonsense now.

Remove the box.

[Jo] all right, that's it. Video game gone.

Josef, come here, please.

Your mother asked you to go to bed

And to behave yourself,

And I know that you understand mommy.

I have taken your video game out of your room.

Now I want you to go back to your bed

And to behave well and go to sleep

And if you don't start doing that,

Then I'm going to take the television out of your room

And the computer,

And it will be gone for two days.

Once mom took the video game away,

Oh, josef got the message. He didn't come out of his room.

You did really well. I'm really proud of you.

You're basically taking control.

You should be proud of yourself.

I am. 'Cause you've done a good job

[Jo] we're just gonna be consistent and follow through.

[Madison cries]

Exactly, and they're just set in there.

Look how much earlier it is.

I know. Hoorah.

[Cathy] each night, it was about three hours

To get the kids in bed.

Tonight, it was maybe two hours.

I know it's a work in progress,

But I know we're going to get there.

[Jo] it's time for me to go,

And cathy will be on her own for a couple of days,

But I will be keeping an eye on her

And arthur when he gets home.

Coming up on...

With jo gone, dad plays by his own rules...

Stop it!

[Arthur] this is the technique? Okay.

I've done all I can do.

But mom stands her ground...

I think that we should go with the naughty chair

Since I'm here.

When I have him alone, I'm gonna use a firm tap.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] I've left mom for a couple of days

To implement all the techniques,

But I'm also looking forward

To seeing how dad's gonna get on with the kids.

[Cries] apologize to her right now.

[Josef] no.

Sit on this seat.

You're in here because you hit your sister

And you're yellin' in the house.

We do not yell in the house

And you do not hit your sister.

[Jo] good, mom. That hitting has landed him

Straight into the naughty chair.



Madison, do you want the strawberry or the orange?


[Jo] way to stick with it.


I want you to apologize for screaming

And for hitting your sister. [Josef] sorry.

Sorry for what?

Hitting and screaming.

Okay. Come on back. Let's eat dinner. Thank you.

[Jo] well done, cathy.

You really got that down.

[Arthur] you want to do that first?

Or you want to do hide-and-go-seek first?

[Jo] oh, that's fantastic.

The kids are getting some quality time with dad.

[All] three...


Say "where are you?"

Where are you?

You don't see him? He's not back there?

Oh, he is back there! You found him, maddy!

Gimme! Give it!

That's not the one you had.

Stop it.

[Jo] arthur, what's that all about?

What about the naughty chair?

[Arthur] I'm gonna read with jojo.


Give daddy a good night kiss.

[Jo] arthur, that's great.

I'm glad to see you're getting involved

With the bedtime technique.bedtime.

[Jo] now here's the challenge.

Hey, arthur. Yeah?

Can you come up for a second?

All right. [Madison] uh-oh.

What do you want me to do?

Help me keep the girls in the bed

As they get up, stick 'em right back

And put them in the bed.

[Jo] great, cathy. Explain the technique to him.

No cuddles?no.

All right. All right, no cuddles.

See how long that lasts.

So if that takes until :, :,

You're supposed to continue to do this?


So this is the technique?


Picking up the kids, taking them back to the bed,

No cuddling, no talking, no conversation

Or anything like that,

I don't see where that adds value. [Jo] what?!

Arthur, you're just giving up?

I've got to get back and show you how this is done.

How are you? Good.

I love sittin' down with parents

And watching the dvd footage

Because it gives them an opportunity

To see exactly where they've gone wrong.

Let's take a look at some footage here

And see how you guys got on. I'm so excited.

Josef, stop hitting.

That's not acceptable.

Come on. You're going to the naughty chair.

You do not hit your sister.

Stay in this chair for seven minutes. Aah!

Sorry for what?

Hitting and screaming. Okay.


Talkin' to him.

Love the consistency here.

Placing him back onto that chair.

When he realized that he had to stay on that naughty chair,

He then tried to interact with you and get your attention,

But you followed through and you did the technique

And that is really important.

Well, thank you.

Hey, gimme! Gimme that!

That's not the one you had! Stop it!

Oh, no. That should have been naughty chair.

No. No naughty chair for me.

[Arthur] stop takin' things.

L-l-let me grab you on that.

You believe in giving...

I believe in firm tap.

I don't believe in spanking and that kind of stuff,

But I do believe a firm tap has its place.

That was a firm tap and that was it

For the whole day with josef. No more problems.

The only problem is is that you tap,

You're then saying to kids "don't hit."

I understand that.

So that's a mixed message for the kids.

The physical reprimand will always override and undermine

Any other technique we use as discipline.

We can move off the subject.

I don't know what you're gonna do,

But I know what I'm gonna do.

Well, I think that we should go with the naughty chair

Since I'm here five days out of the week with them,

And that's what they're used to.

Okay, when we're here together, if you wanna do

Naughty chair as discipline, you can use it.

When I have 'em alone, I'm gonna use a firm tap.

You're the parents.

At the end of the day,

You guys are gonna do what you're gonna do,

But understand the conflict it will cause

When trying to discipline the children.

Give daddy a good night kiss.

What do you want me to do?

Help me keep the girls in the bed.

You guys get back in the bed.


I've done all I can do.

Where is daddy?

Puts on the tv in silence. I've given up.

When you did it for half an hour,

Did you feel like it wasn't working... Absolutely.

Said, "cathy, deal with this,

"'Cause I really don't feel that my heart's in it." Absolutely.

When kids are hungry, they're gonna eat,

When they're sleepy, they're gonna sleep,

And this became a game.

The point of the stay-in-bed technique

Is so that you're not going into

Their room every time they call,

But that when they come out of their room

And come into yours,

You can put them straight back into bed.

Now josef and maddy do understand that concept.

Sometimes paige will cooperate and go down,

And other times, she'll instigate.

Because she's a special needs child,

Her behavior is inconsistent.

My question to you guys

Is about placing maddy or paige in the other room,

Which would mean that maddy would always get

That consistency with you placing her back,

And paige you deal with on a separate basis.

I think it'll help a lot.

[Arthur] there are certain things that I am gonna do

And there's certain things I'm not gonna do,

But I'll be right there rooting cathy on.

So we're gonna work through some stuff today.

Anything that needs reinforcing, we'll do that,

And we'll go for the techniques.

Okay. All right, brilliant.

Coming up on...

I don't think we should do it right now.

Oh. We saw up on the dvd it was crucial. We need to.

Jo has arthur on the move.

Will he fold under the pressure?

I don't have a commitment to the technique.

[Jo] so what's your decision?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Cathy] gotta put the books up.

Where do your books belong? The bedroom.

Time to tidy up. Jo, did you hear that?

I said, "where do your books belong?"

"In the bedroom."

In the bedroom. Good girl.

[Jo] I thought we should get straight to it

And put the girls in different bedrooms.

I don't think we should do it right now.

Well, we saw up on the dvd it was crucial. We need to.


[Arthur] I was against changing the bedroom right now,

But, you know, it was really something I was doing

As a gesture to my wife and to my family.

[Jo] after arthur came around, he took charge and got busy.


Okay, good job.

[Jo] it was time for bed,

And mom and dad teamed up to get the kids settled in.

[Arthur] that's a giraffe. Giraffe.

There once was a little boy named josef...

That's lovely, that's lovely.

"The end." Okay.

Time to go to sleep.

Baby, time to go to your bed.

Madison, this is your bed right here.

[Jo] josef did come out of his room,

Paige stayed in her room for the first time,

But with maddy, things took a little longer.

Tonight, dad agreed to help mom

With the bedtime technique.

All right, here's the situation now--

Paige is trying to go to sleep,

Maddy's in the landing area.

Put her back to bed, but you say nothing

Because once you start talking,

She'll get up out of her bed every time

'Cause she's hopin' that you'll talk to her.

[Jo] but dad put maddy straight back in

And she came back out.

So you guys got about five more minutes of this with me.

Cathy will tell you I'm not patient.

[Jo] he put her back in...

And she came right back out.

It's now a game, officially.

Okay, give me two for good faith.

No, it's a game now.

Hold on, arthur, arthur, arthur.

Are you making a decision to go downstairs

And going to leave cathy up here on her own?

I don't have a commitment to the technique.

So what's your decision? I'm goin' downstairs.

[Arthur] I really do like jo's techniques

For setting the atmosphere for bedtime.

And I'll continue to support cathy.

But, you know,

And maybe I thought there was a magic wand.

[Jo] arthur has been unwilling to follow through

With the bedtime technique.

But tonight, he stuck with it for minutes.

Hey, it's better than nothing.


[Jo] so cathy stepped in and took over.

And it worked.

She stayed in her room

And maddy didn't come out again.

You really have been an inspiration.

I'm very happy.

Me, too. I'm glad you're happy

Because you deserve to be happy.

It's hard for me to say good-bye.

I know. I'm gonna miss you.

[Cathy] jo being here has definitely changed my life.

She was the one that showed me what I needed to do

To get my life in order.

So I feel as if she did something special for me.

Take care of yourself. I will.

Keep on top of everything. Okay. I will.

Remind yourself of the techniques, okay?

How you guys doin'?

[Jo] good. Good.

Good. All down. And the night is yours.

But it's time for me to leave.

Thanks for making me do some introspection.

It is important because this is about your children. Oh, yeah.

Thank you so much. It's been great.

Take care.

Thank you. Take care.

Yeah, take care. Arthur, you take care.

All right. Thanks, again.

Take care. And say good night to those children for me.

I feel that there has been progress made in the house.

Mom has turned things around for herself.

This woman smiled

Because behind, there was a woman that wanted to cry.

And now there's a woman that's smilin'

And feelin' very satisfied with what she's achieved.

And I'm so proud of her for that.


[Cathy] it's amazing to be able to see now

That I missed out on a lot of things

We could've been doin' together as a family.

Now I know that I need to take advantage

Of every moment I have to spend with them.

Paige, it's time to eat dinner.

Come on and help mommy with the dinner.

We're gonna put the plates on the table and the forks.

Forks? Yeah?

[Cathy] paige's speech

Has really, really improved.

She has just come a long way in using her words,

And I'm interacting with her more.


[Arthur] jo's routine has helped me realize

That I need to do things a little bit differently

To be a better dad to the kids,

To spend more time with them, and more quality time.

You know how to play this one, too?

[Cathy] we have seen arthur change

From being a couch potato on the weekends

To being more involved with the children,

Playing games with them

And being involved in the family playtime,

Even taking us out to the park.

[Arthur] so you wanna piece of me?


[Cathy] I have structure.

I know that I can get them home,

Fed, played with...


And bathed and in the bed by :.

[Arthur] it's gonna make me feel a lot better,

Being on the road, that she's got a schedule.

Hope this works for her during the week,

And hope it helps to put my mind at ease. Hey, madison!

Jo came in and, you know,

And made me do some introspection,

You know, made me look at myself

And what I can do differently, and I'm thankful for that.

[Cathy] I want to say to jo,

Thank you so much for changing my life,

Bringing my family back together. I love you.

Thank you for helping me become

The type of mother that I've always wanted to be.


What the... Where is that thing?


Stupid thing won't fit.

Ow, paigey. Okay.

Here, let's sit right here for your coloring.


Ow. Ow.

Ow. [Laughs]

Ow, paigey.


Okay. Now, am I pretty now?

Oh, not yet. [Laughs]

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