01x08 - The Sparrow: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x08 - The Sparrow: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Yumalast time on yu-gi-oh! Zexal...

Sparrowit is nice to meet you, my name is nelson.

Hey, what do you say we get to

Know each other more with a duel?

Sparrow's mom: there you are!

Who's this boy, nelson?

Mom! Uhhh...

You're not to speak to anyone except for authorized personnel!

If people found out what kind of a kid you really are, the

Illusion of the sparrow would be shattered.

It's a card...

Numberyes nelson, let the number take hold.

Nelson has started thinking that he's actually the sparrow.

Yuma, I didn't want it to come to this, alas, if you're with

The dark emperor, then I have no choice but to battle you!

Togetherlet's duel!

I xyz summon!

Kneel before number - galaxy queen!

I have journeyed through time and space to fight the forces of

Evil, and restore justice to the galaxy!

Well you know what? I've journeyed from my

Bedroom to restore you to your true self...

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothin'

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪

You can't defeat the sparrow!

Aw man, he really thinks he's a superhero.

'Think about how many people depend on

You being the sparrow.'

'Nelson andrews doesn't matter...'

She's what this is all about. The number card wouldn't be

Messing with him like this if it wasn't for his mom.

I got it!

[Phone ringing]

Toriyou have any idea how late it is?

Tori, you gotta listen to me. It's important.

I need you and bronk to find nelson's mom.

Who's nelson?

Oh right, um okay, look, I'm dueling nelson andrews

Aka, the sparrow right now.

You know that scary lady who produces the show?

That's his mom.

I need you to find her and bring her here to the sound stage.

She needs to see this.

Okay yuma.

I'll find her!

I'll see you soon.

Okay, I know that you're still in there, nelson.

But don't worry, I'm gonna do whatever

It takes to get you back!

Astralyuma, star sparrow can deal damage even

If your monster is in defense mode this turn.

If you want to survive that attack, you need utopia.

Do you think I don't know that, astral?

Problem is, I've only got one level monster in my hand so

Unless I manage to get another one on my next draw, busting out

Utopia's a no-go.

No sense in waiting. I draw!


I summon gagaga magician to the field!

And that lets me summon kagetokage as well.

And now, since both of 'em are level , I can d the overlay

Network and xyz summon number !


I would advise you to use this moment to defeat at

Least one monster.

Well yeah, duhhh!

I wanna take out galaxy queen,

But I can't cause of furious max's curse.


What? What's interesting?

You are not arguing with me tonight.

Well, yeah!

Believe it or not, not everything is about you!

This duel is about saving nelson.

I want to save him as well.

You're acting different too, ya' know.

It's not like you to fixate so much on someone else!

Nelson is lonely.


'Nelson andrews doesn't matter...'

I think I understand that feeling and so I want to help.

You're lonely?

It would seem that you and I can work well

Together when our goals are one and the same.

Stop trying to get "buddy-buddy" with me.

Are we gonna do this thing or not?

Let us do it.


Alright big guy, it's all you!

Attack beast warrior puma!

Not good enough!

Cause I play the wings of unity trap.

And since I played it with esper star sparrow on my field,

I can put a stop your attack!

And furthermore, it also lets me summon phoenix beast gairuda!

If he keeps bringing monsters out like this, we're done for.

That gairuda looks like trouble!

Phoenix beast gairudadid someone say my name?

Esper star sparrowglad you could swing by!

Beast warrior pumawhat took you so long, gairuda?

Luggwig captured the sundarian princess again.

Is it just me, or are these guys totally acting

Like they do on the tv show?

How wonderful to see it play out before my very eyes!

You didn't abandon the princess, did you?


I defeated the troll, saved the girl, and now I'm here.

I'm glad you are. You too, puma.

Of course!

That's nice.

Those guys seem to really have a thing.

I don't know why, but there is a strange warmth filling my heart.

We can't be admiring them!

We're supposed to be worried and freaked out

That he's got four monsters on his field!

Now, due to phoenix beast gairuda's ability,

I'm able to draw one card from my deck!

This is not good. I have no idea what to do.

You have to get defensive!

Go with the card on the right.

You sure?


Well you better be right, astral.

I play one card facedown and end my turn!

It's my turn!

I draw!

I'm summoning another ally to join me!

Aww, another one?

When esper star sparrow, beast warrior puma and phoenix beast

Gairuda are united on my field,

I can summon their friend from my hand.

Forged in a factory on the d- asteroid,

The hero of keilos!

Ironhammer the giant!


Ironhammer , you made it!

Ironhammer was built by dr. Implausible.

The doctor almost tossed him into the lava pits of kelsedor,

Because he did not have enough screws in his head.

But the sparrow swooped in, and saved him.

Ironhammer the giantduuuh, what do ya' need me to do, boss?

That looks like a toy robot I used to play with, but real!

And really huge...


Bronkwe got the lady!

Quick warning, she's not happy.

What is going on?

What is the meaning of...

Nelson? Is that you?

What are you doing here? It's past your bedtime.

How did you get past the guards?

Explain yourself, young man! Right now!

Are you speaking to me?

I hardly think that's an appropriate

Tone to take with your mother!

My mother? I think you might be confused.

My mother is right here.


My name isn't nelson.

I am known as the one and only sparrow!

I'm not playing around, nelson.

Hey, nelson's mom!

You know how someone was running around and

Attacking people dressed as the sparrow?


It was him. It was nelson!

That is preposterous!

It can't be true!

You pressured him so much to be the sparrow,

That now he thinks he is.

He doesn't know how to be himself anymore.

He's stuck in the friction world!


Think he meant to say "stuck in the fiction world."


This can't be... Nelson!

Number galaxy queenthe sparrow lives only to serve me!


I do not cackle like that, i...

You're in big trouble, young man.

When we get back to the...

...will you knock it off!

I think you should just watch this duel, nelson's mom.

This duel will show you how he sees you

And what you've done to him!

Let us continue!

I'm using an overlay unit to once again

Activate galaxy queen's ability!

Just as before, the galaxy queen grants all my monsters

Immortality, and the ability to deal damage even if your monster

Is in defense mode this turn.

Feel the power of darkness flowing through you!

Embrace this power!

Defeat those who would defy me!

Yes, my queen!

I activate gairuda's ability!

So now it gains attack points.

Go, gairuda! Attack utopia!


I know, I'm on it!

I use one overlay unit to activate utopia's ability!

And with that, gairuda's attack is shut down!


But there's still plenty more where that came from!

I am just getting started.

Esper star sparrow, take out utopia with mega punch surprise!

Bring it on!

Cause I can activate utopia's ability again,

And block your attack!

But now utopia has no overlay units!

Meanwhile, I've still got some tricks up my sleeve.

Allow me to show you what I mean by

Activating ironhammer's special ability!

Since ironhammer is on my field,

One of my monsters can attack directly!

Aw, no!

Go, puma! This is your moment!

Go dark slash!


You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm not...

I'm fading away...

This is not good.

Yuma quickly, activate your trap card!

Are... Are you sure?

You have to trust me.


I activate my trap!

The trap is heartfelt appeal, and we can activate it

Because we took damage from his direct attack.

Great, but will the trap do?

It gives us control of his monster with the highest defense

Points until the end of our next turn.


That's better...


What is this?

You're turning against us?

Duuuh, I can't help it, boss.

I just suddenly have the urge to protect this weakling behind me.

You mean me, don't you?

You'll pay for this!

But for now, I'm ending my turn with a facedown card.

So umm... Why did we snag ironhammer?

I mean, if he's gonna go back to

Sparrow's side on his next turn, then...

...it was the right move.

Taking the giant was a necessary step toward defeating them.

If you say so, then you say so, but look, if you've got a plan,

Then fill me in, okay?

Or be like that.

I know how things will unfold.

Huh? How do you know?

Because I saw the ending of the tv show.

I can't believe you based our strategy

On a science friction show.

Forget it!

Moving on!

Aw man, I'm just not sure what to do. But I can't give up.

Okay, this ought to buy me some time.

I now activate the attraffic control spell card!

So as long as you've got three or more monsters on your field,

This spell will prevent you from being able to attack!

Yuma, that is it!

Hang on a sec!

You did it.

The pieces are all in place.

We're going to win this.

Are you sure we're dueling the same duel?

Cause in the duel I'm dueling, the galaxy queen can't be

Destroyed thanks to furious max's curse, and all the other

Monsters can't be destroyed thanks to the galaxy queen!

Everyone's invincible!

It is just like the show...

Aw, here we go...

I saw this episode. Trust me.

Sparrow gathered his allies together, and transformed

Ironhammer into the dimensional iron jet, and together,

They defeated the torian prince.

Just join the fan club already!

Listen, play those two cards in your hand.


Play both of 'em?

I really hope I don't regret this.

I'm playing two cards facedown, and ending my turn!

You're trying to stall.

But this ends now!

I draw!

First, your trap card's effect wears off.

So ironhammer returns to my field.

Uhhh... What was I doing just now?

You must put a stop to this threat!

Togetheri will do as you say, mother!

I don't like this!

Nelson, listen to me!

We're going back to the hotel.

We'll get some ice-cream.

You don't have to be the sparrow right now,

You can just be your...

...that's enough!

I have to be the sparrow!

Do you have any idea how many people are depending on me?


You think you managed to cage me in with attraffic control.

But I'm activating the change to jet iron trap card!

When sparrow and his allies are all gathered on the field

Together, they can unite to form the dimensional iron jet!


With twin titanium engines and dual sonic thrusters,

Dimensional iron jet packs enough attack power to defeat

You, and win this duel!

Oh man, that thing has enough attack power

To end this duel right now!

Deep breath...

Just play a trap card.

Oh, a trap card?

Play a trap card?

Which one should I activate?

Oh, wait!

I need some duel fuel!

There we go!

He must really be unsure.

I am totally feelin' the flow!

Now about that trap card...

I give you fiery fervor!

Alright, that trap doubled utopia's attack points!

Maybe so, but iron jet is still more powerful.

Aaaah! Can I take that move back?

Not a chance, yuma!

And as much as I'd hate to kick you when you're down, I'd like

To point out that my four monsters have become one.

Which means your attraffic control spell

Is no longer effective!


Activate a trap!

Guess we've got nothing better to do!

I'm activating the reserve cyclone trap!

This trap card activates because he took

Ironhammer the giant back from you.

And that is precisely why I had wanted you

To take control of it in the first place.

Aw sweet, that means we can get rid of furious max's curse!

Say goodbye to your trump card, chump!

What's this?


Now, there are no cards protecting the galaxy queen.

You may have broken max's curse,

But now I'm going to break you!

Jet iron, attack number utopia!

Go iron phoenix!


Here comes defeat from above!

It is going to be fine.

Remember, there is still one trap card on our field.

Oh, right!

'The pieces are almost in place!'

Oh wow, you did know it would go down like this.

Well then, I activate my trap card!

Vector change!

This trap lets me force your jet iron into defense mode.

This is not good...

And it forces your monster playing defense

To get its attack mode on!

Impossible! Now I can't attack!


I have... Let you down...

No, this isn't over yet!

You're going to lose, yuma.

I end my turn.

I draw!


All he has to do is attack galaxy queen.

You've got this, yuma!

Actually, there is still a risk factor.

If that facedown card is a trap card that counter att*cks,

He might win.

And I might...

But... This is our only chance to save nelson...

I know.

So... Are you with me?

Let us do it.

So get ready sparrow!

E I am so feeling the flow!

Utopia, attack galaxy queen!

Go rising sun slash!

Not so fast, yuma.

I activate the trap card star sparrow forever!

What is it?

Is it a counter card?

This card allows me to bring star sparrow out

Of my graveyard with zero attack points!

And like he always does,

Sparrow jumps in to protect those being att*cked!


Nelson, no!

You did it yuma!

Yeah, you did it!

It wasn't a trap that could hurt me...

So what was the point?

Bringing star sparrow to the field with

No attack points had no strategic merit.

Why would he do something that was pointless?

It wasn't pointless.

He wanted to protect her.

He was protecting his mom.

This memory is...

There she goes.



I don't know what happened to me.

Don't worry, it... It... It's over now.

Nelson, I'm sorry I've been pushing you so hard.

It's okay.

I want you to be you.

I really do.

Thanks, mom.



I'm getting all teary-eyed!

Maybe now he won't feel so lonely.

So, I'm hungry.

Who's up for a little spicy pizza cheeseburger action?

If you knew the truth about those att*cks,

Why didn't you tell me while we were out running around?

I figured if you found out that the sparrow was

Behind all those att*cks, you would've gotten all sad.



You care about my feelings, don't you?

No, that's gross, I don't care!

You're just annoying when you're sad, that's all!

I'm annoying?

You should try talking to you one day, yuma!

Besides, when have you ever seen me sad?

Are you serious?

How about the time you gave ashton williams

That valentine card, and and he said 'no thanks?'


Let's just go!

How are you able to resist my scepter's power?



You did it.



What a wonderful story!


Observation number - the bond between a human parent

And a human child is strong.

Very strong.

That memory...

I was remembering the moment I was born.

Female voice: your name... Is astral.

And you are being entrusted with the future of our world.

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