01x19 - The Edge of the World

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x19 - The Edge of the World

Post by bunniefuu »

Studentsi have so much homework!

Do we have band practice today?

Toriyuma, c'mon... Wake up!

There was a unicorn in the...



What is your problem?

Class is over.

Just thought you should know.


So it is.

You're hopeless.

All right,

Time to find someone to duel!

I assume you were out cold while mr. Kay

Was making the announcement about tomorrow's class.

Tomorrow's saturday?

Where have you been, yuma?

Tomorrow is school spirit day.

Bronkhey tori, which one of your parents are you draggin'

Here tomorrow, cause I was thinkin'...

Sorry about that, yuma.

Don't worry about it, I mean... Whatever...

No need to be awkward around me.

I wish I could just skip out on school spirit day.

Alspirit day sounds like it involves phantoms and ghosts.

It's when our parents come to class and watch our teachers

Teach and see how we're doing and stuff.

But your parents are not around right now.

Yeah, but it can be any member of the family.

I'll get grandma or kari to go.

I'm home, people.

Uuhhhh... Hello?

Grandma... You in here?

Grandmai didn't hear you come in.

Yeah, figured.

So, what do you think of this kimono yuma?

My fifty-seventh high school reunion is tomorrow.

I was thinking of wearing this old thing.

Wait, it's tomorrow?

I wonder how old henry miyazaki is doing?

He was my first boyfriend you know,

Such a little sweetie, he he he.

Hey, kari.

Kariyou're not getting your allowance in advance,

So don't ask.

I wasn't gonna!

Then what do you want?

Case ya' can't tell, I'm kinda busy here.

[Phone ringing]

What's up, you!


Whoa, go back a sec, apple's wedding is this saturday,

Why did I think it was...

Well yeah, I'm totally going, I wouldn't miss that for anything,

I mean, have you seen the...

Uhhh... Yuma?

Mom, dad, I miss you guys... I wish you were here...

I hope you're safe, wherever you are... Goodnight.

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothin'

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪

Friend atori!


Friend bwhat's up?

So are both of your parents coming to

School spirit day today?

My dad had to work.

I really hope my dad doesn't embarrass me.

Whenever he meets my friends, he talks in this goofy duck voice

That he thinks is hysterical or something.

And it's really not!

I heard we're doing p.e. Today.

The vaulting boxes.

Yeah, we are.

I wonder how many boxes yuma will go for this time!

I wonder how hard he'll wipe out.

Uuuunh late again, late again!


Try watching we're you're going, dweeb.

Why are you wearing a guy's neck tie?

You don't know anything about fashion, do you?

Well I do!

And I think you look good enough to be in one

Of those fashion magazines.

So do you!

That kimono is amazing!

You think so?

I haven't worn this thing since I was a young ballerina.

Hey, wait a sec.

Shoudn't you be upstairs sleeping still?


I'm going to school.

On a saturday?

Don't tell me you got detention.

I'm not in trouble!

Gotta go!


Yuma, why did you decide to not

Tell your family about school spirit day?

I dunno, what would be the point?

They had things to do.

I really didn't feel like bothering them.

Are they not supposed to go?


It's really no big deal.

They went last year.

All right, I can still make it in time!

I am feelin' the...

Oh, no!


No, no!

What is wrong?

It's gone!

My key is gone!


Where is it?

Do you really believe it simply fell from your neck?

We are going to have to retrace your steps exactly.

Yuma, this is very important to me.

It's pretty important to me too, ya know.

I didn't just find that thing lyin' around,

My dad gave it to me.

His father gave him the key?

What could this mean?

Could yuma's father have some connection

To me and my purpose here?

This is most intriguing...


Can you tell me about your father?

Whaddaya wanna know?

What kind of person is he?

He's the fun kind of person.

He hates sitting around, he loves adventure.

In fact, this one time,

He took me along with him on one of his expeditions.

Kazumawhat's wrong, yuma?

You didn't look down now, did you?

Young yumai can't do it!

I can't go any further!

Whaddaya saying, we're almost there!

But I'm, I'm scared...

Young kariaaargh!

This is totally unfair!

How come yuma got to go climbing with dad and I didn't?

Are you saying you don't want to

Help me prune my award winning chrysanthemums today?

Yeah, grandma.

It's just not fair!

Oh well, it must be really nice being the favorite.

Miradon't be so dramatic.

Your father just wanted to spend some time with yuma.

I have an idea.

Why don't we go and treat ourselves to a big fancy dinner?

Okay, now we're talking!

Oh, let's get italian!


Ooh ooh, and maybe a movie afterwards?

Either way, let's go!

You might want to put your shoes on first...

Hey pal, I got a question for ya.

What is it?

Everything ok?

Your mom tells me something happened at school last week...

Upper class boy a: haha! You lose.

Upper class boy b: just give up dueling.

You'll never be any good.

No way!

Cause one day, I'm gonna be an awesome duelist.

Yeah, of course you are... Not!

I'm gonna be great!

Just wait and see!

It was nothing.

No biggie.


But, like dad?

What, yuma?

I just don't wanna go to school anymore.

Why not?

Because, it's just... Too hard.

Yuma, we live in a complicated world.

What are you talking about?

Well for starters, the world we know isn't the only world.

There are actually multiple worlds all connected.

Let me show you. So over here,

We have a world full of adventure and possibility.

But then over here, we have a world full of negativity,

People saying "no" all the time.

What's crazy is that these worlds exist in the same place.



You bet.

The people who live in this world inhabit the same time and

Space as the people who live in this world over here.

Take those kids at school for instance.

Sounds like they live in the negative world.

You on the other hand, you live in the world of possibility,

Where people dare to dream.

I do!

So how can I stay in this world forever?

That's an easy one, little rascal!

You keep looking to the future

And dreaming big and setting goals for yourself!

What kind of goals?

Any kind!

You just have to listen to your heart

And feel the flow of everything surrounding you!

You decide who you want to be,

And then you go out and you be that person!

Don't you have any dreams, yuma?

Who, me?

Well yeah, I wanna...

My dream is to one day become a world champion duelist!

But like, when I tell people that,

They laugh and make fun of me.

Because those people don't live in our world.

They don't?

They're trapped in the other world,

The world full of doubt and negativity.

It's nearly impossible for people

Stuck in that world to dream.

To imagine the endless possibilities.

Those people can only see what is.

But what they cannot see is what could be.

They're not adventurers like you and me.

Yuma, always challenge yourself.

Don't be afraid to do what others tell you you can't do.

All right!

Whaddaya say?

Are you up for a little duel?


Right now?


It's gonna be great!

And then tomorrow,

You and I'll climb even higher!

My dad's the best.

When I told him I wanted to be a duel champion,

He was like, "go for it!"

That's one of the reasons I never give up, I mean, he taught

Me so much that calling it quits would be like betraying him.

We used to have the best duels...


Zubaba knightzubaba!

Alright, here goes!

I overlay my level gogogo golem and ganbara knight!

With these two monsters, I build the overlay network!

I xyz summon... Oh!

I forgot, I don't have any xyz monsters in this deck!

You forgot?

Hey dad?


What's your dream?

Oh well, um...

Mine is a simple one.

To journey!

To discover the edge of the world!

What are you laughing at?

You wanna go to the edge of the world?

That's just goofy, dad!

Everyone knows the world is round!

It doesn't have any edges.

Well I guess you do have a point there.

You would just fall right off.

We were cracking up, but maybe I had it all wrong.

What do you mean "had it all wrong?"

A little while later, he and mom were on an expedition...

They had gotten lost in a snow storm,

Separated from their team.

What was that, mira?

The ground's shaking!


I've got you!

Hang on, I can pull you up!




Don't do it!

You can't pull me up!

You'll fall in with me!

Don't worry mira, I'm gonna be fine!

Trust me, I'm in really good hands.


Kazuma, no!

It's like he experienced something in that light and

Like, he knew that he was going to be okay.

What is this place?

That light...

Is this the edge of the world?

A search team found my dad a

Couple days later. He was holding the key.


You okay!

Hey there yuma, you been a good boy?

We've been so worried, dad.

You've been missing for days!

He said he traveled to the edge of the world.

How is that possible?

I have no idea.

Did he say anything else?

Nothing that made much sense.

He was going on about lights and different worlds.

The doctors said it was just dehydration and exhaustion

Talking. I have no idea.

Yuma's father found the key on that journey.

Perhaps it unlocks a door of some sort,

A door connecting this world to another one.

Uh, oh yeah!

I remember when he gave it to me.

Next I activate my soul of fire spell card!

That pretty much does it.

Maybe take some piano lessons or something.

This duel isn't over yet, ya got that?

So then beat me,

Since you're such a great duelist.

Upper class boy c: show us your greatness!

You can't defeat him, and you know it.

You couldn't defeat a donkey!

You're right, I can't win.

Don't give up, yuma!


Remember what world you're in!

What do you mean?

You live in the world where anything is possible,

Just feel the flow!

It's all around you!

Yuma, let that key always remind you that you have the power to

Unlock your potential and be who you wanna be!

I can do this.

Thanks, dad!

I'm never gonna give up!

I am feelin' the flow!

Mom and dad went missing after that,

And no one's heard from them since.

Caswelllook at tori's mom!

Flipshe's like an angel.

Bronk's mother: why was afraid of seven?

Because ate .

Tori's motherhey, how come your friend

Yuma isn't here, tori?

I dunno.

Okay uh, now I feel dumb.

So then, it has been hanging here the whole time.

It must've fallen off in my sleep and when I woke up late,

I didn't notice.

At least mom and dad were watching over it.

How is your garden, meredith?

Meredithmy chrysanthemums are blooming wonderfully!

Oh, how nice!

And I've registered my primrose bushes to be

Judged in the annual garden fest.

Now didn't your lovely begonias

Take home the blue ribbon last year?

It was my gladioli, actually.

Old mannobody's allowed to call me "gramps",

"My whipper snapper, not even my grandkids!"

Maybe a duel would put you in your place!

You should really come over some time.

I recently acquired this lovely new tea set.


Do you hear something?

Perhaps there's a parade outside.

Speaking of which, are you going to the may parade?

Let's duel!

Bring it!

Of course!

I never miss the may parade!

The kids' floats last year were quite precious!

I helped build one of them!

Togetherwhere has our waiter wandered off to?

Briannalook at you, kari!

You look great!

Well, I never get the chance to dress up so, you know.

My idea of dressing up is to throw on one of bronk's hats!

Sounds like you're busy.

Yeah, well that's the life of a freelance journalist.

So I guess your grandma went to the school today, then.

You know, school spirit day or whatever.

Bronk dragged mom, I think.

'Hey kari...'

'Case you can't tell, I'm kinda busy here.'

Aw, man.

What's wrong?

Sorry, I gotta get my grandma!

Call me!



Why are you looking all serious all of a sudden, dad?

You need to keep an eye on yuma's dueling.

Before too long, he'll be forced to take great risks.

What kind of risks?

You'll know soon.

Why do I always have to be the responsible one?

We need you to look out for your little brother, kari.

Where will you be?

This is very important, kari.

Yuma is going to face a lot of challenges,

He's got quite a road ahead of him.

We need you to always be there for him

And to support him along the way.

Okay, whatever.

But I want a bigger allowance.

Mr. Kayso nice of you to join us, yuma!

Yeah, umm yeah.

You remember where you sit, right?

Yeah yeah uh, sorry...

Alright, are you two ready?


In the end, you can do it, caswell!

You knock 'em dead, tori.


New school record, here I come!

So uh, guess no one from yuma's family could make it.

Andy and sharon, you're up!

We're ready!

Guess not.



What are you guys doing here?

We're supposed to be here, but you didn't tell us!

For real!

Did you seriously think that we'd be okay with missing out on

Your school spirit day?

You guys... You came.

Go, yuma!

Show'em what you can do!

Tear it up!

All right!

I'm goin' for twenty boxes today!

What are you smiling at, yuma?

They're watching me.

Mom and dad.

I understand.

I feel like I can see them, as well.

High five the sky!

Go, yuma!

Do you think he can actually do this?

Not a chance.

C'mon, yuma!

Make us proud!

Observation number # - the people who know yuma love yuma.

All right!

Do it!


I am feelin' the flow!

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪
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