01x25 - Frozen in Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x25 - Frozen in Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Kitelittle brother, there's been a complication.

A kid named yuma has partnered up with the envoy from astral

World. Like me, they've been gathering numbers.

But I promise you, I will take care of them.

♪ If life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams won't die ♪

♪ If I hi-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today



Karihang on a second, yuma.

I don't have a second!

I'm gonna be way late!

The clothes you dumped on the floor when you came home

Last night smelled like smoked fish.

And this morning, I read there was an expl*si*n at a

Warehouse down in the pier district. You weren't

Down there last night, were you?

Of course I wasn't.

Can I please go to school now?

I don't wanna be late.

They're saying it was an electrical fire,

But this has cover up written all over it.

Heartland enterprises owns that building and big media, so...

Wow that's really cool, gotta go, catch ya' later!

Uh, yuma?

Litterbotstrash identified. Trash identified.

Astralyour sister is quite intuitive.

She will eventually find out what you are involved in.

What matters to me is that my key is safe, and

We got shark's soul back!

Oh, and I'm glad you're okay too.

I must admit, I am still feeling a bit shaken.

The fact that kite has the power to enter your

Key is most concerning.

Yeah, he's full of surprises.

It's like every time I think I'm starting to figure him out,

He throws a curve ball.

Who is he?

Race ya!

We're clearly still in the dark when it comes to who kite is.

But we did learn something new during that last duel.

He cannot be controlled by the power of the number cards.

Up until now, the duelists we have faced who were using number

Cards were being controlled by the cards.

The numbers had taken them over, and were making them act

Strangely, or against their wills.

But that does not seem to be the case with kite.

He seems to be perfectly in control.

It is very possible that kite is in possession of a power that is

Not of this world.

Whoa, what kind of power?

I do not know.

But the galaxy-eyes photon dragon that he uses, the light

That lives inside that monster triggers a strange feeling

Inside me, it makes me wonder if

That dragon comes from a different world.

It might help if we knew how collecting

Number cards helps him.

How are your memories supposed to save his little brother?

Perhaps they cannot save him.

Perhaps this is just about stopping me.

Stopping you?

Suppose that upon regaining my memories, I will discover

Something that threatens his plans.

We do not know what situation his brother is in.

What if me regaining my memories is what puts his

Little brother in danger?

So you're saying, kite gathering the numbers might not be about

Making something happen, it might be about making sure that

Something doesn't happen.

Agh, what am I doing?

I'm late!

What's up, tori?

Toriwe're late, that's what's up!

[Bell rings]


They make these classes too early.

Ya know, this is your fault, yuma.

With everything that happened last night at the warehouse, the

Duel, the expl*si*n,

I was up half the night worrying about you.

Because of that, I slept through my alarm!

And by you, I mean both of you.

I was really worried about astral too!

Hey, you hear that, astral?

Because of you two, I'm gonna get detention.

It's gonna be okay, I promise.

Well, I'm just glad you're okay now, astral.

He's over here, actually.


He can hear me, right?

Bronkyuma, tori!

Hey, guys. Welcome to the tardiness club!

Oh man, that warehouse last night sure was dangerous!

I was shakin' so much when I got home, I couldn't sleep.

Caswellneither could i.

But in the end, I'm glad we were able to be there for you.


Thanks for yesterday, you guys.

Cathyyou're welcome.

Didn't see ya' there!

It's okay.

No one ever does.

Oh sorry, cat.

Flipheard you had an adventure yesterday!


And why wasn't I invited?

It's not like we planned it or anything.

[Bell rings]

That's the second bell.

We've gotta go!

I can't miss history again!

What's this?

Uh, guys?


What's goin' on?


Why aren't they moving?

Because, time seems to have stopped.

Is this kite's doing?

No, this is something else.

Mr. Heartlanddr. Faker,

What's going on?

Dr fakertwo electromagnetic surges, one from astral world,

One from another world, collided right on top of earth.

Because of the energy generated in that collision, time has

Temporarily stopped.

How can time just stop?

These things happen, heartland.

In a matter of hours, the collisional aftershocks will

Ripple away and everything will return to normal.

But there can be no mistake that the two worlds are drawing

Closer to one another.

We're running out of time, we must deal with astral world.

Yuma, look!

This can't be happening.

Why are there three suns in the sky?

Uh... This day is getting freakier and freakier.

I know one of those suns. I believe it shines on my world.

I hope you're right about this, orbital .

This could prove most useful.

Now you're sure this is where they met?

Orbital I am!

Every action they've taken leaves a footprint on the fabric

Of time and space. With this unexpected phenomena occurring,

We can now see those footprints!

Their journey together started right here.

Yuma was dueling a young human male named shark.

Sharkdid you really think you could beat me, the best of the

Best, and win bronk's deck back?

Yeah, I kinda did.

I guess I was wrong.

Face it, yuma!

I stomped your little key to pieces,

And now I'm gonna stomp you!

That's where you're wrong, shark.

Caus en you're feeling the flow, there's no going back!

And speaking of feelin' the flow,

I so am!

Numberyes shark,

Let the number take hold.

I overlay level ,

Big jaws and kraken!

Number , leviathan dragon,

Attack with shock stream blast!


Rise up!

Who, who are you?

At last, the stage is set.

For what?


Overlay level gagaga magician and ganbara knight.

Hang on a sec.

Is this what I think?

Look at your deck, yuma.


It looks like an xyz monster.

But I can't quite make out which one.

I can.

Its number utopia.

Now go, utopia!

Attack leviathan dragon with rising sun slash!

What's going on with you?

Are you okay, astral?

My head. I have never felt like this before!

Someone is trying to get into my head, and access my memories.

Yuma, we need to revisit the places we have dueled.


Astral, wait,

Come back!

The echoes of another duel are coming from inside that tower.

Mr. Kayit's over, yuma.

I overlay crashbug x, y and z.

With these three monsters, I build the overlay network!

Here comes number !


Do your stuff, leviathan dragon!

Attack with shock stream blast!

And now utopia's gonna bring it home!

Direct attack!

Rising sun slash!

There you are.

You've never just taken off like that before.

It must be because of this cosmic occurrence that I am now

Able to move away from you.

Oh, so what are we looking for exactly?

You mean what is he looking for?

Wait, astral!

Stop flying off like that.

Wait a minute, this is where we dueled against flip.


He was able to seize our numbers.

And as a result, my connection to you was severed. It became up

To you to win the duel.

I remember,

You told me I had to protect baby tiragon no matter what, so

I did, and that allowed me to flip things around on flip and

Get utopia and leviathan dragon


No please, you can't do this to me!


Welcome home, you two!

Knowing who astral and yuma are will help me defeat them.

I wonder what details this soundstage will reveal.

Nelson has started thinking that he's actually the sparrow.

Sparrowyuma, I didn't want it to come to this. Alas, if you're

With the dark emperor, then I have no choice

But to battle you!

Togetherlet's duel!

I xyz summon!

Kneel before number - galaxy queen!

I have journeyed through time and space to fight the forces of

Evil and restore justice to the galaxy!

Get ready sparrow!

Cause so feeling the flow!

Utopia, attack galaxy queen!

Go rising sun slash!

Not so fast, yuma.

I activate the trap card 'star sparrow forever!'

What is it?

Is it a counter card?

This card allows me to bring star sparrow out of my graveyard

With zero attack points!

And like he always does, sparrow jumps in to protect

Those being att*cked!

Yuma, do you recall the duel we lost with shark?


I was trying to get him to stop hanging out with

Scorch and chills.

That is right.

After that, we came here on the night they were planning to

Break into the museum.

Then shark had an unexpected change of heart,

And allied with us.

Togetherlet's duel!

Scorchi summon number ,


Say hello to a world of hurt!

Chillsyour number card's as good as ours.

Black ray lancer, attack volcasaurus!

Your partner's outta the picture and you've got no

Monsters to hide behind.

I think it's safe to say that you're about to

Get officially yuma-ed!

Cause by sending utopia to the graveyard,

Black ray lancer can charge in again and attack you directly!

Arghh... No way!

Go shimmering spear slash!

And then after that duel, a few days later, that was when we

First dueled kite right here.

Yes, and we were far from prepared.

That's one way to put it. He wiped the floor with us.

Now, galaxy-eyes, let him have it.

Photon stream of destruction!

Even though only a number can destroy a number,

You're still gonna take damage!

Next I'm gonna play this -

The spell card 'photon wind!'

And it will be knocking the wind out of you.

Because when I deal damage without destroying your monster,

You take an additional points of damage!

And that's not all my photon wind lets me do.

Now, I get to draw a card!

And then I'll place one...


And with that, I'll end my turn.


As your life points diminish,

My life force does with it.

I have you right in the palm of my hand.

Can you feel the crush of defeat closing in?

Go photon stream of...

Incoming message. Master kite!

We'll finish this later.

But now,

I must leave!

Good thing he stopped the duel before we lost everything.

Our numbers, you, and you know, my soul.

We got really down on ourselves after that.

Luckily, grandma sent me to see her friend master roku.

Using the lessons he taught me against his former student kaze,

Helped me feel the flow again!

Togetherlet's duel!

I xyz summon - number !

Crimson shadow armor ninja!

I'm toast.

Yuma, do not let your doubt overtake you.

Remember that you are not alone.

You have got your friends with you.

I understand that when your back is to the wall,

You may feel outnumbered.

But you are not.

When you have friends, you are never alone.

You're right, astral.

No matter what we're up against, we're all in it together!

It's time to take a stand with my friends and

Kick some ninja butt!

Utopia, take out crimson shadow armor ninja!

This can't be!

And then when master roku gave us the sanctuary's legendary

Deck, not only was I back in action, I was able to

Step up my game!

And just in time.

Cause that's when that freaky fortuneteller forced me to duel

To save my friends!

Fortunoi xyz summon, number , shock master!

This feeling I have, this trembling in my spirit,

I think I now understand what it means to be afraid.

You have to surrender your number card yuma, in order to

Save your friends, you have to.

There's gotta be another way, astral!

There is not.

My friends have always been there when I needed them,

Good times and bad times, ups and downs,

Through thick and thin,

I'm not just gonna ditch my friends.

I know.

That is why I am saying you...

You still don't get it, do you?

I said, I won't abandon any of my friends, astral, and

You're my friend!


Yuma, win this.

You got it, pal!

The path has been made!


For what?

For this. Chaos number .

By combining utopia with it's overlay units, utopia can

Further evolve itself.

The time is now, yuma.

Togethergo chaos xyz evolution!

Get ready for chaos number !

I give you - utopia ray!

Do it, utopia ray!

Attack big eye!

Rising sun chaos slash!

Our efforts to learn more about astral and yuma by tracing

Their memories have led us here.

This is the location of their most recent memory dealing

With a number.

Well that's what you get for grabbing at me.

What is happening?


Number ...

It is trying to take control of me!

What do you mean "trying to take control of you"?

Number he means that when you dropped your key, you

Allowed me to escape.

And now that I am free, I can take control of your

Dear friend, astral.

Onto step two,

Acquiring number utopia!

Hey tall, dark and creepy, if ya want this number so bad,

Beat me in a duel!

Next I am overlaying these three level 's in order

To build the overlay network and xyz summon... A copy of myself,

Number dark mist!

I won't give up,

Just like yuma never has!

Go rising sun slash!

No way... I... I lost?


Where are we now?

I knew he was the one tracking our memories.


What happened, are you okay?

Totally meant to do that.

Hey uh, where is yuma?

We'll settle things at the world duel carnival.

I'm looking forward to it, kite.

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today
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