02x03 - Heavy Metal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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02x03 - Heavy Metal

Post by bunniefuu »

Torithis is a dangerous shortcut!

Yumaif we go around, we'll miss the previews, tori!

You're dragging me through a construction site for previews?


I don't even care about the movie.

But they're gonna have the trailer for the next "lunar

Battalion" sequel, I've gotta see it!

Astralwhy is she nervous?

What exactly happens at this place known as a construction


Construction happens, what else.

They're building some kinda giant new mall.

It's gonna be the biggest in the world, I heard.

C'mon yuma, I don't like this.

It's totally safe.


♪ If life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams won't die ♪

♪ If I hi-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today



Is this your idea of totally safe?


You okay, tori?

I'm good.

What was that all about?


No one's driving.

Codyyou numbskulls aren't wearing helmets!

Don't you guys know that construction sites are dangerous


Sorry for almost turning you into pancakes.

I saw the beams falling and went to hit them out of the way and

Then accidentally put the excavator into gear and then I

Couldn't reach the dumb brakes to stop it.

How does a kindergartener even get onto a construction site and

Accidentally do anything?

A what?

A kindergartner?

I'll have you know that cody callus is in middle school.

I'm just vertically challenged.


We're in middle school too, cody!

I'm tori,

And this is yuma.

Thank you for trying to save us.

That was so brave!

You okay, pal?

Uh, what's everyone lookin' at?

What a huge truck!

Oh that's gracie, she can haul like three-hundred hogs!

That's maybe the most amazing thing I've ever heard.

All those pigs.

Not real hogs.

My old man and his crew refer to tons as "hogs."

Your dad works construction?


He's the foreman on this site.

No wonder you know so much about this stuff.

This concerns me.

Those enormous beams over there appear to be held together by

Nothing more than a few metallic pieces. That strikes me as a

Precarious arrangement.

What's that big machine up there?

That is barnabe.

That thing could lift a mountain.

Something tells me we're not going to catch that movie or


It'd be so cool to drive that thing.

Cause it'd make you feel all super strong right?

Yeah, that's pretty much why I decided to step up and compete

In the world duel carnival.

I may be a little guy, but when I'm dueling and I'm controlling

These powerful monsters, I feel bigger than I am.

It makes me feel like there's nothing I can't do.

I know exactly what you mean.

So uh, does that mean you're in the duel carnival?


Really? Well, I hate to break it to ya', but no one stands a

Chance against my heavy machinery deck.

You only say that because you haven't seen my deck.


Sounds like a challenge.

It is.

Let's do this!

Hope you're ready!

Duel disk, go!

Duel gazer, let's roll!

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision link established!

Get set to get decked!

Togethernow let's duel!

You ready to rumble?

I'm going first!

I draw!

And I'm kickin' things off by summoning a monster.

Here comes jumbo drill!

Next I activate the charging construction spell card!

Since I summoned jumbo drill, charging construction lets me

Bust out another heavy hitter in defense mode.

Get ready to tremble before the sheer awesomeness of my mighty

Road roller!

And now I activate jumbo drill's special ability.

Since road roller is on site, jumbo drill gains three-hundred

Attack points.

Aaah, man!

Those machines of yours are pretty sweet.

Not the response I was expecting.

Your opponent just summoned two monsters.

I end my turn by throwin' one card facedown.


Now you're getting to see what my mighty machines are all


And now you get to see what I'm all about.

First up,

I'm summoning gagaga magician!

Yuma, look at the attack and defense points of your

Opponent's monsters. I am sorry to say, but gagaga magician

Cannot put a dent into either one of them.

Oh man, what was I thinking?

This isn't good.

Perhaps an equip spell would help.

I was just about to say that.

From my hand, I activate the bound wand equip spell.

When a monster is equipped with bound wand, it gains one hundred

Attack points for each of it's levels.

That's a pretty neat stick n' all,

But even with that power up, your magician isn't strong

Enough to put a dent into my mighty machines.


Need I gently remind you that gagaga magician's special

Ability allows him to change levels once per turn?

Oh yeah, that's right.

By activating gagaga magician's special ability, I can change

Him from a level to a level !

Which means bound wand can grant him another four hundred attack


And now gagaga magician, attack jumbo drill!

Bring it on,

Cause I'm playing the trap card - foreman's fury!

So now, a thousand of your magician's attack points are

About to disappear into thin air!

No way!

Oh yes way!


Use bound wand's effect now, yuma!


I was gonna!

When the monster equipped with bound wand is destroyed in

Battle, that monster can return to the field when the battle


That will help, but the situation is still dire.

You should focus on defending.

That way you will not take battle damage if your magician

Is destroyed again.

Good call, astral.

I return gagaga magician in defense mode.

Then I place one card facedown and end my turn.

Do you seriously think you can defend against the power of my

Heavy hitters?

Let's find out!

I draw!

I'm summoning strong shovel excavator to join me on the job


Now that strong shovel has dug in, jumbo drill gains another

Attack points.

And now strong shovel's gonna dig into your gagaga magician.


I'm activating the half unbreak trap card!

With this trap card in play, my monster isn't destroyed, and the

Damage I would have taken is cut in half.

Not too bad there. You and your monster got through that without

So much as a scratch.

Well then, I guess I'm gonna have to find some other way to

Hammer you into the ground.

You can try, but half unbreak's effect remains in play.

Too bad that's not gonna stop jumbo drill from attacking.

And jumbo drill's got a special ability.

When your magician's in defense mode, and jumbo's attack points

Are greater than your magician's defense points, the difference

Is dealt to you as damage.

You see that?

That's what my machines are all about, just

Tearin' down absolutely anything that's dense enough to stand in

Their way!

Hey, how come it's in defense mode now?

Oh yeah well, uh... Thing about jumbo drill is after it att*cks,

It's gotta go on defense until the end of my next turn.

Mandated union break, I guess.

That's construction humor.

That sounds like it'd be kind of a pain to have to deal with.

Hey, if you want heavy machinery to do what heavy

Machinery does best, maintenance is a must.

It's like my dad always says, "heartland city wasn't built it

In a day"...

This is your chance.

Do not waste it.

I'm on it!

It's my turn now!

I draw!

Let's make this happen!

First, I'm switching gagaga magician to attack mode.

Next, I'm summoning mystical donator!

Mystical donator is all about giving.

Once a turn, he's willing to give up his attack points and

Either give 'em to another monster on my field, or give 'em

To me so I can increase my life points.

This time, mystical donator is gonna give his attack points to

Gagaga magician!

Aw, nuts and bolts!

And with that, gagaga magician att*cks strong shovel excavator!

Dig that!

I place one card facedown and end my turn!

And now gagaga magician and mystical donator return back to


Those super big machines of yours pack a lot of power,

But dueling isn't just about power, cody!


What else is there other than power?

You know there's like, uh... Tactiles...

You mean tactics.

I'm just sayin' it's not about being big and powerful!

Of course it is!

Two guys suddenly get into a fight.

Then the bigger one wins, the bigger one always wins!

What're you talkin' about?

"Half pint, "short stack", "small fry." Oh, I've been

Called all sorts of names.

Back in elementary school, the big kids made fun of me, pushed

Me around, took my lunch money.

One day, I was working at a job site my dad was working at,

Watchin' the machines do their thing. And that's when it hit

Me. You know who stands up to a bulldozer?

No one, that's who.

Cause you don't mess with power.

People respect power when they see it.

They get scared by it.

Me and my machines?

We're gonna show the duel carnival what power's all about.

Then we'll see how many people are calling me "little stuff" or

"Bite size" or whatever!

But cody...

I'll show ya' what I mean!

To kick things off, I'm activating the scrap and build

Spell card!

Scrap and build gives me the go-ahead to summon a low-level

Machine-type monster straight from my graveyard!

Strong shovel's gonna pull a double shift.

Oh and uh... When this card is summoned from the graveyard, it

Gains a level.

Next up, I'm activating another spell card - overhaul!

This doozy improves work efficiency across the board by

Granting every machine-type monster on my field an

Additional level!

I hope you're ready, 'cause you're about to see real power.

Yuma, this is bad!

I overlay jumbo drill, road roller and strong shovel


With these three monsters, I build the overlay network!

Here comes the awe-inspiring, pulverizing, the ultimate

Machine in my crew...

I xyz summon digvorzhak, king of heavy industry!

Thirty-two hundred attack points?

Yep, and digvorzhak is gonna use them to finish you!

I xyz summon digvorzhak, king of heavy industry!

Thirty-two hundred attack points?

Yep, and digvorzhak is gonna use them to finish you!

When you absolutely have to demolish something, accept no


Yuma, that monster is strong.


First I activate digvorzhak's special ability!

By using one overlay unit, digvorzhak can knock three cards

Outta your deck, and haul 'em off to the graveyard.

You gotta be kidding me.

Now for every monster that was tossed into the graveyard, a

Monster on your field is destroyed.

For real?

You managed to yank two monsters, so that means...

Your field is about to become a demolition site.

Go mountain mover!

Yuma's totally vulnerable now...

If he comes at me with a direct attack, I am done for.

Try to stay focused, yuma.

All right, digvorzhak!

It's full throttle time!


So loud!

It's like an earthquake!

Yuma, play your trap card!

Hey, what did you say?

"Try to clap hard?"

More power!

Rev that engine and give it everything you got, digvorzhak!

I'm talkin' maximum overdrive, baby!

Yuma, listen!

You need to activate your trap!

I can't hear you!

Captivating a crab?

Let's end this!

Go wheel of wrath!

Use your trap!

Activate it!

Oh! Activate the trap!

I'm activating a trap!

Small resistance!

When one of your monsters is attacking, I can choose a level

-Or-below monster with -or-fewer attack points and

Your attacking monster loses the same amount of attack points as

The monster I chose.

I'm going with mystical donator!


You keep somehow managing to survive my att*cks. You won't

Be so lucky next turn.

My field is empty and I'm

Hanging on by a lousy one hundred life points.

How am I supposed to take down a monster that huge?

What is that monster made of?

Think about what is holding it together, yuma. After all...

Speak up, astral!

Sometimes he can be so frustrating.

And sometimes you can be stubborn.

Oh yeah? Well...

Hey, how come I could hear you that time?

Because I went with telepathy.

We can communicate that way, remember?

Oooh, yeeeah.

And now that I have got you, I have made the following

Observation about this place known as a construction site.

These gigantic structures that you humans create are comprised

Of many individual parts.

Okay, and?

Take for instance, that hexagonal piece by your foot.

This thing?

It's just a nut.

Consider how tiny that piece is.

And yet, it will contribute to the support of this colossal


Every piece plays an important role.

Without even the smallest of components in the right places,

The entire foundation could collapse.

I think you're talking about dueling now.

What's a matter, yuma?

Have you been frozen in place by awesomeness?

Don't be hard on yourself, it happens to lots of people!

I draw!

All right, kurivolt!

Look at that dinky little pipsqueak.

What could that runt do to my machine?

Its just gonna scratch it's paint job.

It's gonna do a lot more than that once I activate its special


What's happening to digvorzhak overlay units?

Kurivolt can seize overlay units and change 'em into kurivolt


Are you serious?

It can turn overlay units into monsters?

Well ain't that sumthin'!

Still, how are those three little monsters supposed to take

Down a machine like digvorzhak?

With the help of a spell card called mini-guts.

Go kurivolt tokens, do your thing!

Nice try, pal!

But nobody can stop my ultimate machine,

Not even you.

Go kurivolt tokens, take out digvorzhak!

Don't you see?

Nothing can stop my ultimate machine!

Especially not...


What's happening to digvorzhak?

Excellent work, yuma.

Using the mini-guts spell, you were able to tribute two level

Monsters to strip his machine of attack points.

This seems promising.


This ain't right.

Those little monsters are so pathetic.

You can finish this right now.


Digvorzhak's outta gas,

And now,

Kurivolt's gonna race in and shut that machine down for good!


Then due to mini-guts' effect, you take damage equal to

Digvorzhak's original attack points!

I am shutting your machines down.

Aaw yeah!

Aw, nuts 'n bolts.

Something that small isn't supposed to be able to take down

Something that big!

You shouldn't sell little guys so short, cody.

What do you mean?

Look at this humongous building!

Think about how many tiny pieces are combining to hold it all

Together. I'm just sayin' little guys are capable of big things.

Here you go yuma.

You beat me.

So my heart piece is yours now.

Don't waste it.

Don't worry, I'll take it all the way.

You've got three now, yuma!

Ya know, I think I lost because I underestimated what little

Monsters are capable of,

Which really means, I underestimated what I'm capable


Hey cody, we were on our way to a movie. You wanna come with us?

Well, you see...

"Little guys are capable of big things."


You know that you're not supposed to be here, cody!


You could get hurt.

Get outta here before your dad sees you!

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today
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