03x01 - Party Panic

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x01 - Party Panic

Post by bunniefuu »

( girl ) Hey, did you hear ?

Two kids from our school

made it to the finals in the World Duel Carnival !

They did ?

Who are they ?

( panting )

Well, Shark made it, of course,

and that really clumsy kid too.

Oh, that's Yuma...

Hey, how does his catchphrase go again ?

It's something like...

Watch out 'cause I'm feeling the flow !

( yelling )

Hey, ladies.

Can I interest you in a finalist's autograph ?

A real-world Duel Carnival finalist to be exact !

You there, step right up !

Don't be shy !

( Yuma ) How about you ? Or you ? Isn't your friend Yuma

getting a little carried away ?

Don't you mean a lot carried away ?

What a dope.

In the end, I couldn't agree with you more.

So, who's gonna be first ?

( girl ) I am !

C'mon, let go, it's attached, you know !

Not for long if you don't move it.

You know, you've really let making the finals

go to your head.

Okay, maybe I did get a little carried away

when I started charging money for autographs.

But you can't blame me.

I mean, check this out !

Ta-da !

A special invitation.

To a party the night before the Duel Carnival finals !

Whoa !

I bet it'll be packed with celebrity duelists !

I've got the cat's meow of an outfit.


Hey, guys ?

Are you forgetting that this is my party ?

Yuma's going to the party of the year...

but he's not the only one who's gonna stand

in the spotlight !

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid

♪ To challenge myself

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die

♪ If I high-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings

♪ Takeoff it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪

Vetrix !

Wait !

Please hear me out, you have to !

I wanna show you what I can do !

Give me the same powers you entrusted to Trey.

And why should I do that, Quattro ?

So you can squander them and fail me,

just like your brother Trey did ?

Vetrix !

How can you be so cold and ruthless ?

Trey dueled the Original Number for you

and look at him now !

What more do you want ?

It's quite simple really.


And I've found someone who is more likely

to deliver than you.

Reginald Kastle.

Ah, but you would likely know him better by his

dueling moniker, Shark !

No !

Give me a chance, Vetrix, please !

Master Kite, please listen to me !

If you continue to use Photon Transformation

to win duels and acquire Numbers,

the stress your body endures may...

( man ) I do hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Just checking to see if everything is all right.

No, no, it's not !

Master Kite is physically...

I'm fine, Heartland.

Ah, that's the spirit, Kite.

Now that so many Numbers have gathered in Heartland City,

things are really heating up.

So it goes without saying

that I appreciate you doing this for me.

It's for Hart...

I'm dueling for Hart, not you, understand ?

Hart, me, does it really matter ?

As long as you get all the Numbers.

That's what counts.

Am I right, Kite ?

It's been fun chatting.

But I have to run to get ready for tonight's festivities.


That Mr. Heartland certainly has a cheery disposition.

Orbital, can it, before I can you.

Look at all the people here for tonight's party !

I know, right ?

I'm glad I bought a new dress for the occasion !


You know, there aren't many people who could pull off

a dress like that.

And you almost did; and I do mean almost.

"Almost" huh ?

How dare you ?

Especially when you look like you picked your outfit

out of the kitty litter.

Kitty litter ?

You don't scare me !

Tori, Cathy !

Would you two cool it ?

This is no place for a cat fight !

Ah, Heartland.

Built by Dr. Faker...

Heartland is a mesmerizing paradise

forged to delight and awe crowds of all ages.

And to commemorate tonight's

World Duel Carnival festivities,

Mr. Heartland has transformed

this already beautiful attraction

into a truly jaw-dropping spectacle.

You sound like a brochure.

It seems that a Number I retrieved from Trey

held a memory fragment

containing extensive knowledge about this place

known as Heartland.

Just great,

as if you weren't already enough of a know-it-all.

( Bronk ) Yo, check it.

The party's that way.

( Caswell ) Complete with a red carpet !

I do hope I look my best !

Well, what do you say we get walking ?

Get walkin' where ?

This is invitation only,

so make with the invites or scram !

Not a problem.

An invitation, is that all, sir ?

Here you are.

You forgot it, didn't you ?


But I am a World Duel Carnival finalist !

There's no way a scrawny pipsqueak like you

made it into the Carnival finals.

But I did !

Then make with the invitation,

or you're not getting in...

Well, I...

Stop wasting our time !

Don't listen to him.

An invitation's not the only way into a party.

Whaddaya mean, Flip ?

I'm so glad you asked, Yuma.

( Flip ) Welcome to the Flip Side !

If you can't walk on the red carpet, crawl underneath it.

If my new dress gets stained, you're paying for it, Flip.

Thank you, thank you, you're too kind !

( yelling )

It's that kid again !

Gotta go ! Yuma !

Not without us !

I'm having a great time at this party, Yuma, really.

I see no reason why we should all get in trouble.

This masked duelist is giving me an idea.

( man ) There's nowhere to run, kid !

This is all a big misunders--

I've got you now !

( man ) Well, well, well, if it isn't Yuma Tsukumo !

Oh, Nistro, sir !

The evening's just begun

and you already got yourself in trouble.

This spiky-haired punk

tried to crash the party.

It's all right.

Believe it or not, this spiky-haired punk

actually is a finalist.

Are you sure ?

I'm going to pretend you didn't just second-guess me.


( chuckling )

Let's get outta here !

Yeah, you might say I carry a little weight around here.

Hmph, a "thank you" wouldn't of hurt.

Whoa !

Check it !

I know, look at all the duelists

from around the world !

Oh, my gosh, is that him ?!

Look over there, from Brazil...

Pepe "The Panther" Perez !

And over there, it's the noble Lord Percius.


Uh-oh !

The Triad of Terror !

Coyote !

Jackal !

And their leader, Wolfsbane !

They're real bad news !

Speaking of...

Where's Kite ?

A-ha !

There you are !

Huh ?

I've seen that guy before...

It's you again.

You're as persistent as your father.

Huh ?

What do you know about my father ?

Your father is alive, Yuma.

He's in Astral World.

( Yuma ) Time to find out what this guy knows...

Now, Kite, this isn't like you...

Don't you have any loyalty to your former pupils ?

How could you let anything happen to my brother Hart ?

Explain yourself !

You owe me that !

My two brothers and I simply do as Vetrix wishes.

Vetrix ?

You'll meet him soon enough.

You mean he's in the finals ?

What're you staring at ?

I sensed it earlier, but now I can even feel it.

You're not well, are you ?

You should be careful who you challenge...

I gotta find out what that guy knows about my dad !

Where did they go ?

That guy could be the key to finding my father.

Okay, which one of you lovely ladies is next ?

Me !

When it comes to signing autographs,

your wish is my command.

Out of the way !

Move people !

Shark !


I figured you'd be inside, signing autographs

for your little fan club.

Enjoy it while you can.

Because soon...

I'll make sure your fans find out that

you're just a phony feeding them lies.

( woman ) I heard Kite.

What brings you here, Dextra ?

I wish it weren't so but I've learned the truth.

What're you talking about ?

I heard from the doctors

who analyzed your medical reports.

They told me what stress your body has been enduring.

You're dueling for Hart.

That much is clear.

I know you have to collect Numbers to help him

but listen... Kite...

If you choose to keep hunting Numbers

throughout the Carnival finals,

the toll it takes on your body could--

Vetrix is in the finals !

He's the one responsible for what happened to Hart.

But, Kite...

But nothing.


I must face him.

But, Kite, think.

At what cost ?

You should be pleased, Heartland,

your party is a big success.

Yes, everything's going according to plan.

Have all the finalists been assembled ?


There's only one who hasn't shown yet.

Who is it ?

Someone who goes by the name of Vetrix.

Vetrix ?

Yes, do you know him ?


Well, I'm sure this Vetrix fellow

will show up soon enough to the party.

Speaking of which, I really must go attend to it.

I don't see Flip anywhere...

In the end, if he'd just stuck with us,

he'd be at the party right now.

Can it be ?

Whoa !

It's the legendary powerhouse

duelist-slash-rock-n-roll legend-slash eccentric

tabloid newsmaker...

Count Crazy Fang !

Count Crazy Fang !

Can you sign this ?

Wow, who knew Caswell was such an autograph hound ?

Thank you, oh, thank you, sir !

Are you ready ?

Make some noise !

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome one and all to Heartland !

Are you ready to get this party started ?

( cheers and applause )

As you all know,

the World Duel Carnival finals start tomorrow !

So, without further adieu,

meet our finalists !

First is...

( crowd gasping )

( woman ) My stars ! ( man ) My wallet !

( woman ) If I thought it was going to be this...

( man ) What is the meaning of this ? Well, I never !

( Vetrix cackling )

What's going on ?

( gasping )

( giggling )

Nice cake !

Looks delicious...


Who are you ?

You mean me ?

The name is Vetrix.


( cackling )


( chuckling )

Uh, yes, that's me.

We've been expecting you, Vetrix.

And you can expect this:

I will crush all the finalists !

And I'm a man of my word.

( cackling )

Such a lovely party !

I look forward to getting to know all of you better.

Or at the very least...

one of you !

Peek-a-boo !

I see you !

( cackling )

He knows I am here ?

How is that possible ?

( cackling )

( crowd gasping )

( woman ) Did I just see that ? ( man ) Where did he go ?

( woman ) That's outrageous.

Who was that guy ?

A-ha ! There he is !

That's the one !

Imposter !

( yelling )

( screaming )

Don't these stilts come with brakes ?

Aww, not you again !

No, not me again !

In the end, I guess that Flip

did get into the party after all !

Hey, stop !

This is a simple misunderstanding !

( yelling )


Kite, how is Hart ?

I wouldn't worry about my brother.

I'd would worry about facing me in the finals.

Bring it on, Kite.

I will defeat you.

We'll see.

I'm not talking to you, Yuma.

You're not worth my time.

I'm talking to Astral !

To Astral ?

So you want to hire the Triad of Terror ?


Well, we don't come cheap.

I assure you, money is no object for us.

Name any price you wish and it's yours.

So, who's the target ?

A boy named Yuma Tsukumo.

All right !

( cackling )

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