03x04 - Test Your Luck!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x04 - Test Your Luck!

Post by bunniefuu »

( Mr. Heartland ) Welcome back, duel fans !

You're just in time to join our remaining

World Duel Carnival finalists as they journey

into the next section of our competition

known as the Dragon's Den.

Which of our finalists will move on ?

Which of our finalists will go home ?

Only one way to find out !

Keep it here for all the action !

Did you hear that ?

Only duelists left !

And Yuma made it by clawing his way

through the competition !

Go, Yuma !

Just keep feelin' the flow !

Yeah !

( Flip ) I sure hope Yuma can flip things around,

'cause right now he's in last place !

It doesn't matter where he is.

You know he always comes out on top !

Yeah, Cathy's right.

In the end, Yuma always seems to pull out a victory.

Well, yeah, but he'll need a flashlight this time,

'cause this underground section is pitch black !

Which means Yuma won't know what's lurking

behind each twist and turn of the track.

Well, as long as he keeps feelin' the flow,

he's sure to see his way to victory !

( Mr. Heartland ) And now, to explain what our

remaining finalists need to do.

The goal is simple.

They have to get to one of the four duel fields

before their competition does !

And those fields are:

Magma, Space, Jungle...

and Desert.

Each of the four fields have their own

set of advantages and disadvantages.

Duelists must race to the one they

think will give them the edge !

And now, let's get to dueling !

( crowd cheering )

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid

♪ To challenge myself

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die

♪ If I high five the sky

♪ Spread my wings

♪ Take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪

Anyone you hope to duel against, Yuma ?

( Yuma ) I'm not choosy.

Whoever I see first is going down,

'cause I'm feelin' the flow !

Yuma, I do hope you realize,

four duel fields, means only eight people can duel.

No, that can't be right.

Two people to a duel, and four fields,

so let me see, that makes...

Two multiplied by four is eight.

Right !

Good math !

Eight duelists !

Just eight duelists ?

I gotta get movin' !

This map shows I'm in first place.

Vetrix is currently second.

And Kite is in third.

Vetrix, I'm gonna hunt you down.

Ooh, what fun !

The dark is sure to be chock full of many surprises !

I can't wait to see who or what I find first !

( laughing )

Giggling fool !

You won't be laughing for very long !

I'm going to gather as many life points

as I can and finish you.

I bet you didn't know

it's feeding time, Quattro !

And this shark's getting ready

to sink its teeth into you !

( Quattro ) It seems Reginald's taken the bait !

This is perfect.

Just keep following me, Shark.

I'll lead you to your doom in

the one field I know you don't stand a chance in.

( Quattro ) Since your deck is built around water monsters,

I'm gonna lead you straight to

the Magma field and fry your fishies !

( Tricky ) Hey, Nistro !

I'm calling you out !

Who's this fool?

Come on, chump, I'm talking to you !

Looks like we've got a duel on our hands !

It's Tricky Tommy Noble versus the notorious Nistro !

I'll make this quick and painless.

Go, Grapple Blocker !

Tommy Noble !

How that hack got this far into

the finals I'll never know...

But I do know he won't make it any further !

I play the spell card Heroic Call !

And with it, I can now summon the powerful

Heroic Challenger, w*r Hammer from my hand.

Come on out and join the party !

Put the squeeze on 'em, Grapple Blocker !

Get your slimy mitts off my monster !

Let's show him how to land an attack, w*r Hammer !

( Mr. Heartland ) A truly amazing victory for former

World Duel Carnival Committee member...

Nistro !

With just one move, he beat Tricky Tommy Noble !

Come on !

Cut to Yuma already !

Did you hear Heartland ?

People are already dueling !

I better get to a field and fast !

Watch where you're going !

You're heading straight for a trap marker !

Look there !

( groaning )

That hurt...

Trap markers mean business.

( Nistro ) Quinton's in my way !

But he won't be for very long !

Hey, pal, what do you say we duel ?

Looks like Nistro's back !

And now he's challenging Quinton to a duel.

But please, Nistro, make it longer than your last one...

Am I right, duel fans ?


Dueling me is a colossal mistake.

We'll see...

w*r Hammer, attack him directly !

Sorry, but that won't work, Nistro.

Not when I activate Malevolent Flash from my hand.

This card stops your monster's attack,

and sends that monster back to your hand.

Come on, Quinton, that was all bark and no bite !

You'll need to do way better than

that if you want a shot at beating me.

Oh come now, Nistro, don't flatter yourself.

You know you're outmatched.

I activate the spell card Punishing Fire !

And just like that, you take points of damage.

Oh my goodness !

This is certainly an expl*sive duel !

Folks, why don't we just say goodbye to Nistro for now, huh ?

The match is too hot to handle.


In fact, there's a new duel shaping up right now,

so let's check in on Quattro !

And now, Fiendish Knight, finish him off !

( yelling )

( Mr. Heartland ) And look over here !

Shark's going at it with the Sultan of Spells !

End this once and for all, Big Jaws !

Gulp Grind Attack !

( grunting )

( Quattro ) That's right, Shark.

Stay on my tail.

Follow me to the Magma Field where

I'll dish out your defeat.

I bet Quattro'll turn Shark into fish flakes !

Shark'll turn Quattro into canned tuna !

Oh, come on.

Quattro'll hook that fish and have him

stuffed and mounted in no time !

Stop !

Enough with the fish references, you two !

You're giving me a headache !

But we're having a whale of a time. But we're having a whale of a time."],…}

Yuma, the turn you took leads us

straight back to that punching trap again.

( groaning )



Did that jog your memory ?

This would be observation number .

Yuma is as bad a driver as a duelist.

( beeping )

( Dextra ) Looks like there's a spell marker up ahead.

Now this could either prove to be very good...

or very bad.


Dian Keto, the Cure Master.

Due to this spell card, I gain a thousand life points.

Now my total is , but it's still not enough.

I need more life points if I'm going to beat Vetrix !

( Kite ) Hmm, he stopped...

So, Vetrix...

what're you up to ?

Orbital, come in !

Yes, Master Kite !

Listen carefully.

Analyze Vetrix's movements on this course.

And be quick about it.

Yes, sir !


Looks like a trap marker ahead.

It is !

I spy with my little eye, the trap card Butterfly Mist.

I would have taken damage if I hadn't avoided it.

Lucky me.

( cackling )

So many trap cards, and so few ways to avoid them.

It's as if someone is planting them to lead me somewhere.

I wonder who could be behind it all...

( Dextra ) Now I have , life points,

but I still need more if I'm going to face Vetrix.

Would you please try to stop driving into traps ?

Now you're down to only life points !

Yeah, and only a small handful of teeth.

It would be one thing if you lost points dueling,

but you're just not paying attention !


Ah, you sound just like Mr. Kay.

Yuma, look up ahead...

That can't be good !

Hit the brakes !

( yelling )

Another trap !

It's the trap card the Paths of Destiny.

You flip a coin.

If it lands heads, you gain , life points,

but if it lands tails,

you take , points of damage.

Uh-oh, not good.

This is awesome !

This'll be the easiest , life points I ever gain !

But if the coin lands on tails,

you'll be totally out of life points !

C'mon, trust me, Tori,

I've got a hunch about this one...

Unlikely as it may be,

I hope Yuma knows what he is doing.

Here I go !

I'm feeling the flow !

( groaning )

I know it's a hard fact to accept,

but you are in a duel you cannot win.

Ha !

You're not seeing the big picture !

My plan'll soon become clear to you, I promise !

Is it a plan to lose ?


Get real, Quinton !

Losing is your department !

Mine is beating chumps like you.

Let me show ya.

I summon Heroic Challenger,

Double Lance from my hand !

When I Xyz Summon, this monster counts as two !

So, I overlay two Level Double Lances !

With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network

and Xyz Summon Heroic Champion, Excalibur !

Excalibur can't attack unless I have

or fewer life points, which I do.

And that's just the start...

By using all its Overlay Units,

I can double Excalibur's attack points.

Now !

Go, Excalibur !

Attack Quinton directly !

I activate the trap card Neverending Nightmare.

This card not only stops your monster's attack,

but you also take damage equal to half its attack points.

Oh, no way !

Ironic that your own monster will deliver defeat.

You will soon be finished.

( Yuma ) Not so fast there, Quinton !

It's Yuma !

Now use Achacha Chanbara.

Yeah !

I summon Achacha Chanbara from my hand !

( Astral ) Achacha Chanbara stops Nistro from taking damage

and Quinton takes points of damage instead !

No, my-- my life points !

You will pay !

This I swear !

( Vetrix ) Quinton...

I would prefer you let them go.

But, Vetrix...

Do I need to repeat myself ?

Well ?

No, I understand.

Whoa, good timing, Yuma !

You really saved me, kid !

Whaddaya say you and me go after

that clown and really let him have it ?

Nistro, let the clown go !

Why not regain some of those life points you lost first ?


'Kay, good point.

Follow me !

To where ?

( Quinton ) Yuma Tsukumo...

What exactly is his objective here ?

Victory or friendship ?

( Vetrix ) Yuma reminds me of his father.

Kazuma Tsukumo...

Kazuma's own foolish loyalty to his friend

ultimately led to his undoing.

( Yuma ) Here it is !

This is a trap marker.

That's right, Nistro.

How am I gonna use a trap

to regain life points, Yuma ?

It's a coin toss.

Heads you get , life points, tails you lose ,.

Whoa, those are risky odds !

Yeah, but I've got a pretty good hunch about this.

And besides, the odds of losing are only %.


A "hunch," huh ?

Not just a hunch, a pretty good hunch !

Come on, try it !

Whaddaya have to lose, except life points ?

You're crazy, kid.

( Yuma ) I've got a feeling it's gonna be

smooth sailin' from here on out.

You are so wrong, Yuma !

( yelling )

( sighing )

( Tori ) Yuma !

( Vetrix ) With several duelists headed my way,

this map certainly paints a dismal picture !

My, my, my...

Three super-powerful monsters !

( laughing )

Any one of them alone could eliminate

even the most expert duelist !

And these three terrors are all

targeting poor little ol' me.

Things look bleak now, don't they ?

( growling )

I'll just have to beat them all.

I do hope I've timed this just right.


and ah-two...

and ah-three !

( Dextra ) He defeated three duelists at once !

Vetrix's power is off the charts !


There's no way I'm gonna stand by and let Kite duel this guy.

There's so much action going on in the Dragon's Den,

it's hard to keep track.

Let's recap all the craziness !

Of our original finalists,

only survived the SkyScape section

and now six of them have been

eliminated in the Dragon's Den !

There's only eight left !

All right !

Yuma !

Finally, Yuma's gettin' some screen time !

I was worried he had lost already,

but in the end, he made it !

Go, Yuma !

Don't celebrate yet, you guys,

those other duelists are tough !

Oh stop, there's no way he'll lose...

Because Yuma's so feelin' the flow !

Up next, it's the part everyone's been waiting for !

It's time for our one-on-one duels !

And now, without further adieu !

Let's get set to duel !


Just keep on following me, Shark !

( Yuma ) Hey, Tori.

I'm thinking of going back to

the coin toss trap to get more life points !

Oh, no way !

Don't you dare press your luck

like that again, mister !

C'mon, Tori, I'm so feelin' the flow right now !


Orbital !

Are you certain about this ?

( Orbital ) Yes, Master Kite.

Vetrix's suspicious, winding route results from

his path being blocked by trap markers.

Someone appears to be leading

him to where they wish him to go.

Even more curious is that all

these traps have butterfly names.

No, it can't be.

It's Dextra !

I know you're after Vetrix, but he's mine !

But why do you want Vetrix ?

Let's put it this way.

The sooner he's out of the Carnival, the better.

I think he's up to no good so

I'm gonna make sure he doesn't stick around.

But I have to face Vetrix !

For Hart !

You want Vetrix ?

Then you're gonna have to duel

through me to get to him !

Then you leave me no choice !

Okay, you don't scare me, Kite !

In fact, I'll even start us off !

I give up , life points...

and activate the spell Butterfly Ballet !

Now, for every Butterfly monster in my hand,

you take points of damage !

How could you let her get away ?

Please understand, I'm trying to save you, Kite !

And my best bet for doing that

is getting to the Jungle Field.

It should give me an advantage.

Once I get Vetrix to duel me there,

my deck will overpower him !

Who might this be ?

She must be the one guiding me

with those nasty little traps.

If you wish to duel me that badly, I accept.

So, this is where you want to face me ?

It's quite pleasant here in this Jungle Field.

Oh, I promise you won't think so

after you lose our duel, Vetrix.

Enthusiasm, I like that.

But I'm going to like crushing you so much more !

( laughing )

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪
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