03x11 - Doctor Visit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x11 - Doctor Visit

Post by bunniefuu »

Cheers, Yuma!

You're the cat's meow!

He's a great duelist, too!

And semi-finalist!

We're sure you're gonna be the Carnival champion!

I'm not sure.

( all ) Yay, Yuma!

( Bronk ) You're A-OJ with us!

Thanks guys!

You're my favorite fans!

He's a dueling dynamo!

( Cathy ) And the cutest competitor, too!

What's the matter, Tori?

Don't feel like celebrating?

I bet Tori's still ticked off at you!

She'll never forgive you for deserting her in that desert,

even though she probably deserved it.

Cathy! Meow!

I'm sorry I forgot ya, but I was focused on important stuff--

So I'm not important, huh!?

( Lillybot ) Eat this Yuma.

It will keep you quiet and out of trouble.

Of course if you kids aren't hungry,

you can always eat later.

No, we'll eat now, Grandma.

( Bronk ) Yowzah!

This looks scrummalicious!

( Caswell ) As usual!

Dig in!

I don't want any leftovers!

Yes, ma'am!

Oh, boy!

Hey, wait!

But... you told us to dig in...

After we give thanks for our food, of course.

Let's hear it for Grandma!

( all ) Thanks for this fabulous feast!

Eat up, Yuma!

You'll need all the energy you can get for your next duel!

You'll be facing Shark or Kite or Vetrix.

They'll have as much chance against me as this meatball!

Yuma's really feelin' the flow!

Yeah, but he barely won some of his duels before.

I didn't wanna make it look too easy!

( Astral ) Whoever Yuma's opponent is, this next duel

will surely be his most challenging ever.

Whether he faces Vetrix with his crest and Numbers...

or Kite and his powerful NEO GALAXY-EYES...

Or perhaps Shark... who, in the end,

may be prove to be the most dangerous of them all

because of his Chaos Number.

I wonder how he acquired it.

I'll polish off anybody who stands in my way!

I can't wait to pull out my deck and start dueling again!

No matter who he faces, Yuma will need to keep his cool...

Hey, where's my deck?

I know I had it on me but now it's gone!

I've lost my deck!


♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings

♪ Take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪♪


How could you lose your deck?

You're so irresponsible.

( Yuma ) It's not my fault!

Some card thief must've picked my pocket!

Well, you think you can track it down?


Fortunately, the locator chip in Yuma's deck case

is functioning properly.

According to the tracking app on my Duel Tab,

Yuma's deck is in the middle of Heartland City.

( Bronk ) Only one small problem-- Er, make that not so small.

Since I'm a finalist, I have VIP access.

Hey, open up, it's me, Yuma Tsukumo!

C'mon guys, I'm really desperate!

Don't embarrass me in front of my entourage!

All right, that's it!

Gimme a break!

There must be a secret password they forgot to tell me.

I'll get past this entrance somehow...

Even if I have to jump over!

Unless you've got a jet pack, forget it!

Oh yeah?

Well, I've got something better than a jet pack!

It's called superhuman athletic ability!


Watch out!

Here I go!




It worked!

Don't worry.

I've got an even better plan...

( Tori ) We've had enough of your plans for one day, thank you!

Can't you see it's impossible to get into Heartland?

Impossible unless you're driving a truck, that is...

Oh, yeah.

Those garbage trucks take the Litterbots

and the trash they collected to the recycle center each night.

I got an idea!

And it totally stinks!

( Tori ) There's no way I'm getting inside one of those!

( Flip ) But it's the only chance!

These garbage cans will get trucked into Heartland tonight!

All you gotta do is hitch a ride!

Flip, you're a genius!

Thanks and good luck!


( Bronk ) Where you goin', Flip?

I gotta go feed my alligator!

Hey, get back here!

You little sneak!

Oh well.

Let's get hiding!

But, Yuma!


He's really going through with it!

We can't let him go alone.

You go too, Bronk.

Me-- Jump in a stinky trash can?

It's gross... but no worse than your gym locker.

Gee, thanks.

Now, hold on!

There's still one free can.

And you can't call it, Tori!

Trust me, I have no intention of climbing into that can, Cathy.

Oh, sure you say you're not going with Yuma...

but you always end up with him,

even though I'd be much more helpful.

Now, girls, I would be more than happy to give up my place...

I know, let's play rock-paper-scissors!


The winner goes with Yuma and what's-his-name.


( both ) Rock, paper, scissors... Go!



I have seen many strange human rituals...

but this is the most bewildering by far.

Again !


Paper covers rock!

I'm going in the trash can-- Oh yuck.

Quick, hide before the bots come!

Oh, epic fail!

( litterbot ) Extract all waste products from receptacles...

Extract all waste products from receptacles...


Hey !

Toxic waste detected!

Hey, wait up!

You can't leave litter lyin' around like that!

I'm just as good as the rest of the garbage!


( Vetrix ) Excellent.

Everything is unfolding like I planned...

By tomorrow, I can begin the final phase

and all the Numbers will soon belong to me!

It's true.

I was forced to use Trey, Quattro, and Quinton

to reach my goal...

but I had no other choice.

My sons gave up everything to serve my plans.

But now that they're out of commission,

I'm turning elsewhere for help.

I'm coming for you, Vetrix!


I've been expecting you.



( laughing )

Enough games!

Come on out!


That was too easy.

I'm disappointed in you, Shark.

But that will be the last time that happens.

As you know, a seed of darkness was placed in your heart

during your duel with Trey.

You thought you had overcome this darkness,

but you were wrong.

The seed will grow till it seizes control of you...

then you'll use its darkness to destroy your next opponent...


Trash contained... trash contained...

At long last...

The son of Kazuma Tsukumo!

Thanks, I feel totally grungy now!

Hey, at least the worst part is over, right?


Get movin'!

Go faster!


Wait... We're okay?

Hey... There's an exit!

Let's get out of here before this belt starts up again!

Next time I think I'll skip that ride.


Look at all that junk!

Who knew this city produced so much trash?

Yeah... and it all gets dumped in a big pit!


There's tons of garbage spilling out every second.

That pit must be almost bottomless.

( Astral ) That vision is of Astral world!

I sense something strange about this place.


Hart is right above us!

We have to go find him!


Good, the coast is clear.

You sure you wanna go through with this?

I am!



( Yuma ) Gotta find Hart!

I need to tell him something!

What's that?

( Tori ) Some kind of fancy elevator, I think.

Maybe it will lead us up to Hart.

Only one way to find out--

Intruder alert-- Intruder alert!

Intruder alert!

Eliminate the intruders!

Switch over to duel mode!

Wait... it wants to duel us?

Okay, let's take it to this mechanical creep!

( computer voice ) Augmented Reality Vision Link established.

( all ) Let's duel!

( Yuma ) Uh-oh...

Is this gonna be a math duel?

Let's hope not!

Hey, guys...

Are these the cards we're expected to use?

If they are, I'm not sure how we could even summon them.

Yeah, especially since they're all Xyz Monsters.

Initiate summoning software... Summon Scrap Recycler!

Another robot!

How're we supposed to battle it?

Hey, I got an idea!

Let's try to Xyz summon by using the number pad!

Yo, Tori!

Hop onto that three key in front of ya!

I don't see how playing hopscotch will help, but...

Now, since we lit up two level three keys,

I'll try to Xyz Summon!

Don't let me down, Wind-Up Zenmaines!

That's an Xyz Monster alright! Yay!

Okay, Zemaines, it's time to zap away!

Get rid of that Recycler!


Summoning Scrap Searcher.


This duel just got real ugly.

Yuma, scram while we give him a makeover!

Don't argue, go!

But, Bronk, I...

Listen, Hart needs your help more than we do!

We'll distract these 'bots while you find him!

All right.

Good luck, guys!


( Bronk ) Hey, Colossa-Cop-- Turn around!

We aren't done pulverizin' ya!

Tori, press two more Level One keys!

Two number ones...

There and there.

I'll use all three Level Ones to Xyz Summon,

Mira the Star-Bearer!

Mira, scrap that Scrap Searcher!

Yeah, way to go, Bronk!

Summoning monster... Scrap Hunter!

Lunge for a number two, Tori!

Sure thing!

Light it up, Shining Elf!

I'll be back, guys, after I track down Hart!

Summoning Scrap Shark.

We're all set!

Come on out Evigishki Merrowgeist!

Summoning out Scrap Golem.

No way!


( Yuma ) Hart!

He's asleep.

Just like he was before with Quinton.

Don't hurt him!


( Astral ) I do not believe he is simply sleeping.

It would appear that Hart has remained unconscious

this entire time.

Hart, it's me, Yuma.

I survived and I'm still competing in the Duel Carnival.

I wanted to see you so I could give you my promise

that I'll defeat Vetrix and win the Carnival.

I'm hoping to face your brother Kite in the final duel.

And if I do, I'm sure it's gonna be the most awesome battle ever!


there's one more thing I wanted to tell you.


I'm sorry.

I should never have let Quinton take you away.

What happened to you is my fault!

( Hart ) Yuma...

Can you hear me?



( Hart ) Yuma, Astral!


Hi, Yuma!

I felt in my heart that you could come here to visit me

and I was right!

I can't believe it!

I'm glad to see you, Hart.

I have a favor to ask.

Will you please save my big brother, Kite?

My brother is growing weaker all the time.

I want to save him, but it's impossible.

I don't have the power.

I can't leave this place, Yuma.

That's why... I need you to save him for me.

Wait, don't go!

Where were we?

Inside Hart's mind.

But how could that be?

Simply put, although Hart seems unconscious,

his mind is actually quite active.

If we could free Hart from his present state,

there is a chance he could return to normal.

What do we have to do to free him?

I am not sure...

but remember that Kite has claimed that he collects Numbers

to save his younger brother.

That's right.

What am I gonna do?

If I collect all the Numbers, Hart may never be saved.

But if he is saved, Hart will destroy Astral world...

What am I supposed to do, Astral?

You are the one who must battle.

The decision is yours alone.

You really believe I can decide something so important?

Yes I do.

It has been an honor for me to duel alongside you, Yuma.

To my great surprise, I have learned much from you

during our time together.

And the most important thing of all

is that I can trust your judgment.

Whichever path you decide on, I will accept it.

I know you will do what you believe is best.

Thanks, Astral.

That means a lot to me.

But that really didn't help me at all!

It would be a lot better if you told me what to do!

Just tell me that I should get the Numbers

for you and your mission!

If you do that, then I won't be forced to choose at all!

I don't understand why you're leaving all this up to me.

Welcome to my domain, Yuma Tsukumo!

I am the notorious genius, Dr. Faker!

I am the notorious genius, Dr. Faker!

You're Dr. Faker?

I've heard of you.

You're Kite and Hart's father.

That's right.

What a pleasure to meet the son of Kazuma Tsukumo...

and your associate, the original Number!

Astral, if he knows you're here...

... then clearly he can see me.

So, tell me, Doctor...

Why are you trying to collect Numbers?

I need them to restore my memory!

It was all part of the agreement that I made

with Barian World.

What do you know of Barian?

I know that it is a distant world that is quite hostile

to your own Astral world.

I agreed to destroy Astral world for the Barians.

In exchange I will receive unimaginable power...

Then I can conquer the Earth and rule over it!

That's sick!

You forced Kite to become a Number Hunter

just so you could get power?

Kite and Hart are both suffering because of you!

How could you treat your own kids this way?

Their fate was necessary.


My son's well-being means nothing when compared

to the power within my grasp!

I'll willingly sell out anyone to gain such power...

like I did with your own father, Kazuma!

A true genius like me cannot allow lesser creatures

to stand in my way.

You're still gonna have to get past me.

That will be easy.

You're destined for destruction, Yuma...

the same way Astral world is doomed!

Thanks for dropping in...

Now drop out!

At least we sort of made a soft landing...

Whoa, my deck !

Should of worn a helmet...

Yuma, next time you lose your deck go find it on your own!

Doctor Faker...

( Mr. Heartland ) It's gonna be a dynamic day duel, devotees,

as we prepare to launch the thrilling

World Duel Carnival semi-finals!

We're down to our final four!

The survivors of the Duel Coaster will now face off

to see who becomes the first World Duel Carnival champ!

This stadium's about to get hotter than a barbeque grill

as Vetrix goes toe-to-toe against Kite

and Shark aims his sights on Yuma!

( cheering )

I can do this, Astral.

I'll find a way to take the top prize

and at the same time, help you and all the friends

who're counting on me!


C'mon-- Let's high-five the sky!

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪
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