03x19 - The Countdown Begins

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x19 - The Countdown Begins

Post by bunniefuu »

(Yuma) Last time on Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.

The winner of the World Duel Carnival is

Yuma Tsukumo!

Vetrix, what's going on?!

The Numbers!

(Tori) Yuma!

(Yuma) Vetrix!

(Vetrix) I'm gonna save us!

Now I release all the souls I captured!

And so goodbye, Yuma...



I'm so sorry, forgive me, my sons.


(Dr. Faker) I've been waiting for this moment!


Dr. Faker.

Now it's time for the grand finale

and that grand finale happens to be

the total destruction of Astral World!


♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪♪


This is the grand finale?

I was kinda hoping for a parade and maybe some fireworks.

There will be fireworks all right

for you are about to become part of the energy blast

fired by my Sphere Field Cannon!

It's going to be beyond glorious!

"Sphere Field Cannon?"

(Astral) Yuma, look down.

(Yuma) Hey, this is that garbage facility from before.

What are we doing here?

At this very moment,

this Sphere Field you're in is being loaded into a cannon.

Once it's online,

the cannon will set its sights on Astral World.

Astral World?

(Astral) These memories I have been experiencing...

It is Astral World.

You've helped me create the ultimate w*apon.

This Sphere Field has gathered all the Numbers' powers

into one massive confluence of energy.

Once the cannon fires this energy,

there will be no saving Astral World.

(Kite) Hart.

What happened to Hart?

Find out where he is, Orbital Now.

I'm on it.

I get it now.

You gathering the Numbers.

It was all for this.

Yes, as was creating the World Duel Carnival.

I'll admit, I grew a bit nervous when Kite lost to Byron.

But my plan became a reality regardless of his failure.

The only thing that mattered was that the Numbers

ended up gathered in one place during the finals

and that's exactly what happened.

(Yuma) That means me, Vetrix, Kite, Shark, Trey and his brothers.

We were all just puppets in your big master plan.

Isn't that right, Faker?

Well, here's the thing.

It's not gonna happen.

What the huh?

You cannot stop me now.

It's time to shine, Hart.

The moment we've been waiting for is almost upon us, my boy.

Oh no-- Hart!

Are you sure this is the right place?


Signals indicate that Master Hart

is at the bottom of this tower, underground.

How's he doing, is he okay?

He's normal, but... at that location,

Master Hart is... Master Hart himself

is being used as part of the Sphere Field Cannon.

Huh-- He's what?

(Yuma) Hart, hey, Hart.

Snap out of it!

C'mon, Hart, please!

His destiny awaits.

Soon, Hart will become the trigger

that will seal Astral World's fate.

What is he talking about?

I see.

He intends to position Hart as an energy conduit.

(Yuma) What does that mean?

(Astral) He is going to use Hart's power

as a trigger to fire the Sphere Field Cannon.

(Dr. Faker) Once Astral world is destroyed,

Barian's power will be mine.

And with that, this entire world will kneel before me.

Did everyone get out okay?

(Flip) I don't know.

Hey, where's Tori?

I thought she was right behind me.

Do you think that she went after Yuma?


Hey, is everyone okay?

Uh, Yuma kinda disappeared along with the duel field.

And we're not sure where Tori is.

We've gotta find them.

No, it's coming down.


What's going on with my deck?

Neo Galaxy-Eyes.

This card is connected to Hart.

Hart's calling out to me.

(Orbital ) Master Kite.

(Dr. Faker) Excellent.

Keep it up, my boy.

(Kari) Tori.

Tori, can you hear me?

Come in.

(Tori) Kari?

(Kari) Tori, you had us worried.

Where are you right now?

(Tori) I'm at the bottom of Heartland Tower.

(Kari) That thing is falling apart, what are you doing there?

I'm looking for Yuma, he's gotta be here.

(Orbital ) Master Kite.

(Kari) Tori, get out of there.

(Orbital ) Master Kite, say something.

Oh no, what happened?

Uh, gotta go, Kari, bye.

Wait, Tori, don't hang up, Tori!

Be careful.

(Shark) Yuma, where are you?

C'mon, put your motor into it.

Do you want me to overheat?

It's not budging at all.

(Shark) Out of the way.

Where'd you come from?

It's you again.

The robot and I can lift that.

As soon as we do, you pull him outta there.

Hello? Move!

Uh, right, okay.

Get ready.

(Orbital ) Master Kite, I'm so glad you're okay.

Thanks, Shark.

Don't thank me.

Just get him outta here, Tori.

(Kite) No, I'm not leaving.

(Orbital ) But Master Kite...

(Shark) The place is comin' down, man.

I'm not leaving without my brother.


You mean Hart is here too?

Do you know where he is?

It's rather complicated, actually.

That's enough. It's--

Where he is?

Tell me where Hart is.

Out with it, you bucket of bolts!

Hart is being used by Dr. Faker

to power the Sphere Field Cannon.

What is a Sphere Field Cannon?

(Orbital ) It is the ultimate w*apon created to destroy Astral World.

In order for Dr. Faker to complete it,

he made Master Kite assemble the Number Cards

so that he could gather their energy in one place

to create a devastating blast...

All right, it's bad news, we got it.

So where is this thing and how do we get to it?

This doesn't concern you.

Let's go, Orbital.

(Shark) Where do you think you're goin'?

I don't have time to settle a score if that's what you want.

It's not.

All I wanna do is save Yuma.

If he's still in the Sphere Field

and they're using it as a w*apon

things aren't going to end well.

(Tori) What can we do?

(Shark) I-- I don't know.

All I know is that I can't do nothing

when my friend is in trouble.

Now talk, ya' lousy vacuum cleaner.

The Sphere Field Cannon.

How do we get to it?

I am not a vacuum cleaner.

I am a highly sophisticated artificial intelligence unit.

Kite, please, I wanna help save Yuma, too.

We have to work together.

Yuma was always worried about Hart, you know that, right?

Please, Kite, let's all work together

and save the people we care about.

C'mon, Orbital, let's go.


But Kite...

We're done talking about this.

We need to get to the garbage treatment facility.

Was that his way of saying "follow me?"

I guess so?

(Yuma) I feel so tired.

I fear that is my fault.

My life force is weakening by the minute.

Don't say that.

Please hear me.

We might be able to save you.

But for me, there is---

Don't even say it.

Nobody is leaving anybody behind.

All three of us are getting out of here together.

(Orbital ) This is the underground access tunnel,

but it's completely blocked.

There has to be another way.

Scan the building schematics.

I would, except that the access point that would enable me

to tap into the building's engineering system

has been destroyed by debris.

If I can't access the--

Stop making excuses, you worthless scrap pile.

I don't see you doing anything to help, you hairless ape.

If it weren't for robots...

Hey, wait a sec, maybe Kari can help.

(Kari) C'mon, almost there.

All right, got it.

There's a stairwell three blocks to the west

from where you guys are.

You can get underground from there.

Yeah, okay, we're on it, thanks, Kari.

No problem, I'm here if you need me.

Don't do anything Yuma would do.

In the end, we're all counting on you.

All right, follow me.

(Tori) Hang on, Yuma, we're coming to save you.

(Orbital ) These stairs are not good for my shocks.

(Shark) Which way, tin can.

(Orbital ) We're here.

Master Hart is just up ahead.

(Mr. Heartland) Welcome.

I'm so glad you could find it in you to join us.

Unfortunately, if you're looking for Hart,

I'm afraid he's a bit indisposed at the moment.

Where is he?

(Mr. Heartland) Right here.

(Kite) Hart, can you hear me?

Guys, look, Yuma's up there too.

(Mr. Heartland) It was nice of you all to drop by,

but I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave now.

We have a world to destroy.

Litterbots, it's time to take out the trash.

Orbital, get to it.

I'm on it.

Here I go!

Sorry 'bout that.

My apologies.

Efficient demolition skills.

I'll demolish you next if you don't keep fighting.

Understood, ma'am.

Man, there's no end to them.

I've gotta get Hart down from there.

(Mr. Heartland) Hart's not going anywhere.

Besides, I'm sure he's happy right where he is.

(Kite) Yeah, right.

He's making his father proud.

Every boy wants to make his father proud.

You, on the other hand,

are turning out to be quite the disappointment.

You played your part for a while.

We certainly appreciate you gathering Number Cards.

But now you seem to have lost your way.

Your father hopes you'll come around.

But I know better.

You've always been ungrateful and arrogant,

and now it's time for you

to vanish along with all your little friends.

Including Yuma!

And now, it's time for me to say goodbye!

(Shark) Uh-oh, this doesn't seem good.

(Mr. Heartland) Below us is a portal to Astral World.

Everybody, get away from the edge and run toward the walls.

Hart, ya gotta fight it.


The moment I've been waiting for is almost at hand.

The cannon is almost ready to fire.

Litterbots, toss all of this trash into the vortex.

These guys just keep coming.

Hey, toaster oven, can't you do something about this?

I am not a toaster oven!

I am a sentient artificial intelligence designed for--

Come on, keep it together, you two.

These junky Litterbots

have to be receiving their orders from somewhere, right?

If we can find the source of their signal and destroy it.

(Orbital ) An excellent idea.

I shall investigate immediately.

All orders are transmitted from a host computer.

If I can somehow hack into the host

and jolt it with a large amount of voltage... ah-ha, got it!

By hooking in to that remote access point...

Again with the explanations.

Just make it happen.

How dare you speak to me that way.

I am not your minion!

I am Master Kite's--

(Kite) Would you just do it, Orbital.

(Orbital ) Yes, Master Kite.

'Scuse me, outta the way, comin' through.

Up, up, and away.

Commencing with full system overload.

(Dr. Faker) What-- What's going on?

What is this?

Oh no, Orbital.

Oh no, Orbital.

It looks like the hunk of junk did it.

Huh-- impossible.

Why is Hart's energy decreasing?

(Mr. Heartland) Wait a second, no, no!

This isn't supposed to happen like this... aah!


I did wallpaper make for--

Tonight's disassemble is brought to you by...

System Error B.

You saved us... all of us.


What happened?

What's goin' on?

Is that..

Tori and Shark and Kite.

Why are they here?

(Astral) The Sphere Field's energy is weakening.

This may be your moment to escape.

We must break the Zexal bond.

(Yuma) No, We can't break the bond.

(Kite) What's going on?

Why did you do that?

Yuma, Go.

You might not have another chance to escape.

Well, what about you?

We're getting out of here together.

That cannot happen.

I am one with the Numbers.

Now that the Numbers have been gathered in this Sphere Field.

I cannot leave.

I cannot exist outside.

What-- no way.

What are these?

One is hope.

The other is the Future.

You have to go now, Yuma.

But what about you?

What's gonna happen?

That does not matter.

What matters is that you save Hart

and in doing so, you save Astral World.

(Astral) The future is in your hands.

Yuma's Back.

He's free.

(Dr. Faker) Did you really think I would spend so long

putting my plans into motion

and not have a backup system in place?

Once it comes online, the cannon will repower itself.

And Astral World will cease to exist.

You will soon be finished along with Astral World.

It's over.

Doctor Faker one and Yuma zero.

It's not over yet, Faker.

Oh, "Hope" and "the Future ."

I get it.

Hey, Shark and Kite.

You guys ready to rumble?

As long as my friends and I are still here

we're gonna keep fighting.

Do you really think we can stop him?

(Yuma) We have to try, Shark.

C'mon, Kite, whaddya say?

We can do this together.

This is it.

There's no looking back.

(Dr. Faker) If it's a duel you want, it's a duel you'll get.

I'll demolish you

and be rid of the whole lot of you once and for all.

Your days of meddling in my affairs

will come crashing to an end.

And after that, this world is mine for the taking.

(Tori) C'mon guys, you can do this.

You have to.

After all, you're the only hope we've got.

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪♪
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