Cold Cross (2023)

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Cold Cross (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- They're here.

Three men.

- Good, gentlemen.

Come on.

All right, gentlemen, we got

a small window to do this.

There's three of them and all of


Quick and honest work.

We get Floyd and we get the

hell out of here, you got it?

You got it?

- Yeah, I've got it.

- We've got it.

- All right, let's move.

- Let's go.

- We gotta go do a job.

You stay in the woods, okay?

We'll be back.

- Yes, Ma.

- Next time, Junior.

- Hey, go easy on that swine,


I'd prefer he still be

breathing when he hangs.

- Apology, Sheriff, just

showing this trash it's

an eye for an eye around here.

- It's damn near impossible

to get anybody back in alive

these days.

- I reckon you'd just prefer

to bring them in dead, old man.

- Old age will do that to you,


You'll be lazy one of these

days, too.

You can bet on that.

- I reckon it'd take a

dead man

to match your laziness.

- Agree to disagree with

you on that, Felix, boy.

One thing be true,

neither you nor me are as

lazy as that brother of yours.

He's probably drunk himself

into a stupor by mid morning.

- Yeah, with Fennec, that I'm


- This ain't gonna end

well for you, boy, my men

have probably had eyes

on us for miles now.

Any last words, son?

Well said.

- We get back to town, I want

you to fetch your brother.

Him and me have to have

a little conversation.

It's about time he took-


- You all right?

Where are they?

Where are you sons of b*tches?

- And watch the treeline.

- Hey, come on!

- Oh, for Christ's sake.

- Hang on, Pa, hang on.


Whoa! Dad?

- Floyd, you all right?

- He's breathing.

- About g*dd*mn time.

- Somebody done got that son of

a bitch.

- Hey, come on,

now, leave him alone.

- One Shot Ricketts, my ass.

- That title don't apply

to a man wearing chains.

- Shackles or not, I reckon

that title don't apply

to you at all, friend.

- I'll show you one


- Shit.

- Hey, shut the hell up.

- Just like you left

her, brother.

- Appreciate that.

- Did you see me

sh**t that son of a bitch?

I k*lled him.

- No, you didn't.

- Ah, hell, I shot him.

- No, you did not.

- I k*lled him, I k*lled him.

- No, you didn't, no.

- Goddammit.

- I shot that son of a bitch.

- Go back to the ,


- Did you see that son of a

bitch's face?

You shot that man.

- All right, gentlemen.

I'll meet you back at camp.

Split up and make sure

you're not followed.

I'll stick back here

and cover your asses.

Dumb son of b*tches.

- You're coming with

me, you son of a bitch.

- Is that so?

- Yeah.

I think I'll just k*ll you in

cold blood,

like you did my dear Pa here.

- You ain't

fast enough, drop it.

- Why don't you go on and

kick that over here, son.

You're lucky the boys ain't


otherwise they would have just

shot you.

But me and the missus here, nah.

We ain't bad people,

just desperate is all.

I reckon we'll let you live.

You could tell your friends,

your family.

You could tell the rest of the

g*dd*mn law, for all I care.

Won't make no difference.

- You'll never be free.

- Freedom, is that what you

call this, friend, freedom?

Every day you take more

and more freedoms from us.

I learned the hard way, if

you truly want to be free,

you have to fight for it.

And that's why, sir,

I will be more free

even in death than you.

- I'll set you free.

- Now, look, partner,

I don't want to k*ll you,

but folks seem to be

a lot more cooperative

when they have a g*n

pointed at their head,

hence the g*n I got pointed at

your head.

Now, pardon me.

I have neglected to introduce


I'm William McCarthy.

And you are?

- John Louis.

- John Louis, you the,

uh, deputy of this town, John?

- Senior deputy, actually,

only good one, I might add.

- Senior deputy, so

you must be well-acquainted

with the infamous Sheriff


- You could say that.

- Very good, now, is

he in town?

- Look around, William McCarthy.

No, he ain't here, went hunting

with a couple of buddies a day

or two ago.

So why don't I take a message

for you?

- Obliged.

Now tell me, John, have you ever


of the tale of Wild Charlie


- Can't say I have.

- Really?

That surprises me.

I can tell you, if you like.

Very well then.

Oh, shit, that hit the spot.

Now, Wild Charlie Douglas was an


like myself, but not just any


He was known to be one of

the most accurate sh*ts

on the entire frontier.

Now, sure, he was good at

robbing banks

and stagecoaches and whatnot,

but he was most known for his

attuned eye

when it came to k*lling folk.

Now, if you ever stumbled

upon some poor son of a bitch

who'd fallen victim to the

hand of Charlie Douglas,

well, you'd know it was him.

Do you want to know how?

Every one of 'em had a

hole right in the center

of their head left by

a 36 caliber revolver,

and just below it, a cross

carved right into their skin.

He was a religious man, you see.

Now, I reckon you're gonna

have the exact same hole

in your head if'n you reach

for that p*stol again.

Now, I can see you're getting


so I'll just ask, where's


- He headed east to a

town called Cold Creek.

Heard from some folk there

was good hunting there.

That is all I know, I


- There, was that so


- I hope it's worth it, son,

because it won't bring back your


- Why don't you go

fetch us

some fish out the water?

- Yes, Ma.

- And you keep

your nose to yourself.

Talk to no one, you understand?

- Hello, son, got a question for


Have you seen these people,


- Yeah, that's my mom and pa.

- You know where I might find


- Yeah, they're

back at our camp, that way.

- Bye now.

- Pa, Pa!

Ma, Pa!

Hello, Sheriff Danberry.

- Yeah, you know,

you're just like him,

stupid, fighting for a lost


But there's no room in this

world for outlaws anymore, kid.

You could say I did society a


- You find something?

- Here we go.

- Hello, Sheriff


- That's a good way to get shot,


What the hell do you want?

- I was nine years old.

You took everything from me.

I've come for you, Danberry.

Henry and Elizabeth McCarthy,

the man and woman you shot

and k*lled 12 years ago,

those were my parents.

- Your parents were

K*llers, boy, and thieves.

They got what they deserved.

- No, they didn't, but you will.

- I saved you, boy.

- We all have our choices,


You made yours, and now I've

made mine.

- Son of a bitch, you

know you're gonna die.

Crazy bitch, I'll k*ll you for


- Hello, Sheriff


- I saved you, boy.

- You took everything

from me.

- Brothers and sisters,

we're gathered here today

to mourn and remember

Sheriff Felix Danberry.

- Sheriff Danberry gave

his life

to the Sheriff's Department.

I want to remember him for who

he was

and for what he gave.

- The Lord is my

shepherd, I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie

down in green pastures.

He leadeth me beside still


He restores my strength, he

leads me beside the right paths,

bringing him honor to his name.

Even though I walk through

the valley of death,

I shall fear no evil, for

he is close beside me.

You honor me by anointing

my head with oil.

My cup overflows with blessings.

Surely your goodness

and unfailing love will follow

me all the rest of my days.

I will live in the house

of the Lord forever, amen.

- My condolences for your loss,


He was a good man,

and I know how close the two

of your were, I can't rightly-

- Spare me the

condolences, John.

You know who he is?

- William McCarthy, son of

Henry and Elizabeth McCarthy,

and the founders of the

notorious McCarthy g*ng.

Felix shot Henry and Elizabeth


and William hunted him for 12


He shot and k*lled old Felix,

left him dead in Cold Creek.

Took a couple of former

McCarthy g*ng members down

with him, as well, on

account of them selling out

his parents in exchange for

their amnesty.

- Any idea of

where he's headed next?

- I guess, well,

I reckon it's possible he'll

be hunting down the last

of the g*ng members for

selling out his folks.

The last I heard, three of them

settled up

in a town called Cold Cross,

about a three days' ride north

of here.

I'll have my best men

on the lookout, I swear.

You take care now, Fennec.

And don't make me hunt you

down just like McCarthy.

- You know, I spent my life

regretting my decisions,

little deputy,

but don't you worry.

I won't regret a single

moment of what's to come!

- You stupid man.

I thought you were dead.

- I didn't mean to make

you worry for so long.

Look at me.

I missed you, Jude.

- I suppose I may have

missed you, as well.

- Oh, there we go.

If you had a choice

to be anything you wanted to be,

what would you do?

- I always did

fancy being a lawyer.

- What?

- Mm-hmm, but too much

liberal arts for my liking.

- That's a bit odd, I have

always despised lawyers.

- But I suppose being your

wife is a close second.

- Yeah.

I reckon you're

about the best thing in this

world, Jude.

- You ain't gotta tell me that.

- What have you done to me?

- Saved you.

- There ain't no saving me.

- Well, at least I've tried.

- That you did.

Where's Danberry?

- Headed east, a

town called Cold Creek.

I heard from some folk there

was good hunting there.

That is all I know, I


- There, was that so


I suppose since you've been so


with this matter that I can take

my leave.

It's a pleasure to meet you,


- You know, I don't too much

care for Danberry neither,

kid, but he ain't the only


your folks are pushing up


- What the

hell are you on about?

- Danberry would have never

known where to find them

if it hadn't been for your

daddy's trusted associates.

- Trusted associates?

Now, that's a damn lie.

- Every single one of

them sang like a canary.

Now they're walking free.

- Next time, Junior.

- Really, now?

- Henry.

- How could they do this to us?

13 years.

13 years we've been running with


and this is how they treat us?

They sell us like pigs for


- It's the law, it was bound

to catch up with us sometime.

- Well, then,

now, Deputy, prove it.

- I don't reckon I-

- Now, I don't

reckon anything coming out

of your mouth means a damn thing

without a shred of evidence, so

prove it.

- We gave them everything,

we gave them shelter,

gave 'em purpose, we gave 'em


and this is what they do?

- There's no use getting hung up

on it.

It's over, we can't keep


- Why not, we've been

doing it our whole lives.

Why stop now?

- Your son, we've gotta think

about what's best for him.

- Elizabeth.

How about we head west?

At least 'til the heat dies


We just can't let them get us,

or else that boy will be made

an orphan.

- You know

where I might find them?

- Yeah, they're

back at our camp, that way.

- You know

where I might find them?

- Yeah, they're

back at our camp, that way.

Pa, Pa!

Pa, Pa!

- Danberry would have

never known

where to find 'em if it hadn't


for your daddy's trusted


Every single one of

'em sang like a canary.

- Butch Lester.

- Next time, Junior.

- Clive Carmine.

Floyd Ricketts.

Oh, you're all gonna pay.

Every last one of you.

- Everything all right?

- Yeah, of course.

Why do you ask?

- You just seem distracted is


- Well, how could I not be

distracted with

this sitting underneath the


- Hey, a girl's gotta defend


especially when her man

is off chasing lawmen.

- Oh, I suppose I can't argue

with that.

- Talk to me.

- I've been having nightmares.

- Nightmares about what?

- The same ones I've

always had, I suppose.

- I thought you were over

all that.

- That's not something

you just get over, Jude.

- You know that's not

what I meant.

- No?

What do you mean?

- I'm not saying forget

about them, William,

but you can't keep living that

one moment.

- I was nine years old.

You do realize I hardly have

any other memory of them?

- You know that's not true.

- You don't know what

you're talking about.

- I'm just trying to help


- I don't need your help,



It's just,

it ain't just Danberry, okay?

It's more than that.

It's those sons of b*tches

that we called family,

and that they went and sold us


almost like they never even gave

a shit.

These are the ones that

my parents keep talking

about in this damn dream I keep


I'm tired of feeling guilty

every single day!

And I know it ain't gonna stop


'til I make things right.

- Make things right?

So you're just gonna risk

our life we built here,

our family, for what?

Revenge has already been met.

- You know, I'm not asking

your permission, Jude.

I'm doing this.

- Are you g*dd*mn cruel!

I swear to Jesus, if you leave,

don't expect me to be waiting


for you when you get back.

- You listen to me.

Now, I knew you weren't

gonna be okay with this.

But I'm just asking that you

understand, I have to do this.

And I don't have a choice.

- What exactly are you

trying to accomplish, Fennec?

He's gone and you know damn well


that man ain't gonna bring him


- Don't be foolish, Bonnie.

It's not about bringing him

back, it's about justice!

- Foolish-

- Oh, look at you,

all about justice now.

k*lling this man ain't

justice, Fennec, it's m*rder.

- Frontier justice is still

justice, Lana.

Either way, that son of

a bitch ends up dead.

Better by my hand than that

shoddy excuse for a sheriff!

- That's their job, Fennec.

Why not just let them do their


- You know what?

I done thought about it,

but the more I continue

to discuss it with you, the

more I want to see it firsthand,

my b*llet tearing

through his stupid skull.

So to answer your question,

doing it myself and watching

that son of a bitch suck

his last g*dd*mn breath,

oh, that's gonna give

me great satisfaction.

- You're beyond sinful, Fennec.

What you speak of is evil.

Folk get damned to Hell

for this sort of thing.

- Oh, believe me, I do look


to my dance with the devil.

Anything less and I'd feel

I'd been sold a false bill of


Now, if you'll excuse me.

- Oh my God.

- Bonnie, if you don't shut up,

I swear I'm gonna put a

b*llet in my own g*dd*mn head.

- Fennec!

- What?

I can barely hear myself

think with your mouth running.

- You're a g*dd*mn pig, you know


- Where's my g*dd*mn


- Oh, sure, go drink yourself to


Godforsaken drunk.

- You two always did look

so much alike, so much so

that your own damn mother

couldn't tell you apart at


- Hello, Mama.

You come to try to stop me from

doing the right thing, too?

- You know I ain't gonna stand


and tell you I think what

you're doing is right.

Have a seat.

You know your brother

always was a kind soul,

a bit abrasive at times,

but kind nonetheless.

When your father was k*lled,


it drove your brother mad,

watching his father die

right in front of him.

Felix knew you had demons

and he knew you'd been

fighting them a long time,

even before your father died.

Your brother righteously

k*lled those two outlaws,

but when he came back

with blood on his hands,

he said revenge was a fool's


A mother shouldn't have

to watch her whole family die,


- You ain't gonna watch

nobody else die now, you hear?

There's nothing I wouldn't

do for this family,

and that includes taking

the life of another man.

You understand?


- Make him pay, my son, make him


- Whoa.


- Yes, can I help you?

- Well, I certainly

hope so.

- You've got a lot

of nerve showing your face

around this town, friend.

You know, my deputies are

looking for you.

- Where are they?

- Cold Cross, three

days' ride north of here.

- All of them?

- Yes.

- Don't you dare lie to me.

- I swear, I swear.

- If I don't find them

there, I will be back.

You don't want me coming back,


- Now, I implore you,

just forget it.

Go on home.

You got what you want.

- Good day, John.

This is a good a spot as any.

You'll be safe here, boy.

Don't worry, I'll be back.

I'll be back.

- Get on with it!

- Go on, hang him!

- Come on, Sheriff!

- I'm here for a hanging!

- Come on, Sheriff!

- Set him free!

- Yeah, we're

not electing you again.

Let's go!

- Silence, people, Cold Cross.

This poor soul that you see here

before you had the

misfortune of crossing paths

with US Marshal Cody just east

of here.

US Marshal Cody was kind enough

to drop him off to us on his way


- Come on, come on, pull the


- Come on, let's go!

- All right, all right, all


Simmer down, now, simmer down.

- Simmer down, now,

simmer down.

- Now, Ned Preston Henry,

you have been tried

and found guilty of crimes

against your fellow man,

and you are hereby sentenced to


by the neck until dead, dead,


- Until dead, dead, dead.

- Do you mind?

- Sorry, boss.

- Now, Ned, do you have any

final words for these folks?

- I'm sorry for my sins,

and the people that I hurt,

and I forgive those who hurt me


But I beg all of you,

please don't seek revenge.

It's not worth it.

- All right, seeing as how our

dear reverend is unavailable

at the moment, we're

gonna ask the deputy here

to say a few words.

- Make it quick,


- Charles!

- God, please have mercy

on poor old Ned's soul.


- Amen.

- Amen.

- Amen.

- Now get on with it!

I got chores to do!

- Come on!

- About time.

- Come on.

- Hang him.

- Guilty, go on and hang him.

- Break his damn neck.

- All right, I

guess that about does it.

Deputy, please proceed.

- Wait, you mean the?

- Yeah, the-

- Pull it!

- Pull the damn lever.

- Come on, pull the lever!

- No, pull the damn


- Drink.

- I just don't think y'all

are taking this too serious.

- He's just one man.

- I hear you, all I'm

saying is last I heard,

he's heading this way.

Now, you boys know I ain't

one to run from a fight,

but I also ain't the bastard

to answer the door when

death comes a-knocking,

and I figure, all we'll needs a

few days

and he'll have passed through.

- What makes you think this

man's coming after us, anyways?

- The bodies will be stacking


He's already shot two men

that rode with the McCarthy


In case you two dullards forgot,

we was in the McCarthy g*ng.

- All right, now, hold on,

'cause last I heard, the

law, they're supposed

to have taken all the

bounties off all members

of the McCarthy g*ng

after they found out

Elizabeth and Henry was k*lled

'cause old Danberry

promised us our freedom.

- Oh, you ain't heard.

Old Danberry went hunting up by

Cold Creek

with Terry Boy and Crouch.

Ain't nobody seen or heard from

him since.

You know what to know what I


I think that bastard shot

Danberry and them other boys.

- This man, he's a, what, a

bounty hunter or something?

- That's just it.

This one ain't the law,

and he ain't no bounty hunter,


Last I heard, it's Henry's boy.

- If it's true, there ain't

no use in running, boys.

- What the hell are you

talking about, Clive?

Do you not hear a damn

word I just told you?

If we don't leave, boys,

we're better off hanging.

- Well, I heard you, Floyd.

We did a bad thing,

boys, we did a bad thing

to people we cared about, our


Now, the devil, he's missing

some souls,

and he's gonna go looking for


until he gets what's his due,

and it don't matter where we go.

He's not gonna stop until he

finds 'em.

- Shut the hell up with all

that preaching shit, Clive.

Don't nobody at this table

want to hear none of that.

- Whisky,

please, strongest you got.

- Might want to be careful

with this stuff, pal.

Will knock you deader

than an angry rattlesnake.

- I'll keep that in mind, thank


- g*dd*mn spitting image.

- Excuse me, partner.

You're not from around here, are


What brings you to Cold Cross,


- Just meeting

with some old friends is all.

- If it's friends you're looking


you won't find them here,

unless it's a drunk gunslinger,

a thief, or a soiled dove.

- A soiled dove, huh?

- Them's sporting women, kid.

- Well, I am a married man,

so I express no interest

in sporting women.

- Only folk who ain't interested

in sporting women ain't

never spent a night

with a sporting woman.

- I'll keep that in mind,


- What did you say your name was


- I didn't.

- Well,

what's your name, friend?

- Look, buddy, you seem

like a nice guy, the best.

It's been a long day

and I haven't been sleeping

much lately, and quite frankly,

I just don't feel like talking

no more.

So it would go a long

way if you would allow me

to finish my drink in peace.

- That's a mighty fine

compass you've got there.

Mind if I hold it?

- I'm warning you, buddy.

You best leave me be.

- Well, come on, now,

I just want to hold it.

Damn well need it to find

my way home to my family.

- If you ever want to

see your family again,

I suggest you get the hell out

of my face.

- Listen here,

you son of a bitch.

You son of a bitch.

- Sorry for the mess, partner.

- Butch!

Over here, dumb ass.

- Floyd.

- Come here.

- What the hell are you still

doing here?

- Yeah, I could

ask you the same question.

- I'm heading back to my room


and I'm packing up my stuff now

and I'm getting the hell out of

here now.

- Well, I'd do the same, but

he's probably just waiting

for us to make a run for it so

he can sh**t us in the back.

- You idiot, you realize if we

stick around here long enough

that's bound to happen anyways.

- Yeah, well, what the

hell's on your head?

- What, my hat?

- Yes, your g*dd*mn hat.

- Well, what's wrong with it?

- Shit's bigger

than a pregnant heifer.

- I figured he wouldn't notice

me in it.

- Won't notice?

- All right, I get it.

Look, I'm getting out of here


Are you coming or not?

- No, you fall victim to

his little game, then.

I'm going to lie low for

a while, keep real quiet,

then when the coast is

clear, I'll grab what I need

from the general store and I'm


- All right.

Well, you do that, I'm

getting out of here now.

Best of luck to you.

- Hey, boy, you watch

yourself out there, partner,

and I'll see your ass and that

stupid hat on the other side.

- About now is your chance,


back turned to you and all.

All right, come on, let's

get this over with then, huh?

- No, I ain't no vindictive

bastard like you, Butch.

I don't sh**t or s*ab folk

in they back like you did my


- I didn't have a choice.

- Bullshit.

There's always a choice.

You just chose wrong.

Now it's time to atone for your


Look at me!

- Your parents was fools, son.

- Don't you dare call me son.

- If it wasn't them, it

would have been all of us

who ended up dead, and that

includes you, twinkle toes.

- At least we would have

died with loyalty, Butch,

as a family.

- Your folks, they was


Now, that includes all of us

that ran with them, yeah, but


We was a g*ng of low

down K*llers, that's it.

- Now, that might be how you

saw it, being who you are.

My folks and I, we saw it


- I don't give a shit how they

saw it.

It was what it was, nothing


- You know, I never did like

you, Butch.

But you've made this thing a

hell of a lot easier for me.

- Well-

- No.

No need for any last words,


'cause there ain't a

damn thing you can say

that's gonna change what's

coming, and mark my words,

I'm gonna enjoy it, and

it'll be over quick.

- Well, that's.

Where you going, huh?

Where, where you going,

where you going, huh?

Here, you son of a.

- Son of a bitch.

You son of a bitch.

- Charles, get over here.

Why don't you see

if you can't scrounge up

something good and quick.

We can't afford to leave here

empty handed, you got it?

- Good day, gentlemen.

- Hey, sorry, friend, this

here's official law business.

I'm gonna have to ask

you to kindly move on.

Well, of course, Sheriff, I

wouldn't want to interrupt

such a well-conducted

investigation as this.

However, my brother was a


a might good one, I might say,

and I would often tag along with


on many of his investigations.

I could be of service to you.

- But, you know,

we couldn't have the town folk

finding out

I got a civilian working

on official law business.

- Consider me a hired bounty

hunter, Sheriff, if they ask.

Otherwise, my lips are sealed.

- Normally, folk would turn tail

and run

at seeing a sight like this.

Why are you so interested?

- Because, Sheriff, the man

who k*lled Butch Lester here,

he also k*lled my brother.

- Instead, let us rejoice

in the name of salvation.

Let us rejoice in the blood

that has washed all of us clean,

for no matter how dark the deed,

our hands are dirty no more.

- Amen.

- Tortured, beaten, and

nailed to the cross,

the crucifixion of Christ was

payment for all of our sins.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us not

be fools.

Do not let the blood of Christ

become a symbol for immortality.

If we ask for forgiveness of

our sins, God shall grant it.

But they that dig a pit

shall surely fall into it.

And they that roll a stone shall

surely have it fall back upon


Do not be deceived, God cannot

be mocked.

A man reaps what he sows.

"Do not drag me away with the


with those who do evil,

who speak cordially

with their neighbors, but

harbor malice in their hearts.

Repay them for their deeds

and for their evil work.

Repay them for what their hands

have done

and bring back on them what they


Let us pray.

Our Father who art in

Heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be


on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who

trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation,

deliver us from evil,

for thine is the kingdom and the


and the glory forever, amen.

- Amen.

- Go in peace.

Looks like you've been busy,


- Old Butch did put up a fight.

I never did like him much.

- No.

- Those were beautiful words,


I reckon it's gonna take a lot


than those words to save you

now, though.

- I can't take back what I done,


- We were family.

Do those folks out there

know what you really are?

Say something, you son of a


- It's okay.

It's okay.

And now all my lies are proven


and I must face the men

that I slew.

- I see you

helped yourself, then.

- No, that money's sitting


- Well, you're gonna need

a whole 'nother bottle

of that shit when you hear

what I gotta tell you.

Someone went and shot our dear


I swear that man has been


but a saint ever since he came


Cold Cross.

Well, f*ck you too, then.

- We don't offer baths here,


but from the looks of it,

maybe you just need a whisky.

- No, no whisky.

I just need some a*mo for my 36


- I take it this weren't yours,


- Why so many damn questions,


- All right, all right,

I don't mean to pry,

good sir, I mean sir.

- Just get the a*mo.

- Sheriff.

- Fennec.

Hey, some of the town folk are


they saw your man

conveniently sneaking out

of the church right after

the g*nsh*t was fired

when our poor reverend

here met his early demise.

Now, it must have been

right before we got here,

so he couldn't have got far.

Charles and I, we're gonna

ride the perimeter of town,

see if we can catch him

trying to make a break for it.

- Where's Floyd Ricketts?

- Why, I don't care to know,

and if'n he was a smart man,

halfway to Kansas by now, I


- Our customers typically clean


a little better, that's all.

- Obliged.

- Say, you wouldn't mind

to wait here while I ride

the perimeter with Charles

and keep an eye on the church?

Make sure the town folk don't

come around

and try to get a sneak peek


It's still a real mess in there.

- Sure, I can do that.

- Ah, thank you, friend.

This is turning into a real


- A g*dd*mn bloodbath.

- Charles, what did I tell

you about repeating me?

You're gonna be the

death of me someday, son.

And where in tarnation did

you get that ridiculous hat?

- How much for the scatter

g*n on the wall there?

- That's not for sale, friend.

That's, that there's my


if'n someone tries to rob me.

My pa gave me this when

I was 12 years old.

It's a beauty, ain't she?

Yeah, she's got my ass out

of a couple delicate


- Okay.

- Nobody messes with Clem

Davis when she's around.

I can't tell you the last

time that somebody tried.

- What?

- You two fellas know

each other?

- Son of a bitch.

- Hey!

St. Peter my door,


- Hey!

- Get out, clean out!

Go, go, go!

- Floyd!


- William McCarthy.

You look like hell, boy.

- Shut up and draw,


- You know, they used to

call me One Shot Ricketts.

You sure you want to do this?

- I've seen you sh**t.

It was some time ago,

granted, but I ain't scared.

- You always were a brave little


but maybe a few b*ll*ts

shy of a full cylinder,

just like your daddy.

- God's waiting, Floyd, draw.

- McCarthy!


- I'll always come back to you.

- I ain't going nowhere.

- Look.

Now, once you pull this hammer


this g*n's ready to fire.

This has the power to take a


It's the one thing in this world

you can't undo, you understand?

Okay, come here.

Grip it real tight and

keep both eyes open.

Focus that there sight

right on your target

and when you're ready,

you pull that hammer back.

Now, take a deep breath,

and always fire on empty lungs.

We might make a gunslinger out

of you yet.

- I think you're right.

- William!


Where are you, you son of a



You're a fine horse.

That murderous bastard

doesn't deserve you.

- Nice and easy.

- Just be calm, okay?

- Hold him!

- William.

- Jude.


- Well, would you looky


This whole time,

we've been trailing the

infamous William McCarthy,

son of the late Henry and


This day just couldn't get any


- Can't get no sweeter

than the-

- Shut it, Charles.

Now, the way I figure it,

we put a couple of

b*ll*ts in you,

dirty up your clothes a little


and them idiots ain't

gonna be none the wiser.

- Sounds like a damn good plan,


- Damn right, it does.

Listen, you're gonna have

to take off that stupid hat

or I'm gonna sh**t you instead.

- Boss!

- Listen, you look like

an idiot.

Just 'cause it's a big hat,


don't mean it's a nice hat.

- Will you two shut up?

- You shut up!

Get him on his feet.

Come on, get him up.

Listen here, you want to play


You'd better be prepared to die

like an outlaw, you hear me?

- Indeed.

- Fennec.

We got this situation under

control here,

so I'm gonna have to insist you

just keep riding, all right?

- You thief!

- This man

k*lled my brother, and

I intend to say my peace

before it's all said and

done, just a few words,

and then you'll never

see me again, Sheriff.

- Well, I guess that

wouldn't hurt nothing,

but you make it quick, you hear?

All right there.

- You sure do got a way

with words, William.

Such a sad letter to your

wife you left behind.

Almost brought me to tears, all


pain you put her through.

Don't you worry, now.

I'm gonna,

I'm gonna

return your horse to her.

She deserves that much, at


Don't keep us waiting.

Godspeed, William McCarthy.

- Kind of nice how he

offered to return your horse,

wouldn't you say?


Let's finish this, go

ahead, take care of him.

- Huh?

- sh**t the damn idiot.

- Why me?

- Because I said so.

- I don't think I like

this plan no more, boss.

- Charles, you don't have to

like it.

You just gotta do what

I say, you understand?

Now go on.

- Just don't seem fair, boss.

- Just a few minutes ago,

you were talking about

putting a b*llet in him.

What's that supposed to be,

horse shit?

- All right, all right, I'll do


- Fine.

sh**t him!

Shit, he's getting away!

No, don't, Charles, no!

- Boss, boss!

Boss, boss.


Don't leave me here.

Please, don't leave me.


- I reckon you're

about the best thing in this

world, Jude.

- Hey, a girl's

gotta defend herself.

- What have you done

to me?

- Saved you.

- There ain't no

saving me.

- No!

- Coming.

Can I help you?

- Um, Jude


- Yes, that's right.

- Well, pardon my intrusion,


I'm with the local post here,

and, well, I've got a letter

here for you.

It's from a William McCarthy.

That'd be your father, I


- My husband.

I normally pick up my mail

at the Post Office myself.

Why have they got you delivering

it out here like this?

- Well, that's a fair question,


and one that deserves an

answer, but, you know,

they've been running me

like a work horse all day

without a moment's

rest, and, well,

I'm colder than a grave digger's


Might I trouble you for a warm

cup of tea?

- Um, uh, is coffee all right?

- Even better.

- Come on in.

- Oh my God, Jude, what

have they done to you?

- Behind you!

- Drop your p*stol, you son of a


or I k*ll you and your

whore with one b*llet.

- Jude, Jude, look at


- Shut up and drop the g*dd*mn


- Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- Drop it!

- It's okay.

- And quiet, both of


- Okay, here, here,

it's down.

- I'm taking that one home with


Oh, does that hurt?

Get your back against that

table, now!

Get over here!

Keep your hands up, hands up!

I was wondering if you were

gonna show.

I'll admit, I was a little


with you being wounded and all.

- If you're gonna k*ll me,

go on and do it already,

but you leave her out of

this, you understand me?

- I'm afraid I can't do that,


I need you to feel like what

it's like

to have something you love

ruthlessly taken away from you.

- Please, please no.

- And I figure

she's about the only thing

you love in this world, hmm?

- Don't do this, please.

- You'll never get away with


you wicked son of a bitch.

- You son of a bitch!

I'll k*ll you, you bastard.

- Get your back

up against that table.

- You touch her again-

- Get back!

- I'll k*ll you, I swear!

- You don't think I'll do it,

you don't think I will?

Try me, now get on your

f*cking knees, on your knees!

On your knees, son.


all you do is corrupt!

- Please stop pointing

that g*n.

- Your bastard father,

he k*lled my father right

in front of my brother.

- I had no idea-

- You know what that did to him,


And then you, you son of a


You k*lled my brother, you shot


and you left him to die in

that river full of blood.

And then you k*lled a bunch of


that your parents led astray,

why, why?

For following their example?

- Please stop pointing that g*n

at her.

She didn't do anything.

Please, you son of a bitch,

put down the damn g*n!

- Shut your g*dd*mn mouth or

I'll pull the trigger, I swear!

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, all


I never meant, I never

meant for anyone else

to get caught up in my mess.

If I could take back what I


I'd do it in a heartbeat, I


This ain't gonna help you.

I promise, it ain't gonna help


I know better than anyone,

revenge is a fool's game.

- Indeed.


I reckon it's

a bit necessary to be foolish.

- Oh, please, don't.

Don't do this.

- William.

- I love you, you know that?
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