03x07 - All Mixed Up / The Bicycle Adventure

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky". Aired: 1 August 2005 – 20 April 2009.*
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Bottle Top Bill is a man who lives in a town called Junkyardville with his best friend Corky, a horse.
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03x07 - All Mixed Up / The Bicycle Adventure

Post by bunniefuu »

(pleasant music)

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day ♪

♪ Hooray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

- [Corky] Will we have an adventure today Bill?

- [Bill] I know we will, Corky.

- [Corky] What's the adventure called?

- [Bill] It's called All Mixed Up.

What a nice day for a walk,

and it looks like we're going to meet a friend too.

We are?

Isn't that our neighbor Ned? You're right Corky.

What's he up to today?

- [Corky] Let's go and ask him, Bill.

Hello Ned.

Is something wrong?

Have you seen it?

I had it this morning, and now I've lost it.

What have you lost?

And my grandmother is coming for a visit this afternoon.

You've lost your grandmother?

Oh no, not my grandmother.

I've lost the special cap she gave me for my birthday.

I want to wear it when she comes,

but I can't find it!

Uh, but Ned...

What about the cap on your head?

This isn't my birthday cap.

My birthday cap has a big N for Ned on it.

There's definitely no N for Ned on that cap.

Here's an idea, Ned.

Instead of searching here, there, and everywhere--

You should go back and look where you've been today.

You're bound to find the cap that way.

That's a fantastic idea!

Thank you!

Uh, will you help me?

Just try and stop us, Ned.

- [Corky] You say you had the cap when you left home Ned?

- [Ned] I did!

- [Bill] So where did you go first?

- [Ned] I went to see Mrs. Whistlehead.

- [Corky] Then we should go and see Mrs. Whistlehead too.

Hello! Mrs. Whistlehead!

Hello Bill, hello Corky and Ned.

I was just thinking about you.

You were Mrs. Whistlehead?

I'm quite puzzled I am.

Why is that?

I asked Ned to put my groceries in my lounge room

and move my sheep to this pen.

We don't see your sheep.

But we do see your groceries.

If the groceries are here instead of the sheep--

Would the sheep be-- (bleating)

Oh dear!

- [Bill] Sounds like you've got things all mixed up, Ned.

- [Corky] You put the groceries in the pen,

and the sheep in the lounge room.

- [Ned] Oh dear, have I done that?

- [Corky] We'll soon find out.

Well I never!

Paint me pink!


You did mix things up, Ned.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean it Mrs. Whistlehead.

Not to worry, Ned.

Mix ups happen to everybody.

Righto fellas, out you go.

Back to the pen please.


I'll bring the groceries in now, Mrs. Whistlehead.

But Ned, remember what we're here for.

Oh yes, Mrs. Whistlehead,

have you see my big N cap?

Big N cap?

It's like this one, but it has a big N on it.

No Ned, I haven't seen it at all.


Thanks anyway Mrs. Whistlehead.

We've checked out Mrs. Whistlehead's.

And put her sheep and groceries back where they should be.

So where did you go next Ned?

I went to see farmer Sam.

Then we'll go there too.

Next stop, farmer Sam.

- [Corky] Maybe we'll find your birthday cap there, Ned.

- [Bill] You might have left it in his big shed.


Farmer Sam!

Bill, Corky, and Ned.

I'm so happy you're here.

What's the matter?

I've lost Wag.

Wag, Wag!

Everyone's losing things today.

Let's find Wag first, then we'll look for the cap.

Good idea, Corky.

When did you last see Wag, Sam?

Mm, I saw him last when I asked Ned

to take an apple to Wag.

Does Wag eat apples?

Oh he loves 'em, so I asked Ned

to pick one from the tree and take it to him.

Uh-oh, I've got a bad feeling about this.

Did you get things mixed up again?

I might have.

I think we'd better check the apple trees, and fast.


That sounds like Wag.

- [Bill] Can anyone see him?

- [Corky] Look, up in that tree!

Is that a dog?

- [Bill] You're right, Corky.

- [Corky] It's Wag!


It's all right Wag.

We'll get you down.

Oh dear, I did get things mixed up.

Jump to me, Wag, I'll catch ya.


Good Wag!

I'm sorry farmer Sam.

And sorry to you too, Wag.

Don't worry, Ned.


Anyone can get mixed up.

Now we've found Wag, let's find that cap.

Sam, have you seen a cap like Ned's

but with a big N on it?

Oh sorry, can't say I have.

What about you Wag?


Wag hasn't seen it either.

Right Ned, think hard.

Where did you go after farmer Sam's?

- [Ned] Hm, let me think, where did I go?

- [Bill] Was it somewhere we know?

- [Ned] Yes, I went to see Cedric the scientist.

- [Bill] Then we'll go see him too.

So what did you and Cedric do this morning Ned?

I helped him put a bottle of zoom juice in his scooter.

Zoom juice?

The special juice that Cedric invented.

That makes things go super fast.

That's the one!

Is there a problem?

There's always a problem when zoom juice is used.

- [Cedric] Help!

- [Bill] It looks like someone's in trouble.

- [Corky] It's Cedric!

His scooter's out of control!


It's rescue time, Corky.

We'll have to use the helicopter.

Ready Corky?

Ready Ned?

- [Both] Ready Bill!

Let's save Cedric.

Oh my my my!

- [Corky] There's Cedric!

- [Ned] He's going to go straight into the lake!

- [Corky] Tongs ready, Bill.

(yelling) Got him!

Nice catch, Corky.

I can't say why my scooter went out of control.

I'm quite baffled, baffled indeed!

And it's still going.

It doesn't want to stop!

It's as if someone put zoom juice into the scooter.


Maybe that was me.

Why would you do that Ned?

Because Cedric asked me to put a bottle

of zoom juice on the scooter.

And you got mixed up.

You didn't put it on the scooter.

You put it in the scooter.

I did.

I got all mixed up again.

And the zoom juice made the scooter go super fast.

No wonder I couldn't control it.

I'm sorry Cedric.

Never mind Ned, we're all safe

and that's what matters.

Now that the excitement is over,

I don't suppose you found a cap, Cedric.

Like the one Ned's wearing.

But with a big N on it.

A cap with a big N?

Yes Cedric?

Sorry I've never seen a cap like that in my life.


Nobody's seen my cap!

I'll never get it back.

Don't give up yet, Ned.

Did you go anywhere after Cedric's?

Only one place.

Where was it?

I went and helped Sandy collect straw.

Then what are we waiting for?

Let's go and see Sandy!

Here's Sandy's field.

- [Bill] And I can see bales of straw.

- [Ned] That's the straw I helped collect for Sandy.

- [Corky] But where's Sandy?

- [Bill] I don't see him anywhere.




What's that noise?

- [Bill] It's a truck, Corky.

- [Ned] That's the truck!

- [Corky] The truck?

- [Ned] The truck that Sandy and I took the straw from.

So if you took the straw from the truck.

Could you have got mixed up and put Sandy on the truck?

Um, gee, maybe.

After that truck!

(rumbling, horn honks)

Stop truck!

Come back!

You've got our friend!

Paint me pink!

Which way did the truck go?

I've no idea.

We've lost Sandy!

I miss him already.

So do I.

If only we could see him again.

See who?

Who's missing?

- [All] Sandy!

You're here!

You're safe!

We thought you were in the truck.

And that we'd never see you again.

Because I got things mixed up

when I helped you with the straw.

There was no mix up Ned, you were

a great help this morning.

I would never have got this straw ready without you, Ned.

There you go, Ned.

You didn't mix things up.

I didn't!

I knew I couldn't mix up everything.

But the cap, let's not forget the cap.

Sandy, have you seen a cap like Ned's wearing?

But with a big N on it?

A big N?

I'm sorry, I don't think I've seen any cap like that.

Oh well, thanks Sandy.

We'd better keep moving on.

Bye Sandy.


Where to now, Ned?

That's it, after I help Sandy I met you right here.

So we've come in a big circle

right back to where we started.

And we found no cap with a big N.


I'll have to tell my grandmother that I lost it.

Not so fast, Ned.

Let's think, what if this is another mix up?

You could be onto something, Bill.

Ned, may I have a look at your cap?

If you want to, Corky.

But it's not the cap with the big N.

It isn't Ned?

But it could be.

If you turned it around like this.

- [Ned] The big N!

You got the cap mixed up, Ned.

It was inside out.

You were wearing it all the time!

I was!

Thank you Corky, thank you Bill!

We're just happy to help, Ned.

Sorry, but I've got to get home straight away!

My grandmother will be waiting.

That's all right, Ned.

You get going.

Thanks again, bye!



Your home is that way.

Oh, so it is.


I like Ned, Bill.

So do I, Corky.

But he is one very mixed up boy.


When you're right Corky, you're right.

What a lovely day, Corky.

- [Corky] A beautiful day, Bill.

- [Bill] Just right for a bicycle ride.

- [Corky] And will we have an adventure?

- [Bill] We sure will, Corky.

It's called A Bicycle Adventure.

It's been a long time since we've ridden our bike, Bill.

Too long, Corky.

I can hardly wait to get going!

Where is it, Bill?

I don't know.

It should be right here.

I found the bicycle pump and light, but no bike.

Is that a new rug?

I've not seen it before.

Me neither, and listen!

(clopping echoes)

There's something under it.

- [Both] A trap door!

I've not seen that before either.

Let's see what's down here.

- [Bill] I can't see a thing.

- [Corky] Turn the bike light on, Bill.

- [Bill] Good idea.

That's better.

Now where are we?

- [Corky] In some sort of tunnel.

- [Bill] I wonder where it leads.

There's only one way to find out.

Hey, wait for me!

I hope there's nothing nasty down here, Corky.

Don't think about it, Bill.

You're right, I won't.

Why haven't we found this passage before?

It's a mystery to me, Corky.


There's a light.

- [Corky] That must be the way out.

Come on!

Are we nearly at the end yet Corky?

Any second Bill, I can see the opening just ahead.

Where do you think we are Corky?

This looks very familiar, Bill.

You're right.

- [Both] We're in Fairyland!

Amazing, we've discovered a new way into Fairyland.

A way we never knew was there.

- [Creature] Whee!



Who's making all that noise? I don't know.

Yahoo! It's Tricky the troll!

- [Bill] But what's he playing with?

It looks like a machine.

- [Both] It's our bicycle!

No wonder we couldn't find it in the shed.


This is fun!


He's helped himself to our bike.

That Tricky is so naughty sometimes.

Whee! (bell rings)


That sounds like Dandy.

Whee! (laughing)

- [Bill] It is Dandy!

Hello Bill, hello Corky.

This is so much fun!

(bell rings) You should try it.

We'd like to.

As soon as you give us back our bicycle.

Your bicycle?

Tricky told me it was his.

He would.

You tricked me!

(laughs) Whee!

That Tricky is so naughty sometimes.

Hey, look at me!

What a big showoff.

Tricky, be careful you don't...

(crashing, yelling)


Tricky, are you all right?

That was fun!

You're not hurt?

Not a scratch!

Unlike our bicycle!

Oh no!

- [Corky] It's scratched and bent.


Uh, I have to go now, bye!

Come back here Tricky, you haven't said sorry.

We can't ride it like this.

Can you fix it Bill?

Yes, but my tools are back in the shed.

We'll have to carry it there.


We'll still have time for a bicycle ride, won't we Bill?

You bet, Corky.

Once we're home, I'll have it fixed in a jiffy.

Look Bill, there are three tunnels!

Three of them?

Which one leads to our shed?

I don't know.

I think it's the middle one.

Are you sure Bill?


This looks familiar, Bill.

I told you, we'll soon be home.

If I'm right, the stairs are just up ahead.

- [Corky] Spot on Bill!

And here's the trap door.

We're home!

- [Corky] Are you sure this is home, Bill?

It doesn't look like it.

- [Bill] You were right Corky,

I must have picked the wrong tunnel.

- [Corky] It looks more like a ship.

- [Bill] A pirate ship!

Never mind Bill, we'll go back and try again.

Good idea.

Wait Bill, someone's coming.

Who do you think it could be?

- [Bill] Well, we're on a pirate ship

in the middle of a sea, so my guess would be--

- [Both] Captain Hornswoggle!

What are you doing here captain?

This be me new ship.

The Bilge Rat , and you're just in time.

Just in time to what?

To help me hearties.


What's happening, captain?

We're sinking! Sinking?

The ship sprung a leak.

She'll be sunk within the hour.

Then we need to get off, fast!

Abandon ship, man the lifeboat!

Where is the lifeboat captain?


I don't recall seeing no lifeboat.

Corky, we've got to do something.


Look out Bill!

That was close!

Bill, there in the trunk!

It's a lifeboat! A lifeboat?

Are you sure?

Yes, but it's no good.

It should be full of air.

We're doomed!

The bicycle pump Bill, blow it up with that!

Of course.

Where is it?

I need my ship to sail the seven seas.

Sorry captain, you have to get off.


And we need to go too, Bill.


Thanks for your help, me hearties.


Farewell Bilge Rat .

Your luck's run out I'm afeared.

What now Bill?

Back to Fairyland?

Back to Fairyland, and this time

you can choose which tunnel we take.

If you think so, Bill.

I do Corky.

(pleasant music)

Come back here you tricky troll,

you're not getting away from me!

Oh yes I am!


Isn't that our hopper Bill?

Looks like it.

- [Corky] Isn't there something wrong with it?

Yes, if you bounce too hard--

(air hissing)

Oh no!

I've got you now.


Come and say you're sorry.

Later Dandy, I'm too busy now!

Tricky, come back here!

Time to get going Corky.

Good plan Bill.

Which way this time?

I think the tunnel on the right

that's the way to our shed.

Then let's get cracking.

I'm sure we've picked the right one this time.

Me too, look up ahead.

- [Corky] Those steps must lead to our shed.


Home at last.

Is our shed normally this cold, Corky?

- [Corky] No, and it's not as white either.

Then where are we?

I'm beginning to get an idea where this is, Corky.

There's trees, mountains,

and snow.

Lots and lots of snow.

- [Both] We're in the Snowy Mountains!

There's only one thing for it.

We'll have to go back the way we came.

Wait Bill, look!

Snow leopard cubs.

Sh, they're sleeping.

Look where they're sleeping.

On top of the trap door, oh no!

We'll have to move them very gently.

I'll do it, Corky.

I'm good with babies.


Well done Bill!

I'll put them down somewhere safe.

Here we go.

Ah, it's their mother!

And she doesn't look happy.

She thinks we're taking her babies!


Put them down, Bill!


She's still not happy.

Run for it!




I'm not sure I can go much further, Bill.

We're nearly there, Corky.

Look, the light's up ahead.

I think we deserve a rest, Corky.

Thanks Bill.

I think we do too.

Bill, Corky, have you seen him?

Who, Tricky?

Yes, he's supposed to say sorry to you

for taking your bike without asking.

Never mind Dandy, we just want to get home.

Maybe you know which of the tunnels we should take.

Tunnels, what tunnels?

Those tunnels.

Oh my!

Those tunnels should never be used!

They're old and dangerous.

They are?

They were closed ages ago.

Someone's opened them up.

- [Corky] Who would do that?

- [All] Tricky!


You've got my deck chair.

Caught red-handed!

You've been taking things from our shed!

I'm just borrowing them.

You should always ask first, Tricky.

I uh, forgot.

This will help you to remember.

How will rocks help?

You can use them to block the entrances to the tunnels.

But then I can't use them anymore.


And you shouldn't have unblocked them in the first place.

And what are you going to do?

We're going on a bicycle ride.

Fantastic! You beauty!

But Dandy, our bike's still broken.

I'll soon fix that.

There, good as new.

- [Both] Thanks Dandy!

Jump on, Corky.

(bell rings)

I've been looking forward to this all day!

Me too.

And I'll show you a much prettier way home.

Follow me!

(pleasant music)

- [All] Whee!

This is one of our best bike rides ever, Bill!

It just couldn't be prettier.

Oh, when you're right Corky, you're right.

(bell rings)

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪
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