Fighter (2024)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Fighter (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »




















My name is Faizan Hamid.

I joined Jaish one year ago.

And after waiting for one whole year,

by God's grace that day has arrived

when I am about

to accomplish my life's purpose.

This is my last message to Kashmir.

By the time you watch this video,

I will be in heaven.

My fight is for Kashmir.

My fight is for freedom.



We have just received

breaking news from Srinagar


that "Operation All Out"

has succeeded.

The most dangerous militant

of the Kashmir valley, Ruhaan Ghani,

has been shot down by

the Indian army after a 48-hour operation.

This special operation

by the Indian government

has eradicated almost all

traces of terrorism in the state.

Years of our hard work

has been destroyed

in just a few weeks by the Indians.

All our warriors who believe in a

free Kashmir will soon be captured.

It took so much effort to spread

terror throughout the Kashmir valley.

What are you planning, Maqsood?

I am bringing in a Jihadi

whose caliber has never

been seen before by the Indians.

He carried out many operations

for us in Afghanistan

and its neighboring nations.

The nightclub bombing in Istanbul,

the bombing

of the Indian Embassy in Kabul,

the bombing in Mazar-i-Sharif.

No one understands

expl*sives better than him.

The General is from ISI

and Majeed belongs

to Jaish of Independent Kashmir.

The ones you wanted to meet.

I have heard a lot about you

and now we are finally meeting.

If you need anything from us,

we'll be happy to help.

I have a task for which I need you.

But you

aren't worthy of executing it.

Last time, during the Mumbai

att*cks of 26/11

you made the mistake

of sending Pakistani boys.

They were identified,

and your motives were exposed,

leading to your country

facing humiliation across the globe.

This time,

we won't involve anyone from Pakistan.

We will flood the Indian soil

with their own blood.

We will attack their

most well-guarded area.

The heart of the Indian military.

Srinagar Air Force Station.




-Is this your first time in Srinagar?

-Yeah, it is.

-Jai Hind, sir!

-Jai Hind, sir!

-Flying Officer Ajeet Deshpande.

-Flying Officer Manoj Bhardwaj.

Hi, guys. I am Bash.

-Good morning, sir.

-Sir! Good morning, sir.

At ease, boys. Why don't you relax

a bit before getting the bad news?

Bad news, sir?

We received urgent posting orders.

I am sure Air Headquarters didn't call

us to Kashmir for some fun river rafting.

Am I right?

When I told my parents that

I was going to heaven

my mom was really scared.







You're married, bro.

Couldn't you have waited a bit

before reminding me?

Hi, Jeet. Good to see you.

-Jai Hind, ma'am.

-Jai Hind, ma'am.

Squadron Leader Minal Rathore.


Weren't you the one who was

awarded the Vayu Sena Medal

for the rescue operation

in Operation Desert Hound?

I was lucky I was nearby

and could land my chopper.

Fortune only favors the brave, ma'am.

I am really happy to meet you

also a little scared.


Happy because a decorated

hero like you is on our team.

And scared, because if a decorated

hero like you is in our team

that means that the danger level

is definitely going to be very high.


Actually, I should've

guessed at that very moment

when I heard that he was coming.

Who is coming?


So Sorry.


Control, this is Patty, requesting

permission for a low inverted run.


Control, this is Patty on finals,

requesting permission

for a low inverted run.

No way.

Is he joining your team?

Requesting permission

for a low inverted run.

Let him.

Clear for inverted run. Runway 27.

Roger. 27.

It's our first day, Patty.

At least let me see the runway

the correct way today.


Amazing control

Who is he?

Sword of honor.

183rd course Airforce Academy,

Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania.

Call sign Patty.


-Race to ten!

-Race to ten!

-One, two, three, four, five,

-One, two, three, four, five,

-six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

-six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

Same old Patty!

Same old Taj!

You good?



Meet Taj.

-Hi, Taj.

-He is one of my oldest friends.

He means our friendship

is old, I am not old.


It's been too long, man!

Two years.

-Hi, I am Unni.

-Basheer Khan. Hi.

-That's Minal Rathore.


Unni, and that is


And that's Sukhi.

He is in my unit.


Sorry, I am a little late.

A little?

You missed the whole briefing, Sukhi.


The CO is very angry.

Oh, no!

Didn't you know that

the briefing time had been changed?

Oh, man

Hey, the CO is here.

Jai Hind, sir.

Sorry, sir. I didn't know that the time

for the briefing had been changed.

I thought it was at eight but

I am really very sorry, sir.

Relax, young man.

Briefing begins in 05 minutes.

Okay, sir.

What is this, dude? Did you have

to do your first m*ssile strike on me?

This is not fair.

Sorry man, but our speed

as fighter pilots is very fast.

You and your helicopters will need

to be a bit faster to catch up with us.

Friendly fire on day one.

When the need arises, it will only

be Sukhi and I who will rescue you.

If the need arises.



At ease.

Welcome to Srinagar, Air Warriors.

I am group Captain Rakesh Jaisingh.

Call sign Rocky.

Your CO.

We are Air Dragons.

You all are top aviators

in the Indian Air Force.

And thats why you were hand-picked

by us to form a quick response team.

Militant activities across

the LoC are spiraling out of control.

This is why Air headquarters

has decided that our unit

will be the first one to tackle them.

There are three attributes that

will make us better air warriors.

Practice, practice, and more practice.

The more you sweat in here,

the less you will bleed in w*r.


This is Wing Commander Harish Nautiyal.

Call sign Nauty,

an experienced Sukhoi pilot.

My number two.

Let's do a quick warm-up

to understand the attributes

of each other's aircraft.

What is the top speed

of an ALH helicopter?

-Two hundred and ninety kilometers.


-And how many passengers can it carry?



With high-density seating.

Both answers are correct,

but we can only

achieve the full potential of

the machine if we think aggressively.

Sukhoi 30, maximum height it can fly?

Fifty-six thousand feet.


Twice the speed of sound.

Twenty-one hundred kilometers per hour.

And for how long can a Sukhoi

remain airborne?

Three and a half hours.


Ten hours with air-to-air refueling, sir.

Think aggressively, guys.

Patty is right.

Apart from your

personal skillsets,

you are all here

to form a cohesive team.

Individually, you all are the best

combat aviators in the Indian Air Force.

Now let's become the best

combat team in the world.



In this unit, there is no

room for arrogance and ego

or fancy stunts.

We start training tomorrow.

Take some rest.

Get to know each other.

Bond with each other.

It's your interpersonal relationships

that will help you win in w*r.

Remember, the one who plays alone,

plays against the team.

-Any questions or doubts?

-No, sir.


I think I should change my

call sign to Rambo.

I am sure that will make Rocky happy.

Guys, we have been asked to bond.

What should we do? Any ideas?

-Let's go to the gym!

-Hell, no!

Should we go eat?


-I like it.

Sir, will you be joining us or

We heard that you prefer Zomato.

Latest news for today,

the leader of Jaish-e-Mohammed

Maulana Maqsood Abrar

made a declaration.

The Indian army has k*lled

another one of our brothers.

If even this incident doesn't flame

the fire

in our Kashmiri hearts then what will?

Until we Kashmiris

decide to take to arms

That's the day we will decide

Look, that's an officer

from the Indian Air Force.

Our mission is not

to k*ll just one soldier

but to destroy

the entire Indian military.


Welcome to Srinagar, Saachi.

God, it's so good to see you.

It's been so long

Two years.

And we've been

married for five years.

I don't know why but whenever he

talks to you, I feel very insecure.


By the way, Taj.

-I have known Patty longer than you.

-That's true.

-Guys, our table is ready, come.

-Yeah, actually!

-Let's go! I am starving!


-Have you been okay?

-Yeah, I have been okay.

Have you ever thought

that when we are hungry

-At your service, sir.

-I am famished!

Sukhi sir, you're always late!

Jokes apart, order something.

I am hungry.

May I?


Or am I too boring for you?

I don't know about boring but

you are definitely sarcastic.

Guys, I have ordered

rogan josh, and wazwan.


-And if there are any vegetarians

please come tomorrow.

Hey, order palak paneer for me.

-I heard it's worth dying for.


Well, that's nice, we came here

to give our lives for our country

you can give your

life for paneer instead.

Nice one!

By the way, Patty.

Taj was telling me stories about

your academy days.

Something about your famous smile

The "please" smile.

-I can't believe it.

-Whenever we stepped out from the academy

it was Patty's duty to get us a lift.

And he would always say please

and flash that smile of his.

And everyone even girls!

What do you mean by "even" girls?

-What are you trying to say, man?

-Any kind of living being,

would let him in their car without

asking any questions, remember?

It's a good thing that

he only asked for a lift.

How is that even funny?

I want to see a demo of this.

That biryani on their table

What about it?

I want it.

Yeah, right.

-Come on Patty. Come on.

-Too easy. Too easy.

Forget about staying

airborne for ten hours,

some people can't

even take off from the runway.

You will have to do it now, Patty!



Sorry, I don't mean to disturb but

I just wanted to ask you

if they serve good biryani here.

We could tell you

if you let us eat it.

Actually, we were wondering

if we could taste some

biryani before we order it.

I mean, if you don't mind.

Can you share some

of your biryani with us?



Yes, okay.

We couldn't have finished

the whole thing anyway.

-That is so sweet of you.

-I have quit eating rice.


-Actually, I am dieting.

Take my plate too.


-Yes, ma'am.

What are the options for sugar-free?

Make it two.

So sweet. Thank you.

No problem.

You're welcome.


Told you!

I told you

it's too easy.

Biryani for you.

Anybody else? Biryani? Anyone?

This is a superpower, sir.

-Black magic

-Black magic, sir.

Still got it, man!

So Minni, when did you decide

to join the Air Force?

Since my childhood.

It was my dream to become a pilot.

Actually, thanks to Dad,

I would watch aircraft

taking off and landing every day.

Your dad was in the Air Force?

No, Air Bharat. Ground Operations.

Then why did you choose

to be an Air Force pilot?

Because some people felt

that I wouldn't be able to do it.

What's wrong with you?

Hey, guys!

I can feel a joke coming.

Who can stop you? Go ahead.

-How is the gosht?

-Tasty, sir!

Sir, that paneer was delicious.

I am so full.

You want to eat phirni, correct?


-Saachi and her phirnis.

Anyone else?

-One for me.

-Me too.

-I'll accompany you.

-Thank you.

It's within walking distance.

I don't need a chopper. So

I think I will manage.

Is he a son

of an Air Marshal or a General?

No, Uncle was an upper-division clerk

in the Public Works Department of Jammu.

Now he's retired.

I have never seen a pilot with

so much attitude.

That's the thing.

He doesn't consider himself a pilot.

So what does he consider himself as?



Your hair is like clouds

Your eyes shine like stars

My love is as colorful

As the heavens themselves

Your hair is like clouds

Your eyes shine like stars

My love is as colorful

As the heavens themselves

Those who live on land

Cannot understand

Those who live on land

Cannot understand

-The sky is my one true love

-The sky is my one true love

Our love story

Is written in the skies

Our love story

Is written in the skies

-The sky is my one true love

-The sky is my one true love

-It goes deeper

-Than fate

-God himself wanted us

-To be together

-It goes deeper

-Than fate

God himself wanted us

To be together

I know the day we part

I know the day we part

There will be a downpour

Like no other

This will be the only sign

I leave behind

This will be the only sign

I leave behind

The sky is my one true love

Those who live

On land cannot understand

Those who live

On land cannot understand

-The sky is my one true love

-The sky is my one true love

My one true love


My one true love

My one true love

My one true love

My one true love

The Indian military

bases have been turned

into fortresses after

the Uri and Pathankot att*cks.

It's impossible to infiltrate

into the Srinagar Air Base now.

So what is the plan now, Azhar?

Faizan and Waseem are waiting

at the Shalimar Bagh hideout.

The RDX belt is in the shikara outside.


Everything will be

transported through the lake now.

We will neither have to worry

about the checkpoints

nor will there be

any fear of accidents.

I will meet you there.

Halt! Don't move!

The information is correct, sir.

This amount of RDX

can blow up a hotel.

What will happen now, Brother?

An expl*si*n.

For today's training mission,

choppers will drop

the commandos here at Baltal

and will wait there till

the commandos destroy the mock target.

In exactly 15 minutes,

the choppers will pick up

the commandos from the same drop point.

Taj and Patty.

You will provide air cover

to the choppers.

And Taj, you will lead this.

Nauty and I will be

your enemies for today.

Our objective is to sh**t

down those choppers.

And your objective

is to protect them.

We know how

advanced our aircraft are

but what we want to see is

how advanced

are our fighter pilots.

Reaching the drop

point in two minutes,

commandos, prepare for the drop.

Commandos, ready to go!

Minni, we are providing you cover.

Visibility is good as of now.

The enemy can't hide from us.

Stay alert, guys. Rocky and Nauty

can show up any second.

Green on. Go.

How is it going?

Has the enemy been spotted yet?

Not yet, sir.

Bogey. Two o'clock!

Alright, visual contact.

I am going after him.

Wait, Patty, we need

to protect the choppers.

I will handle this one, you handle

the other one, Taj.

Sir, someone is chasing us.

I know who it is.

Some people never change.



Smart move by Rocky,

he has lured Patty

away from the choppers.

Where is Nauty?


Nauty is too close to the choppers,

let's see how Taj manages

to protect them.

Guys, the task is about to end.

The commandos will

be back in two minutes.

Fall back, Patty.

The task is about to end.

The target is on my radar, Taj.

I am not going to spare him.

Oh, shit! Another Fighter

near the choppers!

What the hell, guys?

Caught you, Minni!

Sukhi, you are next.

-Come on, Taj! Let's get him!


Taj, this bogey is in my range.

You protect Sukhi.

Almost there

Sir, they're locking

their m*ssile on us.

Let him.

Diving right! Hold tight!

Damn, Unni! He peeled off.

Do you see him?


Negative, Patty.

-Patty! He is on our tail!

-Oh, shit.

You are done for, Patty.

Patty, his m*ssile is about

to lock on us. He has almost locked.

Do something, Patty.

Come on.

Patty, he has almost locked us.

Shake him off, Patty!

Do something, Patty!

Shake him off, Patty!

-Initiating lock.

-Patty, he is on our tail.

At eight o'clock.

We've got time, come on

Lock. Lock. Lock.

Patty, he has almost locked us.

And locked.

We got him, Unni!

Yes, Patty!

You failed the mission, Patty.



Because Nauty got Minni and Sukhi

and you failed to protect the choppers.

Meet me at the base. Now!

Damn it, Patty! Damn it!

It's your fault.

This is all your fault, Taj.

You were the

leader of this team.

But it looks like you have

no control over this team.

This is not Taj's fault, sir.

As soon as I spotted

the enemy Sukhoi I went after it.

By pulling a fancy

stunt over Taj, right?

If someone had to go after us

that should have been Taj.

Don't you trust, Taj?

I would have tackled one

and Taj would have handled--

Incorrect tactics!

What was your mission?

Attacking the enemy

or protecting the choppers?

Sir, handling the enemy jet was

essential to protect the choppers.

And what if there were

more than two fighter jets?

The enemy won't tell you their exact

strength before attacking you in a w*r!

You failed your team today.

Don't fail your country tomorrow.

Zero marks!

I defeated the best pilot, sir.

Won't I get any marks for that?

You either win or lose a w*r.

There is no "Man of the Match" award.

Once again, because of your mistake,

the chopper pilots are dead.


Once again, because of your mistake

the chopper pilots are dead.


Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

I am going down. I am hit!

Patty, I am hit! I am going down!

I am hit.

Patty, I am going down!

Patty, I am hit!

Patty, I am going down.

-Oh, I love this song!

-My love

-Listen to me my love

-Listen to me my love

-Listen to me my love

-Listen to me my love

My love, the moon will

Sneak into your home

-In the silent twilight

-In the silent twilight

Are you thinking about today's

training session?

Look, Patty,

don't mind what I am about to say.

You are this team's strength.

But you have to accept that

this team can also be your strength.

-Come, let me make you a drink.

-No, I will do it myself.

It's okay man, can't I make

a new drink for a new friend?


Can someone tell me

why does pizza taste

better on the next day?

-I know.

-I wish I could say the same about Taj.

"I wish I could say

the same about Taj. " I knew it!

-Have a drink.

-Shut up!

Patty, can you recite the poem you

used to tell us in the academy days?

No, man.

Look, we have the vibe,

the people, and pizza!

So, please don't say no.

Come on, let us hear it.

Please. You recite it really well.

Do it, otherwise

I will just recite it very badly.

-Patty, come on!


"You will find many

lovers in this world

You will find many

lovers in this world

but no lover can compete with

the love you have for your country.

Many die in a coffin wrapped in diamonds,

many die wrapped in gold,

but there can be no coffin more beautiful

than a coffin wrapped in Tricolor. "


-Amazing, dude!


That was superb!

Hey, guys.

I just remembered another one.

-It's very deadly. I swear.


-No, no, no.

-When the bell was ringing

-No, no, that's enough. Please.


Taj, please, no!

You're flying solo here too?

Can I ask you something

if you don't mind?

You are a single child, aren't you?

Is it that obvious?

Loners like you are usually

found in smaller families.

I see.


Let me guess.

You probably have a large family.

And I am sure they love you a lot.

In fact, they probably

tell everyone they meet

that their daughter

is an Air Force pilot.



Hit a nerve?

Yes, you did.

What is the problem if

you don't mind me asking?

The day my dad signed my Air Force

consent form he considered me a martyr.

He wanted me to finish

my studies and get married.

Air Force is not for girls.

That is the last thing

he said to me.

It's not his fault.

There are still

people in our society

who can't stand

the sight of a girl taking flight.

That is what I am fighting against.

We are all equal up in the sky.

What are you guys doing here?

We are all dancing over there.

-Come on, let's go.

-Hurry up.

-Hey, Saachi.


Why did Patty suddenly leave?

He left?

It's okay. At least he is

stepping out of the house again.

-What do you mean?

-You don't know?

Patty's fianc.

Naina Jaisingh. Enjay.

She was an Air Force helicopter pilot.

Two years ago,

she lost her life in a mission.


She was Patty's fianc?


Hey, Saachi.

Give it here, I'll take it.

Take this.

Who is that?

Before we go to Jammu

for combat search and rescue practice

I would like to give all of you

the latest intelligence update.

This is Zareena Begum.

Our top RAW intelligence agent.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

My identity is so secretive

that I can't even share it

with you Air Force officers.

That is why you need

to stop focusing on my identity

and start focusing

on my information.

This is the last straw,

Kareena on the outside

and Saif on the inside.

Jaish is planning something big.

200 kilos of RDX was confiscated

in the valley last night.



Majeed Khan, a senior commander

operating in POK was also captured.

This caused many stone-pelting

incidents across the valley.

But our biggest concern is


Azhar Akhtar.

Jaish's western asset.

He was operating in

Afghanistan before this

and he is an expl*sives expert.

He was spotted at

the training center in Balakot recently.

This is a sign that he

is heading towards India.

ISI is planning something major.

One more thing, they just

posted two of their F-16 squadrons

right in front of POK.

And this is Wing Commander

Imran Rasool.

Their top fighter pilot.

He goes by the call sign Red Nose

and he too is currently

posted in POK.

Sir, I think we should cancel

our training in Jammu today.

No, Rocky sir, there are

CRPF reinforcements coming in

to control the stone pelting.

You can continue with your training.

I agree.

Any questions?

No, thank you.

We will leave for Jammu in ten minutes

for the training session.

I will meet you at the base.


Sir, everyone is having lunch

at my house in Jammu today.

Please do join us.

My lunch has already been

arranged at the Air Force station.

Give my regards to your dad.

Sure, sir.

Look, it's our CRPF convoy.

Look! There is a chopper out there!


Sukhi's coming on foot, right?

Enjoying the flight, boys?

Traveling by train would

have been better.

A train can't do this.

They both are falling for each other

-May they be together forever

-It's falling

Like a leaf floating on water

Flowing through the story

That felt complete before it began

For someone

Like a sea in the sky

Let's swim through it

Your words are like the open sky

Let's fly through them

You and me together are

A single soul and a single body

Why should I be the one

Who tells you

That all I want is you?

Am I losing my heart

Or giving it away?

I would stop it

But it refuses to obey

Am I losing my heart

Or giving it away?

I would stop it

But it refuses to obey

Put a label on your feelings

Give your idle heart something to do

Or put a label on it

They both are falling for each other

May they be together forever

Like a leaf floating on water

Flowing through the story

That felt complete before it began

These days, every single moment

I spend thinking about you

When you stand so close to me

I forget about the rest of the world

You and me together are

A single soul and a single body

You and me together are

A single soul and a single body

Why should I be the one

Who tells you

That all I want is you?

Am I losing my heart

Or giving it away?

I would stop it

But it refuses to obey

Put a label on your feelings

Give your idle heart something to do

Or put a label on it

Let's swim through it


Let's fly through it

Let's fly through it

What a beautiful house, Uncle!

Thank you!

Actually, Shammi's mother made this house.

Taking care of it has become

a hobby of mine.

And this is my wife Beena.

And that is Naina.

Our Enjay.



Yes, Shammi. I will be right there.

I will see what he wants, Uncle.



Dad I tell you!

How are you, Shammi?

I see

Washing the dishes, Shammi?

-Can I help?


You are our guest.

But I want to.


Can I?




You can't do it. Stop trying.

Yes, Rocky sir. Jai Hind!

Guys! Rocky sir called.

Because of bad weather,

we get the day off!

So, that means we're

going to stay here tonight!




This is my house.

At least, ask me.

Yeah, yeah.

Let's start with tea.

-Yes! Yes

-Tea, tea, tea.

And you get amazing

kullad tea here.

Shammi, go out and get it

for your friends.

Yes, sir. Let me get my jacket.

If Rocky sir could see him

following orders like this

I am sure he would get emotional.

Come, let me show you Jammu.

Why? Was your ex from here?


but my next could be.

By God's grace that day has arrived


when I am about

to accomplish my life's purpose.

This is my last message to Kashmir.


By the time you watch

this video I will be in heaven.


My fight is for Kashmir.

My fight is for freedom.


It is time to fulfill your purpose

for your community, your family,

and your country.

May God protect you.

-"The fire doesn't start on time


-The fire doesn't start on time.


-Don't burn me in my dreams. "



-Ask him when he will come home.

-When will you come home?

"Did you eat?"

-Sir, that red car!

-Pull up next to it!

A red Eco is overtaking

the convoy, stop it!

Come on! Drive faster!

Stop that Red Eco! Hurry!

-Say "Dad. "

-Look she is saying hi to all of you.




Hey, stop the car! Stop the car!

Somebody please bring a stretcher!

Hurry, get a stretcher!

Somebody! Please!

Patty! Patty!

Crew room.

By God's grace, that day has arrived

when I am about

to accomplish my life's purpose.

This is my last message to Kashmir.

By the time you watch this video,

I will be in heaven.


Jaish has taken

responsibility for this attack.

-Cowards! I will--

-Relax, Taj.

Let's follow protocols.

Sir, forget protocols.

They don't follow any so why should we?

Because that's the difference

between us and them!

And you? What is the point

of you being undercover?

What are you trying

to say, Squadron Leader?

Settle down, Patty.

All of you settle down.

Zareena, please give us a rundown

of this situation.

Seventy soldiers are dead

and eighty are injured.

Azhar was the mastermind of this mission.

He knew that infiltrating

the Air Force base was impossible.

And that is why he got

Majeed Khan captured

which resulted in a

stone pelting across the valley.

To control the situation we asked

for CRPF reinforcements from Jammu.

En route, he att*cked the CRPF convoy.

CRPF was the target all along.

And this whole plan

was Azhar Akhtar's.

As of now, we have no information

on Azhar's whereabouts.

Pakistan has put their Air Force

and army on high alert

and they have increased

their air patrolling on the border.

Sir, they are anticipating

a commando strike like Uri.

Apart from this information, I have no

other intelligence to share as of now.

Jai Hind.

Jai Hind.

We are on red alert.

We will start air patrolling

on the LoC in one hour.

I want everybody focused and ready.

-Yes, sir!

-Yes, sir!

Debu sir has been called to Delhi.

To meet the Chief

of the Western Air Command.

Patty, you will go

to Delhi with Debu sir.

Be ready to leave in one hour.

Minni, Sukhi, you are on standby.

With due respect, sir.

The Pakistan Air Force

can attack us at any time.

And when they do

I want to be here, sir.

This is not a request, Patty.

This is an order.

Get ready for your first patrolling.




What do the latest

intelligence reports say?

After the setback of Uri,

Pakistan doesn't want to take any risks.

That is why Jaish has emptied

all their launch pads in POK

fearing a counterattack by us.

Now all the t*rrorists

are holed up

deep inside Pakistan

at the Jaish headquarters.

Some in Peshawar, some in Balakot,

and the rest in Bahawalpur.

So, how do we respond to this attack?

There is one option.

But we haven't done

anything like it since 1971.

So, you're saying

that we should launch

an air strike on Pakistan?

Not on Pakistan but on Jaish which is

operating from Pakistan's territory.

If we want to teach them a lesson

we have to speak their language.

Done. Sometimes the only way

to get justice is through--



Right, gentlemen.

Ball is in your court.

Come back with a plan.

You were saying something.

Why don't you say it

in front of everyone?

Yes, sir.

Sir, I think we should strike

Jabba Top, the area near Balakot.

That is their expl*sives

training center

where more than 300 militants

are currently being trained.

Most probably the expl*sives

used in Pulwama came from there.

But the main reason I feel this is

because the probability of Azhar Akhtar

being there is very high.

It is all our fault.

Train blasts,

b*mb blasts,


and now


We have been putting up with their

terrorism for years.

And for the past 50 years, no government

has given them a befitting reply.

But now


It is time to show them

who their boss is!

We are ready, sir.

But bear in mind,

that there should be no

civilian casualties.

Our fight is against terror.

Not their people.



Take me through the plan.

Permission to begin, sir?


Sir, on 25th February you

will be on a jungle safari,

and on that very day, all senior

officers of the Indian Air Force

will be attending

Air Marshall Rawal sir's farewell party.

Good fellow

He's a jolly good fell

Rawal sir will leave that party

at exactly twelve o'clock

to head to Srinagar.

And once he reaches there, he will monitor

the mission from the operations room.

The mission "Operation Bandar"

will be launched from Gwalior air base.


The enemy would not expect us

to launch an attack from so far away.


All the air bases in

and around Srinagar and the LoC

will be inactive on that night.

Air Commodore

Debojyoti Biswas sir, AOC Srinagar

will command this operation

from our early warning aircraft.

At 0200 hours, 12 Mirage aircraft

will take off from Gwalior air base.

Maintain formation.

Exactly 30 minutes

after that, at 0230 hours

two Sukhoi fighter jets

will take off from Bareilly

for the protection of the

Mirages and for air defense.

Target area clear of enemy.

We are entering POK.

We have 16 minutes.

The mission is a go.

Roger. Crossing LoC.

Switch on all radio jammers.

Wilco. Radio jammers on.

04 minutes to target. Split.


Hit, hit, hit. Confirmed impact.

Mike 2 you are clear.

Mike 2 coming in for a run.

Mike 3 you are clear.

Roger. Coming in.

Target destroyed.

Heading back to base.

Patty, we will cover

the Mirages till the LoC.

Roger, Taj. This is Patty

diving in for a check.

Good job, Mike 1 and team!

Still no enemy in sight.

The air situation is still in our favor.

Incoming m*ssile. Seven o'clock!

Deploying flares hang on.

All systems good, Patty.


The infidels have destroyed

our training center.

We have lost hundreds

of our mujahideen.

Their fighters will

still be in our airspace.

Send them to hell!

05 minutes, boys. It's getting tight.


Scramble, scramble, scramble.

Vector 290. Range 100 kilometers.

Target, two bandits.


I repeat, range 100 kilometers.

Target, two bandits.

Be alert! One Pak F-16

scrambled from Islamabad.

Mirage boys, drop all load

and get back immediately.



Approaching LoC. 02 minutes.

Hurry up boys, you are in the range

of their surface-to-air missiles.

Command, this is Mike 1.

Four of our Mirages

have crossed the LoC.

The rest will cross in a minute.

Last four crossing LoC.

All in safe and sound.

Mission accomplished.

I repeat, mission accomplished.

Good job, boys.

Patty, Taj, return to base.

All right, heading back.

See you at the base, Taj.

Roger. See you at the base.


Where did he come from?

Bash, can you see anything?

-Negative, Taj. I can't see anyone.

-He is tracking us. Deploying flares.

Unni, a m*ssile is tracking me,

can you see the enemy?

Negative, Bash. I can't see anyone.


How far is the F-16 from Taj?

Ten kilometers and closing, sir.

-Where did Patty go?

-I can't see him on the radar, sir.

Bloody hell! Debu, Rocky,

where is Patty?

-Where the hell is he?

-Patty, this is Command.

Where are you?

Where are you, Patty?

Where are you, Patty? Damn it!

Taj, he can lock us any second now.

He is right behind us.

He is closing in, the m*ssile

warning is increasing.

Unni, radars on.

Roger, Patty.

Command, this is Patty.

Permission to engage.

Patty, clear to engage.

Get him.

-Track him, Unni. Come on.

-Almost there.



Locked. Taj, extricate.

Get out of here I

have him locked.

I can't. He has me locked.

Fire, Patty, he can

fire at Taj at any moment.

Bloody hell, it's a two-way lock.

Command, switching

to emergency frequency.

This is Serra One India on guard.

-Ready to die?

-Red Nose on guard.

Your aircraft has trespassed into

Pakistani airspace, my friend.

Pulwama is in India where

you trespassed, my friend.

You might have heard the saying,

"All is fair in love and w*r. "

But in my India, we don't

betray in either love or w*r.

I can't fall in love with you.

So I will settle for w*r.

You want an eye for an eye?


I want revenge for a betrayal.

Then keep a Param Vir Chakra

ready for your fighters.

Don't you go to school?

Param Vir Chakra is not

just awarded to martyrs,

it is also awarded to bravehearts.

And they will surely get one.

But you are the one

who is going to die today.

You have five seconds my friend.

Just five seconds.

Think about it.

Do you want to die reciting poetry or

do you want to go home peacefully?





The lock is off, Patty.

He has disengaged. I am out of here.

Patty, disengage your

m*ssile and fly back.

You are lucky that our

fight is against terrorism

and not against your country.

Your cunningness might

have won this battle for you,

but the w*r is due, my friend.

We will meet again soon

and on that day there

won't be a countdown.

I will eagerly wait for that day.


Operation Bandar is a success.


Shame on us!

They have been planning this

for so long and we had no clue.

Jaish is better than us.

At least they can execute

their missions, unlike us.

In a way, we should be

thankful to the Indians

for targeting the Jaish camp.

If they had att*cked our military base

then all of us would be dead by now.

Have you lost your mind?

You are being thankful

to them for the attack?

No, sir, all I am trying to

say is that the Indians knew

that we had given Jaish's mujahideens

permission to operate on our land.

This attack is just a warning.

That the Indians can--

Attack us in our own territory

whenever they want.

Is that what you will tell

the people of this nation?

No, sir. I was just trying to say that

maybe it is time for us to stop

harboring Jaish's mujahideens on our land.

Please continue your conversation.

I was just saying--

That you no longer

need the mujahideen.

You're right.

But how can you achieve bigger goals

when your thinking is so small?

We carried out a su1c1de attack while

they replied with an air strike.

We dug more than 300 graves today.

But now it is time for

the Pakistani forces to think bigger.

Because now

we will not

forget the graves

nor the funerals

nor will we forget to take revenge.

There won't be any

more terror att*cks.

There will be w*r.

We have the right to do

Something crazy tonight

-No matter what

-No matter what

The world says

-We are spoiled brats


-We will break all the rules tonight

-We will break

We haven't been sober all evening

Meet me tomorrow

If you need something

Take a look, we are out of our minds

No one is going home tonight

Everyone who sees us can testify

The lions are on the prowl tonight

No one is going home tonight

We are out of our minds

Singing at the top of our lungs

Everyone who sees us can testify

The lions are on the prowl tonight

I am going to do

Something stupid tonight

Please make sure

I don't upset anyone

I am being naughty tonight

My heart is all over the place

We haven't been sober all evening

Meet me tomorrow

If you need something

Take a look

We are out of our minds

No one is going home tonight

Everyone who sees us can testify

The lions are on the prowl tonight

No one is going home tonight

We are out of our minds

Singing at the top of our lungs

Everyone who sees us can testify

The lions are on the prowl tonight

The lions are on the prowl tonight



Bye, Minni.

"Sometimes the journey

is so beautiful

that you never want

to reach your destination. "


Did you just come up with that?


I read it on the back of a truck.

Will you just keep thinking

or finally ask me?


Why didn't I drop her to her door?

Maybe she would have

invited me in for a coffee.

Come on, Patty,

do I need to do everything?


Four F-16s are heading from

Pakistan to Srinagar.

Scramble, scramble, scramble.

Initial vector 200.

Climb 28 kilometers.

Accelerate to .9 mach.

Target, four bogeys.

Range 60 kilometers.

Scramble. Scramble. Scramble.

Scramble. Scramble. Scramble.

Tanya, put them on the big screen.


-That's more than four.

Scramble 12 Sukhois

from the Udhampur base.

Incoming aerial threat.

16 Pak fighters.

Rocky and the team, head toward Rajouri.

They are heading

for the amm*nit*on dump.

12 Sukhois will be joining

you from the Udhampur base.

Roger. Heading towards Rajouri.

amm*nit*on DEPOT, RAJOURI


Approaching target.

Ready to fire.

Air Defense Unit.

Surface weapons free.

Roger. Fire!

Stay alert, boys!

Incoming missiles!

Flares, flares, flares!

Come on! Flares! Banking left.

-30 degrees right!


The Indian Fighters are

right behind us.


Command! We have eyes on the enemy.

We have deceived the Indians!

Phase one is successful boys!

Drop your bombs and get out of here.

Command, something is wrong.

The Pak Fighters are turning back.

It is time for phase two.

Sir, two more F-16s from Pakistan

are heading for Batalik.

Looks like Batalik could

be their next target.

That's right.

Rocky, send two aircraft toward Batalik.

The rest of you continue the pursuit.

Roger. Taj and Patty,

head towards Batalik.


The Pak fighters

are about to cross the LoC.

Command, give us permission

to cross the LoC.

Permission denied.

Nobody crosses the LoC.

Fall back. I repeat, fall back.

Roger. Falling back.



Patty, it's Red Nose!

I won't spare him today.

Patty and Taj, you are heading

towards the LoC. Fall back.

Nobody will cross the LoC.

I repeat.

Do not cross the LoC.

Sir, Pakistan has

jammed all the radios.

Patty, they have split up.

They're heading for the LoC.

We should head back to base.

I will get them before

they reach the LoC.

You can go back if you want to.

Damn it, Patty! Let's go, come on!

I am going after the left.

I will take the other one.

Engaging m*ssile,

I am taking a shot.

-Shit, I missed.

-Patty, we are about to cross the LoC.

Command, permission to cross the LoC.

Patty, I think they have

jammed our radios.

Bloody hell! They have crossed the LoC.

Damn it, Patty.

Damn it, Taj.

Two F-16s, Taj! It's an ambush!

Get out of there!

Get out of there now. Taj, come in.

-The radio is back.

-Bash, it's an ambush!

You have crossed the LoC.

Two bogeys behind us, Taj.

It's a trap! It's not just two,

there are four F-16s.

Nine o'clock and three o'clock!

They have trapped us.

There are too many of them, Patty.


Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania.

Welcome to Pakistan.

Today, it's our turn

to teach you a lesson.

You won the last round

and it looks like luck is

on your side even today.

This trap was set

up for you Pathania sahib.

But I am afraid that

the price of your actions

in Balakot that day will

be paid by your friends.

How far is Taj from us, Unni?

30 kilometers, Patty.

Vector three zero.

I am coming, Taj. I am on my way.

No, Patty, don't come here.

There are too many of them.

Today your friends will meet

the same fate as Naina Jaisingh.

Call sign Enjay.

I am sure you remember the name.

What's wrong?

You are not the only ones

who get intelligence reports.

We also keep tabs on you.

You will soon be mourning the loss

of your friends, Shamsher Pathania.

Once again.


If you think you

can save them, then come.

Incoming m*ssile! Defending!

Flares! Taj, flares!

Roger. Deploying flares.

Taj, flares!

-Oh, shit.

-We're hit. We're hit.

Shit! I am on my way, Taj.

Just hold on.

We are going down!

-Mayday, mayday, mayday.


-We're going down.


I am on my way, Bash!

No! No!

Command, Taj and Bash are hit.

Both have fallen in Pakistan.

Patty, Unni, back to the base.

You are in POK.

Send the rescue choppers.

I have my eyes on their fighters.

-I am going after them.

-Permission denied!

I don't want any more casualties.

Return to the base. Now!

We didn't just lose our

soldiers in Batalik today

but we also lost two fighter pilots

on the other side of the LoC.

Who authorized you, Patty?

Who authorized you to cross the LoC?

I asked for permission, sir.

But the radios were jammed.

We were in the middle

of the chase. I almost--

Chasing what?

Individual glory?!

This is exactly what I was afraid of,

that the nation would pay

for your careless actions.

Two of our aviators

are currently missing!

All because of you!

This force pays the price

for your ego every single time.

But this time

you will also have to face

the consequences.

I am ordering a court of inquiry

for your conduct in the air.

Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania

and Squadron Leader Rajan Unnithan.

You both are grounded

till further orders.


-I'm going down. I'm hit! Patty, I'm hit!


-We're going down! We're hit!

-I'm going down! I'm hit!

-Going down! We're hit!

-We are going down!

The diplomatic channels

are doing their jobs.

Basheer will be home soon.

My Basheer is a lion.

And even in a cage,

a lion remains a lion.

Pakistanis cannot hurt my Basheer.

Just wait and watch.

After going through the cockpit

recordings, surveillance unit records,

and crash site location data

we have concluded

that Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania

and Squadron Leader Sartaj Gill

crossed the LoC while

pursuing their targets.


Squadron Leader Sartaj Gill

was ambushed on

the other side of the LoC.

Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania cannot

be held responsible for this incident.


there will be some changes

in the Air Dragons unit.

Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania

will no longer be a part

of the Air Dragons unit.

He has been posted to the

Air Force Academy in Hyderabad

as a flying instructor.

A new Sukhoi pilot

will replace him in the next 48 hours.

This inquiry now stands closed.

Good day, gentlemen.

Sir, may I?


Sir, the decision you made today

We are not happy with it.

For your own good

I don't mind seeing you

all upset for a few days.

-Sir, but Patty--

-Minni, this is not the first time

that this force has lost

fighters because of him.

After a raid operation

in Naushera three years ago,

our Garud commandos

required evacuation.

The enemy was

using a*tillery g*ns

-to fire at the position of our commandos.


Our choppers were ready

to evacuate the Garud commandos

and Patty's Sukhoi was protecting them.

Because of the heavy shelling,

our choppers were unable to reach

the pick-up point of the commandos.

But we had a brave helicopter pilot.

Squadron Leader Naina Jaisingh. Enjay.

Charlie one. I am coming to get you.

No, ma'am!

Stay back it's too dangerous!

Because of the heavy fog, we couldn't

pinpoint the exact location of the g*ns.

Do you have the exact location, Enjay?

Negative, Patty. I can't see the exact

location because of low visibility.

I am moving closer.

Roger. But not too close.

It's dangerous.

Chill, Patty. It's not easy

to catch me in the air.

I know you can do it, Enjay.

I am right behind you.

Let's get them.

Patty let Enjay go close

to the position of the g*ns.

Patty, there are six a*tillery g*ns

firing non-stop.

-Co-ordinates, Enjay?

-Right in front of me.

Aim at my chopper.

I will move on your command.

Roger. On my count of three.

Turn a hard left.

-Roger, Patty.



One. Move!


Patty's m*ssile might have reached

the position of the g*ns

but the enemy's a*tillery firing

-Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! I am hit!


I am going down! I am hit!

-Patty, I am hit! I am going down!


I am going down. I am hit!

Patty, I am going down! I am going down

No, Enjay! No!

Patty knew exactly

how dangerous it was.

If he had stopped Enjay that day

then she would have still been alive.

Neither the Air Force would

have lost a capable pilot

nor would a brother

have lost his sister.

Yes, Minni.

Naina Jaisingh was my younger sister.

I am sorry, sir.

But if Enjay wasn't your sister

would you still blame Patty?


I blamed him then

and I blame him now.

Patty is our best pilot.

But there are disadvantages

to being the best.

They can't see the

limitations of others

and push them

way past their limits.

The price of Patty's attitude

was paid by Enjay back then

and now Taj

and Bash are paying for it.

And trust me, if I hadn't

separated him from the rest of you

you would be next.


So, you're leaving?


Without fighting for your right?

I am a fighter.

I fight wars.

Not petty arguments.

I know what Rocky sir thinks.

Rocky sir is right, Minni.

It's better for everyone if I stay

away from operational flying.

And from me, as well!

What do you want to hear, Minni?

What you want

to say but refuse to say it.

I am not good for you Minni,

it's as simple as that.

And I can't decide that for myself?

You saved me, Minni.

You really saved me.

I did not think I could

ever be happy again

But you became my reason to smile.


I even dared to see

a future with you.


I got in our way.

I am broken, Minni.

I hurt the people who love me.

I cannot make anyone happy.

So you decided to make me cry

so that I can be happy?

Don't punish yourself like this, please.

Then who should I punish, Minni?

Who should I punish?

This is all my fault.

I caused this.

You don't have enough

power to do all of this.

You are not that important.

Get over me, Minni.

Focus on your work.

This is pointless.

I am no good for anyone.


Maybe, you are right.

All the best,

Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania.


Flight! Eyes right!

Jai Hind, sir!

Welcome to Air Force Academy, Patty.

Your reputation precedes you.

Thank you, sir.

Well done on

the Balakot strike.

The entire nation is proud of you.

We are very proud.

And don't bloody worry.

Wherever our pilots might be,

they are fine.

Yes, sir.

Take over Brar Squadron

as their flying instructor.

These days a lot of cadets

are on their first solo stage.

You will get all the details.


-Excuse me.


-What is going on?

-Sir, there is a flight cadet

It's her first solo

and she has panicked mid-air.

Okay if I come?

Sure, sir. Come on.


Neha, your speed is too high,

your heading is wrong,

maintain zero-niner-zero.

-What is her situation?

-She is on finals, sir.

Her first solo in such

strong crosswinds?

The weather suddenly changed, sir.

She is unable to handle it.

What is her name?

Flight cadet Neha Joshi, sir.

-Call sign?


Neha Joshi. NJ.


Hi, NJ, this is

Squadron Leader Pathania.

I am here to guide you home.

How do you read me?

Strength five, sir.

You are absolutely fine, NJ.

Check heading.

Check heading zero-niner-zero.

Yes, sir, it's zero-niner-zero.

Do you see the center line

on the runway, NJ?

Yes, sir. I see it.

Align the nose of the aircraft

with the center line.

Can you see me, NJ?

No, sir. I can't see you.

It's a black car on the runway.

Can you see me now?

-Yes, sir. I can see you.

-Okay, good.

Turn the nose of the aircraft in

the direction of the wind, NJ.


A little more, NJ.

NJ, reduce your speed a

bit, you're too fast.

Speed reduced.

That's good.

You're almost home, NJ.

Hold that position.

Almost there, hold that position.


And now! Left rudder!

It's an honor, sir.


Why have You taken away my light?

I am tired of counting

All the reasons for my pain

I heard that You can

Change the tides of destiny

If You made it to break so easily

If You made it to break so easily

O maker of hearts

It is time you stopped making hearts

If You made it to break so easily

If You made it to break so easily

O maker of hearts

It is time You stopped making hearts

If You made it to break so easily

If You made it to break so easily

O maker of hearts

It is time You stopped making hearts

Show me how to heal this pain

Don't delay, do it today

The ones whose prayers

You disregard will stop praying to you






The stars lied to me

As they fell one by one

And now the sky is empty

I got left behind

Chasing my dreams

Where did I lose what I once had?

-If You can't answer my prayers

-If You can't answer my prayers

-What good is Your heaven?

-What good is Your heaven?

-Please accept my prayers

-Please accept my prayers

Or come down from the sky

If You made it to break so easily

-If You made it to break so easily

-Break it

-O maker of hearts

-O maker of hearts

It is time You stopped making hearts

If You made it to break so easily

If You made it to break so easily

-O maker of hearts

-O maker of hearts

It is time You stopped making hearts

Show me how to heal this pain

Don't delay, do it today

The ones whose prayers You disregard

Will stop praying to You

It is time You stopped



The ATC was continuously asking Sunil,

"What's your height and position?"

And this idiot replied,

"Sir, my height is 5' 10

and I am sitting in the front seat. "

Don't even get me started about Neha!

The ATC told her to land the other

day but she just couldn't do it.


Neha pulled off her first

solo landing quite well.

-I was there.

-Because you guided her, sir.

If the girls here found out that you

instruct during emergencies

then all of them will come up with

new landing issues every day.

Shut up, Sunil. Sir, please ignore him.

Thank you for coming, sir.

I like it.

Looking at all of you here reminds

me of my time in the academy.

The bond forged between

course-mates here

this is for life.


-Cheers, sir.

-Take care.


Jai Hind, sir.


Where is your drink?

Permission to speak, sir?

Go ahead.

Sir, I am putting in my papers.

I have decided to quit the force.


Sir, I

Patty, you haven't taken

any leave after Balakot.

Take a break.

We will talk when you come back.

Come on.

I won't change my mind, sir.

Jai Hind, sir.


-Hi. KI793?


Sorry, sir. Your flight has been

canceled and rescheduled for tomorrow.

Aren't there any other

flights to Jammu?

I am an officer in the Air Force.

Sorry, sir.

The other two flights are full.

It's very important

that I go, ma'am.

Any flight will do.


Sir, you can speak

to our Operations Manager.

I am sure he will

be able to help you.

-He is right there.

-Thank you.

May I come in, sir?

I am going by cab

you bring the car.

Hello, sir.

I am Squadron Leader Pathania.

Indian Air Force.

My flight was canceled, sir.

I need to reach Jammu.

If I could get a seat

on the next flight

Only if possible.

Air Force




-That's Minal Rathore.


Your dad was in the Air Force?

No, Air Bharat. Ground Operations.

My dad considered me a martyr the day

he signed my Air Force consent form.

Sir, by any chance, is your

daughter in the Air Force?


Do you want something, Usha?

Do you not have a daughter?

Or is she not in the Air Force?

What do you mean?

I was part of a special

Air Force unit in Srinagar, sir.

Minal Rathore was a part of my team.

I thought that

she might be your daughter.

If I had a daughter then she

wouldn't have been in the Air Force.

That's so sad, sir.

I wish she was your daughter, sir.

Because her parents

don't accept her anyway.

She is on a special posting in Srinagar.

She is one of the top pilots

in our country.

Her parents wanted her

to get married and settle down but

this fool risks her life

every single day so that

people like you

can sleep peacefully.

Every Indian is proud of Minal

even if her dad isn't.

People say that the armed forces

is not a place for women.

I wonder why they say that, sir.

The enemy's b*ll*ts don't

discriminate based on gender.

We do.

Her dad wanted

her to get married.

So she did get married.

She got married to her country.

And this fool will be true to this

relationship till her final breath.

It's a good thing that all the girls

in India are not like Minal.

Otherwise, we men would

have to sit at home.

Hand this in at the check-in counter

and you will get your boarding pass.

Next time, I think you should take

the credit for being her parents.

Because her parents

have lost that privilege.

Thank you, sir.

She is fine.

She misses both of you.

Always stay happy, Son.

God bless you.


What a pleasant surprise!

Something wrong, Shammi?

Is everything okay?

Everything is fine, Dad.

I missed you so I came to meet you.

Come on. Let's go in.




Yes, I will come

Breaking news from Srinagar.

Two of our brave Air Force officers

who have been imprisoned

in Pakistan for the last 40 days

are reportedly being released.

Pakistan occu

Hey, Shammi!

Come fast, Shammi.

Hurry up. Come in here.

-Squadron Leader Basheer Khan.


-and Squadron Leader Sartaj Gill


will soon be released

by the Pakistan government.

This is a positive

and important result achieved

because of the Indian government's

negotiations with Pakistan.

The families of both officers and

the entire nation are filled with joy.

Our brave fighters are coming home.

To know more about it

Wear this. They are sending you back.

We will go back the same way we came.

You mean




Don't cry too much when we leave.

Bloody infidels!

Hey, man, I bet he has

never read the Quran.

Explain it to him.

"There is no greater religion

than the love for

your nation. "

I will give you such a gruesome death

that you will forget

both your nation

and your religion.

That reminds me of a poem

my friend once told me.

Let him hear it.

We have the opportunity,

we have the vibe

and the enemy.

Listen, you rascal.

"You will find many

lovers in this world

but no lover can compete with

the love you have for your country.

Many die in a coffin wrapped in diamonds,

and many die wrapped in gold,

but there can be no

coffin more beautiful

than a coffin

wrapped in Tricolor. "

Jai Hind!


-Free me and we will see who is stronger.

-What are you doing, sir?

We have to send them home safely.

We have strict orders

from the Prime Minister.

-I will k*ll these infidels!


Your father is an infidel,

you bloody t*rror1st!

We have strict orders from the

Prime Minister to send them home safely.

Control yourself, sir.


-Roger. Thanks.

-In two minutes.

It was a call from the ATC.

Taj and Bash will be here soon.

Landing in 03 minutes.




-How are you, my friend?

-I am good, dude.

Good to see you back, Patty.

Hi, Minni.

Hi, Shammi.

Good to see you.

I am here to meet the boys.


Sukhi will be bringing them soon.

Good to see you again, Patty sir.

Sir, I always tell Unni

that I couldn't have cleared

TACDE without Patty sir.

You are my replacement?



Hello, young man.

How are you, Patty?

How is everything

back at the academy?

Sir, I



What happened to Bash?

Where is Taj, Sukhi?

Where is Taj, Sukhi?

They didn't send him back.

They said they don't

have orders for it.

They have tortured Bash, Patty.

They k*lled him mercilessly

after a lot of t*rture.

They are bloody animals!

His body was in pieces.

In bloody pieces.

Is this their diplomacy?

Are these their ethics?

They say he was already

badly wounded, bloody liars!

I have seen his wounds, sir.

He was m*rder*d by them.

Tortured and then m*rder*d!

How much longer can we bear this, sir?

Let's hunt them down

and blow them to pieces.

Calm down, Rocky. We are angry

and that is what they want.

-Yes, sir. But--

-First, we need an update on Taj.

How is he and where is he?

Is he even alive?





I have returned your soil to you

I have repaid your debt

This head that has never

Bowed in front of an enemy

Is bowing here in front of you

Dying for you is like a celebration

Only a blessed few can

Experience such a death

I want to be reborn on your land

Just so I can say "Vande Mataram"

Team! Salute!

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram



Not many people

Would sacrifice their lives

Who would give up their youth

For the sake of the country

Those who put their country

Before friends and family

Who would gladly step

Into the pyre for their country

So what if I was turned to ash?

So what if I turned into smoke?

I will keep a watch on

Our borders like the wind

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram


Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram


I know what you're thinking.

That this could be Taj tomorrow.

But you're wrong, Saachi.

Your Taj will be fine.

He will be standing

in front of you very soon.

Cracking his lame jokes.

And letting you hit him.

As long as I am alive,

nobody can hurt Taj.


I want your trust, Saachi.

No one else's

only yours.

Can you put your trust

in me one last time?


He is wounded but still alive.

His life is now

inconsequential to my mission.

There is a video call from Srinagar

on our secure line, Azhar.

As-Salaam-Alaikum, Azhar.


Our plan was successful.

The Indian forces will be attacking

tomorrow night

under the guise of darkness.

Stay alert.

Salaam, Sartaj Gill.

I can see that Azhar has taken

good care of you in Pakistan.

The next time we see

each other will be in heaven.


You thought he was a RAW agent?

He is ISI's top agent

operating in India.

Rocky, tell me the plan

for Taj's rescue mission,

we need to get him

back no matter what.

According to Zareena Begum, Taj is

being held here at this military camp.

He has been tortured

but he is still alive.

We will drop the Garuds

here and our choppers--

Jai Hind, sir.


-Yes, Tanya?

There is an update that Pakistan

has shut down its airspace.

Even for domestic flights.

No aircraft is allowed

to fly over their territory.

Along with that, they have

activated two fighter squadrons

and four surface-to-air

m*ssile squadrons at the LoC.

They have closed off all other

modes of entry, sir.

Pakistan is now a no-fly zone.

Getting into Pakistan

is now impossible, sir.

You may leave now.

Jai Hind, sir.

This is bad news.

We will need to come

up with something else.

Permission to speak, sir?

Permission denied.

Sir, I just want to know what

we are doing to bring Taj back.


This is an internal matter

concerning me and my team, Patty.

It is none of your business now.

The hell it is, sir!

I think you are forgetting that you

are no longer a part of this team.

But I am a part of the Air Force, sir.

For how long?

You have already decided to resign.

Am I wrong?

You were a fighter,

or were you just pretending?

General sahib!

You know India

will seek revenge, right?

You k*lled one and imprisoned the other.

They will come for us.

That is exactly what I want.

That is why I sent that infidel

back in a body bag.

My agent has

informed me of how

and when they

will be attacking us.

We are ready.

You should be too.

We are leaving at 04:00 a. m. Just ensure

that all the systems are in place.

Check Dhruv one and three.

And check the winching equipment.

Roger that.

Jai Hind.

We will bring Taj back.

I promise.

Don't worry, we will give them a

few good whacks from your side, as well.

Jai Hind, ma'am.

The AOC has asked you

to come to the main gate.

I will be right back.

How are you?


you are an officer.

Stop crying like a child.

Your mother would never say it

but I always wanted a son.

My father used to say that

a son is an asset

and a daughter is a responsibility.

That is why I kept

fulfilling my responsibility.

You wanted to fly high in the sky

and I kept you caged

on the ground.

But you still flew.

And you flew so high

that to look at you today

I need to raise my head.

Today, my daughter

has defeated my father.

I want to tell everyone with pride

that my daughter is a squadron leader

in the Indian Air Force.

Can I have the privilege

to say that?



be forgiven,

my child?


is that Pathania

just a friend of yours?


-No, no, he's

a good chap.

A true gentleman.

I have to go now.


Thank you, Patty.

You're welcome.

Minni! Rocky sir is calling

everyone for the briefing.

Garud commandos will do a HALO

jump from 30,000 feet

and from there they will head

towards the main target area

where Taj has been held hostage.

You will have 20 minutes

to extract Taj

and to destroy their base camp.

More than 100 militants

are guarding that area.

And Azhar Akhtar will

also be among them.

Your coordination cannot be off

even by a single second.

They have ruthlessly

m*rder*d Bash,



but we will bring Taj back home.

Go get them, guys!

-Jai Hind!

-Jai Hind!

-Jai Hind!

-Jai Hind!

We are crossing LoC,

maintain external radio silence.

The IL-76 has crossed the LoC,

the Garud commandos will be

dropped in the next five minutes.

Damn, this is so stressful.

Rocky, where are their

surface-to-air missiles?

Here, sir. In this area.

-Radio speed to 220.


Get ready for the drop.


All stations alert!

Rawalakot m*ssile Squadron

standby to launch.

An unidentified IL-76 has

entered our airspace.

I called him here.

This is Radar Squadron 552

of the Pakistan Air Force.

You are in Pakistani airspace.

Identify yourself.

I repeat, identify

yourself right now.

Green on. Go!

Identify yourself now or

we will take offensive action.

I repeat, identify yourself

now or we will fire our missiles.


No speak Hindi.

This is a Russian passenger plane

Aeroflot 382 going

from Delhi to Moscow.

Please do not take offensive action.

Is this Dubai air control?

No! You are in Pakistan airspace.

Report your heading.

Hameed, check the flight plans.

Is there any Aeroflot flight

that is an IL-76 model?

Yes, sir.

A flight plan was filed yesterday at the

Delhi ATC at six o'clock in the evening,

and the model of the aircraft is an IL-76.

My compass not working.

It show me we are cross Dubai.

Help me, my good man.

Aeroflot 382,

our Pakistan airspace is shut.

Turn back right now.

Your nearest runway is Jammu in India.

30 kilometers.

Establish contact. They will guide you.

Go for an emergency landing.


Turning back, heading for Jammu.

We are watching you

till you cross our border.

Sir, thank you for your help.

Enjoy Burj Khalifa!

Rest in pieces.

Sandy, head for Rawalakot airfield.

I am going to Kotli.

Oh, shit! These are

actually three aircraft!

We have been tricked! Scramble.

Scramble. Scramble. Vector eight zero.

Two F-16s scrambling from Rawalakot.

Let's get them, Sandy!


Bingo! That was for Bash!

Kotli and Rawalakot

airfields destroyed.

Commandos, time over target 03 minutes.

White Panther, target

heading towards you.

Launch Minni and Sukhi.

The commandos need

to be picked up in 30 minutes.

All teams. Proceed.

Tower one clear. Proceed.

Tower two clear.

Two bandits on Jeep.

Eagle Two, West Wing.

Eagle Three, South Wing.

Go, go, go!

-Who are these people?

-Indian commandos, sir.


They were supposed

to come tonight


I won't be requiring this anymore.

I can no longer

operate in this sector.

Thank you, Yafeth Salim.

For misleading them.

Double agent?


Let's go, sir.

Azhar Akhtar can't be spared!

We need to take him with us.

Azhar is dead, sir. This camp

will explode at any moment.

Visual on Taj.

He is safe.

Let's go home.

That bloody Azhar Akhtar got away!

Come in, Sukhi. I am taking off.

Roger, Minni.

Control, this is Sukhi.

Commandos loading.

Oh, shit! Shit, shit!

This is control, Sukhi.

Sukhi, come in.

Sukhi, this is control. Come in.

Sukhi, come in.

Sukhi, this is control.

Why isn't he responding?


Sukhi? Sukhi, this is control.

Sukhi, come in.

Sukhi, come in, Sukhi! This is con--

Sukhi, this is Patty. Come in.

Sukhi, come in damn it!

Sukhi, can you hear me?


Nauty, check on Sukhi's chopper

and report immediately.

Roger! Sandy, we are heading

towards the main target area.

Oh, shit! We are hit!

Ejecting, ejecting. I don't

know where the m*ssile came from, sir.

I think there is an enemy

aircraft somewhere in the air.

Minni, turn back.

Look for Sukhi and Nauty.

Wilco, heading back.

Heading for the main target area.

Sandy, we are sending Minni

back for Nauty and Jai.

Stay in that area

and keep an eye out for enemy fighters.


Take position!

Take position behind the t*nk!

Sir, I have reached

the main target area.

Sukhi's chopper has been destroyed and

there is heavy firing taking place.

I am hit! I am hit!

I am moving away.

Sandy, cover Minni.


I am dropping commandos for backup.

Move! Move! Move!

Sandy, we are launching

the reserve Sukhoi.

You're on, boys.

Jai Hind, sir.

Sir, someone else is already

sitting in the reserve Sukhoi.

Control, this is Patty

requesting for a Wizzo.

Permission denied.

Patty, get off the aircraft immediately.

Who gave you permission

to sit in the cockpit?

I am responsible for

my own actions, sir.

The ground staff has

nothing to do with it.

I am warning you, Patty.

This is a court-martial offense.

You can court-martial

me if I return, sir.

This is my team, sir.

And they need me.


I might have made some mistakes

but if you tell me that I am not

the best man to be out there right now

then I will get off

the aircraft right away.

And if not, then I request permission

for a Wizzo to join me, sir.

Patty, there is no doubt that

you are our best fighter pilot

but I can't break the rules for you.

Let him go, sir.


I never thought

I would ever say this

but victory is far more important

than rules, sir.

I want our best fighter pilot

in the sky right now

and I am willing to

accept responsibility for it.

Patty is no longer

a part of your unit.

We are all one unit, sir.

The Indian Air Force.

I got him removed

and now I want him back.

I will fly with him as his Wizzo.

This is now our team's fight.

Damn it!

Go, Rocky.

Now if there is a court-martial,

all of us are in it together.

So, you bloody well get them!

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

-Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

-Let's get them, Patty.

Yes, sir!

Control to Patty. You are clear

for take off. Runway 27.


Lock. Lock.

Almost there, come on.

Two bogeys coming from behind us.

It's an ambush!


Lock. Lock. Lock. come on!

Command! Command! It's an ambush!


Patty, you son of a g*n!

Right on time!

Patty and Sandy, head towards

the main target area.

There are too many of them, sir.

We can't hold on for long.

We are sending in reinforcements.

Patty, an enemy at eleven o'clock.

Roger. Going after him.

Sandy! Incoming m*ssile!

Command, Sandy and Unni are hit.

I am going after the enemy.

Rocky, Patty, bandit six o'clock.

Patty! He is locking us!

Incoming m*ssile!

Patty, the m*ssile

is going to hit us!

Brilliant, Patty! One down, one to go.

Damn it!

We are hit! We are hit, Patty!

They have got the avionics box

and the weapons system.

Fuel t*nk and undercarriage hit!

Let's get out of here!


Incoming m*ssile!

LC EMERG EXWhat the hell are you planning, Patty?

Why are we turning back?

Patty, peel off!

Left-wing hit!

Goodbye, Mr. Pathania,

I told you that there won't

be a countdown next time.

And I told you

that I will be eagerly waiting.


Patty, pull up! It's an order!

Sir, it's time to

take off your seatbelt.

Like every Indian, you will also

die crawling on the ground.

I wasn't crawling.

I was just resting.

You Indians will never

lose your arrogance.

Basheer also

had a lot of arrogance.

You know what I did to him?

I cut off his fingers one by one.

I left him alive even as I cut

his body into pieces.

But he was still arrogant.

Then we showed him the Indian flag.

And then we burnt that flag.

That was when he started

screaming like a madman.

What was it that he said?

Jai Hind

Jai Hind!

And that was when

I cut off his tongue.

I took his life but couldn't

break his arrogance.

I will do the same with you.

Now say it.

Jai Hind.

Say it.


-Say it! Say, Jai Hind!

Say, Jai Hind!

Say, Jai Hind!

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

-Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

-Say it.

Say it, Sukhi!

Jai Hind!

Jai Hind!

Now I will teach you

the meaning of Jai Hind.

Jai Hind is the pride

of every child in my country.

Jai Hind is the prayer

of every mother in my country.

Jai Hind is the pride

of every single martyr of Pulwama.

Jai Hind is the salute

of Basheer's mother and father.

You can't belong to any nation!

Pakistan may be your father today

but India will always be my mother!

POK stands for

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

You have occupied it.

But we are the owners!

If t*rrorists like you

push us to our limits

then every lane, every town,

every single inch

will turn into IOP.

-Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

-India Occupied Pakistan.

Jai Hind!

Sukhi, my boy.


Charlie one. Ten o'clock.

Taj, Rocky sir.

You are a t*rror1st.

Don't think of yourself as a martyr.

Jai Hind.

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

Sujalam sufalam malayaja sheetalam

Shasyashyaamalam vande mataram

Blaming someone is

the easiest thing in the world.

And the most difficult

is to face the truth.

A brother

blamed you his whole life.

And you

kept fulfilling your

responsibility like a fighter.

I am your culprit.

No, sir.

You are just my CO.

Well done, Patty! Well done!

Thank you, sir.

Patty, three o'clock.

-Very proud of you. Fantastic!


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