02x42 - When You Fish Upon a Star

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers". Aired: March 4, 1989 – November 19, 1990.*
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Chip and Dale are two chipmunks who start a detective agency, Rescue Rangers, along with their friends Gadget Hackwrench, Monterey Jack, and Zipper.
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02x42 - When You Fish Upon a Star

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Sometimes
some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two
gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up
the slack ♪

♪ There's no case too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ Once
they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

there I was,
running from the castle,

Carrying the gnat
that laid the golden egg.

So I had to scamper
down the beanstalk

With the giant
on my heels.

I don't know, monterey,
that's a pretty tall tale.

He was a giant, I tell you.
Must have stood 6 feet tall.

[Knock on door]

Hold on, we're coming.

Uh, hi.
Sorry to bother you
this late,

But are you
the rescue rangers?

That's us, I'm pretty sure.

In that case,


Who's in trouble?
Who's in trouble?

Stand clear,
I'm here to help.

Monty, no!

Actually, it's not me
who needs help,
it's my pop.

He was on a ship
and I was waiting
down at the pier

When I heard the coast guard
get a call,

"The lucitetania's

I'll see what I can
pick up on the shortwave.

The coast guard
will take of the people
on board.

But we should get down there
to lend a hand to the animals.

You've just got to save my pop.

I've got the

It's right here
off the coast
of canine island.

Canine island?

What's wrong with
canine island?

It's an island full of wild dogs
with teeth like steak knives.


Ah, phooey. The canines are
a right regular pack of pooches.

I've spent many a day
on the island

And I'm on great terms with
the tail-wagging natives.

Why, I was even made
an honorary canine brother

After I saved their
high poodle priestess

From a swarm of wandering
watusi wasps.

Monty, is this another one
of your unbelievable stories?

Canine island is no story.
Let's get there
and I'll prove it.

Come on then, g*ng,
time's a-wasting.



It's getting late.
We have to hurry.

Hey, yeah, if it's dark,
how can we tell where
we're going?

The waves all look
the same to me,
even in the light.

That's why we're taking
this electro-magneto
gyroscopic compass,

It's the latest
in navigational technology.

What does
it do?

It attracts
magnetic fields,

So it'll take us
to the lucitetania.

Once we set our course
on that compass, we can
just sit back and relax.

It's practically

Yeah, but is it
dale proof?

Hey, that's not fair.
I haven't done a thing
to this electro-magnetico

Jelly soup

Hey! Whoa! Help!

Chipmunk overboard!

Dale, don't drop it!

Look out! Help!

Whew! That was close.

I'll say. We can't go
without this.

Hey! What about me?

Come on, dale, we can't go
without you, either.

Here you go, monty,
please be careful
with it.

No worries, gadget, love.

I know exactly
what to do with it.

I know canine island
like the back
of my palm

And it has the safest waterways
in the world.

What I can't figure out
is how the lucitetania crashed
in the first place?

Guys, I can't find our

We may have to turn back.

No, no, we can't!

But it has to be there.

No worries, gadget, love,
I unpacked it.

Monty, how are we
going to find
canine island now?

Simple, I'm navigating
by the stars.

Sailors have been doing it
for centuries.

You follow
the stars?

Yeah, kinda like
connect the dots.

You figure out where you are
by seeing where the stars are.

See that cluster over there?

That looks like
a bowling ball.

Too right.

That's why it's called
the aurora bowlingballis.

Next to it is
the constellation
cannis rigamortis.

The one that
looks like a dead dog?

Yep. By knowing where
those stars are,
I know where we are.

And we should be coming up
on canine island...

There it is!
There it is!

Right about now.

You found it.


Like I said, I know
this area like the back
of my palm.

There's my pa!

Pa! Hey, pa!

Sonny, as i--

Almost live
and breathe.

Hang on tight!
This won't take long.

All set.

The coast guard
will make sure you get home
safely now.

While we figure out
what wrecked your ship.

Thanks, fellas.
But what if you crash
your boat, too?

Don't you know the legends
about canine island?

The only real legend
to come out of canine island
is me.

We won't crash.
Why, I know this area

Uh-oh, we must've hit
a reef.

bleach bottle!

I mean, abandon ship!

But we couldn't have crashed.
I know how to navigate.

I hope you know how to swim.

We made it!
Safe and sound.


Sounds like
you spoke too soon.

That doggie paddling
really got to him.

That was the official
canine island greeting.

This beach will be
wall-to-wall dogs

Before you can say
kibbles and kibbutz.

Monterey, are you sure
the natives are friendly?

Friendly as fleas
at a fur fest.

The canines will be happy
to help us figure out whatever
it is that's causing those
wrecks out there.

Monty, are you sure
these natives are even here?

It sounds kind of quiet
out there.

Of course the canines
are still here. Why wouldn't
they be?

Well, monty,
things change.

My memory's as good
as it ever was,

And if the canines are being
a bit shy, well, that's
no problem.

Come on,
let's go.

Go where?
Our boat's wrecked.

The canines will be
pleased as punch to help us
build a new one.

Why don't zipper and I
stay here and get started
on one while you guys

Go see if the canines know
what caused those wrecks.

Bonzer idea.

And this'll give me a chance
to show off the natural wonders
of the island.

'Cause I know this island...

-Like the back of my palm.
-Chip and dale: like the back
of your palm.

Stroke! Stroke! Faster,
you muscleless morons!

As soon as we cr*ck
that cargo hold,

That fabulous fish of all
fish, the moby carp,
will be mine!

Then I can say farewell
to this idiotic island.

Wait. Slow down!

Stop! Stop!


We've stopped,

Thank you, mepps,

I never would've
figured that out.

Anchor overboard!

Watch it, moron.

Or I'll throw you

Now be careful
with that cargo.

It's precious,
it's valuable, it's...

It's the wrong ship!

You sank
the lucitetania!

What's your point, boss?

The point is, this isn't
the raging prawn.

You sank the wrong ship!

Go ahead! Put it back!
Put it back!

No! Just because
I'm particular,

Doesn't mean
I'm not greedy.

Now finish up
and get me out of here.

Lookie, boss.
I think it's another boat.

That symbol. It's
the rescue rangers.

Oh, goodie,
goodie, goodie.


What's good about that?
Visitors are the last
thing I want.

What more
can go wrong?

Hurricanes, pirates,

Wild gila monsters--

Quiet! Before you lose
one of your nine lives.

Now, let's get rid of these
uninvited guests before
they discover my plan.

Ah! Canine island,
land of wonders.

Now, right behind
these vines

Is a gigantic

What do you call it, monty?

The niagara trickle?

Something screwy's
going on around here.

The only thing
screwy around here

Is monterey's

The ship is shaping up,


Palm frond?


Zipper, the line,

Huh, I don't need
this much, but thanks.


I don't get it. I know
all the canines' campsites.

And they aren't
in any of them.

They have to be somewhere.

Maybe they took
a vacation,

You know, like
to a tropical island
or something.

Dale, this is
a tropical island.

Well, if did they did
go on vacation,

They must have taken
most of this blinking
island with them.

Nothing here is
like I remember it.

Well, that bottomless pit
you showed us was impressive,
kind of.

Three lousy inches?

Your stomach is more
of a bottomless pit.

Okay, so it was a wash.

But mount monterey won't
disappoint you.

They named a mountain after you?

Sure. I was I'm the first
to conquer its dangerous crags,

Its slippery slopes,
its endless abysses.

Mount monterey?

Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to crush
your mountain.

I'm crushed.
What happened?

Let's just go back
to camp, monty.

I don't understand.
I just don't understand.

What happened here?

Looks like a shipwreck on shore.

Wonder if this is
the ship gadget and zipper
were building?

Where is gadget
and zipper?



Help! Let me
out of here!

Oh, zipper,
thank goodness,

Are you all right?

Fat cat!

[Gasps] fat cat?

Well, well, well.

Looks like my ship really
did come in, didn't it?

Gee, boss, that ship
didn't come in.

It crashed out there
just like you planned.

Quiet, kitty litter.

I must attend
to my rescue rodents

Who have managed to wash up
here on my little
island hideaway.

This gives me
the purr-fect chance

To mix business
with pleasure.

And getting rid
of you rodents

Will definitely be
a pleasure.



Monty, dale's found
some tracks.

I did? Where?


Let's see what
we're up against.

Pads on the feet,
retractable claws,

Dragging a tail--

Yup, that settles it.

We're up against
a cat.

A c-c-cat?
On canine island?


It must be the
legendary tombuktu,

The evil monster cat
that the locals were always
yappin' about.

No wonder canines
have flown the coop.

What about
gadget and zipper?

There's plenty of room
for them, too. Now, come on.

Monty, I've had enough
of your crazy stories.

I don't want to hear any more
about giant waterfalls

Or legendary cats.

But they're true,
you got to believe me!

We got to rescue
zipper and gadget.
That's what we gotta do.

Come on. Let's follow
these tracks.

Golly, zipper, this stuff
came from that sunken ship.

What's it
doing here?

Listen up, you rejects
from a science lab,

The whole point
of this little expedition

Is to capture
the legendary moby carp,

A fish so delicious,

That I'm the only creature
on this planet

Worthy of consuming it.

Now, I didn't think

Of this extraordinarily
brilliant plan

And go to exceptionally
difficult lengths

To execute it,

Only to have you idiots
wreck the wrong ship.

A ship full of
worthless junk!

I still haven't figured out
how you've been
sinking those ships,

But I should've known that
you were the ones doing it

Even though there was
no way to know, you know?

As soon as I figure out
whatever you just said,

I'm sure I'll be impressed

With your
deductive reasoning.

In the meantime, boys,
get this place ready
for our visitors.

The rest of the rescue rodents
should be arriving soon.

Your little friends

Would never dream
of leaving you hanging.

Would they?

Boss, boss!
The raging prawn
is coming!

The raging prawn
is coming!

At last. Places, boys,
while I give that ship

The star treatment.

Ok, guys,
light up my life.

Looks like an excellent
night to go fishing.

That must be his camp.

What do you think
we should we do, chip?

You and I will follow
the tracks right to the camp.
Monty, you cut around back.

And while you're making
a wallaby-size ruckus,

I'll nab
gadget and zipper, right?

Right. We'll storm that camp
in five minutes.

We'll be counting on you, monty.

Five minutes. And I'll
be counting on you.

One minute to go.
I sure hope monty
finds the camp.

Now, according to this
conglomeration of screws
and springs,

I've got less than
a minute to go.

But aurora bowlingballis
is at a 45 degree angle
to the slope of the horizon.

That means I've got
at least six minutes to go.

A fellas gotta learn what he can
and can not trust.

And you can always
trust the stars.

Hm, eight minutes to go?

Stars must be on
nightlife savings time.

Ready, chip?

Ready, dale. You set?

Roger wilco,
ready to rooty.

5...4... 3...2... 1.

A couple of
rescue rangers away!




Chip! We're over here!

Monty, they're
over there!


where are you?

where's monty?

Monty, where are you?

Hey, what are the lads doing?
They're way too early.

Or-- crikeys,
maybe I'm way too late.

What happened to monty?

Where's that nasty
tombuktu cat?

Go away.
It's fat cat.

He'll catch you
for sure!

Fat cat?

Don't worry, we'll save you!

But it's a...



What are you
doing here?

Taking a head count.

But I seem to be
one rescue ranger short.

Ok, tombuktu,
time for a catnap.

Got him, boss.

Would that I could
stay and watch
your timely demise,

But I have a date
with the raging prawn.

What are you doing here,
fat cat? And what have you done
to the canines on this island?

.that's for me to know
and you to find out

Now say hello to a little raging
prawn of my own.

Feed them to the lobster.

Not to worry pallys,
the lobsters on this island

Are as gentle as pups.


Why, I even taught one of
the local lobsters to fetch
my slippers.


Forget it!
I'll fetch me own slippers!


Crikeys, the lobsters have sure
turned crabby since I was here.

Everybody, roll to the right!



Hey, pallys,
distract old crabby-claws.

And I'll have us out of here
in no time.

Good, 'cause no time is all
the time we have.

Back off, buster.

I've got a thermos
full of butter sauce,

And I'm not afraid
to use it.

All right, everybody.

Going up.

Ok, monty,
steady, steady.

Thanks, monty.


Take this!
And this! And this!

Come on, monty!
Grab hold!

What the--

Uh-oh, better send down
some help, mates.

Here, monty, grab this.

Right smart flying
there, zipper. Thanks.

Quick, we have to stop
fat cat before he wrecks
that other ship.

How can we stop him when
we don't even know how

He's wrecking those ships
in the first place?

Yes, we do. Fat cat is changing
the constellations
to mislead them.

Gadget, love,
fat cat may be tricky
and underhanded,

But no one
can change stars.

oh, yeah? Tell that to them.

They did move!

See? Fat cat is using fireflies
to confuse the ship.

No wonder everyone's
been crashing.

But I thought the waterways
around canine island were safe.

So what are boats
crashing into?

The coral reefs
around firefly island,

Which is where we really are.

Fat cat's had us all fooled.

Then if we can stop
those fireflies,

Maybe we can stop the
raging prawn
from crashing.

Right, monterey?

And I know just the bug
for the job.






Zipper, if this doesn't
do it, nothing will.

golly, you're

you're beautiful.

Oh, yeah?

Save your fighting
for the fireflies, zipper.

You're our best chance
to stop fat cat.

Let the leader
get a good gander at you.

Then when he starts
to get close,

Zap him
with this battery.

That oughta fizzle his
filament for good.


In a matter of moments,

The moby carp
will be mine, all mine!


firefly bright,

First firefly
I see tonight,

I wish for
a basketball.

If you're going
to make a wish, mole,

Wish for some brains.


Tall, dark,
and glowing.

Hi, there, big boy.



What the--

Hard to port!
Hard to port!

W-what's happening?

Why is the raging prawn
turning around?

Oh, boss, looks like the
lights have gone off
on the fireflies.

Forget those
blasted bugs!

I'm too close
to give up on
that moby carp.

that ship!

Here comes zipper.



Hey, boss,
what's that...

I don't want
to hear it.

There, in the water?

Keep paddling.
I don't want
to hear it!

W-what happened?

You don't want
to hear it.

Well,well, look what
we have here--

A big fat catfish.

And I know just the place
to take it.

Well, mates,
welcome to the real
canine island.

It's everything
you said it would be.

yeah, and I even see
mount monterey.



A canine greeting.

And by the sound
of things,

They should be here
any minute.

Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!
I get to meet the real canines!

You'll even get to learn
some of the local customs.

One of my favorites is
we all exchange gifts
as a sign of greeting.

Oh, boy! Presents!

And I think the canines
will be pleased

With the ones
we brought them.

We even had them

Hey, boss...

I don't want
to hear it.

I really don't want
to hear it.
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