02x07 - I'm Not Going Anywhere

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Invincible". Aired: March 26, 2021 to present.*
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An adult animated series that follows 17 year Mark Greyson whose father is the most powerful superhero on the planet, Omni-Man.
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02x07 - I'm Not Going Anywhere

Post by bunniefuu »

[REX] You shot me!

In the f*cking head!


[SHAPESMITH] Yes, hooray, ten
out of ten. We need to go now.

Kate Cha was a fearless warrior.

Am I... me again, William?

[KREGG] How did a mere moment
on Earth turn you into

a weak, sentimental traitor?

- This child is Mark's brother,

which makes him family to me, too.

I work for you, Ms. Grayson.

When we pulled you out,
your brain was intact.

The rest of you not so much.

[RUDY] I changed myself.
I can do the same for...


- I feel like I'm failing Mark.
- I feel like I'm failing Amber.

Everything in these books is real.

I'm visiting an old friend.


All will kneel before Grom.



[AMBER] Maybe you should try asking

whatever alien or mad
scientist you're fighting

for a photo next time,

instead of just punching them, you know?

- Pretend you're a fan.

With a few of them,
that might just work.


Okay, that's just...

Is that really what I look like?

If you think that's weird...


Yeah! Whoo! [GRUNTING]


[ALL] Look out, evil. We're...

♪ ♪



Why can't we just live here?

We can rent a booth,
set up a little tent.

Survive on hot dogs and stale nachos.

Because you'd die from
a comic book overdose

in, like, three hours.

I'd die happy, and it'd be worth it.

Ooh! I've been looking
for those hard covers.

You can't buy everything, Mark Grayson.

- [MARK] Watch me!



- You okay?
- Hmm?

Yeah, I'm good.

- You sure?
- I'm fine.

We don't have to stay here
all day, you know?

We can go do something
you want to do, too.

Who says I don't want to do this?

Right. Sure.

I just meant that it's just
kind of more my thing.

We don't get a lot of time
together, so...

I want to make sure we're also
doing stuff that you like, too.

I'll let you know when I'm
not having a good time.

Okay. Sorry.

It's fine. Let's just be together.

You know, I don't really care
what we're doing.

And for the record,
I probably read more comic books

than you do nowadays,

since you're so busy saving the world.

[CHUCKLES] You're probably right.

Wait a second.

Are we in a line?


Filip Schaff's doing a signing.

You said the fact that we're
together is what matters, right?

Filip Schaff. Oh, man.

I'm a huge fan.

[FILIP] Ah, thanks, buddy. Means a lot.

[MARK] I got to ask.

When's the new season
of Séance Dog coming out?

[FILIP] You mean the show?

Probably not for another year.

Sorry. Animation takes a long time.

Oh, I can't imagine
how much work it must be

for those fight scenes.

[FILIP] Yeah, those take a while,

but we cut corners in other
places to make it manageable.

You ever notice that sometimes
whoever's speaking

has their mouth off-camera so
you never see their lips moving?

[MARK] Huh. I hadn't noticed that.

[FILIP] Yeah, or we'll cut
to the back of someone's head

while they're talking
for the same reason.

Other times, we'll do a wide
shot and slowly pan across it.

It looks like it's animated,
but it's so far away

you don't notice nothing's moving.

The best part is,

because all these scenes
have limited animation,

we can make the drawings even better.

But sometimes
the artists get carried away,

and it kind of looks like
a different show.

It's crazy what you can get away with.

Thanks for coming by!

No, thank you.

I'm gonna watch season two way closer.

He is such a cool guy.

Okay, where do you want to go now?

I don't know, I thought
artists' alley looked cool.


It's a... Uh, just a sec.

- Hey, Eve. What's up?

[EVE] Mark, Rex snuck
out of the GDA hospital

and ran off on a mission by himself.

He's gone radio silent,

and I'm really worried he's in trouble.

- I'd go myself, but...

I'm tying up a loose end.

Uh... I mean...

Sure. Text me where he is.

You're gonna ditch me
at Comic-Con, aren't you?

Um... [SIGHS]

Rex is in trouble.

- But maybe I could...
- No, it's okay.

Go. We'll catch up later.

Thanks for holding on
to that stuff for me.

You're the best. I love
you so much. Bye.

[GROM] All will kneel before Grom!




Don't do this. Come on,
come on, don't do this to me.


You've done this a hundred times.

You've made it through each one.

Even a b*llet to the head
couldn't k*ll you.

And this guy? He's nothing.

Just a totally ordinary...


... ugh, g*dd*mn nightmare
tentacle monster.

- Great.


f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.


This is what you're gonna do, Rex.

You're gonna go in there and tear off

every one of his tentacles
and shove them up

however many asses he has.

And then you're gonna send him
packing back to planet Bullshit

or wherever he came from,

because you're Rex Splode
and that's how you do things.

Let's go.

♪ ♪




Do take more than dirt at hurt Octoboss.

I... Wait, what?

You hear words.

Now am pain you hear.


Ah. [LAUGHS] Oh, no.

Why didn't you say
something stupid sooner?

Do your pals sound as dumb as you do?




- Octoboss did much time

learn your language.

Sorry am don't make me words perfect!


Look, I'm sure you're very busy,
and I respect that

you took the time to learn my language,

even if you didn't learn it very well.

But I'm still gonna kick your ass!





- Oh.


Who am ass-kicked now?

[GROANS] Ah, shit.



- [MARK] Rex.
- Huh?

- You okay?

I'm fine.

Stop those idiots.

I've got Davy Jones covered.


Uh, you sure?

- He's pretty big.
- Dude, please.

I need this.








Huh. Next time, open with that.


All clear. Send in the troops.

Thanks, buddy.

After, you know...


I just thought I needed
to get back on the...


It was either that or retire
and open a bar someplace hot.

Hmm. Wait. Why am I not
doing that again?

[AGENT] We're coming in.


Yeah, I felt the same way
after my... dad and I...

Yeah, I bet.

Not sure many other people
could come back

from what you went through.

Actually, I'm not sure
anyone else could come back

from what you went through.

Also, I can't believe
you can grow new teeth.

[LAUGHS] Oh, f*ck. I wish
I had that superpower.

I-I'm like some shitty
hockey player over here.

How's it going with Amber?

Did you figure stuff out?

Not really.

Can't seem to go on a single
date without being interrupted.

I left her at Comic-Con to come here.

Well, I owe you, so I'll tell you what.

You pick the day,

and the Guardians and I
will cover for you.

No matter what.

And you know what?
Cecil can blow it out his ass.

I don't know if that's
a thing you can do.

Uh, dude, trust me.

Despite everything we've been through,

we're still the best superhero
team on the f*cking planet.

[MONSTER GIRL] m*therf*ckers!


♪ Riding heavy through this ♪



You relax. This is stupid.

Don't try and force it.

The system is designed
to interpret your thoughts

and... Oh! There you go.

Now we can reset, and we'll...

try again.

So, um, those drones
cost approximately...

No, no more trying again.
I can't fight with that thing.

It's useless.

And there's no way I'm letting
you stuff a chip in my head

so it works better.

It's a minor medical procedure.

Amanda, wait.

It just... It would stop you
from needing to transform.

You wouldn't get any younger
and could age normally.

Let me fix you.

I'm cursed, not broken.

And I didn't ask for your help.


- How's Rae?
- Still in the ICU.

But she's stronger than she looks.

She'll make it.

- What?
- [SIGHS] This place.

[BLACK SAMSON] What about it?

[BULLETPROOF] We're supposed
to be the best there is.

Best superheroes on the planet.


You serious?

Okay, let's do the lineup.

You got a guy who's
supposed to be a genius,

but the best idea he could come up with

was to make himself a new body

with DNA he stole from a coworker,

so he could date a different coworker

who currently does not want to date him.

That same chick gets younger
each time she uses her powers

and doesn't seem to care she's
gonna be eating strained carrots

before too long.

Our leader's a guy
who's so old he shits dust,

and his boss is a suit who'd
sacrifice us all in a second

to save white America.

Then there's the girl
who broke all her bones

trying to explode someone
from the inside out,

which is f*cked up.

The pyromaniac who's going
through some heavy personal shit

after he traded half
his brain for a b*llet.

And finally, whatever
the hell Shapesmith is.


Here I am feeling left out.

[SCOFFS] Okay, first, you're bald,

and hair was Samson's whole thing.

And second, if you think

we're the best superhero
team on the planet,

that hair thing is secondary
to your messed-up judgment.

I had hair when I picked
the name, but you're right.

We're not the best
superhero team on the planet.

- We're a family.
- Oh, really?

And like any family, we're all messed up

in our own unique way.

Shit, speak for yourself.

But we're unbreakable when it counts.

That's what makes us the best.

You're new, so you
just don't get it yet.

[CECIL] What? No!

Well, if we're a family,

then Mom and Dad are getting a divorce.


[CECIL] Request denied.

It wasn't a request.

We're already two members
down, and you want to quit?

Absolutely not.

Look, if this is about Kate,
I understand.

I'm unmoored, Cecil.

Unstable. Dangerous, even.

You just saved the g*dd*mn planet

from an invasion from Mars.

[IMMORTAL] I could've
cost us that fight!

Because I didn't trust Invincible.

And then I almost started
an interplanetary w*r

with his one-eyed friend! [SIGHS]

I was already broken, Cecil.

Kate's death just finished me off.


You're not quitting.

This is a temporary leave of absence,

that vacation we talked about.

- Do you understand me?

Where are you even going?

- Home.

Rudy, get in here!


Your old job just opened back up.



[D.A. SINCLAIR] Welcome back.


Did you really think this was over?

We're just getting started.

So much to do.


Ah, you're probably hoping
some hero will burst in

and save you.

Let's see.

It appears it's just you,
me and science.

Shall we begin?



- It's okay. I'm here.

- I'm here.
- Huh?

It was just another dream.
It wasn't real.

It was real, William.

It happened.

- I know, but...
- No, you don't.

You don't know. No one does.

Every time I close my eyes,
I see Sinclair's face.

The therapist said it would
take time to adjust to...

I don't want to adjust to this.

I don't know what's worse:

D.A. Sinclair taking me apart,

or those doctors
putting me back together.

No, Donald, you cannot resign.

- Jesus, is there something in the water today?

You rebuilt me, lied to me.

Took away my agency.

You'd be dead if we didn't.

And that crossed a line, sir.

I cannot, in good faith,
continue to work for you.

I don't even know who...

or what I am anymore.

You're you, Donald. End of story.

How am I supposed to be me?

You erased my memories.

That wasn't my decision.

Then whose was it?

[CECIL] Sit.

- I've already seen this.
- Sit.

Here. Full authorization.

Not like that password of mine
you thought you knew.

Remember, you asked for this.

- Run!




Just a little further. Wait here.

[PANTING] I'm coming!

♪ ♪



[g*nshots ON VIDEO]

- Are you this nervous before a big fight?

No, but Doc Seismic isn't gonna
kick me out of school.

We're supposed to be here together.

That's sweet, but we practiced this.

It was a genuine family emergency,

that's all you have to say.

[SIGHS] What if it doesn't work?

Then we'll figure it out. Together.

Mr. Grayson, the dean will see you now.

Sir, I had a family emergency,

but I'm back now, and I promise I'll...

I know all about your family emergency,

Mr. Grayson.

Principal Winslow?

It's Dean Winslow now, Mark.

I... I didn't know you'd moved schools.

Not a big reader of
University News Monthly, I see.

- I... uh...
- Sit down.

I can't decide which is worse:
your grades or your attendance.

You've missed most of the fall semester.

I didn't want to, sir.

If I was any other dean,
you'd already be suspended.

But I know about your father,

and I can only imagine
how difficult it's been

- since he's passed.
- Sir...

But you need to make a choice, Mark.

If it's college, then commit to that.

If it's not,

then commit to something else.

But make a decision.

I want to stay at Upstate, sir.

I'm not sure I believe you,

but I'll give you a month
to prove me wrong.

I chose to have my memories erased?

No one's supposed to carry
that much trauma.

You thought it would slow you down,

stop you from doing your job right,

make you hesitate.

But it's your call. It's
always been your call.

- Do it.
- I'll tell the team.


[DEBBIE] Fourteen offers?

I think we'll be able to get
at least 150 over asking.

[PAUL] I mean, the market's hot,
but you,

you always seem to make
your listings even hotter.

It's just...

- You're doing a great job, Debbie.

I feel like I'm finally
back in the groove.

Thanks for the lift, Paul.

- See you tomorrow.

Uh, Debbie?


I was wondering if, um, you'd
like to have dinner with me.

Sometime. I mean, not tonight.

Obviously. [CHUCKLES]

- Oh, uh... [STAMMERS]
- No, no, no. That's fine.

It was stupid. I'm stupid.

We work together. I'm sorry.

How's Thursday?



Aw, I missed you, Oliver.

Did you have a fun day?

[APRIL] We learned about animals.

And little Oliver here is
learning them all so quickly.

I'm quite serious.

He picks up things quicker than
any child I've ever worked with.

[SIGHS] Has he...
Have you noticed any...

Powers? No. Not yet.

And there's no guarantee
that he'll even get them,

but if I had to put money on it,

I'd say they'll come earlier
than they did with Mark.

I'm learning that everything
happens earlier with Oliver.

See you tomorrow.

- Oh. Hey. Hi, April.
- Mark.

Nice to see you.

Your little brother,
quite the fast learner.

- [CHUCKLES] Come here.

- How's school?

How's Amber?



Oh. I see.

I thought telling Amber
the truth would fix everything.

Hmm. But it hasn't.

I'm still a terrible boyfriend.

She just knows why now.

And I don't know
if that's better or worse.

It's better.

It's always better to know the truth.

When you and Dad first met,
you dated, right?

Uh, yes, we dated.

What, did you think we just met,
got married and had you?

No, but... Yeah, but what was it like?

- For you, I mean.
- Hmm.

Well... [SIGHS]

It was thrilling.

He literally swept me off my feet.

I mean, I was dating a superhero.

Oh, he was so much fun back then.

He was so clueless, too.

He brought me a tree
once instead of flowers.

He thought it was the same
thing but better. [CHUCKLES]

I had to teach him so much about Earth.

It made us more equal.

But it...

He was also gone for
so much of our time together.

I was lonely.

A lot.

When you came along,
I thought that would help.

And I love you, but...

but it's not the same. I was...

It was hard having to parent
by myself for weeks at a time.


And even now, with Oliver...

Your dad's not here.

Not that I would want
him here, but still...

Is it really a relationship
if you're mostly alone?

Do you ever wish you'd...

never met Dad?


No, because I wouldn't
have you or Oliver.

Even if it's just the three of us now.

What if you didn't have us?


I don't know.

[WILLIAM] Oh, thank God you're here.

Mark wasn't answering his phone.
I didn't know who else to call.

Oh, no.


Hey, Rick.

Do you think this is high enough?

Don't talk like that.

I don't know.

Might not be high enough anymore.

[DONALD] Rick. Rick,
y-you remember me, right?

[RICK] Hi, Donald.

Please don't come any closer.

Of course. I-I won't.

Look, m-maybe... maybe you
could come off that ledge?

Tell us what's wrong.

- [RICK] What's wrong?

What's wrong is D.A. Sinclair
took me apart

and the government put
me back together again,

but they left things out.

I'm missing parts of me,
and I don't know what to do.

I know how you're feeling.

No, you don't.

How could you?


did he get you, too?


But others like him did.

And the GDA rebuilt me
just like they rebuilt you.


[RICK] So we both should've died.

I did.

I've died 39 times.

So far.

That's how many times
they brought me back,

even though there was
less of me to save each time.

I don't know the official number,

but I think I'm about 98% machine.

How... how can you live with that?

I couldn't.

I had them erase my memory.

But that was...

that was a mistake.

The two of you are helping me
to see that now.


Each time I died, each time
I was put back together,

it was because I helped
make this world a little better.

You did the same when you
fought back against Sinclair,

when you saved Invincible
and William's lives.

We're not our bodies.

We're the decisions we make,

the lives we change,
the-the people we love.

Or who love us.

I don't need to forget that,

and neither do you.




Rick, come off the ledge.


[MARK] Phone's off. Earpiece out.

- Nothing under my clothes.
- Okay.

So, no interruptions,
no calls to go save the world.

It's just us tonight.

I have serious ethical
concerns with this.

No, it's fine.

I talked to the Guardians, and
they said they'd cover for me.

And I made a deal with Cecil

to guarantee me two nights
a week off going forward.

Wasn't happy about it, but he needs me,

so, you know, tough shit.

I know it hasn't been easy recently,

but I'm making a choice,

and that choice is you.

Well, that's definitely not ethical.

But maybe I'm cool with that.

♪ ♪

♪ What do you have in store? ♪

♪ One life away, we can explore ♪

♪ But I don't want you
peeling away no more ♪

♪ 'Cause it's the type
of feeling you can't ignore ♪

♪ I'm ready to break down the door ♪

♪ Settle the score,
can't let you go away ♪

♪ I miss the smile on your face ♪

♪ You know that I l-l-l-love the chase ♪

♪ You told me once that I was crazy ♪

♪ I said, "Baby girl, I know" ♪

♪ But I can't let you go away ♪

♪ So don't you get me started now ♪

♪ I want a yes, I don't want maybes ♪

♪ 'Cause they leave me
where you found me ♪

♪ So don't leave ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I just love the way
you got me feeling ♪

♪ You got me feeling ♪

♪ It's like, ooh, you
take away the pain ♪

♪ Baby, I'm feeling, baby, I'm feeling ♪

♪ I don't need anything more ♪

♪ Be the waves on your shore ♪

♪ Dancing all over the Earth ♪

♪ Wa-hoo ♪

But what about clothes?

Easy. You sit on my back,

and I can hold a suitcase in each hand.

Spring break in Hawaii, huh?

How do we afford the hotel?

I hear they have
the best camping in Hawaii.


So there's some problems even
being a superhero doesn't solve.

I should ask Cecil for a salary.

Should I ask Cecil for a salary?

I mean, then you'd really
be working for him.


Maybe I can get a part-time job instead.

They have a job board
at the student union.

I made friends with a few people there.

I think I'm gonna run for the
executive committee next year.


Nothing. I just...

You're gonna have to help me
get my grades back up.


Well, I have this secret technique

I could share with you.

It's called studying.

Mm, I've heard of that.

But isn't there someone
I can punch instead?

Shockingly, there's some situations

you can't punch your way out of.

- [WOMAN] Mark Grayson.


Come with me now

or this woman dies.

♪ ♪

Did you hear me?


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey.

Who are you?

My name is Anissa,

and I'm an agent of the Viltrum Empire.

And if you think you can cross
the space between us before

I tear this woman's head from her body,

you're welcome to try.

What do you want?

To talk.

Somewhere we can speak alone.


If you leave without hurting her
or anyone else,

I'll meet you above us in the sky.

Be quick.

Otherwise, I will return here
and everyone dies.

Beginning with her.


It's okay. It's okay. I'm sorry.


[MARK] I have to go.

[AMBER] Come back.

[MARK] Cecil!

Are you there? Cecil!

♪ ♪

Didn't you hear me?

I said I only wished to speak.

That hasn't been my experience
with Viltrumites so far.


How little you know of your own people.

They're not my people.

We cannot let this become
another Chicago, people.

Get me everything that you can on her.

we are your people.

You simply do not accept it yet.

We're doing everything we can
in case this turns ugly, Mark,

but we don't have a lot of good options.

Keep her talking as long as you can.

What do you want?

[ANISSA] We've studied this planet.

[MARK] Good for you.

Human civilization has less than
an 18% chance of surviving

the next two centuries without
the loss of billions of lives.

Is that a threat?

That is the truth.

The powerful of this world
destroy their own home.

Strip resources for themselves.

Large areas of this planet will
soon be uninhabitable due to

human greed.

Yeah, I know.

Yet here you are,

hands in fists, worried
about stopping me

instead of stopping them.

- It's complicated.
- No, it isn't.

We have the technology
to repair their climate,

feed their hungry,
punish their criminals.

We will save more of their
lives in a single year

than you could in a hundred.

You are failing this planet
and its people.

Do you not see that?

A-At least I don't k*ll.

Yet you let thousands die

every day you resist Viltrumite rule.

Or do those human lives
not matter to you?

[DONALD] Based on bone
and muscle density scans,

the simulations give Mark
a less than 18% chance

of surviving a combat
encounter with her.

Ah. Well, isn't that poetic?

Cecil, I'm in the middle of...

How many of my new Reanimen
are ready for the field right now?

The field? I-I don't...

Answer the g*dd*mn question, Sinclair.

None! None are ready for the field.

We agreed on a schedule,

- and it...
- [GDA AGENT] Sir.


Satellites are picking up
a behemoth-class kaiju.

South Pacific.

Closing fast
on a passenger cruise liner.


[ANISSA] Viltrumites
do not k*ll for pleasure,

even if they sometimes
take pleasure in k*lling.

Dead humans do not
benefit us in any way.

see if she means that.

There's a cruise ship about to get eaten

a few thousand miles southwest from you.

Tell her you need to go save
those humans she loves so much.

Look, there's a ship in danger.
I need to go help.

If you mean everything you're saying,

you won't try to stop me.

I will accompany you.

I wish to see how strong
the son of Nolan is.


[MARK] Oh, crap.

Uh, wait here. [GRUNTS]




♪ ♪









that's one way to do it.

Humans were dying, so I took action.

Much like our empire will do
when it controls Earth.

Yeah. Thanks.

- Oh, shit.

[CECIL] There's an island
three miles due east.

[GRUNTS] Thanks.

[PANTING] Thanks for the help.

You and the others
listening to us are welcome.

[CECIL] Huh. Smart girl.

I see you care a great deal

about this planet and its inhabitants.

It's kind of my thing.

But this must make the decision clear.

All these humans would
have died if I was not here.

Viltrumite occupation
would make events like this

a thing of the past.

Be the Viltrumite you're supposed to be.

Be your father's son.


No. I'm not one of you.

Maybe humanity's not perfect,

and-and maybe we mess things up a lot,

but we need to make our own decisions,

even if they're sometimes wrong.


After argument and logic
and all these saved lives,

you still cannot see the truth?

I think you should go now.

[CECIL] Careful, Mark.

She's a lot stronger than you.

Remember that we started with reason.








You dare interrupt your education?

I was never a good student.

[DONALD] The Guardians are on their way,

but their ETA is 22 minutes.

Backup hero teams
are standing by, but...

It'd be like feeding them
to wolves. What else?

One carrier group with a
boomer and 20 fighters,

three orbital gravity weapons,

two long-range Q-bombers,
but she moves too fast.

Quicker than Nolan even.

They could be a thousand miles
away before we even get there.

One g*dd*mn Viltrumite
all by her lonesome

and we're f*cking useless.

Sir, there's...

another option.



[ANISSA] You have a mission.

Assigned to you by your true people.

You will complete it.

[CECIL] Mark, listen
to me. Say you'll do it.

Say, "Fine, I'll take over the planet".

You can't beat her, kid.

Say it. Get her to leave,

and we'll get ready for
these assholes together.


[CECIL] Kid...





This is your last chance

to show me you can learn.

[CECIL] Just say the
g*dd*mn words, Mark.


Do it.

Either you need me or you don't.

Make up your mind.







k*lling you is not my task.

But soon, another will come,

and if he finds you still
resistant to your destiny,

he will demonstrate
the error of your ways,

and this whole planet
will pay the price.

I pray you come to your
senses before then.

[DONALD] Sir, she's
leaving the atmosphere.

Picking up speed and heading
towards deep space.

Well, thank f*cking God. [SIGHS]

Keep watch. If she's
still going in ten minutes,

tell everyone to stand down.



You really rolled the dice
on that one, Mark.

All over a few words.

It's more than just words.

[GRUNTS] She was strong.

I'm not sure I could stop her
if she started k*lling people.

Well, we're gonna figure out
a way to change that.

But those nights off you wanted?

I'm afraid that's a thing of the past.

[MARK] Yeah.


♪ ♪

How did she find us?

I don't know.

Could she do it again?


Her hand was like...

was like iron on my neck.

Like she could've pulled
me apart in a second.

I couldn't move.

I could barely breathe.

Yeah, it was the same for me.

I don't know how this works, Mark.

What do you mean?

I'm just not made like you.

- Amber...
- No, stop.

This isn't about being brave or strong.

I know I'm those things.
This is different.

I have no agency, Mark.

Who am I to be upset or sad
or-or-or feel anything

when you're literally saving the world?

When you disappear for months at a time?

When I'm alone again instead of
being with my boyfriend?

I don't want to be that person.

I hate that person.

But my life matters, too.

Maybe it's small,

maybe it's not earth-shattering, but...

but it matters.

And it doesn't matter when I'm with you.

Worse than that, it's a w*apon
someone can use against you

like that woman did.

I wanted to k*ll her for
putting a hand on you.

I could feel it bubbling up, the...

parts of me that are like my dad.

I don't know who I'd become
if you were hurt.

My mom was always worried about my dad,

and he'd always tell her
everything was gonna be fine.

But he was lying.

Every time.

And he knew it.

I can't do that.

I can't say those words.

This isn't going to change, is it?

I can't live in your world.

I want to.

I really tried, but I can't.

So how does this work, Mark?

I don't know.

Maybe that's an answer. [SNIFFLES]

I'm sorry.

Me, too.



Hi, Mom.

- [ANGSTROM LEVY] Hello, Mark.

When are you coming home?

♪ ♪



I see.

The boy refuses both
reason and heritage.

You mean you failed to convince him.

General... [SIGHS]

He is poisoned, just like his father.



[ALLEN] Oh, my God!


[ALLEN] Do they see me?

Oh, I think they saw me.

Oh, they definitely saw me.

Uh, uh, uh...



Huh. Last time, that hurt a lot more.

I wonder...




[ANISSA] No Unopan is that strong.

[ALLEN] Guess your
research is out of date.

[ANISSA] You are coming with us.

Our prison scientists will cut you open

until we find the source
of your strength.

[ALLEN] You want to take me
to prison with those punches?


- [ALLEN] Good luck with that.

[ANISSA] Foolish Unopan.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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