03x13 - License to Fly

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Henry Danger". Aired: July 26, 2014 - March 21, 2020.*
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After school, Henry becomes Kid Danger: Captain Man's superhero sidekick.
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03x13 - License to Fly

Post by bunniefuu »

[ dog barking ]

[ sirens in distance ]

- Come on, man... - Shhhhh.

- Will you please just say yes? - Will you please shhhhh?!?

- I'll shhhhh if you teach me how to fly the Man-Copter.

[ phone beeps ] Come on--

- It's Charlotte.

Go for me. - Okay, it's confirmed.

You're looking for the Ballerino Brothers.

- I hate those guys. You know, they're not even brothers.

I don't get why you won't say yes--

- Do you get that I'm on the phone?

Uh! You do not snatch my phone like that!

- Will you please just teach me to fly the Man-Copter?

- What have I told you about using your

lightning fast reflexes to snatch my stuff?

- You promised me that you would.

- We will talk about it later. Right now, we need to--Ah!

- Captain Man and Kid Danger.

Nice tutu see you.

- Well, if it isn't the Ballerino Brothers.

- That's right.

And our favorite dance is the Nutcracker.


- 'Kay, what about Saturday morning?

You could teach me before work.

- You're too young to fly the Man-Copter.

- Ohhhh! Ohhh okay!

So I'm old enough to help you beat up vicious ballet dancers,

but I'm not old enough to fly the Man-Copter?

- It's not a question of age,

it's a question of experience and training and--

- Uhhh...'scuze me?

Are we gonna fight,

or do you two need to see a couples' therapist?

- Perhaps both.

You dancing punks.

- Punks?!? We went to Juilliard!

- How could you say I'm too young?

- You're not ready!

You're just a side-kick.

- Oh. Oh really?

- Oh! Oh really.

- Oh. Oh oh yeah?

- Oh. Oh oh yeah.

- Oh. Okay... - Okay...

- Then let's make a deal. - Aw, what kinda "deal?"

- If I knock out both these Ballerinos, by myself...

- Haha okay... - Yeah! Then you...

have to teach me how to fly the Man-Copter.

- Kid, you--Okay, sure.

Tell ya what... I'm gonna sit over here.

You fight these guys by yourself.

- I will. - Good luck.

- No. I don't need luck. You know why?

- Ahhh!!!

- Wow, Kid. Way to block that...

with your head.

- Okay, Ballerinos...

Let's dance.

- Ah, dang it,

I told Schwoz to pack crunchy peanut butter.

- You watchin' this? - Yeah.

- Hey Ballerino, try usin' this.

- Hey! No no no. Why would you do--

- Ahhh! - Bravissimo!

- Hey! You can't help them beat me up!

- Nah. Never said that!

- Juilliard!!!

- Now you have to teach me how to fly the Man-Copter.

- Nooo...no no.

- We had a deal!

- Yeah! The deal was you had to knock out both Ballerinos!

- I did! - No you didn't!

Look--that one's getting out the dumpster right now.

- [ groans ]

- Ahhhh! I'm allergic to peanuts!!!

- All right Kid, you win. - I know.

- It all just kinda happened.

I wanted an after-school job.

But then, an indestructible superhero

hired me to be his sidekick.

- Ah!

- Now we blow bubbles...

and fight crime. Feels good.

[ theme music ]

- Call it. - Up the tube!

- Aw, my boot! - Ha!

[ phone rings ]

- Hello, Junk-N-Stuff.

- Uh...Listen, I've called everywhere

Um...I'm looking for an astronaut's helmet,

filled with red plastic eggs.

- Uhhh...hang on...

- I have an astronaut's helmet,

filled with orange plastic eggs.

- That's not what I'm looking for! Bye!

- What a jerk.

- I didn't hang up yet!

- Ahhhh!

- Oh, hey Piper.

- I'm here on business.

- Is that my backpack?

- UTTT! Paws off.

- But that's my backpack.

- It could be. You wanna buy it?

- Nooo! I left that at your house

when I was studying with Henry.

- Exactly--my house,

which means this backpack is now legally my property.

- But that's not fair.

- Hey! Life isn't fair,

and never will be, so get used to it.

- Well...How much do you want for my backpack?

- I dunno-- bucks?

- Fift--I only paid for it!

- Well, I'm assuming you want the stuff inside, too.

- Come on!

- Look, I'm not trying to be mean

or anything like that.

All I'm saying is you...

Hey, what's that thing?

- That just came in.

It's a old cotton candy machine.

- Cotton candy?!? - Yep.

- I'll take it.

- Wait, I gotta find out how much it costs.

- Uh, it COSTS one backpack.

- Okay.

If you give me my backpack back,

you can have the cotton candy machine.

- Nooo, not 'til I'm sure it works.

Let's test it.

- All right...here.

I'll pour in some cotton sugar...

- Hey...

Where'd you get this astronaut's helmet,

filled with red plastic eggs?

- Awwwww, we had it!

- Hoohoohoo...

Hahaha! Yeah baby!

Henry Hart... in the pilot seat!

Let's go!

Chew! Pew pew pew! Pew! Pffddd...

- Move. - What? Dude!

- Beautiful morning, ey?

- You're supposed to let me fly.

- Well, I assume you know

the first rule of flying a helicopter.

- What? - Shuttin' up.

Now...flying a helicopter isn't for babies.

- What's your point?

- That you should read this manual, cover to cover.

- All right. I'll read that manual

if you swear on your life

that you read that manual before you flew a helicopter.

- 'Kay, you don't have to read the manual.

[ crash ] - Owww!

Who threw this manual?

- Uh so-so...some guy.

- Charlotte, will you please finish up the diagnostic test

so we can get this thing up in the air? Thank you!

- Oh, sure. I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to waste your guys' time

while I was pulling this manual out of my eye.

- Apology accepted. - It's okay.

- Here's your manual. - D'ah!

- Hey, why are we taking this helicopter?

I thought we were gonna take the Man-Copter.

- Because...

Before you get to fly my super-cool Man-Copter...

which does exist...

You first need to learn on this rental helicopter.

- Okay, fine, whatever,

let's just start this thing, okay, I just wanna fly.

- Hey hey hey... it's not that easy.

- Oh it's not? - No, it's not.

I mean, for example... starting a helicopter...

nothing at all like starting a car.

As you can see, there are literally dozens

of buttons, levers and lights all over the dashboard,

and it takes time and experience...

Don't do that.

- But it started. - I know but don't do that.

- Okay. - Thank you.

- But it started.

- What? - Mmm??? What?

- Who started the helicopter!?

- Uhhh... - Henry did.

- Well, we're not really sure--

- We're very sure, it was Henry. - Well...

- Henry, did you start the helicopter?

- Uh. Maybe! I think so!

I'm pretty sure yeah! Why does it matter?

I didn't mean to! I'm sorry.

- Well, the next time you wanna start a helicopter,

I'd appreciate it if you'd please tell me,

so I can move my head away from the large spinning blades!

- Dude, she's mad, so just take off.

- Just hit the thing and lift off.

- Wait! Hold on! - Here we go!

- Flying away? You're flying away?!?

Wait, hold on...

- Oh, no, bye! - Byeee!

- I was in the middle of expressing my thoughts!

Wait, hold on! Don't you lift off!

- Ohh, can't hear you! - Oh, it's really loud.

- Like wow, really loud. - Because of the blades...

- Dont go without me! Come back!

- We can't come back!

- We don't know how it works!

- You do too know how it works!!!

- Back in a few!

- Now, as you can see,

one of the most important things about flying a helicopter

is keeping the helicopter high off the ground,

or, in more technical terms,

- Dude! Dude! - Air--

- You said I could fly!

- Well yeah but first, I gotta teach you!

- Then teach me while I'm flying!

- Aaaahhh...all right,

you think you're ready to fly this thing?

- Yeah, I really do!

- All right, let's switch places.

- Okay! - Yeah you coming to me?

- Okay, yeah yeah yeah... - Come over here.

- Counter-clockwise... - What, no, I go--

- Counter-clockwise... - You go clockwise--

- I go counter-clockwise! - All right, all right...

- Watch the banana! - Whoah, whoah!

- You take the banana! - I got the banana...

You get the stick. Got it? - All right, all right...

- No, no, no! - You got it, you got it!

- All right! - Ahhh! Oh!

- Aww gosh! There goes my banana.

Woo! Hahaha!

Yeah! Woo! This isn't so hard!

- Yeah, just be careful.

- Yeah, no prob-- Hey, that's my soda!

- Yeah, well, I'm drinkin' it. - No no, you better not!

- Don't tell me what I can and cannot drink, Henry--


Dang it!

- Schwoz... just come pick me up!

Because Ray and Henry left me here

and I don't know when they're...



D'ah, they can't hear me.

- Mmmmm, look at all that cotton candy.

I'm gonna eat that cotton candy.

- Well be careful,

you don't wanna eat too much sugar.

- Haha, there's not that much sugar in cotton candy.

- Yeah there is.

- Okay, what's your shirt made of?

- Cotton.

- And is there any sugar in your shirt?

- Wh...Well, no.

- Then what are you talking about?!?

- Nothing. All right? Now, just gimme my backpack.

- Sure, just gimme bucks.

- No no no no no, we made a deal, all right,

you give me my backpack for the cotton candy machine.

- Now it's for arguing.

- It's not fair to change the deal!

- I need twenty bucks AND the cotton candy machine

or else you d-- - Ahhhhhh!!!

- Whooaa, awesome!

- No! It's not awesome, the machine's gone crazy!

- So turn off the machine.

[ grunting ]

- Aw! No-no!

The lever broke! I can't turn it off!

- Then pull the plug.

- Wait, what?!? - Ulch...

- Here! Here!

Eh! Eh! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!

- Nope.

- Wait! Charlotte! Help us!

- Don't help me, I'm fine.

- What happened in here?!?

- We turned on the cotton candy machine,

and now we can't turn it off!

- Well, how much cotton sugar did you put in there?

- These two jugs.

And about eight more.

- Jasper. Why would y--Ugh...

All right. Don't worry about it.

- Why don't worry?!? - Because...

it's gonna stop eventually.

- Ooo, then what?!?

- Then...we'll gather up all the cotton candy,

put it outside that door, then we get the hose,

and spray down the cotton candy, so it all washes away.

- Hey! Y'know what we can do in the meantime?

- No, what? - What can we do?

- Wooohoooo!!!

- She makes a good point.

- Wooooo! Yeah!

- Wooooo! Hahahaha!

Yo! Yo-yo-yo! Helicopters are heli-fun!

Y'know what I'm sayin'? - Yeah.

- Y'know what I'm sayin'? - Yeah I know what you're sayin.

- Y'know what I'm sayin'? - I know what you're saying!

- Hey hey... look look look!

We're not that far from Junk-N-Stuff!

- Yeah so?

- So c'mon, let's fly over the shop

so Charlotte, Schwoz and Jasper can see us!

- Uh, no no no.

No. The answer is no.

- Ah, yeah... of course the answer is no.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- That you're against fun.

- What?!?

- You hate fun.

You're a fun-k*ller.

- No I'm not.

I love fun.

- Then let's fly over Junk-N-Stuff.

- No, 'cuz I think we should fly over Junk-N-Stuff.

- What, yeah, that's what I want to do.

- Yeah, haha, after I wanted to.

- Uh, what, what?

- J-just just be quiet and fly over Junk-N-Stuff

so we can have some fun! All right!

I'm just trying to have some fun, okay?

I mean, unless you're against fun.

- Nah, I'm pro-fun.

- Oh! Oh yeah... yeah, sure, sure.

'Cuz I'm... 'Cuz I'm pro-fun.

- What? - Nothing.

Just fly.

- [ grunting ]

Moving a thousand pounds of cotton candy is hard work.

- Well, y'know what'll make it easier next time?

- What?

- If you DON'T dump ten entire jugs of cotton sugar

into the cotton candy machine all at once.

- Y'know, anyone can criticize.

- Yeah, but I'm really good at it.

Now, I'll get the rest of that cotton candy over there,

and you get that pile.

- To the pile!

Ahhhhhh!!! - What?!?

- I...I felt something!

There's an animal in there!

- An animal?

- Piper?!? - Oh my god!!!

- Ohhhhhhhhhhh.

- What's wrong with her?!?

- I...I think she's in a cotton candy coma.

- Ohhh, I love it.

- Ha! All right...

this is officially the most fun I've ever had.

- Yeah. Just keep flying towards Junk-N-Stuff.

I'm trying to make a list for the supermarket.

- Oh, sorry.

- 'Kay I need meat...

I need peanut butter... crunchy.

assorted crackers...

- Henry!!!

- Whoa whoa what, geez man, what?!?

- You don't look through binoculars

while you're flying a helicopter!

- Oh...

But I saw some cheerleaders down there!

Look, cheerleaders! - I don't care what y--

Cheerleaders? - Yeah!

- Gimme those. - What? Oh.

- Ohhhh yeah. Uh-huh.

That is a cheerful group of ladies.

- Hey! Hey hey hey!

- What's up?

I bet those cheerleaders would love

to take a selfie with Captain Man and Kid Danger.

- Yeah, I bet they would.

[ blowing bubbles ]

- Lookin' good, Captain Man.

- Feelin' good, Kid Danger.

- All right, I'll take us down and land by the cheerleaders.

- Uh, no no no. Let-let me land.

- Nah, it's cool. I can land.

- Have you ever landed a helicopter?

- Uh...Well no but--

- Okay, so you've never landed a helicopter,

but somehow, you know exactly how to land a helicopter.

- Uh...I don't think it's that hard to land a helicopter.

- Well, it's very hard to land a helicopter.

And that's why I'm gonna do it.

- No! No! No! You just wanna land

so you can show off in front of the cheerleaders!

- Hey guess what, you're right,

now switch places with me.

- What? No! No!

- Hello, this is your Captain speaking.

Now get outta that seat!

- No! I wanna land it myself!

- Henry, I'm not playing! - Hey! No!

- Move out of that seat! - What are you doing?

- Move! Get out of there! - You did not just touch me!

- Hey...I think that's the helicopter Ray rented.

- Oh yeah. Uh! Let's wave.

- Hiiiiiii!!! - Hey guys!!!

- Hey down here! - Look at us!

- Outta' that seat!

I am the man! You are the child!

Do you understand-- WAHHHHhhhh


- Okay...Okay...

It's all good. It's okay..It's okay...

He's indestructible...

so it's not a problem...

that he flew outta the helicopter...

- Hey...did Ray and Henry

throw somethin' out of the helicopter?

- Yeah... looks like a...

a Captain Man action figure.

- Oh yeah. It does.

[ faint screaming ]

- Wait...do you hear something?

- Uh, yeah. Sounds like...

That's not an action figure!

- Oh my god, it's Ray!

- Uh, d'ah, uh, d'umm...uh...

- Wait wait wait! - What?!?

- He's gonna land on the cotton candy!

- Oh yeah, he is!!!

- This is perfect! - I know!

It's so serendipitous.

[ screaming gets louder ] - Ooo, he's about to land!

- Come on! Come on Ray!

You can do it! Right in there!

Right in that big pile... - You'll be fine!

- AHHHH--oof.

- So close. - Mhm...

- Owwwwww!

I'm okay.

- Okay...soooo...

where do you guys wanna go?

- We wanna go wherever you wanna go.

[ giggling ]

- Good answer.

[ screams ] - Whoa! Whoa!

Oh wow, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

I didn't--I did not mean to do that.

I'm so sorry.

[ oven bell ] - Mmm.
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