Dune: Part Two (2024)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Dune: Part Two (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

[male voice in alien language]

[suspenseful music playing]

[Irulan] Imperial Diary.
Year 10,191. Third comment.

The battle for Arrakis
took everyone by surprise.

There were no witnesses.

[somber music playing]

The Harkonnen operation
was perpetrated overnight,

without warning
or declaration of w*r.

By morning,
the Atreides were no more.

All died in the dark.

And the Emperor said...


Since that night, my father
has not been the same.

Nor have I.

His inaction
is difficult for me to accept.

For, I know he loved
Duke Leto Atreides like a son.

[suspenseful music playing]

[chain clanks]

[Irulan] But my father's
always been guided

by the calculus of power.

This would not be the first time the
Harkonnens have done his dirty work.

[shouts in Harkonnen]

[Harkonnen army shouts]

In the shadows of Arrakis
lie many secrets...

but the darkest of them all
may remain.

The end of House Atreides.

[dramatic music playing]

[Paul] Sister, Father is dead.

Shouldn't you go back
to the stars,

be with him?

I'm afraid I won't have enough
time to fix things before your coming.

This world is beyond cruelty.

[breathes heavily]

[tense music playing]



[Harkonnen soldier 1
speaking Harkonnen]

[suspenseful music playing]

[Fremen panting]

[Harkonnen soldier 1
continues speaking Harkonnen]

[Stilgar breathes heavily]

Stay here.

[mimicking bird]

[Harkonnen soldiers
speaking Harkonnen]


[Jessica panting]

[Jessica grunts]

[both panting]

[Harkonnen soldier
speaking Harkonnen]

[both panting]

[suspenseful music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

[Harkonnen squad leader
breathing heavily]

[speaking Harkonnen]

[Paul grunts]

[speaks Harkonnen]

[Harkonnen soldier
speaking Harkonnen]

[breathes heavily]

[breathes heavily]

[Harkonnen soldier
speaking Harkonnen]

[Harkonnen squad leader
speaking Harkonnen]

[dramatic music playing]


[high frequency whirring]

[speaking Harkonnen]

[breathing heavily]

[suspenseful music playing]

[speaking Harkonnen]


[Harkonnen soldier
speaking Harkonnen]

[Harkonnen soldiers
speaking Harkonnen]

[Paul gasps, pants]

[Harkonnen soldiers
shouting in Harkonnen]

[sh*ts fired]

[Paul and Jessica grunt, pant]

[Harkonnen lieutenant
speaking Harkonnen]

[tense music playing]

[Paul panting]

[Paul grunts]

[both shouting, grunting]

[Paul grunts]


[high pitched whirring]

[Harkonnen sn*per
speaking Harkonnen]

[Jessica and Harkonnen sn*per

[Jessica shouts, grunts]

[Harkonnen sn*per grunts]

[Jessica panting]


Never stand with your back
towards the open.

How many times do I have
to tell you that, huh?

- [both panting]
- [Paul] You okay?

- Yeah.
- How 'bout her?

She's fine.

[indistinct chatter]

[grunts] They do not usually
venture this deep.

They wanna make sure
no Atreides escaped.

[Stilgar chuckles]
You think too much of yourself.

No, no,
we are in the deep desert.

Only Fremen can survive here.

They were here for us,
not for you.

[chuckles] Don't worry.

I'm taking you somewhere
they will never find us.

- [indistinct chatter]
- [whooshing]

Filthy water.

It's full of chemicals, but good
enough for cooling systems.

[Jessica gags]

Don't let it out.

- [sloshing]
- [ejects]

- You okay?
- Mm-hmm.

Don't let that out.

- [gags]
- Don't let it out!

- [Jessica vomits]
- [speaks Chakobsa]

[Jessica breathes heavily]

- [Jessica] I'm okay.
- [Paul] Are you sure?


[breathes deeply]

You fought well...

once you woke up.

I wasn't sleeping.


[Harkonnen soldier grunts,

[Stilgar mimics bird]

[Stilgar speaking Chakobsa]

[Stilgar clicks tongue]

[indistinct talking]

[dramatic music playing]

[Paul] No, no, no. I'll do it.



[chanting in Harkonnen]

[suspenseful music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

[chanting continues]

Lor... Lord Rabban.

Now that the spice fields
have been secured,

I strongly recommend bringing
all troops out of Fremen territories.

We're losing too many men
to the desert.

[Rabban] Rats.

[chanting continues
in the background]

- I beg your pardon?
- We're losing men to rats.

[speaking Harkonnen]

I can't confirm, my Lord.

Communications are hectic
in the open sands.

Your orders were to control
the whole planet.

- We are.
- I see only half of it.

[Harkonnen commander]
As you may recall,

the South is uninhabitable,
my Lord.

May I suggest you get some rest?

- [both grunt]
- Rats! Hairy rats!

k*ll them! k*ll them!
k*ll them all!

k*ll them all!

Rats! [echoes]

[suspenseful music playing]

[tense music playing]

[Stilgar communicates

[Fremen sentinel communicates

[sentinel leader
speaks Chakobsa]

[speaks Chakobsa]

He's asking why we're so late.

[continues conversing
in Chakobsa]

He thinks you're spies.

[speaking in Chakobsa]

- [Chani] He said...
- I got that.

- Thanks.
- [Stilgar] Stay close to me. Hmm?

[speaks Chakobsa]

[suspenseful music playing]

[indistinct talking]

Sietch Tabr.

[indistinct chatter]

[speaking Chakobsa]

- [angry, indistinct shouting in Chakobsa]
- [Stilgar speaks Chakobsa]

[woman vocalizing]

[speaking in Chakobsa]

[all shouting in Chakobsa]

[angry, indistinct shouting]

[man speaking Chakobsa]

[angry shouting continues]

[man] Lisan al-Gaib!

[Stilgar speaking Chakobsa]

[speaking Chakobsa]

[elders muttering]

[all laughing]

[all laughing]

[oldest elder sighs]

[oldest elder groans,
speaks Chakobsa]

[indistinct chatter]

Look how your Bene Gesserit
propaganda has taken root.

Some of them already think
I'm their messiah.


false prophet.

I must sway the non-believers.

If they follow me, we can
disrupt spice production.

That's the only way
I can get to the Emperor.

Your father didn't believe
in revenge.

[Paul] Yeah, well, I do.

[suspenseful music playing]

[indistinct whispering]

[Jessica] What is happening?

[speaking Chakobsa]

[Fremen laughing]


What is it?

[Paul] There is spice
in the food.

[woman speaks Chakobsa]

[Fremen laughing]

[Chani speaking Chakobsa]

- [scoffs]
- [Stilgar] Woman.

Come with me.

[praying watermasters
chant in Chakobsa]

[male watermaster
speaks Chakobsa]

[praying watermasters
chant in Chakobsa]

[chanting continues]

[exhales deeply]

[Stilgar] Thirty-eight million

None of us, even dying of
thirst, would ever drink this water.

This is...


Jamis' water.

We have a thousand such places.

When we have enough water,

the Lisan al-Gaib will change
the face of Arrakis.

He will bring back the trees.
He will bring back...

a Green Paradise.

[whispers] So many souls.

[bell rings]

[speaks Chakobsa]

[Stilgar grunts]

Never give your water away,
not even for the dead. Hmm?

Why are you showing me this?

Because you are Bene Gesserit.

Because you understand
the prophecies.

The mother of the Lisan al-Gaib
will be a Reverend Mother.

Our Reverend Mother is dying.

You want me to take her place?

Yes, I do.

You believe in Paul?

There are signs.


[chanting continues
in background]

What if I would refuse?

Then, he's not Lisan al-Gaib,

and you have no purpose
to serve.

What else is left to do then but
to return your water to the well?

[clicks tongue] Huh.

[indistinct chatter]

[Paul] It's an honor, isn't it?

I think you should feel honored.

Well, it was a choice
between this or death,

so, you know, forgive me
if I'm not flattered.

How does one become
a Reverend Mother?

It's different from one culture
to another.

Here on Arrakis, I have no idea.

You're afraid.

Reverend Mothers are tasked
with holding the memories

of all the Reverend Mothers
that came before them,

so I'll be given centuries
of pain and sorrow.

Is it dangerous?

It's lethal for men.

That's for sure.

[Stilgar speaks Chakobsa]

[suspenseful music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

[suspenseful music
continues playing]

[Jessica gasps softly]

[indistinct whispering,

[indistinct chatter]

[group laughing]

What are you guys
laughing about?

Don't bother. [chuckles]

You don't believe in all this?

[Chani] No, we don't.

These are old Southern beliefs.

Southern beliefs?

Southern tribes believe a messiah
will come to deliver us from evil.

You don't believe
in the Lisan al-Gaib?

[Chani] We believe in Fremen.

[group speaking Chakobsa]

You want to control people,
you tell them a messiah will come.

- Mm-hmm.
- Then they'll wait for centuries.

[Stilgar speaking Chakobsa]

Now, we must pray.

What about him?

- [Chani] Stilgar?
- Mm-hmm.

He's from the South.
You didn't notice his accent?

[Chani and Shishakli laugh]

[Stilgar praying in Chakobsa]


What'll happen to my mother?

[speaking in Chakobsa]

[group laughs]

[Chani speaking in Chakobsa]

[group laughs]

[Stilgar speaking Chakobsa]

[Fremen nuns
speaking in Chakobsa]

[whispers] I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-k*ller.

Fear, the little death
that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear. I will...

[Fremen nuns continue
speaking in Chakobsa]

[old watermaster
speaking Chakobsa]

[speaking Chakobsa]

What is it?

[distorted voice] Drink!

[breathes heavily]

[indistinct whispering]




[pained grunts]


[shuddering breaths]

[pained grunts]



[speaking Chakobsa]



[angry, indistinct shouting]

[Stilgar speaking Chakobsa]


[angry, indistinct shouting]

[Stilgar speaking Chakobsa]

[angry, indistinct shouting]

[Stilgar speaking Chakobsa]

[Chani speaking Chakobsa]

She's right. She's right!

It's no miracle.

My mother was trained
to do that.

Poison transmutation is something
advanced Bene Gesserit can do.

I'm not the Mahdi.

I'm not here to lead.

Let me fight beside you.
That's all I'm asking.

[Stilgar speaking Chakobsa]

[Fremen speaking Chakobsa]

[Paul] How are you?

[Jessica] Better.

[Paul] How is she?

[Jessica] She was frightened,
but she's...

she's okay.

[Jessica breathes heavily]

[Jessica whispers] Paul.

She talks to me.

She believes in you.

[ominous music playing]

She says...

[speaking Chakobsa]

You're so close now.

Only one step remains and you
will become the Kwisatz Haderach.

Only one step remains.

You must do what I did.

You must drink
the Water of Life.

And your mind, it's gon... it's
gonna open and you will see.

[speaking Chakobsa]

[Stilgar] If you wanna fight
with us, first thing, you must learn

to be one with the desert.

So, here is a tent
and enough food.

I want you to cross
that small erg and come back.

Travel by night.

You know how to use
a paracompass?

- Yes.
- Oh.

[Stilgar sighs]

Anything else I should know?

Uh, beside the worms
and the Harkonnens,

beware of the trapdoor spiders.

Centipedes are very nasty.
Not the big ones.

They are harmless.

But the little ones, you have
to worry about. And... Oh!

Don't ever,
ever listen to the jinn.

- The jinn?
- Jinn.

Desert spirits.

They whisper at night.

[imitates Jinn whispering]

They, they can possess you.

Really, be careful.
They are demons.

[growls, laughs]

But it's true.
Don't listen to them.

[Stilgar grunts]

[Chani speaking Chakobsa]

[speaking Chakobsa]

[Fremen speaking Chakobsa]

[Jamis laughs, echoes]

[Paul panting]

[Paul] Jamis.

[Chani] You sandwalk
like a drunk lizard.


Yeah, I'm doing
pretty good so far.

Yeah, well, you're not even
in worm territory yet.

[Chani] You have to break up
your rhythm.

Like this.

[Paul] Now, that's interesting
because in the filmbooks I've studied,

the anthropologists say, in order to
properly sandwalk, you actually have...

Never mind. Please keep going.

[soft music playing]

You know, I'm the only one who believes
you're gonna make it until summer?

Everyone else thinks
you won't make it two weeks.

If you wanna follow us
in the desert,

you need to know
how windtraps work.

So, listen to me.

They're simple, but they
require constant attention.

Uh, this right here,
it captures the moisture

and then it carries it
into that pocket.

Uh, and these are the filters.

They need to be changed
every three days.



Stop looking at me like that.

He's training with the Fremen.

He will be back soon.
Don't worry.


You're right. If we want
to protect your brother,

we need all the Fremen
to believe in the prophecy.

[suspenseful music playing]

We must convert
the non-believers one by one.

We need to start
with the weaker ones.

The vulnerable ones.

The ones who fear us.

[Fedaykin fighter
breathes heavily]

[Fedaykin fighter whispers]
Hey, get out of here. Go.

[Harkonnen soldiers
speaking Harkonnen]

[Fedaykin fighter
breathing heavily]

[Harkonnen soldier
speaking Harkonnen]

[blade swishing]

[Harkonnen soldiers
and Fedaykin fighters grunt]

[grunting continues]

- [Paul] You okay?
- [Chani] Yeah.

[speaking Harkonnen]

[rapid g*nf*re]

[Harkonnen soldier
speaking Harkonnen]

[rapid g*nf*re]

[Fedaykin fighter grunts]

[Chani and Paul grunt, pant]

[Fedaykin fighter and Chani
shouting in Chakobsa]

[Chani] Let's go! Move!

[both grunt]

[Paul and Harkonnen soldier

[Chani] Load.

[Paul grunts]

[blade clanking]

[Harkonnen soldier shouts]

[Paul grunts]

[Paul] Chani!

[Chani] Reload!

[Chani] Ugh! Reload.

[Paul] Oh, watch out!

[both grunt, pant]

[Harkonnen soldier
speaking Harkonnen]

[Paul] Its shield will
only open when it fires.

[Chani] I know that. What
do you think I'm trying to do?

[Paul] I'll trigger it.
On my signal. Be ready.

[Paul] Go!

[grunts] Ah, shit!

[Paul panting]

- Go! Go!
- [rapid g*nf*re]

[grunts, groans]

[Harkonnen soldier screams]


[Chani laughs]

[dramatic music playing]

[Chani and Paul grunt]

[Fedaykin fighters cheering]

[indistinct chatter]

[Stilgar speaking Chakobsa]

[Shishakli sniffing]

[speaking in Chakobsa]

[all laughing]

Who taught you
to fight like that?

- My old masters.
- Hmm.

They were close friends.

They were massacred.
Alongside my father.

You've been fighting
the Harkonnens for decades.

My family's been fighting them
for centuries.

I know everything about them.
Their habits, their ways of thinking.

You know everything
about the desert.

You harness
the very power of it.

We can stop them together, bury
them in the sand where they belong.

So that this planet
can be yours once more.

[deeply inhales] What would you
have us do? Huh?

What would you do, Stilgar?

I? I would... [sighs] would
strike even further north.

Then I will go further north.

And the further north you go,
the more likely it is you die.

[speaking Chakobsa]

[Fedaykin fighters chattering]

[all agreeing]

[speaking Chakobsa]

I see strength in you.

[speaking Chakobsa]

[all agreeing]

Come, come.

[man laughing]

You shall be know
among us as Usul.

- [man] Usul.
- Usul.

[Stilgar] Usul. And now,
a Fedaykin is a fighter

and needs a w*r name.

You must choose.

How do you call the, uh...

The small desert mouse, again?

[all laughing]

- Muad'Dib?
- [Paul] Muad'Dib.

No, no, no. [shushes]

Muad'Dib is wise
in the ways of the desert.


[sighs] creates his own water.

The constellation that points to
the North Star, we call Muad'Dib.

"The One Who Points the Way."

That is a powerful name.

Now you are our brother. Mmm.

Paul Muad'Dib Usul.

[all cheering]

[man 1] Muad'Dib Usul.

Muad'Dib Usul.

Muad'Dib Usul.

[Paul and Stilgar laugh]

Muad'Dib Usul. Mm.

[man] Muad'Dib.

[whispers] Usul.

[shouts] Hey! Stilgar!

[Stilgar speaks Chakobsa,

Father, I found my way.

[soft music playing]

[footsteps approaching]

[Paul] It's breathtaking.


[Chani] Hmm.

Look. Right there. Spice.

Arrakis is so beautiful
when the sun is low.

Where you're from, does water
really fall from the sky?

Oh, hm, yes.

Sometimes it rains
for weeks on Caladan.

Where you see sand here,
imagine water.

Our castle stands on cliffs
high above the sea.

If you dive in,
you can't reach the bottom.

- [Chani] You dive in?
- Yes, it's called swimming.

[laughs] I don't...
I don't believe you, Usul.


What's your secret name?


- Sihaya.
- Hmm.

What does that mean?

Means Desert Spring.

"Desert Spring."

- I love it.
- I hate it.

It's from some stupid prophecy.

I prefer Chani.

I prefer Chani, too, then.

Do you think Stilgar
would teach me?

- [Chani] To ride?
- [Paul] Yeah.

[Chani laughs]
No. Only Fremen ride worms.

Well, I thought I'd become one,
didn't I?

By name, not by blood.

Your blood comes
from Dukes and Great Houses.

We don't have that here.

Here, we're equal,
men and women alike.

What we do,
we do for the benefit of all.

Well, I'd very much like
to be equal to you.

Paul Muad'Dib Usul...

maybe you could be Fremen.

Maybe I'll show you the way.

[dramatic music playing]

- [g*n fires]
- [explodes]

[all speaking Chakobsa]

[women screaming]


[Baron Harkonnen] Rabban.

[tense music playing]

[breathes heavily]

[Baron Harkonnen]
Fremen att*cks on your watch.

Your orders were to restore
spice production to full capacity.

Do you know
what it means if you fail?

The Emperor will take spice
out of our control.

Tighten your grip, Rabban.

[breathes heavily, whispers]

[Baron Harkonnen]
Or feel mine on your neck.

[breathes heavily, groans]

- [Chani] Usul? Usul.
- [Paul gasps]

It's okay. It's okay.


I'm here, I'm here.

It's been a while since you've
had one of those nightmares.


[Chani] Tell me,
what was it about?

[tense music playing]

[Paul] Nothing's clear.
It's only fragments.

[water drips]

I'm in the South,
and I'm following someone.

And it triggers a holy w*r.

Millions and millions of people
starving to death...

because of me.

[Chani] You've been exposed
to spice for a long time.

It can create weird dreams.

[breathes heavily]

It's a big day.

We can ask Stilgar
to call it off.

No. I'm fine.

[indistinct chatter]

[Stilgar] Usul.

I tuned it myself.

- Here.
- [Paul] Thanks.


Don't try to impress anyone.
You are brave. We all know that.

Heh? Be simple.

Be direct. Nothing fancy.

- Nothing fancy.
- Hey, I'm serious.

Nothing fancy or you will shame
my teaching.

I won't shame you.
I understand.

Shai-Hulud decides today if
you become Fremen, or if you die.


[Stilgar speaks Chakobsa]

Hey, Muad'Dib!

[speaking Chakobsa]

[all laughing]

[Stilgar sighs]

[speaking Chakobsa]


[Paul panting]


[whispers] Lower.




Okay. Okay.


- [thumping]
- [Paul panting]




[gasps softly]

[all murmuring]

[speaking Chakobsa]

Okay. Okay. Okay.

[suspenseful music playing]

[Paul panting]

[tense music playing]

[Paul] Okay.

Okay. Okay!





Come on!


[dramatic music playing]

[Fremen cheering in Chakobsa]


You're a rider!


[Fremen cheering]

[Paul panting]

[speaking Chakobsa]

[all chanting in Chakobsa]

[nun shouting in Chakobsa]

[all speaking in Chakobsa]

[nun speaking in Chakobsa]

[all speaking in Chakobsa]

[speaking Chakobsa]

[all speaking in Chakobsa]

[all speaking in Chakobsa]

[indistinct chatter]

[suspenseful music playing]

[Jessica] Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
I know they do.

Our task in the North
is nearly done.

They believe in Paul.

Now we go South.

There are millions
of fundamentalists there.

They will protect him
when he comes.

The Kwisatz Haderach
will be born in the South.

[both breathing heavily]

[whispering in Chakobsa]

As long as I breathe.

What's wrong?


There will be trouble.

What are you talking about?

Chani, what do you mean?

The way they look at you.

They worship you now.

The Fedaykin,
they count your victories.

They say you can see the future.

Whisper, " Lisan al-Gaib."

I'm no messiah.

I'm a Fedaykin of Sietch Tabr.

Yet, we have a Bene Gesserit
among us,

fanning the flames
of your legend,

saying you're the One.

[Paul sighs]

- [thumping]
- [indistinct chatter]

[Jessica] Mm.

[male Fedaykin fighter
speaking Chakobsa]

She says you should
be coming with us.

You know I can't.

She's asking why.

Because I must continue
fighting in the North,

to protect you down
there in the South.

She says she can tell
when you lie.

Tell her that's because our mother
keeps spreading dangerous tales.

[thumping continues]

What is she saying now?

She says you're blinded by love,

and she reminds you that
you must reserve your hand

for the most strategic alliance.

She's also wondering why
you don't believe in who you are.

I do believe.

I believe I matter
to these people.

And I believe I'm making
a difference in this w*r.

We're nearly
at the gates of the city.

- That's not what she means.
- I know what she means.

Do you not think I also feel
the weight of the prophecy?

It's not a prophecy.

It's a story that you
keep telling,

but it's not their story,
it's yours.

They deserve to be led
by one of their own.

What your people did
to this world is heartbreaking.

We gave them something
to hope for.

[shouts] That's not hope!

[male Fedaykin fighter
speaking Chakobsa]


I'll be waiting for you.

[distorted voice] All of us.

[ancient voices echoing]
All of us.

[suspenseful music playing]

Those storms look bad.

[speaking Chakobsa]

[Stilgar mimicking bird]

- [machine whirring]
- [alarm blaring]

[Harkonnen soldier
speaking Harkonnen]

- [Rabban] How much?
- [Harkonnen soldier] We lost...

eighty percent of our last crop.

My Lord Rabban, you should
not leave the security perimeter.

Security perimeter?
The rats are already inside.

The Fremen Demon
might be with them.

[Rabban] I hope so.

[Harkonnen soldier]
We're tracking them, my Lord.

Today, Muad'Dib dies!

[speaking Harkonnen]

[Harkonnen soldier
speaking through comm]

Where is he?

Still negative, my Lord.

[Rabban] Why do I have to do
everything myself?

Open range!

[Harkonnen soldier] Range open.

[machine beeps]

Life. Delta, delta, delta.

[Harkonnen soldier
speaking through comm]

I've lost them.


- Strike!
- [Harkonnen soldier] Yes, my Lord.

[machine whirring]

[Harkonnen soldiers
speaking Harkonnen]

[Harkonnen soldiers
breathing heavily]

[Harkonnen soldiers
speaking Harkonnen]

[shouts] Muad'Dib!

Show yourself! [echoes]

- [g*n fires]
- [Harkonnen soldiers speaking Harkonnen]

- [grunts]
- [blade swishes]

- [breathes heavily]
- [Harkonnen soldier speaking Harkonnen]

[suspenseful music playing]

- [blade slices]
- [bodies thud]

- [grunts]
- [Harkonnen soldier speaking Harkonnen]

[Fedaykin fighters chanting]
Muad'Dib! Muad'Dib! Muad'Dib!

[dramatic music playing]

[all grunting]

- [Fedaykin fighter yells]
- [Rabban grunts]




- [grunts]
- [Fedaykin fighter yells]

[Fedaykin fighter]
For Muad'Dib! [grunts]


[Emperor] Muad'Dib.

Some new Fremen prophet?

[Princess Irulan] It's not the first time
we've had frictions with the Fremen.

None of this magnitude.

So, my dear daughter...

how would you deal
with this prophet?

[breathes heavily]

If this Muad'Dib
is a religious figure,

you can't use direct force.

Repression only makes
a religion flourish.

You'll only end up
humiliating yourself.

You underestimate my Sardaukar.

You underestimate
the power of faith.


Her Highness proves once again
that she was my most acute student.

- You'd send assassins?
- [Princess Irulan] No.

Prophets get stronger
when they die.

Let the conflict
on Arrakis turn into w*r.

You then bring peace.
As a savior.

You'd be a formidable empress.

[tense music playing]

Muad'Dib. The prophet.

The one who points the way.

These are our own
religious patterns, aren't they?

This is our doing.

Muad'Dib means kangaroo mouse.

An unusual w*r name
for a Fremen.

- What if Paul Atreides were still alive?
- [distorted] Enough!

This must not come out. Even
to your father's ears. Understand?

I do, Reverend Mother.

[Reverend Mother Mohiam] If Paul
is alive, he likely knows the truth.

And should
the Great Houses learn

that your father was behind
the liquidation of the Atreides,

your father will face w*r
and lose the throne.

Then what hope is there?


We are Bene Gesserit.
We don't hope, we plan.

Paul is not our only prospect.

The Baron's youngest nephew, Feyd-Rautha
Harkonnen, will inherit Arrakis.

He may be the answer.

Feyd-Rautha? He's psychotic.

That's irrelevant.

The question is,
can we control him?

And I intend to find out.

[suspenseful music playing]


[Feyd-Rautha] Would you like
some fresh meat, my darlings?

- Lungs? Or liver?
- [grunts]

[Feyd-Rautha] What would
you like? I hear they're big today.

Your new blades
for this very special day,

na-Baron, Feyd-Rautha.

[w*apon master
breathing heavily]

- [blade swishes]
- [attendant chokes]

[bowl clanks]

- [attendant chokes]
- [body thuds]

- [blade stabs]
- [gasps]


- [Feyd-Rautha] A notch off balance.
- [harpies hiss]

[Feyd-Rautha] It's the tip.

Should be sharper.

[man struggling, grunting]


[door opens]

[sl*ve master] Come.

I won't die like a fool.

k*ll me now.

No drug for you today, Atreides.

- [crowd cheering]
- [horn blowing]

[gladiator arena announcer
speaks Harkonnen]

[dramatic music playing]

[continuous banging]

[gladiator arena announcer

[crowd cheering]

[all chanting in Harkonnen]

[continuous banging]

[Lady Margot Fenring]
Welcome to Giedi Prime, sisters.

I hope your travels
were agreeable.

[Bene Gesserit sister 1] A long way
to come just to watch our prospect

risk his life, Lady Fenring.

[Lady Margot Fenring] No fear.

These fights are all for show.

But we'll get
a good look at him.

[gladiator arena announcer
speaking Harkonnen]

[dramatic music playing]

[horn blowing]

[crowd chanting]
Feyd-Rautha! Feyd-Rautha!

[crowd cheering]

[gladiator arena announcer
speaking Harkonnen]

That sl*ve isn't drugged.

That bug is walking straight.

You should cancel the fight.

Don't spoil
my nephew's birthday.

[dramatic music playing]

[breathes heavily]



[Feyd-Rautha grunts]

[both grunt, yell]

[both grunt, yell]


[both grunting]



Happy birthday, dear nephew.

[crowd cheering]

[both grunting]

[Bene Gesserit sister 2]
Why do they not stop the fight?

Plans within plans.

[suspenseful music playing]

Show me who you are.

[crowd cheering]

There he is.

[horn blows]

[picadors chittering]

[both yelling, grunting]


[Lanville grunts]

[both yelling, grunting]

[Lanville yells in pain, groans]

Back! Back!

- [Lanville grunts]
- [Feyd-Rautha laughs]

[picadors chittering]

Stay back!

[Lanville grunting]

[whispers] You have fought
well, Atreides.


- [crowd cheering]
- [Feyd-Rautha grunts]

[upbeat music playing]

[crowd chanting]
Feyd-Rautha! Feyd-Rautha!

He's impressive, indeed.

[crowd chanting]
Feyd-Rautha! Feyd-Rautha!

The sl*ve wasn't drugged.

[clicks tongue]

You tried to k*ll me.

This morning you were a playboy,

feared and envied,

but tonight you're a hero.

My gift to you.

I ought to drown you
in that tub.

[Baron Harkonnen laughs]

Don't be hasty.

I have another gift for you.

A bigger one.


[tense music playing]

What about Rabban?

[Baron Harkonnen] He has failed
to protect spice production.

Rabban will be reassigned.


Tame Arrakis, Feyd.

Free the spice.
I'll make you Emperor.

[clicks tongue] Emperor?


The Emperor helped me
destroy the Atreides.

He lent his own army
to the cause.

A serious crime.

If it came to light, the Great
Houses would rise against him.

And then...

who will sit on the throne?

Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen.

[blade swishes]

You're following me.

Am I?

I may have gotten lost.

Will you show me the way out
of this maze, my Lord na-Baron?

We've met, haven't we?

I don't think so.

I'm Lady Margot Fenring.

I'm here to honor
your coming of age.

You're not allowed
in this section.

How did you get past the guards?

The guards?

[distorted] May I ask,
what are you doing here?

You're not taking part
in your own celebrations?

[breathes heavily]

You're Bene Gesserit.

[Lady Margot Fenring] And
what makes you say that?

[Feyd-Rautha] I remember now.

I dreamed about you last night.

[Lady Margot Fenring]
A pleasant dream, I hope.

Don't mock me, woman.

[Lady Margot Fenring]
I wouldn't dare.

I know your
Bene Gesserit tricks.

And what do you know
about the Bene Gesserit?

Tell me.

Something wrong?

I don't recognize this place.

This is the guest wing.

[suspenseful music playing]

Where are you going?

To my room.

[Lady Margot Fenring whispers]
Come. To. Me.


[breathes heavily]

[Lady Margot Fenring whispers]
Put your right hand in the box.

[tense music playing]

[Lady Margot Fenring] A
sociopath. Of high intelligence.

Driven. Cruel.

But strongly motivated by honor.

He yearns to be hurt.

He loves pain.

[Reverend Mother Mohiam]
Can he be redeemed?

[Lady Margot Fenring]
He can be controlled.

He's sexually vulnerable.


The bloodline is secured.

Female, as you requested.

You did well, Margot.

Respectfully, why didn't you
test him yourself?

I'm a motherly figure.

And based on what happened
between him and his own mother,

I didn't expect to be effective.

What happened between
him and his mother?

He m*rder*d her.

Desire and humiliation.

Those are his levers.

If Feyd-Rautha
prevails on Arrakis,

we shall know
how to control him.

[men vocalizing]

[Giedi Prime announcer
speaking Harkonnen]

[speaks in Harkonnen]

Rid me of this Fremen Demon.

[crowd chanting]

[dramatic music playing]

[crowd chanting]
Feyd-Rautha! Feyd-Rautha!

Feyd-Rautha! Feyd-Rautha!


[drums beating fades out]

[suspenseful music playing]


[machine creaking]

[Gurney singing]

Do away with these idiots ♪

I blame ♪

My stillsuit
Is full of piss ♪

My hand is caked in sand ♪

Save me from
These utter morons ♪

Another world, another land ♪

[man 1] We're in.

[Gurney] Juicy?

[man 1] Juicy, juicy.

[alarm beeping]

[man 1] Well, it was nice
knowing ya.

[Gurney] Oh, yeah?

Radar's clear. We're clear.

[Gurney] Cooking time.

Juicy, juicy.

[man 2 through comms]
Yeah, I got a meter reading...

[man 1 through comms] All
right, guys, worms are on their way.

- [man 2] Watch out for abrasions.
- [man 1] Get ready to dock.

[man 2] It's gonna get hot.

[man 1] Crank 'em up!
Throw them up!

[indistinct talking over comms]

[Gurney] Hold!

[breathes heavily]

Mine! Mine!

[man 1] Get moving!

[indistinct shouting]

- [man 1] East! East!
- [man 2] Get clear!


[man 1] Let's get out of here!

[man 2] Incoming!

[Gurney] Don't run, fight!

[man 1] We're in deep
Fremen shit.

Holy Mother.

[indistinct shouting]

[Gurney] Oh, f*ck.

[indistinct shouting]

[Gurney grunts]

[pants heavily]

[Paul] I recognized
your footsteps...

- old man.
- [Gurney whispers] No.

[Paul chuckles]

[Fedaykin fighters
shouting in Chakobsa]

[all grunting]

[shouts command in Chakobsa]

[Fedaykin fighters
shouting in Chakobsa]

[Paul chuckles]


- [Paul laughs]
- You young pup.

You young pup!

[panting loudly, chuckles]

[Gurney] Mmm.
After the Battle of Arrakeen,

I was able to negotiate a trip
back home for the survivors.

Thanks to these guys.

[Paul] Why'd you stay?

Well, I wanted blood.

[Paul] Rabban's head?


Well, since Muad'Dib's
been driving Rabban crazy,

the smuggling business
has been quite profitable.

Gurney Halleck the smuggler.

[chuckles softly]

Paul Muad'Dib.

I've heard many stories
about Muad'Dib.

None of them pretty.

[whispers] You see the fear?

[Paul] When our resources
are limited...

fear is all we have.

How many men with you?

- Two hundred.
- Two hundred?


Do you realize what you're able
to achieve with 200 men?

Incredible fighters.

Duncan said there
were millions of them.

In the Deep South, yes.

Well, what are you waiting for?

With thousands of these guys, you
could take control of the entire planet.

It's your father's dream.
What are you afraid of?

[Chani whispers] Hey!

Worship, Gurney.

They used to be friends.

Now they're followers.

Muad'Dib, the Prophet.

Why is that a bad thing?
Use it.

It's not that simple.

You have the power to avenge
your father, and you're afraid to use it?

Spice opened my mind, Gurney.

I can foresee things.

If I go South, all my visions
lead to horror.

Billions of corpses
scattered across the galaxy.

All dying because of me.

Because you lose control.

Because I gain it.

[machine whirring]

That's a lot of water.


What? [chuckles]
Look at him, he's hopeless.

He's family.

[air hisses]


[Fremen laughing]

[Shishakli speaking Chakobsa]

[Chani speaking Chakobsa]

[Gurney sighs]

No need to be a prophet
to see what's ahead.


Your path leads to w*r.

You know that.

So, w*r is coming.

What will you do when you feel
its breath upon your neck?

[sighs heavily]

If you don't want to raise
an army in the South,

you may still have an option.

Fire power...

which you don't have.

And here I am.

I know where your father
hid the family atomics.

[Paul] Every House possesses
an atomic arsenal.

I thought ours had been lost.

It's huge, Chani.
It could change everything.

I could aim the bombs
at the main spice fields.

He who can destroy a thing
has the real control of it.

So, you can control it
and not us?

You promised me
you didn't want power.

No matter what I do,
you still don't trust me.

'Cause you're a foreigner.
Like your friend.

I'm not a foreigner.

Not to me.

But to the desert, you are.

My allegiance is to you.

To the Fremen.

I'm doing this for all of us.

Do you believe me?

I'll talk to Stilgar.

[Gurney] There.

It's right under
everybody's noses.

Not clever.

That's the idea.

Nobody would ever look in there
because it's obvious.

- Not clever.
- [chuckles]

Did you find it?

- I didn't look for it.
- [chuckles]

How many heads exactly?

Enough to blow up
the whole planet.

It's a figure of speech.

You know what I mean.

[indistinct chatter]

[suspenseful music playing]

[breathes heavily]


[Gurney] Only with
your genetic heritage.

- [click]
- [door opening]

[tense music playing]

[Gurney] Your
great-great-grandfather's legacy.

The 92 original Atreides
family's atomic warheads.

Now that, that is power.

Imperial Diary. Year 10,191.

Eighth comment.

Reports from the south
of Arrakis arrive rarely.

These are barren, burnt lands
hidden by sandstorms

which stretch a thousand miles
across the equator.

Nothing can live there
without faith.

Which is why our Bene Gesserit
missionaries have been so productive there.

Through them, we are receiving
reports of a mysterious figure

taking grip on the imaginations

of the Southern
fundamentalist tribes.

A new Reverend Mother
from the North...

spreading word of the imminent
arrival of the
Lisan al-Gaib,

"The Voice
from the Outer World."

With religious fervor
rising in the South,

and Muad'Dib strangling
spice production in the North,

everything points
to the escalation of w*r.

[woman speaking Chakobsa]



[suspenseful music playing]





[clicks tongue]

[worm chittering]

[clicks tongue]

[worm chittering]

[speaking in Chakobsa]

Listen carefully.

Soon a man
is going to visit your temple

and he may want
you to perform the rites.

Reverend Mother,
it is forbidden.

[speaking Chakobsa]

[distorted] Let him try!

[tense music playing]

[Chani panting]

[distorted voice speaking]



[g*nshots in distance]

- [panting]
- [indistinct shouting]

What the hell?


[machine creaking]

- [panting]
- [Paul] Chani!


[both panting]

[Fremen shouting indistinctly]

Sietch Tabr.

[dramatic music playing]

[chanting in Harkonnen]

[Baron Harkonnen]
Old fashioned a*tillery.


We're literally melting rock
on their heads.

I want to go on the ground.
Prepare my troops.

My Lord. I would recommend you
stay inside. There was... [chokes]

Bring his body to my quarters.


My poor darlings are hungry.

There was no food
for them on the flight.

What are you doing here?

It's early morning.
What are you doing here?

Kiss my feet, brother.

I'm gonna eviscerate your...

[Rabban yells in pain, grunts]

[breathes heavily]

You humiliated our family.

You humiliated me.


- [grunts]
- [Feyd-Rautha] or die.

[kisses, panting]

We're even now.

[Baron Harkonnen] Embarrass
our family one more time...

it will be the last.

[dramatic music playing]

[woman screaming]

[indistinct talking in Chakobsa]

[woman crying,
speaking in Chakobsa]

[Stilgar] They didn't even
engage on the ground,

like honorable fighters.

[Shishakli speaking Chakobsa]

[man on radio speaking Chakobsa]

[Shishakli speaking Chakobsa]

[exhales heavily]

[tense music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

Usul, in the South...

only leaders
are allowed to speak.

- You must take my place.
- I can't do that.

It is a good time
to cross blades with me.

I am weak.
I am an easy k*ll, Muad'Dib.

I'd rather cut off my own hand.

We need you. We need the
Lisan al-Gaib to lead our people.

You know what I think
of all that, Stilgar.

I don't care what you believe.
I believe.

[tense music playing]


I didn't see it coming.

The Harkonnens aren't done here.

They just went back to reload.

We're setting thumpers.

We're moving everyone
to the South.

I'll stay behind
and cover your retreat.

- What are you talking about?
- Chani, I can't go with you.

You know why.

- [Gurney] I'll stay, too.
- Nobody stays but me.

- [Gurney] Paul. - That's an order,
Gurney Halleck! Go South!

Protect my mother.

- My Lord.
- [Shishakli] Muad'Dib.

[speaking Chakobsa]

He's afraid
of the fundamentalists.

And he should be.

[ancient voices
whispering indistinctly]

[ancient voice 1] Don't resist.

[distorted growling]

Talk to me, Jamis.

[ancient voices
whispering indistinctly]

[ancient voice 2]
You see only fragments.

You cannot see the future
without seeing the past.

To unlock your mind, you
need to drink the Water of Life...

and you will see everything.


[Jamis] A good hunter always
climbs the highest dune before his hunt.

He needs to see...

as far as he can see.

You need to see.

[Jessica] You must drink
the Water of Life.

Your mind, it's gonna open,

and you will see.

The world has made
choices for us.

If I go South, I might lose you.

You will never lose me,

Paul Atreides.

Not as long
as you stay who you are.

I'll cross the storms with you.

Go South.

Bring your people to safety.

And then I will do
what must be done.

- [whooshing]
- [screeching]


Spy. Left behind.

No trace of the others.

[Feyd-Rautha] They've gone
South to hide in the storms.

Send this message to the Baron.

The North is liberated
and secured.

Harvest spice at will.

Yes, na-Baron.

[commander speaking Harkonnen]

You k*lled nine of my men
with one single blade.


[translator] She won't talk.

Tell her that's fine.

I already know
everything I need to know.

Only pleasure remains.



[Maker Keeper speaking Chakobsa]

[ancient voices
speaking Chakobsa]

[ancient voice]
Now that you can see our past,

you can see your future.

[waves crashing]

[Alia] Oh, brother,
my dearest brother,

you are not prepared
for what is to come.

You'll now learn the truth
about our family.

And it will hurt you
to the core.


Don't worry. I'm with you.

I love you.

[speaking Chakobsa]

[guard speaking]

[distorted] Find them.



[crowd murmuring in Chakobsa]


[Chani] Paul?


I'm here. I'm here. Hey.

[gasps softly]

[shouts] What happened?

What happened?

He's dead.

His vital signs are so low,
they can't be detected.

But he's alive.

What did you do to him?

No, not that.
Why would he do that?

Why would you do that?

[speaking Chakobsa]

Chani, his body is fighting the
poison and he needs your help.

You do it.

You did this to him.

You did this to your own son!

You do it!

Fix it yourself.

Chani, you might not believe in
the prophecy, but you're a part of it.

[Chani] You're the poison.

You and your lies.
Why would you do this?

[distorted] Do it.

[speaking Chakobsa]

[crowd speaking Chakobsa]

Desert Spring tears.

[ancient voice]
Kwisatz Haderach,

climb up. Arise.




Usul, I'm here. I'm here.


[crowd murmurs]

[Chani whispers]
Are you okay?


[Paul breathing heavily]

Are you sure?

[breathing heavily]

Thanks to you.


[breathing heavily]

[Chani grunts]

I'm sorry about Chani.

She'll come to understand.

I've seen it.

[whispers] You can see?

The visions are clear now.

I see possible futures.
All at once.

Our enemies are all around us.

And in so many futures,
they prevail.

But I do see a way.

There is a narrow way through.

I saw our bloodline, Mother.

Written across time.


You are the daughter
of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.

Did my father know?

I didn't know myself,
until I took the worm's poison.

We're Harkonnens.


So this is how we'll survive.

By being Harkonnens.

[crashing, rumbling]

[deep clicking]

[man chanting in Chakobsa]

[crowd chanting]

[man chanting]

We must talk.

Stilgar, you can stop this.
Do you hear me?

You have the power to stop this.

Northern woman!

You are not allowed
to speak inside the circle.

If you want to speak,
you know what to do.

Stilgar, please.
For Arrakis' sake.

[man chanting]


[crowd chanting]

[crowd murmuring]

This prophecy
is how they enslave us!

How they dominate... [groans]

You'll get yourself in trouble.

This is none of your business.

Rabban Harkonnen himself
k*lled my family.

He gave me this scar
to remember him by.

This is all of my business.

[horns blowing]

[crowd murmuring]

[murmuring intensifies]

[crowd exclaiming]

[speaking Chakobsa]

Only tribe leaders can speak.

If you wish to share your voice,

you must take his place
by defeating him

and returning his water
to the well.

You think I'm stupid enough to
deprive myself of the best of us?

[shouts in Chakobsa]

Take my life, Usul.

It is the only way.

I'm pointing the way!

[crowd murmuring]

[whispers] Slow down.

[shouting in Chakobsa]

[crowd clamoring]


But you think
you could have a chance.

[speaking Chakobsa]


Lisan al-Gaib!

[crowd chanting]
Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!

[speaking Chakobsa]

Lisan al-Gaib!

[shouting in Chakobsa]

[crying] Muad'Dib!

[crowd chanting] Muad'Dib.


[Stilgar speaking Chakobsa]

[speaking Chakobsa]

[crowd exclaiming]

This is my father's
ducal signet.

[gasps softly]

[yelling] I am
Paul Muad'Dib Atreides,

Duke of Arrakis.

[speaking Chakobsa]

- [crowd cheers]
- Lisan al-Gaib!

[crowd chanting]
Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!

Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!

Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!

Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!

Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!

Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!

Lisan al-Gaib!

[breathes deeply]

[Irulan] Paul
Atreides is still alive.

He challenges my father.

You've never been on Arrakis.

It's quite impressive.
You'll see.

Was this all upon your advice?


Did you counsel my father
to exterminate the Atreides?

Of course I did. Why else
would it have happened?

You tried to sacrifice
an entire bloodline.

And I was right to do it.

The Kwisatz Haderach
is a form of power

that our world has not yet seen.

The ultimate power.

For ninety generations,

we have supervised
House Atreides.

They were promising, but they
were becoming dangerously defiant.

Their bloodline
had to be terminated.

That is why we have put
many bloodlines at work.

Several prospects.

But it's backfired.

Paul is alive.

And if he defeats
Feyd-Rautha, my father...

Your father will lose the
throne no matter who prevails.

But there is one way your
family can remain in power

and, through you, the
continuation of our stewardship.

One. Way.

Are you prepared?

You've been preparing me
my whole life, Reverend Mother.

You're heading north
with the others?

I'm Fedaykin.

I follow my leaders. If
fighting goes north, I go north.

Paul didn't have
a choice, Chani.

I won't be fighting for him.

I'm fighting for my people.

I came to wish you best of luck.

I'd wish you the same,

but it seems
you've won your battle.


[Gurney] He took the bait.

[Paul] Oh, the Emperor's
very obliging.

He's right on time.

[speaking Chakobsa]


What is he doing here?

I brought spice production
under control.

What do we do?

Send messages
to the Great Houses.

Tell them that Arrakis
is under Sardaukar attack.

Tell them, their future
hangs in the balance.

[whispering in Chakobsa]

[Paul] When the storm
hits this ridge,

Gurney will open
the way for you, Stilgar,

so you can enter
the basin from the West

and distract
their defense systems.

Chani, I want you
and your Fedaykin

to then attack from the East,

inside the basin.

I'll strike from the
North, head on,

with the Fundamentalist troops.

And I'll serve Arrakeen
for dessert.

I need the Emperor alive.

[speaking Chakobsa]

[all repeat]

[indistinct chatter]

[whirring, hissing]

[machine whirring, hissing]

[machine whirring, hissing]


[breathing heavily]

[Emperor] Baron,

do you have any idea
who this Muad'Dib could be?

Some fanatic, your Majesty.
That's all we know.

More. More. Give me more.

He's a madman!

- Mad?
- All Fremen are mad.

That's all you know?


Muad'Dib is dead.

Or he went hiding
in the Southern storms

which means the same thing.


[Bashar] Your Majesty,

the sand storm
that's approaching

threatens the integrity
of our shields.

We recommend
going back into orbit.

Well, the mountains will
protect us from most of it,

your Majesty.

Baron, have you
ever investigated

the south regions of Arrakis?

Well, the entire region
is uninhabitable.

It's well known, your Majesty.

Your uninhabited South

exhibits evidence
of human activity.

I wasn't aware of this.

I swear to you, I wasn't
aware of any of this.

[Baron gasping]

- [groans]
- [gasps]

[Emperor] Muad'Dib is alive.

I must find him.

[breathing heavily]

[flags fluttering]


[thumping, clicking]

[crowd cheering]

[shouting in Chakobsa]

[crowd repeats in unison]


[missiles whooshing]




- [clattering]
- [Irulan gasping]


Sardaukar! On guard!

[Baron groaning]

[metal creaking]

[crashing in distance]



[blades unsheathe]

[breathing heavily]

[wind whooshing]

[officer shouts in Galach]


- [soldiers panting]
- [blades unsheathe]

[rattling, deep clicking]


[Sardaukar screaming]

[Fremen shouting]

[Stilgar speaks Chakobsa]

[Fremen fighters
shout in Chakobsa]

[panicked shouting]

[panicked shouting]

[Fremen fighters
speaking Chakobsa]

[Fremen fighters yelling]

[Chani speaks Chakobsa]

[Fedaykin fighters
speaking Chakobsa]

[all shouting]

[Chani grunting]

[soldiers grunt]

[Baron gasping]

[loud thud]

[loud thud]

[soldiers clamoring]

[Bashar screams] Sardaukar!


You die like an animal.


[speaking Chakobsa]

[breathes heavily]

[Fedaykin leader
speaking Chakobsa]

[Fremen fighters
chanting in Chakobsa]

[all soldiers shouting]


[Gurney] Rabban!

Look who's back from the dead.




For my Duke, and my friends.

[indistinct chatter]

[Chani speaks Chakobsa]

[Stilgar] Warships.

The Great Houses.

Gurney, it's time.
Bring the prisoners.

- My Lord.
- [Stilgar speaks Chakobsa]

[speaks Chakobsa]

[speaks Chakobsa]

This isn't over yet.

I want you to know...

I will love you
as long as I breathe.


[door opens]

[breathes deeply]

There is a massed armada
in orbit.

You're facing
a full invasion, Fremen.

[Paul] How can you be so sure
the Great Houses are here for me?

They may be curious to hear my
side of the story, don't you think?

I am Paul Atreides, son of
Leto Atreides, Duke of Arrakis.

- Gurney.
- My Lord.

Send a warning to all ships.

If the Great Houses attack, our
atomics will obliterate all spice fields.

- You're out of your mind.
- He's bluffing.

Consider what you're
about to do, Paul Atreides.

- [distorted] Silence!
- [Reverend Mother Mohiam gasps]


[whispering] Abomination.

Message sent, my Lord.

As a servant of the Imperium,
you will bow at my feet.

Your feet? You'll be lucky
to keep your head.

I'll take the hand
of your daughter.

She will remain safe.

And we will rule together
over the Empire.

- [crowd chattering]
- [breathes heavily]

[Paul] But you...

You have to answer
for my father.

Do you know why I k*lled him?

Because he was a man

who believed
in the rules of the heart.

But the heart
is not meant to rule.

In other words...

your father was a weak man.

Stand or choose your champion.

I am here, Atreides.

I need a blade.

Accept mine.

Do not stain your hands
on this animal.

Let me deal with him.

It's my burden, Gurney.

[Feyd-Rautha exhales]

Why does he take such risks?

Muad'Dib leads the way.

[speaking Chakobsa]

I'm happy
to finally meet you, cousin.

Cousin? Is that right?

Well, you wouldn't be
the first relative I've k*lled.

May thy knife chip and shatter.

[chuckles softly]
May thy knife chip and shatter.

[both grunting]

[crowd gasps]


- She's your pet?
- [breathes heavily]

Any special attention
for the pet?

[breathes heavily]

[both grunting]

[crowd gasps]

[Feyd-Rautha yells]

[Paul grunts]

[Paul grunting, panting]



- [Feyd-Rautha grunts]
- [Paul panting]

[both grunting, panting]

You have fought well, Atreides.


[Paul yells]

Lisan al-Gaib!

[Fremen chanting]
Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!



[Paul groaning]


You should've believed.

You chose the wrong side.

[Reverend Mother Mohiam] Side?

You, of all people, should know.

There are no sides...
Reverend Mother.

The life debt has been paid.

Spare my father now and
I will be your willing bride.

The throne will be yours.

[breathes heavily]


[inhales deeply]

My Lord,
the Great Houses have answered.

They refuse
to honor your ascendancy.

We await your orders,
Lisan al-Gaib.

Lead them to Paradise.

[female Fremen] Lisan al-Gaib!

[all chanting]
Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!

[speaking Chakobsa]

[all chanting]
Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!

What is happening, Mother?

Your brother att*cks
the Great Houses.

The Holy w*r begins.

[breathing heavily]
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