17x23 - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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17x23 - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Post by bunniefuu »













Everyone, stop!

No one leaves.

Sir, are you all right?

Call the police!

There are no outward signs of distress.

- Could a punch have k*lled him?
- That is possible.

I see some redness and
swelling on the neck.

A strong punch could have
injured the brainstem,

resulting in some sort
of cerebral incident.

Hmm. Did you see how
the fight got started?

They were dancing and
then they were fighting.

I saw.

He hit the dead fella hard on the head.

It snowballed from there.

You saw who hit this man?

He ran out the back door.

Did you get a good look at him?

I did. About 40.

He had been hit a few times.

Were you involved in
the altercation yourself?

No. No, no, no, no.

I was just here to write a
review on this establishment

for a new newspaper
devoted to entertainment.

[GEORGE]: A newspaper
about entertainment?

Best of luck with that now.

- Let me buy you a drink.
- Oh, yes, please.

What have you there, sir?

It's a letter addressed
to a Mr. McCormick,

"Thank you for speaking with me

and for all of the help you've given me.

I shall never forget it.

Yours truly, Danielle."

Uh, George, please go to this address

and find out what you can
about this Mr. McCormick.


You two, with me.

Well, he can't have gone far.

Take a look down there, Tucker.

[HIGGINS]: Sir! Over here!

Look at this badge, sir.
This man's a police officer.

Good Lord!

Right. Get him down to the station house

so he can dry out. Tucker!

Detective Richard Tauber.

A witness saw someone

who looks like you
involved in an altercation

with a man at the Starbright Club.

More than looks like me.

I'm not proud of it,
but I'm not on duty.

Did you know the victim?

- McCormick?
- Victim?

What do you mean exactly?

He's dead.

Oh, Lord.

He was just a stranger at the bar.

And what happened?


He was drunk.

He took a swing at me.

I swung back.

Hard enough to k*ll him?

That was not my intention, I swear.

I assume you know how this works.

You give me your official statement...

I want to speak to the chief constable.

I beg your pardon?

I won't say any more.

Chief Constable Stewart is
the only one I'll talk to.

Did you really have to drag Chief
Constable Stewart into this, Murdoch?

This Detective Tauber refused
to cooperate any further.

Well, there must be something going on

that we don't know about, then.


Sir, I apologize for
bringing you in here at night.

Oh, no. Not at all.

Sir, what did Detective Tauber
wish to speak with you about?

Ah, he asked for leniency.

It was just a drunken
accident with a bar patron.

Hmm. Were you familiar with him?

Well, when he's sobered up,
you do your due diligence

in taking his statement

and completing the investigation,

uh, into this incident. Oh!

And the riff-raff might
give him a hard time,

him being a policeman.

- We'll put him in a solitary cell, sir.
- Good.

Well, aye. I say good
night now. Oh, Tom,

do not forget tomorrow's luncheon.

I mean, you've already met Melvin Banks,

but the rest of the board,

they hold great sway,

including Chadwick Vaughan.

And I want them all to meet

the top contender for my job.

Thank you, sir. I'll see you then.

Did you hear that, Murdoch?

Top contender.

The kid from Yorkshire might
have a chance at the big chair.


Here. I think she's almost done.

Thank you, Claudette.


I'm off.

I will see you at lunch.

Oh! William, I forgot.

- I can't meet you for lunch.
- No?

No. I'm attending city council luncheon.

It's being held at the private
residence of a controller.

I believe Inspector Brackenreid

is attending that as well.

I didn't realize you'd
received an invitation.

Yes. Well, I just managed
to secure one last minute.

- Hm.
- I had to ask some of my old colleagues

from the university, but
I got on the guest list.

I imagine you will be
soliciting donations.

Yes. I'm hoping to purchase

an electrocardiograph
machine for the hospital.


Well, with your powers of persuasion,

I have no doubt you will succeed. Mwah.


Have a good day, everyone.

[GEORGE]: Only 18 dollars this month?

Are you sure there hasn't
been some sort of mistake?

Oh, for the love of Pete.

- George.
- Sir.

Any findings at McCormick's
place last night?

Ah, yes, sir. I found an
address book and inside,

I found the name Richard Tauber.

The man residing in
our cells at the moment?

Sir. And by the yellowing of the pages,

I assume they have known
each other some time.

He told me McCormick was
just a stranger in a bar.

Did he?

Detective Tauber.


Detective Richard Tauber!

Still three sheets, for Pete's sake.

Oi! Tauber!

Wake up.

- Ah!
- Oh, good Lord.

Sir, he's cut his wrists.

Looks as though the
k*ller has k*lled himself.

A su1c1de in our cells!

This is a disgrace for
the whole station house!

- What happened, Higgins?
- I don't know, sir.

I patted him down myself
when we brought him in.

Not much of a job! He
brought in a bloody razor!

And now he's dead in our cells.

Hardly the news I want
to bring to a luncheon

with the chief constable.

Get to the bottom of this, Murdoch.

Who was on watch last night?

Uh, Harris and McNabb
were on the schedule.

I'd like to have a
word with both of them.

- Yes, sir.
- And you two,

go to Tauber's home

and see if you can find anything
that would shed some light

on his relationship with McCormick.


Sir, um,

I was here for my
entire scheduled shift.

I swear.

- And you checked the cells?
- Yes, I did.

Were you engaged in any activity that

may have diverted your attention?

We... we did play
rummy to pass the time.

Oh? Care to elaborate?

McNabb was on rounds.

I was manning the telephones.

Tucker happened to be here, too,

so we played a couple of games.

Happened to be here, too?

Thought I had a shift
last night, so I showed up.

Turns out I read the schedule wrong.

Constable Harris stated that
you did not then go home.

You played card games.

Bit of trouble at home, sir.

Thought I'd have more luck with cards.

[MURDOCH]: Did you observe
anything else out of the ordinary?

- No.
- And the lockbox was secure?

The lockbox?

The lockbox

that we keep the cell keys inside of.

You do put the cell keys

inside the lockbox
between rounds, correct?

Yes, of course.

Except when we leave the key on the hook

near the cells, like we used to.

Do you mean to tell me

that constables at
Station House Number Four

have been cutting corners every shift?


The pinpoint hemorrhages on the lungs

lead me to believe this
man died of asphyxiation,

not a loss of blood.

I also found these.

Deep scratches around the neck.

As though he were attempting
to fight off something

that was holding him about the neck.

Any blood under his fingernails?

That's what I wanted to mention next.

[SIGHS] Right. This man
did not k*ll himself.

He was strangled

and then his wrists were cut

after the fact to stage a su1c1de.

How? He was in a cell.

That's what I intend to find out.

I'll need to comb through his
personal effects for fingermarks.

- Of course.
- Thank you.


I'm sure he'll be along in a minute.

Did you see the results from
the Argonauts game last night?

Ah, yeah. I did.

Stewart, you should have
that referee arrested.

It was a travesty.

Ah, Thomas. Just the man
I'm looking for. Come on.

Come on. I want you to meet
some of the controllers.

Gentlemen, this is
Inspector Thomas Brackenreid,

Station House Four.
This is Mason Jeffries.

And our host, Chadwick Vaughan.

- Welcome, Inspector.
- Thank you very much for having me.

You have a splendid home.

I see Chief Constable Stewart

has endorsed you as his
successor, Inspector.

Francis runs a well-oiled machine.

If you're good enough for
him, you're good enough for me.

Can the board count on having

continued cooperation
from the police if...

When you fill the role?

Mr. Vaughan, you have
my utmost assurance.


It's heartening to see the
police doing such noble work.

- Inspector Brackenreid.
- Oh, Dr. Ogden.

- Murdoch told me you'd be here.
- Drink?

Oh, yes, please. Ah, gentlemen,

this is Dr. Julia Ogden of the
new Women's College Hospital.

She's also the wife of my best
detective, William Murdoch.

A women's hospital. How interesting.

Yes. We've had great success so far,

thanks to our generous donors.

We've treated over a
hundred patients already,

many of them wives and mothers.

Well, I may have to make a
donation myself, Dr. Ogden.

[MURDOCH]: A man was strangled

in our cells last night.

This is a grave matter
that severely compromises

our integrity as police officers.

What's more,

an unknown fingermark

was found on the top button

of the victim's shirt,

which leads me to suspect one thing:

someone who did not belong here

was let into our cells.

Also, no one checked in
on Richard Tauber all night

until he was found dead in the morning?

Someone let a m*rder*r into
Station House Number Four.

Thus, I will be
implementing a new policy.

From this day forward, I am doubling

the number of constables
on overnight shifts.

And I know what you're
probably asking yourselves,

so let me tell you.

No, you will not be
getting any days off.

And, no, you will not be
receiving overtime pay.

At this point in the investigation,

covering for one another
is no longer an option.

If you choose to do so,

you will be considered
an accessory to m*rder.


George, Henry, my office.


Well, that's good news!

If he was m*rder*d, then
it can't be my fault.

So, what have we learned?

Ah, sir, apparently
both McCormick and Tauber

worked at Station House Three years ago.

They were partners, in fact.

So they had known each other

a long time.

Right. You two go to Station House
Three and find out all you can.

And you, sir?

I have a luncheon to attend.


Chief Constable Stewart.

Detective, I didn't
think I'd see you here.

Well, if you're looking for your wife,

I think she left some time ago.

- I was hoping to speak with you.
- Ah, yeah.

Well, Tom mentioned that the
man you locked up last night,

he ended his own life.

Uh, a guilty conscience,

it's bound to reveal itself.

Actually, sir,

the coroner has determined that
Detective Tauber was strangled.

It was a staged su1c1de.

That's terrible news.

Sir, when you spoke with him, did
he mention any enemies, or... ?

Not at all.

We've also learned

that the victim was a former
police constable himself,

a Dean McCormick.

He and Tauber were partners decades ago.

Good Lord.

- Did you know McCormick?
- Is that why you're here?

You think I'm withholding
information from you?

- Well, I-I wasn't...
- If I'd had anything to add, I would have...

I would have passed it along,
like any police officer.

- Yes, sir.
- [BRACKENREID]: I apologize

for Detective Murdoch. He's
a very thorough investigator,

sometimes too thorough.

[GEORGE]: Sir, I didn't
think you'd be back before us.

- How was the luncheon?
- I didn't eat.

Were you able to find out anything?

Not much, sir, just that McCormick

partnered with Tauber for some
time and then quit the force.

Did the Inspector know
anything about McCormick?

Well, just that he left the force

shortly after Tauber and
he worked a burglary case.

Oh. Well, we need details
on that case, then.

- Did you get the file?
- We did, sir.

He said he would look into
it, but it will take a while.

Did you find out
anything about this case?

Well, he said it had to do with
a burglary of a jewelry store,

some place on Queen Street.

He couldn't remember the name exactly

- but said it'd been around forever.
- [BRACKENREID]: You two. Out!

That luncheon was my chance

to impress some very important people.

Sir, Chief Constable Stewart

was the last person to
speak with Richard Tauber.

And he was very forthright
with you, so leave him alone!

I find it puzzling

that Chief Constable
Stewart would drop everything

and come down to our station house

to speak to a man he
purports not to know.

And then, hours later,
that man is found dead.

What's that?

We found a fingermark on
one of Tauber's buttons.

I've compared it to your
fingermarks, George's, Henry's

and everyone else he may
have come in contact with.

And now I've compared it
to Chief Constable Stewart.

You seriously suspect
Chief Constable Stewart

- of being a m*rder*r?
- It's standard procedure, sir.

And don't worry, it's not a match.

You need to look for someone

who had a real motive
to k*ll Tauber. Eh?!

Clear off, Higgins!


I think I just might know the
jewelry store we're looking for.

How would you know that, Henry?

Well, I called Ruth, sir.

She knows every jewelry store in town.

We understand your shop was
robbed about 20 years ago.

That is correct, sir, almost to the day.

Mm. And what were the
circumstances of that?

The thief entered from the
roof through the skylight.

I was examining some
gemstones that night

and I'd fallen asleep in the back room.

I saw him take a handful of
necklaces and run out this door.

You're lucky you weren't hurt.

Yes. I thank God for that.

But it is sad that the thief
k*lled the young women next door.

I'm sorry?

I thought it was just a simple robbery.

Oh, uh,

when the thief broke in,

he took the skylight off the hinges

and rested it on the chimney

that connects to the
apartment next door.

That clogged the chimney overnight.

So they died from inhaling smoke?

Did they at least catch the culprit?

Well, they arrested someone,
but it wasn't the man I saw.

Are you certain?


I saw the picture of
the man they arrested

and it definitely wasn't the burglar.

So an innocent man went to jail?

No, he never made it that
far. I heard they k*lled him.


Would you be willing to come
down to the station house

to give a detailed
description of the man you saw?

Oh, it was a long time ago.

Hm. We could try.

Let me just tell my wife.

Sir, it sounds like Tauber and
McCormick arrested the wrong man.

Not to mention k*lled him.

What a horrific mistake.

Unless it wasn't a mistake.

But, sir, why would
they want to k*ll him?

That appears to be the question.

No, no, no, a thinner
face, like a weasel.

It's odd.

Mr. Wetzman's statement
isn't included here.

Well, I certainly gave one,
signed it and everything.

Oh, I believe you.

In fact, this whole file's a bit thin.

That's worrisome.

I think Mr. Wetzman is right.
They went after the wrong man.

The suspect they arrested
was a Wayne Baker,

nearly 300 pounds.

The man I saw was young and nimble

like a fox.

Ah, yes, yes, like that.

Like that.


Well, thank you, Mr. Wetzman.

Sir, according to this,
Baker was a known criminal,

- but a petty thief.
- Yes.

And apparently targeted
unguarded warehouses.

Exactly. This jewelry break-in
doesn't sound like him at all.

Hm. And he was k*lled resisting arrest,

so no one ever looked
into it any further.

Glad to hear you're not still going
on about a certain chief constable.

- No, sir, but we do...
- Stewart's a good man.

Paid his dues for years as
inspector at Station House Three.

And now finally there's
someone higher up in charge

- willing to pull me up the ladder!
- Uh, just a moment, sir.

- Did you say Station House Three?
- I did.

Sir, was Chief Constable
Stewart the inspector

at Station House Three 20 years ago?

He was. What about it?

Well, sir, he claims not
to know Detective Tauber.

Twenty years ago, Tauber and McCormick

were constables at Station House Three.

He would have been
their direct supervisor.

That was 20 years ago. Maybe he forgot.

Perhaps that's true, but
he just spoke with him

in our interview room.

Surely he remembers him
now. Why lie about that?

Sir, we're looking into
an old case of theirs.

They k*lled a man, a suspect
by the name of Wayne Baker

who, we believe now, was innocent.

[MURDOCH]: Sir, we may be
looking at a cover-up here.

And if that's the case,

Chief Constable Stewart
might be involved.

Well, it sounds to me
like it could be revenge.

McCormick had no family,

so Tauber's k*ller may be someone
who's connected to this Wayne Baker,

if he is innocent, as you say.

- But sir.
- Enough about the chief!

That's a dead end.

I'll see you both tomorrow morning.

- Sir, to say...
- No!

I want this investigation
focused on anyone

- who might want to avenge this Baker.
- Anyone?

An officer was m*rder*d on our watch.

It's not time to be messing around.


- Detective Murdoch.
- [GEORGE]: Uh, sir.

I finally tracked down an
obituary for Wayne Baker.

He was survived by a daughter, Danielle.


Isn't that the name on the
letter we found on Mr. McCormick?

It is.

[MURDOCH]: Very good, George.

Are you still at the station house?

- I am.
- [MURDOCH]: Right.

Head on home and we'll
follow up in the morning.

Well, actually, sir, there are
fewer Bakers in the directory

- than you might think.
- Oh?

[GEORGE]: I already have a
street address for Miss Baker,

Uh, I'll meet you there.


Good Lord!

- Are you sure this is the address?
- Sir, I'm sure.

Is there anyone in there?

I don't know.

Miss, are you all right?


Are you Danielle Baker?

Wait, Miss! Stop!

Miss! Please! Out of my way!

Damn it.



- There's no one in there.
- I think I saw Danielle Baker.

- Where is she?
- Ooh.

Let's just say she's
remarkably fleet of foot.


We found this stuffed into her chimney.

The smoke backed up,
filled the whole room.

This is oddly similar to the tragedy

next door to Wetzman's
jewelry store 20 years ago.

A signal perhaps, sir?

This attack was to
avenge those killings?

Uh, it's possible.


Perhaps all those years ago
wasn't an accident after all.

So you think the whole
jewelry-store theft was

an elaborate cover up

of deliberate killings?

We have to at least consider it, George.

What if the perpetrator

wanted the constabulary focused

on the jewelry store robbery

and didn't want anyone
looking too closely

at the identity of the
two victims next door?

But if that's the case,
why go after the daughter?

Why go after the daughter

of the man you blamed for the theft?

Because she knows the truth
behind what actually happened.

And she knows two
coppers k*lled her father.

[VAUGHAN]: I took the liberty of touring

the Women's College Hospital, Dr. Ogden.

I must say I'm impressed.

Thank you. You caused quite a stir.

So impressed, in fact,

I'm arranging for my
accountant to write you a cheque

before the week is out.

That's very kind of you, Mr. Vaughan.

It isn't kindness, Doctor.

I adore my dear wife

and I like to lead the way when it
comes to supporting women's health.

I admire your forward thinking.

And I'd love to have you and
your police detective husband

over to dinner sometime.

Such a learned couple must
have very lively conversations.

And I have an excellent
cellar full of fine wines.

Oh, that sounds lovely.

Although the detective doesn't drink.

- Oh, I see.
- But I do.




Miss Hart. Thank you for coming in.

What can I do for you, Detective?

I'm looking for information
on two young ladies

who died on December 2nd, 1891.

I'll see what I can track down.

Have you had any luck finding
out who k*lled Detective Tauber?

- No.

Yes, what is it?

I was hoping I might have a word.

Hopefully, you find out soon, Detective,

before I meet any more of
your prisoners at the morgue.

Thank you, Miss Hart.

Come in, Constable.

I'm sorry for not coming
forward earlier, but

it's about the night that Tauber died.

Go on.

When I arrived at the station house,

Constable McNabb was
outside having a cigarette.

You said he was doing his rounds.

I didn't want to get him in trouble.

But he had the door propped
open while he was smoking.

I noticed it ajar on my
way to the lavatory later.

- Why didn't you close it?
- I did.

But it had already been open
for quite a while at that point.

I see.

Constable McNabb has a new baby at home,

he's under a lot of strain.

Hope that you'll consider
being lenient, sir.

Send your colleague in to me

and then I would like you to file away

all outstanding paperwork
in the bullpen, please.

What's going to happen
to Constable McNabb?

That is none of your
concern, Constable Tucker.

Would you really leave, sir?

If Murdoch doesn't muck it up.

Well, you'd be missed.

Thank you very much, Crabtree.



What's all that about?

I'm guessing that Murdoch just found out

who left the cell door
open. Bloody McNabb.

Right, then! I'll say cheerio.
I'm off to see the chief.

Then I have a meeting with the board.

They're voting on the next chief
constable by the end of the week.

Wish me luck, bugalugs!

Best of luck, sir.

No! No, I need you to take care of this.


Oh! Good fella. Tom, huh?

Nice and, uh, early.

So, uh, it goes without
saying that with my support,

this interview is a mere formality.

Just pleased to be considered, sir.

I'll see if the board is assembled.

You make sure you have that
report in by the end of the day.

[MAN]: Yes, sir.

[STEWART]: Tell them we are on our way.

The committee's ready
finally to see you.


I'm ready, too.

It'll be different around here

if the Inspector gets his promotion.

- Mm.

Detective Murdoch.


Stay on him, McNabb. We'll come to you.

McNabb? Sir, I thought
you'd suspended him.

It was a ruse.

When Tucker told me

that McNabb, who never
smells of tobacco,

left the back door open because
he'd gone out there to smoke,

I knew he was lying.

So, I got McNabb to tail Tucker

and he's just seen Tucker
meet with the chief constable.

Should we tell the Inspector?



- Has Tucker gone inside?
- Yes.

He came straight here from
meeting with the chief constable.

He just went in.

All right. Man all the exits.

What's Tucker playing at, sir?

[g*nsh*t FIRES]


Miss Baker!

Drop the w*apon.


He was coming to k*ll me!

Why would he want to k*ll you?

That is a very serious
accusation, Miss Baker. Answer me.

What are you doing here?

Chief Constable Stewart
asked for my help

to get Miss Baker out of town safely.

I wasn't trying to harm her.

He's lying! He came at me.

I swear he's lying.

Whatever happened, you
shot a police constable.

You're coming down to
the station house with us.


Get yourself to the
infirmary and get checked out.

Ever since Mr. McCormick
told me the truth,

people have been dying.

Truth about what?

He told me he and his
partner, Richard Tauber,

caught a jewelry thief 20 years ago.

It was a terrible crime.

The thief had caused the
deaths of two women next door.

- Who was the thief?
- Mr. McCormick didn't know.

They were ordered to let him go.

They went after my father instead

and when he tried to
run, Tauber k*lled him.

Miss Baker, is it at all possible that

you misinterpreted
Constable Tucker's actions?


What were you doing at Shuckers
Bordello in the first place?

A friend works there. She
was letting me hide out.

So, you were in hiding.

You feared for your life.

You had already been pursued by
one policeman, Constable Crabtree.

That could colour your perception.

I was six years old

when I saw a police officer

beat my father to death
as he tried to run away.

It's understandable that
anybody would be bound

to fear the police after
something like that.

I didn't, though.

But I know what a man's face looks like

when he's going in for the
k*ll and I saw it again tonight.

Why had you gotten in touch with
McCormick in the first place?

He'd been sending me small
gifts of money for years.

And now that I'm to be wed

to a nice gentleman from
Montreal, I wanted to thank him.

And find out why.

I always assumed my father was guilty

and that he'd caused the
deaths of those poor women.

- McCormick told you otherwise?
- Yes.

It weighed on him for years.

And he'd always feared his partner
k*lled my father on purpose.

That's why he left the constabulary.

Ah, Miss Hart. I take
it you found something.

- Oh, I did indeed.
- What's all this about two women

who died from a blocked chimney?

They died of smoke inhalation

next door to the Wetzman
Jewellers back in 1891.

But we now believe they may
have been deliberately k*lled

by whoever broke into the
jewelry store that night.

And Miss Hart has managed to
track down their identities.

Uh, yes. Two sisters,
Elsie and Nora Haines,

age 20 and 22.

Very good. Thank you.

Put the kettle on, Crabtree.

So, is Chief Constable Stewart
involved in all this or not?

Well, sir, at the very least,
I believe he was involved

in covering up what
happened 20 years ago.

And what about everything
that's going on now?

I don't know.

But these events are connected.

I've asked our artist

to take Mr. Wetzman's
witness description

and age it up 20 years.

It doesn't look like
Chief Constable Stewart.

- Don't do anything.
- Why?

Do you know him, sir?

[VAUGHAN]: Excellent.

It's a pleasure playing
against a decent opponent.

I suspect most of my
servants let me win.

Another game?

- I prefer to quit while I'm ahead.
- Ha.

Always wise.

Now, tell me, Inspector,

you didn't come here to play snooker.

To what do I owe the
honour of this visit?

Well, Mr. Vaughan,

I've learnt some
disturbing facts of late.

About what?

Well, this all happened
a very long time ago.

Do the names Elsie and
Nora Haines ring a bell?

I have no idea what you're
talking about, Inspector.

You were already married
in 1891, were you not?

What was it?

A little fling that got
tired of being on the side?

Those sisters always thought
too much of themselves.

Nora and I were just having fun.

But Elsie kept filling
her head full of drivel,

egging her on to tell my wife.

So nothing about their
deaths was an accident.

And the burglary was a distraction.

You're up for chief
constable, Inspector.

You know I'm on the board.

I can put an end to your promotion.

Now the real question

is what else are you prepared
to pay for my silence,

along with the job.

The position could
be just the beginning.


entry to exclusive circles.

Is that how you helped Stewart?


Francis helped me once,

so I helped him in turn.

And you both helped each
other out with Richard Tauber.

The chief constable arranged
for you to visit the cells.

You already know a great
deal, don't you, Inspector?

Francis made arrangements for
me to slip in the back door.

He thought Tauber could
be silenced with a bribe.

But you didn't.

No. His kind always comes back for more.

Tauber knew I was the
young man they'd let go.

He had me over a barrel, so
I did what needed to be done.


I'm delighted to have
had this conversation.

It's been recorded for posterity.

[MURDOCH]: I've obtained
Vaughan's fingermarks,

and they are a match for the mark

we found on Tauber's button.

But Chief Constable Stewart's not
exactly in the clear on this one.

No. Twice he made concessions to Vaughan

and twice people have ended up dead.

And he tampered with evidence.

I saw the original eyewitness
statements in his office.

You know, Murdoch,

we've both had occasion
to skirt the law.

Yes, sir.

None of us is without fault or flaw.

If I report on chief constable,

I won't be getting that promotion.

He was the only one pulling for me.

I understand.

I'll leave that up to you, sir.

[TUCKER]: I said move along.

[MURDOCH]: Tucker!


Constable Tucker.

I know you let a k*ller
into our station house.

I let a man in.

I didn't know he was a k*ller.

On whose orders?

Chief Constable Stewart.

Now a man is dead
because of your actions.

What do you think the
sanctions should be for this?


It was a direct order from the chief.

He told me to keep it quiet.

I was just following
the chain of command.

I'll be watching you, Tucker.

And believe me,

you so much as step a toe out of line...

Tom. Excellent work.

Station House Four.

I'm grateful that Chadwick Vaughan

is finally going to jail.

Long overdue, I'd say.


I'd always thought of you as a
man of principles, Chief Constable.

I do my best.

But you let Vaughan off
the hook 20 years ago.

Huh, just a boy.

A good family. I knew the father.

They told me that the
burglary was a youthful lark.

Some sort of a dare gone terribly wrong.

And what of the murders next door?

I believed them to be an accident.

If I'd known it was m*rder...

And what about your old constables?

How did they come to
k*ll an innocent man?

I like to close cases.

And they may have felt pressure
to pin the blame on someone.

And then they bungled the arrest

and they k*lled poor Baker.

- On your orders?
- Of course not!

But Tauber? Oh, he was
always a physical man.

You seem to accept a lot of misdeeds

as mere accidents.

I try to believe the best of people.

What's wrong with that?

You ought to have been setting a
better example to your own constables.

You look to your own
station house, Sunny Jim.

It's not exactly the
tightest ship, is it?

When Chadwick started asking

after Baker's family,

I worried for the daughter,

so I asked Tucker to get her to safety.

You dragged one of my
own men into your scheme!

I know I did wrong! I did wrong.

But I also know you want this job.

And you are the right man for it.

What's done is done.

Are you going to let me finish
my career without infamy?

I'll let you make your
own decision about that.

Sunny Jim.


So Chadwick Vaughan is in jail?

Yes, and no amount of favours
will help him this time.

We have compelling evidence
that he m*rder*d Richard Tauber,

as well as the Haines
sisters back in 1891.

And he's admitted to the
attempt on Danielle Baker.

Well, I'm glad he's finally
been brought to justice.

As am I.

I'm only sorry that the
Women's College Hospital

won't be receiving his donation.

Oh, Mr. Vaughan wasn't the only donor

that I charmed at that luncheon.

In fact, I'm going to pick
up another cheque right now.

Oh! So the hospital will be getting

those electrocardiograph
machines, after all?

- Mm-hm.

Oh! Looks like someone's
receiving good news.

I suppose the Inspector's
received his promotion.

Oh! What does that mean for you?

I have no idea.

I'll see you at home.

Sir, we're off to the Ferret to
celebrate the Inspector's promotion.

Rumour is Higgins is buying.

What was that?

What was that?

Who said I was buying?


Thank you.

I understand Chief Constable Stewart

is stepping down to face charges.

He did the right thing.

You know, Murdoch, I've
been Inspector here for...

Oh, 20 years, give or
take a couple of months.

- Yes.
- And now

I'm the big boss.

But I only accepted on one condition,

that you replace me.


I did not expect that, sir.

Especially given that
I am a Catholic and all.

Well, they've accepted you for now,

but that could change at any moment.

I'll do my best to show them

that you've made the right decision.

No need, Murdoch. I know
I've made the right choice.

I expect the boys will
want to buy you a drink.

Just give me five minutes.
I'll be along shortly.

Of course.

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