Thundermans Return, The (2024)

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Thundermans Return, The (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

One minute 'til meteor impact!

Danger! Seek shelter!

One minute 'til meteor impact!

Won't some superhero save us?

We need more than one.
We need...


Thundermans, reporting for duty.

Glad they finally saw us.

Right? We've been holding
this pose for three minutes.

Okay, T-Force, we got meteors,
coming in hot!

Say your name and fan out.

Why do we need to say our names?

'Cause it looks great
in the highlight reel.

Thunder Man!


Laser Girl!

Kid Quick!

Thunder Baby!

Can I get a new name?

Thunder Girl!

And-- Wait, what's my cool name?

Max, flaming space chunks.

And Max Flaming Space Chunks!

All right, guys,
as your co-captains,

Phoebe and I will take
the first wave.

Stand by for orders.

Here they come!

You did not just snap a selfie!

Phoebe, I know exactly how much
time I have until--



This one's all me!

You got incoming, Nora!

I know, I have eyes.

Laser eyes.

Stand behind me, Chloe.

Eat lightning, space rock!

"Eat lightning," Barb?
I like it!

I know, right?
It just came to me!

Here comes the mama bear.

- Dad!
- Dad!

Billy, set a perimeter.

On it!

What's a perimeter?

The thing with the cones
that keeps people back.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I got you.

- Steady, Dad.
- You got this.

Welcome to Earth.
Try the punch!

Come on, guys. Let's go home.

- Max, you should probably--
- You're in my light, Billy.

Max, you might wanna--

I'm kind of busy, Nora!

Are we just gonna leave
without telling him?


You guys could have warned me.

Ah, great day, guys!

We made the world safer.
Isn't that what it's all about?

All right, Maxinators.
That's today's livestream.

Sorry there was so much Phoebe!

Stay awesome.

And don't forget to smash
that heart button.

I'll smash that heart button.

T-Force assistant?

Generating new phone.

My turn to push it!

Billy, it's the same photo.

We don't live a double life

I know that.

Why didn't you tell me?

All right, guys,

who's excited for Family Night?

- Yay, Family Night!
- Mom, sounds great.

Can't wait. Right after a quick
mission review sesh.

- Oh.
- Aww.

Mission review... now?

Can't it wait, Phoebe?
We haven't had a Family Night

since you two brought us on
to the T-Force.

Guys, it'll be quick,
I promise.

There's just 27 things.

Okay, uh, Nora,

try ricocheting your eye lasers
to give them more power.

Oh, like this?

Now it's Family Night!

I'll start the Thunder chili!

I'll get the scrapbook.

And I'll get the board games.

Okay, great review sesh.

One, two, three.

- Your turn, Phoebe.
- Check it out.

This blog says I'm a cinch
for "Superhero of the Year."

Skipping Phoebe. Max's turn.

Check this out.
Supe Magazine just voted me

"Cutest Super Bachelor."

Skipping Max,
and Chloe goes again.

Hey, Nora.

Do you want to videochat
with our new friends tonight?

We don't have any friends here.
All we do is fight villains.

What about those kids
we hung out with last week?

That was Squid Man
and his evil hench-squids.

No wonder they kept
spitting ink at me.

Oh, isn't this nice, Hank?

We finally get a night
of being a regular family.

Everything okay down there?

No, it's been three years

and I still can't get
a good butt groove going.

Alert! Alert!
Crime in progress.

"Crime" is a little strong.

He's just rubbing his butt
into the couch.

No, Mom,
he means an actual crime.

Excuse us, Chloe.

Accessing crime lab.

That was the T.V. remote.

Latitude 19.6 degrees west,

longitude 2.4 degrees north.

Pulling up the street camera.

The Metroburg Bank.

Looks like Blue Flame's making
some after-hours withdrawals.

- We better take this.
- Concur.

Guys, you agreed
to a Family Night weeks ago.

Let another supe take this.

Exactly. Assistant,
who's on call tonight?

- The V-Team.
- Ooh!

I hear they're great.

Access profile
for V-Team.

There's a new
superteam in town.

And they're kicking
some super butt!

* Fighting villains,
solving crimes *

* They're the superpowered
heroes *

* Who will blow your mind *

Hi, we're the V-Team.
We love fighting villains... up
after ourselves...

...and we're a rock band.

* Superheroes, rockin' band *

* They're the coolest
superhero team *

* In all the land *

We approve this message
because it's awesome.

The V-Team.

That is the dumbest thing
I've ever seen.

That band rocks!

I wanna buy their song!

Adding to Billy's
"Bath Time Mix."

Oh, yeah!

Guys, we're taking this mission.

I'm never gonna be the best
if I let other supes

do my work for me.

Especially not some
rock star wannabes

with clothes
that light up.

Which reminds me:
Why don't our clothes light up?

Guys, you promised us
a Family Night.

- Sorry, Mom, we're the bosses.
- Suit up, T-Force.

Don't worry, Barb.

They can stop Family Night,

but they can't stop
the chili!

Okay, T-Force. Night protocol.

- Block all available exits.
- Let's bring the thunder.

Remember, the sooner we're done,

the sooner we're eating
Family Night chili!

Hey, Blue Flame,
we can do this the easy way,

or the-- Oh!

Hard way it is. Max?

Way ahead of you. To the sky!


Anyone got a clear shot?

I sure do!

Sky selfie!

I got photobombed
by the V-Team.

The V-Team?

V-Team! Ready...

- ...For...
- ...Action!

Whoa, it's really them!

Hey, guys!

V-Team, stand down.
This is our mission.

You look tired.
We'll take it from here.

And steal our glory?
I don't think so.

Yeah, we're not sharing credit

with a bunch of light-up

Nora, fire when ready.

That suit looks like
it's laser-resistant.

Just do it!
We are not losing this.

If the blast gets repelled,
no telling where it will go.

Guys, V-Team's closing in.
Quit stalling!

Nora, take the shot!
That's an order!




Plasma blast!

Villain down.
No need to thank us.


Come on, let's go.

Okay, so things got
a little messy.

We crushed someone
with a giant donut!

My follower count.

My Maximillions are down
to Maxithousands!

Plus Family Night was ruined.

- Mom, this is serious.
- Quit joking around!

Alert! Alert!
President Kickbutt approaching!

Oh, relax. I'm sure she hasn't
heard what happened.

I heard what happened!

In light of this evening's

I'm afraid the T-Force
is hereby...


Thanks, Your Highness.

Billy, that means we're fired.

Not cool, Your Highness.

Are you serious?

But the T-Force is
the most successful team

in Hero League history.

The rules say
anyone who injures a supe

in the line of duty

must be fired.

But the V-Team
crashed our mission.

They caught the perp!

You knocked over
a two-ton donut.


Good luck finding a team
that can replace us.

V-Team, reporting...

- ...For...
- ...Duty.

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

They're new,

but their success
has been remarkable.

And they can really rock.

Yeah, they can!

Ow! You know it's true.


we have some mighty big
super-shoes to fill.

Come on, team.
Let's help them pack their junk.

- Oh, hold me back.
- No, hold me back!

I'm sorry.

Turn in your supersuits
and be out by noon tomorrow.

But where are we supposed to go?

We're back in Hiddenville, baby.

Alert! Alert!
Welcome home, Thundermans.

Would it have k*lled you
to say goodbye?

I can't believe we're back.

I know,
it looks exactly the same.

Right? It's like we never left.

- It's more like we left...
- Kicked butt for three years.

...had a mission ruined
by superjerks.

- Got fired.
- Came back to wallow in shame.

Okay, you two,
maybe it isn't ideal,

but at least
we're still a family.

Just try and make
the best of it.

Stop mocking me.

Come on. Let's go shopping
for high school clothes.

We're going to high school?

Yeah, we finally get to be
around other teenagers.

And get a well-rounded

Who cares?

Oh... I missed you,
old friend.

Hank, do you and your butt
groove want to be alone?

For a few minutes, Barb. Thanks.

I'm kidding, of course.

I'll see you later.

- What do we do now, Max?
- Never use the couch again?

No, I mean this.
It's all so weird.

If we're not superheroes
anymore, who are we?

We are superheroes, Phoebe.

we still have our powers.

That's really old.

I still don't get it.

We never summoned the V-Team.
Why'd they even show up?

Phoebes, don't worry
about the V-Team.

They're already regretting
taking our jobs.

Because they know they can't
live up to our legacy?

No, because I put glue
on all the toilet seats.

One good thing
about getting fired?

I have my own private
lair again.

So the dog says,

"Flea shampoo? I didn't even
know they had hair."

Human! Run for it!

Hey, come back.
The party's just started.

There's no humans here.

Hey, Colosso.

Aah! Max!

What are you doing back?

We got replaced.


Who could possibly replace
Max Thunderman

and his annoying family?

These three supes called
the V-Team.

Hey, Max, I was thinking--


Hey! It's Phoebe!

Listen, I heard what happened,

and I want you to know, well,

I'm here for you.


Yup, felt gross to me too.

Anyway, I was thinking
about what Mom said,

about making the best of it,

and, I mean, superheroes
help people, right?

So I'm gonna figure out
how I can help people

here in Hiddenville.

Loser talk!

Excuse me?

You guys have superpowers.

You should use them
to incite fear and terror!

Hmm. You mean, like this?

See, she gets it.

You're right, Colosso,

I am gonna use my superpowers.

To incite fear and terror?

To get a job.

Need to make some money
to rebuild the Max brand.

What do you guys have
against fear and terror?

Making waffles on a school day.

Really takes me back.

We may not be superheroes

but we're still super parents.

Morning! No time to sit.

These look great. Thanks!
Got to go! Bye!

Whoa, slow down.
What is the big rush?

We have friends to make.

Do you have everything you need
for school?

Cool teen clothes to fit in
with our peers.

Some surefire
conversation starters.

"That new band is fire."

"Parents, am I right?"

And a hundred sticks
of beef jerky.

Nothing says friendship
like cured meat.

Any pens, notebooks?
Maybe a ruler?

- Dad, it's not about that.
- Nora!

You want a bow for school?

No, thanks!

It's like they don't need us

Thank goodness our baby
still needs us.


There's our little fifth-grader.

Oh, she's got her backpack
and her--

- skateboard?
- Skateboard?

Max gave it to me.

Now that we're not
superheroes anymore,

I can do all sorts of fun stuff
without you guys protecting me.

Did you hear that, Hank?

Chloe doesn't want us
to protect her.

She doesn't need us
anymore either.

I'm frightened, Hank.

It's okay, Barb,

maybe it's time for Mommy
and Daddy bird

to step aside
and let our baby birds


She's using the toaster

Oh, not on our watch!

Parents, am I right?

Oh, hey, look. It's that
Principal Bradford guy.


You must be our two new
students, huh?

Let's see here.
We got Billy and Nora



Are you kidding me?

Are you two the siblings of...

those other ones?

Oh, you mean Max and Phoeb--

Don't say their names.

Those two delinquents
ruined my life.

You seem fine now.

When they left town,

it was like a cloud was lifted.

I stopped sleeping
at the school,

got back together with Janet,

and I grew this awesome

Hey, boss.
P-tail's looking tight!

Thanks, dawg,
just had it blown out.

So what'll it take
to keep you two away, huh?

Money, candy, fake I.D.s?

We could just
stay out of your way.


Playing the long game, huh?

Arrgh! That's just what
they would do!

Move. Now. Move!

Time to make friends.

Remember, don't use our powers.

We want people to like us
for us.


We heard your last name's

- Do you have superpowers?
- I sure do. Check it out!

No way!

Did you see that?

Nora, I thought you said
don't use our powers.

I know, I panicked.
I really want friends.

Hey, check it out.

- Cherry!
- Phoebe!

Reunion selfie.

I missed you so much.

Me too.

I've been auditioning
new Phoebes,

but no one's
working out.

Good one.

Harriet, I told you no.

I'm so sorry
you lost your job.

Oh, it's okay. I'm fine.

Fresh start.

I wanna get a job.

One where I can still
help people.

I have a job where I help
people all day.

- You work at Splatburger?
- Uh-huh.

Can we get our check?

It's on the house.


I don't even know
what that means!

It means you got
a lot of happy customers.

O.M.G., I have the best idea.

You should work here with me!

Ooh, you want me to work
for Mrs. Wong?

It's okay, she's completely
different now.

Phoebe Thunderman?

Hi, Mrs. Wong.

Oh! This brings back so many

bad memories.

I thought you said
she was different now.

I meant she lost the accent.

She's still really mean.

Mrs. Wong,

what do you think of the idea
of Phoebe working here?

I'd love that!

- You would?
- Yes.

I'd have a famous celebrity
working in my restaurant.

And you'd be humiliated.


Come back to the kitchen
and I'll show you what to do

when the raccoons
get into the tater tots.

It's so sweetcheous you're back,

Thanks, guys.
Stoked to rejoin the band.

And sorry you had to fire
your old lead singer.

Ah, don't sweat it.

Grandpa Giddy understands.

Curse you, Max Thunderman!

Ah, I miss this terrible food.

Careful, Max,

Wong installed microphones
at every table

to shut down complainers.

Oh, you don't like the fries?

Then say bye to your fries!

So, Wolfgang,
what are you up to?


That's what I thought.

Is that your mom?

Tell her I'm still single.

Still not cool, Gideon.

Probably a customer
for my new business,

"Superpowers By The Hour."

I put up flyers all over town.

Yeah, this is Max.

I'm available. How's 2:00 p.m.?

Take that!



I'm such a butter-claws.

I've got visitors
for Dark Mayhem,

King Crab, and the other guy.

Strongdor have name too!

Hey, Leon, think fast!

Thank you, guard,
we'll take it from here.

Listen up, villains,

we're in charge now,
so show a little respect.

What happened
to the Thundermans?

Those second-rate cape jockeys?

We kicked 'em to the curb
and sent them on their way...


I told you our kids
wouldn't let us down.

Now please, take off
those hideous disguises.

Hey! Him Strongdor son!

Oh, I just can't get over it.

You all look so tall and evil.

Stand up straight, pumpkin.

O.M.G., Dad. Cringe.

I'm not a kid,
I'm a full-on princess.

Looks like Dark Mayhem, Jr.,

forgot his cape and mask.

I don't do capes, Dad.

And this ocular blaster's lit.

But I wear a mask.

Yeah, and no one knows what
you're saying half the time.

You're like,.


Guys, guys,
this is a prison cell.

Let's keep it civil.

Now where are the Thundermans?

Back in Hiddenville.

They were positively

Wife send boy
to fancy boarding school.

Now him talk weird.


With the Thundermans
out of the picture,

you can release us
and we can finally

resume our evil plans.

- Yeah, about that--
- Show 'em what we've got, boys!

One, tap into everyone's

and transmit the hypnotic
message for them to obey us.

What's a landline?

Two, invite every superhero
to an outdoor Macarena contest--

Yeah, we get it. You're old.

Look, here's the thing,

we've decided
to do our own plan.

We're totes gonna create a
worldwide army of supervillains.

With a secret item
the Hero League

has been guarding
for over 100 years.

Oh, do you hear that, Strongdor?

There's a secret item.

It's cool, guys.

We'll just do our plans
when their dumb one fails.


Listen up, boomer.

You had your chance
and you blew it.

Now it's time for me
to make a name for myself!

Your name's literally
Dark Mayhem, Jr.!

Come on, we're out of here.

- Nepo baby.
- What?


Wait, aren't you going
to let us out?

O.M.G, Dad,
it's not always about you.

- Let's bounce.
- Cheerio!

Thanks for the ride home,

Any time. Being seen
on the Splat Scooter

really ups my cool factor.

So, how was work?

Fantastic. How about yours?


We have to get
our jobs back! I know!

Mrs. Wong made me use
my freeze breath

to make burger grease slushies.

Mr. Fustarellio made me use
my heat breath

to make homemade candles.

- That doesn't sound so bad.
- From his ear wax.

We have to convince President
Kickbutt to hire us back.

She fired the entire T-Force.


But she didn't fire...

the Tree Force!

You want us to fight crime
dressed as apple trees?

Yes! We'll have cool,
apple-based weapons

and nicknames.
Dad, you're "Red Delicious."

- Mom, you're "Pink Lady."
- Can I be "Granny Smith"?

You just made the Tree Force!

You guys seem
a little desperate.

- Uh-huh.
- You think?

We just can't give up
this easily.

Can't you talk with President
Kickbutt and reason with her?

Yeah, how do you guys stand
not being superheroes?

Actually, you guys may not want
to hear this, but...

we don't wanna be
the T-Force anymore.

Because you want to be
the Tree Force, right?


No, because you guys were
kind of tough to work for.

Between Phoebe's obsession
with being the best

and Max's with being
the best-looking,

you forgot that we are a family.

What are you talking about?
We spent 24/7 together.

We spent 24/7 with Thunder Girl
and Swoosh Boy,

but you had us work all the time

so you could get
more superhero glory.

This is crazy. You guys miss
being superheroes, don't you?

It feels nice to finally
make friends.

I got invited to the skate park

- What?
- What?

First the avocado toast,
now this.

All right, well, maybe you're
all done being superheroes,

but we're not.

Some of us have
some self-respect.

Come on, Max.

How can they say
we don't care about family?

We're the ones who hired them
to be on the T-Force.

I know. And your need to be the
best helped make us successful.

- Thank you!
- Even if it was annoying.

Thank you. Wait, what?

Well, like they said...

you could be a little demanding.

How am I demanding?

I demand you tell me
how I was demanding!

Hey, they said it.

I'm just agreeing
a thousand percent.

A least I cared
about my job.

All you cared about
were your followers

and how your swoosh looked
on the cover of Supe Magazine.

She can hear you!

Don't listen to the mean lady.

You know what?

Maybe the T-Force is over.

I'm gonna get my job back
by myself.

From now on,
call me the "Pheeb Force."

Fine. Then I'm getting
my job back by myself.

Dweeb Force.

How did I not see that coming?

- * Superheroes, rockin' band *

* They're the coolest superhero
team in all the la-- *

What are you doing?

Uh, not rocking out
to the V-Team's terrible song?

Those light-up-pajama-wearing


You know, Max,

these V-Teamers look familiar,
like I've met them before.

And how would you
have met them?

They're superheroes,
you're a supervillain.

they're not superheroes.

Give me that.

What-- What are you doing?

Running their images through
a facial recognition app

to see if there's any pics
from their past.

I got a hit!

Looks like a picture of them
at summer camp eight years ago.

The girl has a crab claw.

Max! That's how I know them!

I was their counselor
at Camp Evil Weevil!

- What?
- They're the kids

of Dark Mayhem, King Crab,
and Strongdor.

So the V-Team are villains?

Posing as heroes
to do their evil

from inside
the Hero League.

And if I expose them,

then President Kickbutt
will fire them and take me back!

Where's my old supersuit?

Your supersuit? Uh...

Is that it in your cage?

I just used it
as a soothing blankie.

But you might want to pop it
in the wash.


I better hurry up
and expose them

before Phoebe
figures it out.

Yeah, right!

Like she's smart enough
to figure it out on her own.

Camp Evil Weevil?

The V-Team are villains!

The "V" stands for "Villain."

Better act fast
before Max finds out.

Time for Thunder Girl
to get back her J.O.B.

Dweeb Force, away!

Dangit! Now I'm saying it.

Can you heat up my pizza, Nora?

Sure, Jonah.

Can you laser a "Z"
on my locker?

No problem, Zoe.

That's so cool.

Hey, I'm Billy.

You want some beef jerky?

I guess we're going with powers.

I'm Billy Thunderman,

the fastest dude on Earth.

Billy, what are you doing?

Who wants to see my powers
in action?

Can you get me an Italian ice
from Italy?

Can you super-speed to the top
of Mt. Metroburg?

No way! Look!

So, what else do you guys want?

Billy, you're stealing
all my friends.

I'm just doing
what you're doing.

Well now, I'm doing this.


What in Aunt Sally's Clam Shack
is going on here?


- Oopsie.
- Oopsie.

Don't look at me.

I'm hideous!

Oh, we've been looking
for hours.

The secret item isn't here.

It has to be here!

The ancient Hero League book
says it's guarded

by the League's
longest-serving hero,

and that's Thunderman.

Ermahgerd, can you guys mute it?

I'm trying to concentrate.

You could help, you know.

Mm, ransacking's a lot,
and I'm a princess.

Of what?
Freak Claw Island?

Of kicking your
fake British butt!

Guys! Guys!

Let's settle this like we
used to at Camp Evil Weevil.

Not rock, paper, lasers!

Too late! Rock, paper, lasers...


Now keep looking!


- Shh!
- Max, what are you doing here?

Stopping the V-Team
without you, so beat it.

- No way, you beat it!
- No, you beat it!

Someone's coming, let's go.

Ah-ha! I found something.

Keys to the Hero League
mega yacht.

- We had a mega yacht?
- Shh!

Key card to the designer
utility belt closet.

We had a designer
utility belt closet?



- Is that Blobbin?
- Yup, right on time.

With that helicopter,

we can spy on Chloe while she
skateboards with her friends.

You mean, lovingly watch her
and be the protective parents

that she still so clearly needs.

Yeah, what you said.


Bring it in, you two.

- Oh!
- Thanks for coming, Blobbin!

Oh, of course! When my family
says they need a helicopter,

they get a helicopter.


The T-11 Blob-copter
is perfect

for saving that stranded
bald eagle family.

- Saving the--
- Yeah...

that's what we're using it for,
Barb, remember?

We'll return it good as new.

Oh, no! It's a gift.

I have eighteen more.
I'm very rich.

Yes, I recall.

Oh! There's my ride back.

It's our latest model,
completely pilotless.

Pilotless? Isn't that dangerous?

Oh, no, Barb.

Safety comes first at BlobCo.

See, first we drop the ladder...

- Oh!
- And then,

I have fifteen seconds
to climb on board

before it flies away.

Oh, give the family a great
big hug from Cousin Blobbin.

Will do! Thanks, Blobbin!

- Bald eagles, Hank?
- Want me to tell him the truth?

That we're spying
on our own daughter?

My foot's stuck!

You're probably right.
He wouldn't understand.

Let's go check out our chopper!

Hank? Barb?




So far, so good, Barb!

Chloe's got her helmet on

and has no idea
we're watching her.

You know,
we really should consider

writing a book on parenting.

Too busy!

Chloe needs us 24 hours a day.

Yeah, of course.
What was I thinking?

Hey, Cherry.
Yup, send 'em on up.

What was that about?

Oh, I ordered some Splat Shakes.

Cherry's delivering them
with Mrs. Wong's splat-a-pult.


Two strawberry Splat Shakes,

Oh! Ah!

Hank! What did you do?!

They came at me so fast, Barb!

Hank, you short-circuited
the steering.

We're gonna have to make
an emergency landing.

Mom and Dad?

Chloe! Wh... What a surprise!

Look, Barb.

- It's Chloe!
- Oh!

Hey, Chloe!

- Are you guys okay?
- Oh, yeah!

We're taking the Thunder Copter
out for a little spin.

- R-Right, Barb?
- Yeah, hey, we're all good.

Just resume your unmonitored

Were you guys spying on me?

Wh-- Wh--


No, we are not spying.

This is so embarrassing.

Can't I even go skateboarding
with my friends by myself?

You're such helicopter parents.

We are not.

You're holding a piece
of helicopter.

Oh, uh...

well, that is easy to explain.

Um, you see... Um...

Your mom did it!

Well, this is a nice surprise.

So, I guess you know our secret.

That you're weird and lame?
Not a secret.

No, that we're the children of--

Dr. Mayhem, King Crab,
and Strongdor?

Also not a secret.

Dang it! Stop knowing things!

We also know you framed us
and stole our jobs.

Tell us why.

To get our hands on something
the Hero League

has been guarding
for over a hundred years.

The Power Plant!

- The what now?
- The power who?

Don't pretend you don't know
about the Power Plant.

I'm still mad no one told us
about the mega yacht.

And the designer super-belt

Oh, girl, it's so dope.
I'd show it to you,

but we're probably gonna t*rture
you or blast you into space

- so what's the point?
- Enough!

Tell them about the plant.

According to
Ye Olde Book of Powers,

all of today's superheroes
and villains

can trace their DNA back
to a few ancient villagers,

who ate the seeds
of a mysterious plant,

giving them superhuman powers.

How are you British?

The Hero League has been
secretly guarding it

for centuries.

Because in the wrong hands,
a person could create

a super-powered army
to do their bidding.

So how long were you stuck
to the toilet seats?

Two days!

Now tell us where
the Power Plant is,

or the swoosh gets it!

Not the swoosh!
Not the swoosh! Please!

See, now you know
we're telling the truth.

He'd give up his own grandmother
to save his swoosh.

I guess Thunder Man knows
how to keep a secret.

Looks like we'll have to get it
out of him ourselves.

So, what do we do with them?

We'll take them
to the Mayhem Cafe.

Mayhem Cafe.
Doesn't sound so bad.

Do you ever get tired
of being wrong?

Yeah, sometimes.

Welcome to my dad's old lair.

An homage to his hatred
of the Thundermans.

Oh, how he longed
to trap you all in this booth

and inflict its torments on you.

And we had
my birthday parties here.

Those parties
were smashing!

You'll never get away with this.

Our family will come looking as
soon as they realize we're gone.

Oh? Did you tell them
where you were going?

I knew it.

Families are just a burden
to talents like us.

But don't worry,

we'll say hi for you.

Fire up the jet!

Destination: Hiddenville!

System online.

Max and Phoebe Thunderman

Loading personalized tortures.


Like being trapped in here
with you isn't t*rture enough?

Greetings, Max and Phoebe.

Dark Mayhem? Let us out!

Yeah, unlock this thing!

Welcome to my
pre-recorded guide

to your torment session.

Say "yes" to continue.

- No!
- No!

Great. Let's begin.


you've tangled with some
monstrous villains in your day.

But are you prepared
for the horror of

Max's old gym socks?

So this is where my socks went!

It smells like wet dog
dipped in hot trash.

Come on, it's not that bad.

Let's add some lightning
to the mix.

Uh, what?

Ow! Ow!

- Ow!
- No! Ow! Oh, my butt!

Ah! Ah!

Max, your threshold for pain
is high,

but can it withstand

Phoebe's middle school
valedictorian speech?

And so, as we embark
on our next chapter of life...

Ugh! Can I do more lightning

...let's thank the teachers
who helped us on our journey.

Mrs. Cunningham,
who taught us to love calculus.


Turn it off!

Monsieur Dworkin, who made us
say "oui" to French...


How was your day
at the skatepark, Chloe?

Mom and Dad spied on me
from a helicopter.

Then crashed in front of all
my friends. How was school?

Nora and I used our powers
to compete for friends

and then we seared off
the principal's ponytail.

- Good talk.
- Yeah.

Kids, have you seen Max
and Phoebe?

They've been gone all day.

Did you try using binoculars?

I told you she was still mad.

What's that?

It sounds like the Thunder Jet.

Alert! Alert!
V-Team approaching.

What are they doing here?

Maybe their band is playing

Lasering the lock?

Classic rock star!

Nobody move!


That's the V-Team?

Yup, it sure is.

Hey, guys, it's your old
camp counselor,

Dr. Colosso.

Dr. Colosso was a human

with beady eyes
and sweating issues.

And you used to have freckles.
What's your point?

Hand over the Power Plant,
Thunder Man!

- Power Plant? Never heard of it.
- No?

Maybe this will help you

- Bees, they're everywhere!
- Make it stop!

My babies! Hank!

Please, give them
what they want.

If I do,

will you tell us where
Max and Phoebe are?

Of course.

What is it, Dad?

Something I vowed
to protect forever.

Look at it!

Each red pod teeming with seeds,

enough to make
ten thousand supervillains!

What if it's a fake?

Good point.

Better test it.

Who here doesn't have


I told you to stay in the lair.

You fiend!

He's just a dumb squirrel.

Did I say dumb?
I meant really cool.


Mad squirrel!


- Yup, it's real.
- To the jet!

Wait, what about Max
and Phoebe?

You said you'd tell us
where they are!

We're villains, we lied!

I can't wait
for their new album.

Hank, what do we do?

I'll follow their jet and hope
they lead me to him.

Thunder Man, away!

Alert! Alert!

Sensors indicate
a dome-like structure

materializing over Hiddenville.

A dome?
Do they have that power?

Daddy go boom.

Aah! Bees, they're everywhere.

Make it stop!

Where'd they go?

That concludes
the simulated bees portion

of the t*rture program.


They seem so real.

Well, this was fun.

On to the final phase
of your session.

Please choose from
the following options.

Say "one" to meet a slow
and painful demise.

Say "two" to be set free.

- Two!
- Two!

You have selected "one."

Initiating now.


- Max, what is that?
- I'm not sure.

I'll try to freeze it.

Nothing. I'll try heat breath.

Liquid mercury,

impervious to heat
and freeze breath,

is now filling the t*nk.

In twelve minutes
it will fill completely.

Goodbye, Max and Phoebe.

The glass is unbreakable

and the mercury's impervious
to our powers.

Max, what about our twin power?

Ew! You want us to hold hands?

Would you rather drown
in liquid mercury?

Kind of.

Fine, all right.

Didn't even crack it!

Maybe this really is the end.


Phoebe, I want to apologize.

Yeah, "Dweeb Force"
was kind of hurtful!

No, not that.

I meant,
my quest for fame,

it was selfish and annoying.

Oh. Max, it doesn't matter now.

No, I want to explain.

The reason I wanted to be famous
was because...

because I know you're
a better supe than I am.

What do you mean?

See, I can never work
as hard as you

and make all those
amazing plans.

I thought, if I couldn't be
as good as you,

maybe I could be more famous.

That's funny.

The whole reason I wanted to be
the best is because of you.

What do you mean?

I mean, when you were evil,
it was easy

to be Mom and Dad's

Then you became
this great superhero

and I didn't feel as special.

I thought maybe if I could be
the best supe ever,

I could get that feeling back.

No wonder our family
hated working with us.

We were just thinking
of ourselves.

I know, we've both been
a couple of total

party favors.

I would have gone with "jerks"

No, Max, look.
A leftover party favor bag

from one of Mayhem Jr.'s
old birthdays.

You know what supervillains
give as party favors?

- Dangerous things.
- Uh-huh!

Maybe our telekinesis can reach.

Let's see what we've got.

- Brass knuckles.
- A vile of poison.

Exploding sushi
refrigerator magnet!


I bet the fish eggs
contain nitroglycerin.

Hang on, this might get messy.

We did it!

Dark Mayhem could never
outsmart us.

- Unauthorized escape.

Instituting emergency protocol.

Lair will self-destruct
in 20 minutes.

Unless he rigged his lair
to blow up.

Here, Hank,
it's a bag of frozen peas.

Oh, thanks. I'm starving.

They're for your head.

Boy, that must have been
some hit.

The dome's too strong, Barb.

Chloe can't even teleport out.

Hey, look what I found.

A blue seed pod?

Must have fallen off the Power
Plant when the V-Team ran out.

If the red ones make

do the blue ones make

They do. Wait a minute.

Are you saying what I think
you're saying?

Don't panic,
Billy, you got this.

It's just a simple yes or no.

You have half a chance
of being right.


where is the nearest place

that the dome
touches the ground?

Uh, the city limits
in Hiddenville Park.

Kids, gather everyone we know

and meet us in the park.

Tell them we need their help
to save Max and Phoebe.

- Right.
- Right!


Hello, Animal Control?

I am a human homeowner

with a bit
of a squirrel problem.

Is it urgent?

Yeah, you might say that.

Excuse me. Thanks for coming,

What's this all about,

I'll tell you what it's about.

These super-dummies are back
for two days

and suddenly we live
in a snow globe.

I don't have time to explain,

but Max and Phoebe
are in mortal danger.

They need your help.

Dude, say no more.

- I'm in.
- Me too.

Anything for Barb.

Why should we help Max
and Phoebe?

They're so annoying!

Yeah, their mini-me
zapped off my ponytail.

And now Janet says
she wants to...

take a break.

Come on. Let's go!

Hey! Listen up.

Max and Phoebe have always
been there for you guys.

Don't you even remember?

I do.

Like that time
they saved the prom.

And kept that Candy girl

from turning the town
into mindless zombies.

Oh, I was gonna say
the prom one,

but there's probably others.

So now it's your turn
to help them.

So quit being a bunch
of weenies,

and get with the program.



I don't have a ponytail anymore,
so who cares?

So what do you need from us?

I just need you guys

to open up your mouths

for the next few seconds.

I knew they'd make it weird.


Another Thunderman floppo.

Well, back to my horrible life.

What the-- My pants just ripped!



Holy handballs, I'm huge!

And blue!

I have an iron fist!

Oh! My fingers sh**t
pretty sparkles!

Ah! I'm a human tornado!

I have awesome power burps.

- It worked!
- Okay, everyone,

we need to concentrate
our powers on the dome

and try to bust it open.

Come on, everyone gather.
Gather! Good.

And... Hit it!

I think it's working!

Guys, we did it!

Thundermans, assemble!

Chloe, do you think
you could teleport us all

back to Metroburg?

I think so. Everyone hold hands.

Self-destruct in 45 seconds.

Max, I found the keypad
to the security system,

but it requires a password.

I'll try "evil."


Try "Beyonce."
Who doesn't like Beyonce?

Still nothing.
Plus, I feel dumber.

Twenty seconds.

Any chance this is just
a horrible dream?

We'll know in eighteen seconds.

There they are!

This place is about to blow up.
We don't know the password.

What? Grab our hands.
We'll teleport out of here.

We can't! It takes me a minute
to recharge.

- Five... four... three...
- Password, huh?

- ...two... one...
- Think I might know it.

System punched.
Sequence canceled.

- Oh!
- Yeah!

Dad, you did it!

But how did you guys find us?

Well, it was the only
building in town

with a neon sign saying,

"Die, Thundermans, die," so.

Guys, why didn't you tell us
the V-Team were villains?

We should have.
We were so desperate

to get our glory back,
we weren't thinking straight.

We totally get why you didn't
want to work with us before.

Could you ever forgive us?

Let me guess, you thought
you were gonna die,

admitted a bunch of personal
stuff to each other?

- Exactly.
- Pretty much.

Yes, of course we forgive you.

But, guys, we have to stop
the V-Team

from creating an army
of villains.

They got the Power Plant?
We have to find them!

Well, if I wanted to rain seeds
down on everyone,

I'd start at the highest point
in Metroburg.

Where's that?

You know this, Billy.

It was on the sign that you got
for that kid.



The highest point in Metroburg
is Mt. Metroburg,

with an elevation
of 14,220 feet.

Guys, why is everyone
just standing around?


We're savoring the moment.

I've finished grinding the seeds
into dust.

Place it in the containment

What's the magic word?

Right away.

You broke us out of prison

to sit on a freezing

Strongdor doesn't like missing
bingo night.

Strongdor like bingo.

We brought you here
so you can see

what a real evil plan
looks like.

Oh! They're doing
our Macarena thing.

No, we're launching a drone

to rain red-powdered seeds
down on everyone,

and morph them
into an army of supervillains!

I guess that's pretty cool.

Then we three will subjugate
the superheroes of the world

and rule like emperors!

And give your dads cushy jobs?

Oh, let me think about that. No.

Wow, Mayhem, your kid hates you.

Shut it, Dad.

You don't always
have to say things.

Do not snap that claw at me,
young lady.

Anyway, I recalibrated
the thrust transducers

so we can rule the world
and junk.


Let the era of villainy begin!

Step away from the drone,

- Thundermans!
- Thundermans!

- Dark Mayhem!
- Electress!

- King Crab?
- And me, Strongdor!

Attack on my order!

No, Dad, this is our thing!

Yes, the Thundermans
will just spank your bottoms

like they always do.

Hey, our bottoms are firm.

We take spin class with
Warden Patty three days a week.

Thundermans, attack!

It's been a long time, Max.

- Not long enough.
- Aw, come now.

Don't you want to...

catch up?

How'd you escape my dad's lair?

'Cause I'm a superhero,
not a brat with a mask.

Nice mask.

Mom, I wanna help.

No, sweetie, it's too dangerous.

Stay back here and don't move.

Have at you, sir.

Your super-punches are no match
for this barnacled beauty.


I can't fight you. I sh**t
electricity from my hands.

All you have is a claw.

Oh, you're right.
I better do this.

I wonder if they like slap tag.

Billy, we can't keep
doing this forever.

Let's hope they don't know that.


Ah! Oh!

Look around, Thunder Girl,

your family is doomed.

And they get to watch you
go first.

I can do this all night.

Say your prayers, Thunder Man.


Going ice skating?

No, but you are.

Mom, hold out your hands.

- * Let's k*ll tonight *

* k*ll tonight *

* Show them all
you're not the ordinary type *

- What the--
- * Let's k*ll tonight *

I hate where this is going.


First no bingo,
now meat in face.

This was your plan,
to make them even madder?

It'll work. Just wait for it.

- Billy!
- Wait!





- Thanks, partner.
- Yeah.

- Your swoosh is messy.
- Don't care.

Let's finish this.

* Let's k*ll tonight *

* k*ll tonight *

* Let's k*ll tonight *

* k*ll tonight *

* Show them all
you're not the ordinary type *

* Let's k*ll tonight *


Guys, we did it!

- Hey, hey!
- See?

Nothing's stronger than family.

Except... evil!


Dad, catch it before
it releases all the seeds.

I can't,
it's twice as fast as me.

What's the point, Max?

I already won.

I can't believe I put you
in my Bath Time Mix.

We have to do something.

If those seeds are released,
they'll create

tens of thousands
of supervillains

and this world turns evil

- I can do it.
- Do what, Chloe?

Teleport someone to the drone.

- What?
- No. No, out of the question.

Guys, I'm ready.

And I'm a Thunderman.

It's what we do.

Remind you of anyone?


- Guys, I believe her.
- Me, too.

She wants to save the world,

Okay, but your father and I
are going with you.

- No, no way. I'm going.
- Max!

Dad, that's an X-terra 5 drone,
okay? I know how it's wired.

And, Phoebe,
I'll need your telekinesis.

To retrieve the seed container
and bring it back to Dad.

I don't know.

Uh, guys?
Evil drone flying away?

Come on.

We love you guys.

We love you too.

Great job, Chloe!
Hold on to that while we work.

I'll disable the power.

That'll release
the seed container

- so you can tele-k it out!
- Got it!

- You're good!
- Okay!

- Got it!
- Okay, let's get out of here.

Without power, this thing's
gonna crash any second.

I can't see anything.


I can't teleport us
unless we're all touching!

Phoebe, hurry,
we're going down fast!

Max, take the seeds!

- Got 'em!
- Go without me!

- What? No, we're not leaving!
- Don't be ridiculous.

Take Chloe and the seeds,
get back to the family.

Not gonna happen!
We're not a family without you!

I'll reach out!
Try to touch my hand.


No. Please, no.


Kids! What--

Chloe, you did it!
You saved the world!

- Here's these, Dad.
- Oh.

Also, I was wrong.

This one's gonna be
the best supe ever.

- You guys tied up the villains.
- Yeah, we did.

Can we go hit stuff
with their hammers?

- Of course.
- Go nuts.

- Good job, Chloe.
- Thanks, Dad.

We're sorry we treated you
like a little kid.

It's just...
you're growing up so fast,

we were afraid
you didn't need us anymore.

I'll always need you guys.
No matter how big I get.

How come we never
talk like that?

- Because... shut up!
- Are you kidding me?

Five, six, seven.

- Oh!
- Up top!

Five hundred gumdrops, buddy.

Thunder chili is served.

Billy, we just got invited
to our first high school party.

- Cool!
- Can I come?

Just kidding. Text me the deets.

You know,
I hate to admit it,

but I missed you guys
when you were gone.

- Even you, Hank.
- Thanks, Colosso.

And you missed me too, right?

Thanks, Colosso.

Alert! Alert!
President Kickbutt approaching.

What now?

Sorry to interrupt your evening,

I've come to apologize.

- Really?
- Yes.

Firing the best superheroes
in the Hero League

was the hardest thing
I've ever had to do.

And I once had dinner
with Inside-Out Man.

We understand. Rules are rules.

The rules said I had to fire you

for injuring a fellow supe.

But since the V-Team
weren't actually supes,

I'd like to offer you
your jobs back.

If... you'll take them back.

We'll do it under one condition.

I'll name Phoebe my VP

and have a team of stylists
available to Max 24/7.

Not that, but thank you.

We'd like this house to be
the new T-Force headquarters.

So we can always
put family first.


this is highly unusual...

and I'm honored to welcome the
T-Force back to the Hero League!

I'll have your badges and suits
delivered in the morning.

And the keys to the mega yacht.

And designer utility belt

All right!

Which one of you blabbermouths

spilled the beans?

Thunder Monitor?

Way ahead of you.

- And where were we?
- Let's get that chili going.

- Yeah!
- Yeah, let's!

Hang on.
Does anyone else

have the feeling
that we forgot something?

What was that?

The Blue Hunk,

reporting for duty.

Don't forget Iron Punch.

Ow! That was my foot.

Hey! You blew out my sparkles!

Where is everybody?

This might be a problem.

One we can deal with later?

Great! Back to Family Night.

- How about that chili?
- Let's go!

- Me first!
- Chili time!

I call butt groove!

We've been
watching you, Colosso.

My colleagues and I
were wondering

if you'd be interested
in a little assignment.

I'm listening.
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