06x149 - Sparkle in Scandal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hamtaro". Aired: July 7, 2000.*
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Series involves the adventure of a brave and childlike hamster named Hamtaro, with his Ham-Ham friends.
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06x149 - Sparkle in Scandal

Post by bunniefuu »

Sparkle's scandal! Nano!

Today Laura is going to see Travis and the others play soccer.

With this, it's all done!



I'm going, Hamtaro!

Have a good trip, Laura!

I'm going to see everyone too!

A basket?

Yeah, I though the team could eat something.

Everyone... you only want Travis to eat, right?

I-I didn't think of it that way.

Hey, Laura, since there's still time, do you want to go to the park for a while?

The park?


Yeah, Kana said she would be at the park.

Then Sparkle should be there too!

I want to see her, Oxnard!

Yeah, it has been a while!

Glitter Milk is the best!

Go get some!


Okay, well done!

Glitter, thanks for your work!

Thanks for your work!

I hope to work again with you!

Thank you!

Jeez, with these useless people... we are off schedule!



Laura Haruna and Kana Iwata...

It's been a while!

Of course, I'm busy with a lot of stuff.

I see.

I don't have time to slack like you girls. Why don't you return to school?

I've got to be careful while being around here.

Looks like there's no one around!

Good morning, Sparkle!

Nice to see you.

There you are!


Let's play, Sparkle!

Wait for me, Hamtaro!

I'm not playing. I don't want to know about you!


Sparkle, you're really quick!

Leave me alone!


Get ahold of yourself, Sparkle!

What beautiful flowers.

Are you okay, Hamtaro, Sparkle?

Yeah, Oxnard, it doesn't look like Sparkle is hurt!

I'm glad!

I told you to leave me alone! You're the worst!

What's wrong, Sparkle?

What's up, you say? Because you acted so reckless, those cameramen got an exclusive!



You're wrong, Sparkle!

Those are just some old grandpas!

That's right, even I understand it!

What are you saying?

They don't look like old men but like cameramen!

But it looks like they didn't even notice you.

I see, they were taking photos of the beautiful flowers!

Over there is another beautiful place!


Give me the photos!

Why is she making it up herself?

An idol's life is really busy!

We'll leave you with your work. We need to get going, Laura.

Yeah, we're going to be late to the field.

See you, Glitter!


Yeah, Travis and the soccer team will play a match at the field.

Oh, you should've told me earlier! I want to go too!

But Glitter, don't you have work to do?

It's okay, I can do that later!

So what, would it be bad if I go or something, Laura Haruna?

T-That's not it.

I don't care about Laura Haruna.

But I'll be able to get Travis's heart!

Eh, Sparkle came?

Then let's go and play with her!

Good idea!

W-Who are you?

I'm the cutest girl in the world, super idol Sparkle!


I see, Sparkle is performing an act!

You're wrong! You're the reason I'm wearing this!

Hamtaro's fault?

Because of you earlier, when you acted as my lover, I'll get in a scandal and lose my place as a super idol!

When he acted as your lover?

Lose your place?

NOTE: Due to the bad audio quality, it's hard to translate, and there's no literal translation for that, so I made up something, sorry.

Where's the fun?

Is it true? Hamtaro is with Sparkle?

Hamtaro! You did that without us knowing?

But those weren't Ham-Ham cameramen, but some old men.

Right, Oxnard?

I think Hamtaro is right.

At this rate, I will be harassed with questions!

Sparkle, is it true that you have a lover?

It's not. That was a misunderstanding.

Then who is the one who won your heart?

Are you planning to marry him?

You're wrong, you're wrong!

They won't let me explain!

If you put it that way...

you're really going to have problems.

Then what are you going to do, Sparkle?

It can't be helped. I guess I'll hide here from now on.

Even if I'd hate to!

We are okay with that!

That is big news!

Okay, let's go outside and play, Sparkle!

No way, we can't!


I told you earlier, the reporter cameramen are looking for me.

Look, there are a lot!

It's true! They're all carrying cameras!

You're wrong, Boss!

Those are old men and grandmas!

They don't look like the ones that would look for exclusives.

I do think they're old men too.

They're not. Don't let their looks deceive you!

I won't let them deceive me! They're indeed cameramen!

Listen to me, Laura Haruna, you can't let anyone know I'm an idol!

I just want to see Travis!


Glitter is so bossy.


What do you think you're doing?

Don't do horrible things to Travis!


You remember me? I was worried you got hurt!

Hey, don't get in the field! I understand your feelings, but you can't come here!

Who do you think you're talking to?

I don't care! Come on, hurry up and get out of here!

Roberto doesn't know about Glitter.

He probably doesn't care about idols.

Okay, then let's play at the Clubhouse!

Sparkle, what shall we play?

What are you guys saying? A place for a girl is different than for a boy!

I agree.

I'll go and choose my room.

Your own room, you say?

Who has this horrible taste?

I want a beautiful room! Everyone, help me!

W-Wait, Sparkle!

That is my room!

I don't care about it!

I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't his fault!

Take some responsibility for your friend!

We need to do something, Hamtaro.

Even if you say so...

It looks like the Clubhouse is in big trouble.

The Ham-Hams' Clubhouse is just as I wanted!

Dedicated to Mukumuku!

Why do I have to get out of my own room?

Boss looks troublesome.

I can understand. He got kicked out of his own room.

Okay, I'm going to talk to Sparkle!

Because we're friends, she'll understand that she should return Boss's room!



Sparkle, I want to talk with you!

What are YOU doing here?

Before coming into my room, you need to knock!

I-I'm sorry.

I've been thinking about my room.

I want to talk about it too.

I want a dance studio!

Dance studio?

I'm the super idol Sparkle!

I can't have fun in a place as reckless and boring as this!

Then we'll help you!

We'll help you build it, Sparkle!

Yay! Sounds fun!

You really like to decide things on your own.

You don't understand the privacy of a super idol!

Pra... Pra... Privacy?

You're wrong.

You're wrong!


It was a good joke.

Uhm, Sparkle...

Hamtaro, let's all build that studio!

You helped me build this clubhouse, so I want to help my friend build this!


With the help of all the Ham-Hams, it will be easy!

Let's do it, Hamtaro!

Okay, let's build it!



Yay! Dance studio is done!

Nano, nano, nano!

The super idol Sparkle is grateful!

What's wrong, Sparkle?

An idol must be fashionable, so I want a makeup room!

Leave it to us, Sparkle!


Yay! Makeup room is done!


Who am I? I am the cutest girl in the world, Sparkle!


Being an idol is really hard! I want a training room!

Training room?

Leave it to us, Sparkle!

Yay! Training room is done!


One, two, one, two...

T-There's more?

I would like a karaoke, and a bathroom, and there's a lot more I want!

Leave it to us!


It's dangerous to make so many rooms!

It might collapse.

Sparky, Sparky, really cute Sparkle...

NOTE: She said "Kuru", which is the first part of her name, so that's why I used "Sparky".

What's wrong?

It's falling!


What are you doing? We're hamsters! This is nothing!

That's right!

We need to save Sparkle!

But how are we going to find her?

Let's do our best, everyone!

There she is, Sparkle!

It's okay now!

We did it!

Thank goodness, Sparkle!

You're safe! We're happy!

You're wrong! After all, you guys are the worst!


I just wanted to hide.



He did it!

Travis, nice shot!

That was a pretty awesome left shot after he avoided the tackle!

W-What are you saying, Kana?

Anyway, you can hand him your food!


I'll do it for you!

Travis, well done! I supposed you would be hungry, so I made some sandwiches!

Please eat!

They look delicious!

Those are not for you, I made them for Travis.

What's wrong with this?

You eat on your own and then you complain?

Taste them yourself!

It's horrible.

I get that I put too much mustard.


Jeez, Laura Haruna!

I see, Haruna made those sandwiches.

That's why they're like that.

You shouldn't lie, Glitter.

I'm sorry.

These rolls are good, though!


Thanks, Haruna!


Hey, didn't you save some for me?

I'm glad for you, Laura!


This one is good too.

I really need to say that I don't like Hamtaro!

We know that.

As the cutest girl in the world, as a worldwide known idol, from now on I will only be Hamtaro's friend!

Yeah, let's be friends!

What are you saying now?

Not only Hamtaro, you'll always be a friend to all of us!


I totally didn't mean that.

Yay, Sparkle!

No matter what I say, I really hate the Ham-Hams!

Nano... Nano!

Today I went to cheer Travis with Kana and Glitter!

I'm glad Travis was happy to see me!

I'm glad I met Sparkle too!

Today was really fun, but tomorrow will be even better, right, Hamtaro?

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