02x07 - Municipal violations

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver". Aired: April 27, 2014 – present.*
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American late-night talk and news satire television program hosted by comedian John Oliver.
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02x07 - Municipal violations

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music playing]

[cheering, applause]

Welcome, welcome, welcome
to "Last Week Tonight."

I'm John Oliver.
Thank you for being with us.

Just time for a quick recap
of the week,

and we begin in Israel...

the opposite of Canada.

Now, Israel had
their election this week.

And despite being
behind in the polls,

Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu's
Likud Party won resoundingly,

which some credit
to Netanyahu's last-minute swing

to the even farther right.

The prime minister, Netanyahu,
yesterday said on his watch,

there's not gonna be
a Palestine.

There's not gonna be
a two-state solution.


So no two-state solution then.

But hold on,
let's not jump to conclusions.

Maybe he only said that
because he's planning
on a three-state solution,

Israel, Palestine,
and Bonus Palestine.

We don't know.
We don't know for sure.

Look, let's accept that,
in part due to that promise,

Netanyahu looks like
he's here to stay.

The problem that he
now has is

how is he going
to convince the US

that he is a credible partner
for negotiation,

given that he
explicitly said

he would not allow
a two-state solution,

but only a one-state solution.

I don't want
a one-state solution.

I want a sustainable, peaceful,
two-state solution,

but for that, circumstances
have to change.

Now that's pretty impressive,

because that is
a Michael Jackson level
of walking backwards.

He just demonstrated
the verbal gymnastics

of a guy caught being
too honest on his first date.

I don't want kids.
Wait, hold on, you want kids?

I love kids!

And in the right circumstances,
I could absolutely see myself
having them.

I never said
I don't want kids.

This is why what Netanyahu
just said is so amazing;

he was trying to escape
something that he'd said

that had left him
almost no wiggle room.

Man: Asked if that meant
there would be no
Palestinian state

if he were to continue
as prime minister,

Netanyahu responded,

How do you get out of that?

It's impossible.

I've got to say,
if he somehow escapes this,

he should go on the road
as Netanyahoudini.

Words cannot hold him.

Let's move on to Starbucks,

the acoustic Alanis Morissette
album with a coffeehouse
wrapped around it.

This week,
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz

unveiled a bold new initiative
to his employees.

What if we were to write
"race together"
on every Starbucks cup,

and that facilitated
a conversation between
you and our customers?

And if a customer
asks you what this is,

try and engage
in a discussion,

that we have problems
in this country with
regard to race

and racial inequality.

I think it's pretty clear

no one has said no
to this guy in 25 years.

Look, here's the thing.

A conversation about race

is clearly important,
but there's a time and a place,

and it is not the length
of time it takes to whip up
a Tiramisu Frappuccino.

But still, let's give
Howard Schultz credit.

He did start a conversation
across the racial divide

with a white billionaire
pitching an idea

and any number
of African-American customers

telling him how stupid it was.

"Not sure what Starbucks
was thinking."

[reading text]

I'm not sure that
systemic change is gonna happen

by talking to your barista
at Starbucks.

He's right about that.

Because, think about it.
Best case scenario,

you get a heartfelt conversation
about race going,

only to have it
justifiably interrupted

by someone screaming,

"Can we solve racism later?
I'm late for f*cking work!"

And the problems
didn't stop there,

because Starbucks wound up
having some conversations
about race

that it probably
hadn't anticipated.

Woman: Some critics say
the company's executive team
lacks diversity.

Many people put up a link
to the company's website,

actually featuring pictures
of mostly white, mostly male

Man: The "race together"
campaign is taking a lot
of flak online,

with many people
bashing the company on Twitter,

including some questioning
why Starbucks promotional

only included white hands.

Hey, how's that conversation
on race going, Starbucks?

Lots of fun, right?

What if this could be
every morning?

But-- but it was what happened
as a result of that backlash

that shows you just how
unprepared Starbucks really was
for this conversation.

Man: Starbucks' own
VP of Communications

temporarily deleting
his Twitter account

under an avalanche
of criticism,

saying he, "felt personally
att*cked in a cascade
of negativity."

Okay, end of conversation
I guess, everyone.

Good talk.
Good talk, people.

Nice try, Starbucks.

I guess now at least,
you can go back to doing
what you do best,

burning coffee and glaring
at us for using your bathrooms
without buying anything.

Just stay in your lane.

And finally, tonight,
New Hampshire,

where "Live Free or Die"
is a legitimately
difficult choice.

It has always held
a special place
in American politics,

and earlier this month
some local fourth-graders

visited the state capital
to learn how government worked.

As part of a civics project,

a group of fourth-graders,
including nine-year-old
Maya Rocca,

crafted a bill to make
the red-tailed hawk
the official state raptor.

Man #2: Mr. Cutting's
fourth grade class arrived
in the House gallery

to watch their bill
come up for a vote.

They were greeted
by enthusiastic applause.

Well, that's fantastic.

What a great opportunity
for the kids to engage
in the political process

and be inspired.

I can only presume
that their state raptor bill
sailed right through.

We already have a state bird.
But now do we need
a state raptor?

Isn't that a bird?

Isn't that an animal?

So are we gonna have,
you know, flightless birds,
water fowl,

pet birds, garden birds,
wild birds...

How many of these bills
do we need to have?

If we keep bringing more
of these bills, and bills,
and bills forward,

that really, I feel,
we shouldn't have
in front of us,

we'll be picking
a state hot dog next.

What is wrong with you?

A, this doesn't matter.

B, the children
are in the room.

And C, this doesn't matter.

Just vote yes
and make them happy.

Sadly, the story
didn't end there,

because State Representative
Warren Groen

also decided it was appropriate
to use the red-tailed hawk

to make a completely
unnecessary point.

It's known for it's
extremely strong
and sharp talons,

with which it
grasps its prey.

But it grasps them
with its talons

and then uses its
razor-sharp beak

to rip its victim
to shreds,

and to basically tear it apart
limb by limb.

And I guess the shame
about making this
a state bird is

it would serve as a much better
mascot for Planned Parenthood.

What the f*ck
are you talking about?

For a start-- For a start,

everyone knows
Planned Parenthood

already has a mascot.

It's Plan B,
the Planned Parenthood bee.

Hey, guys.
Did you hear the buzz
on spermicidal lubricant?

Thank you, Plan B.

You're the best.

And this wasn't just
a few cranks.

The legislature actually
defeated the children's bill

And, presumably, then celebrated
by looking up at the kids
and saying,

"Nice try, idiots.

"By the way, Santa's not real
and Dora the Explorer
can't hear you."

Now, this must have been
devastating for the kids.

But, if their stupid
state government

will not properly honor
the red-tailed hawk,

then we will.

And that is why
I am proud to announce

the red-tailed hawk
is the new official raptor
[hawk screeches]

of "Last Week Tonight."

In fact, here it is.

A real, live predatory hawk
in a television studio.

And to show
just how wrong

New Hampshire legislators
were to deny those

from Lincoln Akerman School
their red-tailed hawk request,

we've prepared this.



The official raptors
of "Last Week Tonight."

Because they effin' rock!

They'll take out
a rattlesnake.

Chill on a basketball hoop.

Then they'll feed
their babies.

But wait!
That's not all!

They'll grab a pheasant
while doing a mid-air 360.

Let's watch that again!


But don't just
take it from us.

Here's some red-tailed hawk
facts from a guy in the '90s.

Red-tailed hawks,
found all over
North America,

probably the most common
bird of prey in the US.

This guy's incredible!

Give me more
hawk facts, man.

Most of the books estimate
their grasping strength

is about 200 pounds
per square inch of pressure.

One more hawk fact!

The stooping speed for
the red-tail here is about

That's enough hawk facts.

And all this is why
the red-tailed hawk

is "Last Week Tonight's"
official raptor!

Raptor scream!


Red hawks are awesome!

And now, this.

And now...

[reading text]

[Irish accent]
Top o' the mornin'
to you there, Patrice.

How you doin' there?
Top o' the mornin' to ya.

Top o' the mornin'
to ya!

Top o' the mornin'
to ya, Kenny.

Top o' the mornin'
to ya!

And top o' the mornin'
to ya!

[bagpipes playing]

[Irish accent]
Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Man: Ah,
it's St. Patrick's Day today.

Happy St. Patrick's Day,

[bagpipes continue]

Wee bit of a parade, there.
Wee bit.

Man: Getting their makeup on.
They have their beautiful
outfits ready.

I can't do
an Irish accent.

[bad accent]
Hello, lassie!

[bagpipes continue]

What are you talking
about, Brad?

Yes, you sound Jamaican.

What? We're--
I sound Jamaican?

Moving on.

Our main story tonight
concerns municipal violations.

They're the small everyday ways
of breaking the law,

like speeding
or trespassing,

or, and this is true,

failing to vaccinate
your ferret.

That is actually
against the law.

So, sorry,
ferret Jenny McCarthy,

you're just gonna have
to get it done.

The point is,

we have all committed
municipal violations.

And if you've never gotten
a ticket for one,
all I can say is,

on not getting caught.

Now, for most people,
tickets are just annoying.

We grin and bear them,
or, as in the case
of this young woman,

throw a passive-aggressive

Citation is for--

I know, my headlights
weren't on.
Yada, yada, yada.

Yes, you're right.

The citation's for
not having your headlights on.

Take care of this ticket
on or before the third--

Oh, hold on.
Let me explain it, okay?
I have--

Like, I totally get it.

Like, it's a ticket.
I need to pay it.
I'm late.

You just know that woman
behaves that way
in every situation.

Yeah, I totally get it.
It's a funeral.

Mindy was a person.
Now she's gonna be,
like, eaten by worms.

Just put her in the ground
so I can get to SoulCycle.
I'm late.



Now she's probably
not thought about that ticket

until, I'm guessing,

round about now,

when she's getting a lot
of text messages
from friends saying,

"Amber, you're totally
on HBO right now

"shouting at a cop."

But if you don't
have enough money

to pay a fine immediately,
tickets can wreck your life.

Let me introduce you to a woman
named Harriet Cleveland.

She had some low-level
traffic tickets,

but because she's couldn't
pay them straightaway,

she accumulated all kinds
of other fees
and additional tickets,

which, despite her
best efforts,

she was unable to pay off.

And then, one morning,
this happened.

I had my grandbaby with me,
and I was sitting up, giving him
breakfast that morning,

and I heard
a knock on the door.

And I seen
a police officer at my door.

And in the back of my mind,
it wasn't for me,

because I didn't figure
they'd come get you
for tickets.

I was escorted to jail.

And if you're thinking,
"How the f*ck is it possible
for a grandmother to go to jail

"for traffic tickets,"

well, that is what
this story is about.

Because let's start
at the beginning.

Most tickets come
with a fine,

and if you've ever lived
paycheck to paycheck,

you know that can
be difficult.

For example,
in DeKalb County, Alabama,

a speeding ticket
is $255.50.

If you earn minimum wage there,
$7.25 an hour,

it would take you more
than 35 hours of work
to pay that off,

which seems harsh,

because the only justifiable way
you should lose an entire week
of your life due to speeding

is if you hit 88 miles an hour
and go back in time.

And sometimes,
governments will take
a reasonable base fine

and turn it into something
that people may not
be able to afford,

as they've done
in California.

Man: The actual fine
for running a stop sign is $35,

but by the time the state
tacks on ten different
surcharges and fees

the amount you owe
jumps to $238.

Now, just to put that
in perspective,

I went on eBay this morning,

and $238 is the current
asking price

for this glorious unicorn
with wheels on its hooves.

So that's right.
If you live in California
and run a stop sign,

you can either pay
your ticket

or own a unicorn.

Now, courts know that
not everyone can pay
fines straightaway,

which is why some
allow a payment plan.

Unfortunately, that can turn out
to be even more expensive.

Man: In Illinois,
the state adds on 30%

if you fall behind
in your payments.

In New Orleans, it costs you
$100 just to sign up
for a payment plan.

Yes, your payment plan begins

with a payment plan payment.

It's like your probation officer
is M.C. Escher.

Just go pay the clerk
at the top of that
endless staircase.

You'll be fine.

And this situation
is widespread.

At least 44 states
charge people a fee
to be on probation,

and many municipalities
use these charges

as a way to fund local services
without raising taxes.

And if that rings
a bell at all to you,

it may be because of
Ferguson, Missouri.

Because when the recent
Department of Justice report

uncovered institutional racism,

it found one of the ways
it manifested

was in the use of fines
as a cash machine.

Man: The report says officers
competed to see who could
write the most tickets.

It also concludes
police officer's promotions

depended on citation revenue.

Then there's the story
of a police commander
who one day bragged

to his superiors about seeing
a steady stream of people,

waiting in line for hours
to pay traffic fines.

He wrote, "The court clerk girls
have been swamped."

And the city manager responded,
"Great work."

Okay, setting aside the fact
that he used the phrase

"court clerk girls,"

that situation
is ridiculous.

The only people who should be
that excited about people
waiting in line

to hand over
way too much money

are Apple executives.

That's the only time.

And if you couldn't
pay immediately in Ferguson,

they could bleed you dry.

Listen to just
one example.

In 2007,

one woman received
two parking tickets

that together totaled $152.

To date, she has paid
$550 in fines and fees

to the city of Ferguson.

Yet today, she still
inexplicably owes Ferguson


That's more than $1,000

for $150 in tickets.

Even people stocking
hotel mini-bars are thinking,

"That markup
seems a little high.

"Just settle down."

And the thing is,
using fines to fund government

was not happening
just in Ferguson,

as a recent study
of the surrounding area showed.

According to court records,

eight towns rely on
court fines and fees

for more than 30%
of their revenue.

Calverton Park is at
the 66% level.

When that much of your budget
comes from fines,

you're actually rooting
for people to break the law.

Listen, everyone, we're gonna
have to close the library

unless someone
urinates up that wall

and the rest of us start
driving like maniacs.

So put the pedal
to the metal.
Let's do it for the kids.

And the problem is,
in these situations
the poor get hurt the worst.

In many states,
failure to pay a fine on time

can even result in having
your driving license suspended.

In fact,
this is such a common practice

that in Orange County, Florida,

they even made an event
out of it.

Woman: The Grinch himself
showed up in Orange County

with a bag full of licenses
belonging to drivers

who've been more naughty
than nice.

We're sending the message
that if you're gonna come
out here and you're gonna drive

in a manner that affects
somebody else's life or safety

that we're gonna
impact your life.

Okay. Okay.

First of all,
you do know the Grinch

is the bad guy
in that story, right?

It's not about a brave
green crime-fighter

who saves Whoville
from a guy driving his sleigh

But-- But secondly,
the Grinch's argument that this

was all about affecting
people's lives and safety

was somewhat undercut
a little later
in the same report.

Many of these licenses
were suspended

simply because the drivers
didn't pay a traffic ticket.


Those licenses weren't all
taken from reckless drivers.

The odds are they were
mostly taken from
insolvent drivers.

In 2012 in Florida,
a staggering 88%
of all license suspensions

were due to failure to comply
with summons or fines,

which is insane.

It also leaves only 12%

for Florida's other
most common violations,

accidentally taking
your golf cart on the freeway,

feeding meth
to an alligator,

feeding an alligator
to a meth dealer,

and being an alligator
meth dealer.


The problem is--
The problem is...

if you do lose
your license,

it can affect everything.

Most Americans drive to work,

and if you can't do that,
you've got a problem.

In New Jersey, a survey
of low-income drivers

who'd had their
license suspended

found that 64%
had lost their jobs
as a result,

which doesn't
help anyone.

You need them
to pay their fine,

but you're taking away
their means of paying it.

That's the most
self-defeating idea
since gay conversion camp.

Hey, don't worry, boys.
We'll fix you.

It's swimming the morning,
wrestling in the afternoon,

and in the evening,
general horseplay
in the woods.

You'll be fine.

You'll be fine, chaps.

So, let's recap.

If you get a ticket
and you can't pay it,

you may get additional fines,

lose your license,
and eventually your job.

And if you're thinking,
"Is there any way
this whole situation

"can be made even worse?"

There is.

Because now, private companies

have somehow managed
to insert themselves.

Private probation companies
across the US

supervise people who are
on probation for minor offenses,

collect all of their
outstanding debts and fines
and court costs,

and they won't charge
the courts a penny.

Instead, probationers pay
them fees in exchange
for their services.

Yes, companies like
Judicial Correction Services

and Sentinel Offender Services
offer to supervise probationers

and collect fees on
the court's behalf at no cost.

They even market themselves
with ads like this one for JCS,

trumpeting the millions
of dollars they collect

for municipalities.

The problem is that money
is a lot like Wendy's chili.

It's fantastic to have,

just as long as you don't
think about where it came from,

because it can come
from people like Hali Woods.

August of last year,

I got a no-seatbelt ticket.

How much was
that ticket for?

It was...

The ticket struck-- was
$25 and court costs was $16,
which was $41,

and then I had--
I didn't have the money to pay,

so they put me on
JCS probation.

That's right, Hali was handed
over to JCS probation

because she couldn't pay
a $41 ticket.

They put her
on a payment plan

with a monthly fee of $35.

The problem for Hali was
any money she sent in

was applied to her
JCS fees first,

and not her $41 ticket,

which put her
in a hamster wheel of hell.

This one right here shows
I paid another $10.

Shows that the fees went down,

but the fine is still $41.

I've told the judge
that I have the money
to pay for the ticket,

and I couldn't afford
the rest of the fees,

and he said that that
wasn't his problem,

that I could just put
that $41 towards the probation.

And then I got another one
that shows I paid $41 even.

And the fine has not
been touched--

not one time,
all the money I've paid.

So if you have money,

the state slogan is
"Click it or ticket."

But if you don't,
it should really be,

"Buckle yourself
or go fuckle yourself."

And in case--
In case you are somehow

not angry enough by now,

just remember how this system
works if you do have money.

I know, my headlights
weren't on.
Yada, yada, yada.

Let me explain it, okay?
I have--

Like, I totally get it.

Like, it's a ticket.
I need to pay it.
I'm late.

You didn't think
it was possible

to dislike her any more,
did you?

Amber, you're back on TV.
This is sick!

And it's not just that these
private probation companies
can take your money.

They're recommendations
to the court can ultimately
send you to jail.

Take the case of Tom Barrett.

He's a veteran who stole
a $2 can of beer,

which he knows
he should not have done,

and when he couldn't
pay his fine,

he was referred to
Sentinel Offender Services.

Now in addition
to all their other fees,

they gave Tom a court-ordered
leg monitor

for which they charged him
$360 a month.

$12 a day.

To keep up on his payments,
he had to start selling
his own plasma.

And where do you think
this story ended?

I ended up having to walk
everywhere because I didn't--

I couldn't afford bus fare.

I went hungry because
I couldn't afford food.

It was $12 a day, and there was
no way I could make $12 a day.

So I was always falling behind.

So I ended up getting
locked up three times

over stealing this can of beer.

Locked up three times
over stealing one can of beer.

That is not justice.
That is the plot of a Southern
"Les Misérables."

♪ I dreamed a dream
I stole a Coors ♪

♪ And then some assholes
put me ♪

♪ In jail

The crazy thing is--

The most insane part
of this is...

the main reason municipalities
sign contracts

with these companies
is to save money,

and yet, this whole system
doesn't even make sense
on a financial basis.

Because, as Tom Barrett's
lawyer explains,

locking him up
was expensive.

I know the jailing cost
$50 for day,

and I think he was
probably in jail

for at least 60 days
or 70 days,

so probably over $3,500.

So just think about that.

A $2 can of beer

caused a $270 fine,

which the city spent
over $3,000 to try and enforce.

But you know what?
It's like they say,

"You gotta spend money
to make money,

"to be able to afford
to jail people to lose money."

That's the system, right?

And all this brings us
right back to where we began

with Harriet Cleveland,

because her story touches on
pretty much everything
we've seen so far.

How did Harriet
wind up in jail?

Well, she struggled to pay
traffic tickets,

had her license suspended,

had to keep driving
or she'd lose her job,

was then caught driving
without a license,

ticketed again,

and then had her fines
handed over to
the good people at JCS.

And I'll let her pick up
the story from there.

I just really lost a whole lot
of money paying to them

that didn't go
into my fine.

I lost my car
trying to pay them.

I did a title loan on my car.

I lost that, and...

trying to pay my utility bills,
you know, and they getting
shut off, here and there.


I wanted to pay my fine...

but I couldn't afford it.

And like I said, it just
hurt real hard,

and I didn't even
have that tape,
but I had to take something.

Till it got to the point
I just got tired,

and I couldn't
take anything anymore.

I paid them $2,000 one time,

when I got my income tax.

And that was in February,

and in March I just didn't have
anything else to give them.

That is awful.

Now, the Southern Poverty
Law Center eventually managed
to get her out of jail

after 10 days,

arguing that she'd been sent
to what was effectively
a debtors prison,

something that was supposed
to have been f*cking outlawed
in America in the 1830s.

But the truth is,

whether through
private probation
or just the states,

many people are being caught
in the same cycle as all
the people that we've seen.

And let's be clear;
no one is saying that
people who break the law

should not be punished.
This is not about being
soft on crime.

Listen to Tom Barrett's
self-proclaimed conservative,
Republican lawyer.

If someone violates
the rules of society,

they need to be punished,

but the punishment
need to have some--

if it's gonna be based
on a fine,

it has to be based
on the person's ability to pay.

They don't have
the ability to pay,

they can pick up
trash on the streets,

or they can have
some community service.

I think pretty much everyone
would agree with that.

Not only should municipalities
not be balancing their books

on the backs of some of their
most vulnerable citizens,

but we cannot have a system

where committing
a minor violation

can end up
putting you in,

and I'm going to use
a legal term of art here,

the f*ck barrel.

We can't have that.

And it might be time
that we all stood up
and said so.

I'm a hostess.

I'm a barista.

I'm a cashier.

I'm a utility inspector.

I am a hairstylist.

I'm a janitor
and a cook.

We're all Americans,

and we have the right
to life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness.

But sometimes in that pursuit,

we also need the right
to f*ck up once in a while

without it completely
destroying our lives.

I've jaywalked before.
All the time, actually.

I have gotten
a speeding ticket.

Yeah, I mean,
I've publicly urinated
maybe once or twice.

Public drunkenness.

Of course your boy
been drunk in public, baby.

I've gotten tickets
for spitting on the floor.

I got a ticket
for petty loitering.

I got arrested
for smoking weed
at a concert,

and then I met
Gza from Wu-Tang,

and he gave me a VIP pass
back into the concert.

So, thank you, Gza.

Yes, thank you, Gza.

And when we've
truly made a mistake,

we're all willing
to pay a price,

but that price
should be reasonable,

and private companies
should not be profiting

from someone's
inability to pay.

One time, I put a popsicle
in my friend's ass.

Okay, that doesn't really
apply to what we're
talking about here,

but thanks for sharing.

The point is,
this is everyone's problem.

Young, old, black, white,

it's not about race.

It's definitely
about race.

Race definitely plays--
plays into it, for sure.

I highly doubt
that loitering thing I got

would have happened to me
if I was...

forget about me
being white,

if I was like
a couple of shades lighter.

Okay, you're right.
It's absolutely about
race as well,

but it's also about
basic fairness.

And it has to stop,

because people cannot
end up in the f*ck barrel

for the little stuff
we all do.

So it's time for us all
to come together

and say, as one--

Shut down the f*ck barrel.

Shut down the f*ck barrel.

Shut down the f*ck barrel.

Shut down the f*ck barrel.

I said shut down
the f*ck barrel.

Shut down the f*ck barrel,

Yes, shut down
the f*ck barrel.

Shut it down.

That's our show.
Thank you so much.

We're off next week,
so we'll see you in two weeks.

Good night!


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