01x03 - Pipe Dreams

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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01x03 - Pipe Dreams

Post by bunniefuu »

Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's."

I'm gonna take this chip out for a test drive.

Officeryou are in possession of stolen property.

Escape is not an option.

Trudgepull over!

There's no use trying to escape.

Now tell me, are you going to make this easy

And come along quietly?

I will if you can beat me.

Let's ride! Let's ride!

I can special summon montage dragon to the field.

Go, power collage!

I activate the trap card equip shot!

This releases my warrior from your dragon's grip

And lets me use its ability against you!

Junk warrior, end this!


Things ain't over between you and me.

Yusei, you gonna try and get to domino city?

Yeah. Midnight tonight.

What's at midnight?

The tiniest of opportunities.

The only way between the satellite

And new domino city is this sewer pipeline here.

Once a month at midnight, they shut the system down

To check the compressor pumps.

Then a maintenance hatch is automatically opened,

And that's when I'll get my chance to make it through.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Nervinyou've only got one shot at this, yusei.

The maintenance hatch opens at midnight

And only stays open for three minutes after that.

Rallyhe knows.

Then they flood that pipeline with garbage.

He knows!

And as soon as you jump over the sewage plant's fence,

The security-- he knows!

Try being positive for once, nervin!

I thought I was.

Blitzhey, yusei.


Can you really do this?

A test run is one thing,

But, uh, the real thing is something else.

If they catch you--

Don't listen to these guys, yusei.

Just, uh, I dunno,

Hit the gas and don't ever look back!

Almost forgot!

Here--for good luck.

What is it, rally?

Turbo booster!

Wasn't this your father's card?

Hmm. I want you to take it.

Like my dad always says, "you never know when you

Might need a boost."

I just hope it can help you get back your

Stardust dragon from jack!

You gonna be on the monitor?

Hmm. We'll go topside so we can get a clear signal!

Now rev it up!

Blitzn' don't slow down for 'nothin'!

You go, yusei!

[Thinking] it's time to settle the score, jack!

We have movement.

Yusei's gone topside.

We've picked up the homing signal

From the stolen chip!

Sooo where is he?!

He's in the east sector.

Switching to satellite imaging now.

Where do you think you're going?

Lock onto that chip!

Then open up a com-link and update me.

Do not lose him!

Trudge, he just turned off montague, heading south on davis drive.

On my way, central!

The maintenance hatch opens in four minutes!

Let's book it!

Wait up!


Not now, nervin!

Can you see him?

There he goes! Oh, yeah!

We got a clear signal on the monitor!

Looks like he's approaching

The sewage plant.

Alarmwarning warningyou are entering

An unauthorized zone.

Turn back immediately.

Unh! Pull over, yusei!

[Thinking] trudge! How'd he find me?

Where do you think you're going?

Don't you know it's hours past curfew

Or can you still not tell time?

Pull over!

Kids these days.

Never do what they're told.

Huh? Is he goin' for the sewage plant!?

Huh, unh!

Blitzso far, so good.

Hanson, come in!

Open the security gates and do it quick!

Hansonhe's heading for the compacters.

I'm on him. He won't get far.

There's nowhere he can go.


Sector security is closing in on him!

Aw, man, not trudge again.

[Thinking] this should be fun.

You may have beaten me in our last duel,

But I've got something special planned for you,

And this time, I'm taking you down!

See, with that chip you installed,

I can now force you to turbo duel!

Computerduel mode engaged.

Autopilot standing by.

Overriding suspect's duel runner.

But how?

Autopilot engaged.

This wasn't in the plan.

Trudge hacked in somehow.

Well, yuse needs to get un-hacked!

There's no time to duel!

I let you off the hook last time, yusei!

But this time--me and my special pursuit deck are

Gonna haul you back to the facility for good!

You can't escape, yusei!

Ya see that acceleration chip you installed has

Enabled me to hack into your duel runner's

Main frame, and the only way

To break free of the connection.

Is to beat me!

And now I'll show you what

My special pursuit deck is made of!

First I'll summon out gate blocker in defense mode!


Anyone know what that thing does?

I've never heard of that one.

Computerwhen gate blocker is face up on the field

Your opponent cannot gain any speed counters

During their standby phase.

Now with perimeters secure--

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

Nothing happened.

Something wrong?

Did you just notice that your speed counters

Aren't increasing?

[All gasp]

Well, they're not going to!

See it's all part of my plan.

In our last duel, I underestimated the power

Of your deck and almost wound up

Back on traffic duty.

But unlike you, I learn from my mistakes,

And this time you won't be surprising me,

But have I got some surprises for you.

Such as my gate blocker spell card,

Which has your game stuck in neutral!

Seems like an appropriate effect,

Wouldn't ya say?

Why's that?

Because-- just like in life--

You're going nowhere.

Unless you count being sent to the facility

As "going somewhere."

Only this time it isn't going to be

Some little vacation like your visit

To the reeducation center.

See, this time, yusei,

You're gonna be locked away for a very, very long time.

Assuming you can catch me.

Uh-oh, is it midnight already?

In three minutes, they'll be closing the hatch.

And then yusei won't be able to make it through

To new domino city.

Man, officer trudge is always getting in the way!

If I get out dueled down here.

I may never get another chance

To settle the score with jack.

And jack'll never have to answer

For what he did.

I can't let that happen!

Come on, yuse! Break away!

The greenlight's mine!

And I summon speed warrior in attack mode!

Ha! I remember that little toy from our last duel!

And I remember that its attack points double

On the turn it's summoned, but like last time,

It's just too weak!

I guess you still haven't learned how

To add have you?

[Thinking] okay, rally.

Let's see what this card of yours can do.

I special summon turbo booster in attack mode!

Computerwhen you release turbo booster

Your opponent's monster is destroyed if it battled

Against the monster you summoned this turn.

He actually played my card!

Power up!

Speed warrior, release!

So. That don't scare me!

It should 'cause now speed warrior can attack

Using turbo's special ability!

That's so awesome. I had no idea he could

Do that with turbo booster!

He might be able to take out gate blocker,

Which means he might be able to break free,

Which means he might be able to kick into overdrive,

Which means he might still make it!

Of course he might not.

Not good enough!

Even if you destroy gate blocker

With that boost of yours, gate blocker's defense

Is still too strong.

And just like our last duel,

You're gonna get hurt in this blast, not me.

Boom! Vroom! Kaboom!

I just knew my turbo booster card

Would help him out!

Yeah! Go, yusei!

There it is-- the main pipeline.

I may still have enough time!

Alright I'm in!

Trudgehanson! Sir!

He's gone into the waste disposal system.

Switch to the security cameras down there,

Don't lose him!

Uh-oh--it looks like trudge isn't giving up.

Don't worry, yusei'll shake 'im!

There's no way to shake him, now,

The pipeline's a straight shot.

Ready for another surprise?

I activate my broken blocker trap

So I can play two gate blockers!

Oh, man, more road blocks!

What made you break curfew tonight, yusei?

Are you trying to escape the satellite?

And what if I am?

Don't you know that your kind don't exactly

"Fit in" in new domino city!?

I'm not going there to "fit in."

So what's your plan?

We both know you got some enemies

In very high places.

You tryin' to get to new domino city

To settle some score?

Something like that!

I place two cards facedown

And end my turn.

Only two minutes left!

And eight miles of pipeline to go.

Rallyhe'll make it. Huh?

We did six test runs, yusei knows what he's doing.

Security wasn't harassin' him on those test runs.

N' by this point, he was so much closer to the goal!

Heh. There's no escape, yusei.

[Thinking] if I don't find a way

Around those blockers fast,

I'll never make it to the hatch in time.

You'll never escape, yusei!

And to make sure of it,

I'm callin' in some back-up

By radioing gonogo to come to the field

In attack mode!

Gonogo! Move in n' take out speed warrior!



Ha! Your loss is my gain!

[All gasp]

Come on, yusei!

Now it's my move!

It's go time.

I summon the junk synchron tuner monster!

Then I activate the graceful revival trap card!

Huh? What are you planning?

Let me show you. See, graceful revival

Lets me summon a level- or below monster

From my graveyard.

So I'm bringing back speed warrior!

Now I tune my junk synchron

With my speed warrior,

To synchro summon junk warrior!

Let's rev it up!

Thatta boy, yusei, now finish up trudge

And get outta there!

He's gonna take out trudge's gonogo now!

Yuseigo scrap fist!


Humph! You pulled the same move last time we dueled.

You're getting a little predictable, yusei.

But now I'm gonna speed things up!

You're not the only one who knows how to soup up your monsters!

I summon jutte fighter!

That's a tuner monster.

Sure is! And there's still more surprises to come!

Jutte fighter!

I tune you to my gate blocker in order

To synchro summon goyo guardian!

It looks like you underestimated

My deck this time. Doesn't it?!

Now attack!



Ha ha ha!

Goyo guardian is a special monster.

See when it att*cks, it doesn't destroy anything.

It just takes control of 'em and uses 'em

To do its bidding.

Kinda like the relationship

You have with jack atlas?

Huh, trudge?

You satellites. You never know

When to stop talking back.


Nervinone minute forty seconds left!

Come on, yusei, hurry!

You're running out of time,

Come on, go!

Nice! With my speed counter at four,

I'm now able to crank this hot pursuit up

To the next level by activating

A speed spell from my hand!

Go sonic buster!

Computersonic buster is a spell card that deals damage

To your opponent equal to half the attack points

Of one monster on your field.

When you said you were full of surprises,

You weren't kidding.

Well I'm glad I didn't disappoint.

And guess what, yusei, I won't be disappointing

My superiors either because this time I'm

Not gonna let you just walk away

When the last card is played.


And with that attack it's only a matter of time

Before your life points are runnin' on empty!

Now to make sure you don't pull some fancy maneuver

I'm using a second sonic buster

To slow your game down!

Argh! Now yuse'll never clear the hatch!

You won't beat me this time, yusei,

And you'll never escape from the satellite

'Cause once I win I'm taking you in!

I can't wait to see you get locked up!

Well you're gonna have to keep on waiting, officer trudge.

'Cause I'm about to put the peddle to the medal!

But I've got all the power!

You sure about that?

I summon the tuner monster nitro synchron!

Another tuner monster?

Heh, you never were one to give up without fight.

Too bad I got your speed counters all locked up!

That's what you think.


I activate a speed spell!

Dash pilfer!

Computerdash pilfer is a spell card that allows you

To gain control of one of your opponent's monsters

That's face up and in defense mode.

No way!

With my blockers on the field

You don't have enough power to play a spell.

You should double-check your screen.

What the?!


That's impossible!

You shouldn't have any speed counters!

Err. How can this be?

Nice! With my speed counter at four,

I'm now able to crank this hot pursuit up to the next level

By activating a speed spell from my hand!

Go sonic buster!

Trudge, voice-overoh, no!

When I played that speed spell,

You must have countered with something?

I sure did.

So if you think you're the only one full

Of surprises, guess again!

Now I know you're not one for detail,

But this little oversight is gonna cost you big time!

See while you were so busy trying to hold

My game down, I played slip stream,

Which gives me the same number of counters

You had when you played your second sonic buster.

So by trying to slow me down,

You've only made me faster!

That's just like you-- waiting for hand-outs,

Latching on to someone else. Err.

Dash pilfer, get in there and rescue junk warrior!

Trudge, after all these years,

You still don't know anything about me.

All you ever see are rules

And them being broken,

But you've never stopped to ask why, have you?

I guess it pays well to be ignorant doesn't it?!

Blitzthis is no time to be lecturin'!

You've only got seconds!

He's almost there.

All you gotta do is slip through that side hatch

Before it closes, yusei!

That hatch--you're planning on using that

To escape from the satellite!

Took you long enough to figure that out!

Guess nothing gets by you does it, trudge?

That is nothing but me and my duel runner.

Well I'm just one move away from proving you wrong

And locking you up for good!


Not gonna happen 'cause I'm about to rev things up one more time!

Another synchro summon?

That's right! Now, nitro synchron,

Give junk warrior a tune-up.

I synchro summon nitro warrior!

Trudge, I got one last surprise for you--

If my nitro warrior att*cks on the same turn

A speed spell was used,

It gains , attack points.

It what?

And with that your goyo guardian is a goner!

Nitro warrior, attack with dynamite crunch!

This ain't over yet, yusei!

Oh yes it is!

See nitro warrior comes custom-made

With a special ability.

When it destroys one of your monsters

And you've got a monster in defense mode

Like gate blocker,

It forces it into attack mode.

But then, I can't protect myself!

And even though my nitro warrior loses

One thousand attack points,

It's still strong enough

To destroy gate blocker and win this duel!




He won!

He made trudge wipe out!

Too bad he couldn't stop the clock.

The hatch is gonna close.

N' that means yuse won't be able to escape.

Rev it up, yuse!


[Thinking] come on. Stay on target.


Central, override the trash compactor,

Override the traaaa...

What happened to yusei?

Don't know, the screen went blank.

He made it through the hatch,

I just know he did, I just know it!

But if he didn't.


Blitzhey what's that?

Nervinit's yusei!!!

Ha ha ha!

I told you! I so told you! Yeah!

He did it, he actually made it through

To new domino city!

That's right! I never had a doubt.

Ha ha ha!


Hello, jack.

Ha ha ha!

Long time no see, how have you been?

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

What's the matter, yusei?

Aren't you happy to see your old friend jack?

Ha ha ha!

[Theme music]
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