01x26 - The Fortune Cup Finale, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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01x26 - The Fortune Cup Finale, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Yuseinow let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's."

Goodwin, you forced me into this tournament.

You threatened me, and you locked up my friends.

I'm not dueling jack

Until you tell me why you've done all this.

It's 'cause of this.

He wants the crimson dragon's power,

So he's been trying to gather everyone with its mark.

Oh, come on, you're making me sound so devious.

Let his friends go. He doesn't need to be coerced.

I want this duel to be legit.

If that is what my champion wants, then so be it.

Announcerthis is the moment.

Will jack atlas continue to reign

As the king of turbo duels?

Or will he be dethroned by satellite's sh**ting star?

It's time to find out!

Yuseifrom my hand, I summon junk synchron

In order to synchro summon junk warrior!

Now take out that marauder!

Now you're dueling, yusei.

But you won't be for long!

I synchro summon red dragon archfiend!

[Thinking] back in the satellite,

I knew that in order to realize my full potential,

I had to throw away everything.

But now here you come, and you're trying to take me down?

You're not a real duelist.

You always put dueling second.

Well, I'm finally going to put you in your place!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win only if I lose? ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Announcerwelcome back to the fortune cup finale,

Where the master of faster,

Jack atlas, already has a commanding lead.

Can the satellite's sh**ting star, yusei fudo, catch up,

Or will this be his final lap?

Let's watch and see.

[Gasp] what's that?!

[All gasp]

Leoi don't think the forecast called

For scary purple clouds!

It's a sign! The crimson dragon is coming!

And if he's coming, then we should all get going!

Take it easy, gramps!

I mean, it's probably just some acid rain

Drifting in from the satellite.

It's the sign we've been waiting for!

Soon, the crimson dragon will awake from its long slumber--

Um, just one question about all that.

I thought we needed signers, no?

And at this point, we just have the :

The little girl, akiza, yusei, and jack.

Besides, are we even sure

That we can control the dragon's power

Once it's been summoned?

Perhaps trudge had a point.

Director--look, sir. There's something I gotta say.

It's my official position

That you need to stop this tournament.

I thought your official position was mall security.

Very funny.

But I feel this tournament is cursed or something.

You witnessed the damage of the last duel.

I'm concerned things're gonna get worse.

Lazar, don't you trust me?

You see, I know the fifth signer.

That's good. If you know,

Then I'll just watch this match and rela--

[Gasp] wait, you know?!

Who is it?! Are--are they here?

How exciting!

Then that means we can unlock all of its power!

That's right, lazar.

But first, we must see if we can harness the immense power

The crimson dragon's summoning will create.


It's my turn, jack!

[Thinking] and its time I even up the playing field!

First, I'll activate my trap:

Descending lost star!

Computerdescending lost star

Lets you bring a synchro monster back from your graveyard,

But its level is reduced by one,

And its defense points become zero.

So now, by powering down my junk warrior,

I can then bring it back out to my field.

Then I summonhyper synchron!


And now I tune junk warrior

With my hyper synchron

In order to synchro summon...

Stardust dragon!


Oh, my! This is amazing!


Let's rev it up!

Welcome to the party, stardust.



My arm's glowing!

Announcerthis is the moment we've been waiting for,

So get ready,

Because these two beasts are about to battle it out!

Announcerwelcome back!

And it's dragon versus dragon!

[People gasping]

Manthe ener-d reactor!

Different man; what's happening?!

[Gasp] incredible!

Director! Are you getting all this?!

The readings're off the charts!

Ha ha ha! The crimson dragon!

It's here!

And now,

Hyper synchron's special ability activates!

You see, jack,

When it's part of a synchro summon,

The new monster gets an extra attack points!

So now my stardust dragon's got ,!

Well, then, I guess I'll play my trap card:

Tuner capture!

This enables me to take control of the monster

You used to make your syncro summon happen!

What goes around comes around, yusei!

Announcerwhoa! While yusei's hyper synchron goes benedict arnold,

Jack out-monsters him two to one!

Well, then, stardust dragon,

Why don't you even up the playing field!


Come on! That pathetic dragon's no match for me and my deck!

I trigger the trap card tuner's mind!

And this is just one example of why

I'm the master of faster

And you're a worthless wannabe!

Now I can de-tune my dragon to double my defense!

[Thinking] oh, man!

If I don't take out his twin-sword marauder,

He'll just use it to bring out his red dragon archfiend

All over again next round!

Guess that leaves me just one thing to do.

Stardust dragon, attack twin-sword marauder with cosmic flare!

No way!

Surprise, surprise!

You see, my trap forces you to attack my dark tinker!

When are you gonna learn that you'll never be a match for me, yusei?

I'll beat you in front of the whole world

Just like I beat you way back in the satellite!

Well, that was then, and this is now.

Go, synchro blast!


Thanks to that trap card,

When any synchro monster like my dragon att*cks,

You automatically lose life points!

The difference between us is that I can afford it!

Now I can draw another card.

It won't help you, jack.

Oh, really, yusei?

I tune hyper synchron with twin-sword marauder!

In order to synchro summon red dragon archfield

One more time!


Let's kick this turbo duel into overdrive!

And just like hyper synchron

Added attack points to your dragon,

Now that it's helping me with my synchro summon,

I get to reap the benefits of its power as well!

And remember, after I win this,

Your stardust dragon is mine!

Ready? Bring it!

Consider it brought!

It looks like you forgot

That since hyper synchron was used,

Neither dragon can be destroyed now!

Good thing I got this, then:

My trap field cannon!



Now you lose life points

Because I couldn't destroy your monster!

Yusei, no!

This isn't good.

Yusei better think of something, and fast.

Yanagii couldn't agree with you more, tanner,

Especially with those clouds circling around like that.

Here it comes!

The crimson dragon!

Sweet. [Gasp]

Th-th-th-th-this is bad!


I--i see it, but I do not believe it!

It's a third dragon!

Hold on. Who summoned that thing to the field?

The crimson dragon. It's huge!

My arm. It's glowing again!


It can't be!

They actually awakened you?!

Beautiful, isn't it?

So much power. Lazar, get me zigzix now.


It's working!

We're absorbing the dragon's ener-deeee!

Aah! I've never seen something so powerful!

Ha ha ha! Hmm?

Zigzix, you must shut down the reactor immediately.

Excuse me?!

But it's working perfectly!

There's enough ener-d here

To power the city for years!

It's a success!

We must be cautious.

Zigzix, if you don't shut the reactor down immediately,

Then there might not be a city left to power.

I'm sure that you understand.

"Won't be a city left?"


Computer voicewarning. The ener-d reactor is overloading.

Please shut down core.

Meltdown is imminent.


Oh, please, not again!

We can't let what happened to grieger's village happen here.


We must shut down the reactor immediately!

That dragon has the power to destroy everything in new domino city!


Crimson dragon, welcome to my arena!

Now watch and witness how your future master rules this duel!

Jack! Be careful!

The crimson dragon might rip this place apart

And everyone in it!

Don't tell me you're scared!

I am a signer, yusei fudo, and this is my destiny!

Goodwin told me that the power of the crimson dragon

Will help me save this world.

[Thinking] and it shall, jack,

But you will not fight the darkness that is coming alone.

Legend says that once all signers are gathered,

The future can be revealed.

So with the power I possess as the fifth signer,

I will now show you what our enemy plans!


What's going on?!




Where are we?

Beats me!

Oh! Where's the stadium?

Oh! What's going on?

I don't know! Yusei!

Look there!

Akiza, I'm scared!

Yusei! They look exactly like the people of the stars!

What are they doing here?!

Hey, jack, they're all signers!

Like us!

Goodwin told me about these people.

He said somehow we're all linked to the crimson dragon.

Down there looks a lot like the satellite, jack!

[Gasp] what's happening?!

Luna, look there!

Is that a giant spider surrounding new domino city?

I can't believe this is happening!

We have'ta stop it!

It can't be real.

Perhaps it's the future.

Well if that's the future,

Then we better stop this duel right now.

We gotta get home!

We will. Once we finish this.


Yusei, this is a duel.

The crimson dragon won't let either of us go back

Until one of us wins!

Come on!

Don't you get it?

Dueling brought us here,

And dueling's gonna bring us back home.

And whoever wins will show the crimson dragon

They deserve the power to save the world!

And I'm going to be that person!

I throwdown two facedowns!


You're nuts!

But if you want to keep dueling,

Then you'll get more than you bargained for, jack!

I just activated silver contrails!

It gives , more attack points

To any wind monster on my field,

And guess what my mighty beast is!

Stardust dragon,

Attack red dragon archfiend,

And take us home!


[Thinking] that attack--

I could feel it like it was real!

I guess the crimson dragon wants yusei and I

To play for keeps.

Well, that's just fine by me!

Next I activate my trap:

Synchro blast!


And you thought I had short memory.

Since hyper synchron helped summoned both our dragons out,

Neither one can be destroyed in battle!

I'll throwdown facedowns n' end my turn.

[Thinking] facedowns?!

Looks like yusei's making his big move.

Too bad it's too late!

No matter what he's got hidden,

My speed spell overburst will destroy it!

Here we go!

I can't slay your dragon,

But I can still take out your life points.

Go, red dragon archfiend, attack!



He's really hurt!

It's just like when I duel people!

What was that?! I could feel his attack!

Jackthat's right, yusei -

This duel is winner take all!

Jack! The damage we take in this duel is real!

That's right, pal,

And now you'll see what it's like to duel

With more than just your life points on the line.

[Growl] you don't know if that's true!

But if it is, then I plan on defending myself

And taking you down!

I activate my trap crossline counter!

Now if I take battle damage during your turn,

I double it and add it as attack points.

Plus, now my dragon gets to attack you!

Heh. Well? Whaddya waitin' for?!

Stardust dragon,

Lets not keep him waiting any longer!

Aah! Unh.


Don't worry about me!

In fact, you should be a lot more concerned with yourself!

I activate the speed spell overboost!

So now I get extra speed counters this round,

Nearly maxin' me out!

With that kind of power,

There's not telling what he'll play next.

That's right!

So get ready for me to call on one of my favorites!

Now, from my hand,

I play the speed spell, end of the storm.

And with the power of this card, yusei,

I can now put you in your place--

And since first place is going to be all mine,

I guess that you'll have to settle for second.

I'm not settling for anything, jack!

And that's because stardust dragon's special ability

Can counter your end of storm.

Perhaps, but at what cost?

Just look!

That counter only works if you sacrifice stardust,

And with him gone, you're wide open!

Making this the perfect time for my favorite trap:

The sneak exploder!

So during your next standby phase,

You lose life points

For every monster on my field.

And since I've got one,

That means your life points don't stand a chance!

Oh, no! That trap will finish yusei off,

And next round, he'll lose!

Then I better keep this round goin'!

So I activate stardust dragon's special ability

And bring him back to the field.

And then I'll activate meteor stream!

Computermeteor stream is a trap card

That deals , points of damage to your opponent

When you re-summon a monster

That was released during the same turn.

Stardust dragon, end this now!

Just what I was waiting for! Huh?

There's a reason I'm the champ!

Jack atlas is destined for great things,

While you're just destined for defeat!

This adventure's over.

I play crimson fire!

Not only does it block your thousand-point trap,

But it boomerangs it right back to you,

At double the damage!

Good-bye, yusei!

Watch out!

Sorry jack, but I play my trap:

Shining silver force!

Which douses your comeback

And destroys all the spells and traps on your field!


You're still as annoying as ever!

I never was one to give up,

And with your speed counters about to run out of gas,

I don't plan on starting anytime soon!

How's the new view?


See ya, jack!

Time to get us home!

I play my trap final attack!

And since I have speed counters,

The attack points of my stardust dragon are doubled!


,?! It's too powerful!

I don't want to hurt you, jack,

But if ending this duel is the only way home,

Then I gotta attack!

Stardust dragon, take out his life points!




Announcerladies and gentlemen,

We seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties

At this moment.

Your patience is appreciated

As we try to sort this matter out.

[Off microphone] can someone tell me

Why these two dragons have been frozen in mid-air?

Get the director on the line!

What just happened?!

First, they were dueling,

Then they disappeared,

Now they're back, and their dragons are gone!

Ohh! Look there!

Check out jack's life points!

Dexteris that the right score?

Yusei won. He's the champion now.

Huh? Huh?


Jack lost!

Are you ok?!

You beat me.

I don't know how you did it, yusei,

But you're the champ now.

If that vision was true,

None of this matters,

Because it looks like we all might lose.

We're in danger,

And our cities might be destroyed.

And we have to unite

To stop it from happening.

You always wanted to be a hero.

Now here's your chance.


Has anyone heard from the director?

The duel's over.

The winner's yusei; tell them all.


It's over! Yusei is our winner!

From the refuge of refuse he rose,

From the slums of satellite, he now reigns supreme.

I proudly present new domino city's newest hero:

Yusei fudoooooo!!!
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