02x32 - Dark Signs, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x32 - Dark Signs, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[Nervin moans, whimpers]

t*nk, stop shaking the bridge!

Everyone's gonna fall!

Will you stop saying that nervin?

Just keep walking okay?

Easy for you to say!

This bridge breaks, I'm the first one down!

We gotta get across--

It's the only place in the satellite we'll be safe.

Even sector security won't come out here.

Just great. We're going somewhere

Worse than that rat infested bunker

You call a hang out.

Look! The bridge! It's beautiful!

Yeah, if you like scrap metal.

All that thing's good for is broken promises and lost dreams.

Tankthey say one day, it'll connect

The satellite with new domino city.

After that, everything'll be better.

[Thinking] let's just hope that dream of yours

Doesn't turn into a nightmare.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Rallywe were supposed to meet yusei here.

Do you think something happened to him?

I'm sure he's fine. Let's just wait.

I hate waiting! [Growls]

What if--he's caught!

And what if we never see him again?

Quiet! What are you trying

To jinx us or something.

[Grunt, gasp] hey look! They're here?!

Hey! Yusei!

[People talking at once]

Girli need some new spell cards!

What are you talkin' about?

You kids want more of my cards?

Look at meyou see a beard and red hat?

I'm not santa claus!

Come on! Please crow!

Just one! Come on!

Well, I don't have cards...but I brought something even better.

May I present yusei, the new turbo duel champion!

Boyi wanna autograph!

I saw your duel! I watched it ten times!

Oh man! This is like so cool!

[All talking at once]

Hey, try and be careful with the poor guy!

He's not some kinda stuffed animal ya know!

Where'd all those kids come from?!

Look at 'em, it's like they've never seen a dueler before!

I mean, it's just yusei! [Snorts] come on!

But maybe, um, if I got his autograph...

Then, heh-heh... I'd sell it online, n' get rich!


Nervinso what you're telling us

Is that these dark signers

Want to destroy the satellite sector?

That's right, nervin.

I saw a vision of it

When I was dueling jack in the tournament.

If it's true, whadda we do?

I know! We go home, pack up,

And then use that pipeline to get outta here!

Sounds good to me!

If these dark signers are here,

We should all go over there!

I'm good with a deck,

But once the shuffling part's done;

It's all downhill after that!

I know you're scared nervin.

And so am i...

But this mark has made me a part of this w*r.

And if I don't fight the dark signers,

Then there's no hope for anyone.

You know I'm with you.

A crow never backs away from a fight.

And I got my nest to protect.

But, they hurt your bike,

Just say the word pal...

...and they're gone.

Seriously, I mean it.

That's not true!

You'll always protect us!

Can you tell us a goodnight story crow?

How 'bout a scary one!

But you're afraid of the dark

And you always run off before he gets to finish it.

How 'bout I tell the one about the bridge to nowhere?!

Tell it!

[Clears throat] well...okay.

A long time ago, there was a special place:

An island in the middle of the ocean.

But the people were very sad because they were poor

And had to work all the time.

Next to them was another island,

Where the people were rich and happy

And never had to work...

Get to the part with the bridge!

This bit is so boring!

Oh, and don't forget!

You gotta do it with voices!

[Groans] there are no voices!

Hey! I didn't ask for the running commentary-- be quiet.

I'll get to all that soon enough!

I can tell it! And with the voices!

[Grunt] I'm telling it, without voices!


Okay, so there's the satellite and the city:

Two isolated islands.

But, one day a man had a great idea.

He wanted freedom.

He wanted to connect the two islands

So people could choose where to live.

And that's when the trouble began...

Crowthe story takes place long ago

When a stranger arrived in the satellite.

No one knew who he was or where he was from.

He never spoke, and spent nearly all his time

Staring across at the city.

Gazing...and dreaming.

Girl"dreaming?" Dreaming of what?

Of what no one else daredmaking a difference.

One day, with no fanfare and no help,

He began to build a bridge.

He was determined to join the satellite and new domino city;

He was determined to give people hope.

Hold on--one guy's gonna build a whole bridge by himself?!

It's impossible! This story's for kids!

And, that's what they all believed.

They said what he was doing was impossible!

But, through it all, he kept working.

People came from all over the satellite

To look and to laugh,

But the stranger kept building.

And then, a funny thing happened...

People started to believe.

Before, they had no hope.

They had no life except their work.

They thought, even if the bridge was an impossible dream...

It was still a dream.

A handful of volunteers became a dozen, a dozen a hundred.

And soon, it looked like the bridge might actually be built!

But not everyone was happy with that idea.

The people of the city, the people of power,

Liked the way things were.

They didn't want to give the people of the satellite their freedom.

They threatened to send everyone to the facility

If they were found working on it.

Many were arrested... But most simply gave up,

Their dreams fading away like the hope

For a future with freedom...

That's not right! Build the bridge!

Let him finish!

I'm just sayin'...

It's...not fair they did that!

Well yeah...but who ever said that life was fair?

Childrenfinish the story!

Crowoh, right.

So...security had other plans for the stranger.

He tried to outrun them as long as he could,

But he knew, in the end, that they'd finally catch him.

He was surrounded. No way out.

Escape was impossible.

He knew he'd spend the rest of his life in the facility...

Never to see his bridge completed.

But once again, the stranger proved

That nothing is impossible.

There was only one road to freedom.

A path he built himself.

A bridge that united his people...

And a life that became a legend.

He proved that just because

You've been held down all your life,

That doesn't mean your spirit can't soar through the sky...

No one ever saw him again.

Duel runners were ruled illegal in the satellite,

And to this day, the bridge remains unfinished.

Someone must know where he is!

Who can just fly away into thin air?!

I don't know rally.

He did what he meant to dohe gave us hope.

[Gasp] but...

If you want to find him...

Alljust look in your heart!


I love that story.

Though I wish he was able to finish that bridge.

Some day. Until then we got

Campfires and ghost stories.

I just noticed...

Your duel runner has a pair of wings too!

Oh, well of course... I'm the stranger!

Childrenyou are?!

Just kidding... Okay, time for bed!

The adults need to talk!

Rallylike me!

Boybut he's not even grown up!

Second boyhe's still in diapers!

Rallyhey! [Children giggle]

I got a good bedtime story too;

It's about the loch ness monster!

He and bigfoot decide to go build a duel arena!

The "stranger."


That bridge is a joke.

If anyone wants to connect the satellite,

It'll take more than dreams.

Maybe so.

It doesn't mean I can't try.


Yuseiit's late.

We should get to bed too.

Nervinyeah, g'night.

Tankand sleep tight.

See ya in the morning,

But that's only if the dark signers

Don't sneak up on us first.

Sweet dreams!

Blitzgood night, t*nk.

We've got a breaking story!

We're going live to south america

Where the ancient phenomenon known as the nazca lines

Are vanishing from earth with no known explanation.

Here are two eyewitnesses.

This thing was like totally far out.

We're in the plane, and we're all like,

"Whoa, cool spider, dude!"

And then, things get all freaky-deaky!

Womanit was like one of those laser light shows?

Where the music is all like, "bamamamph!..."

Totally! And I'm like,

"Did I forget my coffee this morning?!

'Cause I am spacin'!"

And then, poof!

The groovy spider is gone...like forever!

[Over-exaggerated crying]

Officials on the scene have verified their story.

We askwhy?

These lines date back , years,

What powerful force could make them disappear...

[Thinking] the dark signers have been busy.

Soon, all the marks will vanish

And the army of shadows will be free again.

And if that should happen,

I only hope we have the power to stop them.

Announcerwe're now getting another report from south america!

We're cutting live to our field reporter!

Reporterjust like this video of the spider,

Another creature--a hummingbird, appears to have disappeared!

I'm also receiving word from the locals

That the symbol of a giant has vanished as well.

"That spider?!"

We've seen it before!

It was on trudge's arm when we dueled him!

[Thinking] and it disappeared when he lost...

[Grunts] it's...yusei.

He's in the satellite.

Near the bridge.

If we can beat him...

Our power will be all but unstoppable in the w*r.

I will find him and challenge him to a shadow duel.

No. This satellite's mine.

I have a debt to collect...

Happy hunting kalin.


[Snoring and wheezing]

Little late for a joyride, isn't it yusei?

So what?

So, if you're planning on dueling, I'm coming too.

It's too dangerous out there.

Just go back to bed.

This is my battle.

[Grunts] just try and stop me.

I've already put enough people in danger crow.

[Grunts] hold on!

Who's gonna watch your back

Against these dark signers huh?!

Crow, this isn't just another duel!

You face them, you play for keeps.

And I'm not talkin' about your deck.

They put up some kind of force field

When they challenge you.

And no one leaves till the duel's over.

All the battle damage is real.

Even if you manage to win,

You're still talking about a world of hurt.

And if you lose?...

Well, I don't even want to think about that.

So tell me...

That sound like fun to you?

Hoo boy. Well you sure haven't lightened up,

But you're not the only one

With something to lose here yusei.

All those kids...

If you lose then we all do.

So count me in.

There's no going back.

You sure about this?


Well in that case, let's go.

[Gasp] alright-- but you gotta leave

Some of those dark signers for me!

Now where we goin'?

Crowi'm not goin' there?!

The old reactor?!

Whaddya think you'll find there? Tetanus?!

Funny. But I think goodwin

Was pointing me towards it.

Never trust a guy with a ponytail yusei!

But if you say so... Try and keep up!

Wake up! Yusei's gone!

Looks like crow took off too.

What if?...the dark signers got 'em!

Ya think?...

Don' know.

Yusei's gone!

You, stay here, in case they come back

While we're looking, okay?

Let's split up; we'll cover more ground that way.


Did they say crow's missing too,

Is he gonna be alright?!

Don't worry about him.

Crow knows the streets blindfolded.

Crowlook at this fog!

It's like I'm drivin' with a blindfold!

Yusei...welcome back.


[Grunts] please tell me I'm seein' things!


Sorry! Even your dragon can't save you now;

Welcome to the real world of dueling!


What's happening...


Turn off the nightlight...


Your arm's glowing, sis!

It's yusei!

He's in trouble! [Whimpers]

[Thinking] my sign... It's warning me.

I can feel yusei.

The vision we saw must be true!

Dark times are coming.

Good thing this girl has a deck that's ready!

[Thinking] yusei, what mess have you gotten yourself into now?...

[Telephone ringing] [grunts]

[Moans, grunts] [telephone ringing]

Hold on--i'm coming!

Do you know it's past midnight?!

Minai know jack's there; put him on.

[Grunts] who is this. And whaddya want?

Minai 'm sure you've noticed your mark by now jack.

There's a shadow duel about to happen

Between yusei and a dark signer.

I'm waiting outside.


[Grunts, yelps]

Um...why is there a helicopter out there?!

Jack, we can't waste any more time.

Okay, someone tell me what's happening now!

It's yusei.

He's 'bout to duel a dark signer.

Didn't trudge say his master was a dark signer?

Do you think that whoever is dueling yusei right now

Is the same person who was controlling trudge?

No, my mark's telling me it's someone else.

Your mark? Minadon't bother, jack.

She'll never understand!


We're dealing with the end of the world okay?!

Well, glad I'm here!

If it weren't for me jack would be some

"Spider-monster" by this time!

I saved him! Jack saved himself!

Anyway, what makes you think that you're so special?!

[Gasp] well, you see jack and I are bff's.

I guess you can say that we're like a dueling tag-team!

[Sighs] "tag team?!" That's ridiculous!

Oooooooh! Jealoooous!

Please jack, tell this fan that

The champ doesn't need anybody's help!

I'm not the champ! Don't you remember?!

[Peeps] I'm sorry-- I just forgot jack.

[Thinking] ha-ha! That shows her!

Wait a second...

Jack still must feel terrible about losing!

I know what'll make him feel better.

You know what I've been hearing?

That yusei's not the champ, either!

Yeah, he just used some satellite mind trick to win.

In fact, in my eyes, you're still

The undefeated and undisputed champion--hee!

And besides...who wants a stinky ol'

Satellite champion anyw-- yeah, you're right!

If you're from the satellite you shouldn't be champion!

[Giggles] I knew it would work!

I was born there, you know.

As far as yusei's concerned...

He was born right here in new domino city!

Jackso do you want to know the truth

About where yusei's from?

Of course I want to know the truth jack!

Well here it is...

Yusei wasn't some orphan of the satellite slums

Like everyone thinks.

He was born in the skyscrapers of new domino city.

His parents were the brains

Behind the first ener-d reactor.

This is incredible!

No one knows! What a scoop!

Wait a minute... If yusei was born

With this "silver spoon,"

How did he end up in the satellite sector?

Ooooh, did he do something bad?...

It wasn't anything he did...

It was his parents.

Hold on jack! That story's classified!

Awww! Come on! I mean--i won't tell anyone?

My editor won't even talk to me anymore.

Carly's right.

I'm tired of telling all these lies-- I won't do it.

So, you know the earthquake,

The one that tore the city apart?

Everyone knows that story.

In fact, that's how the satellite got formed.

But that story is just a lie. There...was no earthquake.

[Gasp] this. Is. So. Huge!

So tell me! What happened?!

Big conspiracy or black hole?

Jacki guess a little of both.

When the original ener-d reactor was turned on,

It produced some sort of negative energy.

Everything near it was destroyed.

New domino city split in two

And half was left to rot awaythe satellite.

It was so much easier to blame all the damage

On an earthquake and tsunami.

N' that's the truth; if people knew what really happened...

...that the city was responsible...

Riots, chaos, and anarchy would ensue.

Jackyusei's parents weren't seen or heard from again.

So when he was just a baby, he was shipped off.

He ended up in the satellite sector, in an orphanage.

And that's the yusei I know.

Oh. And now if you'll excuse me...

I have to call my editor!

[Grunts] go ahead.

I'll be sure to visit you in the facility

When they lock you up and toss the key.

Yeah, the people who are keeping this a secret, carly,

Have more power than you could ever imagine.

It would be a tragedy if they sent you away.

I'd feel just so terrible!

[Laughs] okay! No story?!

And another world-exclusive scoop goes down the drain.


The light's gone-- is that good or bad?

Well, in my 'xperience...anything

That looks bad is bad.

Oh great. [Grunts]

Are you okay, crow?

[Laughs] yeah. Sure.

Crow! I know that card!

Kalinyusei! [Gasp]

And his birdbrain friend. [Laughs]

You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment.

It's a shame it'll be over so quickly.

[Grunts] so how do you know our names?

[Snorts] I never forgot, old friend.

[Both gasp]

Kalin kessler? Is that really you?!

We thought when you left the satellite it was forever.

It was. But thanks to you and that mark of yours,

Kalin is back!

And while I was away I made some new friends.

I believe you already dueled one of my associates.

Kalin please.

You have to stop what you're planning

To do to the satellite!

You were once our friend!

"Once your friend," yes. But now...your enemy!

[Both gasp, growl]

After what you did to me this is sweet justice, dear old friend!

You destroyed my life, so I'll destroy your home.

The satellite will burn!

Not good.

[Gasp] what is this?!

[Gasp] [grunts]

Jackhead for those lights.

We found yusei.

Now get ready for the duel of your life...

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