02x43 - Surely, You Jest, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x43 - Surely, You Jest, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's"

Goodwini've waited a long time for this moment:

The four signers all together!

Ohh! Oh! Look!

Yuseiwhat is it?! Goodwinthis, my friends,

Is the stairway of the crimson dragon.

What's that shape?

It looks like all of our signs!

It is the symbol that binds you all

And defines you as signersprotectors of our world!

The crimson dragon sensed the strength

In your hearts and chose the four of you to take on

The army of shadows.

All of new domino city has become a b*ttlefield,

Every innocent person a potential victim.

And our city is just the beginning.

If we fail to defeat the dark signers,

To stop the army of shadows from awakening,

The souls of the planet will fall into darkness.

You must each make your choice.

After today there is no turning back.

Goodwin, we wanna know ev'rything about all of these dark signers!

You don't.

They have never lost, unlike those pawns

You faced in the parking garage and hospital.

The task that's before us just might be

Impossible to ever win.

What are you saying?

We've lost before the first draw?!

I'm not saying there's no hope at all.

You must face all of them together.

But, even if we do beat them,

I can't promise we'll all be standing here again.

I hope the four of you can look into your hearts

And make the decision that our world needs.

But be quick, I'm afraid we don't have

Much time left.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Crow, thinkingthis crater must be

Where all the dark signers assemble.

I better go get my duel runner.

And, like, people were trapped

In this freaky wall of purple mist.

And then they all turned

Into this gigantic monster, right?

Yeah. I saw that happen, too!

Bah! It had to've been a trick, fellas,

Like one o' those octupal illusions.

Stop whining like a buncha' kuriboh's.

I'm not worried about it.

Crowyou should be worried about it!

Oh, yeah!? And who're you?

Who'm i? Nobody.

Just the guy who's totally gonna save

Your sorry satellite butts.

Don't go near that hole in the downtown district!

It's too scary!

You guys might wanna find your own hole

To hide in for a while.

'Cause things are about to get really crazy.

[Thinking] I still can't believe

My old friend is one of the dark signers.

Yusei, you don't know how long I been waiting for this moment

Kalin, please you have to stop

What your planning to do to the satellite.

You were once our friend.

Once your friend yes but now your enemy!

Oh, kalin.

Um, yusei.

Akizai, uh, wouldn't bother him right now.

Huh? What's going on with him, akiza?

Has he been out there all morning?

Yeah, I think that he's still trying to come

To grips with the fact that his best friend

Almost sent him to the netherworld.

It must be tearing him up that one of his old childhood buddies

From the satellite jumped the fence n' became one of those dark signer's.

That must be rough for him.

It's rough on all of us.

So, are you having second thoughts

About fighting this army of shadows?

No way, I'm in this.

The thing is, I've got someone I'm trying to help.

And I think fighting the dark signers is the way to do it.

[Thinking] she's so young to be caught up

In all of this.

Hey, yusei, wanna have a practice duel?

Not right now.

I need some time alone, luna.


Oh, alright, maybe later then.

This isn't good.


How are preparations on your end?

Everything is going swimmingly.

Hee hee hee!

[Thinking] I don't think I have what it takes anymore.

The others need you to be strong, yusei.


I know that he's a dark signer now,

But kalin used to be one of our friends.

We used to throw down together

And play king of the deck and all that.

Now I'm supposed to call him

The bad guy and go at him?

I may've been the one who made him a dark signer.

I don't know if I can do this, jack.

You don't have a choice, yusei!

That isn't how it works!


What was that for?

[Thinking] this garden is

So beautiful and peaceful.

I just want to walk around here forever.

I wish I could share this with my family.

Do you really have to do this?

I don't have a choice.

This is my destiny, mom.

Besides, if I don't help yusei fight the dark signers,

We're all in trouble.

She's right.

But it sounds so horrible and scary

And dangerous, akiza, and, you know, we--we've

Finally got a chance to be a family again.

There'll be plenty of time to be a family

After I bring down the bad guys.

I have to do this, mom.

I owe it to everybody I ever pushed away.

What do you mean?

I've let my powers get the best of me my whole life.

And because of that I hurt a lot of people.

That's all over now, sweetie.

You're not that person anymore.

Right, but now I have a chance to use

My powers for good.

The dark signers are threatening

To destroy this entire city.

If I want to stop them from doing that,

Then I gotta step up.

Let someone else step up!

Akiza, what if you're not ready yet?

What if you still don't know how to fully

Control your powers?

You could end up destroying yourself.

What? I'll be okay.

Don't worry about me.

You really feel like you're up for this?

Well, I certainly wish things could be

Different, but at least you're not alone in this.

You'll have yusei and the others with you.

I don't like this.

Darling, our girl has spent her whole life

Trying to figure out where she belongs.

She finally knows.

And who are we to hold her back?

[Thinking] thank you, dad.

Leooh, man! Look at this spread!

Saving the world has its perks!

I'll take this and this and this and this.

Leo! We ate breakfast an hour ago!

You gotta try these little sandwiches.

They're amazing!

Aaargh, could you be serious for one second, leo?

Uh, I'm serious about not letting this food go to waste.

That's something.

We don't have time to mess around and slack off.

Didn't you hear what goodwin said?

It will take everything we've got

To stop the dark signers.

Good luck with that. It sounds like it's gonna be really intense.

Oh, okay, so while everyone freaks out,

You're just gonna relax and eat

And chill 'round here?

Pretty much.

It's a tough job, I know,

But someone's gotta do it.

I cannot believe you.

I'm thinking of hitting the rooftop pool later,

You should come, there's a volleyball net!

A volleyball net?!

This trip to the satellite sector

Isn't gonna be easy.

You should be preparing,

Not playing games.

I'm not going with you.


Why should I go?

I'm not a signer.

Yeah, but--don't you wanna come?

I think it's time we part ways.

Not sure when yusei's planning on bringing the fight.

Doesn't mean I gotta wait around.

There's no reason I can't go on ahead

N' start busting some dark signer skulls.

Crow's house of kick-butt is officially open for business.

Huh? N' here comes our first customer.

That creepy little dude has dark signer written all over him.


Hey, dark signer! Huh?




Okay, that's weird.

I coulda sworn I had him.

Ha ha ha!

I'm afraid that only the cat can play

Cat-and-mouse, little rat.


Get back here!

I know you're in here.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Ha ha ha! Huh?

Haven't you heard that it's dangerous around here?

There you are!

Now stop playin' games!

You should turn around right now,

And scamper on home.

Ha, ha! Sounds to me like you're the one

Who's scared, dark signer!

Oh, my.

It seems we've some sort of misunderstanding.

You see, because of that unappealing mark

On your face, and because you were skulking about,

I thought perhaps that you were a dark signer.


Oh, I see.

It says here that you're old friends

With yusei and jack atlas.


Ha ha ha!

Okay, I'll bite, let's say you're

Not a dark signer.

Then who are you?

Pardon my manners.

I should've properly introduced myself.

My name is lazar, and I work

For the public security bureau,

Under director goodwin.

I'm sort of his right hand.

Wait, you work for goodwin?

I just said that!

You're obviously in over your head here.

Now, run along.

I'm sorry, was I not clear?

If you really work for goodwin,

Then why are you lurking around here?

What's going on with yusei?

Are he and his crimson buddies getting ready

To come here n' take out the dark signers?

Those are need-to-know questions.

And a wretched little sewer rat like you

Doesn't need to know the answers.

Ya' know what I think, buddy?!

I think you're tryin' to trick me,

You're a dark signer and I'm going to prove it!

Oh, goodness.

Why do I always have to deal

With the dense ones?

Okay, look--what do I have to do to prove that

I'm not a dark signer?

Humph! I'm not falling for anymore o' your tricks.

How 'bout I just duel the truth outta you!

Heh heh heh.

Bring it on! Bring it on!

I'm goin' first, creep!

I draw!

I'm kickin' this thing off by summoning

Blackwing bora the spear in attack mode!


So according to your file here,

Your whole deck is built around blackwings.


And I plan on keeping it that way.

So I'm also summoning gale the whirlwind in attack mode!

I was able to do that 'cause bora the spear

Lets me summon a second blackwing to the field.

You know how it is, birds of a feather

Flocking together and all that.

Now, I place one card facedown and end my turn.

My, my.

You have a monster and a tuner monster on your field,

But you're not going to synchro summon?

Yup! I'm unpredictable like that.

I'm afraid that you're going to end up

Regretting your decision.


Why'd you punch me?

What do you think you're doing?

What does it look like, you dolt,

I'm trying to knock some sense into you!



Look at you, yusei!

You look like some sad little puppy

That's been left at the park.

No wonder you lost to kalin when you dueled him.

I'm gonna share a secret with you, old chum.

I can't stand you.

You wiped the floor with me in the tournament,

You stole my title.

You were able to do so 'cause you had no fear.

You were sure of yourself.

What happened to that guy, yusei?

Where did that man run off to anyway?

I know kalin was our friend.

But that was then, and this is now,

And yes, its that simple.

But I betrayed him.

You didn't betray him, he betrayed you,

He betrayed all of us, remember?

Now pull yourself together, man!


You can't be serious about parting ways

And not coming to satellite with me.

Come on what's the big deal, luna?

You don't want me there, I'm the comic relief,

I'm the guy that sneezes when you're trying

To sneak up on someone.

I'm not a big hero like the rest of you.

I'm just a clown.

I thought I might have it in me,

But when I dueled sayer, I realized I got nothin'.

Whatever heroes are made of,

I don't have it in me.

Oh. Leo.

I never told you this, but I used to think

You were holding me back, luna.

You were always sick and I had to look after you.

And you were always wanting to stay inside.

And so I had to stay in, too.

I never got to practice dueling

With other people.

So I couldn't get any better,

And I blamed you for that.

I know, leo. Huh?

I know I held you back.

And I know that you resent me.

I guess now's as good a time as any,

So here goes.

Leo, I am really, really, really--

No, that's just it!

I don't want you to apologize, luna,

Because, like, I get it now.

You're awesome, luna!

You have special powers!

You're a signer and you're totally gonna

Save the world!

Don't you get it? Huh?

It's not you who's the burden, it's me.

If I go with you guys, I'll just end up

Being in the way.

Or standing on the side like a dork, going--hooray! Yeah!

Go, luna!

Show those dark signers how to duel, you go!


You're right that is pretty lame,

But don't you get it?

I'm really scared, leo,

More than I've ever been.

I want you there standing on the sidelines

And shouting like a dork.

Huh? Ya' do?

I don't care if you're not a signer.

You're my brother, and that--that makes you my hero.

I can't do this without you.

Hey, jack.

What is it?

Your words hit harder than your punches do.

You were right about kalin,

And you were right about me.

I lost my focus and my confidence.

I know that to beat these dark signers

And protect my friends I can't hang on to any doubts.

Exactly. Forget kalin.

Think about rally and crow and everyone else.

[Thinking] and so will i.

Don't worry, carly.

Wherever you are, I'm going to find you.

Akizafeeling any better?


That's good, because I was starting to worry.

We can't save the world from imminent doom

Without you, ya' know.

Yeah, I know.

Same goes for you, akiza.

When do we leave?


Hey, luna.

You're coming, right?

You bet.

What about leo?

Hey, you guys!

Are you ready for this?

I can't wait to watch you take those dark signers down,

It's gonna be so totally awesome,

You're the best!


You're awesome, too, jack, even though

You're not the best anymore.

Just cause I lost doesn't mean I'm not the best.

Don't worry, I still look up to you and everything.

Look, you!

I'm always going to be the best,

Do you understand me?

Okay, but technically, yusei's the best now.

Technically nothing, you worm, I'm the best!

You lost the championship,

That makes you number two!

It's my turn.

I draw!

And I place three cards facedown and with that,

I end my turn.

Really? You mean, that's all you're gonna do?

Did you not have any monsters in your hand?

Maybe, maybe not. Heh heh heh.

Now I believe it's your turn, crow.

You trying to make this easy for me?

I draw!

I'm pretty sure that you're hoping I'll start attacking,

Hence those three facedown cards.

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Heck--i don't wanna disappoint you, so...

Blackwing bora the spear, attack him directly!

In that case, I activate my imperial manners trap.

I'm able to put this trap's perks to use

When your monster declares an attack,

And as long as I have no monsters on my field,

Then I can destroy every monster

On your field in attack mode.

You can what?

You gotta be kidding me!

Well, then I activate the urgent tuning trap!

[Thinking] I wanted to save this badboy for later,

But activating it now is the only way I can stop

Him from destroying both of my monsters.


That's why you didn't synchro summon

During your first turn,

You were trying t' hold out.

However I'm afraid you've wasted your surprise.

Here's facedown number two!

The discord trap.

This card's presence on the field means

That neither one of us can synchro summon,

No exceptions, I'm afraid.

Are you serious?!

You cannot stop imperial manners,

So say bye-bye to your monsters!

Yusei said you dark signers were sneaky,

And boy was he right!

I already told you-- I'm not a dark signer,

My name is lazar, and I work for mister goodwin.

Right! If you expect me to believe that

And walk away, you've got another thing comin'!

I'm placing one card facedown.

Your move, dark signer!

I don't get it.

Why did a blathering buffoon like you

Honestly think he could come here and take on

The power of the dark signers all by himself?

What'd you say?

You're the blathering buffoon,

You blathering buffoon.

I can take all you dark signers on!

Just stop talking.

Believe me, every time you open your mouth,

You embarrass yourself.

Then tell ya' what-- let's stop talking and keep dueling.

I mean it, I'm done talking to you,

No more talking, I'm gonna stop talking right now, no more talk.

Heh heh heh! There's something likably amusing about you.

Look, I'm simply trying to save you from humiliation.

But if you wish, I draw!

And now, I shall summon jester lord to the field in attack mode.

Ha ha ha!

Computerjester lord is a level one dark attribute

Spell caster with zero attack points

And zero defense points.

Eh!? That's a monster?

A monster that's going to attack you directly.

Hee hee hee!

You know that thing has no attack points, right?

What on earth were you thinking?

Just one thing.

When jester lord is the only monster

On the field, it gains attack points

For every spell and trap card that is on the field.

It does what?!

Currently, there are three spell and trap cards

On the field.

Therefore, jester lord's attack points are .

Woah. That's a lot a points, not too bad.

But don't think I'm gonna sit here and take it.

I'm activating my dust tornado trap card!

With this humdinger, I can demolish your discord trap!

[Thinking] by getting rid of two trap cards,

I can lower jester's attack points to a thousand.

I'll still take damage, but with that discord trap gone,

I'll be able to synchro summon on my next turn.

Before you get ahead of yourself,

Please allow me to activate the imperial custom trap card,

Which saves all continuous traps

On my field from being destroyed.

So, it looks like my jester will only be

Losing one thousand attack points?!


Now jester lord, attack him directly.


Heh heh heh.

I admit, that was good.

But I came here to help yusei take

You dark signers out,

So don't think for a second

That I'm even close to backing down.

If you're so convinced that I'm a dark signer,

Why don't you push me to my limits by forcing me

Into a corner where I'll have to rely

On my dark and mysterious powers?

Heh! Funny you should say that, pal,

Cause that's exactly what I'm about to do.

So get ready to come face-to-face

With your breaking point.
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