02x44 - Surely, You Jest, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x44 - Surely, You Jest, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Yuseinow let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's."

Goodwini've waited a long time for this moment:

The four signers all together!

Allhuh? Uhh.

Akizalook! Yuseiwhat is it?!

Goodwinthis, my friends, is the stairway of the crimson dragon.

Yuseiwhat's that shape?

Lunait looks like all of our signs!

It is the symbol that binds you all

And defines you as signersprotectors of the world!

The crimson dragon sensed the strength in your hearts

And chose the four of you to take on the army of shadows.

All of new domino city has become a b*ttlefield...

Every innocent person a potential victim.

And our city is just the beginning.

If we fail to defeat the dark signers,

To stop the army of shadows from awakening,

The souls of the planet will fall into darkness...

The task that's before us just might be impossible to ever win.

What are you saying?

We've lost before the first draw?!

I'm not saying there's no hope at all.

You must face all of them together.

My name is lazar, and I work under director goodwin.

Ya' know what I think, buddy?!

I think you're tryin' to trick me,

You're a dark signer and I'm going to prove it!

Bothbring it on!

Lazarnow jester lord, attack him directly.


Heh, heh, heh...i admit, that was good.

But I came here to help yusei

Take you dark signers out,

So don't think for a second

That I'm even close to backing down.

If you're so convinced that I'm a dark signer...

Why don't you push me to my limits

By forcing me into a corner where I'll have to rely

On my dark and mysterious powers?

Heh! Funny you should say that, pal,

Cause that's exactly what I'm about to do.

So get ready to come face-to-face

With your breaking point.

[Chuckles] [grunts]

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

I never paid much attention to sunsets,

And now this could be the last one we see.

It "could"...

But now, we're a part of a team.

And we're all gonna defeat the darkness.

Yeah. I almost feel bad

For those dark signers.

They don't know what's coming!

[Both sigh]

Carly...i'm gonna find you...



What are you doing all the way up here?

Is it too much to ask for some alone time?!

Carly's glasses...

What's the matter? Can't I have someone to duel for?!

[Gasp] jack, sorry!

But, you won't believe what's happening...

Believe what mina?

What's happening in the satellite!

So, are you ever going to summon a real monster,

Or are you gonna keep me laughing...

With all of your clowns!


Haven't you heard the saying that he who laughs last

Always laughs best!

[Snort] didn't know you dark signers laughed!

For the last time satellite-- I'm not a dark signer!

My jester confit's too baroque

To be a part of such an evil organization.

Whoa. Now that's an outfit.

It's like my fifth birthday party all over again!

But your clowns got no attack points;

They couldn't pop a balloon animal!

Even jester lord can't attack

Since he lost his special ability!

For your sake, I hope these guys

Have more firepower than a bottle of seltzer!

You'll have to wait to find out.

I end my turn with a facedown!

Well I don't think you're gonna be around to play that card.

Because I've got tricks of my own!

I know you do!

I've got 'em right here!

Let's see what your record says crow...

Heh! I have your whole dueling history before me.


Well, predict this!

I'm afraid I already have!

I activate late penalty!

Duel runner computerwith late penalty, if your opponent

Has no monsters on their field during the standby phase,

They cannot initiate battle this turn.

Looks like the little birthday boy

Isn't going to get any presents this round!

What?! That's exactly the kinda low-down trick

That someone like you would use...dark signer!

Again with the "signers?" Come on!

Uhh. Do I look that intimidating?


I'm really starting to get sick of this guy!

[Thinking] hm...

According to crow's dueling record,

It looks like he'll try to play the trap card fake feather.

If he does, he'll be able to activate

Any trap that's in my graveyard.

Not an appealing thought. Maybe if I were to--

Hey! Mister "delay of game!"

You wanna pay attention and get back to the duel?!

'Cause unless you're texting an update

That says I'm gonna win,

How 'bout you put the wacked out cell phone down, lazar!

And anyway, it's still my move!

I summon blackwing, sirocco the dawn in attack mode!

[Thinking] hmm. What a perfect monster for this bird brain!

And as much as I would like to wipe that smirk

Off your face lazar,

Your trap card skipped over my battle phase this turn,

So I guess you'll have to settle for a facedown!

Oh! Whatever will I do?!

Just lose...'Cause I'm playing this trap!


Reload lets me redraw my hand!

Now let's see your precious profile predict the future.

And predict the future it shall.

It knows your every move before you can even think it.

We'll just see! I gotta new hand!


But I think I'll end my turn with a facedown.

And if you knew what I had planned,

You'd take the first dark signer express

Back to whatever rock you crawled out from! [Laughs]

[Thinking] "dark signer express"? What a simpleton.

I think it's time I put an end to this...

I use the special ability of my jester confit!

What?! During the end of your turn,

We each pick one monster

And send them back to our hand.

Such a shame you only have one to choose from!

Aw, come on! [Gasp]

No! How can I fight a duel when you keep

Taking away all my monsters!

Stop this clownin' around already!

Oh no! Now, jester's the only monster left

Which means that his special ability is gonna activate!

'N' I'm sure you recall what that means

For his attack points don't you crow?

Adding your two facedowns and my three traps,

We've got a total of five spell or trap cards on the field.

We multiply that number by a thousand

To get jester lord's new and improved attack points!

[Jester laughs]

Awww! We're through!

No! It's over!

And it's all my fault!

I'm the worst duelist in the world.

No, the universe!

Well if you continue to go on cackling like this,

I'll have no choice but to tell sector security

To permanently place you in a cage

Where a chicken like you will feel right at home.

Please stop whining! I can't even hear myself duel!


The dark singers won!

For the last time, I'm not a dark signer.

But you might think I'm worse after I send you

Back to the facility.

All you satellites are the same.

Your little underground duels...illegal decks...

No wonder security has a file on you a thousand gigs deep!

The more they know, the more I know.

Now let's just see what other tricks

You might have up your sleeve.

Now then, what does this satellite have in the works...

Uh, would you mind giving me a quick second here?

[Thinking] why is this thing still saying

He's going to use his fake feather trap?!

This can't be accurate!

That trap requires his sirocco

To be in his hand,

So why did he bother summoning it originally?

Unless...the intel's correct and he did

Place his fake feather down first.

No, I'm giving him too much credit.

After playing his reload trap,

He would have placed his fake feather down second.

N' now that I know where it is he's finished!

I activate the trap card of distrain!

If you have two or more facedown cards on the field,

I get to choose one and freeze it,

Meaning it's off limits all round!

[Chuckles] sorry!

And guess what?

I know where fake feather's hiding!

And now, with that trap trapped...

Jester lord's safe to attack you directly!

Good-bye crow!

[Jester lord laughs]

Don't think so! I activate fake feather!

It can't be!

You don't think all that sobbing was real, do ya?

It's a trick I picked up in the streets

To get someone just like you overconfident!

Don't feel bad!

If it's any consolation I've beaten duelers

Way better than you!

Now, one of the traps in your graveyard

Becomes property of yours truly!

'N I'm thinking imperial manners is the perfect fit!

If one of your monsters att*cks

When I got no guys on my field to protect me,

Well then... All of your monsters

On the field are destroyed! Ha!


Don't you know that real men

Duel their opponents with decks 'n' skill,

Not with some cheap petty profile.

Come on lazar!

I figured you dark signers would know

That dueling's about heart and soul,

Not a circuit board.

You think you are just so smart!

Doing all the things you've been doing--

Pretending to be afraid of clowns,

Letting your own monsters vanish...

Well to be honest clowns used to freak me out,

But not anymore.

Good for you.

I'm just so pleased you were able to overcome

The trauma of your fifth birthday party.

[Chuckles] speaking of which, you ever think

'Bout getting a clown gig yourself?

With that make-up and hair you could pull it off!

While I don't want to interrupt your stand-up routine

There's something you really ought to know.

You see, my trap has a little thing I like to call

An insurance policy!

If you happen to activate the card that I didn't pick,

Guess what?

You're out life points!

[Laughs] no way!


And now, here's one more shocking surprise crow. Ha!

Why'd you bring him back?

You see, if I special summon jester confit,

Any monster you summon goes back to your hand

At the end of your turn!

And next I'll activate thisspirit burner!

With this card in play,

Not only does my jester switch to defense mode,

But it also returns to my hand at the end of your turn.

But when that happens, you lose points!

This duel is over crow, know why?

'Cause there's nothing you can do.

Thanks to my late penalty trap card

If you summon a monster you won't be able

To attack with it!

Even when you can, jester confit will send it

Back to your hand.

And my other two traps

Put your options somewhere between zero and nil!

I told youhe who laughs last, laughs best.

And guess what?

You're going to lose pal!

See my field's not empty.

I'm sure you recall that little trap of mine

You froze last round...

Now that card's all thawed out!

Let's see what it is now, shall we? Ha.

I activate my facedowntrap stun!

And with this bad boy in play

I can force all of your traps

To take the round off lazar.

Wait! You can't! Oh! Oh!

Looks like you're not so tough

Without your three traps out there are you?

Synchro summons, special att*cks,

Now I can do it all without you getting in my way lazar!


I playblackwing, blizzard the far north!


And, once it's summoned I get a bonus:

If there's another blackwing in my graveyard,

Then I get to summon him to my field in defense mode.

So one more time... Here's blackwing-- bora the spear!

How 'bout now we try a little tunin' fun?

Blizzard of the far north join forces

With blackwing bora the spear!

If you dark signers have never seen

A blackwing synchro summon,

Here's a little air mail message you'll never forget!

I'm not a dark signer!

Oh yeah, well tell my blackwing--armed wing!

Fine, so you summoned a big monster.

It'll take more than that!

You still can't touch me!

Jester's in defense mode which means

Your damage won't go through!

Um, I hate to put a damper on things,

But whenever my armed wing att*cks,

He gains an extra points,

And can slice right through your "big-d"!

You can't!

Armed wing, attack jester confit!



Well, looks like we're all tied up aren't we?

I hope you know what this means...

It's time that I bring out the big g*ns

And send in the clowns!


What's that?! An earthquake!

No! It's...

It's the dark signers, crow!

Wait. So you're not one of them?

That's what I've been trying to tell you!

[Both scream]

Crowwhoa! What's happening?!

Do you think it's the dark signers?!

I'm not planning on staying around so I can find out!

Have fun crow! It's been--bye!

Wait! Lazar?! You can't just run away!

We're in the middle of a duel!

Fine! You win! Congratulations!

I'll send you a gift basket!

You know that's not how it works you little clown-faced cheater!


Aah! [Breathing heavily]

Some things are more important than dueling--

Like my life! Huh?!

It's been a pleasure, but I wouldn't hold my breath

For that rematch!


What's your hurry?! Whaddya see?!

Get back down here and duel me--huh?

Uh-oh. Wait for me!


What is that! It's everywhere!

Whoa. Who ordered the smoke machine?

[All gasp]

Come on! Jus' a lil' faster...

I can't catch a break!

First it was clowns, now it's clouds!

Minayou need to see this!

[All gasp]

Akizaeveryone seems to have vanished!

Lunawhat happened to satellite?

Leoit looks like it turned into a ghost town!

It has to be the dark signers.

Yeah, but what'd they do?

I'm afraid it's a mystery jack.

If I guessed, some sort of mystical barrier

That came from somewhere underground.

Can we fly in?

I think so. But it's dangerous--

Scans don't penetrate and...

We could lose our vid feed any second.

[All gasp]

Well, I've heard enough! I'm going right now!

That sure beats sittin' here doin' nothing, you hear me?!

Of course...

I'll call the helicopter, but jack,

We have no idea what's waiting for you over there!

Manhey! We want some answers, now!

Second manwhat's with the purple lights and missing people!

Third manthis is a cover-up!

Please! Everyone needs to just stay calm!

Director goodwin is coming!

He'll explain all this!

Everything's going to be fine!

He's just telling us more lies!

My house is in pieces, and I still have no idea what did it!

You're security right? Well, secure us!

I don't have any information for you!

Please disperse until the director arrives

Or you will be detained for civil disobedience.

[All shouting]

I'm reporting live from downtown!

Following strange occurrences,

Things are as bad as ever--

Missing people, strange lights, and now:

A strange fog has covered all of satell--what?!

What's goodwin doing, huh?!

Yeah! Where is he?!

Hey, you have to be a professional broadcaster--huh?!

It's the end o'tha world!

We're all gonna vanish! Stop it!

[All shouting]


Director goodwin!

You got a riot on your hands down here!

You have to talk to all these people, now!

I'm afraid not.

There are... More important duties

That I must attend to.

"More important?!" This city's going to tear itself apart!

Well if you'd like for me

To continue to feed you your exclusive scoops,

I'd use your skills to calm the crowd.

What?! What's goin' on?!

You owe me this info goodwin!

I'll tell everyone--

We're ready to take off now sir.

Wait for me. Huh?

I'd like to talk to my troops before the battle.

After all, this may be my last opportunity to do so.

Yes, sir. Of course.

[Thinking] I just wish I could lend them a hand,

But this palm knows of only one future.

Lunawell, this is it! [Leo groans]

Jack, can I ask you a question?

I'd prefer not.

But we all know that the dark signers

Love revenge and anger.

Your point being?

That they might be able to use that against me?

Carly's out there somewhere, I just know it

And I'm going to get her back,

Even if it means taking out every dark signer

That dares get in my way.

Let's stay on task, gentlemen.

You need to get to the original ener-d reactor

In the satellite.

"Original" what now? Leowhat's it do?

It's the source of the negative energy

That caused this dark smoke to appear.

And in a twist of fate, it was built

By yusei's father.

You mean like our yusei?!

Are you for real?

Yeah are you?

Goodwinyes and this is his opportunity

To heal the mistakes of the past.

And now, all of you have the chance

To make things right again.

You must beat the dark signers

And find the reactor.

Then, if you're able, activate it in reverse.

Hopefully, this will create a surge of positive energy

And imprison the shadow army again.

[Leo, luna, and akiza grunt]

I've arranged for special transportation

To the satellite sector...

I believe you already know the pilot...

[Grunts] reporting as ordered!

We're fully fueled and ready for take off!

That's excellent.

Hope you packed some peanuts...

I'm supposed to fly you?!

Goodwin what is it with you 'n this guy?!

You want 'em in jail, you want 'em out,

Now you're giving him a first class ride--

Well you can forget it!

Officer trudge, nice to see you!

Oh--mina! It's so good to see you, too;

Did you get the flowers I sent you?

Of course I did!

You should probably know that I'm flying too!

You are?...

Minawe're good to go. Now let's board up!

Jacki can't believe I have to fly economy.

Yuseiwait. [Leo, luna, and akiza grunt]

Leowhat--do you get air sick?

Before we go any further

I need you to promise me something..

What is it?

If we're successful and save the world

You need to finish that bridge

Connecting the satellite n' the city.

People have a right to be free,

And I won't go unless you agree.


[Both gasp]

[Thinking] what a waste of time.

It may not even be possible to do what you ask, yusei.

N' why's that?

For years, the people of the satellite and the city

Lived far apart.

It's a way of life everyone accepts.

Change takes time.

Then I guess you'll have to find a sixth signer,

'Cause unless you promise to do it then you're one deck short.

Very well. I'll build the bridge.

Trudgelet's move it pretty boy!

There's no time to waste!



Goodwingood luck everyone.

The fate of the world is in your hands.

And yusei, do not doubt yourself...

Trudgeyou've got some well wishers starboard side.


Dexterleo! Luna!

Yanagigood luck!

Kick some dark signer deck!

We will!

We'll be back soon, you guys!

You'll do great!

We're all counting on you!

We'll keep the jacuzzi warm!

Don't touch my stuff!


[Thinking] I promise it won't be good-bye forever

'Cause I'm gonna do everything I can

To beat these dark signers!
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