01x15 - Camouflaged Chaos

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x15 - Camouflaged Chaos

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS.

So, check this out.

It's a message
from Ghost Gal.

She's challenging you
to a duel.

And if she wins the duel,

she gets to take
possession of Ai.

Dream on, sister!

If I win,
we get backdoor access

to Sol Tech's mainframe.


I accept.

She's in.

Ready to duel,

I do hope that this is not
another one of your tricks,

Ghost Gal.

The backdoor program,

all zipped up
and ready to go.

I bet you can find
all sorts of info,

even what happened
in your past.

So, why are you risking it?

Because your AI will fetch
a much higher price.

I already have
buyers lined up.

So, unless you have a problem,
I say we get duelin'.

Speed Duel!

Altergeist Marionetter,
attack Playmaker!


I thought you were
something special, Playmaker.

I'm disappointed.
Oh, well.

I'll just have
to comfort myself

with the pile of cash
I'll get from selling that AI.

Come on, Playmaker.

You have one last trick
up your sleeve, right?




[Ghost Gal]
While your side
of the field is empty,

I have a whole army
on my side.

But all I need is
one attack to end you.

Not cool!
Not cool!
Not cool!

I hate it
when she's right!

So do you got any ideas
to make her wrong?

'cause if you do,
now would be the time

to let me in on 'em!

Man, oh, man!

I cannot believe
we're actually gonna see

LINK VRAINS's hero go down!

Yeah, but when we get
this exclusive scoop, boss,

our bank accounts are
gonna pull a 180

and skyrocket
straight on up!

That's true--
I don't know

how much longer
I can eat instant noodles.

I feel like
I'm slurping up worms.

You know what would be
super-duper sad and slimy?

If you wind up grubbin'
on actual worms for real.

Anything but that!

Here come the water works!

Don't worry, boss,
with this saucy scoop,

I'll use my bonus to take you
to the best buffet in town!

There ain't gonna be any bonus
if you lose'em! Come on!

You're making me see red,
and it ain't from the crying!

I'm tryin', boss!

Not tryin' hard enough
if you can still talk!


I don't know how you're gonna
get out of this, Yusaku,

but if there's anyone
who can, it's you.

Altergeist Primebanshee,
slam the brakes on Playmaker!


I can't watch...
maybe a little.

This duel isn't even close
to over, Ghost Gal.

When you attack me directly,

I'm allowed to summon
Lockout Gardna in attack mode!


And due to
its special ability,

Lockout can't be destroyed
in battle this turn.


Exactly what I would've done.

And since we summoned
a monster mid-attack,

Ghost Gal can choose whether
to keep attacking or not.

If she does,
our life points will drop

below a thousand--
which would let us

use our Skill Storm Access.

So, getting her to attack
is our best option!

Time to get to work.

Oh noes!
We're in danger!

If she pokes us
with those tentacles,

we'll be flappi''
like a fish filet!

The humanity!
The Ai-manity!

I hope she forgets
to attack!

'Cause that's
the most problematic thing

with no conceivable
drawbacks to occur!

Analysis: Attacking will
trigger Playmaker's Skill.

Oh, no!
I'm glitching out

into moves that make me
an enticing target!

This is just...
I end my turn.

For real?

How did she see through
my awesome acting?

Well, Ai, it might be
cause you stink.


Wait, I don't have
a scent... do I?

Whoa, what gives?

Ghost Gal just hit the brakes
on her attack.

She probably sniffed out some
trap Playmaker has planned,

nothing ever gets by her.

But good!
Playmaker's safe.

That's not good.

And why would you say that?

I mean, think about it,

if me and you get
the only footage ever

of Playmaker's first defeat,
we'll cash in big time.

You know what?
You're right!

Oh, no, what a dilemma!

I don't want
LINK VRAINS's hero to lose!

But if he doesn't,

my bank account's
the real loser!

Oh, the mental struggle!

I draw!

Playmaker, if you wipe out
before we wipe her out,

we're gonna be
all washed up!

if you wipe out

before we wipe her out,

we're gonna be
all washed up!

I activate my trap!

Altergeist Protocol!

Next, I tribute
my Meluseek to activate

Altergeist Primebanshee's
special ability!

She summons another Altergeist

from my deck
next to her link!

So strengthen my defenses,
Altergeist Silquitous!

And since Meluseek went
to the graveyard,

her special ability lets me

add another Altergeist
to my hand.

And Altergeist Kunquery will
be perfect for my plans.

Just as I expected.

Just between you and me,
that card nearly made me

delete my inbox
all over the place!

Because she can use Kunquery
to stop our att*cks!

Yes, that's true, but there's
no point in whining about it.

Instead, focus on finding
cracks in her strategy.

For example,
when Ghost Gal is

the only one who has a monster
in the Extra Monster Zone,

I can summon this!

My Backlinker!


And by tributing

I can send
Altergeist Primebanshee

to the graveyard!

Oh, yeah!
That's the stuff!

Well, you can stuff
those plans.

By sending Marionetter
to the graveyard,

Altergeist Protocol negates
Backlinker's special ability!

My Primebanshee isn't
going anywhere!

Looks like
you failed again,

but I'll keep it
our little secret.

At least we got that
going for us, Playmaker.

That is precisely the move
I'd hoped she would make, Ai.

When Backlinker's
special ability is negated,

I can summon this monster!

My Striping Partner!

Now come
and join this duel!

And when I successfully summon
Striping Partner to my field,

I can then resurrect
a Cyberse monster

that's Level 4 or lower
from my graveyard.

Rise, Backlinker!

Oh, I get it,
you want to use Backlinker

to try to destroy
my Primebanshee again.

But what didn't work once
won't work twice,

not when I return
Altergeist Protocol to my hand

to activate Silquitous's
special ability!

She sends
Striping Partner
to your hand,

so Backlinker
isn't coming back!

That won't be the end
of the tale, Ghost Gal.

Not when I have
Lockout Gardna!


Lockout Gardna locks out
both Striping Partner

and Altergeist Silquitous's
special abilities!

So I may not get
Backlinker back,

but Striping Partner
remains on my field!

Analysis: Playmaker saved
his second monster

so that he can attempt
to Link Summon.

Oh, is that right?

But I'm ready for him.

And he's not ready for me.

As usual.

Whoa, their moves are
so high-level

that it's making my eyes
spin out of control!

Keep those peepers
on point, see?

And watch the shake
and shimmer, would ya?

Accomplish all that,
we'll be good to go!

Looks like Yusaku's
turned the tide,

but Ghost Gal's
staying cool.

I bet she has a backup plan
for her backup plan.

Come on, I know
you want to Link Summon,

and it's not polite
to keep a lady waiting.

Very well then.

I shall do as you wish,
Ghost Gal!

The summoning conditions
require two Effect Monsters,

so I set Lockout Gardna
and Striping Partner

in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon

Link Two Underclock Taker!

And I'll follow that up
by summoning Balancer Lord!

With these two,
I've set up the perfect combo!

Since Balancer Lord has

Underclock Taker's
special ability lowers

your Primebanshee's
attack points

by 1700 as well!

Ooh, that is
a scary combo.

If it worked,
that is.

But it won't when I activate
Altergeist Camouflage!

By equipping it
on Primebanshee,

your Underclock Taker's
special ability

can no longer
affect her!

But nice try.

Nice try?

Are you being sarcastic?

Is she being sarcastic?
Answer me!

Oh, and when Primebanshee
is camouflaged?

Your monsters can't
attack her, either.

So there's nothing you can do
to destroy her!

And if you can't
get past my Primebanshee,

you can't win!

You're done, Playmaker!

I know it's not over
till it's over, Playmaker,

but it's over.

I'll prove you wrong.

Oh, please...

I pay 1000 life points

to activate Balancer Lord's
special ability!

Playmaker is below

He is now allowed
to activate his Skill.

Oh, I get it.

Storm Access is
your last ditch chance

to turn this duel around.

But I won't
let you activate it

because I'll use
my own Skill!

Secret Cure!

Your Skill?

I know this is bad for us,

but I'm kind of excited!

My Skill Secret Cure allows me
to draw cards from my deck

until I get a monster card,

and then we both
gain life points

equal to that monster's
attack points.

So, let's see what the cards
have in store for us!

I draw!

Altergeist Camouflage?
Well, that's no monster.

But my second card is!

Altergeist Meluseek!

Since she has 500 attack points,
we each get 500 life points.

That brings your life points
up from 900 to 1,400,

taking you out of range
from using Storm Access!

That is so BM!

How dare she give us
life points!

Actually, that's
kind of a nice thing...

that makes me so angry!

She stopped us
from using our Skill,

but since I have
Balancer Lord,

that's only temporary.

With it, I'm allowed to summon
another Cyberse monster!

Which I intend to do!

All right, Scan Doll,
time for you to join the duel!

And Scan Doll has
an ability,

an ability that costs me

Playmaker can once again
use his Skill.


Now I'll use Scan Doll

to return a trap card
back from your graveyard,

Altergeist Camouflage!

Which camouflages

Oh, yeah! You can
now use your Skill

to pull a new monster
outta the Data Storm!

And I see a big one
swirlin' over there!

[wind whooshing]

[wind booming]

Uh-- maybe too big?

Hang tight!

[both screaming]

If you had a hat,
I'd tell you to hang on to it!

The only thing I want
holding anything right now

is you onto me!

Ghost Gal's heading straight
for the Data Storm, too.

You think
she's gonna be okay?

Well, do ya?
Huh? Huh? Huh?!

Boss, no one said nothin'
about no Data Storm.

Maybe we should turn around
and live to fly another day!

Nah, flap those flappers!

Please, boss,
this is crazy!
I'm not afraid
of a little breeze!

I'll punch our way into that
storm with a left and a right!

Here goes!

I'm so scared!

Flap to it!

I'm flapping
as fast as I can!

That's it!

We're downloading a chopper app
once we make our money back!


Come on, Playmaker!

Seize the wind!


I did everything I could
and still couldn't stop him

from activating his Skill.


Go, Storm Access!



You won't make it,

She's fallen too deep
into the eye!

Don't let go!

You seem unhurt.

Yeah, I'm fine.

Good, then we can
continue our duel.



So, did you think
for a second

you were putting me
in danger too?

Look, they made it out, boss!

Yeah, and them
being out...

Means that you and me are
back in business!

Hate to say this,

but I owe you one
for saving my life.

So, I'll cut you in
on the profits

when I sell your AI.

That won't be necessary.

Because now...

I create
the ultimate circuit!

Link Arrows authorized!

The summoning conditions
require at least

two Cyberse monsters.

Therefore, I set
Link Two Underclock Taker

and Balancer Lord
in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link Three Excode Talker!

You can summon all
the powerful monsters you want,

but it won't help.

Because when you attack,

I'm allowed to summon
Altergeist Kunquery

and stop your attack.

I activate
Excode Talker's ability!

For every monster
in the Extra Monster Zone,

you can no longer use
one of your Main Monster Zones!

Excode Talker,
block her field!


Grasp Zone!

Your two remaining
Main Monster Zones

are completely useless!

If there's no zone
to summon Kunquery,

I can't use her effect
to negate his attack!

And since my other monsters
are camouflaged,

Playmaker can
attack me directly!

That's right,
and by tributing Scan Doll,

Excode Talker can attack
not once but twice!

That's enough to wipe out
all my life points!

Excode Talker,
attack Ghost Gal!


Looks like this ghost's
gettin' get rid of!

Attack again,
Excode Talker!

Closing Chaos!



You win, Playmaker.

Oh, yeah!

Playmaker's still number one,

and you can take that
all the way to the bank!

I'd rather take a paycheck
to the bank.

Oh, well, at least
we still got some footage.

The check will be
missing a few digits,

but I won't have
to skip breakfast this week.

Well, Playmaker,
you sure know

how to show a girl
a good time.

If you call that good,

I don't know
what you'd call bad.

But, hey, I'm not judging you.

Okay, I'm judging you.

You're feisty.
I like that.

You sure you wanna hang out
with that bore instead of me?

Oh, absolutely not,
but moving's such a hassle,

and I don't feel
like packing.

That's too bad.

I was going to introduce you
to some cute little widgets.

What'd you say?


You remember our deal,
don't you, Ghost Gal?

How could I forget?

One backdoor access

into SOL Technologies' databank.

At your service.

Try not to get caught.

I'd hate
to see you digitized.

Later, hon.

Don't do anything
I wouldn't do.

But I hope you can do
what I couldn't do.

You sure we're gonna find
the answers you're looking for

inside SOL Technologies'

There's no guarantee
that I will.

But still...

if there's even
the slightest chance

to learn about my past...

I must take it.

Yes, of that,
I'm absolutely sure of.

And there are probably
other secrets in there, too!

UFOs, Bigfoot,

maybe even
your sense of humor!

You filmed
the whole duel, right?

Every second!

Every pixel
in extra hi-def!

Good! Now,
this might not be

the Playmaker video special
we were intending,

but this isn't
a bad audible!

And it may even be
even better because

we have Ghost Gal
dueling too!

Our bosses
and our bosses' bosses

will give us bonuses
for sure, right, boss?

Big ones!

Now, show me
what you filmed.



You mess up?

No! I double-checked
and everything,

I thought it--

Tsk tsk.

My duel wasn't
for you prying eyes,

so I erased
your memory card.


[both screaming]

Tell me you backed it up
to the cloud!

No, I was too busy
flying through the clouds!

Well, what are the odds
of recovering the footage?

Uh, outlook cloudy.

Aww, they're so cute
when they squabble!

Get over here!

Not the flight feathers!

Here you go, Kolter.

Thanks, buddy.

So, do you really
think we can hack

into SOL Tech's databank
with this program?

We'll see.

Well, let me know

the instant
you know for sure.

This may be the key...


...we've been
looking for.


[soft snoring]

Time to get cracking.

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