01x21 - Story Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x21 - Story Time

Post by bunniefuu »

So I said, "You spread
mustard on a sandwich,

you squeeze mustard
on a hot dog."

Education. We gotta
look out for each other.

Speaking of, you look
like you could use a break.

Straight out
of the freezer, bud.


Nothing like an iced slushy
and a sea breeze.

But how do you expect
to get any customers,

being all the way out here?

Don't you worry.

While you were face deep
in your laptop there,

I sold a hot dog
with all the fixins

to one lucky gentleman.

One whole hot dog, huh?

Take a gander out there.

Who wouldn't want to
feast on these sights

while feastin'
on a footlong?

And if you're lucky to be
here at just the right time

on just the right night,

the tide sweeps glowing
plankton into these waters,

forming the Stardust Road
as far as the eye can see.

The Stardust Road's so rare

that the guy
who just bought a dog

and lives on top
of that cliff...

a million to one,
I doubt he's ever seen it.

Well I should probably
get back to work.

You sure?
Better pace yourself.

You'll burn out.

Getting to the truth
about my past

is more important
than anything, Kolter.

Burning out is
the least of my worries.

Hear that.

But seriously,
take care of yourself.

Our fight against
the Knights of Hanoi

is a marathon,
not a sprint.

And I've already seen
too many people suffer.

But we're one step closer.

According to
SOL Tech's database,

a certain Dr. Kogami
started the Lost Incident,

but why is a mystery.

And he's no longer
around to tell us.


But at least we've
learned his name.

And that's more than
we knew yesterday.

Guess so.

But are you sure Ai
doesn't have

any more information
he'd like to share with us?

He did munch
the entire database.

I bet he's loungin',
rubbin' his belly...

What's he do when
he's home alone anyway?

So Playmaker's like,
"Noooo! I'm gonna lose!"

until I say, "Not if
you play that card!"

And that's how I
saved him again!

He is so lucky
to have you.

Hmm, you think?

You know what?

You're absolutely correct!

And that wasn't the only
time I won him the duel!

Far from it!
Wanna hear another story?

Do ya, do ya, do ya?

You are acting scary,
but Roboppi loves stories!

And mine are the best!

Okay, let me regale
you with tales

full of romance
and adventure,

with 100%
less romance.



The story begins
when we receive

a mysterious message
from this meatbag.

She's supposedly
a great hacker,

but I disagree.
What's her name again?

Ah! Gore Gal!

So check this out.

It's a message
from Ghost Gal.

Looks like gibberish.

Sure does,
but the thing is,

it's written in a
cipher that only I use.

So what's it say?

She's challenging you
to a duel.

Well, not you you,
but Playmaker.

And if she wins the duel,

she gets to take
possession of Ai.

Dream on, sister!

No way my pal
Yusaku would risk

someone as important as me.

Right, best friend
forever? Yeah?

I'm in.

Just look at what
she's offering up in return.

If I win, we get backdoor access
to Sol Tech's mainframe.


Gore Gal vs. Playmaker,

and the winner
gets to have me!

That's the problem
with being so popular.

Everybody wants you.

[pretending to be Ghost Gal]:
Oh, sugar, come with me!

[pretending to be Playmaker]:
No! You can't have him! Never!

it's really hard being me.

The pressure
of being beautiful.

What happened next?

Ready to duel, Playmaker?

I do hope
that this is not

another one of
your tricks, Ghost Gal.

Me? Tricks?

Okay, usually,
but not this time.

The backdoor program,
all zipped up and ready to go.

I bet you can find
all sorts of info,

even what happened
in your past.

That's a valuable program.
So, why are you risking it?

Because your AI will
fetch a much higher price.

I already have buyers
lined up.

Speed Duel!
Speed Duel!

I'm creating a circuit

that links the known
with the unknown!

I Link Summon...

Link 3,
Altergeist Primebanshee!

I've analyzed your
strategies, Playmaker,

and you're winning these days

using your new Skill,
Storm Access.

Sure, it's one tough
Skill to beat,

but you can only activate it
during your turn. So...

I'll make sure you never
get the chance to use it!

She was outdueling

and the only way to
turn the duel around

was to get Gore Gal
to mistakenly attack.

And she wouldn't do that!

Au contraire!

That's where I tricked her
with my awesome acting!

Oh, noes!
We're in danger!

If she pokes us
with those tentacles,

we'll be flappin'
like a fish filet!

The humanity!
The Ai-manity!

Hope she forgets to attack,

'cause that's the most
problematic thing

with no conceivable
drawbacks to occur!

Oh, no! I'm glitching
out into moves

that make me
an enticing target!

I did not think attacking
was my best option,

but I am now fully
convinced that it is!

Thank you, Ai--
I mean, your greatness!

Straight up, you're
double deuce aces!

I could never win without
your glorious guidance!

Is that what
really happened?

Eh, close enough.
Now where was I?

Oh, yeah! You can
now use your Skill

to pull a new monster
outta the Data Storm!

And I see a big one
swirlin' over there!

Uh, maybe too big?

Hang tight!

C'mon, Playmaker!
Seize the wind!


I did everything I could
and still couldn't stop him

from activating his Skill.

Well, Playmaker...

You remember our deal,
don't you, Ghost Gal?

How could I forget?

One backdoor access into
SOL Technologies' databank,

at your service.

Try not get caught.

Wow! You are
the true hero!


And now that we had
the backdoor program,

we could hack
into SOL Technologies

and take all
their secret secrets!

Oops, did I say take?
I meant steal.

Stealing is wrong.

Oops, I didn't mean steal.
I meant take. [laughs]

With Gore Gal's
program a peekin',

we got a' sneakin'!


Here are the schematics
Ghost Gal gave us

to SOL Technologies'

And the databank with
all the tasty info's

smack dab in the center.

Link into the VRAINS!

Sir! It
seems someone is hacking

into our company's databank!


I'll put it on screen!

It can't be.

That-- That's Playmaker!

Launch my AIs immediately!

We have guests.

Unauthorized entity detected.

Mark for deletion.


I leave Link VRAINS for
like two and a half seconds

and now duelists are robots?

How the... Blue Angel?

Intruder determined
as hostile.

Optimal action:
eliminate intruder.

Now... create
the ultimate circuit!

I Link Summon...

Link 3 Vector
Scare Archfiend!


It's over!

Vector Scare Archfiend...

Tentacluster Nautilus!

Diabolical Destruction!

[Blue Angel]
Teamwork time!

I need exactly two
Trickstars to Link Summon.

So I set Trickstar's Narkissus
and Lycoris in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon...

the purr-fectly delightful...

Link 2 Trickstar
Black Catbat!

Black Catbat!

Let's put this duel to rest!

You think you're
a state-of-the-art AI?

You're basic!


Yeah! Ha ha!

And that's how
you stay blue!

Is that the core?

Seems so.

Zaizen, Ghost Gal,

now I understand
why you're here.

To stop me from
getting access.

If you won't voluntarily
step to the side,

then I'll go through you!

I will not.

Let me be clear.

I'm willing
to risk everything

to get what I want.

And that even

putting Ai on the line
and up for grabs.

Yeah. Wait, what?

But, if I win,

I get direct access
to the databank.

Very well.

If it's the only way
to break our stalemate...

So be it!

We'll let our cards
decide the matter!


Let's duel!
Let's duel!

And once again,
they're fighting over me!

You're so popular!

Yes, I am!
But I wish I wasn't.

All I want is peace,
but my very existence

is causing strife
and tragedy! Oh!

Poor master...
or are you acting again?

Of course I am!
Fight! Fight over me!

Fight for my love!

And boy did they!

I activate my Base Gardna's
special ability.

Aw, glitch!

Glitch, indeed.

I shall summon
Tindangle Hound!


Uhh! Wait, that's
all yip and yap!

Decode Talker still
has higher attack points!

Decode Talker, attack!

You can't get rid of
my Hound that easily!

Because it's back
on the field!

I Link Summon...

Link 4 Firewall Dragon!

Playmaker has his best monster
out. Now the question is,

can Akira find
a way to top it?

Because if he can't,
his life points

are hitting rock bottom!

Now emerge...

Tindangle Acute Cerberus!


Oh, wait, what
am I scared of?

It has no attack points.

You may have fought
valiantly, Playmaker,

but ultimate victory
remains in my grasp!

Acute Cerberus,
destroy Firewall Dragon!

Isometric Inferno!

I then place two cards
facedown and end my turn.

Are you even trying?

You know what's gonna
happen if you lose?

Zaizen gets to
take me from you!

And I won't be around
to give you

positive vibes,
you mindless meatbag!

If that's your idea of
words of encouragement, Ai,

I'm more than willing
to help you pack.

Uhh! So not cool!

After everything
we went through?

The millions of times
I saved you?

You'd abandon
your bestie like that?

Whoever said
we were besties?

How can one noun,
two verbs,

and two pronouns
hurt so much?

Maybe he's jealous of you.

Right? Why else
would a bestie get
more than testy?

Poor master.
Even your compassion

cannot melt
his frozen heart.

May I suggest downloading
a flamethrower app?

There's a thought.

But continue the story
first, please.

Right. So, like,
Playmaker's back

is against the wall, but
with me giving pro tips,

he's uber confident.

It all comes down
to this one draw...

But I believe in my deck!

I draw!

So tell me, Playmaker,

did your trust pay off?


I place this card facedown
and end my turn.

Clearly not the card
you were hoping for,

because miracles don't
happen in real life.

So you'll lose this duel
and lose your one opportunity

to uncover the mysteries
of your past.

But you have won
something in exchange.

Your freedom.

The past is a ball
and chain.

It keeps you from
moving forward in life.

But now, at long last,
you will finally be able to.

I know what they did
to you was horrendous,

but I'll take care
of your problem.

So go make new friends,
be adventurous.

You can do anything

when you're no longer
consumed with revenge.

Your future is right
before your eyes.

Right before our eyes?
I don't see anything.

So it's all peaches
and cream, huh?


I've been
listening to you two

jabbering about the
past this and past that.

So, Playmaker,
what happened?

Akira, you care to share?

I'll tell you what I know.

Story time!

There was an incident
known among inner circles

as the "Lost Incident."

Six children went missing,

mysteriously vanishing

because a secret
organization took them.

And one of the six
children was Playmaker.

It's true
that I was taken,

but that was only the
beginning of things.

I found myself alone
in an empty room,

except for one thing.

A single piece of VR tech.

The headset
showed a duel field

where I was forced
to duel and win.

Because if I didn't...

[computer voice]
You lose!


I was punished
for my failure.

It was a tedious

Eat, sleep, and duel.

That's all I was
permitted to do.

Eat, sleep, and duel.

[computer voice]
You lose!

And when I lost, the
"eat" portion went away,

so I had to improve
as a duelist to win.


Duel after duel after duel,
hour after hour,

day after day,
wondering why I'm here,

wondering why life
dealt me this hand,

when this would end,

if it would ever
end at all,

and then one day,
it just did.

You were rescued, but
the culprit was never found.

In fact, the whole Lost
Incident was covered up,

so the public
never knew it even occurred.


you said that those rescuers
saved me that day.

But I wasn't saved at all!

There are three reasons
why I must learn

the motive behind
the Lost Incident.

One: I can only
move past my suffering

when I know why I had to
suffer in the first place.

Two: To save those
who are still afflicted

from the ramifications
of what we had to endure.

And three: When I was
about to give up back then,

one voice kept me going.



C'mon, you gotta get up.

I can't do it.

You can make it
through this.

You just have to
always remember

these three things...

One: If you give up now,

there won't be a next time.

Two: You can't win if you
don't believe you can win.

And three: Just because
it's tough now

doesn't mean
it will always be.

The reason I'm here today
is because of that voice.

And whoever that was
was not among the rescued.

So if he's still captured,
I must rescue him!

Zaizen, you speak
of the Lost Incident

as if it was something that
was ended a decade ago.

But for me,

it still hasn't ended!

Many people
did try to help me

readjust back
to a normal life.

My teachers and classmates
treated me no different,

just another normal kid.

Deep down inside though,

I was still struggling
through the pain...

And this pain would
only grow as I grew older...


[computer voice]
You lose!


The nightmares would
come every night.

It was as if I was falling

into a bottomless
chasm of despair,

but I realized that if
I didn't want to break,

I had to climb out on my own.

Instead of trying
to avoid it,

I decided to confront
the demons that haunt me.

Firewall Dragon,

destroy Tindangle
Acute Cerberus!

Tempest Terahurtz!


Are you okay?

I'll be fine.

I'm taking the data.


Ai, can you access it?

Who ya think
you're talkin' to?

If there's data to eat,
call me a turkey!

Get it? Gobble gobble?

All right then, Kolter.

Dive in and hack
the data out of Ai.

I'm on it!

Hey, Kolter!
Check it out!

Dr. Kogami, Director
of the Hanoi Project...

Looks like we hit
the jackpot, Yusaku.

Uhh! Whoa, what is this?

No way!

What? What? What?!?

It says Dr. Kogami
retired seven years ago.

As in retired retired,
if you get my drift.

And now you're
all caught up.

We thought we were
gonna get a big ol'
juicy hamburger clue,

but we hit another
dead end instead.

But you will find a way.
You always find a way.

Yup! I gotta say,
your flattery skill's
greatly improved!

Roboppi has been
studying blandishments!

Uh, yeah... Great...
Whatever that means...

There's still one person who
can shed light on this matter.

Oh, yeah? Who?

It's Varis.

As he is the leader
of the Knights of Hanoi,

he definitely must know
something of value.

But no one's seen his helmet
around Link VRAINS recently.

Knowing him, I highly doubt
he'll be in hiding forever.


It's almost time.

Time for humanity to fight
for its very existence.

[theme music playing]

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