01x36 - A Bridge Too Far

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x36 - A Bridge Too Far

Post by bunniefuu »


Just like it was
when I was a child,

so long as this tree
protects me,

there is no possible way
that I can be defeated and...


And since I can't be,
you can't stop Varis

from destroying Link VRAINS,
along with the Ignis!

But Spectre, don't
you realize you'll be
destroyed as well?

Of course I realize that,
but I have

the utmost faith in Varis
and entrust my fate to his will.

I'll add that to your
long list of bad decisions,

because I will defeat Varis

and I will put a stop
to the Tower of Hanoi!

You're going to
have to defeat me

before you can get to Varis.

But, as I said,
I can't be beat!



Face it,
you have been outmatched

from the very start,

You don't have
one move to make!

You're right.
I have more than one,
and here they come!

Since I just att*cked with
a Cyberse-Type Link Monster,

my Multi Sledgehammer
gains one Hammer Counter!

Next, I activate Binary
Sorceress's ability!

Once per turn, I can
cut the attack points

of one of the monsters
currently on my field in half

and then give those
points to another monster!

Binary Sorceress grants

to Binary Blader!

And now...
let's do this!

Binary Blader!
Attack his Sunvine Gardna!

And Spectre, this won't
be a single attack.


My Blader can attack twice,

though your monster
will not be destroyed.

Can't say the same for
your life points, though!
Womp womp!

I activate
Gardna's ability!

For every one of
Sunavalon Dryas's links,

it decreases
the damage by 800!

So instead of taking

I only take 1,200.

I'll take any damage
I can get!

And Binary Sorceress's
special ability

restores my life points
equal to the damage you took!

So your loss is my gain,

And since I att*cked
with a Link Monster,

gains another Counter!

You're not
the only one who profits.

When I take damage, I can
play Sunavalon Glorious Growth.

This trap summons
a Sunvine Token.

In addition, I can now utilize
it to manifest my circuit!


The manual says you can't
Link Summon during our turn!

Then you should update
your rulebook, because I can.

I thought you were
supposed to be smart.

Or does AI stand
for artificial idiot?

The summoning conditions
require me to use

at least two Plant monsters,

so I set my Sunvine
Token Gardna

and Sunavalon Dryas
in the Link Arrows!

[sinister laughter]

I Link Summon!
Link 3 Sunavalon Dryanome!

I think we're
knee deep in stink.

Yes, you're quite right.

But I'm afraid for you,

the worst
is still yet to come.

We'll never hear the end
of it if we lose to a tree.


Now then, due to Glorious
Growth's additional effect,

I regain life points equal
to the damage I just took

and you take damage
equal to that amount!


So my life points
are back to 4,000.

As long as Spectre
has that trap,

no matter how many of his
life points we get rid of,

he'll just regain them!

He has the ultimate
defensive deck,

one that Blue Angel
couldn't break through.

His strategy revolves
around his Sunavalon Dryanome.

Yeah, so unless
we figure out

a way to chop it down,
we'll be fragged as well!

Ah, easier said than done,

because if you try
to attack my Dryanome,

well, those att*cks will
be redirected toward me.

So we nail him instead?
I don't hate that.

And neither do I!

Binary Blader!
Attack Spectre!


Nice! And due to Binary
Sorceress's ability,

we gain life points
equal to the damage
you took-- 2,600!

How do you like that?

Fine, actually.

I told you that any damage
I take is temporary.

Dryanome's ability

Since you dealt me damage,
I can summon

a Sunvine Link Monster
next to its link!

So, come!
Sunvine Gardna!


Then I regain life points

equal to the damage
that I just took.

Geez, great job giving him
an extra monster, Playmaker.

And like before,
Glorious Growth

deals you damage equal
to the amount I regained.


We're right back
to square one!

No, you're wrong, AI.

My Sledgehammer
gets another Counter.

And it uses
its second ability!

When you have a monster
on your field

and Sledgehammer is co-linked
with another Cyberse monster,

it can attack you directly!

Go right ahead.

I'll just regain my life points
like every single time before.

Must I keep teaching you
this painful lesson

or will you learn
from your mistakes?

There are no mistakes
in my game, Spectre.

My Sledgehammer activates
its third ability!

By removing all
of its Hammer Counters,

Multi Sledgehammer
gains 1,000 attack points

for each one until
the end of the turn!

That's 4,000
attack points!

Ha ha!
Deuces, Spectre!

Go, Sledgehammer!

Attack Spectre directly
for all his life points!

You can't pump up
your life points

if you already
lost the duel!

Wait! So you mean all
those silly useless att*cks

were just a setup to erase
all my life points at once?

Oh! How did I miss it?

Probably 'cause you were
focusing on your tree

instead of the forest!
Get it?!

Hmm. Actually it's me
who's got you.

My trap has
another effect too.

It's an effect that allows me
to stop your monster's attack

if it happens to be
directed straight at me!

Then I redirect
your attack

to another one of my monsters,
Sunvine Gardna!

Aw, glitch!

Sunvine Gardna's
special ability

lowers the damage
I take to 1,000!

Aw, so much for
breaking the cycle!

So sorry to disappoint.

This means
Binary Sorceress

once again restores
my life points.

While you gain life points,
I gain a monster.

Sunvine Gardna!


Oh, I regain all of
my life points as well.

It's like we're
dueling on a treadmill.

That's very well put because
you're going nowhere fast.

Glorious Growth lashes away
the life points you've gained!

Allow me to pull
the plug on this charade.

By destroying
Sunvine Gardna,

you're no longer allowed
to battle this turn.

Well, Playmaker, at least
we learned what doesn't work.

Right you are.

But your problem is
that the options

you haven't even tried
won't work either.

Just because you
speak with confidence

doesn't make it true.

By placing one card
facedown and ending my turn,

my monsters' attack points
return to their original value.


I have some bad news
for you.

Your life points will
soon be lost in the woods!

[squawks] Look, boss,
I'm flapping as fast as I can!

Your beak may be flappin'
in the fast lane,

but your wings
are still in slo-mo!

We have a scoop
to scope, so faster!

Whadaya want from me?

I'm a pigeon,
not a Peregrine falcon!

Talk less, flap more!

Time is ticking,

And you're ticking me off
by taking so long!

Right, boss,
full speed ahead.

Over there!

Playmaker is dueling!

All right! That's
total trending material!

Whoa! Stop, stop, stop!

I'm not aimin' to be

Keep a safe distance!

I'm not sure
any distance is safe!


My anonymous tip worked.

Now I've got a visual
on Yusaku!

And his opponent's...
Uhh! That guy.

I really hate
that dude's eyebrows.

Face it, Playmaker.

Though we both went
through the Lost Incident,

only I have been able to find
a noble purpose from it!

You simply want revenge.

I want to help ensure Varis's
triumphant new world order!

Triumphant or twisted?

I'm not so sure those are
mutually exclusive.

Not that it's any of
your concern, Playmaker.

It's my turn.
I draw.

First I send one card
in my hand to the graveyard

to activate the spell
Sunvine Shrine!

With this card,
once per turn,

I can resurrect a Level 4
or lower Plant-Type monster

directly from my graveyard!

I return
Sunseed Genius Loci!

And with it,
I can manifest my circuit!

The summoning requirement
is one Plant-Type monster,

so I set Genius Loci
in the Link Arrow.

I Link Summon!
Link 1 Sunvine Thrasher!

And since it's linked
to my Dyranome,

it gains 800 attack points
for every one of its links!

Now Thrasher,
thrash his Binary Blader!


This is gonna hurt!

Flex your tenderloins,

Binary Sorceress,
activate your ability!

Give half of
Multi Sledgehammer's
attack points

to Binary Blader!


You saved yourself
some life points,

but thanks to
Thrasher's ability,

you will now unfortunately
lose the allegiance

of one of your
best monsters!


Yeah, what
he said. What?

It's quite simple.
I gain control of the monster

that was just
destroyed in battle!

This is bad news
for Playmaker!

And Link VRAINS!

And now Binary Blader
att*cks your Binary Sorceress!


We're getting
a beat down.

And that is exactly what
I was aiming for.

By stealing Binary Blader,

all of Sunavalon
Dryanome's links are full

so he can no longer summon
monsters in those spaces.

And if he can't summon there,
he can't regain life points.

Oh! I can't believe
I did that!

But you did!
Yes, I did.

You really think I would make
such an obvious mistake?

I summon Genius Loci
for a third time!

And I'll use it expand
the reach of my forest!

The summoning conditions
require two Plant monsters.

I set Sunvine Gardna and
Genius Loci in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!
Link 2 Sunavalon Daphne!

A new Sunavalon.

Yes. So while my Sunavalon
Dryanome has its links full...

Why, look. Daphne has
an open spot to her left.

Oh, no! His links are
spreadin' like weeds!

But, of course,
that's what trees do.

They branch out and grow!

This means he's able to
restore his life points again.

So while we can't
damage him anymore,

my ego's
taking a bruising.

Poor thing. I didn't
think that was possible.

But it only gets worse.

By tributing Binary Blader,

Daphne returns two Gardnas
in my grave to my Deck!

And that means
I opened up another link

to which I can summon!

Next, I place a card facedown
and end my turn.


I wonder which
will last longer--

your remaining life points
or this bridge?


What are you waiting for,
my friend?

It is your turn.

Uh, Playmaker,
I think I'll be safer
in here. Good luck.

Here I go. I draw!

Before you make a move,
I activate Sunavalon Force!

As long as this trap's
in play, your cards' effects

will not work against
any of my Sunavalons.

So I can't attack or use
effects against them?

Starting to wonder
if we were better off

if the bridge
did collapse!

Well, I have a plan!

I summon out my Draconnet!

A monster with wings?
Great plan!

You think it can
swoop down and save us
if the bridge falls?

AI, you're making me
wish the bridge does fall.

Draconnet allows me to summon
another monster from my deck.

I bring out Bitron
in defense!

And I'll use it
to create my circuit!

I'm setting my Bitron
in the Link Arrow!

I Link Summon!
Link 1! Link Spider!

Using Link Spider's ability,
I can summon a monster

from my hand directly
next to its link!

Hah! I now summon Digitron!

And I have all I need
to Link Summon again!

I set Link Spider and
Draconnet in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!
Link 2 Underclock Taker!

All that for a top?

If my second Link Monster
isn't enough to satisfy you,

perhaps my third one will!

I require at least
two Cyberse monsters,

so I set Digitron
and Multi Sledgehammer

in the Link Arrows to
create the ultimate circuit!

I Link Summon Link 3,
Excode Talker!

Excode Talker! Protect the
monster you're linked to!

Underclock Taker can no longer
be destroyed by effects,

and it also gains

So what? None of that does
anything to hinder my strategy.

But Excode Talker's
second ability will!

Since it was
successfully Link Summoned,

for every monster
in the Extra Monster Zone,

one of your Main Monster
Zones can't be used!


That's two zones, Spectre!

Enough to sandwich
your Daphne like a hot dog!

Oh, no!

Next, Underclock Taker's
special ability activates!

One of your monsters
loses attack points

equal to the attack
points of the monster

next to
Underclock Taker's link,

and it's pointing
at Excode Talker!

Watch 2,300 attack points
leave that leaf!

No! My absolutely perfect
defense formation

is falling apart.
This can't be!

But yet,
it appears to be.

I've finally broken your
combo, so I've broken you.

Uhh! No, no, no!

Yes, yes, yes!

All right, fine.

You leave me no choice but
to play my ace in the hole.

[snaps fingers]

What is...? Zaizen?!

Is that you, Playmaker?!

This is all sorts of bad!

You were wrong to think
I was out of options.

There's the game,

and then there's the game
outside the game.

If Zaizen touches his cage,
one tiny prick from its thorns

will digitize him
out of existence.

So what?

Just don't
touch the bars.


I've linked my life points
to Zaizen's cage

so any damage I take
will grow those thorns,

and if they grow much more,
then Zaizen Will meet his doom!

That's cheating!
Super cheating!

I don't care.

If I did care,
I wouldn't've done it.

Isn't that obvious?

You really are
the worst!

Thank you for the compliment,
but kind words

won't get you
out of this situation.

You have a choice to make,

You can attack me and put
Zaizen's well-being in jeopardy

or you can choose
not to attack me

and put all of Link VRAINS
on the brink of destruction.

I know what logic says
is the right choice,

but will you be logical?


Listen, Playmaker!
Forget about me!

Listen to him.
He's right!

If you lose and
Link VRAINS is gone,

Zaizen'll be a goner
anyway! So let's attack!

I end my turn.

Uhh! You what your what?



That's the problem

with actually having
a conscience, you see.

You're simply
not able to make

really tough decisions
when you need to.

Now, if it was me,
I would let Zaizen be

and not hesitate to get my
revenge on the Knights of Hanoi.

But no, you let your one
opportunity to defeat me pass.

I bet you think
you're being noble

and every single person

in the whole wide world
would think so too.

But they're wrong.
You are just weak.

What happens from here on out
is your doing, Playmaker,

but I doubt you'll be
feeling guilty,

because you can't feel
emotions if you don't exist.

By ending your turn,

so ends Underclock Taker's
special ability,

so Sunvine Thrasher regains
all of its attack points.

C'mon, no do-overs?


[cracks knuckles]

You have no one to blame
but yourself, Playmaker.

The next time you have
a chance to seize victory,

don't hesitate!

Allow me to demonstrate!

It's my turn. I draw!

Thrasher! Attack!

Time's up
for Underclock Taker!


And since your monster was
just destroyed in battle,

Sunavalon Force's effect

The Monster with the
most links on the field

deals you 100 points
of damage per link!

Sunavalon Dryanome
has three links.

That means 300 points
of damage to you!


And speaking of damage,

this bridge is looking
pretty beat up!

And I got a bad feeling

the same might be
true for us too!


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