01x39 - Ring the Bell

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x39 - Ring the Bell

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS!"


Well done, Playmaker...

I had this duel won,
until I didn't.

Even though you tricked me
into defeating myself,

Master Varis will not fall
for such deceptions.

That is why he is the
leader of the Knights of Hanoi.

The one who will be
your downfall.

My one true master.

I don't care.


So you say.

But know this:

Your tale will end
in tragedy!


It is already written!

[loud rumbling]



Faster, Playmaker!

Because if that bridge
goes down, so do you!


[theme song playing]





Oh, no! Playmaker's
falling into the abyss!

Poor guy's done for!

Why couldn't you spring
for the parachute app?


[Ai screaming]

I'm getting the dizzies!

Did the abyss just
regurgitate him?

Did you create
that Data Storm?

Love to take
the credit, but no.

If it wasn't you,
then who did I sense?

Beats me.

But don't you have important
things to worry about?

You know, like that
tower over there?

A billion miles tall,
give or take a billion?

It's over halfway done!

And that means we have less
than three hours left, Ai.

Let's go.

He's on the move, boss,

and it looks like
he's makin' a beeline

for the tower!

Well, then so are we,
so get your hustle hustlin'

and follow those
toothpicks, got it?!

Consider it got, boss!

Good. Now watch
the sway would ya?

I don't wanna be deletin'
my dinner!

Right, boss, my bad!

Oh, no!

It's okay.


I know where you're
going, George.

And I also know that
there's no stopping you.

Then why are you
standing in my way?

Scared I might not come back?

Just be careful, George.

Not just for me,
but also for the children.

You got nothing
to worry about.

What you oughta be doin' is
worrying about Varis's health

'cause I'm out
to cole slaw 'em!

Then please promise me
you'll come back.

You're talkin' to The Gore!

Makin' comebacks'
is my thing!

All right,
I made it to the tower.

Just because it's
within your sights

doesn't mean
you've made it.

I'm surprised someone not named
Playmaker would get this far.

But this is as close
as you will get.

Let me guess,
'cause you're gonna stop me.

Yes, Gore.

You're not as dumb
as you look.

Says the guy wearing a helmet
with four zits.

Your blabberin' don't
intimidate me none.

I do hope your dueling's
better than your grammar.

Or this battle
will be a short one.

I'm giving you one last chance
to turn around and leave.

They teach you that
in cliché school?

Tell me, Varis,

when's the last time someone
took you up on that offer?

You'd be surprised.

It happens more often
than you think, Gore.

Yeah, right!

That's 'cause you've been
dealin' with tenderloins...

But now you're facin'
a real duelist!

Gore, why are you so desperate
to rush to your demise?

Are you that eager
to join your friend Blue Angel,

digitized into nothing more
than bits and pieces
of indiscriminate data?


Blue Angel's gone?

Very much so.

She put up a worthy fight;

she just didn't
have the skills.

But you're not the only one
who suffered loss...

I will avenge Spectre's defeat.

But I can't do that
against you.

Too bad, bub!

'cause you won't even get
the chance to duel Playmaker!

Not after I put you down
for the count!

Then you leave me
no choice.

I haven't forgotten that you
singlehandedly defeated

many of my Hanoi.

So ending you will be
a nice consolation prize.

Yeah? Look how
I'm shaking.

Don't forget
what Playmaker said...

If you do find Varis...

Make sure to be
extra careful.

Ghost Gal warned me of some
powerful new card.

Varis may have a new card,

but I have a new deck...
packed full of power punchers!

Now ring the bell!

'Cause I'm rarin' to take you
apart piece by piece!

Time to duel!

Time to duel!

You ready, porkchop?

It's my turn.

I'll start off
by summoning this bruiser!

Gouki Suprex!

And when Suprex steps
into the ring, he also brings

his tag team partner...
Gouki Twistcobra!

Now watch these two Gouki's
double team the circuit!

The summoning conditions
require two Goukis

So I set Gouki Twistcobra and
Gouki Suprex in the Link Arrows!

And now I Link Summon!

Link 2 Gouki Jet Ogre!

When Suprex and Twistcobra leave
the ring for the graveyard,

their special ability activates,
letting me draw

two new Gouki cards from my deck
and add 'em to my hand.


Your peepers
peep that glow?

We gotta tell Playmaker!

Hey, Playmaker, hold up!

There's a duel goin' on
at three o'clock!


I missed lunch?


This is not
the time for jokes, Ai.

Nice one!

The Gore must be dueling now.

You should log out.

It's only more
dangerous from here.

We're in this
to the end!

The birdbrain and I are coverin'
your story,

so we're gonna be stickin'
to you like lint on a lollipop!

We won't let you out
of our sight--

[both gasp]

Yikes, he's fast.

Quit squawkin' and kick your
cardio into overdrive!

Right, boss!

And next I activate the
spell card Gouki Re-match.

It lets me summon a pair of
Goukis with different levels

in defense mode!

But they ain't
stickin' around!

'cause I'm creatin'
another circuit!

That'll require two or more
Gouki Monsters!

So, I'm gonna set Gouki Suprex
and Gouki Jet Ogre

in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 3 Gouki Thunder Ogre!

I activate Thunder Ogre's
special ability to summon

another Gouki from my hand to
join him in this match!


Now get in the tussle,
Gouki Suprex!

And when I summon Gouki Suprex,
I can also summon

Gouki Ripscorpio!

Your move, Varis.

There he is!

Check out Gore's monsters!

Their biceps have biceps!

You jelly?

Not really.

And neither is Varis.

Sorry to steal your
spotlight, Playmaker.

But not really.
You're done duelin' for today.

'cause I'll pin
this jobber for ya.

It appears the only thing
that can overshadow your

is your total delusion.

It is my turn!

You know that as journalists,
we gotta be impartial.

But go, Gore!
Win this!


Gore's been on a hot
winning streak

against the Knights
of Hanoi lately.

But Varis...

This is a totally different
level of skill

that he's facing off against.

It doesn't get more
flash than this!

Let's go, Gore!

Gore's gonna beat this guy
and he's gonna win!

We're all rooting for you!

I'm so worried.

If George loses
he can never come home.

Never be scared
to confront a bully.

Isn't that what you
teach these tykes?

Since you have a Link Monster
on your field...

I can summon...
my Gateway Dragon.


And by activating its special
ability... I can then summon

another dragon straight from my
hand as long as it's level

is four or lower.

Emerge, Sniffer Dragon!

And Sniffer Dragon's ability
sniffs out another copy

from my deck
which I also summon!


What you can do
I can do better.

The summoning conditions..

require at least two
of my monsters.

So I set Gateway Dragon
and my two Sniffer Dragons

in the Link Arrows!


I Link Summon!

Link 3 Triple Burst Dragon!

That's a lot of attack points.

But it don't mean nuthin'
'cause I can use Twistcobra

to increase my attack
points too.

Since my Triple Burst Dragon has
the same number of links as your

Thunder Ogre, I'm allowed to
activate my spell Arrow Charge!

It lets me draw two cards...

which you're also
allowed to see.

But knowing what I possess will
not help you in the least Gore!

Not when I use your
Thunder Ogre's special ability

against you to summon a monster
next to its link!

Rise up,
Triggering Wurm!

Do you know what's the best
form of sabotage?

The one that you
inflict on yourself.

[annoyed growl]

And thanks to your help,

I can manifest
my circuit once again!

This time I require at least
two Effect Monsters,

so I set Triggering Wurm
and Triple Burst Dragon

in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 4 Topologic Bomber Dragon!

That's the best monster
he's got in his stable.

This certainly doesn't
bode well for Gore.

Next up, Triggering Wurm's
special ability activates!

Since I used it to Link Summon
Topologic Bomber Dragon,

it can resurrect itself
from my graveyard

next to Bomber Dragon's link!

And this in turn triggers my
Topologic's special ability!

Ooh, I remember this!

Not good!

When a monster is summoned next
to a Link Monster's link,

Topologic Bomber Dragon
destroys all monsters

in both our Main Monster Zones!

Oh, no!

Twistcobra can help me out
before it's destroyed!

It uses its special ability
to tribute Ripscorpio

and give all its attack points
to Thunder Ogre

until the end of the turn!

That all ya got?

Since I destroyed my own
Triggering Wurm,

I am allowed to draw
one card from my deck

and then add it to my hand.

You weren't as slick as ya
thought, ya curtain jerker.

Your Bomber Dragon
destroys monsters

in the Main Monster Zone.

But Thunder Ogre's
in the Extra Monster Zone.

So it's standing tall!

And since ya destroyed a monster
next to its link,

it gains 400 attack points!

And since ya destroyed
three of my Goukis,

each of their
abilities lets me draw a card!

One plus one plus one.

I bet even you can do
that math.

But just in case
that's three cards.

Carry the one...
Yup, checks out!

That changes nothing!

I will now activate my spell
card Link Protection!

Topologic Bomber Dragon can no
longer be destroyed in battle,

and any battle damage we take

will be reduced to zero.


Topologic Bomber Dragon!

Attack Gouki Thunder Ogre!

Why? His monster's
weaker than Gore's!

What a doofy goofus!

And my Bomber Dragon
automatically destroys

any monster it battles!


Guess I'm the doofy goofus!

Or goofy doofus...
Foofus goofus.

But this is only the beginning
of your problems.

Topologic's ability
deals you damage equal

to Thunder Ogre's
attack points!

Now unleash the pain!

There's no way you're gonna make
me tap out that easy Varis!

By discarding Gouki Octostretch
from my hand,

the damage is cut
in half!


That's a nice play
you made.

But it doesn't make you
a Playmaker.

No wonder you
could never beat him.

I end my turn.

It doesn't matter if this creep
looks down on me,

'Cause the only faces
that matter are the ones

that look up to me!

It's my turn!
I draw!

Get ready, Varis!

I activate the spell
Gouki Re-match!

This resurrects two Goukis from
my graveyard in defense mode!

And I'll use 'em...
to mash my circuit!

I need to use two Goukis!

And two Goukis are exactly

what I have in front of me
on my field!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon!

Link 2 Gouki Heel Ogre!

[battle cry]


Did you summon your new monster

in front of Topologic Bomber
Dragon's link?

My oh my, what a blunder because
it gets instantly destroyed.

That's no mistake.

Because I wanted it
to be destroyed.

Is that so?

And why would you
desire that?

Guess you don't
know everythin'!

'cause when a monster next
to Heel Ogre's link activates

its ability, not only
is it negated,

but your monster's
also destroyed!

In other words, your Dragon's
goin' up in flames!




Score one for Gore!

He did it!


I used your own monster
against ya.

That's the best
kind of sabotage.

But this ride ain't over
'cause Heel Ogre can re-summon

a Gouki Link Monster
from my graveyard!

So Gouki Thunder Ogre.

is coming back from retirement!

And since I sent Gouki Suprex
and Twistcobra

to the showers earlier,

their special abilities let me
draw two more Gouki cards

from my deck.

Gore's deck was always solid,
but he's enhanced it

with new cards to turn
this duel in his favor.

Wait, what did
you say?

Was that a compliment?

You actually know
how to do that?

But I worry that Varis
remains unfazed.

You may think you
have the lead,

but a single card
can change the duel.

By banishing Link Protection

along with Topologic
Bomber Dragon,

you can't attack me unless you
have at least the same number

of Link Monsters
as Topologic has links.

That Dragon's Link 4,

so Gore needs four
Link Monsters to attack.

Blink, blink, blink, blink.

I already have two...

And gettin' two more
ain't a problem!

First up, I summon Gouki
Suprex from my hand!

Then, its special ability lets
me summon Gouki Ripscorpio!

And that's only the start,

'cause I got plenty more
monsters in my hand.

By sending one Gouki
in my hand to my graveyard,

I can summon Gouki Headbatt
in defense mode!

And Headbatt's special ability
gives Thunder Ogre

until the end of the turn!

All right it's time--
for me to mash my circuit!

The summoning conditions
are two or more Goukis!

So I set Gouki Suprex,
Ripscorpio and Headbatt
in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon...
Link 3 Gouki The Great Ogre!

Three down, one to go!

Since Gouki Ripscorpio
and Headbatt
went to the graveyard...


...their special abilities let
me draw two more Gouki cards

from my deck!

Next I activate
the spell Gouki Roar.

Whenever my Gouki att*cks, it's
bulked up by 300 attack points

for every Gouki on my field!

Last but not least,
I activate...

this Gouki Face Turn spell.

By givin' Gouki Roar the
heave-ho, I can summon a Monster

from my graveyard.

Fly on back, Gouki Jet Ogre!

Oh yeah,
that's four for Gore!

Attack for the V... victory!


Boogie with me,

Umm... I take that as a no?

What are you
worried about?

Gore has this in the bag!


Or perhaps not...

That facedown card...

I've got kids counting on me

to save Link VRAINS
and put the Hanoi on ice!

Beginning with you!

Is that so.

Then don't disappoint those
children, Gore.

Go ahead and finish me.

Oh, I will.

Gouki The Great Ogre,
attack Varis directly!

Remember the time I said a
single card can change the duel?

This is the card
I was talking about!


Turn down
the high beams, wouldya!


Oh no...

I activate Mirror Force!

Every monster on your field
in attack mode...

is destroyed.

Every... single... one.

My Monsters!


This can't be!

So this is the card Ghost Gal
warned us about...

He got me!

[maniacal laughter]

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