31x10 - Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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31x10 - Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The amazing

Six teams race to split,

Nicole and victor were stranded,
Until a miracle came through.

My gosh.

In croatia, a high flying
Detour and puzzling roadblock.

Gave tyler and korey their
Fourth consecutive win.

Meanwhile, chris and bret
Squandered a huge lead, sealing.

Their fate.

You have been eliminated from
The race.

Just didn't make good
Decisions today.

Five teams remain.

Who will be eliminated, next?

In is so cool, man!

Which is responsible for its
Caption content and accuracy.

Tyler and korey came in.

First place and won a trip from

Since the gnome helped us
Win, he should come.

The gnome's coming.

I cannot wait!

Fly to amsterdam and the

When you arrive, travel by

Travis and korey will be
The first to leave croatia and.

Fly 800 miles northwest to the

This is the only country in the
World that runs 100% of its.

Electric trains with wind power.

The teams will catch a train
travel as quick as we can.

The teams will catch a train
travel as quick as we can.

This is our fourth time in a
Row leaving in first place but.

We have really spent time
Building relationships with the.

Other teams so that teams don't
Target us going forward and.

Hopefully we'll make it to the
Final three for the second time.

We have $88 for this leg of
The race.

Tandem bike?

I have one at home.

Will you look up something on
Your phone for us.

Reeva travel.

We are the only non-race team

We want first place at least

The takeaway from last leg
Was never give up.

We thought we were out of it.

Always have hope.

Energy and confidence is through
The roof.

We're trying to get to
Amsterdam as fast as possible.

Where's tyler and korey?

Where did you guys go?

He said it was far.

We need two tickets.

If we can do the same flight
They did.

We just got our tickets to

On the first flight out of here.

It's time to split!


Let's go.

This leg of of "The amazing
Race" is a milestone for us.

Leg 10 is a great way for us
To demonstrate our growth as a.


We're learning that we're
Very different people that get.

Along really well and when we
Mesh that, things go really.


Bicycles don't unlock until
9:00 a.M.

starting from the same place.

Riva travel.

It's just right there.

I've always wanted to go to

We know we're the strongest

We aren't been performing at the
Strongest level the last eight,

Nine legs.

It's not a good feeling being
Towards the end of the pack but.

The name of the game is

We want to make it to the
Final three and have a shot at.

The million.

We'll have an opportunity to
Catch up and have a fighting.

Chance to come in first.

Everything that could go wrong
Did go wrong in the last leg but.

We took it as an opportunity to
Challenge ourselves.

Getting a chance to live through
It, not do it perfectly, helps.

Us get back on our game.

Thank you so much, ladies.

Thank you.

See you in amsterdam.

See you.

We've gotten down to the Wire.

There's no playing around.

This is laser focus.

Bikes unlock at 9:00 a.M.

We'll be right back with the
Other teams.

Let's win this leg!


Right behind you.

Straight back.

Everybody thinks that a
U-turn is coming up.

Our game plan is to get there
First, not give anybody else a.

Chance to do anything to us.

Today was going to be a super
Competitive leg.

Ride your bike to jachthaven.

I can barely reach the Pedals.

Jump on the seat.

Hold on.

What are you doing?

Because it's hard.

Today was our first time to
Ride a tandem bike.

You go to steer and the bike
Doesn't turn.

It's like driving a barge.

Are you pedaling?

No, dude.


I'm trying to get on.

You're not pedaling.


When I pedal, it's not good.

The rhythm we finally got
Into was me pedaling.

The rhythm we finally got
Into was me pedaling.

Don't stop, don't stop.

Pedal fast.

Last time I was on "The
Amazing race" and encountered.

Bicycles, it didn't go quite

Ultimately it's a lot easier
When you don't have a lot of.

Traps on your bike.

Good job.

It's my birthday today so I'm
Hoping we can do really well and.

Not get excited and stay in the

I'm trying to win on nicole's

Let's do it.

Tandem bike is a little bit
Of a thrill.

I see colin and christie.

This is jachthaven.

Don't tell anybody where that


A few centuries ago, locals
Here hoisted a cow to the top of.

The tower to graze on some
Grass, a tradition that still.

Exists today.

If teams can accomplish this
Feat in under 40 seconds,

They'll receive their next clue.

This is bound to get udderly

If there's one thing you can say
About the dutch, they sure do.

Love cheese and eggs.

This detour requires teams to
Ride to this farm which dates.

Back to 1432.

They'll vault across this ditch,
The dutch way.

Or maybe not.

Then they must pick up two
Cheeses and a dozen eggs.

The trick is how to get back
Across the ditch with their.

Cheese and fragile eggs which
They have to deliver to kampen.

Market for their next clue.

We want to do the eggs.

We can do what we want.

We have to find earth number 34.

Good job!

Colin and christie.

We're going to...
We're doing high.

1-2-3 go!

Are they both at number 34?

No, 29.

Earth 29's that way.

Bye, guys.

See you later.

We're by ourselves.

Nick... nic went to do to the
Egg thing.

It might be up there.

My gosh.

Show us how to cross the
Dutch way.

The dutch way to go over a ditch
Is like a pole vault.

You have a metal pole and
Catapult yourself to the other.


I pole vaulted in college but
This is a little tricky.

Here we go.



Never done anything like this
that water's so cold, I don't.

Want to go in again.

I'm trying, babe.

I've pole vaulted before.

Nicole, on the other hand, well...

It was terrible.

I've done nothing like this pole
Vaulting maneuver I had to do.

She swallowed so much water.

You want to switch detours?

Nicole, are you kidding me?

We're here.

There's nobody here.

I see cows.

There's a bunch of cows on
The right.

Number 34, right here, right
Here, right here!

This is it.

Here we go.

She was a cow.

Look, it's a face cow.

The good news is we were not
Going to be working with real.


Got... cows.

Got it?

The cow was very cooperative,
On her best behavior.

Someone else is here.

Leo and jamal are catching Up.

Can we take you?



They're doing it, colin.

She's locked in.

Bessie's ready to go.

This is tight.

We found the cow, hoisted it up,
Got it on the back of the.

Trailer and we're going to
Follow this trailer on our.


We're on our way to the bell


Do we have to follow them?

There's a map.

34... 34.

That way.

Isn't this literally where we
Just went?

I know.

We were either going the
Right way and it's awesome or.

We're going the wrong way.

But I think we're going the
Right way.

Come on, baby, I believe in You.

We need to get closer to the

You just got to jump.

That's it.


Good, you got up in the air.

That's the dutch way.

That's good.

That's good?

Come on, baby!

I realized when I jumped, I
Got up off the ground.

That's what I had to do.

Having that momentum to
Propel her to the other side.

A dozen eggs.

A dozen eggs and two cheeses.

Have to jump back with the
Eggs and the cheese.

This is going to be fun.

Since crossing the dutch way was
A little bit difficult for

Nicole, I took it upon myself to
Transport the eggs and the.

Cheese back across, which was
Very nerve-racking because I.

Didn't want to break into the
Eggs and do it again.

The eggs are good.

The eggs are intact.

Putting the cheese in my pocket.

I have some cajones, no pun

We got to get to the market.

Got to be careful with the Eggs.

We have to come all the way

If we break them, yeah.

Let's get a mooove on.

Spin class.



Wow, we're going to that
Bell tower, I think.

That's where we're going.

Hello, do you like our cow?

Let's go.

Come on, come on.

Thank you so much.

Got it, leo.

Watch out.

Damn it.

Two teams out of time.

We'll be the next one to go.

We'll have to use this rope
And a pulley and we have 40.

Seconds to get the cow all the
Way to the top.

I didn't know if we could
Hoist our cow because it's.

Really high up, it's pretty
Heavy and we were neck-and-neck.

With colin and christie.

We didn't want to fall behind.

We were worried.

Ready, steady, go!

Ready, steady, go!

Let me just...
You be pulling on it.

Colin had this technique
Where he was jumping and pulling.

The rope down and I was just
Doing the best I could to keep.

Up with how fast the rope was
Coming down.

I think colin pretty much pulled
That cow up by himself.

I think colin pretty much pulled
That cow up by himself.

I'll run to the top of the
Bell tower.

Got it.

That was a doozy.

I I am just glad it wasn't a
Real cow.

Good morning!

You made it!

Come on, come on!

Congratulations, you made it.

Thank you very much, thank You.

Come on, baby.

Let's go.

Ride your bike along...
Caution, turn ahead.

Teams are about to
Encounter a surprise double.


With only five teams remaining
And no non-eliminations left in.

The race, forcing teams to
Perform both sides of the detour.

Will be challenging.

Let's get past it.

We've got to go.

Fast, fast, fast.

34, could be anywhere.

Hold the bike.

Remember, it was 33 and then
To the right.

Just pointing this way.

Let's go this way.

No 34, we're going out in the
Boonies here.

Reach higher.

Reach higher!


Hold it, hold it.

Colin and christie, we
Overheard them saying there's a.

Double u-turn ahead.

In switzerland, we had a public
Boat for a... vote for a u-turn.

And nicole and victor, the only
Team to vote for us.

This is a strategy move, no
Emotions involved.

It wasn't smart to set up
Enemies in the middle of the.


Pedaling a bike that's meant
For two to be pedaling is.


To make sure the eggs didn't
Break, I told nicole not to.

Pedal, make sure the eggs are

I'm not even pedaling and I'm

U-turn right here.

Right here, here it is.

Ok, guys, let's talk.

We'll leave it alone.

Let's let everyone else work it

I'm ok with that.

Everybody knew the the afg
Animals would u-turn somebody.

Drive yourself to the boat
Rental and canal cruises for the.

Next clue.

Let's just do it.

We're in to.

We're in it.

Here it is.

We passed it.

Pedal, pedal.

This is it.

They're not real cows.

They're fake cows.

1-2-3, you got it?

It's pretty light.

Let's jog.



We're coming for you, cow!

Moo, moo!

The market's right there.

Watch out, don't touch anything.


What do you got for me?

One, two.

Number two.

And a dozen eggs.

One, two.

We delivered our eggs and our

He looked those over so

I was like, please no cracks or
We'd have to start over.


My god, that was hard.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Double u-turn ahead!

Double u-turn ahead.

I'm freaking out.

Looking for a double u-turn.

I'm looking at the signs.

None of that is familiar.

You got to hurry, though, so we
Can u-turn someone else.

Double u-turn ahead.

We got to make sure we get
There first.

We want to u-turn...
Nicole and victor.

We're in a really big hurry.

To the right.

Go, go, go.

Stay positive.

My god.

Where is it at?

Where's it at?

Damn it!

That was it, you see.

Thank god, found it.

Is there already u-turns?

Sorry, nicole and victor, we're
Definitely going to u-turn you.

To get back even.

Nicole, happy birthday.

Let's go.


Damn it!

The afganimals u-turned us.

I did say their name in
Switzerland but they never got.


Hopefully team fun is behind
Us, either that or let ourselves.

Go out.

I don't like leo and jamal.

Pedal faster, pedal faster.

We just saw nicole and Victor.

They seemed frustrated.

It could mean we made it before

This is probably the return,
Right here.

This is it.

We are looking forward marked
Cars now.

That's them.

Let's do it!

Let's go.

Just let them go.

We are coming up, peeps.

Korey and tyler, they're like
Behind some cars.

Can you let me out?

I want to follow our friends.

They all just went without Us.

Look, nic and vic.

Happy birthday, nicole, sorry
Not sorry.

I got it.

Ready, steady, go!

We had a strategy.

We communicated.

Up, pull down, up, pull down,
Until we were pulling together.

So neither one of us had to pull
Down by ourselves.

Pull, pull, pull!


It's up.

Ready, go.

Thank you.

Caution u-turn ahead.

Damn it.

My god.

I don't even know, dude.

This is difficult.

It's a little bit complicated
Up in here.

Hopefully everyone is
Struggling because these street.

Signs are crazy.

Boat rental canal cruises, right

There's the clue marker.

Rock and roll to the clue Box.

Race by boat, train to the
Next pit stop.

The village of giethoorn
Has no roads or cars.

Navigating through this maze of
Waterways, teams must create a.

Boat train and steer it through
The congested canals.

The pit stop of this leg of the

The last team to check in with
Me will be eliminated.

We're going to the pit stop.

Let's go.

We're getting to the pit stop
Right now.

Last team to the checkpoint
Will be eliminated.

Search the canal for two
Locations with marked boats.

I think they might be hidden.

I have driven a lot of boats.

I grew up on padre island on
Corpus christi.

I felt right at home.

We're looking for boats to
Attach to us.

Look how cute these little
Houses are.

People live like this.

It's awesome.

Where are we?

I feel like we're in a movie.

It's crazy.

A cat!

Cats on boats on laps?

That was the coolest thing
I've seen in my life.


Little doggy.


All kinds of animals in holland.

So much fun.

We're supposed to be
Searching canals for boats.

Searching the canals.

There it is, right there.

We got u-turn.

We got u-turned by victor and

We have to use the other side
Of the detour, right?

That sucks.

Damn it.

We are far behind is the reality
Of it right now.

Nicole, you have to pedal Hard.

I am.

I'm tired.

I regretted having nicole not
Pedal to the market.

I had used a lot of my energy
And now to have to go all the.

Way back to the second detour
Was going to be very difficult.

It looks like there's a farm
Thing over there.

My gosh.

What does this say?

Those numbers don't pertain.

We could not find the second
Detour at all.

We don't know if we would
Ever find it.

What are we missing?

Earth 29.

There it is, yes.Úit's ok, we ca
victor and nicole u-turned us.

So woo had to... we had to do th
Other side of the detour.

12 eggs, two cheeses.

Careful with them.

Maybe I can throw the cheese

You could just toss the Cheese.

Cheese isn't fragile.

It's like a ball.

Getting the eggs over to the
Other side of the canal was a.

Completely different story
Because you didn't want to crack.

The eggs.

I held them in my hand and
Went across the dutch way.

I held them in my hand and
Went across the dutch way.

Here it is.


Right there.

This is it.


We passed it.

It's right on the front.


These are the cows, yeah.

Stay strong.

You never know what you can do.

Right here, nic.

I got it, I got it.

I'm so mad at us.

I'm so mad we passed it.

We drove right by this car.

This is the market.

Yeah, this is the market.

Did you carry the eggs?

Yeah, cheese vendor.

I have two cheeses for you.

We have 12 eggs for you.

One... I'm very sorry.

That's ok.

I can't take this.

It's not intact.

It was a complete moment of

I want to throw that in your
Face right now, you know that.

I have no idea why we did not
Check those eggs.

The one thing we should have
Focused on, we didn't.

I'm sorry.

Have to go back.


We made a really terrible
Mistake but at that point there.

Was no other option except to go
Back and get the egg.

This sucks, damn it.

That was an idiotic mistake.

We got to the market and one
Of our eggs were cracked so now.

We have to go back and get
Another egg at the farm.

We're going to check them
Before we leave.

Not idiots.

Literally the stupidest thing we
Could have done.

I'm pissed!

Clue box.

These let there be three
Clues in it.


Thank god.

We're searching the canals for
Two boats.


My god, boys with beers.



I feel good that there were
Three cars here and two teams.

Behind us.

I got it.


There's five marked boats.

Good call.

Come in.

My god.


You want to attach to the back?

It has to be attached to the

Tie us to that.

I got this.

Right in the groin.

One boat was hard enough.

When you add a second, it was
Almost impossible to navigate.

Leo, I'm going back this way.

My god!

I don't know how to swim.

Marked boats.

They're right here.

Check us out.

We found the first group of
Marked boats.


Here we go, here we go.

This is going to be really
Unwieldy to try to turn.

Heads up.


Ok, come on.

We got it, we got it.

We got this, baby.

We have to give our all right

Ready, go!

Help pull.


I'm literally putting my
Whole weight on it and it's not.

Even moving.

That cow was heavier than I

My god, I just hit my
Frickin' arm bone.

Time is over.

First try, done.

Just give me two seconds.

To think that we had to hoist
The cow up I don't know how many.

Stories and we're dry heaving.

We don't know how we're going to
Summon the energy to hoist this.

Cow up again.

Let's go!

Go, go, go.

Ok, we'll get them across and
Check the eggs.

Go, go, go.

Make sure they look good.

They look good.

Even though we made a really
Terrible mistake, we weren't.

Going to quit and we know victor
And nicole had to do the other.

Side of the detour so we knew we
Still had a shot.

We got this.

Let's go!


"Amazing race," we're in first
Place right now.

Keep it up.

Thank you, thank you.

Are those the flags?

I don't see anything.

Move on, go, go.

We're second.

They only had one boat behind
Them, right?

Look, they're not marked.

Those are marked.

Found the other boat.

Just got to get across the

One second, people, sorry.

We are backing in to attach the
Second boat of our train.

Count the boats.

Should be five.

There's five boats here.

So we just got back in the lead.

This is awesome.

Let's rock and roll.


Let's do this.

We found our two boats.

We are good.

Now we are going out to the

Yeah, yeah, push us.

That's good.

Good, good, good, thank you.

Thank you.

Looking for phil.

And the pit stop.


The canals were so narrow and
There were so many people out.

Today, it was such a beautiful
Day, it was crowded.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I felt like we were playing
Bumper cars.

I am so sorry.

This is a challenge.


The second time, it's like,
All right, come on!

We're still in it.

There's a chance for a million

We can do this.


Use all my weight.

We just go to town.

As it's getting closer to the

We're starting to get really
Tired but I'm like, it's just.

Right there.

We can do it, vic!


Yes, you did it!

Thank you!


Was it easier on the way Down?


Good job.

Excuse me.

They're right behind us.

Good job.

We're almost there.

I won't throw an egg at your
Face, I swear.


Give me what you got.

12 eggs.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Make a right.

Are you sure?

Make a right.

The train of three boats in
The canal, clearly in the canal.

We've come so far now.

We can't backtrack here.

We thought this would be an
Easy leg.

Come on, damn it!

There they are, there's the
Marked boats.

All aboard.

I'm going to reverse out and
Back in.

We only need one more.

One more.

We're making a train.

Who wants to be part of it?

This is it, the pit stop.

I think we just tie up right

My god, that's so cute.

Look at you.

Grab the backpacks.

Here we go.

You guys live in such a
Beautiful place!

My god!

Look at this place!

Can we make it through?

Colin and christie, I'm
Pleased to tell you you are team.

Number one!

And I have great news for.


How about $7500 each!

I'll take it, phil!

The first time we did this
Race, we won six legs and pushed.

Really, really hard.

This time we said let's not burn
Out and peak at the end.

We can get into the final three.

We have what it takes to do
It but we're not taking anything.

For granted.

This is the station right Here.

I'm returning this.

Can you drive?

Looks like it's stick shift.

Never giving up.

You never know what the other
Teams are going through.

Pedal, pedal, pedal and Coast.

Whoa, whoa!

I'm so sorry.

Let's get out of here.

This is it.

Just need to keep racing like
We're in it to win it.

I don't know why we thought
It would go all the way to the.

Lake and find another boat.

Excuse me, where's the entrance
To the canals?

Number two.

Right here, the entrance.

Do we go back in or go further?

We have to go back in here.


We made a mistake.

Come back, go to the lake.


This is going to be tough.

You want to the reverse down

My goodness, I'm sorry.

I am sorry, everyone.

Guys, are you idiots or
Something like that?

I don't mean to be.

It's a very busy afternoon.

I see that.

Go, ty, g*n it.

That's mark.

I see it.

Ma'am, the lake's that way?

Yes, and to the right.

Now that was a lovely local.

My leg!

Please, god, be two clues in

Yeah, there is.

Are you driving?

We were going the wrong way
In the canals so now we're going.

Back through a little swamp area
To try to navigate to the lake.

It's going really slow,
Something's stuck in the motor.

How do we get this up?

There's something stuck in it.

There's no gas.

It's electric.

It's not going.

How do we fix the motor?

We need help.

I don't know where we are, Man.

Damn it.

Excuse me, do you know how to
Fix our poet?

It's... boat.

It's not going.

It's clear now.

It's clear?



Thank you so much.

Come on, leo.

So now we're going to make up
Some time.

Excuse me, how do we go to
The beginning of the canal?

I think the other teams are
Caught up by now.

Keep running from worst to
First, first to worst.


Is that a power boat?

Right here, right here.


Let's go.

We are not out of this, Floyd.

We're going to find these Boats.

We are going to find these

This is scary.

If I see team fun, I'm going to
Crap myself.

They're right there.

Leo and jamal.

Please stop.

Sorry, sorry.

What are they doing?

We saw leo and jamal and we
Thought they were way ahead of.


They u-turned us so catching
Up to them is great.

This way, this way.

I hope this is stop one.

There's only two here.

Reverse, reverse.

We're doing good.

We're still in it.

Please, god, tell me this is
The right lake.

Aim right at the island.

We're good.

Where do you think you
Finished up?

Our best guess is three, but
Honestly we have no idea.

You're become extremely


Just kidding.

Team number two!

My god.

Come on!

Have some fun with me now,
Come on.

Right there, marked boat.

You see it?

Yeah, I saw the flag waving
In the wind.

Yeah, we found the boat.

We have to find one more
Marked boat.

It has to be that right There.


We bypassed it.

I can't believe we missed it.

So stupid!

Why did we do that?

Now we've got our last boat.

We've got to find the exit here.

Tell me if you've seen nicole
And victor?

They're behind us.

Is that a marked boat down

Yeap, yeap, yeap.

Good find.

I got to tie them as tight as we



Do you know where boneville
Drive lake is?

Thank you.

We got to work miracles here.

High five, man.

Have a good day.

We stayed positive.

We didn't know what victor
And nicole were doing and we.

Knew we still had a shot.

We did it!

Push it.

This is going to be heavy.

Chugga chugga choo choo to
The pit stop.

Here we go.

Isn't that crazy.

There's no signs for the lake.

Maybe it's like common

You got to follow the canal out.

I hope the lake's not that Way.

Where the hell could phil be?


Leo, make your way.

What the hell happened to you

What is going on?

We wanted to take the scenic

We could have been first Place.


We wanted to get back to
Nicole and victor.

Give them a taste of their

We wanted a cushion and now
We're going to go on the 11th.

Leg and win "The amazing race."

wow, this is going to be Tough.

This is so slow.

You're sure this is as fast
As it goes?

Nicole, we have three boats.

Is that the island?

It's so far.

I would head towards that.

Yeah, I think that's it.

Is the lake this way?

This way.

The lake, that way?

You can go through here.

Thank you very much.

It's possible the other team
Went straight there.

If that happened, we're still in
The game.

I'll be panicked if I see
Another team.

I'm getting nervous.

We're behind so it's scary.

I'm trying to see phil.

Lake is this way?

To the island!


I think I see... no.

That's not good.

I can't believe it.

We're chugga chug-a-lugging.

Thank gosh!

Let's go.

Nicole and victor, obviously
You were u-turned.

I'm going to put you out of your

You are team number four.

This is the craziest, best.

Experience ever, seeing the
World with someone that I love.

I am so happy we're still in
This race.

That's what I wanted for my
Birthday present.

You're welcome.

You are the only team left
Who have not raced in "The."

"Amazing race" before.

We've never gotten first.

We don't have to be first but
Have to beat one team in each.

Leg to get to the final.

It's very possible.

I don't want to count the Boats.

I just want to know when we get

Land ho, team fun.

We got everything, fanny Pack?

Becca and floyd, I am
Sorry to tell you that you are.

The last team to arrive.

There are no more
Non-eliminations in the race so.

Unfortunately you have been
Eliminated from the race.


Kept hope alive right to
The end, right?

I believed it was her destiny
To win.

But I guess it's our destiny to
Just take fifth.

Maybe it was your destiny
To meet each other because had.

It not been for the "Amazing
Race," you would never have.

Become fun-stoppable.

That's true.

There's nothing else to explain

It sucks to lose but we have
More to be grateful for than to.

Be sad about.

We made it to the mat this time.

We're some of the luckiest
People in the world that we got.

To live our dream.

Not just our dream but our
Delusional childhood dream.


Today team fun wasn't quite so
Wise, a cracked egg was our.

Demise but it's ok, we'll still
Be positive people and show the.

World this is how you ka-jeeple.

Dang it.

That was a good line.

Our next episode.

Next time on the season
Finale of "The amazing race."

getting down to the

The final four give it
Their all.

We're here for our Redemption.

We would love for an all
"Amazing race" final three.

As they battle to win the
One million dollars and "The."

Amazing race."

this is the super bowl.

This is game seven of the world

"Amazing race" immortality is
Ours to take.

10 countries, 18 cities
And more than 25,000 miles.

You are the official winners of
"The amazing race" and the $1.

Million prize, congratulations.
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