32x05 - You Don't Strike Me as a Renaissance Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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32x05 - You Don't Strike Me as a Renaissance Man

Post by bunniefuu »

PHIL KEOGHAN: Previously on
The Amazing Race...

eight teams raced
to Asunción, Paraguay.

After surviving a U-Turn,

Leo and Alana confronted
Will and James.

We thought, that of the four
people cooking...

And we thought that you
U-Turned us.


At the Roadblock,
the alliance of five

continued working together.

-How did you do it?
- Put it through the hole,

and then twist it.

Will and James's steady balance
at the Detour

gave them their second win
of the season.

You are team number one.

(laughing): Oh, my God!

Meanwhile, DeAngelo
and Gary fumbled.

This sucks, bro.

And in last place,
Kaylynn and Haley

found a reason to celebrate.

-This is a non-elimination leg.
- (squealing)

It does mean that you're going
to face a Speed Bump

in the next leg.

Eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Ah! (whoops)

♪ ♪

"Fly to Paris, France."

Will and James will be the first

to leave Paraguay,
South America,

and fly more than 6,000 miles
across the Atlantic

to Paris, France,

home to iconic landmarks
and elegant châteaus

like the Domaine de Chantilly,

where teams will
find their first clue,

30 miles outside the city.

-Oh, my God.
We get to go to Paris.
-Paris. Oui-oui. Let's go!

-"Drive yourselves
to Domaine de Chantilly."

I'm excited for a self-drive.

I know that I'm gonna be
the one that's driving,

'cause I know how to
drive a stick

and I took lessons
before the race,

and I've done it before
when I was younger.

The self-drive
is really exciting.

New element to the race that
we haven't had yet.

Bonne journée. Bon voyage.

VICTORIA: Growing up,
we weren't close at all.

We're just opposites.

I'm the peacekeeper.

Michelle tends to
lose her temper,

and I'd calm her down.

But spending time together's
been awesome.

-Like, we've never ever
been this close.

But communication is key.

I'm a little dramatic
and emotional,

so Victoria's my navigator
and I'm just the goer.

Oh, God. I'm gonna get blamed
for everything.

You're not gonna get blamed.
I have faith in you.

The last time I was in Paris,
I was, like,

13 years old and I had a crush
on a boy named Steven.

This time I'm in Paris
and I have a crush on Leo

-and he has a crush on me.
- We're each other's

-current crushes.
- (Alana laughs)

We're pretty certain that they
drive stick shift in France.

I lived in Europe for five years
and I had a stick shift

the entire time, so I'm
basically fluent in stick shift

-at this point.
- Yeah.

ESWAR: I came to
The Amazing Race thinking, like,

"This is gonna be a great way

for me to showcase
my strengths,"

but I think more,
it's highlighted

kind of the weaknesses.

I don't have any weaknesses.

We're, like, hoping to get
on a really good flight...

We're boarding the first flight

with Michelle and Victoria,

Maddison and Riley.

And Will and James.

We're going to France!

We'll be landing in Paree
by 8:00 tomorrow morning.

HALEY: Yeah, we're 15 minutes
behind the other flight

but we're hoping just
to beat them.

-We're gonna crush
our Speed Bump.

We are not leaving today.

♪ ♪

All right, let's find our cars.

Yeah, it is stick shift.

Yes, it's a manual. Let's go!

We're looking for signs for A1.

Whoo, look who's
still got it, baby.

(engine revving)

-JAMES: Baby, you good?
- (tires screeching)

Oh, he's struggling to
get out of first.

-(engine revving)
- It's all about feeling it out.

-Oh, no.
- Uh-oh.

I can't be stuck behind them.

-RILEY: Perfect. Good work.
- MADDISON: Let's do it.

Okay, now where do I go?

(engine revving)

-(tires screech)
- (groans)

-JAMES: Baby, we need to go.
- It's not working.

-(horn honking)
- Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Let's go! Oh, he's struggling.

Oh, my God. What are they doing?

ALANA: Who's ahead of us?

LEO: Someone who can't drive.

-ALANA: Will and James?
- Yeah, yeah.

-They're incompetent.
- That's super annoying.

-(horn honking)
- (engine revving)

JAMES: You almost had it, baby.

No, I didn't, James.

ALANA: Now Riley and Maddison
are getting a huge advantage

'cause these boys suck.

There's got to be
at least one team

that doesn't really know
how to drive stick.


-(horns honking)
- (engine revving)

I need help.

Dude! What are they doing?

We need them to move.

(horn blaring)

What's Leo doing?

JAMES: Tell Leo what's
happening. We're stuck.

WILL: Leo, can you please help
me? Can you please help me?

-I can help you back up.
- Can't we go forward?

-I can't get it to change.
- LEO: Get out.

I'll get you up
to the stop sign.

LEO: Will and James
were a plumbing issue.

They clogged the ramp.

Get out of the way.

We know they U-Turned us,

and I was enjoying the
image of their misfortune

in the parking lot,
but our priority was just getting them

out of the way.
We don't want to be

in a position where anyone,
including them,

thinks that we are
being petty or vindictive,

but we remember.

Baby, we need to go.

Just go around,
okay? We got to go. Let's go!

ALANA: Come on, Leo!

VICTORIA: Hurry. Come on.

-Are you okay? - No.

We need to go.

JAMES: Come on, come on.

-Deep breaths, baby.
- (engine revving)

-(shouting) - (tires screech)

-(horn honking) - MICHELLE: Let's go,
let's go.

ALANA: Thank you, Leo.

-Go ahead, go ahead.
- Oh, my God.

-(tires screech)
- I'm trying to go

to the gas but it's not working!

JAMES: Be one with the car,
my love.

-You got it. - (groans)

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

I don't know what to do.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

-(engine revving) -
You need to focus.

Is your foot on the clutch?

WILL: Oh. I'm
starting in third gear.

I was pushing

the stick into third gear
instead of first gear.

-JAMES: Baby, you got this.
- WILL: Thank you.

JAMES: I love you. It's fine.

WILL: And after
I figured that out,

we were good to go.

JAMES: Just keep it easy.

We're getting on A1. Good job,

-Which way?
- I don't know. Exit.

-Yay, we're out of the parking lot.
- All right.

(engine revving)

(tires screech)

-Whoa. All right.
- Oh, God. Okay.

-We're going, we're going.
- We're going, awesome.

RILEY: All right,
here we go. Right here.

This is incredible.

Look at this place.

♪ ♪

-Clue box. - Let's do it!

- "Who has an eye for art?"

The Château Chantilly
is a perfect example

of a picture saying
a thousand words.

An exquisite crown jewel,
that has the second largest

collection of antique
paintings next to the Louvre.

This Roadblock gives teams a
chance to study them up close,

when they try to
match a person depicted

in one of these paintings
with a real-life person

who's turned up here to
the château for a party.

(indistinct chatter)

There are nine partygoers

that match nine
paintings in every detail.

Once they make one match,

they'll need to make a
note of the artist's name

to get a clue.

-You got this. - Yeah, I got it.

I thought Riley would be
the best for the Roadblock

'cause he's better
at attention to detail.

-We're good. - (violins playing)


♪ ♪

go for it. You got it.

RILEY: I enter
the château and...

we're in an art museum.
There's essentially

a party going on and
everyone's wearing

a bunch of different costumes.

-That was quite an experience.

Whoa. Wow.

Oh, my God, you're kidding me.

Come on.

With the Roadblock,
what you had to do,

was look in the art gallery,

find a character, match them up

with someone in the party,

and state who was the painter
of that particular character.

(exhales) Okay.

The problem was,
there was so much art

in the art gallery,
it was just crazy.

And I started
stressing a little bit.


That is daunting.

There's so many paintings.


-Driving to the countryside.
- We are looking for Chantilly.

LEO: We're going A1 for Lille.
I have faith in our navigator.

-VICTORIA: What's Leo doing?
- (gasps) They're taking,

they're taking a left. Navigation,

I don't know where I'm going,

We asked somebody but we
only wrote down vague directions.

-Uh, well...
- Yeah. "Uh, uh, what?"

-I'm stopping.
- Can you stop being mean like that?

JAMES: Leo wasn't very nice.

I mean, we used the U-Turn,
but it's like,

no empathy at all.

Which I get,
everyone wants to maintain their lead.

But he didn't have
to be an ass about it.

MADDISON: I have a good
feeling about Riley going into this.

Riley is better at
memorizing anything.

Hopefully we can keep our lead.

RILEY: Most of the
people were wearing colors

like on the gray scale,
and there was a few

that were, like,
bright red or bright blue,

and I thought those
would be obvious.

So my strategy was

I tried to match those two up.


This is nuts.

But they just didn't
exist in the art gallery.

And then I found
someone with facial hair.

That guy looks familiar.

Made sense. (laughs)

Guy with the mustache...

This guy. Can you come with me?

I'll take you to the foyer.

The curator? Who's the curator? Oh,


-Carracci. Yes?
- You are correct.

Ha ha!

-Let's go. - Good stuff.

This is not your
average whipped cream.

It's the cream of Chantilly,

a culinary delight that dates
back to the 18th century.

Teams must whip it to perfection

so it won't fall
out of the bowl,

and then fill up four pies.

-All right. Let's do it.
- Let's go.

-"Travel on foot."
- I think it's back over there.

I don't think any of the
teams have showed up yet,

-except for us. - No.

ALANA: There's
Riley and Maddison.

-So far.
- Just a little further.

"Who has an eye for art?" I do.

I am an art monster.

I am thinking maybe my
Master of Fine Arts degree

will pay off.

Oh, my God, this is incredible.

I love museums.

I feel really lucky to be
in this room right now.

-Oh, my God. - It's okay.

-(tires screech) - Oh!

I don't know how to
not get it to do that.

Haley and I thought that
we could drive a stick shift,

but we were very wrong.

(engine revving)

-(tires screech) -
You're doing great.

How long do we drive on A1 for?

-Okay. Okay. -Merci.

-Thank you.
- We're not lost anymore.

I'm sorry,
I just get very frustrated very easily.

We haven't seen
a Chantilly sign in...

-Nah, we haven't.
- ...ten, 15 minutes.

I'll turn around.

-There it is. - Oh.

-Hello? - Hello.

it smells delicious in here.


We had to whip
cream on four pies.

Now we got to
go win first place.

We can't even remember the
last time that we won something.

I think it was a state
championship in Hawaii.

-2000... - Seven?

-Can't really think about that, though.

Just got to play our
game. It's like golf.

- Just play your best game.

(ball splashes in water)

"Each of you must
make two pies."

There we go.

I hope we're doing this right.

This is kind of
physically taxing.


Mamma mia.

Four pies. Wow.

-(groans) - This
is no easy task.

I would charge $60 for a pie.

ALANA: Wow. Okay.

Pulzone. Pulzone.

Maybe I'll pick this man here
with the white pointy collar.

Um, we'll see. I'm gonna
check to see if he has that ring.

'Cause that's pretty distinct.

Pulzone is the name of the painter.

So let's go see.

(indistinct chatter)

I don't see him in here. Um...

which is frustrating.

LEO: We don't know
where we are in the race,

but we know that Will
and James might still be

at the airport,
trying to get up the exit ramp.

So we're hoping that got
us a little bit of an advantage.

Unless they somehow
really pull it together.

WILL: I love you. You got this.

-Here we are. - You got it.

-Okay. Bye, baby.
- Bye. Good luck.

JAMES: Holy smokes.

You guys made it.


Honestly, I'm sort of amazed.

How did you, how did you...?

I was starting in third gear.

Uh-oh. Okay, that'll do it.


Can you come with me, please?


-Correct. - Yes!

All right. Let's go.

JAMES: I want to, like,
really take my time

and look at all these pictures,
but I need to hurry.

I'm hoping I can just
get in and get out.

Welcome to my beautiful home.

RILEY: How's this? Ready?

It's okay?

-ALANA: Hey. Bonjour.
- Bonjour. How you doing?

ALANA: Changing room.

How many pies do you make a day?


Let's see your forearms.

(both laugh)

-LEO: Use the whisk to whip it.
- All right.

Maybe we get to smash
them in everyone's faces

when we're done.

JAMES: Okay.


And it's yellow.

This is insane.

May I bring you with me?

Would you like to take
my arm? (chuckles)

-Are you the curator? - I am.

Uh, François-Hubert.

-Incorrect. - God. Sorry. Sorry.

"Who has an eye
for art?" That's you.

Which one's speaking to me?

Andrea... Oh, hey, girl.

Hello. Bonjour.

Excuse me. Pardon me.

-May I bring you with me, sir?
- CHEE: James is done?

-On his second guess. - Oh.

You got it.

Andrea d'Agnolo?

-You are correct.
- Are you serious?

Okay, let's go. Oh, my God,

-I can't believe I did it!
- Great job, babe.

HUNG: I saw probably
about 50 people

in the party room,
dressed very similarly.

And so I tried to figure out
people who looked different.

And then I saw one of the
characters looked like Jesus.

And so I decided
to focus on him.

I don't see anybody...

That could be him.

Hi. Can you come with me?

CHEE: Oh. Here's Hung.

HUNG: Nicolas Poussin?


-Okay. Was that faster?
- That was really quick.

-"Who has an eye for art?" You want to do it?
- Me.

-Hey, guys. -Roadblock.
- That's Victoria.

I'm glad Victoria's doing this.

She has an eye for everything.

VICTORIA: So I'm looking for
someone who's dressed like the painting.

Hopefully this will be quick.

HALEY: This doesn't look right.

KAYLYNN: I'm thinking that the
Chantilly is gonna be in the countryside.

-So... stressful. - Yeah.

KAYLYNN: I am sweating
through my jacket.

-We almost... okay. I'm sorry.
- Ow!

-We suck at driving stick,
- (siren wailing)

-got super freaking lost...
- And we have a Speed Bump.

This is bad.

KAYLYNN: I'm thinking
that the Chantilly is gonna be

in the countryside.

We were last to leave,

so we couldn't have a
chance to follow everybody.

So Haley and I are on our own.

I don't know
where the hell I am.

-(laughs): Oh, my God.
- I'm gonna turn around now.

Pour it in and whip it up.

BOTH: ♪ Making pies. ♪

RILEY: These two are good?

♪ In our cute little outfits. ♪

Let's make sure
we don't drop 'em.


Oh, inside the tent, he said.

-All right. - Hello.


-My God. - Deliver it!

-Deliver it. Deliver it!
- I delivered it.

-Yeah. - Wow.

You gotta be kidding me!

RILEY: You're holding the pies and,
like, one hits you

from this side and one
hits you from the other side.

We're just like,
"Do not drop these,

'cause I do not want to
whisk another bowl of cream."


Okay, R-Riley, let's open this.

KEOGHAN: Teams must
make the one-hour drive

back to Paris

to this fairground art
museum in the neighborhood

of Bercy,
where they'll receive their next clue.

Yield ahead. Let's do it.

ALANA: It's a lot
of forearm. Whew.

CHEE: Burning.

HUNG: Push, push,
push, push, push.

All right, let's go, Riley.

When you deliver the pies,
they throw pies at you

so be careful.

They throw pies at you,
so be careful, okay?


They're out.

RILEY: We've
formulated a little alliance

with the boyfriends
and Chee and Hung.

We genuinely like
those two teams.

Gary and DeAngelo
are also included in that.

It's not as strong of
an alliance with them.

VICTORIA: Okay. I just
want to get this done.

I'm gonna try two people.


Can I take you? To the foyer?

-Lampi? - Incorrect.

-Incorrect? Okay, thank you.
- It's all good, Aparna, keep going.


Oh. Oh, wait.

Excuse me. Hi. Can I borrow you?

Can I bring you? Thank you.


-You are correct. - Yes!

-Oh, my gosh. - APARNA: Lampi?

-Incorrect. - Okay. Thank you.

-Sorry about that. (groans) - It's okay,

DeANGELO: City of Chantilly,
we're here!

-Finally. - We're here, Gary.

-You see the light?
- I see the light.

HALEY: I think we
should take that exit.

-Okay. Okay. - A1. Yep.

-Come on, Mich. - Coming.

-Bonjour. Yes, I can whip. - Hi.

(Chee sighs)

JAMES: Oh, my God.


LEO: Careful, careful.

Got it with your thumbs?

-Ah! - (whooping)



That went in my ear.

Oh, my God.

Whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk,
whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk...

I'm thinking about somebody
that I hate their face.

s*ab it. Hate.

Hold them close,
'cause they're gonna throw pies at us.

Beards told us.



-Good luck, guys. -Thanks.
- Watch your step.

-Ah! - Ah!

-Hung, don't drop it, okay? Don't drop it.
- I can't, I can't see.

-Don't drop it. Don't drop it.
- I can't see! Chee, I can't see!

Just hold on to it tight, okay?

-Oh, that's right in my ear. I can't hear.
- Oh!

Ah, ha-ha-ha.

Okay, go straight down.

-No. No! - Ah!

Oh, don't drop the pie!

It hit my face. Oh,
my God, it hit my face!

They hit my face.

-This it? Oh, yeah. - Yes.


Ooh, Double Roadblock.

"Who wants to step right up?"

This unique
fairground collection

is the largest in Europe,

and dates back
to the 19th century,

bringing old carnival
games to life.

Teams must win
all three games...

...to get a clue.

I did the first
Roadblock. You have to.


"Get a ticket from the clown.

"Three marked games.

"When your ticket has
been punched for all three,

hand it over to the person
at the sh**ting gallery."


Wow. Look at this place.

This is a weird one.

Holy moly.

What the hell is that? My gosh!

-Ticket? - Ticket?

You want a ticket?

-Ah, thank you. - (laughs)

-All right.
- Hey, Maddison, you got this.

-Hello. - Hello.

-Welcome. Okay. - Thank you.

You have to put three balls
into the mouths in a row.

I would finish this really fast.

RILEY: Do your thing, Maddison.

I'm two years older.

I made him a better athlete.

Come on, Maddison!

He should have
gotten the first try.

plays a lot of darts,

and he's, like,
15 feet over my shoulder,

like, leaning; I can just,
like, feel him looking at me.

No support.

-(squeaking) - Ah!

Come on!

This is not a
difficult challenge.

Just drill it. Voom, voom, voom.


I'm gonna move
on to the next one.

Yeah, switch.

All right. Okay.

Here we go.

Three balls,
ten cans. You have to destroy all of them.

-You try. - Behind the line.

Not too hard. Gently.

Yes, yes. That's perfect.

-Oh! - Again, again, again.

Yes! You did it!

- RILEY: Finally.

-MADDISON: Thank you.
- That's beautiful.

-This is for you. - Thank you.

-Congratulations, sir.
- Come on, Maddison.

MADDISON: Thank you,
thank you, thank you.

Oh, we're starting. All right.

-Okay, you are here.
- I'm in, I'm in, I'm in.

That's perfect.

-All right.
- We're gonna start a new game.

Okay, the rules are very simple.

You have a ball.
Just make it roll here.

And be the first one to finish
by sinking the ball in the hole.

So I just gotta get this small
ball into these colored circles.

Blue will make it go fast,
red is the fastest,

yellow is the least fast.

so raise your arm like this with the ball.



-C'est parti. Let's go.
- (bell rings)

Only one winner.
Number two ahead.

-Number two. - Two, two.

-Here we go.
- RILEY: Yes, Maddison!

That's tough.

11 is the first one.

This is gonna be
embarrassing if we lose our lead

because he can't win
a few carnival games.

MAN: You have to hurry up.

And it's over.

-Oh, my God. - 11.

-Oh! - This is gnarly.

-"Who has an eye for art?"
- I got it.



-Hey. - It's pretty hard.

It's actually really hard.

I've had a tough time so far.

GARY: I walk into
the painting area,

and there's Aparna struggling.

It was, like,
a huge relief because I realized

we weren't in last,
and I can't wait to do this challenge

'cause I love art. So,
like, I studied detail art,

I've been to the Louvre,

I've been to multiple different
places in the world with art.

I just,
I have a bunch of art in my house.

I just love that type of stuff.

You don't really strike
me as a Renaissance man.

-Hey, I-I love artwork, though.
- (laughing)

-I love artwork. I just...
- I've known you forever, Gary.

And I've never
known... Who are you?

You're like six-six,
like a caveman,

-but you like art? - I do.

Oh, my gosh. Beautiful.


-Incorrect. - No. Okay. Sorry.


We're definitely ahead of the blondes,

Kaylynn, castle over there.

-Thank God. - Finally.

-I think that's our Speed Bump up there.
- Damn it.


"Prepare horse
tack for the rider."

Having arrived last
in the previous leg,

Kaylynn and Haley must
now complete a Speed Bump

by cleaning up the riding gear

for two of the Château
Chantilly's horses.

"Down the stairs into the
garden to find the horse and rider."

(horse neighs)

-Hi! - Hi!

Oh, it's beautiful.

-Oh, it stinks. - (neighs)

I've never cleaned a saddle.

KAYLYNN: Wash off any
surplus dirt. Dirt and grease.

I've never used any of
these cleaning supplies.

And there's also, like,
something that stinks.

-(neighs) - Looks to me

like some horse poop...

-or something in these. - Yeah.

-(neighing) - What's going on?

Probably pissed
because it waited so long

-for us in the cold.
- I know. I'm sorry.

And I'm really sorry.

All right,
we got to knock this out so fast.

APARNA: Nothing seems to
have the people that I'm looking for.

He's gonna be somewhere.

-Can you, can you come with me?
- DeANGELO: Is this hard?

I don't know, Michelle and
Vic actually busted through it.

Um, Victoria finished it so quickly,

Moroni? Giambattista.

-You're correct. - Yes.

Okay, Gary, I see you.

We just got to get out of here,

GARY: So we passed
one team already.

I'm much more confident about this one.

-Lancret? - Incorrect.


(Aparna sighs, groans)

I just want to be done
with this challenge.

ESWAR: She missed it again.

There might be just some
minor details that are off.

Uh, I have no idea. Just
looking through this view,

it looks like it might be
kind of a crowded room,

so there might be, like,
some minor details she's missing.

is getting difficult.

(groans) I think you're
someone in the group.

No, that's not it.

None of them have a hat.

So that's confusing.

I don't see the
people in the paintings!


This one... or is it that one?


APARNA: This is unbelievable.

Too rich.

Too complicated.

Where did that soldier man go?

Yellow lady. Aah!

I'm done.

this is really stressful right now.

Knowing two teams
have passed me.

I don't want to let
my brother down.

I really think our family is,

the epitome of what
the American dream is.

Our dad came here with, like,

$20 in his pocket.

-Incorrect. - Okay.


-Incorrect. - No!

I think the biggest values that
our family instilled in us, uh,

is definitely hard work
and not really giving up.

APARNA: Okay, Aparna.

Everyone else has gotten it.

You can get it, too.


Bonheur. You are
my guy and I need you.

(clears throat)

I think we have our man.

Let's hope this
is the right guy.


-Correct. - Ah!

-Okay, let's do it. - Okay.

-Cool. Way to finish.
- Just can't give up.

there's a lot going into cleaning this.

I think my saddle's
looking pretty sexy.

-All right. Want to do a check?
- Yeah.

Can we please have a check?

Oh, my God.


It's good?

-Okay, let's go. Thank you!
- Thank you!

-Thank you! -(horse neighs)

MAN: Oh,
let's start the new race.

RILEY: This should
be right up our alley.

I don't know if it's nerves,
going first.

We have a chance
to win a leg and I think

he's feeling that
pressure right now.

-(man speaking
French) - (bell rings)

Another chance to win.


Roll it, roll the ball.

Number five ahead.

Number five,
followed by number two.

Number two is coming back.

-MADDISON: Go in. - MAN: Yes!

Looks like we could
be doing okay here.

Number two.

And it's over.

-That's good, that's perfect.
- Yes!


-Oh, my gosh. - We won.

-Good? - That's perfect.

-All right. - Come on, Maddison.

One more.

-I can't watch this. - Let's go!

Oh, I see, I see.

When we play volleyball,
what helps with serving

is trying to find, like,
that one speck of sand

that you're gonna serve.

So for my second attempt,

my strategy was:

just focusing on, like,

a smaller portion of the hole.

-Drill it. - Yes!

-Yes, Maddison! - Yes, yes, yes!

- I got all three.

-You got your tickets? - Yes.

-Hit the bull's-eye? - Yeah.

-(whooping) - Nice.

"Race to Pont des Arts."

There are dozens of beautiful
bridges connecting Paris.

This one is called
Pont des Arts.

It was commissioned by Napoleon,

who was inspired by the
modern metallic bridges

that he'd seen in England.

Today, it is the Pit Stop
for this leg of the race.

The last team to find me here

may be eliminated.

All right, let's do it, buddy.

"Who wants to step right up?"

-Oh, you have to do this one.
- Good luck, guys.

-Yeah, let's go win one, dude.
- Taxi?

LEO: Bonjour.

-ALANA: Hustle, hustle.
- Are you ready? -Okay. Yes.

-ALANA: You can do it! - Hello.

He played baseball
in middle school,

so I'm thinking he might
be better at this than me.

We'll see.

♪ ♪


ALANA: Focus, focus!

LEO: The first
challenge reminded me

a lot of my days
playing baseball,

and I was not as
good at throwing

as I was at some
other parts of baseball.

You can do it!

So close.

LEO: I figured out something,

-Nice. - See what I mean?

Got to lean forward a little.

We're still the only ones here,
Leo. You got it.

"Win three different
carnival games."

ALANA: You're so close. Nice.


Yes, he did it.

You did great.

-(whooping) -Merci.

Homeboy-ardee is in the building.

-We got to make some pies.
- APARNA: Come on.

And whisk.

-♪ La, la, la,
la. ♪ - Make sure we spread it out

-all the way around.
- APARNA: You got to put force in,

or otherwise it's
not gonna thicken.

-(vocalizing) -DeANGELO:
There we go! There we go!

GARY: They're k*lling me.

My ears are bleeding.
You can't sing.

did you guys see the blondes?

- No clue where the blondes are.

Nobody's seen 'em.

KAYLYNN: Haley's
got a good eye,

so she can knock this out fast

and we can move on to the next.

We are definitely the
last team here though.

I hope she's not
too stressed out.

This is so funny.

This guy's looking super extra.

-Welcome to Paris. - Thank you.

KEOGHAN: Riley and Maddison,

I am pleased to tell you
that you are team number...

-one! - Yeah!

-(both laughing) - As
the winners of this leg

of the race,
you have won a trip for two

from Travelocity and
you are going to Vietnam.

-Oh, sick. - (laughs)

gonna spend five nights

at the Phu Quoc Bay
in the Turquoise Suite

at the JW Marriott
Emerald Bay Resort

where you're gonna
enjoy spa treatments

at the Chanterelle Spa

and dinner at the
Pink Pearl restaurant.

This is your first first place,

-This is our first first.
- Yeah.

Which is exactly
where we want to be.

RILEY: To win
a leg of this race

means a lot because
now we know we can do it.

-We can hang with Chee-Hu.
- Yeah.

We can hang with Will and James.

We can make it to the finals.

And then we're gonna win.

ALANA: You can do it, Leo!

Come on, Chee!

MAN: I'll punch
the card if you win.

-C'est parti. That's it.
- (bell rings)

That's very good.

Number seven or number five.

You want to win. And
number two is coming back.

Number two, also.

Number two. And
this is number two

who won the race.
You see the figure here.

-Oh, my gosh.
- You won the race.

Oh, man.

I've been here for a few races.

MAN: First try and you won.

-CHEE: Thank you so much.
- HUNG: Come on, Chee!

I think Chee may
have just passed Leo.

I, uh, honestly haven't played
carnival games very much.

That wasn't my thing as a kid.

I was more just playing
tennis and stuff like that.

He's really good with
eye-hand coordination.

Any sort of ball game,

he's really good at.

-Yes! -(whooping) -Come on, Leo!

MAN: New race, new chance.

Hung and Chee are just
made of magic and fairy dust.

-Good job, Chee.
- ALANA: I don't know.

I'm just straight-up jealous.

MAN: Five is
leading the race now.

Five, three,
seven. Five or seven.

Five or seven.

-And this is number five.
- (whoops)

Yes. Yes!

Looking good in
those little tights!


Do you know where
Musée des Arts is?

-Merci beaucoup. Let's go.
- You're welcome.

It's less than two
kilometers away.

JAMES: It's so cool in here.

I can't handle it.

-Number six! - This...

is awesome.

You're doing great, babe.

MAN: Number five or number six,
we're each tied.

We're each tied.

Number six ahead. Number six.

-Winner. - JAMES: Yes!

Nice job, babe! Yeah!

Good work.

-Let's go. You see the tent?
- I see it back there.

DeANGELO: Oh. Wait, hold up.

-(whoops) - Oh.

Oh. Oh.

-Yes! - You guys are awful.

You guys are awful.

Careful. Ready? Eswar? Come on.

-ESWAR: The delivery tent.
- Open the door.

Go. Entrée.

-Ah! - Oh!


-Ah! Ah! - (laughing)

-I could feel the pies starting to shake in my hands.
- Yeah.

But at the same time, I was,
like, trying to lick the pie

off of me.

It was so good.

Could I have another piece?

Still time to catch up.

Still time.

So let's try him. Beige jacket,
curly hair.

White sleeve.

That's him. Okay. Hi.

Can you come with me?

Please be it, please be it.

Okay. You?

École Française?

-Correct. - (squeals)

KAYLYNN: Great job!

-Great job, Haley, great job.
- Thank you.

-Okay, so we got to get there fast, Haley.
- I know.

-Hung and Chee, had a little stumble there in Paraguay.
- Yeah.

But you've recovered fully.

You're right at the
top of the pack again.

No time for lollygagging.

JAMES: You're doing great, babe.

MAN: Not too hard, but gently.

WILL: Just those two?

MAN: Yeah.

(man shouts excitedly)

Yes, babe!

I want to play more!

Uh, well, you're smiling,
for obvious reasons.

You're right up there
at the top of the pack.

-Tell us about the day.
- Art and cooking and games? -And driving.

And driving. Those
are our favorite things.

-The museum is next to the river?
- Yes.

-I didn't know that, Victoria.
- Michelle, you saw it on his phone.

MICHELLE: Oh, my gosh. Has
everybody else been driving this long?

I know we're heading north.

So this is, like,
where is the river?

If Eswar and
Aparna beat us here,

I am going to
have a panic attack.

APARNA: You got this,
Eswar, just take your time.

Come on, Eswar.

GARY: There you go, D.

No, wait. Stop.

That's perfect! Congratulations!

-Thank you. - First try!

- I've never seen that before.

APARNA: You got this, Eswar.

Come on. You got it!

-ESWAR: Oh, yes! - Oh, my God.

-Good job. - Ah!

Thank you.

GARY: We haven't seen
the blondes still anywhere yet?

I have no idea where they are.

-KAYLYNN: Faster, fast.
-HALEY: I know, I know.

-We haven't seen anybody in hours.
- Really.

It's, like,
hard to be in the back of the pack, and...

not know where everyone else is,

and not know if there
is a chance to catch up.

I think that we just know that we have to,

-keep... - Keep grinding.

-And just... Yeah.
- Which we're good at.

Haley and I are used
to being a team together.

So Kaylynn and I spend
every waking moment together.

We live together,
we work together,

and we share a car.


-Oh! - (both laughing)

That's why we're
such a good team.

-(laughing) - There we go.

-Congratulations. - Thank you!

Will and James,
I'm sorry to tell you

that we've had reports
from the police department

that they want to revoke your
licenses because apparently

you don't really know
how to drive stick shifts.


Look, Victoria, what is this?

-(stammering) -
I'm looking. I don't...

Please look at the
stuff that's around us.

-I'm not asking...
- Michelle, what do you think I'm doing?

Okay, just, like...

Does anyone out here know
where the district of Bercy is?

-(horns honking)
- District of Bercy?

-(honking continues) - Bercy?

-Anyone? - (engine revving)

-(tires screech) -
The Pavil... (laughs)

GARY: Let's go, D.

-Come on, Eswar. - (bell rings)

(man exclaims)

-GARY: Let's go, D.
- DeANGELO: This is tough.

APARNA: You got this, Eswar.

Yellow for you.

APARNA: Get it done.

GARY: Come on, D.

Let's get it, let's get it.


-Three. - Here we go.

-MAN: Good job. -Merci. Come on.

-Let's go. - Eswar! Hurry!

-Number 11, number 11.
- Come on! Come on! You got it!

-Thank you.
-Au revoir. Au revoir.

MAN: 11 is winning!

APARNA: Good job. Good job,


-Yes. - Yes! Finally.

-Let's get out of here.
- Let's go.

HALEY: I'm so over being lost.

-It's like it never ends.
- It-it never ends.

This is so stressful.
This is so stressful.

Oh, my God. Freaking out.

(engine revving)

-(tires screech)
- (horns honking)

(exhales) I'm, like,
at my breaking point, Haley.

HALEY: I know. Okay.

We are only two
kilometers away from it.

We've been driving for hours.

I'm so frustrated right now.

-HALEY: We're gonna get there.
- (horn honks)

Do y'all know where Bercy is?

Take a left here?

He's saying take a left here.

des Arts in Bercy?

We're so lost.

(mutters in French)

think it's right here.

-Okay. - Yes!

-Thank you. - Thank you.

DeAngelo and Gary,

Eswar and Aparna,

what's going through
your mind now

-on these legs? - It's like,

every leg, you can't afford to

make the mistakes
you had made before.

You make a mistake,
it's over for you.

HALEY: You know what,
though, Kaylynn?

Look, you see P. Bercy.

-It says five minutes. - I know.

And when we find it,
it's the last time

you have to drive
this car again.


So if you keep
going down this road,

it shall eventually
lead us to...

(chuckles) the museum.

Okay, so we see a sign that says P. Bercy,
two minutes.

Look. This is... This
looks like a museum.

Look. Up here. All
the stuff up here.

♪ ♪

-Wow. Yes! - Wow.

-(giggling) - Welcome
to the museum...

Oh, yes, thank you!

-Okay. - Oh, man.

We're so happy
we're finally here.

We're pretty sure we're last,

we're just happy we made it.

-Nope. - It's just been a trip.

We haven't seen a team since
we pulled out of the airport.


I just really hope
we're not last.

But that's the slimmest chance.

MAN: Okay! (shouts in French)

We were last last time.

And we got lucky with
the non-elimination.

So, I mean,
if we get saved again,

that would be miraculous.

-Oh! - Yeah!

-Thank you! Thank you!
- You did it!

Like, we're in Paris,
like... oh,

this is the worst thing ever. Like,
being lost in Paris

for this whole entire time,
but we never give up.

-(both laughing) - Phil!

Kaylynn and Haley,

just one of those days
when things didn't work out

-exactly the way you wanted them to.
- No. No.

Not even close.
It didn't work out

even close to how we wanted to.

the thing about this race is that

-it-it's full of surprises.
- Yeah.

-And I actually have a surprise for you.
- Don't play with us.

I'm not playing with you guys.

You are not the
last team to arrive.

Shut up.

No way.

-You have not been eliminated.
- No way.

You have survived this leg.

-(squealing) - And
you will be racing

in the next leg.

-(both giggling) - You
are team number seven.

-BOTH: What?
-KAYLYNN: It was, like,

the most joyous
moment of my entire life.

Same. Same. I never thought
somebody could screw up

-worse than us. -We just, like,

keep pulling rabbits
out of our hat.

-But at least we get to...
- We get to...

BOTH: Live for another leg.

-Hi. Hi. Sorry I'm late.
- (squeaking)

Michelle, come on,
you can do it. You can do it.

You win that one. Whoa!

Oh, I won!

-Thank you. - Good job, Mich.

you never know who's still in the game.

VICTORIA: I feel defeated.

(crying): I don't want to cry.

All day today, she's like,
"Don't give up.

You can't give up 'cause you
never know what's gonna happen."

-Yes! Okay, thank you. - Yes!

Au revoir.

hoping. You never know.

Michelle and Victoria...

I'm very sorry to
tell you that you are

the last team to arrive.

And unfortunately,
you have been eliminated from the race.

We're so thankful for...

-Everything. - Everything.

This is the closest that
we've ever been in our lives.

VICTORIA: Doing the race,

it means a lot to me, too.

And to do it with my sister,

like, means the world to me.

'cause we really are best friends now.

-And... - Yeah.

I'm telling you,
we were not close before.

At all before.

And, like,
we never even told each other

we loved each other ever before.

And then, like, now, like,

when I say "love you,"
she's like, "I love you, too."

-I love you. - I know.

KEOGHAN: Next time on
The Amazing Race...

In Berlin, alliances start
to crumble...

DeANGELO: Oh, this is nice.

...as Will and James
stall again.

The clutch is out.
So we can't go anywhere.

And Hung falls apart.

This is gonna... oh, God!
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