01x06 - Moving in Together

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Is Blind". Aired: February 13, 2020 – present.*
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Series follows fifteen men and fifteen women, all from the same metropolitan area, hoping to find love.
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01x06 - Moving in Together

Post by bunniefuu »

Damian Powers, will you marry me?

I will marry you.

Will you marry me?

I will marry you. I will be your wife.

I'm engaged to someone
who I've never seen!

You're such a beautiful person.

I don't have to see you to say that.

Ho ho!


How you doing?

I've never had a man so willing to show me
how much he loves me.

You know when people, like,
name stars?

- I want that.
- Well, we will find a star,

and we will name it after you.

Gentlemen, meet the ladies
that you did not propose to.

Seeing Barnett and Mark,

who would you say
that you're more attracted to?

You know, I would take Barnett.

I know I don't want to go meet your family
with a ring on my finger.

There's nothing I don't like about you.

♪ Ooh baby come a little closer ♪

♪ I won't bite when I get to know you ♪

♪ Something I can't deny
I'm lost in your eyes ♪

I like it.

- A catamaran.
- I like it.

Come on back.

All right.

So how's everybody feeling about,
sort of, like, you know,

vacation wrapping up
and, like, us heading back into,

- you know, move-in day?
- So ready.

Ready to be back.

And I've loved this entire experience,
it's just...

seeing the rest of everything,
the reality.

The reality of everything come together,

I'm so torn because, like, I want to stay
in the bubble,

and I like the "just us" thing.

But also I'm super excited to get to,
like, introduce him

- to everybody back home and share.
- Yeah.

I do think some of the couples...

They're more in their heads
instead of their hearts.

They're not really embracing what
they're feeling, because it scares them.

So I don't really know if everybody is
honestly going to...

make it to that "I do,"

but I know Barnett and I will.

Oh, wow, I just had mad déjà vu.

- Wow.
- That's deep.


Oh, my God, we were meant to be here,
you guys.

I've been dreaming about y'all.

It is weird how familiar everyone seems.

It's crazy.

It's amazing how Cameron's still
so calm through this whole process.

Cameron's just like, "this is amazing."

That's just... That's just me, y'all.

- This breeze is amazing right now.
- It is!

This is what we were waiting for.

The calm before the storm.

You know what?

Storm's a-brewin', guys.

Storm's a-brewin'.

Welcome, everyone. Good morning.

Hope you've enjoyed
your romantic getaway.

Lauren and Cameron,

Gigi and Damian,

Kenny and Kelly,

Amber, Barnett,

Mark, Jessica...

In this blind love experiment,

you guys chose each other.

You fell in love,

and then you got engaged to the person
who is now your fiancé,

before ever seeing one another.

You've had an amazing opportunity here
to begin to grow your emotional connection

into a physical one.


I'm guessing some of you had more fun
with that than others.

Not naming names. No names.

I don't know what y'all are talking about.

Now it's time for you to leave
this paradise

and start building your lives together.

Each of you will move into a new home:

A neutral space for you guys
to deepen your relationships.

But it's so important that you continue to
support each other when you go back home.

No one else on the planet understands
what you ten are going through.

And now you guys will have
a support system that's very, very close.

- Like, next door.
- How close?

How close are we talking?

We all dated, guys.

Let's not go there.

Each couple is going to be moving
into the same complex.

Meet your new neighbors.

How thick are the walls?

Oh, my God.

Lauren, is that a good "Oh, my God?"

I don't know yet.

- Bunch of misfits.
- I know.

In this physical world, your love is going
to be put to the test.

You're going to face so many challenges.

How are you guys going to
integrate your lives?

Your friends, your families,
your careers, your homes.

You'll get your phones and devices back.


Your weddings are just three weeks away.


- Okay.
- Yeah.

In the pods, you guys all built
an amazing foundation.

And if you make it through these tests,

I promise your marriage is going to
move forward on extremely solid ground,

a ground that you've built.

It's as strong as, or stronger than,
any marriage ever.

We're giving you the absolute
best chance for lifetime success.

But will you allow the opinion
of family and friends,

the allure of other people,

the distractions of social media,
to sabotage your wedding?

Sabotage your happiness?

This is all part of the experiment.

Will you judge one another
for your looks, your race,

your age, your family,
or your circumstance?

Will any of that really matter?

Or will love be enough?

Is who you are on the inside enough?

Are you enough?

Ultimately, in front of your family
and your friends, you're going to decide.

Will you say "I do" to the person
you chose sight unseen?

Or are you going to walk away
from them forever?

Is love blind?

We hope that you prove it is.

Everybody, have a safe trip home.

Best of luck with your wedding plans.

- Yes, we'll see you guys back home.
- See you soon.

- Take care.
- Safe travels.

Good luck planning the weddings.
See you guys. Safe trip.

- Yes!
- Cheers!

No, but it's been fun. I mean,

getting to know you and see you every day

and hold you, and...

Not that I won't be able to do that, but,
you know...

It's just different when
there's no other distractions.

Social media and phones and all that stuff
you know, it's just different, so...

Going back into the real world,
we're going to have distractions.

I think one of the biggest challenges
is social media.

There's images of girls, images of guys.

We've talked about this.

You know, you have full access to...

you know, see who's texting
or direct messaging me.

I mean, it's not...

- I don't have anything to hide.
- Right.

Um, I think I left something downstairs.

I bet you did.

Am I nervous about the outside world?

I'm not nervous, I'm curious.

'Cause things are gonna change.

But how? We'll see.

You think they'd be mad if we just, like,
sort of stowed away in here?

This isn't a boat.
I don't think that's how this works.

We're sad to be leaving,

but we are excited
to start our lives together.

Let's get outta here.

- Step by step.
- Yep. Day by day.

Let's do it.

- We just got home.
- Mm-hmm.

And guess who is heading on a trip.

This one.

It's all right.

I have to go to San Diego for two days.

Which means that I'm not gonna see him
after seeing him now.

- Be safe, I love you
- Aw.

I'll call you later.

You met the man of your dreams?

- Yes.
- Oh, my God!


- Say hi!
- Hi, this is Mark.

Hi, Mark.

There's something about just landing
at home and getting back to normal life.

I got my phone back,
and the first person I call is my mom.

I've never gone that long without
checking in with my mom ever before.

So, it was just a sigh of relief
that I let her know what's going on.

I've come back with a fiancé.

She's told me that she can make
Italian beef for me,

- so I was like, all right, that's it.
- That's awesome.

That's it.

Welcome home, guys.

Aww. Thanks, guys.

Ready to see our new home?

- Yes, let's do it.
- Let's do it.

This is our first night together,
in our new place together.

- This is nice.
- Yeah.

I love it.

Oh, man. Bedroom.

Cool. Cute. Cute.

The wedding is in three weeks,

and on the inside
I'm freaking the f*ck out, okay?

"A," because I think that planning
our wedding is going to be stressful.

"B," I'm anxious just kind of about
sharing space in general,

because I have been alone for a long time.

That sounds bad, but it's the truth.
It's my truth, I own it.

- I'm ready to eat.
- Me, too.

I just have to keep reminding myself,

"You love Cameron, this is going to
be great, it's going to be beautiful."

And so I just think

that the next couple weeks are going to be
hella stressful.

You know...

What's up?

I feel like I'm crunching so loud, like...

And it's funny, because one of my
pet peeves is when I can hear people chew.


What are your other pet peeves?

I'm a clean person,
so I don't like clutter.

And I feel like if you use a dish, like,
just wash it.

Um, what else?

Oh, put the toilet seat down, please.

Because if I fall in the toilet...

...I will not speak to you.

Even though I love you,

don't use my toothbrush.

Some people do that.

Do you do that?

I wouldn't have a problem with it,
but I'm not gonna do it.

Oh, my God, honey. What?

That would really bother you?

- You using my toothbrush?
- Yeah.

- Are you for real?
- I mean, just...

Have you shared a toothbrush
with someone before?

Have I done it before?
Yes, I've done it before.

Oh, my God.

As a married woman, I am willing to share

a lot of things with my husband.

We can share food, we can share a bed,

we can share a pillow.

But I'll be damned

if we are sharing a toothbrush, Cameron.

That is nasty.

That is nasty.

Nasty! No.

It's just, I can't. I can't do that.

I just can't believe he even said that.

Unbelievable. No way. Mm-mm.

But I love you.

But not that much.
No, I'm kidding.

- Wow.
- I'm joking, I'm joking.

What's some of your pet peeves?

Not being able to use your toothbrush.

Oh, my God.

- This is pork.
- I cannot wait to tell my mom

that we're engaged.

She's going to freak out.

- Oh, yeah?
- Oh, yeah.

Like, everything's
going to go into hyperdrive

because the wedding is in three weeks.

- Geez Louise.
- Three weeks.

- Three weeks.
- Are you gonna...

Are you scared yet?

- It'll hit me.
- So...

In case you try to run, you should know
that I put a tracker in your ring.

- I mostly promise.
- I'm... I'm nervous.

Oh, God, I'm so ready to eat.

Are you excited
to tell your mom?


I'm nervous to tell my family.


They're gonna think I'm insane.

I think my mom's gonna be excited

because she thinks
I'm going to settle down.

Joke's on her.

- You're as weird as I am.
- Mm-hmm.

I think it would be hard for somebody

that hasn't lived through this

to understand how serious it is,

and how legitimate these feelings are.

If you've never lived it,

you'll never understand it.

You complete me.

I don't typically unpack the day of.

Today you do.

Considered you're an organized mess,
I'm going to make you organized.

Without the mess.

There's a lot in there.

I have a feeling, like,
there's more coming.

Well, moving in with Damian
is going to be another adventure.

We're going to be here forever.

I brought a lot of unnecessary things,

But you always have to be prepared.

So, I dress in my mood,
That's how you know.

That's why
you have so many different outfits.

- Yes.
- Oh.

God, Giannina.

Look at that, see?
That didn't take too long.

Three more suitcases to go.

What's going on?

- Hey, babe!
- Hey!

It feels a little weird to be here
without Kelly in the apartment.

You, uh, you make it on time?

Yeah, I'm about to start
the conference.

I'm glad we have the opportunity to talk
for a second,

and for me to see your face.

Oh, heck, yeah. Heck, yeah.

Being alone tonight for the first time
in five days,

it'll be a little strange.

You know, I'll miss Kelly.

Knowing that she was, you know,
there next to me

definitely brought a sense of comfort.

I'm sure that it's going to be tough
for her to fall asleep

in San Diego on this, you know, work trip.

All right, babe.
Well, I will let you scoot,

and I'm going to get back
to eating some dinner.

- Okay.
- Sounds good.

- All right, babe. I love you.
- I love you too.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- To a new home.
- To a new home.

Now that we're back in Atlanta,

I'm just looking forward to having
somebody at the end of the day.

When I get back from a trip,
being able to come home to him and laugh.

You know, as you can see,
we have a lot of fun.

So that's something that I've been missing
for a long time.

I'm hoping that that can really
reignite my passion

and hopefully set off this
other physical piece of our relationship

that I have been trying to,

you know, fill.

We have a very small bed here.

Much smaller than anything I'm used to,

and I don't feel uncomfortable,
kind of crawling in here with him,

so I think that's a step
in the right direction.

- So I noticed you got your ring back on.
- I did.

I signed up for this experiment.
I want to be in it fully.

So I put back on the ring

and I'm here,
and I want to be present in this.

I'm opening my heart up to
this whole experience, so...

It feels awesome to see

kind of like a switch
turn for the better,

and I'm excited to see
where the rest of this journey goes.

I think what's really important is getting
back to what got us here at this point,

is being able to communicate.

And it's one of those serious things
that is...

If I'm going to the bathroom
on a double flusher...

No, she didn't.


Seriously. That takes a long time.

Well, you know what? By all means.

I proposed to someone I didn't see.
By all means, we're on this level.

- We never talked about poop.
- Never talked about poop.

- That would've been the deal sealer.
- Would it have been?

You should have started with day one.

You don't want someone who's constipated.

If you would've said...
No, if you would have said...

- They'll be pissed off.
- ..."I'm a double flusher kind of girl,"

then I would have been like,
"You know what? I got you."

Mark, everyone poops.

Okay, so this is the serious question
I have, though.

- Because if you want to get real close...
- Yeah?

...are you comfortable being in there
while Mount Vesuvius is erupting?

I will hold my breath.
But as long as I can brush my teeth, and...

- That's love!
- As long as I can go like this

- and brush my teeth...
- That's love.

Looks like we're officially
all moved in, honey.

- I know.
- It's like the...

honeymoon is over.

But the honeymoon phase is still going on.

- It still feels pretty good to me.
- I still feel like I'm floating.

Now that we're going back
into the real world,

I'm sure that we'll have a lot of hurdles
and obstacles to overcome.

Parents and friends and their opinions.

I mean, even the fact that we are
an interracial couple.

But I love Cameron for who he is
on the inside.

You know, that's what I fell in love with.

And if we get married, I think that

we would have a wonderful life together.


You're so romantic.
I love it. Mm.

I don't know why I'm, like,
nervous for you to see my place now.

You are...

I am who I am.

So today we're going back to
our own respective homes...

- This is my block.
- Okay.

Here we go. My place.

...to pack up what we need
to live together up until the wedding.

Here we go.

This is the dollhouse.

- Beautiful.
- It's small, but you know.

- It's okay.
- Yeah.

Good things come in small packages,
they say.

Right, right? So this is mi casa.

- Let me give you a little Cribs tour.
- Please.

Uh, this is my studio.

My place is definitely my sanctuary.

Even though it's small, I've really made
it my own.

I'm a bit of a loner,

so I guess I'm just protective over it
in a lot of ways,

and I was just hoping that I didn't leave
anything out that I forgot to put up.

I like to make vision boards.

- Oh, this is kind of like Mexico.
- Right.

- Oh, wow.
- It's kind of crazy how similar that is.

- Yeah, that's awesome.
- We had rose petals in our little pool.

Wow, we did.

Aww, this, too.

- I'm seeing the beach and... kayak.
- Yeah, Mexico.

Where? Oh, yeah.

I was a little nervous
about Cameron seeing my messy

"throw everything in there" closet.

Um... Grab those.

But he didn't judge me, so it's okay.

Let me get my camera stuff.

Do you want this as well?

- No, I don't need that.
- Okay.

Thank you, though.

Mark loves me unconditionally,

but I don't want to be naïve
to the fact that

some people are not going to be happy
if we get married.

I don't want us to be super disappointed
when the real world smacks us in the face

and doesn't accept us.

Oh, my God!
Brown on brown on brown on brown?

I've never seen this many shades of brown,

I swear to God.

I don't ever use these shades of brown.
It's kind of funny.

How now brown cow?


Is this a beanbag chair?
I haven't had one of these in a while.

Don't do it.


It's cozy.

Look at all your gaming systems.

My little brother would dig this setup.

- Do you need your college history book?
- No, it's my personal training book.



Let's sit down so he can
fill us in on what's happening.

He lives with his best friend
and his best friend's girlfriend. So...

God bless him.
I could never have roommates again.

I have thought a ton about
what our friends and what our family

will say about our age difference,

and I keep reminding him that
that is going to affect our relationship.

He's really strong-willed about the fact

that we can get through anything,

and I want to believe in that,

but I'm also realistic.

How's it's been without me?

Uh, well, we have food in the pantry
and in the fridge.

- So that's always a plus.
- We bought groceries once a week.

- Yeah, uh...
- Well...

I told her, I was like,
literally our house is based on sarcasm.

It's like the second you walk in
and you mess up even a little bit...

- Even a stutter...
- We're all over you.

- We're all over it.
- You gotta be on your best game

every single time you're in this house.

I mean, you come here, you come prepared.

Alright, alright. I like it.

The cool thing about Mark, something
I've always admired about him...

is he gives 110%

to whatever he sees
and he puts his mind on.

Anything he does, he does real well.

But the problem is,
the things he doesn't want to do,

Jesus couldn't convince him to do it.

He is not gonna do it.

- Like what?
- Like the dishes.

- He does not like to do dishes.
- What?

- That's not true. That is not true.
- Oh, really?

That is not true.

I picked up your dishes this morning.

- Night one in the apartment.
- What?

Any dish that will fit in a dishwasher,

he'll load it in there.

But if it's too big,
forget about him hand-washing it.

- All right, I'm making notes over here.
- Yeah.

And I'm drinking.

Well, Mom folded some laundry for you.

It's in your room.

She did your laundry while you were gone.

- That's amazing.
- My heart.

I hope you're also taking notes of this.

Laundry. You know...

I work 70 hours a week.
We've had this discussion.

- I don't do laundry.
- Mark, you're gonna do the laundry.

No, I will never do his laundry.

I will never do his laundry.
I don't even do my own laundry.

I'm happy to I take
his laundry to wash-and-fold.

So we aired all his dirty laundry.
Tell us about yourself.

I work for a technology company
and I travel quite a bit,

that's one thing we've talked about.

Our jobs are totally different,
our lives are totally different.

I've got a golden retriever
and a house in Peachtree Hills.

So, yeah.

That's awesome.

So I'm curious.

I gotta know.
What did Mark tell you to pick him?


I've always been kind of scared
of commitment

because I felt like it was never
the right person.

You know, but with him,
just something clicked.

And it was because
we created an emotional relationship.

In three weeks we're getting married.

- That's fast.
- You know...

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

And for right now, I can see...

I felt like these guys
didn't judge us at all.

They didn't ask anything about the age.

So I really liked that.

And, you know, Mark's told me to trust him
about that this entire time,

and now I feel very at ease
about the situation.

But I'm...

- You put me in an awkward predicament.
- You've got big competition around here.

- Wow.
- He did pretty good.

- I picked a pretty good one, so...
- Nice.

Picked a pretty good one.

But yeah, no, it's...

I don't know. Excited about it.

That's awesome.

I've put my ring back on
because I want to be all in.

It was nice meeting you, Jessica.

Good luck to you guys.

Right now I feel really great wearing it

and seeing if this thing
will work out for us.

This was a huge day for us.

- Love y'all.
- See you later.

- Bye.
- All right.

It's quite large, sir.

It's very nice, though.
Very Southern.

When I bought this three bedroom home,

I had my hopes on the idea

that I would have a wife,

and I could start a family with her.


Now having Lauren in my life,

you know, I might try and plant some seeds
in her mind while she's there.

Oh, wow.

This is really nice, Cameron.
- Yes.

I love the wood floors. And the fireplace.


- Oh, wow. Everything's like new, too.
- Yeah.

Well, you show...
I don't just want to walk around.

- You show me.
- Oh, no, please. I mean...

- This is your place.
- Well, it could be our place pretty soon.

- Could be.
- Yes.

- This is nice, I want to explore.
- Okay.

- The master.
- Here we go.

It's freaking big, Cameron, for just you.

- Hopefully not for too long.
- You must have anticipated, um...

- Mm-hmm?
- ...having someone else very soon.

- It took a while
- It's beautiful.



This reminds me of, like,
the frat houses in college.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

A lot of them had,
like, the balconies like this.


This home is beautiful.
You have plenty of space for me in here.

It's so crazy, like, just...

Like, seeing this and thinking
about the future,

and, like,
"Oh, this could be a kid's room."

You know,
I'm so happy to hear Lauren say

that she could think

of the empty room in my house

as a kid's room.

I was originally thinking

it could be an office space for her,

and it still could be, but...

Crazy as it sounds,

I'm, I'm...

I'm ready to have children with her

in not that much time.

I mean, we want to enjoy being husband
and wife...

but, you know, I want her
to have my babies, so...

Our babies.


I want it to be your home.

Yeah? You want me to live here with you?

I do.

You know,

I have found the one.

I was in love once before.

And I loved that person very much, but...

I knew that there were going to be
problems, always.

Things that I couldn't get past.

But with Lauren...

I don't have those concerns.

I would love to. I do love my place.

I think that the location is excellent
of my place.


How would you feel if I kept it?

Um, well...

I don't know.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

I mean, does that bother you? Like...

Why are you laughing?

- Nothing. You seem uncomfortable.
- Really?

I'm not trying to rush you.

- Yeah.
- But, you know...


I am feeling a lot of different emotions.

Thinking of, like...

Wow, I could really just
be giving up my personal space forever.

And I really enjoy my personal space.

But being in a marriage
kind of changes everything.

So I'm just trying to listen to myself
and my heart,

and my mind, at the same time.

This is all feeling quite real.

- It's feeling quite real right now.
- It's very real.

We're not in the pods anymore. I know.

This is your real life.

Yeah. It's overwhelming.

♪ I'm walking on wires lately ♪

♪ I'm keeping my balance
But I don't think I can finish this ♪

♪ I won't get too ambitious
No ♪

Here is my home.

Aw, baby, it's so little.

- No!
- Just kidding.

- I kinda want that...
- It's cute.

It's huge!

My house has one bedroom.

It feels like if I have kids,

like, we're always going to be
on top of each other.

- I like it. What?
- It's alright.

- What do you mean?
- It gets the job done.

My house is a mess.

I mean, my carpets are dirty
because I got a dog,

and she pees a little, sometimes, inside.

I don't want her to think less of me
because of my house.

I think, just the way it looks,
the size of it.


Hi, pretty girl.

Hi, baby.

Oh, God, she's huge. Hi, Coda.

- Did you miss me?
- Come on. Hi.

Oh! You actually have furniture.

I do have furniture.


It's not as bad as
I thought it was gonna be.

- It's nice, baby. I like it.
- I got papers here and there.

These are my stairs.
That hole in the wall is from Coda.

- Oh, boy.
- Never fixed.

How did she put a hole in the wall?

She's very clumsy.
I pick my girls clumsy, too.

- Oh, that's fair.
- She runs too fast.

- This... This is the bed.
- Ooh!

The bedroom.

You couldn't even make your bed?

Come on.

This is me and Coda's bed.
It's me and Coda's bed.

I didn't know when I'd be back.

- Ooh!
- Ooh!

- I fits.
- It's a big tub.

If I fits, I sits. I like this.

- I don't know if I'd sit down in there.
- What did you do to the bathtub?

- Nothing!
- Oh my God. What?

Oh, hold on. Closet.

- Closets?
- Can you get the...

Okay, all right.

You got all this space and you can't even
keep your clothes hung up?

Coda, what have you been doing with
this fool?

You haven't trained him yet?

I'm sorry, okay?

So I am a little less responsible
than Barnett

in terms of my assets.

I never really worked towards the future.

I never thought about having a home.

I was more of a "work just enough,
so that I could enjoy my life."

You're gonna get
all the dog hair on your ass.

Since the place that I'm living in now
isn't really even mine,

and I'm not going to be living there
much longer anyways,

I'm just really excited to move into
B's house with him

and start making our home there.

I would love to be a stay-at-home mom,
and right here and now,

as far as I'm concerned, it's our house,

and our family that may
or may not be started there.

It's our relationship that's
gonna grow in that home.

That's all I care about.

My house is very small.

If we do move out of here,

we'll be getting another loan
for another house.

I have an average credit score.
It's not great, but it's not bad.

But also because I've only got
one credit card.

It's my makeup credit card,
but it's only a $700 limit.

Still seems pretty high for makeup.

I'm at the limit.

You think that. Okay, makeup is expensive!

Wait, you have makeup credit card debt?

I do, I do.

It's really easy to run that up
really quickly, okay?

And I think the last time
that I actually used it,

I spent like, over $200 in one spree.

- On makeup?
- It's expensive!

So, uh, you know...

Oh, and then there's my student debt

from where I never graduated college.

How much are we talking about?

Well, around about 20 grand...

that I have not been paying on.

- You haven't been paying?
- I have not.

- No.
- Oh.

I have been pushing it off, and off...

So it just gets worse,
and worse, and worse.

- Do you pay the minimum at least, or no?
- No. I haven't paid anything.

I've been out of work,

or I was homeless for a while

and I was, like, couch-surfing between,
you know, my friends' homes.

How many days a week
do you typically work?

As many as I want.

I work to live. I don't live to work.

I think she knows you're stressed.

Are you sure you want to marry me?



- I love the style.
- Thanks.

Who is it? Hi!

Hi, pumpkin!

- And, wow.
- This is my house.

If there's anything I ever pictured of,
like, you, it's like this.

This is my room.

- Wow.
- Relax.

Seriously, you're way more
color-coordinated than I am.

I feel like I've come a really long way
in my career

and I'm really secure in where I'm at.

But being on the road can be really lonely

and coming home is usually the worst part.

Um, because you realize there's no one
to come home to.

So it's awesome having him here,
and opening up my reality to him.

I'm someone who wants kids,
and I'm no stranger to science.

So, like, I realize that if I want
three kids I probably have to start soon.

- Mm-hmm.
- At some point.

Dude, if I'm 24,

I don't want to be having kids
in, like, a year.

You know? Like, that's like very young.

- So, I'm gonna be like...
- My parents were, like, 20.

My parents... Like, my dad was your age.

My mom was, like, 19.

So here's my thing.

Again, I'm not your average 24-year-old
that is like...

I've done, like, whatever.

I've partied, I've hung out,
I've lived my life, had experiences.

- Yeah.
- Cool.

I'm ready for the next phase of my life.

Like, that doesn't stress me out,
the thought of having kids.

Guys my age aren't ready for kids.

You know, that's something that will drive
guys 35-plus away.

And I think that's one of the biggest,

you know, reservations for me
is I look at Mark

who's like, "Oh, yeah, I'm ready for kids!
Yes, of course I am!"

And it's like, "Really?"

I don't want him to settle down with me
and then regret it.

Okay, so let's play this out.

- We have a kid, and I'm like, 36.
- You look good.

You're 26.


- The kid turns 14.
- Mm-hmm.

- I'm 50.
- Okay.

- You're 40.
- Okay.

How do you feel about that?

- Just... It doesn't bother me at all.
- No?


- At all. And I know that sounds...
- Okay, let's play it out further.

- Okay.
- The kid turns 24. I'm 60.


- He's 24, I'm 60.
- And I'm 50.

At that point it's... What, we're both...

- Yeah.
- Okay. We're both in our 50s and 60s.

It doesn't scare me.

Like, look me in the eyes.
I can look you in the eyes...

- Yeah.
- ...and say it doesn't scare me.

Biologically, yes, I understand the...

Okay, as a woman you...
We have to do this soon.

She keeps throwing scenarios at me,

saying, "When I'm 50 and you're 60,"
and I'm like, "And?"

Like it doesn't matter
about the age.

It's gonna be us.

Okay, so, then in 10 years,

if the kid's, like, eight years old...


...and I want to move to California
or I want to move back to Chicago,

and that's when your parents would be
75 years old,

and you told me
you want to take care of them.


So, how does that then come into play?

I'm not shouldering that burden by myself.
Me and my sister are both responsible.

And my parents aren't people

that are going to be
the type of people that be burdens.

You know what I'm saying?
Like, I want to put...

You do not know what's going
to happen to your parents.

- And that's what... I'm being very careful.
- And I don't want to say anything at all.

All I know for right now is that
my decision, what I feel here,

is that whenever I have to
make a decision...

Say we move to California with our kids,

- I'm going to make that with you.
- Yeah.

Not with the influence of, like,
what my mom thinks.

Because my mom will always support
what I do.

Mark is very
emotionally available.

To me, it's a bit of a red flag,

because no guy is that
emotionally available.

I've never seen it.

Never experienced it.

It's like we're watching an experiment
on Discovery Channel, for all I know.

I mean, he's...
Everything I say, he's up for it.

Thinking about, like, if we're to take
the next step in three weeks

and kind of, like, playing that all out,

you know, I think, like, the leading...

reason for divorce is, like, finances.

I've never thought about anybody, really,
other than myself,

because I've never been married
or had a kid or anything like that,

but things happen very quickly

and you want to make sure that you're able
to provide that security and comfort.

For a long time in my professional life
I wasn't making six figures, you know?

And then, like,
it feels like, once it happens,

it just kind of, like,
continues to grow from there.

In this moment right now,

I'm not the financial provider.
I know that.

I'm going to be honest,
I'm not going to lie to you.

- Yeah. That's okay.
- And, you know, that's just being real.

You know, I'm not making,
like, $100,000, you know?

But I know now,

with what I know with fitness
and where I want to go with it,

I just want you to know that, like,
I may not be, like, there yet,

but I'm, I'm...

I hope you see my mindset
of where I'm gonna be.

This isn't gonna be butterflies
and rainbows all the time,

and that's why you see me tonight...

I challenged him and challenged him.

Because, you know, I want this to be
successful at the end of the day,

and I don't want us, you know,
in three weeks to walk down the aisle,

and this all be for nothing.


But what are your thoughts around,
like, kind of like gender roles

and how they play into managing finances?

Again, I refer back to my mom,
and how she is, you know what I'm saying?

And I see a lot of qualities similar.

And so my mom has always been that,
like, rock.

She's always been my rock solid, like...
That's my woman.

And that's why I'm attracted to you.

Yeah, you're amazing,
and not just what you...

The physical features.
It's you as a person.

I want to be me, though.
I don't want to be your mom.

And I get that, like,
you want to channel your parents,

but you have to be you
at the end of the day.

You're a grown-ass man, you know?

I wouldn't...

I don't want you to be...
Trust me, like, I'm good.

Like, same thing, mentally. I'm good.
Like, you know what I mean?

I'm not saying it's, like, I want you
to be a parent, you know what I mean?

- I'm not telling you...
- I don't want to be your parent.

Or in comparison to my mom...

I know you don't, and I'm just
setting the ground straight now.

You compare so much to your mom,

I want to make sure you're keeping things
in perspective.

Yeah, yeah!

I'm not trying to recreate
your parents' marriage

- or something like that.
- I would never want that.

Or recreate your mom.
I'll never live up to your mom.

I'll never be your mom.

Like, you've explained her to me
a million times,

- I am never going to be your mom.
- I'm just proud of her, basically.

- No, and I love that.
- And I say that...

That's where my head was at,
and it's, like...

- I don't want somebody...
- Girls get intimidated by that.

No one lives up to Mom. Ever.

No one can live up to Mom.

- Trust me...
- And I'm not trying to.

And I would never want you to.
There's no competition.

There's no competition,
because my heart is open to you.

I don't want you to think you need
to compete with my mom.

He won't stop talking about his mom.

And I'm like... dude.

There is no comparison between you
and my mom.

My mom is separate, and she is...

My mom will love whoever loves me,

and I will love whoever I love
because I love them.

I don't seek the approval of my mom.

I understand.
Your mom's an incredible woman.

I can't imagine how incredible she is.

But every single topic,
we relate back to Mom.

Going into a marriage,
if I'm really being realistic,

like, I would definitely want to put like
a prenup in place.

Like, off the bat.

I genuinely love this person.

And so that's what's confusing me.

It's not like we didn't talk about this
in the pods.

You knew how old I was. You knew!

And you ignored it. You said,
"Whatever, I want you."

You knew what I did for a living.

You said, "Okay."

You knew everything about me
in those pods.

You said "yes" to me twice.

Once behind a wall, and once in person.

You could have easily...

When you saw me in person,
you said "You know what?

No. I'm good."

But you said yes.


♪ On the way last night ♪

♪ You said we could be anyone ♪

Because we've kind of been sequestered
because of this whole experiment,

we haven't really told his family yet.

None of his friends know yet.

So, for Barnett's birthday

I am trying to get

all of our fellow experimentees together

and just kind of have like
a little birthday celebration for him.

- What's up?
- What's up?

Happy birthday!

- Blow them out, babe.
- Blow it out!

They weren't trick candles.

I was really expecting trick candles.

- Happy birthday, baby.
- Happy birthday, Barnett.

Thank you.

- What's up, buddy? How you doing?
- Oh, I'm doing all right.

You surprised?

- A little bit.
- A little bit? Just a little bit?

Don't get too excited,
it's all downhill from here.

Bam bam.

Birthday sh*ts.

Are we doing sh*ts?

- To Barnett.
- To Barnett.

To Barnett!

- Happy birthday, Barnett.
- Happy birthday, Barnett.



I had these expectations, like,
it's going to be a happy-go-lucky life.

I thought when I found her,
that was my pot of gold.

No, no, no. That was the start of it.

That was the beginning of it.

I found the rainbow.
Now it's time to go on that journey

and find what it is.

It kind of sucks for me because, like,
he's such a girls' guy.

- Who? Uh, Cameron?
- Mark.

Oh, Mark.

- Being in love is terrifying.
- Preach.

And the more in love I keep falling
with Barnett,

the more scared I am that some...

screw is going to be thrown into,
all of these, these working gears,

and something is going to mess up.

And it's...

- You can't do that though.
- I know, it's...

You can't, dude.

I try not to think about it
on a daily basis,

because I'm so excited
for how things are working.

- Then be excited.
- I can't lose a love like this again,

for any reason.

I think it would destroy me.

I know it's so easy to say,
because even in my situation, I'm like,

I don't know
what's going to happen tomorrow.

Because I don't want to lose
a love like this.

I look at her every morning,
and I'm like, "f*ck...

What did I do to deserve that?"

I'm just someone
that usually likes the unassuming,

laid-back guy that's not like,
talking about emotions with girls.

And Mark is very, like, out there.

Don't put so much pressure
on making it work, and just enjoy.

Live, breathe,
because you finally deserve something.

So do you have feelings for someone else?

- No.
- No?

Mm-mm, mm-mm. Nope.

So it's not, like, somebody else
is in the background.

- No, no, no.
- Okay.

If it... If you...

- Oh!
- Oh!

Sorry y'all.

When I get married,

I do want to make sure
that it's the right person.

I guess I looked back,
and I actually looked at a journal entry.

I was so excited about Barnett.

I did connect with him on such
a deep level,

and I was very passionate about
that connection.

And I thought, "Oh, this must be it."

- Happy birthday.
- Thanks.

I'm really glad that I got this.

It's the only thing I cared about.

Dude, What is it?

IPA? No, that's perfect.

- That's so good.
- "Ippa." I love ippas.

So good.

- We're like right next door to it, too.
- We're right next door? What's you're...

It's across the street.

- What's your apartment?
- What?

- What's your apartment?
- We're... We're two floors up.

So I don't know if you're ever
on the balcony,

but I can look down and spit on you.

I keep being naked in front of the window,
and I'm like,

"Oh, I forget I live in an apartment now."

- Yeah, that's my problem, too.
- My...

My bad.

Sorry, guys.

Always naked.

So what's up? How's, uh...

How are things?

Things are okay.

Things are okay.

I'm not...

I'm not there.
You know what I mean?

Like, me and Mark are so dissimilar
that it's...

- Really?
- It's like...

Yeah. I mean, we're 10 years apart.
We're like...

Different decades.

Different decades.

Like, you name it, like, we're different.

And... all those things.

Why did you say yes, then?


I think I was so...

I was coming down off of us.

Caught up in the experience, yeah.

There were 48 hours in the day.

I thought about you for, like,
46 of those hours.

Like, it was insane.



I was like...

I, like, was so high on that,
and then, like...

Then you said,
"No, I didn't feel the same way,"

and I...

I was coming off of that.

Like, I was like,
"This is what I've always gone after,

and it's not worked."

And here I am, and this person's liked me
since day one.

And then I was like, "Oh, this person's
loved me since the beginning."

Like, it's so, like,
my whole life playing out

and, like,
maybe I should just go with that, like...

I don't know.


Sounds like it's meant to be.

I know.



Oh, God.

It's over there.

I threw it...
I threw it closer, a little bit.

So how are you feeling about Amber?
Is she everything you expected?

Uh, she's...

Actually, it's more than I expected, so...
Which is good.

She definitely gets me
out of my comfort zone, like...

You never struck me
as a person that would go for Amber.

And it's weird to see it
all come together.

- I'm like, holy shit.
- You told me that a couple times.

We both have pasts.

Do you feel you guys are
emotionally connected?

I know y'all are obviously,
like, physically, and, like...

What I don't want is, like,
for you to feel some sort of,

like, physical, sexual thing that, like...

And then you're married, and, like,

two weeks down the road you're like,
"f*ck, I don't have things in common

withthis person
on an intellectual level."

I want to make sure that y'all are there.

I know it may seem like we're always,
on top of each other and stuff,

but we're not.

Aww, shenanigans. Where's...

They're over there talking.

I do just want to revisit
for like a minute, like,

the fact that, like,
you were so confused two weeks ago.

I want to make sure that...

you're doing what's right for you,
you know?

I found someone who's gonna love me
a hundred percent, no matter what.

I think so, too.

Her whole life is you. That's it.

- Her whole life is you.
- I know.

You deserve it. You do.


Nothing will ever break
the bond we made.

I know, I know.

- Literally.
- We had a friendship.

We do. And honestly, like, I...

want the best for you.

So, like, if anything ever comes up,
you f*cking...

You reach out to me.


Jessica probably had
a little too much fun.

I never felt like there was anything
I had to worry about with my fiancé,

but if I felt like she stepped
over the line one more time,

I would break her face.

I adore you.


Bless her heart.


Mm. I love you the most.

Love you, too.

What's going on?

Nothing, baby.

- I know. I'm just happy, I'm good.
- Have a drink.

Hey, you know...

- What happened?
- Nothing.


So good.

I don't know where Jessica's head's
at right now.

Easy deasies.

The situation is very hot and cold.

I don't know what I'm going to get on
a day-to-day basis.

Oh, it's so close.
Hey, how'd that rim job go?

How'd that rim job go?

And when she's all over me,
and hugging me and kissing me,

it confuses the f*ck out of me.


Does it feel pretty natural,
living together now?

Do you feel like it's pretty comfortable?

Why do you keep looking at me? Go ahead.

Uh, I mean, yeah, it's...
We've had some difficulties just, like...


More so me,
because I'm used to being alone.

- I can see that.
- Yeah.

- Lauren's like a roadblock. She's like...
- f*ck you, Damien.

"I can see that,
you being a lonely, bitter hag."

No, no, I just like...

What is wrong with you, Damian? What?

I just try to put a smile
on people's faces,

and sometimes saying awkward,
unconventional things...

- Yeah?
- It brings out the best in people.

It does.

And I'm not afraid to do that.

- That's great.
- Yeah.

Is that sarcastic? You mean that?

No. I totally mean that.

Stop putting her on the spot.

I know, like... Very awkward.

I picked up
that the conversation was awkward.

That caused me to feel uncomfortable
towards my fiancé.

I'm like...

I don't know how I feel.

I'm confused by the whole conversation.

Gigi and Damien are like
The Da Vinci Code.

It's hard to crack.

I'm not lying when I say
that I'm still trying to read you.

The problem is
you're reading into things too much.

I am, but I don't have...

I feel like I don't have a choice,
and it's really bothering me.

When I feel things were being awkward...
Like, I didn't like that.

Then talk to me.
Don't make a scene by walking off.

Giannina is the love of my life.

We've built such a strong connection,
and I'm scared of losing that.

Scared of losing her.

So I didn't stomp off
because I had a little bitch fit.

I stomped off because I'm not processing
things correctly, so I left.

You said I made things awkward,
but they're, like,

"What just happened with her?"

You want to know the reason
why I walked away?

It was because I don't care
what goes on in there

and you feel like things are awkward
and that's fine.

I didn't feel comfortable, right?

So what I said was,
"That's not what she felt."

How do you know what she felt?
You're not Lauren.

Listen to me.

Stop interrupting me, please,
for the love of God.

Stop speaking for everyone else
and speak for G.

- I'm trying.
- You're not.

You're speaking for everyone else.

- You're not listening to me.
- You're speaking for everyone else.

You're not listening.
You're not even letting me talk.

You're bringing me down.

You're bringing me down!

You're not letting me speak,
you're not listening to me.

- I have been listening.
- m*therf*cker.

Listen. For two seconds.

I have listened to you since the day
we walked into the pods together.

- Not in person.
- I process. I have.

This is what we were wondering
was missing.

Social situations.

Because I don't like to be
in awkward situations,

which you willingly do.

The difference is, G, is when things are
too good...

No, when things are comfortable,

you self-sabotage as you always say.

And you will bring...

You don't care
what you destruct In the process.

You don't care if you bring me down.

If I didn't care about bringing you down,

I would have been, "That was awkward."

- We've talked about this.
- Why wouldn't I have done that?

m*therf*cker, listen to me.

My f*cking heart feels like
it's breaking right now.

♪ Don't try ♪

♪ To play me like a fool ♪

♪ Cause I've been a fool for you ♪

♪ Don't try ♪

♪ To beg me for my love ♪

♪ Cause I'm better off as one ♪

Sit here.

- Hey, I love you.
- Love you.

What happened earlier?

I was just with Gigi all night
and it was crazy,

so I had to talk to her tonight, I had to.

- I know.
- She's the greatest.

She's a close second.

I'm talking about you being the greatest.

That was kind of a compliment.
I'm not saying, like...

You don't say somebody's a close second.

No, that's not what I meant.

This is a girl I look at, like,
literally as my little sister.

Baby, baby, baby.

- You're a close second.
- Babe.

- How is that? You're a close second.
- You're taking that the wrong way.

Babe, babe, babe.

Seriously, I'm not...
I did not mean it like that.

Stop. I was... Listen, straight up.

All I was talking about was you.

I was... I'm sorry that it was a bad joke.

I apologize for that.

- It's the worst.
- Okay.

Honestly, literally, she's older than you

- and she's beautiful and amazing.
- Okay.

And you're beautiful and amazing.

And, literally, you're like,
"Oh, she's a close second."

- No.
- Get the f*ck out of here.

That's not
what I was trying to say like that.

I think Barnett is f*ckin' sexy
and, like, hot, and, like...

What the f*ck is that?

You're insulting me like that.
Don't insult me like that.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

- Baby, baby.
- I'm good.

It's confusing as hell.

It's confusing.

I don't know what she wants.

She puts her ring on, she shows it off,
and then she puts it away.

It's just like this huge back and forth,
just like...

What do you want?

If I get to the wedding day and...

Jessica says no,

I'm more alone than I've ever been.

I never thought
it would happen like this.

♪ I need a hand but here I stand alone ♪


Come here.

♪ I hear a cry
But I think it’s just my own ♪

♪ Watch me rise up when the others fall ♪

♪ I'll give more after I've given all ♪

♪ Watch me rise up when the others fall ♪

♪ They can bow but I'll be standing tall ♪
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