01x02 - A Change Of Plans

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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01x02 - A Change Of Plans

Post by bunniefuu »

Should I wear,
like, this over it?

May be a little short.

But you and me,
we have different short.

Come on, "Teen Vogue" girl.
Help me out here.

Speaking of "Teen Vogue",
I got yelled at.

No way.

Well, no,
I didn't get yelled at.

- I got, like scolded.
- What?

Because a couple of my
friends showed up

'for that "Teen Vogue" party.'

- Lame. Who did that?
- 'I know.'

And they made a scene,
and I got in trouble.

But you didn't get fired,

You can't just crash any more
of my work things.

Okay, we'll make that a rule.

Yeah, it's gonna be
a, a big rule.

[instrumental music]

'Hi, how are you?'

- You look cute.
- Thanks. So do you.

What'd you think about
the party?

We didn't even get
to talk about it.

I don't know if, like
no one ever said anything

to me about letting them in
but hopefully

like everything's okay.

I mean,
I didn't want them to come.

Heidi shouldn't have gone
and then gotten in a fight

with her boyfriend at my work.

No, that wasn't really

But then, like,
Lisa came over, remember?

And you haven't
talked to her since?

She's a little scary.

This is gonna be interesting.

[instrumental music]


[music continues]

You and Heidi got into
an argument again.

You guys both get so jealous
of each other.

That's because
she's all over everybody, dude.

She thinks she's just
being friendly.

But what she doesn't realize
is, like, guys get the wrong--

She knew she was wrong.

'She admitted to me.'

- So what happened?
- We made up.

How many times
did you make up?


- You know what I mean?
- Yeah.

Did you ever ask Heidi
if you could have

a threesome with Lauren?


No, I hadn't got to that yet.

Right, you got to ask

these types of questions.

You are, you're
in Hollywood now, Jordan.

This isn't North Carolina.



There's no printer, is there?


- Hi.
- Hi.

Lisa wants to talk to you.

[instrumental music]


[music continues]

Hi. Come in.

Have a seat.

[music continues]

We have to talk about
the "Teen Vogue" party.

- I just wanna hear your side.
- Um..

'Your friends' behavior'

I heard that they were quite
drunk and had a fight.


Who let them in?

- I mean, I wasn't out there.
- Right.

I don't know, how exactly
they came in. They came in.


I really do not approve

of any alcohol
or substance abuse

at all by anyone that we know.

Just remember always,

you're representing us.

- Okay? It's really important.
- Yeah.

I understand, and I'm sorry.

I'm going
to New York next week

for the fashion week.

So while I'm gone..


And that's about it.

You okay?

- What happened?
- I got scolded.

No, you didn't.
What did they say?

She basically
wanted to know, she's like

"How'd they get in?
Why were they there?"

"Like , why'd you let them sit?"

"I don't understand
how your friends get in."

- Oh, God.
- And I was like, I don't know.

I was like, someone must have
let them in the front.

She's like, you don't
know how and I was like

I don't know.

Oh, my God.

Honestly, thank you so much.

I mean, like,
you saved my ass.

You know, I asked you to do it.

I know, but, like I did it.


...maybe that was my fault
for letting them in.


It's Heidi's fault.

[upbeat music]

[telephone ringing]

Good afternoon, Quixote.

- What are you doin'?
- I am working.

- What are you doin'?
- I'm kind of recovering.

What are you doing tonight?

Today I have
to work until 6:00, and then..

- ' That sucks.'
- Um, yeah.

I work every day
from 9:00 to 6:00.

We should all go out
and do something.

We're gonna go to this
new club called L.A.X.

I think that
Brian might be there.

'That's interesting.'

'Alright, I'll give you a call.'

Okay, bye.

♪ Hey hey ♪

♪ And I say ho ho ♪

♪ What you say hey hey.. ♪♪

Did Lisa Love
talk to you today?

Yeah. And I got
in a lot of trouble.

- She's all scary, like.
- I don't like that lady.

- Oh!
- You guys excited to go out?

- Oh, yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

Party at L.A.X.

If we don't g-get in,
let's just go to Mood.

Well, I know the guy
who works the door there.

Oh, my God.

'It's supposed to be
a really great spot.'

- Gotta go.
- Later, guys.

Hurry up.

What's up, Dave?

How are you?

♪ Na na-na-na na ♪

♪ Na na-na-na na ♪

♪ Rock into it ♪

♪ Rock into it ♪

♪ Na na-na-na na ♪

♪ Na na-na-na na ♪

♪ Rock into it.. ♪♪

You guys
are the biggest dorks.


They said they had
all this trouble, like

finding someone
who's that tall and could act..

That's you.

So I've got
the audition tomorrow, so..


I'm gonna go on right now.

Where's Heidi? Do you know?

Where is Heidi?

Okay, thanks.

Guess what, guess what,
guess what!

There you are.

Wait, what do you do?

Is he single?

Actually, I was trying
to get another boyfriend.

Is that the answer you want?

I'm like, what do
I love doing? Partying!

Jordan, some dude
just gave your girl a--

- Don't even rain on my parade.
- With his number on it.

Don't rain on my parade.

what time are you going home?

- About two.
- Two?

You're gonna stay out
till close?

'We have school
really early tomorrow.'

I'm so excited.

Aren't you proud of me?

I'm gonna go, then.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

[indistinct shouting]

[upbeat music]

♪ And the next big thing ♪

♪ Is gonna be ♪

♪ Everything ♪

♪ Everything ♪

♪ So come on ♪

♪ Well have you heard ♪

♪ The news.. ♪

- 'Heidi.'
- Hm?

- We gotta go to school.
- Hm.


Oh, my God,
I can't believe it.

I don't wanna do this.

That's bad,
I'm already planning on

like ditching my classes.

You can't ditch
your first class, Heidi.




[upbeat music]

[female #1]




Thank you.




'Okay, are we all here?'

Yes? Ready to roll?

[Brian groans]

'Oh, my God, dude.'

My head is k*lling me.

This going out every night
is getting, uh..


Um, what's Heidi
and Lauren doing today?


'They're at school.'

I wanna hang out
with, like me, you

Heidi, and Audrina.

Of course, you do.
Of course, you do.

Dude, Heidi is like the supreme
person to hook up people.

She goes up to every girl
and is like

you have to meet
the best guy ever.

From now on, I'm just
gonna be like, Heidi, her.

Yeah, yeah.

[dance music playing]

[telephone ringing]

Good afternoon, Quixote.

'Hey, I think that Brian's'

'interested in you.'

- Really?
- 'Yeah.'

- 'Did you kiss him?'
- No, no, we didn't kiss.

- 'Well, do you like him?'
- I don't know.

He seems really sweet

'and he's cute
and nice and funny.'

Well, perfect.

'I'll give you a call
after school.'

I'll talk to you later.

- Alright, bye.
- Bye.

[instrumental music]

Um, actually,
this one's taken. Sorry.

[female #2]
'It's okay.'

That's all our info for today.

See you next time.

[music continues]

- Heidi.
- Hi.

- Wanna sit?
- Yeah.



So, how's your first day going?

[clicks tongue]

I didn't finish.

What do you mean
you didn't finish?

- Did you just leave?
- Yeah.

Heidi, you can't
just walk out of a class.


What other class do you have?

[blows raspberry]

'I already missed it today.'

Because I couldn't find it,
so I was like, screw this.

I'm not going.

Heidi, you can't just
not go to your classes.

Well, I don't think they want
me to go an hour late.

Well, they want you to go.

Art, it's really lame,
you know.

Yeah, but, Heidi, I would
give it more than a day.

I will.
I'll give it more than a day.

Heidi...ready to go?

- Yeah.
- I gotta go to work.

I'm ready for a nap.

♪ And if the world was to end ♪

♪ Today ♪

♪ Would you apologize ♪

♪ For yesterday.. ♪♪

No, it wasn't a movie.
It was a magazine article.

You are Ret*rded.

Oh, you, shut up!

Sit down.

I'm still tired
from last night.


I would be if I were you, too.


What, you saying you, uh..

...wear me out?

I had a hard day at school

- What'd you do at school?
- I hate it.

You know when you
get the feeling

you're not meant
to do something?

You just know
you're not meant to do it.

I just know I'm not meant
to do school right now.

Because if I already have this
interview and if I get the job

then that's what
I'd be going to school for.

What, at Bolthouse?

I mean, school's not meant
for everyone.

I'm not in.


You have any classes
with Lauren?

No, but it's like
Lauren doesn't understand

that I'm not meant to do
what she's meant to do.


[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

Good morning, good morning.
Rise and shine.

Should I wear this..

...with the t*nk under it?

Do you care
what you look like?

I wear sweats to school.

I'm not going to school.


I'm going to that interview

with Bolthouse.

What time is it, though?

It's at the same time as class.

But I think that,
um, if I get this job

I'm not gonna
go back to school.

Like, for a semester?

Like back, period.

You're not gonna go
to school at all, Heidi?

No, because, like
what I'm going to school

for is, you know,
to get the kind of job

that I'd be getting,
because it's like my dream job

so, I don't know.

And then
if it doesn't work out

I could always
go back to school

but I might as well
take a chance.


I thought we moved here
to go to school together.

This is like,
a once in a lifetime

opportunity to get
this kind of job.

Well, I mean, if you think
that it's like something

that's not gonna
come along again, then--

I don't.

So, I'm gonna drop out
if I get it, for sure.

'I don't know.
We'll see what happens.'



[instrumental music]

- Hi.
- Well, hello.

- How are you?
- Good. How are you?

Very good. Okay.

So, what's up?

We went out to,
um, this club L.A.X.


Heidi, my roommate, met,
um, this guy, Brent.

And...he plans events

and that's, like
what she wants to do.

She's going in
for an interview today

for, like an
assistant position with him.

Are you serious?

She's, she's not
the best in interviews.

She's not?

Okay, when
you're in an interview

you're supposed to lie.

Over here,
if I'm interviewing you

and I say,
what is, like your biggest flaw?

You make it
a positive flaw, like.

Like, I have difficulty
like, not finishing things.

'I always
have to finish something.'

If you ask Heidi,
what's your biggest flaw?

She's like, "yeah, like,
I don't really go to school."


"I don't really finish stuff."


So she didn't
go to school today.

So that she could
go to an interview

and she's saying
if she gets the job

she's not gonna go back.

I don't know,
hopefully it'll be

a positive thing for her.

Yeah, I mean, we'll see.

We'll see if she
even gets it, though.



[instrumental music]

Brent's just wrapping
up a call

so if you want
to have a seat out here

I'm gonna take that
in to him.

- Oh, perfect.
- Do you want water or anything?

- Uh, no, I'm great. Thank you.
- Okay.

- He'll be back in, in a sec.
- Perfect. Thank you.

Ready? I have her resume.

- Yeah.
- You ready?


Let me just finish sending this.

- I love your office.
- Hi.

- I'm so nervous.
- Don't worry.

I know. Take a deep breath.

So, tell me why you think
you should work here.

I think that,
um, because I'm extremely

hardworking and I'll go
the extra mile

and I won't quit
until everything's exactly

the way you want it
and I don't give up easily.

I need a second assistant

so that means you'd kind of like

just help keep
our life organized.

Well, we're kind of like
the hub of the company.

I hate drama,
so as little drama as possible.


That's good to hear. Huh.

[cellphone vibrating]

- Hello?
- Guess what, guess what!

- Guess what?
- What?

- I got the job!
- No, you didn't.

Yeah, I seriously got it.

The number one,
like event planning PR firm

and I'm working for them.

I'm like, I have a job,
it's not like..

Oh, my God, I'm so excited.
I get, I get a salary!

That is awesome.
Congratulations, Heidi.

I know, and they're..
Oh, my god.

And that office is gorgeous.

Like, inside it has,
like brick walls

and like these
awesome paintings

and I get, like, a lunch break
and stuff.

A real lunch break?


Okay, I'm only like 19,
and I have my dream job.

Well, good for you.
What could go wrong?

I'm so excited.
And I think I start like Monday.

[cellphone vibrating]



♪ Fashion school dropout ♪

♪ No graduation day ♪

♪ For you ♪
♪ For you ♪


♪ Fashion school dropout ♪

♪ I can't go on just faking ♪

♪ Deep inside I know
your heart I'm breaking ♪

♪ Don't go
and try to change me ♪

♪ I'm not the one.. ♪

♪ I need to be ♪

♪ What I become ♪

♪ Because I want it all ♪

♪ God knows I never ♪

♪ Meant to hurt you ♪

♪ All these questions ♪

♪ Leave me askin' why ♪

♪ How come these feelings
such a feeling have left me ♪

♪ Well of emotions.. ♪♪
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