01x07 - Somebody Always Has To Cry

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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01x07 - Somebody Always Has To Cry

Post by bunniefuu »

- Thank you for coming with me.
- Oh, no worries.

I'm kinda hopeless
with gifts.


So, what are we looking for,
dog tags?

Dog tags.

[sales girl]
'I can do from, like,
the tiniest, little baby ones..'

...to, like,
super ghetto fabulous.

Would you like black diamonds
instead of white diamonds?

Oh, those black ones
are sick.

Let me see the black ones.
Oh, that is cool.

- Oh, those are sick, actually.
- Should I do.. two?


You're just throwing
diamonds around.

- I know, right?
- That's cool.

We are going to do an engraving
on the back, maybe?

Then you can get your name
engraved on his.

No, that's dorky.

- "Property of.."
- I know. "Do not touch."

"If lost, return to.."

No, that's fine, 'cause then,
afterwards, you're like..

If you ever break up,
you can't wear 'em.

[pop music]

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ You came just in time
for Christmas ♪

Pick it up, baby.

♪ Just in time ♪

I did all the work.

What? Hey, bro.

♪ You're on top
of my wish list ♪

♪ Like that storm in the sky.. ♪

I used to never
get to decorate it.

Oh, fun stuff.

'This is your first tree
you get to decorate?'

I know, 'cause my mom

doesn't let us
decorate our tree.

- No way.
- Yeah.


♪ Just in time
for dancing in the snow ♪

♪ You're on top
of my wish list ♪

This is gonna be funny.

Let's just sit here
and watch them do it.

I feel like
it's Christmas at home.

Somebody always has to cry.

'Nobody cries
at our Christmases.'

Yeah, who cries
at your Christmases?

I always cry
at my Christmases.

'Why do you cry?'

Because I never get
the present I want.

Holly always gets the attention.

Oh, my gosh.

My sister gets all the attention

then we start fighting.

Oh, my God,
you guys have to tell me

your families cry
at Christmas sometimes.

- Never.
- Not my family.

They cry at joy
of the gift they got.

- Exactly.
- My grandparents are always

like, "Oh, my gosh", yeah.

That's, like, the only time
I can think of.

- 'What?'
- Whatever.

You guys are such liars.

[instrumental music]

- After you.
- Thank you, madame.

Careful with the dog.

'So, can I get a pancake'

with strawberries on top
and an orange juice?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

It's so weird, like, in LA,
no one thinks it's Christmas.

I'll be like, "Merry Christmas,"
and people are like, "what?"

I hope Jason
likes his present.

Oh, my God.
He's gonna love it.

Do you know how jealous
Jordan is?

Lauren, I promise you,
he'll love it.

'What do you want?'

Probably get some stuff
for the apartment.

You know you're growing up
when you want stuff

for your apartment.

'Instead of, like,
toys and clothes.'

I'm not there yet.

I've always wanted
a Chanel bag.

And it would just be
a merry Christmas.


What would you get,
realistic gifts?

A puppy.

- A what?
- A puppy.

You want a puppy?

I got my hopes up so bad

that Jordan
was gonna get me one.

Yeah, but, like,
that's not a big gift, you know?

I really want a puppy
really bad.

That's what I really want.

'Thank you.'

What was your favorite
Christmas present ever?

Like, if you had to pick one.

That's really tricky.

The one I'm gonna get.


[pop music]

[bell ringing]

Merry Christmas!

Hey, where is this snow that
everyone's been talking about?

- I don't know where to find it.
- I don't know.



That one looks like
my sister's kitty.

♪ Walking on a moonbeam ♪

♪ Living in a daydream ♪

♪ Heaven isn't that far away ♪

I've been nice,
but you've been naughty.

Have you been
naughty or nice?

♪ You've got to know
you've got the heart of me ♪

Look here, baby.
Oh, look.

'It's snowing!'



Oh, my God!

♪ The deeper I fall ♪


Hey, it's a bubble bath!

'Real snow.'

♪ The deeper I fall ♪

♪ The more I know
what love is for ♪

'Let's go home
and open presents.'


♪ You've got to know ♪

♪ You've got the heart of me ♪

- 'Give him that.'
- Oh, no.

Let him open it.

No way!

- Dude.
- How sick is that?

- 'No way.'
- 'Oh, man.'

You little..

- Jordan is so jealous.
- Dude.

I designed them.
I made them myself.

This is all I wanted.
I love it.

- So cool.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.

Oh, yes.

This is the one I told you
you're gonna love, bro.

- Oh, yes!
- 'Oh, yeah!'

Merry Christmas!

I just told you
today about this.

I know, but I already knew.

'Look on it.'

Do you know what we're
getting Jordan?

You're not getting him
a tattoo.

- Indeed we are.
- No!

Yes. We have to.
I'm getting one with him.

Honor bright,
you're getting a tattoo?

It's his Christmas present
from me.

- 'Honor bright, Jordan.'
- 'Okay, okay.'

Jordan Patrick Eubanks..

How dare you?

Okay, you, now you give
Heidi her gifts.

I got a dog!
I'm really loud, huh?

- Thanks, baby.
- You're welcome.

He wants a kiss.

'I thought you were
getting me a real puppy.'

- 'Babe.'
- 'Heidi, after Christmas.'


'Okay, if you don't like this'

'you can return it.'

I'm pretty sure
she's gonna like it.

I'm pretty sure
you're gonna love it.




If that's not the want you want,
you can get another one.

Oh, I love it.

So cute.

- Thank you.
- No problem.

'Is Christmas over?'

'It is, indeed.'

Everyone satisfied?

Oh, my God.

[all laughing]

Open it. Open it.

Oh, my God!


My puppy!

'You had no idea!'

I'm crying.

And this is my puppy!

I told you you would get one
after Christmas.

'Where did you get it?'

- On the internet.
- I love you.

'I wanted one so bad.'


Oh, my God, I love you.

Ah, Jordan.

- Thanks, baby.
- You're welcome.

'What do you wanna name her,

- Bella.
- 'Oh, that's such a cute name.'

[rock music]

'Happy New Year's!'

New Year's Eve at Lobby,
I can't wait.

'I'm so glad
we're getting a limo.'

[indistinct conversations]

'What are you doing
to your hair?'

'I don't know.'

[cell phone rings]

- Jason?
- My God.

Wait, just look real quick.

'"I'm glad u liked him.
I saw what he looks like.'

Ha-ha, good taste."

I'm not even gonna
respond to him.

He's just so weird
about that.

- So stupid.
- I don't know.


Another day.

'So, how were the holidays,

'Oh, dude, got an unexpected'

phone call, or Lauren did.


Remember that guy David?

- What does he want?
- 'You tell me.'

That's exactly
what I'm saying, dude.

'Cause you know the situation.
They used to hang out

like, after everything happened
with me and Lauren?

And, like, she still
answers his phone calls

and especially
when it was in front of me.

I was just, like

"What the hell
are you doing?" You know?

Yeah. Did David know
that y'all are together?

'Uh, I think so.'

And he still called?

- 'Yeah.'
- Ooh.

'What are you gonna do?'

'Lauren, I can't believe
he sent you that message.'

'He's still upset
that David called you?'

That is so lame.

That's just how he is,

- Because he did things.
- I know.

So obviously he's gonna expect

other people to do things.

[cell phone rings]

Now he's mad at me.

Hey, why are you mad at me?



Are you se--

But I haven't talked to him
in like, months.

I am really sorry, baby.


He's so angry.

- 'Did he just hang up on you?'
- 'Yes.'

'No, he did not.'

What did I do?

'What's going on with all
this text-messaging?'

- 'Her boyfriend.'
- My boyfriend.

Wait, wait, wait.

Isn't that who you're
going out with, though?

- 'What was the fight about?'
- 'They're boys.'

Oh, he found out
a boy that I liked

like, a really long time ago--

A really long t--
And for a week.
- So long ago

And then, like,
I didn't like him anymore

but we stayed friends.

You know like friends, friends.

And then he just got mad
because the guy called me.

But that won't put
a damper on tonight.

We hope not.

He gets mad
about the dumbest things.

I-I'm not gonna apologize.
I didn't do anything wrong.

You didn't do anything.

God, he's so frustrating.

♪ That the world
tried to hold you down ♪

♪ So unreasonable ♪

Dude, I'm not gonna
wear these chains.

Yes, you are.

Bro, it..
up the shirt.

- No, it doesn't.
- It makes it all lopsided.

Put it inside, then.

Good call.

See, now we're talking suave.

[indistinct conversation]

Wait, how's it go again?

[both laughing]

But you said you've never had,
like, a real New Year's kiss?

I've never had, like,
a "Happy New Year's!"

and kissed someone, no.

You're so happy to be together.
It'll be good.

[electro music]

[R n B music]


[dance music]

[rock music]

He's freaking out.

Why is he yelling at you?

Because some guy called me!

It's so stupid!

Ah. Thank you.

Stay here, Heidi. Stay here.

- No, I'm coming with you.
- No, no, no, Heidi. Stay here.

Lauren, I'm getting in the cab.

Thank you.


[cell phone rings]

[Jason over phone]
'Lauren. Babe.'

'Can I please talk to you?
Where are you?'

Happy New Year's, Jason.

[cell phone clicks]

♪ Won't you try
to let me in? ♪

[instrumental music]

[cell phone rings]

- Lauren.
- No, it's Heidi. Hi.

Can I talk to Lauren, please?

'Um, I don't think she wants
to talk to you right now.'

Can I please talk to her,

Please, Heidi,
let me talk to her.

Bro, I gotta get
to her by 12:00.

[rock music]

Hey, Jay. Jay.

G-give me all,
hey, give me all of them.

Keep your 5 bucks.
No, keep your.. here.

We have got to make this car
to the house by 12:00.

Open the...door.

I don't know
how we're gonna do it

but we're gonna do it.

I'm gonna be kissin' somebody.

- 'Heidi.'
- 'Yes?'

It looks like you may be
my New Year's kiss.

Aah! I would be so lucky.

Because we've got 12 minutes.

- And I will..
- Happy New Year's!

..have a New Year's kiss.

'She's gonna be so mad at me.'

Okay, here's the thing
I'm gonna explain to you..

Thank you, sir.
Happy New Year's.

You know, I really don't
think we're gonna make it.

- Hey, what time is it?
- 10 till.

Get there! Come on! Whoo!

Happy New Year's!

'I didn't like my hair,

Look, you should run up there

and just be, "I love you."

Grab her, put her on the bed

make love to her...do whatever

you got to do to her.

Hey, what time is it?

[cell phone rings]

- 'Hello?'
- 'Lovey..'

'Hey, I want you
to come downstairs'

in two seconds, please.

Why do I have to come down?
I'm up here.

Please come down,
I wanna be with you

on New Year's,
and it's about time.

Please go down the elevator
right now.

Please, if you love me,
you'll come down.

'If you love me,
you'll come to the apartment.'

'I don't wanna go down there.'

- Please come down.
- 'Why?'

Because, please?

- ' Where are you?'
- Please come down right now.

- 'Please?'
- Come on, Lauren.

Let's go down.

Go. Go. Run. Go.

[indistinct chatter]

I'm so sorry.
I love you.

♪ If I could
I would make you love me ♪

♪ If I could
I would leave this place ♪

♪ I'm the one
who could make you happy.. ♪

Happy New Year's!

♪ But I can't walk away ♪
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