02x05 - One Big Interruption

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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02x05 - One Big Interruption

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm dead. This is death face.

Yeah, you were pretty bad
last night.

Did I tell you what
that Playmate said?

She was like, "Oh, that guy..."

And she's like, "That's my boo."
And I was like, "Your boo?"

She's like, "Yeah. I think
I'll hook up with him later."

Oh, he's this dirtbag, Heidi.

How many people need to tell
you, like, bad things about him?

Remember I told you, like,
he wanted to meet at Pinkberry?

And he brought roses,
and I was like--

- What? What?
- Yeah.

You did not tell me this story!

I told you about Pinkberry.

- Shut up.
- Ask him.

I hooked up with him
that night, didn't I?

I don't know.

Call him on speaker right now

and so he can't lie.

- Yeah, call him.
- Just do it.

[cell phone ringing]

- 'What up?'
- Hey!

'Remember that day you
arrived with Audrina at Area?'

We hooked up that night, right?

- 'Obviously.'
- Okay.

Then you brought my roses
to Audrina at Pinkberry?

'I don't know.
I said, obviously. I don't...'

We hooked up that night!

[indistinct chatter on phone]

'I can't! I'm shaking.
I'm so angry right now.'

What? You brought roses
to her at Pinkberry?

What the hell?
Seriously, like--

'You want to just
keep fighting about it?'

'I thought we were starting
new and fresh.'

It's like, I don't want
to keep finding out things.

Like, I can't believe it,
I just found that out, like...

Whoa, that's a big thing
you might want to tell me.

'I'm done, and I'm done trying
to explain to you who I am.'

'You didn't do anything wrong.
Don't let him flip it.'

I'd trust him
as far as I can throw him

'but I don't even
think I could lift him.'


Don't ever get involved
with someone

who can manipulate
you like that.

♪ It's gonna be alright ♪

♪ It's gonna be alright ♪

♪ We'll stand in the sunlight ♪

♪ We'll stand in the sunlight ♪

♪ You know it ain't easy ♪

♪ You know it ain't easy ♪

♪ But it's gonna be alright ♪

♪ It's gonna be alright ♪

♪ So you'll know
that it's alright ♪

♪ It's gonna be alright ♪

♪ We'll stand in the sunlight ♪

♪ We'll stand in the sunlight ♪♪

'So, let me just, uh,
talk to the girls here.'

Thanks. Bye.

Are you both coming in tomorrow?

I know I'm getting my wisdom
teeth pulled tomorrow

so I don't think...

Oh, that's, that's comfortable.

Um, alright.

We're gonna have a dinner for,
probably, 20

young designers in LA, and also
Jane Keltner is coming out

and her intern, Emily,
will be coming out with her

and she'll be helping you,

with dinner, uh, arrangements.

She comes in tomorrow
at 10 o'clock...

'She's supposed to be

'She's really hardworking'

and she's worked
on events before

and so she can help you
through this.

These are the people
that are coming here

'and you might want to do
an excel sheet for me'

'with their phones numbers
and addresses.'

'And we want to send them all
reminder cards.'

Who's the one
with better writing?

- Uh, Whitney.
- I don't mind writing.

- I'll do the...
- You'll do the list.

The excel. I can type.

Remember that this is the
Teen Vogue way of doing things.

I want to make sure that, uh,
everything is taken care of

in the manner
that we're accustomed to.

- Alright.
- Okay. Great.

- So, I'll just take that box?
- Yeah, take that box.

There should be
more of them in there.

[instrumental music]

I wonder what this New York
intern's like?

If she's anything like Jane,
this should be interesting.

She's very, like, very, like...

- 'Precise? Yeah. Yeah.'
- And that's so not me.

'Yeah. Agreed.'

♪ Another place familiar face ♪

♪ I can't sleep tonight ♪

♪ It wasn't what they said
or what they meant ♪

♪ It was bright bright
bright bright skies ♪♪

[cell phone chimes]


Oh-ho, look who picks up
their phone. About time.

Why are you acting so weird?
Why are you not taking my calls?

- I don't understand it.
- Why am I acting so weird?

Because you showed up with
Playmates the other night.

Wait, uh, why are you
whispering? I can't hear you.

I can't hear you,
you're whispering.

I'm at work.
You're interrupting me at work.

'Oh, I'm interrupting you now?'

You are. You're one big
interruption in my life.

I didn't know showing up with
girls was that big of a deal.

It's not like I hooked up
with any girls.

I didn't kiss
any of those Playmates.

- How do I know? How do I know?
- Because I'm telling you.

I'm not a liar.

It's all a little sketchy to me.

'Then I hear about this
Audrina thing, it's like'

actions speak louder than words,
so, obviously you're not ready

for a girlfriend,
when you tell me that you are.

I am ready for a girlfriend,
why would I be

calling you about it
and want you in my life?

I need a week without talking
to you, without texting you.

Like, I just need to
clear my head.

"Clear your head?"
What's in your head?

"What's in my head,"
uh, Playmates

running around
all over you are in my head.

You need to realize if
I didn't want to be with Heidi

I wouldn't be calling you.

If you want me
in your life ever again

then you need to,
like, respect this.

It's like I know what I want.
I want Heidi.

No, you take a week.
Let's see if I'm here to call.

I'll talk to you later.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

♪ Uh-huh it's gonna be ♪

♪ It's gonna be a good day ♪

♪ Oh bring it on
show me what you got ♪

♪ Where there's a will
there's a way ♪

♪ You can tip the scales ♪

♪ Your words of wisdom
are in vain ♪

♪ Save it for another day ♪

♪ Now go and put
your high heels on ♪

♪ Nothing's standing
in your way ♪♪

Hi! You're Lauren, right?
Hi, I'm Emily.

- 'Nice to meet you.'
- Nice to meet you.

[clears throat]

'So we have
a big day ahead of us.'

- Planning.
- 'Do we? What are we doin'?'

'We need to go to the florist at

We have some things being
delivered for the table set...

- The table settings...
- Uh-huh.

To Kevin Healey's house at 3:00.

So we're gonna need to go
over there at 3:00.

'Can I actually have
those top two pages?'

- Okay, just take them.
- 'Thanks. Mm-hmm.'

So until then, we actually just
need to get directions

to Kevin's house, which
apparently is sort of

'tricky to get to, so we need
to print those out for everyone'

'so that everyone
knows where they're going'

and also, uh

find out how to get to the
florist, which is Velvet Garden

'so we've got some
map questing to do.'

So, I'm gonna start addressing

the reminder cards
for the party.

Maybe we can divide it up, like
I can do half, you can do half.

Um, sure, Lisa doesn't usually
like me to address things...

- Oh, handwriting?
- Because I write bad.

- ...yeah.
- Oh, no. Okay.

Then I'll have to be extra
careful with my own.

Yeah, last time she threw
mine away, so...

[instrumental music]

- Hi.
- Hi.

- What's going on?
- Oh, nothing much.

- What a disaster.
- Yeah, what an idiot.

- What was he thinking?
- 'I have no idea.'

- Who were those girls?
- Who... Are... You saw them.

- Like, what happened?
- I don't know.

It was him, Brody,
and the two blond girls

and I'm thinkin' to myself,
"Who are these two blond girls?"

Never saw 'em before.

Did he have his arm around them
or anything?

No. They really just sat there.
They didn't really do anything.

They were dancing at the table,
but they never left the table.

'It's like,
don't make me look stupid'

at my work and my place.

It's like,
are you, are you kidding me?

Who do you think you are
to do that at all?

If it were me,
I would not be okay

with my boyfriend
bringing in two blond

Playmate-looking chicks
to the pub where I work.

- No way.
- Not okay.

'Audrina was the first thing,
and it's, like'

and I didn't really understand
what was going on there

and then this? It's like,
you know what, that's it.

Either you want to be with me,
or you're not.

You should, you should just
chill out for a little bit.


[instrumental music]

♪ Someday you'll sing it
out loud ♪♪

'So I spoke with Lisa
about the flowers.'

'We're gonna go, I think,
either with, like, garden roses'

'like light pink,
or maybe peonies.'

She wants, like, a chinoiserie
kind of vase, which--

I don't know
what a chin-oiser-ie is.

Like, um...

Like sort of Asian-inspired

like, ceramic vase.

Uh, hopefully, they'll,
they'll be able to source them

from elsewhere, but she doesn't
just want a plain vase.

'That's crazy they put
so much detail in this stuff.'

Well, it's not really like an
event, it's just like a dinner.

- Well, I mean, it's important.
- Oh, yeah. No, of course it is.

I mean, I'm not saying
it's like not as important

as an event,
it's just...a dinner.

- Well, it has to be just right.
- 'Do you go to school?'

- 'Yeah, I go to NYU.'
- 'Oh, cool.'

- Do you take a full schedule?
- Yeah, I have 18 credits.

- And...
- Oh, my God.

Yeah, I have

'and then I work two
days at Teen Vogue'

'and one day at Chanel.'


♪ Whoa ♪

♪ I know ♪

♪ Who-o-a-a ♪

♪ Wh-o-oa-a ♪

♪ I know it's never
good enough ♪♪

'The peonies are great.
Are these coral charm?'

[female #1]
'Yeah, that's the perfect one'

'for your other palette.'

Right, right.
Have you been here before?

Mnh-mnh. I didn't even know
this place existed.

...vases are really beautiful,
and they look very chinoiserie.

- 'Oh, yeah. Those are nice.'
- Oh.

[female #1]
'We could lead,
like, down the table with'

'like, different patterns'

and do, like, all one type
of flower in each one.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I should have brought
my digital camera.

- I have mine.
- 'Oh, you do?'

Good thinking.

[female #1]
'And then I would
probably suggest'

'if you're gonna go
with the coral peonies'

'maybe you do like the orange
ballerina tulips over there'

'and possibly we do, like,
some really open garden roses.'

Yeah. I'm loving
the pink ones though.

These are incredible,
this is like the most

incredible specimen
of flower I think available.

Yeah, they're great.

I mean, and they get huge,
and they, they--

No, I have some
at home right now.

- 'They're fantastic.'
- 'Yeah. Yeah.'

'There's also ranunculus.'

- Yeah, I love ranunculus.
- Yeah, I could show you those.

You know a lot about flowers.

- 'Do you like this flower?'
- Dahlias?

Yeah. You're so smart
in every flower.

'You know all the names.'

♪ They say nothing in life
is a failure ♪

♪ You'll win some
and you'll lose ♪♪

'Cheers to single nights out.'


I wouldn't give up my singleness
right now for anything.

Yeah, but that's because
you guys have had

the most serious
relationships ever.

I can't, I can't
date someone right now.

The thought of love right now
makes me want to throw up.

It makes me wanna throw up too
'cause I don't believe in it.

I think that love is stupid,
I think that you can

get over anyone though.

I was head over heels

wanted to marry Jason,
like obsessed.

I know. You guys
had your wedding date set.

And I'm fine.

The only time
I miss having a boyfriend

is when I have to put
something together

when I have to pick something,
like a TV out, or do car stuff.

Or when I have
a lot of groceries.

Missing the boyfriend.
I can't lift them all.

- Damn it! Stop texting me!
- Spencer?

Yes. I swear to God, he's called
me three times today.

Heidi, I'm gonna take
this sidekick

and, like,
throw it in my mojito.

I told him I need a break,
and then he calls me all night

'like, leaving messages
on my machine.'

- 'Ooh! Who got these?'
- 'Great. Thank you.'

He says, "I just want to know
what the deal is, blah, blah."

And he's sitting there,
it's like

"You tell me that you haven't
had the best time with me."

And I'm like,
"What, are you gonna freaking

cry about it?
Like, get over it."

Hey, hello, we don't even
want to talk about him.

- This is so ruining the night.
- He's not a good guy.

[instrumental music]

♪ Ba-da-da da da da da ♪

♪ Oh oh no no no ♪

♪ Ba-da-da da da da da da ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪♪

- Oh, my God.
- How did your wisdom teeth go?

- Oh, my God.
- How are you feeling?

- I'm okay.
- Oh, good.

I'm good. Yeah. Here, sit down.

You want a pillow or something?

No, I'm good.

'So, what's up?'

I heard it didn't go very well.

Well, it was okay, and then like

I got these things called,
um, dry sockets.

- My friend had those.
- 'You've heard of those?'

- How's work been?
- Good.

- Oh, you missed Emily.
- How was Emily?

No, it was, like, intense,
we were in this flower store

I literally didn't say one word.

- Really?
- Like, I would just like...

'She definitely knew the name
of every flower in the store.'

- Shut up.
- It was really funny.

'Cause some of the flowers
were hard to find, I'm sure.

She's like super intern.

- 'Cause she does so much?
- Yeah. She's--

'Well, she probably
has more time.'

- I mean, is she in school too?
- Oh, yeah.

She goes to NYU,
and she works at Chanel. Yeah.

- Are you serious?
- Uh-huh. It was funny.

It just wasn't really
a meshing situation?

I know. I know the whole way..

And the whole time I was there,
I was just like

"Whitney, where are you?"

Aww. I'll be there tonight.

I appreciate you ten times
more now.

[rock song playing]

- Hey.
- 'Hey, what's up?'

Sorry to bother you.

Do you mind talking to me
outside for a minute?

- Sure. Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.

Just like so confused.


I don't know, it's just, like,
that whole thing

happened with Spencer, you know?

- How are you feelin'?
- I really miss him, like--

How can you miss someone
that does that to you?

You don't choose who you love.
I really, I really do miss him.

He's been calling me a little
bit, and I haven't answered

and he's been texting me,
and he was just kind of, like

"Please, give me a chance
to actually be your boyfriend."

You know, he's, like,
"I'll make it up to you."

And do you believe him?

Do you think
that if you do give him a chance

that you'll be able
to trust him?

I mean, a big part of me does

but I guess you also build
trust with people, you know?

Exactly, and he's done
really nothing to show you

that he's trustworthy right now.

Jordan hurt you, so are you
ready to sign up for that again?


- I just don't know what to do.
- What do you want to do?

What does Heidi want to do
about Spencer?

I mean...

It's up to you. I mean...

There's nothing else
I can say about him.

[instrumental music]

It's, um, 6:20. Let's see,
how should we do this?

We need a plate here.

- Do you have the plates?
- 'Yeah, here.'

'Do you want to start
moving those down?'

'Do you want them closer


Wow. Look at us.

We could go into business.

'Everything looks really good,
I've just been'

to make sure, you know.

- It's pretty.
- Yeah.

- It looks really good.
- It's amazing.


- What do you think?
- Perfect.

Do you think
Lisa will like it?

I think so, definitely.

- 'What do you think, Jane?'
- It looks great.

- 'Does it look good?'
- I love the flowers.

- 'Hi, Lisa.'
- 'Hi, Jane.'

What do you think?

- 'It looks beautiful.'
- 'Yeah?'

I think there's a little
too many flowers.

'Maybe you could take
every other one out?'

[male #1]
'That's a good idea.'

'That looks better, Lisa.'

'Okay, that looks much better.'

I don't think so.

Yeah. I don't know.

I guess
I'll just wait for direction.

Oh, yeah, no,
I'm sure we're staying.

I actually think
we're all set.

Uh, she's not coming.

Emily, why don't you
take a seat at the table?

'And you can take
the other girls down.'

'They're gonna go.
Thank you for doing this.'

'Emily, make yourself
a place card.'

- Right now?
- Yeah.


Okay, uh...

- It was so nice meeting you.
- I know.

So good to meet you too.

Thank you so much
for showing me around.

- Our pleasure.
- Have fun.

And I think it was good.
We did good, right?

We did good, and
hopefully, we'll see you soon.

Yeah, hopefully,
I hope I can come back

and stay a little longer
next time.

- Yeah.
- Enjoy your dinner.

- Thank you.
- Bye.

Bye, girls.

♪ So how do you know ♪

♪ When you're done? ♪

♪ When the battle at hand ♪

♪ It just can't be won? ♪♪

'I'm so glad
you were there today.'

What time was the dinner
starting? 7:30?

- They're not even eating yet.
- No.

And look at us.
We're chillin' in the car.

I know.

Like, it totally would have
been cool to see

how it all went down, you know

and, like, what an actual dinner
like that would entail.

When she pulled away the
first name and she was, like

"Alright, Emily's sitting
here," I was like, "Oh, no."

It's okay, at least we got to be
part of, like, the process.



♪ This is the time ♪

♪ Aah aah aah-aah ♪

♪ Aah aah aah-aah ♪

♪ Take another step
move forward ♪

♪ 'Cause I may be
fallin' deeper ♪

♪ I'm holding on ♪

♪ So we can stay here together ♪

♪ So many things I wanna say ♪

- 'Hello, beautiful.'
- Hi.

♪ Lost whenever you are nearby ♪

♪ I can't keep it
locked inside ♪

♪ Everything
I've tried to find ♪

♪ This is the time ♪

♪ This is the time ♪

♪ Aah ♪

♪ Hoo ♪♪
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