01x10 - Worst Case Scenario

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The McBee Dynasty: Real American Cowboys". Aired: March 11, 2024 - present.*
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Docuseries provides a behind-the-scenes look at a family dynasty running a high-stakes farming and cattle business in rural Missouri.
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01x10 - Worst Case Scenario

Post by bunniefuu »

- Someday,
one of the boys

is going to have to
take over the farm.

- I've been wanting
to take on a bigger role,

and I want to become more.

- Do you
think Dad would trust

you with taking over the farm?

You and I are probably the
only ones that would actually

be able to run anything.

I'm not going anywhere.

STEVE: Right
now, we're $50 million

in debt with the car washes.

We have an opportunity
to potentially

borrow $105 million.

- You'd
better be nice to Galyna,

because we need her for this.

- I am
nice to Galyna.

You make badass
spreadsheets and pro formas,

and I feel good.

- And then I
make badass whatever else.


Did you sleep good?

I know it was a little hot
last night, because of me.


So we just need to
finalize the financials.

- You've done
a good job on this.

that was a good job, Galena.

- Thank you.

Is that all right
if I will stay,

like, here for a little bit?

- Mm.

I got a big bite.

- We have to
do a lot of projections,

because these are all--

they're not open yet.

- What
do you mean by,

it's not going to
be a full amount?

If this doesn't go
through, it could

be the end of the company.

STEVE: Failing
is not an option.

Failing means we
lose everything.

That's what it means.

STEVEN JR.: Look at that.

- We're official!

- It's official!

- Oh my God!

- I'd love
to be married someday,

but for now, I'm
committed to this.

STEVE: Fan out, boys!

- How much longer
am I going to have to hold on,

until he wants to commit fully?

It's already been two years.

I don't have forever to wait.

- There's Cole!

Oh, snap!

- You can't
cheat on me if I'm there.

COLE: I think I'm ready.

What about you?

- I would
call you my boyfriend.

- You've been
together almost 11 years.

When are you getting married?
When are you getting married?

- It
has been 10 years.

I know that's--
that's a long time.

COLE: So are you thinking
about proposing to Alli, Jess?

- Well, I
was, for a bit there.

- They all need to be
more grateful for the women.

- Who do you think
is the influence on this?

- Steve.

- Who
my dad is as a person

and what he wants
for his life--

- What's up, ladies?

Come over tonight about 12:00!

can't force that to change.

GALYNA: Who the
f*ck totaled my car?

STEVE: I was just trying
to help solve the situation.

- You take
care of your whore!

- Steve, we're
not going to be able to see

each other anymore.

- It's her, right?

There is no other way.

- I understood
the first time.

- The boss is
having me meet somebody here.

- Tessa?

GALYNA: What the
f*ck are you doing here?

BROOKE: I was told to
come here and pick up keys, is

actually what I'm doing here.

- For what?

- For
the Nashville house.

I'm redecorating it.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.

- So you work
for Steve now, decorating?

Because Boss didn't
tell me that.

- Well, I
mean, that's what I was

told to come here and do, so.

- I see.

- Mm-hmm.

- He is
keeping his keys.

- Oh, well,
they're not your keys, so--

- Well,
they're not yours either.

- Right, and
I wasn't talking to you.

- Ah, you're
so freaking pathetic.

- You're pathetic.

You're the one that's running
around here, f*cking stalking

people on Instagram and
pretending like you're

in a relationship with somebody
that's telling everybody

else that you're not.

So I think you better
watch your words

when you talk about pathetic.

TESSA: Me and Galyna,
we've never seen eye to eye.

We just don't.

We have our differences.

We just don't get
along too much.

But listen, when Brooke
came in to our house

and start sh**ting the mouth
off like a rabid chihuahua,

I don't care if me and
Galyna are friends or not.

She's part of this farm family,
and she has earned her right

on this farm as such.

You wrecked her vehicle.

- Oh.

- I think you
owe this woman an apology.

was an accident.

I don't know what you're
getting into this for,

but you can step
aside, thank you,

because this is
between me and her.

- Excuse me!

- So first
of all, that car was

given to me to
drive, and I was told

that I could drive the car.

I hope you know I
didn't just drive--

- Maybe you
should confront Steve.

- Hold on.

I drove the G-wagon
to Columbia.

I've drove in the Jeep.

I've drove in multiple
of the vehicles.

GALYNA: Oh, really?

- And
never had an issue.

- Oh, so you
drove all of those vehicles?

- Yeah, I took my
son to a state championship

in the Jeep.

I'm a very good driver,
and to be honest with you,

that car accident was
the first accident

I've ever been in my life.

I'm 41 years old.

look like 50, but--


- That's just your
insecurity screaming out loud.

- Oh, I
don't have insecurities,

I promise you that.


- Listen, you don't
need to become childlike

and act like a teenager.

- Wow,
Tessa, this is so funny.

Because every time I've
been face to face with you,

you have been so
sweet and kind to me.

And now, all of a sudden,
your boss is in front of you,

and so now, you want
to act this way.

- Oh, honey,
she's not my boss.

BROOKE: Oh, well, you
sure are acting like it.

- I work for
Steve McBee and McBee only,

and I've been here
longer than anybody.

- OK, well,
I don't know why you are

being so disrespectful to me.

- If you get
disrespectful from me--

with me--
- I never--

I never got disrespectful.

I walked into a "f*ck you."

I walked into the F
word automatically.

I came here.

Steve, your boss,
which is now my boss,

has told me to come
and pick up keys.

- Oh, really?

- For Brooke to
come in here acting like that,

you know, it's just asinine!

And I don't care who
it is on this farm.

When it comes to
disrespecting any one of them,

I'm not going to stand for it.

- If we need to, we
can just call Steve right now

and find out.

Because if Steve
set this shit up,

then we got a real problem.

- Go do that.

And tell him everything
you just said to me.

- Oh, I will.

I have no problem.

I've said all those things
that I said to you to him.

- Please do.

[phone ringing]

STEVE: How are you doing?

- Hey, so I just
got here to the offices, Steve,

to pick up the keys for
the Nashville house,

and I have Galyna standing
in front of me right now.

STEVE: I, uh--

I didn't know she was
going to be there.


- I guess I was not
clear enough that it was her

or I. Like, I guess I
was not clear enough.

When he broke up with Brooke,
we're starting a new path.

But the habits are habits.

STEVE: Well,
I'm not going to do

that to either one of you.

I mean, I'm not going to
deal with that either, so--

- Well, then don't.

STEVE: I'm not.

I'm a grown ass man.
- Yeah, you are.

STEVE: What you choose--

you guys choose to do
what you want to do,

and I'll do what I want to do.

GALYNA: Then do
what you want to do.

And you already do.

STEVE: You're
damn right I do,

and I'm going to
continue to do it.

- And I
figured that much.

- I came to get the
keys like you asked me to do,

to get--

- You and
Steve already did.

Both of you are liars.

- Your opinion of
me-- you're not in my life.

You have nothing
to do with my life.

- Neither do you.
BROOKE: Hold on.

Let me finish speaking.

You can think I'm pathetic.

You can think I'm a liar.

You can think
whatever you want.

The thing is that when
I leave here today,

I know that I spoke my truth.

I think that Galyna is
living in her own reality.

She doesn't want to
accept what the facts are.

Steve doesn't want
to get married again.

Galyna wants to place the
blame on somebody else.

She doesn't want to-- sorry.

She's pushing it out
towards me when I'm not

the person that caused this.

It has absolutely nothing
to do with me and Galyna.

This has everything to
do with her and Steve.

All right, I'm done
with this conversation.


- You can tell
Steve he can keep his keys.

- Yes.

keeping his keys.


- Bye, Galyna.

I hope you get
some therapy, and I

hope you get some
help for yourself,

because you really need some.

- I hope you
get some therapy and more

than one-night stands.

- Yeah,
you really need some.

- That's
all you're capable of.

- I
think with Steve,

there were a few red flags.

Maybe I need to be looking
at the situation I am in,

and maybe I do need to
remove myself from it.

like, press the button.

I know it's not your
level of intelligence,

but it's right there.

f*cking b*tch.

[chuckles] At the
end of the day,

I don't feel entirely
that it's Brooke's fault.

Steve enabled her.

TESSA: She's an
angry little creature!

Listen, in my defense,
I didn't know all

the ins and outs of all this.

I just kind of got thrown
into it, just so you know.

- I think it's
time to have a cocktail.

What would you like to drink?

- Listen.

You just pick my poison, and
whatever you're drinking,

I'll have a drink of it, too.

don't even know how

to react to things like that.

I just-- sometimes I'm like--

I don't know, Tess.

- You had
to do that for you.

You know what I'm saying?

I probably know Boss
better than anybody.

And when he went through
that divorce, I'll tell you,

I've seen a side of boss
I'd never seen before.

And sometimes when people
go through a divorce--

it could be bad.

It could be terrible,
whatever it is.

But when that finality
comes, you know,

people tend to lose their way.

And they make
decisions that they

normally wouldn't make because
they truly are grieving.

And it takes them a little
while to come out of it.

You know what I'm saying?

I don't think that he was
directly meaning to hurt you.

I think he's masking
his own hurt.

- See, is that
an excuse to continue

hurting other people?

I thought that Steve and I
made it to a different place,

and I guess I was wrong.

[chuckles] I guess everything
just continued to be the way

it is, and I was just
pacified for the time being

to do my job.

- Honey, I know
some of the best people.

I've seen the best
people fall from grace.

I mean, good people,
loving people--

they have made
terrible mistakes,

and they feel bad
about what they do.

He's had a lot of trauma.

So-- I know.

- I
promise you one thing.

- What, honey?

- I know
what trauma is.

- There comes a
point in our life when we

have to say enough is enough.

- That's
exactly right.

[country music]
Nothing you can say

is gonna make me change my mind

I want to keep you for myself

We could be alone with
no cares in this world

Oh, we don't need nobody else

- What's going on?

You want to help me?

- What is this?

- Uh,
it's the Corn Star.

We're going a little above
and beyond this year.

So the Corn Star trophy is the
MVP of our farming operation.

Hockey has the Stanley Cup,
NFL has the Lombardi Trophy,

and farming has the Corn Star.

I know everyone is vying
for the Corn Star Award,

that most acreage title.

- Cornelius
has closed the gap

between him and Jake Denton.

any names on it?

Any name start with a J?

- I know
that you may have gotten

robbed in previous years.

- Past two.

I have these two spots that
I've been saving on my mantle.

But one big one
would probably fit

in the space I've been saving.

- It comes
down to who really worked

the hardest, who had the best
attitude, energy, and effort,

and who had the most positive,
uplifting leadership.

It's become such a hot topic.

- Heck, it might
be nationally known now.

- It will
be after this trophy

is given out.

[energetic music]

starting to freak out.

My body almost goes
into a full paralysis.

I'm still dealing with this
whole situation with Steve

and Brooke, and I
haven't told Steve

that the deal is in trouble.

We need extra funding
to be able to grow.

GREG: I wanted to
talk to you about the deal.

It looks like we're
not going to be

able to proceed as planned.

- I don't
understand that.

We were supposed to have a
meeting with Greg this morning

at 10:30, and he had to cancel.

And I do not have a
good feeling about it.

[upbeat music]

never been down here ever.

CALAH: Where are we?

Uh, we're southeast

of the Plaza, a little bit.

But it's a pretty cool
Italian restaurant,

from what I can tell.

Think I'm going to get a
steak, even though we're

at an Italian restaurant.

- You're
not gonna get pasta?

- I actually
wanna take this off inside.

- Yeah.

Take it off.

- Mm-hmm.

- You can unbutton
your shirt a little bit

more, too, if you want to.

- Unbutton
it all the way down?

- [laughs]
That would be ideal.


SERVER: Hi, folks.
- Hi.

- Hi.

SERVER: Hi, how
are you two doing?

We are locally
owned and sourced,

so we try to keep everything
as fresh and local as possible.

Did you guys get a chance to
look over the drink menu yet?

- I already
know what I want.

I'll probably do a glass
of the pinot grigio.

- Absolutely.

- I'm just
actually going to do a water.

- Stick with water?
- Yeah.

- Absolutely.
We'll get you started.

- Appreciate it.

Thank you.

Locally sourced.

- Are you
going to pitch him?

for sure going to pitch him.

Tell him unless
they're buying McBeef,

they ain't buying
the right one.

- Thank you so much.

SERVER: Of course.

STEVEN JR.: It's been
nice having you up here.

Have you enjoyed it?
- Yeah.

STEVEN JR.: I know that I
feel a lot more invested in us

and what we're working on.

A lot of the issues
we've had have probably

come from my indecisiveness
and you feeling like I

was one foot in, one foot out.

- Yeah.

So, I'm moving in?


[clears throat] Actually, I

might need a drink.

Oh, my mom's calling me.
Let me take this.

CALAH: This is
your one call that you

can take during dinner.

STEVEN JR.: Hey, Mom.
KRISTI: Hi, babe.

KRISTI: What you doing?

- Calah
and I are actually

eating dinner right now.

Was there something--
are you good?


I'm just, like,
freaking out right now.

- Why is that?

was at Jesse's house,

and he asked me if
I-- if I had the ring,

which, of course I do.

He said he's going to ask her.

Like, I can hardly breathe.

[lighthearted music]

She's been waiting

on this day her entire life.

- For
three years at least.

KRISTI: Our entire lives.

- Oh,
Alli's going to--

I think Alli gave up on it.

did give up on it.

- Wow.

- Now, she acts like
she doesn't want it to happen,

because she doesn't
know if it will happen.

- Yeah, she's
trying to play it cool.

- Yeah.

- Do you think
he's going to follow through?

- He frickin' better.

KRISTI: Yes, I do.
I do.

That is insane.

really gonna happen.

I mean, this has
to stay between us.

Wow, that's big news.

- That's exciting.

- Bye, Mom.


- See?

That was worth the call.

I'm shocked right now.

I don't know if he's
going to pull the trigger

and go all the way
through with this,

but this is way more than
he's ever done in the past.

Wow, the first McBee
that's going to be married.

- The first one.

Who's next?

- Brayden.

- Who's
next after that?

Don't answer that question.

Probably Cole's first

and second and third marriage.

And then me.

- Lovely.

That gives me a lot of
hope for the future.

I mean, I am really happy
that we're, like, finally

official now.

We have the title.

But the next step would
be getting engaged.

I just really want to make sure
that things keep progressing

this way and that, you know,
it doesn't go back to what

it was, which was on and off.

Are you going to eat?

- Yeah,
I'm just kind of, like,

mind-blown right now.

If they get married, I could
still go over to their

house, right?

- They're
basically married

now, just without the title.

Yeah, but if they get

married, I feel like they're
going to have babies soon.

Can you imagine family
functions with a baby?

- Yeah.

Because I'm mature and
want that for my future.

So yes.

I'm just so shocked,

because all four of
us boys have always

stuck together for
so long and kind

of been like our little group.

It's like, does a
wedding ring change that?

- Is that
really how you feel?

- No, I--

CALAH: I actually could
see that that's how you

feel, though.

- Yeah, I
mean, I get nervous about it.

- I feel like that's
kind of why you haven't been

wanting to move on
with your relationships

and commitment-wise.

- I
don't want things

to change whenever a ring gets
thrown into the situation.

And like--

- But why
would that change?

Because of what your
dad says about marriage?

That's exactly why.

STEVE: If I try to call
you at 4:00 or 5:00 at night,

she don't let you
take a phone call!

You can't be a business
owner and not take f*cking

phone calls in the evening!

- Everybody has their
own choices to make in life.

Like, you're using
his experience

as a basis of what marriage
is, and that's not true.

STEVEN JR.: I just
like where things are at.

Seeing how my parents'
marriage fell apart

and how messy the divorce was,
it has me a little g*n-shy.

It's a big step for
me, and it's still--

it's not something I'm
extremely comfortable with.

You're turning a cruise
ship, not a Ferrari.

It takes a while.

- Slowly but surely.

[folk pop music] When I felt
alone and couldn't breathe

When I lost my
way you came to me

You hold the light
when I'm fading away

You make my heavy heart beat

COLE: Well, it's starting
to become real now, ain't it?

- Yeah, it's, uh--

COLE: About to go down.

JESSE: It's been a
long time coming, I guess.

- If she said
no after all these years,

that'd be throwing
everybody for a loop.

- I don't
know what I'd say

or what I'd do if she said no.

I just-- that would
be it, I guess.

COLE: I've been talking
to Steven and everybody.

I think, if you
guys don't mind,

we might wait here for you guys
when you guys get back to--

- Yeah.

--congratulate you all

and maybe see how it goes--

- Or maybe
not congratulate me?

- Maybe
give you a shoulder

to cry on if she says no.

[laughs] We'll see.

- Good luck, dawg.

- Appreciate it.

- Have fun.

- Going to need it.

- Yeah, I'd be
nervous if I was you.


JESSE: I don't know
if my dad ever thought

that this day would come.

But I think for him, he
realizes how special Alli is.

I want to have a family
before I get too old,

have kids and be able
to play with them,

and go to their games and be
a young-enough father to still

push them around a little bit.

- I'm really,
really proud of you

and really excited for you.

- I've
waited this long.

So I feel like it has
to be someone special.

You ready?

ALLI: Hi, honey.

- I've been
waiting all day on you.

ALLI: It's already all
set up for me and everything?

JESSE: Who do
you want to ride?

- I got Whiskey.
- You want Whiskey?

- Yeah.

I might need a boost
up there, though.

Where are we going?

- I think
we're just going to ride

through the pastures here.

One, two, three.

[upbeat music]

you going to leave?

ALLI: I guess.

He's already going, so.

guess I'll be in the back.

How is he feeling?



JESSE: You gotta show
him who's boss, like what

you try to do with me.

That doesn't work?

ALLI: I am
your boss, honey.


JESSE: See that calf?
ALLI: Where?

JESSE: Right here.

ALLI: Aw, they're cute.

Oh, my goodness.

JESSE: Uh-huh.

Oh, I wonder who
set all this up.

- You did
all this by yourself?

- I did.

Just a little setup, you know.

- So nice.

JESSE: All right.

You get left seat,
since you're a lefty.

ALLI: Wow.

It's nice.
- Uh-huh.

- Good job, honey.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

- Fire,
some S'more stuff.

- Uh-huh.

The sunset over here.

[sighs] Let's see what I got
in my secret pouch over here.

- What is it?

- Your favorite.

The expensive stuff.

- Aw.

You did some work here.

JESSE: You like it?

- I like it.


- Ta-da.

These things are supposed to be
mosquito repellent and torches

at the same time.

ALLI: I like those.

JESSE: Pretty
nice light, ain't it?

ALLI: Mm-hmm.

JESSE: You want to
get your sunset picture

before the sun goes down?

sh**ting like this way?
- Yeah.

Let's do that.

JESSE: You want to
do it on your phone or--

- But I
want you to be in it.

JESSE: Well, yeah.

We'll set a timer up.

ALLI: Can you
go stand over there?

- I can.

I don't have the speech ready.

I felt like if I got it ready
too early, then that's all I

would be able to think
about, and it would

make me even more nervous.


- Ready.

[music intensifies]


- You're--
you're making me nervous.

- Why?
- I don't know.

What are you doing?

- I've been
wanting to get something

off my chest for a while now.

Um, we've been through a lot
over the years, obviously.

More than a few
years, I would say.

It's taken me a
while to realize

just how important it
is to have somebody

who's your person in life--

- My heart
is literally--

I can't.

- --and somebody
that I can call my best friend,

and I can truly call you that.

And I know that I've made
mistakes, and I'm not--

I'm not perfect.

But I definitely want
to try to be for you.

But that--

- This is not real.

You're actually lying.

- Alli.

[music playing]

Will you marry me?

- Oh, my God.

You're actually lying.
Is this real?

JESSE: It's real.

I'm just waiting for an answer.

- Oh, my God!
OK, real.

You're not joking with me?

- I mean, that's
as real as it gets, right?

- Yes!
Yes, yes, yes!

- Yes?

All right!

Give me a kiss!

What are you doing?

Are you crying?

- [CRYING] Yeah.

- Sorry
it took me so long.

ALLI: Are you joking?

I'm not joking.

It's real as it gets.

No, I'm not joking.

I know.

Let's see if it fits.

- [CRYING] I can't.

- I've
been practicing this.

- I can't.

- Hand
it on over, girl.

Look at that.

ALLI: I can't
believe you did that.

- I know.

I couldn't believe it either.

I still can't.

- Yes!
- I know.

I know.

- You're
stuck with me forever!


I don't think I
can even formulate

words to explain how I'm
feeling in this moment

right now.

I'm literally just shaking.

- Let's pack this
up so we can head back.

- I just-- this
is not even a real life.

I just-- I can't believe
there's something on my finger

right now.
It's crazy.

- You'd
better get used to it.

- Ooh!

Him taking this step forward is
just kind of everything to me.

It shows me, you know,
where he wants to take this,

and I am just so excited
for what's to come.

- I'm feeling super
relieved, like this burden,

this weight is
off my shoulders,

that she's finally
getting the moment

that she's always deserved.

It's an overwhelming feeling.

But I've never been happier
than I am right now.

- I love you.

- I love you, too.

- This is
probably one of the best

moments of my life.

- All right.

- You see
'em on the horses?

- Yeah.
- Where?

ALLI: I just--

I'm in utter disbelief.

I seriously thought you
were playing a joke.

JESSE: I noticed,
because you kept

asking me if I was joking.

Interrupting my speech
that I tried to memorize.

ALLI: I'm sorry.

JESSE: You threw
me off a little bit.

Think it turned out all right.

COLE: There they are.

- Do we--
but we don't scream?

- Don't scream.

- But I'm excited.
COLE: No clapping.

Be gentle with the horses.

Alli, why are you
not on the horse?

ALLI: I'm too excited,
and I don't wanna spook him!

- Aw!

She's so happy.

That's cute.

COLE: I can't believe it.



Boy, it couldn't have
been a better night, too.

- I know.

- Congrats, guys!

- Thank you.
- Congrats.

- I'm a fiancee!

- Oh, my gosh!

It is so pretty.

- That looks so good.


- Can you guys
believe your brother's engaged?

COLE: I am
shocked right now.

- Let me see the ring.

- Good
job with the ring.

JESSE: Thank
you, thank you.

KACIE: We all approved.

I love that you got

engaged in your horse outfit!

- I did.
STEVEN JR.: It's awesome.

- Well, I
wasn't expecting that.

COLE: Did he hide it,
like, till he went into it?

Like, could you tell?

KACIE: He was
practicing a little bit, but--

- You practiced?
JESSE: I did.

ALLI: Aw, that's cute!

I don't even remember.

I'm, like, blacked out
during the whole thing.

I had bets saying

that Jesse wasn't
going to do it,

he was going to back
out last minute.

And for him to power
through all of that

and be the first one of us
boys to get down on one knee,

I'm really proud of him.

- One,
two, three, push.

- I'm
really happy for them.

- Looks like
we got a wedding to plan.

JESSE: Who's next?
- Look at you, Kacie!

JESSE: Who's next?

KACIE: I do think
Cole's endgame is marriage.

I just think that it's going to
take him longer to get there.

But it just makes me,
like, excited and hopeful

for the future.

- Should
we go put these horses up?

- Yeah.

- Thanks, guys.

Congrats, guys.

- I'm so happy
you didn't say no, Alli.

ALLI: I would never.

hoping you were going to.

COLE: I was kind
of hoping for it, but--

- Thanks, guys.

- I'm so
proud of you, honey.

Thank you.

[rock music]

[phone ringing]

GREG: Hi, Galyna.

This is Greg.

I just wanted to follow up on
the last conversation we had.

I have bad news.

[tense music]

Oh, she must have

done something to her mic.

She turned it off?

PRODUCER: Yeah, it's off.

Damn it, that sucks.

didn't let me mic him.

PRODUCER: He didn't?

PRODUCER: Yeah, he was
just like, don't-- don't get

me right now.

- I just
told Steve what

I heard from Greg, that
we did not get the funding

for the $105 million.

And he is not only just upset,
but completely pissed off.


STEVE: I was hoping
to be able to tell everybody

at the party tomorrow that we
had secured that financing.

It's just-- you know, I
was really hoping to--

- I know.

- I mean,
that's disappointing.

When you procrastinate,
every deal gets deal fatigue.

When you don't constantly keep
your foot on the gas pedal,

people lose interest,
so to speak.

You've got to strike
while the iron is hot.

I mean, I started
when I was 21,

just getting ready to turn 22.

You'd think at

to make payroll every week.


This deal, we bet the farm
on it, and where we ended up

is worst-case scenario
for me right now.

I don't want to fail the boys.

I try to keep all the pressure
away from everybody else.

I mean, this is the
kind of pressure

that makes people quit.

Sometimes you just
don't see a way out.

The stress is just overbearing.

Problem is, I don't have
a bigger drinking problem.

Oh, shit.

extremely emotional for me,

because I can feel
the pain in a way

that most people probably
don't even understand,

because I see him.

He built this company,
and it's in my hands now,

and it is completely destroyed.

- There are
some days I could just--

I think I could just disappear.

[tense music]

I have to carry that
guilt, carry that burden,

and carry that failure.

What are you up to?

GALYNA: I wish I had
better news for you, but--

What's going on?

GALYNA: I can't
believe this is happening.

But I have to take
the responsibility.

Um-- the VC deal is not
what we were hoping.


What do you mean?

- It's just--
it's not happening.

As far as I knew,

everything was going smoothly.

Galyna was sending
over our projections,

sending over our real
numbers over the past year

of operations, and I thought
everyone was on board

and we were about
to close this deal.

- There's so
much going through my head,

because I--

- You
spent half your time

over the last six months
just getting ready for that.


- I thought
it was a done deal.


- What
did they even say?

Like, what was the reason?

- We
are just too new.

We are too new.

We don't have enough
historical data.

- It was no
secret that we were a startup.

It's not like we paraded
as a 10-year-old company.

GALYNA: No, I know.

STEVEN JR.: We used
every bit of leverage

we had from the farms
to pay for and build

out these car washes.
- Yeah.

- We can't
let anyone else know.

I mean, obviously,
my dad-- we're

going to have to tell my dad.
- I told him.

OK, but I don't

want the guys at the farm
to know this is going on.

I don't want the boys to know.

I don't want Jesse,
Cole, Brayden, or Calah.

They don't need to
know what's going on.


- This is
a complete shock to me.

And what's so frustrating is,
if I was running this farm,

we wouldn't have
had this issue.

Where do we even go from here?

- I just need a
day just to get through today,

and you know how I am.

I'll regroup, and I will
have an answer for you.

- We'll
wake up tomorrow,

and the sun will
rise on a new day,

and hopefully, we can get some
better luck swinging this way.

We've got to keep these
businesses afloat somehow.

[dramatic music]

- Oh, yeah,
this is looking good.

Look what they did.

CALAH: Oh, I love it.

I forgot it says "Alli."

I don't even have one.

Oh, we got six
flavors, actually.


I mean, as long
as people know--

- After a
long day on the farm--

you know what I need?

- Some nice--

- Nice meat
stick in your mouth?

- Today is
the end-of-season

planning celebration.

And for us, it's the
culmination of all

the long hours of hard work.

MAN: Cheers.

- Cheers.

God bless the USA.

COLE: How are you doing?

Good to see you.

- Mm.

Tastes like a breath mint.

Hey, how are you?

- Whoa.
- Excuse me.

It's tough to watch everyone
having such a good time,

and really a carefree time,
knowing what I'm dealing

with on the business side.

The last thing I want to
do is bring the party down.

So I'm going to put on a mask
and really put on a fake face

for how I'm really feeling
and just have a good time

with everyone at the farm.


WOMAN: Thank
you for having us.


WOMAN: Do you
want to take a shot?

STEVE: Yeah.
- What kind of shot?

What kind of shot?
- This is my girl.

This is my girl here.
- What up?

- What up?

What up?

- Ow!

That hurt!

- You
got to be like--

- Oh, my God,
that hurt my thumb!

- Don't be a p*ssy.

- You can't
break the thumb.

STEVE: Man up.

WOMAN: We're
going to do a shot.

Don't leave yet.
STEVE: No, I'm not.

kind shot do you want?

STEVE: Fireball.
Let's do it.

Back-to-back sh*ts.

I can handle my liquor.

- Looks like
I better do the talking.

- 100%.

He just said that he
took back-to-back sh*ts.

He almost just broke my
thumb, saying hi to me.

All right, yeah,

I'll do the talking then.

COLE: I'm ready
to f*cking party, guys.


- You got a
long night ahead of you.

WOMAN: Ready on three!

One, two, three!

- Go!


WOMAN: Go, Jake, go!

COLE: Dive!

[cheering, yelling]

GALYNA: Steve's and
I passion for business

is definitely a bonding agent.

I had the value to the
company, but now, I

feel that I failed in that.

So then, I'm not important.

I'm not a big deal.

I'm just another Brooke.


- Have you ate today?
- No.

- You need to eat.
- No, I don't.

JAMIE: You're
startin' to swerve.

- All
right, you ready?

- Yes.

OK, get it together.

- Get
it together, dog.

- You m*therf*cker.

This is the funniest
m*therf*cker right here.

- Boss has
always been a very driven

man, a very confident man.

I have never seen him this
stressed out or out of sorts.

And I don't know
what's going on,

but I can take one
look in his eyes

and see that he's
not doing good.

[applause, cheering]

All right, guys!

Thank you all so
much for coming here!

You're probably wondering what
this giant corn cob in my

hand is.

We call this the
Corn Star Award

here at McBee Farm
and Cattle Co.

And what this is is the
Heisman Trophy of farming.

It is the MVP, the
top of the top.

It is the guys that
go above and beyond

in every single way.

We feel like the
last few years,

we've come such a long way,
and the people that are here

are truly family members.

And I'll let my dad go ahead
and talk a little bit more.

Don't touch those.

- All I can
say is these guys have

worked their f*cking ass off!


STEVE: I'm going to
tell you something right now.

If you're not-- if you
don't love agriculture

and you're not into ag, I
tell everybody I interview,

don't f*cking do it!

[tense music]

'Cause it's a man's job.

And if you don't
f*cking like the work,

then don't f*cking do it!

Because it takes long hours
and hard f*cking work.

many people are here,

people that we do business
with, day in and day out.

STEVE: If you
don't have work ethic,

get the f*ck away from me.


JESSE: I've never
really been speechless before,

but in this moment, I
honestly feel speechless.

- All
right, so, in lieu

of all of that, the top two
Corn Star Award winners--

Mr. Gibson Bott
and Dustin Carver.

[cheering, applause]

Come on up here, guys!

Yeah, come on up here!

Get in there.

You guys get a photo.

[cheering, applause]

- Oh, my.

It's hard to top that.

- Oh, my god.

- What the f*ck
was that speech, man?

[tense music]

COLE: What is going on?

Uh-- this is a new one.

He is totally
losing it right now.

STEVEN JR.: I don't know
how to explain to my brothers

that the VC deal is off.

That was what I thought was our
saving grace, and it's done.

We're going to have
to figure out what

the hell we're going to do.

[dramatic music] Until
your soul is in your grave

Bad things in my
heart just for you

- Dear
Lord in heaven.

it's like, dear

Lord in heaven, what a mess.

Ah, party's over.

- Hell.

Hello, everyone.

- Hello.


Hi, children.

- I was hoping y'all
would have cleaned the most

of it before we got here.


- Oh, my.

Cole, how you feeling today?

- I'm not
terrible dude, honestly.

STEVEN JR.: I was going
to say, you cut it off early.

- Yeah.

There was-- Dad kind of covered
being the drunkest one, so.

- Honestly,
there was no need to send it,

because Dad had it
covered for all of us.

KRISTI: Oh, yeah.

Never in my life have

I seen my dad act like that.

WOMAN: Take a shot?

STEVE: Yeah.

Mm, tastes like a breath mint.

If you don't have work ethic,
get the f*ck away from me.

It's so unlike him.

I've never, ever
seen that before.

COLE: That
was the first time

he's ever done that
in front of, like--

- I've never even
seen him act like that before.

COLE: I wish I
could understand what

the f*ck is Dad even thinking.

was not professional.

What will the repercussions be?

- [groans]

[dramatic music]

[folk country music]

much more you got?

basically done.

Suitcase out.

I think Sica and I

are going to come back here
and fall asleep after we

drop you off at the airport.

- I could use
a nap right now, too.

- You can
take one on the plane.

- We'll see.

It's already time for
me to go back to Dallas.

I already have an
apartment set up there.

You gonna miss me?

- Mm-hmm.

I will.

We should probably
get headed that way.

- OK.

You're kicking me out?

Get out of here.

Sica and I need
our man cave back.

- It doesn't
make sense to have a $3,000

apartment in Dallas when
I'm spending the majority

of my time up here.


He knows I'm leaving.

[dog whimpering]

Aw, buddy.

Come on, Bubba.

Sica would love to have you any
time you want to come up here.

- I know he
would love to have me.

- And
I would like it, too.

- We have to
figure out how to, like,

find this balance with
us, so we're not just so

hot and cold and in and out.

I can't do that anymore.

Like, we need to be all in.

If something happens,
we're a team.

We're going to fix it.

We're going to work through it.

It's either we do
this with each other,

or we do this
with someone else.

- I understand.

- I want commitment.

Like, I want to start a family.

Like, I want all of that.

Marriage has always
been the goal for me.

Let's get this ball
rolling, or let's cut it.

- All right.

- Is he staying here?

- Yeah,
he's going to stay here.

All right, bud.

I will be back later tonight.

I love Calah, and I want
to make things work.

But priority number one
in my life is the farm.

Our entire plan moving
forward was this VC deal.

Well, we've got $70
million in loans out.

As bad as I hate to say
it, we may lose the farm.


There's a train coming

Rollin' down the track

Coming to take me home

There's a train coming

Rollin' down the track

Coming to take me

When I meet Saint Peter
at those pearly gates

There'll be no forgiveness

It'll be too late

There's a train coming

Rollin' down the track for me

Now, I'm on my way

Now, I'm on my way

JESSE: All right.

Give me that big hammer.

I'll try hitting that pen out.

Should I bring my hammer?

- I don't
know what you'll

do with that little thing.

Hopefully, this thing
ain't welded too good.

Oh, boy.

I snapped it completely.

Them buffalo,
they're strong, man.

JESSE: We're going to
have to get the welder out

here in the torch.

COLE: Tell me why
this one ain't top quality,

but the one that breaks is.

It's the office.

What's going on?

JESSE: What's up?

What you boys up to?

were trying to come

over here and fix the fence.

I don't think that's
going to happen.

did they do, break it?

JESSE: They're strong.

This ain't one of them
kick either, ran into it.

- Did you
see that calf's already

starting to put on horns?

On that Longhorn?

JESSE: Yeah,
I did see that.

Looking pretty good.

- It's kind of crazy.

- You
guys been busy today?

- Yeah, seems
like we always are.

Hate to break it

to you on a night
like this, but the VC

deal did not go through.


They've decided
that we were too

young of a startup to want
to invest 100-plus million

dollars into us.

It's over.

The VC deal isn't
even the extent of it.

We're on our own.

Dad's leaving.

[dramatic music]

All he said is, he has no idea
when he's going to be back.

He said he's not in the
right in the mental state

to be running this farm.

I know we've been fighting back
and forth over who should lead

this place, and I'm not saying
that it won't be your guys'

turn on down the line.

And really, at the end of the
day, he left me in charge.

The decisions are
going to fall on me.

It's time for me
to lead this farm.
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