Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Two (2024)

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Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Two (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

[man laughing hysterically]

[indistinct radio chatter]

[hysterical laughter continues]

[chuckling maniacally]

[projectile w*apon whooshes]

[man grunts]

[chuckles weakly]


-Jim. Hold on.
-[Gordon coughing]

-[coughing, laughing]
-[Batman] I have an antitoxin.

[Gordon wheezing]

[exhales slowly,
stops breathing]

Damn that bastard.


You were a a diversion.




[device chirps]

[device beeping]

[beeping speeds up]

Ugh. Missed. [inhales sharply]

Ooh, I know
what you're thinking, Batsy.

What a waste.

Uh, 'fraid not.

Evidently, there's plenty more
Commissioner Gordons
where that came from.




Do be a dear

and take care of this noise.

I can't hear myself think.




-[grappling hook whooshing]

Huh? [groans]


[gasps softly]


-[Batman grunts]

-Bats, I think you know
Solomon Grundy.

This is k*ller Crock.
Have you met him?


So many Earths.

How does one
even keep track? [cackles]


-[electronic beeping]
-[The Joker vocalizing]

-[Grundy grunts]

Quiet, please. Aiming here.

[chuckling maniacally]

-[Grundy groaning]
-[k*ller Croc hissing]

-[Batman grunts]
-[batarang beeping]

-[k*ller Croc cries out]

Oh, for crying out loud.

Don't make me come over there.

-[both growling]
-[Batman] sh**t
that tower, Joker,

and the whole planet dies.

You see,
that's what everybody says.

But how am I supposed
to know that's true
unless I pull the trigger?

[chuckles maniacally]


[electronic beeping]



[device winding]


[projectile w*apon whirring]


[beeping speeds up]


[Grundy grunts]

[groans softly]


-[g*n cocks]
-[chuckles maliciously]

[Grundy grunts]


-[grappling g*n fires]



-[rope whirring]
-I told you
to stay out of this.

The hilt would have
hit his head.

[Grundy grunting]

[rope whirring]

[The Joker grunts]

We're not K*llers.

You trained us well.
We know what we're doing.

I didn't train you.


-You needed help.
-[The Joker groaning]

When the Justice Society
was assigned to search
for The Flash--

I'm the one
who gave them the assignment.

A wild goose chase.

The Flash is dead.

He's missing.

There were no witnesses.
No body.

The last thing I needed
were a bunch of dilettantes

and senior citizens
getting in my way.

This isn't even your Earth.

It's the Earth whose tower
is in the middle of Gotham.

That makes it my world.

And I work alone.

Who died and made you king?

Everyone on Earth-3.


[Psycho Pirate]
Well, this is getting awkward.

I've seen my share of doctors
in my day,

but I've never had one
give me the silent treatment.

Perhaps this is
a new technique,

a subtle attempt
to draw me out.

Get me talking.
Is that the idea?


I know all about this process.


It all started 25 years ago
in the English countryside.

I was a perfectly ordinary boy
named Charles Halstead.

Well, nearly ordinary.

I was very solitary.
Loved books.

Treasure Island, Blackbeard.
"Avast ye, matey,"
that sort of thing.

-Hated other children.
-[Charles play-fighting]

[Psycho Pirate]
Gave me a thumping headache.

-Honestly, adults, too.
-[man] Take him inside!

-[Psycho Pirate]
I'm not a mind reader.
-[man yelling]

[Psycho Pirate]
More like an emotion reader.

A hyper empath.

-I feel what you're feeling.
-[yelling indistinctly]

-[Psycho Pirate] It's horrible.
-[woman arguing]

[Psycho Pirate]
The more people,

the more emotions, more pain.

-[Charles groans]
-[Psycho Pirate] My mind
seemed to amplify

whatever emotions came my way

-before sending them back out.
-[woman grunts]

[Psycho Pirate]
A kind of feedback loop
would emerge.


[Psycho Pirate] My parents
harbored no more hatred
for one another

-than any other
married couple.
-[both arguing loudly]

-[Charles groaning]
-[Psycho Pirate]
Until I drew it out of them.

-[Charles groaning]
-[Psycho Pirate]
I'm sure most children

seeing their parents
trying to m*rder one another

would have felt
just the way I did.

Like it was
the end of the world.


[shield buzzing]


[Monitor] Satellite.

[Satellite] A small
piece of debris
from Krypton, Monitor.

It is so small
I hardly noticed it.

There is no damage
to the shield.

[woman grunts]


-Debris, apparently containing

an adolescent
Kryptonian female,
presently suffocating.

-[Kara panting]
-[electronic beeping]



Satellite, I find
the death of this creature...


[Satellite] Ten billion
Kryptonians are dead
or soon will be.

You have witnessed untold
galactic extinctions.

Why does this
disturb you, Monitor?

I prefer my task
of chronicling all phenomena

from a distance.

Please remove it.

[energy warbling]

[electronic beeping]

What have you done?

-[loud crash]
-[breathing heavily]

[Satellite] Bringing it aboard
was the only way

to ensure
it wouldn't block your view.

-[girl sighs in relief]
-[Satellite] Rest assured,

she will soon expire
from her radiation exposure.

It cannot die on the Satellite.

That would be intolerable.

You know what must be done.

[Psycho Pirate] My parents
didn't quite manage
to k*ll one another,

but they'd had enough of me.

Their solution
was typically British.

Boarding school,

in Bavaria, no less.

No sense taking any chances.

-[Charles grunting]
-[boys laughing]

[Psycho Pirate]
As you can imagine,

the effortless viciousness
of 100 adolescent boys

-greatly acerbated
my condition.
-[Charles grunts]

[Psycho Pirate]
Things were often strained.

My classmates took notice of me
to such a degree

that they gave me a nickname,

perhaps because
I wouldn't give them

the satisfaction
of hearing me scream.

-[boys laughing]
-[Charles grunting]

-[Charles breathing heavily]
-[boys chuckling]

[groaning softly]

[Satellite] You must
eat something.

This nutrient
is an exact replica

of a popular dish
on your home world.

[Monitor] What's wrong with it?

[Satellite] On top of
the radiation poisoning

and near-death experience,

she has witnessed
the annihilation
of her species,

and lost everyone
she has ever known.

She also has
a cranial contusion

from her impact
with the pod door.

Perhaps if you ate with her,
it would stir a sense memory.

Or, if you prefer,
we could just
eject her out an airlock.

I have not absorbed energy
in this manner
in 100 million years.

[Satellite] Would you
like a napkin, sir?

[spoon clinks]


[continues slurping]

-[boy yells]
-[Charles groans]

[all laughing]

[Psycho Pirate]
The inexorable abuse

-did procure
an unintended boon for me.
-[Charles groaning]

[Psycho Pirate]
I began learning how to...

-control my power.
-[boys laughing]

[Psycho Pirate] Needs must
when the devil drives.

I discovered most human action
is dictated by emotion.

Not reason, not altruism,

not even self-preservation.

A vain, transitory feeling

overrides them all.


Little by little,
I took over the entire school,

bending it to my whims.

I learned,
the painful cacophony

of so many people's
conflicting emotions
can be alleviated

by everyone feeling
the same emotion.

-[clothes rustling]

[all laughing]

[stick whipping]

[Supergirl] Where am I?

[Monitor] You are on
a Monitor Satellite,

a quasi-sentient craft

-existing outside...

[Monitor] ...normal timespace,

designed to facilitate
observation and documentation

of celestial events.

What are you?

I am the Monitor
assigned to this craft.

[Supergirl] Who am I?

You're Kara Zor-El
of the planet Krypton.

-That's my home?
-[Monitor] Yes.

Can I go home now?

Not right now, Kara.

I need your help here
on the Satellite.

But can I go home later?

Perhaps, child...

when our job here is finished.

[engines warbling]

[Supergirl] Who are you?

-[Monitor] I am Mar Novu.
I am a Monitor.
-[electronic beeping]

A race of beings
ancient beyond
your comprehension.

We observe and record
all events in this universe

and those surrounding it.

We bear witness
but are forsworn
never to interfere.

[Supergirl] Why?

[Monitor] Because...


We are Monitors.

Isn't my desire the timeless
humanitarian dream, Doctor?

Unity and equality.

All people feel what I feel,
all the time.


Well, by that time,
the Third Reich
had risen to power,

even in our tiny village,

So, when no word had come
from the school for some time,

the police were sent
to investigate.

They were not
adequately prepared.

[ominous music playing]

[soft creaking]

[Supergirl] Monitor,
are you in here?


[Satellite] He is
not here, Kara.

And neither should you be.

What is this place, Satellite?

The hangar deck.
There is really nothing
in here to interest you.

I'm sure it is time
to continue your lessons, Kara.

Your understanding
of the structure
of the Multiverse

is quite lacking.

I... I know this object.

[Satellite] Kara,
please come away.

And it seems to know me.

This brought me here.

From... Krypton.

-[electrical pulsing]

Oh, it's beautiful.

I remember
my mother, my father.

I wanna go there. Now.

Take me back to Krypton.

[automated voice]
Unable to comply.

Krypton is no longer
a viable destination.

[Psycho Pirate]
I like Nazis.

They're already so brainwashed,

it's child's play for me
to control them.

I barely had to.

Hate and fear are easy.

But affection, admiration,

those are more difficult.

I must say it took some effort
to manipulate the Kriegsmarine

to offer me
a commission as captain
of a merchant raider.

These were German ships,

disguised to look
like freighters
and fly neutral colors.

We'd signal "Mayday"
to Allied ships,

and when their would-be
rescuers got close enough...

[speaking German]

[Psycho Pirate in singsong]

[in normal voice]
We'd blow them to pieces,

Or if they surrendered,

we'd relieve them
of their cargo,

then blow them to pieces.

I'd amuse my crew
by having the enemy
cheer happily for us

as they sunk into the Atlantic.

[man 1] Long live
the Third Reich.

[man 2] Victory to Germany.

[Psycho Pirate] At last,
I was the pirate

I'd always wanted to be
as a child.

[thunder rumbling]

It was too good to last.

[thunder rumbling]

[hull creaking]

[metal clangs]

[hull whines]

[waves splashing]

[Psycho Pirate] It was the end.
Nothing could save me.

Frankly, I was
enjoying the silence,

but I reached out with my mind
one last time.

-[energy warbling]
-Just in case.

[water splashing]

[water bubbling]

[Psycho Pirate] That was one
of the few times in my life

when I was actually surprised.

Honestly, it was much harder
with him than the others.

The Sea King's mental defenses
are stronger than you'd think,

for a man with gills.


[w*apon cocking]

-[soldier grunts]
-[helmet shatters]

[weapons powering up]

[soldiers grunting]

[energy warbling]

[w*apon fires]

-[Psycho Pirate]
But inevitably...


everyone is a disappointment.

-[energy warbling]

You are late for nutrition,

and you completely forgot
your Chronal Displacement
Physics class.

You must learn self-discipline
if you are to--

-[yells] You lied!
-[objects clatter]

I remember everything.

You could have stopped it,
or at least saved millions.

But you did nothing!

Non-interference has been
sacrosanct to my race

since before your sun existed.

You said you'd bring me home.

I have no home.
You just kept me here
like a zoo specimen.

We made a home for you.

A cage!

"Come see
the last living Kryptonian."


You are not the last Kryptonian
in this reality.

There is another.

On this world
of savage primitives.

[electronic beeping]

They are like you,
only superficially.

I don't know how
your kinsman bears it.


[electronic whirring]

Kal-El is your cousin.

Kal-El is alive?

And you kept me here for...

I don't even know!
How long have
I been a prisoner here?

The Satellite exists
in many universes

Time as you know it
has no meaning here,

and you are not a prisoner.

I'm through waiting
and watching

and doing nothing.

I'm the opposite of you,
and I'm going to do something.

It is forbidden to interfere.

Just watch me.

[Psycho Pirate] From there,
it was a simple thing

to create an alliance
between Atlantis
and the Third Reich.

But I must be boring you
to tears, Doctor.

Forgive me.

After all,

it was you
who invited me here.

You have something for me.

That's what they tell me,
at any rate. So, please...

Speak up.

Not in the mood to talk?

-Well, you soon will be.
-[energy warbling]

[energy warbling]

Clearly your mind
is too far gone
for me to reach you.

There's nothing left.

[Doctor Fate]
Did you say something?

Oh, it's you.

Sorry. I was worlds away.

-[energy warbling]
-That won't work.

There are too many of me.

Here, there,

and, oh, so many
other realities.


People think I'm mad.

In reality,
I show extraordinary focus.

-[metal clangs]


Come now, Charles.

[chanting in Latin]


[Doctor Fate in English]
Is that any way for the mighty
Psycho Pirate to behave?

Especially since
I'm about to give you a gift.

The ability to travel
between realities.

-[energy warbling]
-Come closer.

[Psycho Pirate groans]

[dramatic music playing]

[breathing heavily] Stay back.

I don't want it.
I don't want it.

-[Doctor Fate] You shall
have it all the same.
-[Psycho Pirate groaning]

You have a role to play
in the Crisis to come.



[fire crackling]

Guard. Guard!

Open this door!

Get me out of here now!

[electronic beeping]

[Monitor] Another
universe lost.

The Antimatter wave
shows no sign of weakening
or slowing.

In fact, as it jumps
between realities,

its power increases by...


Is the destruction
of all universes boring you?

Checking in on Kara again?

[Satellite] She is
a remarkable being, Monitor.

And we are tasked to observe.

All significant events,

This is significant.

She fights against
Brainiac's attempt
to remake this universe.

[Monitor] Brainiac possesses
the Miracle Machine.

And employs the Dark Circle.

Her task is hopeless.

[Satellite] And yet,
she fights on.

Despite the impossible odds.


Yes, she does.

It is almost...


[Satellite] It seems
Kara has beaten the odds.


[birds singing]

[Satellite] Kara.

-Satellite? What are you--
-[Satellite] I'm sorry, Kara.

[Supergirl] You!

[Monitor] Kara, this display
is beneath you.

You know Monitor shields
are impervious to any attack.

Then I'll just have
to tear the ship apart
with my bare hands.

[Satellite] Please don't.

I almost convinced myself
this was all a bad dream.

But here you are,

snatching me away
from my new world
right in the middle of...

You returned
to this world's 21st century

to search for your missing
loved one, Kal-EL,

and the human known as Batman.

What do you know about this?
Did you abduct them too?

[Satellite] We have
taken no one,

but Monitor knows
where they are.

Kara, your friends

and all life-forms
are in mortal peril
beyond imagining.

But perhaps
there is something we can do.

[electronic beeping]

And your people,
the Monitors,
they can't stop it?

They will not.

They simply watch

as the Antimatter wave
obliterates all existence,

even their own.

Do you think this plan of yours
has a chance of succeeding?

Logically? No.

But you have proven to me
that only by taking action

can one transform
doom into salvation.

Are you ready?

Giving me a portion
of your life-force energy.

You sure this is necessary?

Since meeting you,
I have learned
to be certain of nothing.

I do know...

this is dangerous.

Then hit it.

[device powering up]

[warbling increases]


-[fire crackling]
-[groaning softly]

[distant explosions]

[breathing shakily]


[chanting spell in Latin]

[indistinct voices whispering]

-[crowd clamoring]
-[helicopter hovering]

-[crowd clamoring]

[glass shatters]

[crowd booing]

Well that, I suppose, is that.

[energy warbling]

[g*n cocks]

Charles Halstead,
originally of Earth-2,
you are needed.

Am I? I see.
And who might you be?

I am a Harbinger
of the destruction
of your world.

I have been sent to gather
the Earth's greatest champions.

[Charles] I think you've come
to the wrong place.

I know of your ability
to move between realities.

You've traveled to many Earths
trying to remake them
in your image,

but you always fail.

[Charles] Well...

Try, try again.

[chanting spell in Latin]

The neighboring universe
has been obliterated.

Soon all realities will end,

and you will have nothing
to rule over.

The Monitor can help.

-[glass shatters]
-[Charles gasps]

You begin to intrigue me.
Who is this Monitor?

He is the only entity
in the known universe

with the knowledge and desire
to save all realities.

Is he indeed?

I hope so.

For all our sakes.

[crowd chanting in Spanish]

-[Mr. Terrific] Earth-21,
all clear.
-[Superman] Earth-18, all...

Wait a minute.

I've got contact.

[Mr. Terrific] Can you confirm,

It's on the very edge
of my vision, but...

[electronic beeping]

Yes, confirmed.
Buckle up, everybody.

[Mr. Terrific]
Monitor Satellite
to all Earths.

Condition red. Antimatter wave
sighted in Earth-18 universe.

Power up all towers,

begin planetary phasing.

[tower powering up]

Good work, Clark.

Now get out of there.

The old Kryptonian vision
ain't what it used to be.

[Wonder Woman]
It still gets the job done,
my love.

Now, please,
fall back to Earth-18.

[Doctor Light] Tower zero
at maximum power.

All tower receivers
operational, Mr. Terrific.

[Mr. Terrific] Thank you,
Dr. Hoshi.

-And it's just Michael.
-[alarm beeping]

Wave accelerating.
Brace for impact, Tower 4.

-All other towers,
increase power.
-[electronic beeping]

Once Earth-18 phases,
it's coming for you next.

God, help us all.


[rumbling intensifies]

[powering up]

[energy warbling]

[electronic chiming]

[powering up]

-[energy buzzing]

Satellite, this is Earth-17.

Our tower is overheating again.
I could use some backup.

Understood, Superman.
Dispatching now.

You're needed.



Please step into
the trans-mat chamber.

-[electronic beep]
-[energy warbling]


[electricity buzzing]

[electronic beeping]

[energy warbling]

Kara! Little help here?

[wind whooshing]

[electricity buzzing]

Okay, Kara. Hit it.

-[electronic beeping]
-[tower powering up]

[rumbling intensifies]

[riders approaching]

[Atomic Knight]
Thanks, Superman.

We really don't have
the infrastructure

to take care
of something like this.

Hey, you guys
do a great job considering
your situation here.

[Atomic Knight]
I'd better help them replace
those coolant conduits

before the next one hits.


Cheer up. We did it.
Everyone made it.

[sarcastically] Hooray.

We saved
radioactive cinder Earth.

At least until the next
Antimatter wave, anyway.

Live it up, Atomic Knights.

Hey, I get that
this isn't easy for you.

Brainy is dead.

Dawnstar dissolved in my arms.

You don't even
remember Krypton.

I lost my whole world.

And now I get a new home.

Gone! No. Worse.
They never existed.

They never will exist.

[energy whooshes, warbles]

I see you were successful.

Prepare for trans-mat
back to the Satellite
for redeployment.

He just watched, you know?

My adopted father
just stood there
and watched Krypton explode.

He saved you.

I was blocking his view.

[energy warbles]

[waves splashing]

[energy warbles]

No. No, no, no, not here.

Kamandi to Satellite.

There's been a mistake.
You sent me back to my Earth.
I told you.

[Superman] I'm sorry, Kamandi.

I know you hate it there,
but there are some relays
on that tower

that need to be replaced,

and you're the only one
who knows about
post-Great Disaster Earth.

You don't know
what it's like here.

I'm alone.
The last boy on Earth.
The last human.

Not this time, son.

We've sent a specialist
who can help you.

Superman out.

I think he means me.





Easy there, young one.

[groans] I can't die like this.

You don't know me.

I'm Solovar of Gorilla City
on Earth-1.

And I know what it means
to be in the minority.


Your kind have been
hunting me all my life.

Taught me to run, hide...


Learn one more thing, then.

-[g*n cocks]
-To trust.


That's it, please! [coughs]
I'm done.

[gasping] I can't...
I can't do any more.


[Monitor] You're the only one
who can do it.

Without you broadcasting
calm and confidence,

there would be panic and chaos
on all the surviving Earths.

It's too hard.

[gasps] Warmth.

[breathing shakily]
Compassion, caring.

They're too complex,
even with this amplifier.

I'm sorry.

I don't have enough power
to influence that many people.

[gasps] But...

Uh, no, no, never mind.
It's impossible.


It's clear that you possess
almost unfathomable power.

Grant me even a fraction of it,

I could help so many
on all the various Earths.

But it's impossible.

Impossible, why?

My past is an open book to you.

Trusting me would be
the height of folly.

Learning to trust
was the beginning
of wisdom for me.

What are you doing?

[energy warbling]


[Psycho Pirate gasping]



The power.

Mar Novu... why?

I am very old, Charles.

But I am only now
beginning to understand

that knowledge
is nearly useless...

without a degree of faith.

[computers beeping]

Okay. Let's review
what little we do know.

-[sighs in exasperation]
-Oh, come on.

-We've been over this.
-Ugh. [in Japanese] Right.

[in English] One,
what we originally thought
was a one-time threat,

an antimatter tsunami,

turned out to be
an ongoing storm
with multiple waves.

The waves can change
in speed, intensity,

and arrive without
any predictable pattern.

Exactly the way
waves don't act.

Uncharacteristic behavior
leads to many
uncomfortable questions.

During the Gordanian w*r,

Thanagarian prisoners
were awoken by their captors
at all hours

as a method of t*rture.

t*rture implies a torturer.

Are you saying
this isn't a cosmic
natural phenomenon,

but an attack
by some sentient being?

That's ridiculous.

[The Question] Just because
an answer is ludicrous
doesn't mean it isn't correct.

Maybe in your world, weirdo.

Who invited Conspiracy Guy
here anyway?

I'm sticking my tongue out
at you.

-He's weird, but often right.
-[Wonder Woman]
We're wasting time.

[Doctor Light] I bet you read
Ayn Rand unironically.

[Mr. Terrific] Can everybody
focus here?

All your worlds
are in jeopardy,

and questions
are not only welcome,

but necessary
to the scientific method.

The fact remains
that whatever the source,

these att*cks continue
to come in all universes
to each of the Earths.

And it's only a matter of time
before one of our towers
gives out.

Eventually, they all will.

Everything ends... forever.

Since we don't know the source,
we can't attack it.

The only other option
is escape.

And there's nowhere to go.

[Mr. Terrific] You might just
have something there.

Escape to nowhere.

There's a theoretical dimension
called Netherspace.

What if we use the towers
to broadcast
your transmatter beam

to move all the Earths there?

A commendable idea.


the power required to move
those worlds would be...

nearly incalculable.

[Blue Beetle]
You're not fooling anyone.

Oh, hello.

I know exactly who you are,
Doctor Spectro.

[sighs] That was
a lifetime ago.

I have been known
on many different worlds
by many different names.

I try to match
the name to the world.


A ridiculous name
for your ridiculous world.

I was Rainbow Warrior
on another.

Told them my real name
was Roy G. Bivolo.

Like the rainbow?

Red, orange, yellow-- [sighs]

Nobody gets it.

You can't charm your way
out of this, Doctor.

I'm gonna let everyone know
that you're a dangerous
criminal sociopath.


You'd need a proper diagnosis
from a professional for that.

-[energy warbling]

[in echoing voice] You like me.

You know your powers
won't work on me, Spectro.

My will is...

[weakly] ...too strong.

[in normal voice]
My continued existence,
painful as it is,

is my primary impulse.

Simply speaking,

I have no choice
but to help you
save the universe.


[grunting] What...
what's happening to me?

[grunting] Beetle,
do something!

-[energy warbling]



I always liked that guy.

[energy warbling]

-[Hawkman] Satellite,
this is Earth-19.
-[sensors beeping]

I have a visual on the anomaly.

This is the shortest period
between waves
we've experienced.

-Is this a confirmed
sighting, Hawkman?
-[Hawkman] No question.

In fact, the light seems
to be brighter than before.

Brighter? I don't like it.

These waves
are already inconsistent.

This is Earth-1.
I've got a sighting here.

It looks more intense somehow.

Cycle up
all towers immediately.

[tower powering up]

Satellite, something's
different about this one.

-[rumbling intensifies]
-It's not a wave.

Earth-2 to Satellite.

A blinding light here,
but not much damage.

[electronic beeping]

Multiple alerts are calling in
to report the same, Batman.

Maybe this one was just a dud.


[electronic chirping]

[ghostly breathing]



Satellite, reporting
an unusual development
from Earth-2.

If it's to tell us that
some kind of shadow demons

are peeling themselves
off the walls,

save your breath.
You're not so special.

We've got about a million
of them on our hands.


-[Batman grunts]




[demons growling]

-Great Caesar's ghost.
-I only wish it was.

Welcome to hell.

[soft growling]

[Psycho Pirate grunts]

Where am I?

[echoing voice] Nowhere.


Inside me.

-Why do you help them?
-[Psycho Pirate] What?

-[echoing voice] The others.

Him. Especially him.

The Monitor?

[echoing voice] Yes.


[Psycho Pirate] Who are you?
Do you have a name?

[echoing voice] What is a name?

It's just a word
that means you,

like Charles or the Monitor.

[echoing voice]
Not like Monitor!

Nothing like him!
He opposes me.

you're nothing like him.

You're the opposite of him.

You're the Anti-Monitor.

[Anti-Monitor] Yes.

Anti-Monitor. Yes.

But why do you help him?

What other choice do I have?

[Anti-Monitor] You can
change the others, Charles.

Make them feel
the way you feel.

It hurts when they
don't feel like you.

But you cannot change them all.

-I can try.

[Anti-Monitor] There are
too many... people.

What if you had
your own universe?

Full of people who felt
whatever you feel,

You would be...

Their king.

[Anti-Monitor] Their God.

[demons snarling]

[demon snarls]



They're intangible.

-I k*lled one!
-[Mr. Terrific]
Negative, Superman.

Our initial data indicates

these things
are actually a single creature.

[Doctor Light] In other words,
keep sh**ting.

[Monitor] It's an intelligence,

a being attacking all reality.

All existence.


[The Question] First time
you've been surprised
in a billion years.

You should have questioned
your own infallibility.

Hippolyta to Satellite.
Earth-46 tower in jeopardy.

These demons are impervious
to my Amazons' att*cks.

[Mr. Terrific] They are
potentially vulnerable
to light att*cks,

Queen Hippolyta.

Don't let them
reach that tower.

-I must help my sisters.
-[Monitor] Diana.

Earth-46 is
an Amazon-ruled Earth,

but they are not your sisters.

And that is not your mother.

Maybe not,
but they're close enough.

And they're alive.

I plan to keep them that way.

[demon snarling]

[Batman grunts]

[demon roars]

[Earth-2 Robin]
Let there be light.

And there was light.

And it was good.

[Huntress] Give 'em hell,
Bat family.

Growing up, my father taught me
to stick close to the shadows.

But I guess this is
a little too damn close.

[demons snarling]

[demon snarls]


the light has to be
significantly bright
to harm them.

[demon growling]

[demon snarling]

-[demon screeches]

[demons screeching]

Solovar! They're back!

-[electrical buzzing]
-[g*n firing]

[Solovar roaring]




[yells, grunts]

[Kamandi straining]


-[demon snarls]


[Kamandi gasps]




[powering up, beeping]


[breathing heavily]

[Solovar grunts softly]


-[groans softly]
-[blood spurts]

Oh, no. No, no, no.

We'll get you
back up to the Satellite.

They'll fix you right up.

Too late.

Stay alert. They'll be back.

Stay alive, boy.

This world needs you.

[exhales, stops breathing]


[Monitor] Understood, Batman.

Relaying that information
to all Earths now.

[electronic beeping]

Doctor Light,
where are you going?

The answer's in my name,
Your Majesty.

[electronic chirp]

-[demons snarl]

-[Wonder Woman grunts]

-[demon snarls]
-[Wonder Woman grunts]

[demon screams]

Light. Understood. I'm on it.

I should have known.

The light of Truth
shall scatter the darkness.


[demons snarling]


-[demons screeching]
-[Wonder Woman grunting]


[Hippolyta] You have done well.


Forgive me. Hippolyta.

You're so much like
my own adopted mother.

She died along with
all the Amazons
in a horrible w*r.

Strange then,
that you didn't die in battle
alongside them.

I'm immortal. I cannot die.

[scoffs] Must be nice.

An eternity watching
people die in front of me?

It isn't a gift. It's a curse.

Again. Forgive me.

No forgiveness is necessary.

We are grateful for your help,
Wonder Woman.

An entire Earth
led by Amazons.

-How wonderful.
-Our planet, Themesterra,

is a rare pearl.

The shadows flee
at intensely bright light.

Is there sufficient electricity
nearby, to--

When we threw off
male oppression,

we discarded the infernal
wheel of technology as well.

It did not agree with our ways.

Are all the men...

They live still. Controlled.

They serve us.

It's better than they deserve.

[soldier] My queen,

the Swords of Hemera
flash with the brightness
of daylight

when used in a just cause.

Get them.

And torches, lanterns,
anything that casts a light.

May the goddesses grant
they may be enough.

[grunts] Sorry, I didn't...


In a ship full
of weird costumes... um...

So you're a psychotic pirate
or something?


Yes, that's it, exactly.

I didn't know
until you said it.

When in Rome, right?
I'm Charles.

Where are you rushing off to?

Well, now there's
some kind of shadow army
attacking the towers.

Monitor ordered me
back to Earth-1
to help hold them back.

You must be anxious
to get your hands on them.

We have to keep
those towers going.

We all saw what happened
to your Legion friends.

These creatures
are surely responsible.

I'm sure you're feeling

a little payback is in order.

Um... I...


-[Psycho Pirate] They need

to really feel it.

What do you have left
except for revenge?

As Long John Silver says...

[in accent] "Thems that die

will be the lucky ones."

[Supergirl sighs]

[exhaling deeply]

[energy pulsing]

[rumbling intensifies]

[demons snarling]

I've got this area covered.

You're not the only one
who can light it up, Doctor.

No, I simply do it better.

Why don't you take
your novelty jewelry

and cover the southwest corner?

-Call me if you need help.
-Don't hold your breath, Doc.

I've been in more firefights
than you'll ever know.

[demons snarl]

About time you got down here.

Heat vision.
Your brightest intensity.


Heat vision.

-[demon screeching]
-[Supergirl exclaims]

[Superman] Kara!

Oh, you're gonna
pay for that, ugly.

-[Supergirl] Long live
the Legion!

-[demon growls]
-[Supergirl screams]


[doors opening]

Kara? What is it?
What's wrong?

Mother? How? You're alive?

[exclaims] I must
have been dreaming.

But it was so real.

Kal-El was there
and he was older,
and all my friends...

-And you were--

[chuckles softly] Of course,
dear, because I am dead.

Everyone on Krypton is dead.


[Brainiac 5]
Perhaps I can explain.

[Supergirl] Brainy! Dawnstar!

I... I don't understand.
What's happening? Are you...

[Brainiac 5]
No, we're not dead.

Because we were never alive.

We've been erased
from existence.

Everything we've ever done,
or thought, or said,

is gone... forever.


It's terrible, isn't it?

He seems to enjoy the view.

[Supergirl] I know.

I know. He just came
and watched.

Interesting. You think
he just happened
to be in the neighborhood

when your planet blew up? Huh.

What? What are you saying?

On my world, a shockingly
high number of firefighters
are serial arsonists.

It's strange, isn't it?

[Anti-Monitor] This Monitor
has been present

for every major
galactic tragedy
in your history.

And many before that.

-Interesting coincidence.

[ominous music plays]

-[Psycho Pirate] It doesn't
have to be this way, Kara.

You can fight back,
save them all.

Your mother, your friends.

Your cousin.

[Anti-Monitor] The universe
can be remade.

It can be rectified.

-[Anti-Monitor] You must
strike at your enemy.

Your kidnapper.

Your monster.

You're the only one
who can do it, Kara.

You're the only one
who can save the universe.

Save us all.

[demons snarling]


[Batgirl grunts]

[electronic beeping]

[demons screaming]

[electronic beeping]

I told you to stay away.

The actual phrase
you're looking for
is "Thank you."

Well, at least we know
this Bruce is just like ours.

I'm nothing like your Batman.

I don't recruit children
to fight in a w*r.
How many died?

They knew the risks.

That Batman is a fool.

I'll tell you what he wasn't.


He was a great man.
He gave us a purpose.
You don't know.

Leave Father alone.

Who are you to question him?

He's not your father,
you little whack job.

Take that back.

[both grunting]

You asked for this.

-[Batman] Stop it!

-This is no time--

Oh, big man,
shoving kids around.

You made a misery
out of my adolescence.

Damned if I'll stand by
and watch you do... [grunts]

[Batman] I was right

to drop your counterpart
at the orphanage.


[demons snarling softly]

[Amazon soldiers yelling]

[demons screeching]

[Wonder Woman yelling]

Fire doesn't harm these demons,

but at least it hinders
their advance. [grunts]

Your Amazons fight bravely.
But where are the men?

They are sealed
into their quarters,
whenever we go to w*r.

[demons snarling]

-You're losing this battle.

The men must be released
so they can fight alongside us.

You must be mad.
They cannot be trusted.

-[demon snarls]
-[Hippolyta grunts]

[grunts] They'll fight
by your side.

You don't know
what this world was like
before our revolution.

A hell for our kind.

I believe you. But you must
fight together or die.

I would die gladly before even
considering arming the men.



[energy buzzing intensifies]




What... what am I doing?

Light, stop!

We need to fight the shadows,
not each other.

Why should I limit myself
to one enemy? [grunts]

[grunts] Okay,
lady's gone crazy.

[grunts, groans]

[man] Nice trick.

Got any more?

Hey, old timer.

This place
is too dangerous for...

Wait a minute.

I know you.

You'd think
those little blue blokes

would know how to make a ring
that'd hold a charge better.

You said the worlds
were ending. You knew.

Are you a part of this?


Not so fast, Gramps.

What... [gasps]

What the hell?

[Monitor] Charles,
why are you doing this?

Broadcasting hate,
fear, distrust?

I'm just giving more
of what they already have.

Your actions
have no logical motive.

[Psycho Pirate]
When I helped you before,
there was no other option.

Now I have a choice.

What other option, Charles?

There is only
destruction, oblivion.

[Psycho Pirate] Wrong.
There is the Anti-Monitor,


[Psycho Pirate]
There is no more Charles.

Your loving daughter
recognized what I am.

A psycho pirate.



[demon snarling]

Oh, no. Not now!

[energy buzzing]

[powering up]

[both grunting]

[all grunting]

-[powering up]


-[demon snarls]


[breathing heavily]


-[demons snarl]


[grunts, breathes heavily]


-[demons snarl]


[demons screeching]

[Wonder Woman grunting]

By the Goddesses! No!

[Monitor] Not now.


You believe in me at last.

As I've said,
you are a delusion,

a manifestation
of my own inability

to account for
the astronomical unlikelihood

of knowable existence.

It matters little.

The Presence is pleased
that you have come
to experience empathy.

[Monitor] This... caring
has cost me much.

Why must I suffer it?


You believe
you're paying the cost now?

Since the very dawn of time,

you have been absorbing
more galactic power.

What good has my power done?

All reality is being
ripped to pieces.

[The Spectre]
To whom much is given,

much will be required.

You are not paying yet.

But when the time comes,
you must.



[man] Come on.

Really, let me have it.

No one will miss
an old pariah like me.

Show me what you got,
Green Lantern.

I told you,

Green Lantern isn't my name.

It's my job.

My name is...


[man] That's it.

That's my name.

I've been trying to think of it
for 100 years, 1,000 years.

No one has called me that
in a long, long time.

It's all coming back.

What are you?

What am I now?

I used to be one of the most
powerful sorcerers on Earth.

Bloke name
of John Constantine.

[mystical chiming]


Still enough juice
to pull off a clean-up spell.

Cleanup spell?

You still look like hell.

Uh, nice rhyming, sunshine.
Well, what do you expect?

I haven't had a ciggie in,
I reckon,

a thousand years. [groans]

Toughest part of quitting
is the first 100 years.

Don't wanna be
going through that again.

If you're some kind
of magician,

why don't you just
magic up something to stop 'em?

Hello? I just
remembered my name.

My bag of tricks
is not quite up to this.

Ugh, it looks like
I'm elected. Again.

[all grunting]

[demons snarling]


[demons growling]

[John] In brightest day...

Oi, speed it up a bit, mate.

In blackest night,

no evil shall escape my sight.

Let those who worship evil...

They're afraid.

-Afraid of this light.
-[buzzing intensifies]

Look here, I'm no expert,

but I think
you're overcharging.

That's a bad sound.

[groans] Oh, it's gonna
get a lot worse.

-[buzzing intensifies]
You're overloading.

[groans] Damn straight it is.


Get your bloody hand out!


Slipped into something
more comfortable?

Left my power ring in there.

Had to make sure it'd blow.

It was worth it.

[demon warbling]

Good man, John.

[all grunting]

[demons snarl]

[both grunting]

[breathing heavily]


[yelling, grunting]

[demon warbling]

[both grunting]


[both yelling]


[demon snarls]

[Huntress groaning]

[gasps] Dad.

[Batman grunting]


Don't just stand there!
Help him!

[demons snarl]


[groans softly]

Huh? Where'd they go?

They're retreating.

I don't like the look of this.

They were about to
slag the whole planet.
Why break off their attack?

They're not.
They're changing the target.

Batman to Satellite. Code Red.

Transmat me aboard immediately.

Start moving all available
operatives to Earth-1 tower
as quickly as possible.

It's bad.

Bad enough.

[demons snarling]

Their numbers are growing,

More and more of them
are arriving all the time.

[demon chortling, warbling]


A single creature.

That's all it ever was.

Pieces of a whole.

Shadow demons were susceptible
to light att*cks.

This thing
should be no different.



[Monitor] Wrong.

I was wrong about it all.

Not a phenomenon, a sentience.

Not a wave, an army.

And now, a being.

I see.

Then this is all your fault.

Yes, it is.

All living things,
in all realities,
are about to die.

And I k*lled them.

[The Spectre]
A remarkable change.

Millions of years
of cold observation,

bottomless indifference.

And now, it's all your fault.

I would give anything
to save them.

Would you indeed?

[energy warbling]



I see, of course.

You've watched billions die.



-It's working. Keep it up.


It's growing a shell.

[metallic clanging]

Worse. Armor.

It's adapting again.




[groans softly]

[sobs] No. No.

What have I done?

[energy buzzing]

[buzzing intensifies]

[Anti-Monitor] Now...


[instrumental music playing]
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