04x02 - What Happens in the Hot Tub Stays in the Hot Tub

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x02 - What Happens in the Hot Tub Stays in the Hot Tub

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Below Deck"...

- Hey, kiddo.
- Hi!

- Hey, Captain.
How you doing?

- We got a pretty good crew
for you.

You've got a senior deckhand.

- Kate?
Trevor, senior deckhand.

- I'm Emily.
- Trevor. I'm senior deckhand.

- Hey, I'm Trevor.
I'm senior deckhand.

- Are you dating anyone?
- I actually am.

She had just come back
to the town.

- Oh, it's a she.
- Yeah.

- I think it's wild.

- Is this our stew?

- I don't know what happened.
I missed my plane.

- We have our primary,

- Hi!

- She's Instagram friends
with all of the other girls,

but they've never, ever met.

- Hey.
- Kelley.

- Kelsey.
Nice to meet you.

- It's been five months
of no sex.

Ooh, I'm in trouble.

- Just make sure, when you're
done with any hose, drain it.

So, yeah, these windows
and then flats.

Just scrub this deck.
- All right.

Trevor telling us to do, like,
every little thing.

Don't treat me
like I'm a green deckhand.

- Hey, Trevor!

- Got to be smarter
than that.

- Hey, Kelley.

- The other two deckhands
are having

a little issue with Trevor.

- He's your responsibility now,
and just say, "Listen...

"if you think
you're indispensable,

you're not."

Nobody is.

- Okay.
Thanks, Captain.

- Thank you.

- I'm here to make a great first
impression on Captain Lee.

He said, "Figure it out."

I'm trying to,
but I'm trying to also dip into

the pool of experience
that you have,

and this problem this early on
is terrifying.

Trevor, Trevor, this is Kelley.

- Put some vinegar
in this water here.

- Yeah, there's some
in there.

- Go ahead, Kelley.
- Where you at?

- Meet you at the forward beam.
- Roger that.

- Actually, I don't know
how to AirDrop.

- Kate, what's our itinerary?

- We're gonna have
a beach picnic.

- Are you looking for some?

- Yeah.
- You want to send it to me?

- I probably do.
I love you.

- I wish all guests were
this social media-obsessed.

I could just lay in my bunk,

Tweeting them dinner times
and menu options.

- Oh, your body is--
I mean, they're all insane.

- Your body.
- Your body!

- How's it going?

- Come to our stool.

I'm very appreciative
that I have you here.

I'm glad that you have
leadership experience,

and, yes,
you're the senior deckhand.

But I have Nico and Lauren
getting frustrated

because sometimes
you kind of bark orders

to the other two.

- Um...

- Day one, I was like,
"All right.

he doesn't really know
our experience."

- Yeah.
He does, though.

We both talked about it
together, about--

- Yeah, if it's gonna be
every day...

- Every day.

- Seeing everybody's résumé,
I know

everybody knows
what the hell they're doing,

and I've seen it in action.

- I feel undermined.

If Nico and Lauren
have a problem with me,

they need to come
discuss it with me firsthand,

not go talk behind my back.

Everybody can get
a little snappy sometimes.

I happen to sometimes too.

- I understand, man.

- Are you finished?
- Yeah, go ahead.


- Have you done beach parties

- No.
- So get excited.

I'm gonna go over and show you
how everything's set up.

I'll pack the coolers
with Pinot Grigio, champagne,

diet Coke, sparking water.

- Okay,
so we're just serving.

- Yeah.
- Oh, that's awesome.

- Super easy.

- I love getting off the boat

and being on the beach,
even if I'm working.

- It's just like serving
on the boat.

- But it's windy, sandy...

- I used to love
beach picnics...

until I became a chief stew.

So if there's one service
where I'm not gonna be present,

it's gonna be that one.

And so get excited.

- F---ing undermine me.

- Whoo!

- Hey, I've got some provisions
that are on island.

Is there any way
we can get it picked up?

- Let me check with Captain
on that, but yeah.

- All right.
That would be awesome.

- Do you need 'em today?
- Yeah, yeah.

It's for this evening's dinner.

We're running out of
gluten-free, fat-free,

tasteless ingredients.

Doesn't eat red meat.

Someone doesn't like

Others do like seafood.

Somehow, I'm gonna have to
make this crap

actually taste like something.

- Ben needs provisions
picked up from Road Town

for tonight's dinner.

- If you got to have 'em,
got to have 'em.

- I'll take Lauren with me.

- Make it quick.
- Thanks, Captain.

- Okay, Emily?

You being second stew,
you are lead on service.

- Okay.
- Wow, babe.

We're moving up in the world,
aren't we?

- Oh, she's so...

- We got to run to Road Town.
- Oh, yeah?

- Yeah, and Nico?

Can you start loading
the inflatable

with all of the beach stuff?
- Yes.

- You'll have Trevor
helping you

and Barry helping you.

Thank you so much.

- Yay!

- I like Ben.
He's nice.

- Yeah.
- Are him and Kate...

- No.
Kate's got a girlfriend.

- What? Really?
A girlfriend?

I had no idea.

Are you interested?

- Yeah, that's why
I was asking.

- I don't know
where a cooler is.

- Yeah, yeah.
For sure.

I hate these picnics.
It sucks.

It's a pain in the ass.
They always are.

Trevor, Trevor?

- Are you on the beach
right now?

- I am on the beach, yes.

- Pick a good spot.
Give 'em a little palm tree.

I got to finish something
up here on the boat.

I'll meet you at the beach

Nico sold me out to Kelley,

so if you're gonna
sh--talk me,

you're gonna have to do
the sh-- work.

- F---.

- Come on, Trevor.
Where the f--- are you?

- Talk to me.

- Grilled asparagus
with lemon and pine nut.

Oh, that felt good,
that cool air.

- Really?
- Yeah, baby.

- I was dating this guy,
and every morning,

he would put cornstarch
on his balls

and then stand in front
of the oscillating fan.

It was like,
"My fan's broken."

- Trevor, Trevor.
Come in, Trevor.

- Go ahead, Nico.
- Yeah, Trevor,

if I could maybe
get a hand out here?

- So you were flapping
his corn starched balls.

- I sat on the toilet.
He's like, "Ready? Go!

So I went like this
really hard,

and I whacked him
with the magazine.

We're just talking
about balls.

- All right.

- I need this dry.

- Probably 'cause there's
a lot of provisions.

- Oh, is that what's happening?
- Yeah.

- More drinks?

- Actually, can I get
a glass of rosé?

- Glass of rosé?

- We need to write #beach party
with sticks.

- There we go.

You f---!

Come on, man.

At least act like
you're working.

It's day three, and I'm ready
to throw this guy overboard.

There's no "I" in "team."

It's me and you, canopy.

Oh, f---, yes.

- Here you go.
Hold these.

Two on each corner.
Wait to do that side.

- What?

Come on, man.

- Kids that eat more
than 20 hot dogs a year

have, like, a 15% higher chance
of getting childhood leukemia.

- What?
- It's that bad.

- Abandon ship.

- What's in this thing?
A body?

- Sorry that took so long.

It was rough
on the south side of Tortola.

- I'm sure it was.

- You want to drop us off
over there and help?

- Yeah, right, man.

- It's a beach party.

- Think this is
enough rosé for them?

- Yeah, I think so.

- And then serving utensils
are also in that bag.

It's refreshing
to finally have stewardesses

who look up to me and respect me
and want to learn.

- Oh, it's a bottle opener.
- It's in the bag

that we just brought over.
- Okay.

- 'Cause I would love
to pass on

what I've learned.

- Ready?
- Yup.

- Isn't this rad?

- I put in "#beach party"
in sticks, baby.

- Y'all did a good job.
I like it.

- Yeah.
It looks good.

- Really? All he did was
move around a few sticks.

Played in the sand like a child.

- Trevor, when she goes back,
go on back with her.

Wipe down the metal.
Have the boat looking good.

And once this is all wrapped up,
we pick up.

Then we'll take our break.

- Come on.
Get in there.

- It's cool!

- How's it going?
- Good.

- I think we're just ready
for our beach party.

- Okay, great.

- Go like that.

And this can go like this.

- No, I got it.

- Chicken salad,
grilled asparagus...

- Okay, the tender's ready
to take you to the beach.

- Thank you.
- Great.

- Ah!

- Whoo!

- Can you do waters?

And then we can ask about

- Shut up.
I love it.

- Can I get anyone a drink?

- I want to bronze.

- This is unreal.
- You guys are beyond.

- Cheers.

- Cheers, ladies.

- You know what?

My phone actually locks
every two seconds.

- Free chicken? No?

- Is that gluten-free, right?
- Yes.

- Kate, Kate.
- Go ahead.

- The guests
are all doing great.

- Good job, girls.

- Copy that.

- What's your ideal time
for dinner?

- 9:00, 10:00.

Probably the same sh--
as last night, yeah?

- If they say anything else,
you know what's coming out.

- The bitch.

- Mm-hmm.

- Bring out Megabitch.

- Why don't you go jump
off the boat and drown?

- All right, we're going.

- I'm gonna swim
as soon as I'm done eating.

- Me too.
- Whoa, there it is.


Ooh, Kelsey.

Thank you, God,
for women like her.

- Look at them.

- Merci.

- I only know German.

- What did you say?
- Bitte.

- Okay, bitte?
- Yeah, it's--

You say danke for
thank you

and bitte
for you're welcome.

- It's gonna be great.
- Yup.

- We're gonna drown.

- They're really hands-on.

You think they're hot?
- Yeah.

- You good?

That smile, man.


- Those girls--

hate to say it--

will never marry
a guy like us.

You got that right.

- Coming up...

- Hey, you want to come
down here to main deck?

- I'm busy.

- Guy has no respect
for anybody on this boat.

Hey, next time
you tell me you're busy

over the f---ing radio
where Captain Lee can hear,

we're gonna have
serious f---ing issues.

- Let's get the ladies.

We got to go.

- All right, ladies,
when you're ready!

- One, two, three.
Run and jump.

- Thank you, guys!

- Beach party?

First day
with all three stews.

And I got two really good ones.

- Kate is just tickled
with her interior crew.

She feels like she just died
and went to stewardess heaven.

- I feel like
God answered my prayers.

- Thank you.

- Did you have a good day?
I had such a good day.

- I was here for, like,
a solid hour

just 'cause I had to empty
all the sh-- by myself.

Trevor came
at, like, the end.

I was like, "I need
someone else out here."

- Did you ask for that?
- Yeah, I had to.

- Nico and I, like,
get along so well.

If Trevor's, like,
annoying us,

we can vent to each other
about it

because it feels like we've
known each other for ages

and it's like it's the first
charter, which is insane.

Um, this is, like,
awkwardly romantic.

- Skipping into the sunset?

- Oh, my God, snacks?

- Yay.

- Okay, riddle me this:

who doesn't like
a really big d*ck?

You don't like a big d*ck?

Explain to me why.

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.

- Put it in.

- I just have never met anyone

who liked a small d*ck
over a big d*ck.

So, like--
- Yeah.

- Come here
for a second, girls.

After turndowns are done,

I'm gonna let you
knock off.

- I'm 6:00 a.m.,
7:00 a.m.

8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m.

- You're gonna be
the early girl.

- Okay.
- I'll be up late with you.

But I'll be up early.

- I'm happy to do dishes.

I'll help upstairs.

- Sounds good, man.

- Okay, thank you.

- Got three more likes
from my #beach party

with all the sticks and rocks.

Maybe that'll boost tips.

- Maybe what?
- What was it? Sticks? What?

Ordinarily, I am a fan
of the underdog.

- I raked the beach out,
and I found sticks,

and I put a hashtag with sticks

and spelled out "beach party"
into it.

- But Trevor does strike me
as an odd duck.

All right.
Nice job, mate.

- Yeah.

- So I'm here to help.

- Look at that.
You look adorable.

- I've had a lot
of kitchen experience.

I used to work in restaurants.

And so to be
in another department

where it's almost like
refreshing and quite therapeutic

when I do dishes and stuff,
'cause I just zone out.

All right,
where would you like me?

- Why don't we start stacking
the trays,

stack them all up here,
and then put them away?

- Emily, is there anything
we can do for you?

- I don't think so.
We're all good.

- All right, perfect.
- What are you doodling?

Just doodling?
- I don't know, man.

- Just say "doodling"
one more time for me.

- Doodling.
- Yes, thank you.

- What's wrong
with me saying "doodling"?

- It's been five months, people.

Women with accents

is just wonderful
on the ears.

- Whoo!
- That's a good one.

- That is good! Yep.

That's just like
1 of 20--yep.

- Okay, all the guests are out
and ready when you are.

- Thank you, baby.

- I'm sorry.
- No, you're totally fine.

- Pretty.

- My love, can we get these--
just those--

- Yeah, I can.
- It's all good.

- Okay, what am I serving?

- Pork scaloppini with...

- Almonds, barley, butternut?

What's the sauce?

- It's a veal demi-glacé.

- Anything on the chicken?
Same way?

- Yeah, yeah.

No, no demi-glacé.
- What is it?

- Truffle balsamic.

- Whatever.

This is chicken
with almonds, barley,

butternut squash,
and a demi-glacé.

- I don't think
I can have the barley.

- Oh, I'm so sorry.
Let me get you another plate.

I have no idea
why Ben is serving barley

to a gluten-free guest.

- What's up?
Is everything okay?

- Everything's great.

I just didn't want
to give Kelsey

any that had touched barley,
if I could, you know?

- Oh, f---.

Barley has gluten in it.

Yes, I did slip up.

It's just really tough
to keep up

with all of these restrictions.

- How good is this food?

- You did not have to do that.
Thank you so much.

- I'm totally following Kelsey.
- But it might be weird.

Like, this is a bit soon,
isn't it?

- I just want to find her,

and then I have her saved
in my searches.

- Okay.
- Duh.

- Kelley is
the sweetest thing ever.

- He's adorable.
- He's so cute.

- He's very cute.

- She was giving me
googly eyes.

- She's like, "Oh, my God."

- I found love!
- They're all cute, though.

I mean, what's going on, girls?
Get it on.

- Yeah.
- We can make this happen.

- I'm not into rich girls.

You got to understand
that some rich girls

just want to have fun.

- Sierra, Sierra, Emily.

- She in there?

- Oh, Sierra.

Sierra, want to join
the conversation?

- Oh, sh--.

- If you really want to know
what's going on in the boat,

hide in the laundry room
for a couple hours.

- Sierra,
did you copy that?

- Yeah, I did. I'm sorry.
- Oh, hello.


No, come down and help me
with turn-down.

- My wi-fi is not working,

and it's driving me up
up a f---ing tree.

- Oh, my God!
Stop it!

- Hi, guys.

- Sorry about the barley.

It slipped my mind.
- No, no, not at all.

- You guys get
my Instagram post?

- Mine just dinged really loud.

- That was my ding.
"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding."

- Oh, wait, you're not even
through your filter.

- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, my God.

- I'm actually starting
to question

whether they're eating the food

or just posting it on Instagram.

- Your Instagram...

- Okay, guys, thank you.

F---ing hell.

Next time, like,
it would be nice

if they spoke English.

- Can we get
on the walkie-talkies?

- Wait, wait, wait.
- How do we do it?

Kelley, Kelley?

- Kelley for Kiki.

- This is Kelley.
Go ahead, Kiki.

- Hi.
- Hi. How are you?

I have a rule.

I can't...touch her.

Even though I'd love to put
my hands all over her.

- Lisa on behalf of Kiki.

She's requesting your presence
on the sky deck.

- Roger that.
I'll be up in a few.

But it's Kelsey calling.
It's like an angel.

I laid this rule out
with my deckhands,

so I sure in the hell
can't break it.

- Get off the radio.

- Okay.
- Oh!

- Uh-uh.
- Whoo!

- When a charter guest
hits on you,

you have to be kind of polite,

'cause you're stuck on a boat
with them.

But in this case,
the charter guest

is clearly interested,
as is he.

It's cute.

- I did not do this.

- Yeah, uh-huh.

- It wasn't, I swear.

- You red or yellow?

- The yellow has
the smiley faces on it,

so you get that,
and I want the emojis.

The emojis are
my favorite part.

Current mood.

- That's your current mood?

- Yeah, this one.

- Someone out there,
tell me a story

where a girl like this
hooks up with a guy like me.

I'm basically a butler.

I'm an outside butler
that sets up toys.

Like, seriously, though,
when does the butler

ever get the hot girl
that's rich?

- Oh, I'm so sorry!

- Oh, my God!

I wasn't even
paying attention.


- I'm sorry.

- You guys,
we should all go to bed.

- Thank you
for coming up with us.

- Yeah, you're welcome.
- Good night, ladies.

- Bedtime.

- Do you like her?

- F---.
She's so pretty.

- Is she?
- Yeah.

- Coming up...

- But it's your job
to do the toast.

- They just asked me
to do the toast.

I didn't know there was
even toast happening.

- Oh, okay! I realize
you don't give a f---, Kate,

but I still do.

- Come here.
- For, like, to show the kids.

- He's just being
the biggest hypocrite

I've ever seen.

- Are you guys not liking
the fact that?

- Chelsea's pretty cute, huh?

I think Kelsey, and then it goes
to Nicole, maybe.

- Which Nicole?
Top one?

- I think the top one,
though, is 34.

See, the bottom one's 26,
so I'm gonna go with the 26.

How old are you?
- 22 this year.

- 22? How old are you?
- I'm 22 now.

- 24, going on 25.
- Oh, wow.

- Young crew.
- Yeah.

That's what I am liking
about this crew so far.

And everybody seems to know
their sh-- real well.

Me and Kelley were
a little bit nervous

at the start.

What's your wrist say?

- "Relentless."

- This one's just
a giant jellyfish.

- What's the meaning?

- A good friend in Puerto Rico
passed away surfing big waves,

and then on my ribs, it says,

"Wash out the fading away
with the rising tide."

- Were you with him?
- Yeah.

- That's really hard.

- It's just a reminder,
like, you know,

anybody can be taken
at any time.

You know, enjoy life
to the fullest.

You got one chance.
Take it.

And be who you want to be.

- It's good
that they mean something.

- This one's a black sheep
eating a mushroom,

so it means never follow
the herd.

Always be willing to get weird.

That's way cool.

- Trevor definitely is
f---ing weird.

- This one says,
"Live and let live."

The old oxen skull.

- Oh, man.
Take it in.

- Good morning.
- Hi, Kate.

- Hi.
Did you all sleep well?

- It was amazing.
- Awesome.

- I slept well,
but I'm so sad to leave.

- Aw.
- That's a very high compliment.

- Sierra, Sierra, Lee.

Is anybody from Interior
up yet?

I'd just like a cup of coffee
if somebody's got a second.

- I've got it.
I'm on my way.

I was a nanny
prior to working on a boat,

so there's a lot of similarities

between charter guests
and a baby.

They need a lot of catering to
and attention.

So it helped me a lot.

Wait'll you see this.

Maybe she's not
the domestic type.

What do you think?

The sugar's still in it,

Time release.

- Kate?
- Yeah, hi.

- Just gonna fess up to you.

I overslept this morning.

- Okay.
- I'm so sorry.

- Um, I don't really care
if it happens once,

but if it happens
a couple times--

- It won't.

- You know that you didn't
do it on purpose.

She's learning, and there's
error when you're learning.

- I'm so sorry.
- It happens.

- Stand by; we'll be pulling
the hook and getting under way.

- Roger that.
- I'll give the direction.

- I'm ready.

What the f--- does that mean?

I'm not quite sure
where Trevor's going

with this whole
arm signal stuff.

Just tell me
it's off the bottom.

Don't sit there like--
you know,

I don't know,
with a limp d*ck motion

or whatever the hell that means.

- Okay, Captain,
anchor's at the water line.

- Bring it up and put it home.

You see, I just need
clear, precise communication.

It's really simple.

- All right, lovelies.
- Thank you.

- Wait, did you get his number?

- No.
It'll be fine.

- We're following each other
on the 'Gram,

so there will be DMs.

- Oh! Aw, well,
that didn't work, did it?

Guys, you need
a toaster up here.

Did we do that?
Did we do that?

- Why--
- Did we do that?

- No.
Why are you yelling?

Why are you shouting?

- Because I just burnt
the toast,

and I burnt it yesterday,
and it's not my job.

It's your job.
That's why.

- Then just give me the bread
and stop screaming.

- Just bring the toaster
up here.

- Let's hide this,
because we've got a chef.

- What are we hiding?
- The toaster.

Keep it handy in the bilge.
- Come on.

It's the stewardesses' job
to do the toast.

- Okay, I'll handle the toast.
Put it in the bilge.

I love working with Ben,

but there is one time
that is a no-safe zone.

Anything that happens
during breakfast service,

Ben is going to have
a freak-out.

- I realize you don't give
a f---, Kate, but I still do.

Is that all right?

- I totally care

about the level
of service and quality.

I just don't appreciate
being interrupted--

- But it's your job
to do the toast.

- Then just ask me
to do the toast.

I didn't know there was
even toast happening.

- Oh, okay.
I get it.

You take it real personally.

- All right, Ben.

- Ready to go.

- This was an amazing

- I like that everyone, like,

went out of their comfort zone

and, like, went along with
the energy of it.

- It's a testament to you.

- Aw, it's not.
It's a testament to everybody.

- Thank you so much
for organizing this.

- Cheers to you guys.

Cheers to you guys for coming.

- Sorry about that.
- Things are exploding.

- I know; you're an artist.

You had time
to sit with your thoughts.

- Yeah, I'm good now.

- Any peace between Ben and I

is always a temporary peace...

We're happy again.
- I'm telling you that.

- I don't want to talk
about the past.

'Cause you know there's always
gonna be another charter

that wants to eat breakfast.

- Hugs, a little bit?

Just a--

I know; it's awkward
and weird.

Okay, that was--

- Let's get ready
on the aft deck.

- Cap, you have 40 feet
and closing

on your starboard aft quarter.

- Got it?
- Lock that bow down.

- Lock the bow down.

Docking's extremely dangerous,

because you're moving
a couple hundred-ton vessel

next to a floating dock

that, if you nudge it,
gives way.

Keep going. Keep going.
Keep going. Keep going.

All right. No, that line
needs to come tighter.

- Copy that.

- Tight, tight.
Come on.

- Tighten up on him.
- Hey, hey, wait.

Tighten up, or he's
bringing it back over.

- You don't need
to take 14 wraps before you...

- Lock it down?
- Yeah.

- You're f---ing k*lling me,

Trevor needs to control
his mouth.

Just do it.

- Pull, pull.
- Let's go. Let's go.

- Let's go. Lock it down.
- Get that bow line tight.

- Copy.

- Happy, Cap?

- Can't get it
any closer than that.

- You never back
to the captain,

especially Captain Lee.

It's just disrespectful.

- Whoo!

- Coming up...

- My deckhands
don't listen to me.

- You should be guiding them.

You shouldn't be
bossing them around.

I don't boss them around,
and I'm the boatswain.

- F---.

- I just want a picture.

- How's it going?

- Can you have Kelley, Nico,
and Trevor come?

- Yeah.

I need all the deck crew

in the sky lounge, please.

They want to take photos
with y'all.

- Let's go, Trevor.
I don't mind attention.

I'll eat it up all day long.

- Kelley's just look so good.

- This is so cute.

- You guys all have
very nice feet.

- They must get pedicures.

- I'm gonna be famous now
on Instagram.

Let me--let me do this.

- Come here.
- For, like, to show the kids.

- Where's the ring?
- Where's Skipper?

- I don't know.

- Kelley gives us
this huge splurge

on how not to get close
to the guests,

and then all of a sudden,
he's all about Kelsey

and just being the biggest
hypocrite I've ever seen.

- Guys, like,
we're all taking selfies?

- All crew, I need you
on the aft deck

in ten.

- Is this yours?
- Yes.

- Well, we had them
on three carts

on the way here.

- Bags, bags.
This one ready?

- But we only have two carts?

Kelley, Kelley, Trevor.

- Yeah, this is Kelley.
- You want to run and go get

another cart for me?
- F---ing idiot.

- I can--I can do it.

- I can't say anything;
there's no say-so,

'cause he just comes back with,
"I'm your f---ing boss."

The captain's our boss.

You know, we have
the exact same experience.

You got to give me
some f---ing control.

- Oh, my God, I'm, like,
sad that it's over.

- I thought it was like
sleep-away camp for adults.

Like, living with girls
you don't know,

and you're like,
"Hi, I'm so-and-so."

It's like the best experience
of your life.

- I don't want to disembark.

- Thank you guys so much.

It was so awesome.

- Good-bye.

- Farewell.

It was so nice meeting you.

See you later.

- Okay.
- I love you.

You're an amazing team.
You're so kind.

Like, I kind of felt like
you were my friends.

Your meals--I came out feeling
like a little pregnant.

I'm leaving feeling like
I'm about to have triplets.

Everybody was amazing.

Your hashtags--

Just all of you
were unbelievable.

So that's for all of you.
- Thank you.

- #LoveYouAll.

Bye, guys!

- Whether me and Kelsey
continue talking

after she gets off charter
is to be foreseen,

but I'll keep my fingers

I want that to happen.

- Time to go to work.

- So what now?

- Now we get
the boat ready again.

Are you loving it?
- Yes.

- Nico's really cute.
How old are you?

- 21.

- He's 22.
He's a year older.

- My last boyfriend,
he was boatswain,

and I was a junior stewardess.

And then I ended it with him.

- In, like, six years,

he's gonna be
the hottest thing on the planet.

- Really?
- Yes.

- If I were to have
some magic dust

and build my own boyfriend,

he'd have brains, experience,
be witty,

not too hairy.

And I'm not too fussed
about hands or feet or...

Genitalia size.

- You guys would be
a really cute couple.

- Maybe.

- If he wasn't 22
and I wasn't a lesbian...

- Attention, all crew.

I need everybody
in the crew mess in two minutes.

Two minutes, please.

- Hey, girl.

- Come on.
Yup, yup, sit here.

Sit here.

I just want to see my tip.

I want to taste it.

I want to eat it.

I want to have it in my pants.

- All in all, I think
everything went really good.

Your interior staff, I think,
is going to be very good.

- Captain Lee never really gives
a full compliment.

He really means we're amazing.

- Your deck staff, I think,
is doing okay.

What I'd like to see

is everybody just
dial it back a little bit,

especially the new guys.

- "Dial it back"?
Just, like,

I haven't gotten congratulated
on anything I've done.

I know I raised
the charter tips.

- This is not a sprint.

This is a marathon.

And I don't want to see
anybody crash and burn.

And on that note,
the charter was very happy.

15 large.

$1,360 per person.

Not a bad way
to start out.

- I'm so happy with the tip.

We pulled it off.
It was our first charter.

And so far, so good.
I think we've got a good team.

- I'll get up for that,
for sure.

- Thank you.

$1,300 and s--

or it evened out to--

it broke down to 13 and...

Um, whatever.

My mind was blown.

- You can go out this evening,

grab dinner, couple pops.

But tomorrow is a work day.

Exercise good judgment
this evening.

Okay, good job, everybody.

- Thank you.
- Whoo!

- Go to work.

- We have to do the decks
as well, don't we?

- Okay, I'm gonna grab
one more bucket

and put this down here.

- Let's go around
and strip all the beds,

put all the sheets
in a large pillowcase.

You guys can go through
this cabin.

You do the other one.
And then maybe split that one.

- You look so happy.

- She always looks so happy.

- Yay.

- Where's Trevor at?

- You bought a car?

- Toyota 4Runner.
- 4Runner, okay.

- You've got 154 foot of yacht
to clean,

and with me sitting
right in front of you,

you're buying a truck?

- I got to go down
and get my account number

and routing number.

- Moron.

- Sorry, where you up to here?

- The stainless needs

- Nico, Nico, Lauren.
- Go ahead.

- I'm down here
trying to figure out

this accounting stuff,

but could you just continue on
on both stairwells

before you start washing
the main deck?

- Yeah, yeah, we're already
on bridge deck aft.

- Thank you.

- Thanks, boss.
- That's ridiculous.

If I have a radio,
I wouldn't be like,

"Oh, hey, I'm up here.

Can you please get started
on this?"

- "Hey, I can't finish this.
Can you start it out for me?"

- Yeah, exactly.
- It's just a nonstop battle

that we're having
with this guy

making us work twice as much

'cause we're spending
half our day

talking about Trevor,
half our day talking to Trevor.

So it's just affecting us all
as a team.

- Hey, Lauren, what's been
going on with our toilet?

- I don't think
it's flushing properly.

- You know who to call for that?

- Yeah, boss man.

Trevor's the second engineer
on the boat,

so when you have
a clogged toilet,

who are you gonna call?

Number two.

- Listen, y'all.
Karma's real.

- Trevor, Trevor, Kate.
- Go ahead, Kate.

- There's a plumbing issue
in the crew cabin.

There's just some stuff
that shouldn't be there,

and it still is there.

If you could get that
to go away, that'd be great.

- Soon as I finish,
I'll come check it out.

- Yeah, it'll be there waiting.

Sierra, Sierra, Kate.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Why aren't you flushing,
you f---ing bastard?


Girls, lay off the fiber.

God damn!

- Just so you know,
the roller iron was still on.

Just turn it off.
- Yeah, it was in the restroom.

I'm so sorry.
- No, that's okay.

I am a little bit worried,

because Sierra
is always smiling.

- It won't happen again.

- Just always turn it off
when you leave the room.

She has happy resting face.

You know who has those?

And Labradors.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Oh, so gross.

I want a cocktail.

- Trevor, hey,

you want to come down here
to main deck?

- I'm busy.

- Uh, yeah.
Come down here.

- Okay.

- "I'm busy."

F---ing out of your mind.

Meet me on main deck aft.

Guy has no respect
for anybody on this boat.

- This is Kelley's first time
as a boatswain.

I've actually been a boatswain.

Oh, f---.

If Kelley didn't have
such a big ego,

he'd realize that I could
actually show him

how to be a good boatswain.

- Hey, next time
you tell me you're busy

over the f---ing radio,
where Captain Lee can hear,

I'm gonna have
serious f---ing issues.

I'm your f---ing boss,

so you don't tell me
you're f---ing busy.

- Coming up...

- I'm gonna go to bed now.

I'm not dealing with this.

- Why do you take everything
so harsh?

- Good job, senior deckhand.
- Hey, hey, hey.

- Next time

you tell me you're busy

over the f---ing radio,

where Captain Lee can hear,

I'm gonna have

serious f---ing issues.

The way you communicate

is not working out.

- I'm trying my best.

I'm sweating my ass off.

And then, yeah, I get chewed
the f--- out by Kelley,

and I don't know how much more
I can bite my tongue.

- All right.
- All right.

- Ugh, we just finished.

- Yes.

Favorite shirt.

- You happy now?
- Not yet. Can't feel it yet.

- Did you get an IV
or something?

Little alcohol drip?

Look at your face.

Like, "This kid's serious."

- Seriously douchey.

- That was a good one,
dude. Ah!

- You guys almost ready?

- Yeah.
- Let's go.

- Are you ready?
- Freedom!

- Yeah.
- I'm so happy right now.

- What got us through
the last day of the charter

is knowing
that we can just, like,

crack open that first drink
and be like, "Ah!"

Just shower in it.

- All right, you guys.

To an awesome crew,
an awesome first charter,

and to the rest
of the f----ing season.

- Yay!
- Right on!

- Chhhh!

Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug,

- What did y'all think
of the tip?

- They were super generous,
and it was such a short time.

- For three days,
it's pretty damn good.

- Actually,
they set the bar very high.

- Yeah, they did.
This season's gonna be great.

Like, for you,
it's gonna be awesome.

- If you ever, ever need
anybody just to vent to,

just come talk to me.

- Got it. Thank you.

- Kelsey's beautiful.
She's stunning.

But she's not here,
whereas Emily's cute.

She's got an amazing accent,

and she's here.

- Can I get a Long Island,

- Lentil rice
and the pan-sued solmon...

- Ben, order for us.

- Can we get one of everything
apart from--

- First order is jerky.

- Just to start,
get the ball rolling.

- I want to get next round.

- I'm doing fine,
thank you.

- Taste mine.
Taste mine.

- No.

- Trevor is looking to go
a lot harder

than everyone else wants to.

- I'll take another Long Island,

- He just strikes me
as the type

that could get out of control.

- Sierra, you have
the f---ing smile of a god.

You have the attitude
and personality of a god.

If I could combine you two...

My God.

- I'm just an assh*le.
Don't mind me.

Everybody hates me here.

- I'm gonna get a drink.

- Yeah, let's get one.

- Get me a Long Island.

- Okay.

- The first charter,

a little bit of sh--
hit the fan,

but I just want to push
forward, forget it,

and let's go let our hair down.

I'm getting everybody sh*ts.

- I'm good.
- It's not fun if you do that.

Ben, would you take a shot?
- No.

I'm shotted.

- I mean, I would rather
go back to the boat.

- Oh, can we go back?

- Liquor, wi-fi...
- Let's go!

- F--- this bullsh--.
No one's gonna just sit here.

Are you gonna dance?

- What?
- Are you gonna dance?

- Yeah, man.

- You all ready?
Where's the truck?

- I'm gonna get more twisted
than all you guys,

and you guys are gonna be like,
"Wow, Trevor can handle

a lot of liquor."

In the morning,
I'm gonna be like...

- We're gonna go back.

- Don't make me stare
at your boobs anymore.

- Oh, my God, really?

- You ready?
- It's f---ing bullsh--.

- Dude, you need to calm down.

Chill, bro, chill.

- F---ing kidding me?

- It's our first night out.

We need to be responsible.

- It's not my style.

We're making
a sh-- ton of money.

We're having fun.

And yeah,
we're going back early,

but we're gonna kick it
in the hot tub, man.

- Oh, are we?

- Yeah, I'm not going
to bed right now.

- Okay, 'cause I thought
the whole crew

was ready to go to bed,
'cause everybody wouldn't dance.

I've never been
on a charter yacht

that everybody was this f---ing
blatant stagnant mother----er.

- What a f---ing twat.
- Please trust me.

- It'll be good.
I do trust you.

I'm just saying
I can't have--

You don't understand how
f---ing undermined I feel.

I mean, I feel super,

Like, dude,
I'm just not that--

- Your deckhands know

You're treating them like
they're greenies, though.

- No, I'm not.
- You are.

How you speak to them
on deck, I've heard you.

You should be guiding them.

You shouldn't be
bossing them around.

I don't boss them around,
and I'm the boatswain.

- You've got to understand

that they're undermining me
when you're gone.

- F--- that, man.
F--- that.

- Right? It's so rude.
- No, he's a twat.

- Look, let's talk
about this in the morning.

I want to go
get in the hot tub.

- Let's talk about it.
Talk about it.

- Not, like,
after you've been drinking.

You need to be able
to bring it to me sober...

- Okay.
- With the facts...

- I'm talking about
I'm being undermined.

Okay, this is not alcohol.
F--- that sh--.

Don't f---ing bring that up.

- Why can't he
just let it go?

If he just chills out...

- All right, I'm heading in.

- F---.

- I'm gonna go grab
board shorts.

This is my night off.

I just want to jump
in the Jacuzzi

and relax.

- Where you going?
Where you going?

- No, I will come back up.

- Who's all up there?
- It's the deck crew.

You should come too,
'cause there's heaps of tension,

and it's really awkward.

- I can't wait.
Let me get on my bikini, okay?

- I was, like, 14.

- What?

Just shut your mouth.

- I'm being honest, dude.

- I'm sitting in a Jacuzzi
on a Sunday

in some dude's basement
when I was 14 years old.

What does some 14-year-old
or 15-year-old kid

you're talking about...

F---. I'm right.

- You weren't being

That was just
f---ing plain rude, bro.

- How do you expect
to lead anybody

if you're that disrespectful?

- I'm gonna go to bed now.

No, I'm not dealing with this.

I don't want to hear it.

- Why are you taking it
so harsh, though?

- Because it's sh--.

- Why don't you keep
your opinion to yourself?

'Cause I don't care how
you think about my shading.

- Okay, hey.
Take him down.

- Good job, senior deckhand.
- Hey, hey.

- I'm not talking sh--
about you, bro.

- F---.

- Do you have two brain cells?

Or do you just have one

rubbing up on the side
of your head?

That right there
was the perfect example

of what's wrong
with your leadership.

You don't respect anybody.

- That's not true.
- That is.

Anybody below you,
you don't respect.

I want you to go down
and go to bed.

We'll talk in the morning.

- You're saying--
- No, no.

I'm done
with this conversation.

Go down. Legit order.
Go to bed. Go.

- Holy f---.

- No, no, I'm done

with this conversation.

Go down. Legit order.

Go to bed. Go.

- Holy f---.

Sure enough, Kelley has to
blow it out of proportion.

He thinks he should step in

and be some type of
father figure.

Like, I don't care
who you are.

You're not gonna do that,

'cause my dad's my dad,
and you're not it.

- The amount of times
he's said sh--,

like, he's literally
digging himself a hole.

- Who?
Oh, Trevor.

- He's being a d*ck.

He's like, "Oh,
so where's your tattoo from?

Oh, it looks like sh--."

- I really actually like
your tattoo.

I was gonna say that.
- Something's got to be done

with whatever the f---'s
going on.

- It's negative.
- Right.

- He always takes it
to a negative tone, always.

- All I'm thinking is,

"I got to go back to my cabin,

and he's rooming with me."

- Nico, I'd prefer
if you slept

in the guest room.

Sleep in one of them,

- I need to get some space
right now.

I can't be around this guy.

- Nico.

- It's not worth it.
I don't know what's going on.

I really don't,
'cause I wasn't there.

It doesn't matter.
- I just want you to go to bed.

I told you no,
we'd talk in the morning...

- F---.
- Once we've all calmed down,

so I want you to go to bed.

Dude, go to bed.

It's not that hard.
Go to bed.

- So just go to bed.

- I'm going to bed.
- All right, good.

- This is a yacht
and we work together,

and we got to figure this out.

Or sh--'s hitting the fan soon.

- It's either him or me.
That's it.

- Next time on "Below Deck"...

- We have some yachtees,
and then we have Scupper.

- He has a tuxedo.
- Oh.

- I'm prepping dog food
right now.

Please don't disturb.

- Could we push dinner to 9:00?
- Yes, of course.

- When people don't listen
to me, this is what happens.

I just want to make sure

that's clear.
- Okay, great, yeah.

I don't know
what your problem is.

You don't know what
communication is.

- Well, that was the problem,
wasn't it?

- Last night is unacceptable.

If I see anything happen,
I will personally have you gone.

- What, you think
you're f---ing special?

- You're the only problem
that I have.

- I can cheers one with you
if it's the last night.

- This is a total no-no.

- What's one shot
gonna do to a guy like me?

Oh, sh--.

- Know what?

You're done with that.
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