04x03 - Hair Models and Filthy Martinis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x03 - Hair Models and Filthy Martinis

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- Kate, Trevor,
senior deckhand.

I'm senior deckhand.

- Good to meet you, man.
- Senior deckhand.

- "Hey, I'm Trevor,
I'm senior deckhand."

- The other two deckhands
are having

a little issue with Trevor.

- He's your responsibility.

If he becomes mine,
then you dropped the ball.

- Nico, girlfriend back home?

- I'm kind of with someone,

but we just recently
started talking.

- Okay, so it's just fresh.
- Yeah.

- So you're talking to someone,
but not dating.

- Yeah.

- Should we soak our feet?

- There's no question like,

is this flirting,
is it not flirting?

It's so clear, finally.

- It's your job to do the toast.

- Then just ask me
to do the toast.

You don't really need to have
a temper tantrum

like a 3-year-old
over a toaster.

- Why don't you keep
your opinion to yourself?

- You don't respect anybody.

Go to bed, go.

- Just go to bed.

- Nico, I'd prefer if you
slept in the guest room.

- This is f---ing bullsh--.

¶ ¶

- Nothing, I'm staying
in the guest room.

This guy's being an assh*le.

They had to separate us.

And I was like,
I don't want any trouble.

I told you,
like, since day one,

I was gonna have problems
with him.

I'm not gonna stay here
if he's here.

I just started reconnecting

with this girl that I know
since I was 16 years old.

And she's really supportive
of my job.

She obviously knows, like, it's
something that I've been doing

and that I'm passionate about.

- No, not at all.

Right now, talking with her,
I feel relieved,

and I feel like, you know,
she understands me.

I'm not gonna work with this guy
that, on the free time,

is taking personal jabs at me.

- I've got to figure out
a way to reach Trevor.

And I'm not sure how I'm gonna
communicate it to him yet,

because I have to keep him
motivated on deck.

Losing a man on the first
charter is not acceptable.

- Are you hungry, Ems?

- I found some breakfast,
but I'll be hungry in a bit.

- Do you like smoked salmon?
- Love it.

- Did you have fun last night?
- Yeah.

- Just some people, I think,

just had a little bit
too much to drink last night.

- What?

What did I miss?

- Just a little situation,
but it's not a big deal.

This is a team effort,

and if one of the teammates
is being "that guy,"

then it interferes
with your work.


- Last night,
I was a little bit juiced up.

We all were.

And I just happened
to make a comment

that was completely harmless,

and now there's drama,
and I'm involved in it.

And it's like,
I'm the last person

to f---ing get involved
in drama.

- Have you guys done
any Asia traveling?

- I've never been to Asia.
I'd love to go.

- Thailand's amazing.

One meal cost me
like 10 bucks.

I was like,
well, this is amazing.

- Good morning.

- Trevor f---ed up.

He got wasted, ran his mouth.

When you start crossing
personal boundaries,

even on your off-time,
that's not gonna fly.

¶ ¶

- Hi, how's it going?

- Did you do the twin yet?
- Yeah, the twin's done.

- Someone slept in it?

- Yeah, Nico slept in it
last night.

Trevor got a little bit...
wordy in the Jacuzzi.

- Oh.

Trevor's sweet,

but his energy
is slightly unsettled.

He's a bit like a cat
on a hot tin roof.

- Ow.

Awesome day,
awesome f---ing day.

- I thought he seemed
a bit off this morning.

- Yeah, he's probably

¶ ¶

- How was sleeping
in the guest quarters, huh?

- I was popping champagne
bottles with my feet up.

- Where was my invite?

- You knew where I was.

- Nico and I, I feel like
we're on the same page.

We have exactly the same,
you know, personality type.

Someone that has
that same mind-set

is already a breath
of fresh air.

It's like, all right, thank God.

Were you hungover?

- I wasn't hungover,
but I was just like,

how did that even,
like, come about?

We're all having fun
in the Jacuzzi,

and the first thing he said
was like,

"Oh, yeah, your tattoos
are so faded," this and that.

And I was just like,
"Why are you saying anything?

"I don't care
about your opinion.

It's my body."

- Yeah, it's like
a personal insult

that's got nothing
to do with anything.

- I don't want
to stir any sh-- up,

especially with
someone I work with.

- I feel like you're
the same as me.

Like, nothing
really rattles you.

You know, it sort of bounces
off you,

but if you snap,
you f---ing snap.

- Yeah.
- You know?

- Absolutely.

¶ ¶

- Oh, my God, Kate.
- Yeah?

- I just opened it.
- Oh, my God.

- Sierra left it in.
- Oh, God.

- This is still wet,
and this is hot.

I've never had
a burnt sheet before.

I did stress the importance

of always
turning an iron off.

Just so you know,
the roller iron was still on.

Just turn it off.

It's like when you go
to your grandparents' house,

and on the back of the door,
they have, in needlepoint,

"Did you turn off the oven?"

We need one of those for Sierra.

We're not gonna get mad at her,

but we just need this
to not happen again.

¶ ¶

- Kate, Ben, Kelley,
I need you guys

down in the crew mess
for prepping sheet meeting.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- So charter number two.

We have some yachties.

Two of them own yachts.

We have Dave and Jodi Mailer,

Robert Gelmeyer
and Douglas Wolff,

who are a couple,

and then we have Scupper.

Appears to be a French poodle.

Ground red meat and lamb.

- Is that what they're into?
- That's what the dog is into.

- Fluffy little f---er.

I'm not absolutely thrilled
about having to cook for a dog.

I grew up with dogs,

and they were pretty okay
just eating out of a can.

- If their dog's name
is Scupper,

they're real yachties.

- Yeah.

Jodi doesn't eat
red meat or pork.

They want to do a clambake
on the beach for dinner.

Knowing how
you love doing that.

- Oh, I just love them.

- We're gonna go
to Virgin Gorda.

We're gonna dock up
at Leverick Bay.

We got a critter-free
pool coming.

- Oh, is that the one
with the nets?

- It's the net, yeah.
- Okay.

- Goes behind the boat.

A critter-free pool
is a 20x40 pool,

and it has a net
to keep all the jellyfish out.

It's a dog and pony show.

- Thank you.
- Cheers.

- Sierra, did you see
what happened?

- How did this happen?

Because it was left on it?

Because it was hot?

So is it burned?

It's easy to forget, like...

- I think it's burned through.

It was really hot
and crisp earlier.

- Oh, no.

I mean, it's confusing.

I don't know.

- Happened to us as well,
so don't worry.

- Bummer.

¶ ¶

- What do you think
you're gonna make for lunch?

- We're gonna do a nine-course
tasting menu for the dog.

- We could just take
all the leftovers

from the crew food
and give that to the guests

so you can focus on the dog.

- Why don't we actually
just have the guests

eat with the crew?

So then we can just
give the dog

our undivided attention.


- What is the beach clambake?
Is that dinner?

- I was thinking we could
take an early dinner,

like 4:30 to 6:30,

'cause the sun goes down
at 6:30,

and then all of the sand fleas
and mosquitoes and stuff

will be out in force.

- That's an extremely
early dinner.

- Gets dark early.
- That's gonna be two dinners.

- 'Cause then they're
gonna eat again.

- 'Cause then they're gonna want
to eat at 10:00 again.

- I'm just letting you guys know

what it's gonna be
like out there.

- I'm a little perturbed.

A 4:30 clambake on the beach
screws my day up.

I'm unclear how this evening
is going to unravel.

I think we should say
the clambake's an early dinner,

and then we can--
and then we'll roll and--

and then we'll spoil them.

- I'm just gonna call it

- Just say
an "early dinner clambake."

- I'm just saying "clambake."

- Trevor, Trevor,
this is Kelley.

Meeting in the swim platform.

- No problem.

- Come on down.

Last night...

is unacceptable,
period, end of story.


You, as of right now,

are no longer a senior deckhand.

You will not boss them around.

You will not basically
say sh-- to anybody.

Your job is to f---ing clean,

make sure everything's
getting done, and that's it.

- Yes, sir.

You can try to demote me,

but you're not
gonna get me down,

and you're not gonna deplete
my knowledge of my position.

- If I see anything happen,
I will push to have you gone.

- Yes, sir.

- All right,
go get back to work.

- F---.

- This is Scupper.

- You and I are gonna have
lots of fun.

- The dog gets treated better

than 90% of the children
in the United States.

- Scupper can't hold his liquor.

- You've never been to London,
have you?

- Mm-mm, do you have a place?

- Now when I go back,
I stay with my mom,

and I visit my dad.

Are your parents together?

- No.

- Are they divorced,

- My dad passed away
when I was 16.

- 16, and you moved out
after that?

- Yeah.
- Was it a shock?

- No, he was sick.

- Aw.

- It was really hard for us
when my dad passed away.

It actually kind of like

separated my family
a little bit,

because everyone's grief
was so intense.

It was kind of hard
to connect at that point.

- What was wrong with him?

- With his passing,
I was kind of lost,

and I went through life
kind of searching for something.

And I think with yachting,
I found it.

But we'll see.

- You don't have to talk
about it, don't worry.

- Yeah, I'd rather not.

- Okay, of course.

- Morning, Captain.
- What's up?

- I kind of wanted to give you
a rundown of last night,

'cause Trevor just
is a big, big problem.

It got to the point
where I had to send him to bed.

- Did you talk to him today?

- Yes, I did talk to him

I basically told him
he was demoted

and he's no longer
senior deckhand.

- Kelley handled it very well.

From what I see so far,

I like the way Kelley
is attacking his job.

You deal with it.
- Roger that. Will do.

Thank you, Captain.

¶ ¶

- Attention, deck crew.

I need everybody out here

to assist with the delivery
we got coming on board.

Oh, sh--, it's the pool.

¶ ¶

- Holy f--- balls.

- Thanks.

- Go ahead and take it
out of the bag for now.

- Ready?
- Yep.

- One, two, three.

- Oh, sh--.

- That's a friggin'
heavy pool.

- It's a big joint.

Ah! F---, that hurt!

- Well done, guys.
- - Yeah.

- Attention all crew,
in five minutes,

I need everybody
on the aft deck.

Come on, ladies.

- Look at that. Nice.

- Ben, I got them walking
down the dock.

Get your ass out here now.

They're walking up the gangway.

- Hello.
- Hi!

- Hi.
- Captain Lee.

- Pleasure.

- Hey, Captain Lee,
great to see you.

- Good to meet you.

This is Scupper.

- You and I are gonna have
lots of fun.

- Hi, Nico.

These people love yachting.

This is not just guests

where we can get away
with a few things.

We really need to make sure
that we don't mess anything up.

- Welcome aboard the "Valor."
- Thank you.

- Kate will show you
to your quarters

and give you a tour
of the boat,

and we'll start having
a good time.

- Cheers, thank you all.

- Hi, guys, we'll go
in the main salon first.

- Oh, this is lovely.

- It's a very modern boat.
- It sure is, great job.

- What size boats
do y'all have?

- We have a 55 Azimut.

- Oh, yeah.

- We have a 70 Hatteras.

- And we dock
a Grey Poupon bottle toss

away from each other.

- Oh, I like that saying.

- We'll go to the sun deck,
which is the very fun level.

It's got a nice Jacuzzi
with a good view.

- Oh, nice.

- And now we'll go
down to the guest quarters.

He's like a little baby,
hugging him.

I'm pretty sure
the dog gets treated better

than 90% of the children
in the United States.

- Everybody in position?

- Yes, sir,
everybody's in position.

- Bow to stern.

¶ ¶

- Hey, good job.

- She's coming out.

- Nico, let us know
when all lines are in.

- Okay, Cap,
all lines are clear.

- Perfect.

- No traffic astern, Captain,
no traffic astern.

- Hey, great job.
That went smooth as buttah.

- Smooth as a baby's bum.

- He has a tuxedo.

- Oh!

- Maybe we could just
steam it a little bit.

- Of course, yep.

What a lucky pup.

- Guys, what's the plan like?

Are we gonna go
to the beach, or--

- Perfect timing.

We were originally thinking
around 4:00, 4:30

for the clambake.

But how hungry are you?

Can you wait till 4:00?

- Whatever--yeah.
Yeah, we're good.

- Okay, good, good.

- No stress on him.

- No!
- Yeah!

- He cooks his best
when he's...

- Yes, mellow.

¶ ¶

- Deck crew, let's get ready for
a starboard side tie, please.

- Roger that.

- Okay, it's gonna be
starboard too.

A lot of boat
in a small marina.

- It's a bitch of a wind.

- What's the distance
on my port side?

- 80 feet and closing.

- That is way too small a dock.

- We're going into
a really small marina,

and the wind is blowing
the boat off the dock,

so the deck crew are really

gonna have to keep
their head in the game.

- What do you think, Scupper?

- The situation, this is like
driving a giant sail.

That's why he's coming in
cockeyed like this.

- Run that stern line all
the way back, one more cleat.

Take up on it right away,
let's go.

- Yep--here we go.

- Barry's got the bow.

- The bow is good, you're in.
- He knows his stuff.

It's not his first time
at the rodeo.

- Nice job, deckhands,
thank you.

- Deck crew, deck crew, grab
all the beach picnic supplies,

and load them in the tender.

- Sierra, I'm gonna
put you in charge

of collecting these items.
- Okay.

- And then, Emily,
if you'll just stay

on service checking
on the guests?

Thank you.

- I like beaches.

Please don't get
your nose full of sand.

- Which beach are we going to?

- Right over there.

Watch that f---ing rebar.

¶ ¶

- Oh.

- Scupper can't hold his liquor.

- We need some towels.
- It's not a big deal.

Just Scupper threw up.

- Okay, Scupper,
say you're sorry.

- Thank you, Emily,
do you want us to do that?

- Oh, no, no, don't worry.

Providing excellent service

means providing excellent
service for everyone,

including Scupper.

- Kisses?

¶ ¶

- I don't understand
why Captain Lee

said we had to do this
party so early.

I don't feel like
there's any bugs here.

- Hey, do you want me to go
pick them up now?

- Yeah, I think the guests
are just getting ready,

so you can be
on standby there.

- Roger that.

- Look how nice.

¶ ¶

- Just grab one side,

It's a heavy f---er.

- All right,
three, two, one.

- No, don't throw it.

Okay, good.

- We're gonna play with the dog.

- Here's the diet tonic.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Cheers.
- Cheers, cheers, cheers.

- Take the handle,

and we're gonna just hoof it
over to that station.

- Let me know when.
- Okay, go.

- Let me know...
- Nice job, thank you.

That was easy.

F---ing hell, where the hell
did these flies come from?

- Kate, you know
what I was thinking?

Could we push dinner
to 9:00?

- Yes, of course,
'cause this is a late meal.

- We're not gonna be hungry.
- Yeah.

- Perfect, I love it.

It's gonna be a great time.

- Okay, Sierra,
you go with that.

I can get more flies
by the time you come back.

- Pardon me, guys.

And here...

There you are.
- Wow, look at that.

- There's a lobster tail
for everyone.

- Okay, guys,
these are spiny lobster tails.

I'm so sorry
about the flies, gosh.

- These flies are like,
you've never seen a lobster

and a clambake before?


- Very good.
- Okay, brilliant.

- What time is it now?
- 10 to 6:00.

And they said that they
would like to push dinner back.

- But whoever mentioned dinner?

- I don't know.

- And you didn't call this
an early dinner?

- I don't think if I called it
the last meal of your life,

that would prevent them
from becoming hungry later.

Three things you encounter
in life:

death, taxes,

and Ben getting angry
when asked to cook food.

- We always said
this was a late dinner.

It's 6:00, right?

6:00's dinner time.

- I think that you're getting
prematurely aggravated.

- No, I'm not, actually.
- Okay, good.

- It's just
when people don't listen to me,

this is what happens.

"Yes, Chef,"
is not part of her vocabulary.

- In case they come up to me
and start talking about dinner,

which is what
they are calling it...

- We're doing tapas.

You gonna communicate it
with the guests?

- I am, but not while they're
eating their dessert.

- Perfect, I just wanted
to make sure.

- Okay, great, yeah.

And would you like
to know what time?

- Hey, Kelley, come in,
it's Ben, please.

Can I get a pickup, please?

- Roger that, I'll be
leaving in just a sec.

- All right, thank you.

- Such a diva.

¶ ¶

- Get the f--- over yourself,

Go back to the Marine Corps
or something.

- Just let it go.
- No, I'm not letting it go.

- Kelley, Kelley, come in,
it's Ben, please.

Can I get a pickup, please?

- Roger that, I'll be leaving
in just a sec.

- Here, and you can take
this back with you.

- Kate, you have four people
here, all right?

Sort it out.

Cheers, guys,
I'll see you later.

- Okay.
No, we're good, we're good.

- Yeah, I need to go back
to the boat, though,

'cause I got to feed the crew.

- What was that about?

- He's just having
a diva moment,

because he feels like
he's gonna have to cook more,

but that's kind of the job.

- Kate refuses to communicate
with the guests,

and now the guests still think

that they're having
a sit-down dinner.

And it's like, you know,
this should have been discussed

hours ago with them.

Most people
are actually afraid of Kate,

but I'm not afraid of anyone.

We're obviously going through
a power struggle right now,

and I'm not gonna back down,
because I'm setting a precedent

for the rest
of the charter season.

- Are you all done here?
- Yes.

- Thank you.
- My pleasure.

- That's what they
were fighting about.

- Kelley, Kelley, Kate.
- Go ahead for Kelley.

- I think the guests and I are
ready to go back to the boat.

- All right, I'm on my way.

- Whenever you guys are ready,
the tender is on standby.

- Hello!

- Can you grab some butter

out of that fridge?

- Thank you.

- What are you doing?

- I'm prepping dog food
right now.

Please don't disturb.

- Can you please tell me
what you'd like to serve

so I can sell it to them?

- This is what
is gonna happen.

I'm gonna talk to the guests,

because clearly you are
terrible at it, thank you.

- Is this your first charter?

- I've known Kate
for many years,

and when she starts
putting up resistance,

I have to take matters
into my own hands.

- Can you radio to Kate

to have Kelley
bring more bags?

- Kelley, Kelley, Trevor.

Hey, man, bring some trash bags
back when you come back

to help us break down.

- You mean,
"Bring the trash bags, please"?

- Okay, well, bring
trash bags back, please?

Get the f--- over yourself,

Go back to the Marine Corps
or something.

- All we need to do is just say
please and thank you.

- I said, "Hey, can I get
some trash bags?"

Demoted or not, I know I have
way more experience

than any of the other deckhands,
including Kelley.

And I think I should
be respected for all that.

Like, I could
totally be boatswain.

- But, I mean,
it's that attitude

that's obviously
pissing him off.

- That's not my attitude,

I go about everything
his way for anything.

- Just let it go.
- No, I'm not letting it go.

I'm gonna f---ing lose it
tonight, I guarantee it.

- Hey, guys, how are you?
- Not too bad.

- Good, so it's completely
up to you.

I just felt like,
at this point in the evening,

you might not want, like,
a serious formal dinner.

It might be more fun to roll

with some exciting
tapas options.

- This is embarrassing.

Ben is trying to do my job.

He is being a total d*ck.

- That'd be great.

- So what time would you
like that, do you think?

- 9:00-ish.
- 9:00 work for you?

- Yeah, that's brilliant.

What's your favorite food?

I want to make sure
he's happy.

- Well, mine is turkey bacon.
- Is it?

- I would say
that's my favorite.

- Okay, absolutely perfect.

Enough said, thank you so much.
- Got it?

- Take care.

- Thanks, Kate.
- My pleasure.

¶ ¶

- Kate, you saw me
getting stressed earlier

'cause I didn't know
what was going on.

Three hours later, I still
didn't know what was going on.

- My ultimate goal in asking you
what you planned on making--

"Do you guys
want a relaxed tapas

"kind of informal thing,

or do you want
a sit-down dinner?"

Three hours ago,
I wanted that answer.

- Whoa.

- And you were just
buying time.

- All I've got is time.

All I've got on this boat
is a bunch of time on this boat.

- Something happened;
they were fighting.

- I'm not like you,
I'm not like,

"I don't feel like
working past 9:00."

- I don't feel like that.

Oh, now you're trying
to label me as lazy.

- I don't know what your problem
right now is.

- My problem is, is communicate
with the guests,

or I'm gonna communicate

That's my problem.

- I communicated tapas.

- If they're arguing
like that,

make sure the door
to the galley is closed.

- You don't know
what communication is.

- Don't I?

I think I communicated
very well with them.

- Oh, selectively.

- At least I got
definitive answers from them.

- I wanted definitive answers
from you.

- Well, that was the problem,
wasn't it?

- Want it downstairs now?

- No, we're gonna do,
if we can,

without making a mess
with the chef,

we want to do his dinner.
- Sure.

- Hello.

- Chef Ben,
are you ready for me?

- There's no time
like the present.

Here we go.

- I'm just finishing up
the dog's supplements.

Have you ever seen a dog
need so many vitamins?

- That dog's probably
healthier than I am.

- He's never had brown rice,
but I'm sure he'll love it.

¶ ¶

And then the Scupper
is good to go.

Thank you, Chef.

Boy, look at this.

There you go.

¶ ¶

- All right, what is the most
efficient way to do this?

- Unload it all,
and then...

- Should we unload it
to the side there, and then--

- That's what she was saying.

Come here, Trevor, come here.

Come on, let's go.

- Oh, my God,
this is so annoying.

- I'm tired of getting
chewed out for everything.

You're making me look horrible.

- You're making yourself
look bad.

- I feel undermined as f---
by you.

- No, you're not
being undermined.

I'm your f---ing boss.

- Really?
I'm busting my ass, man.

- Dude, everybody's busting
their f---ing ass, everybody.

What, you think
you're f---ing special?

You're the only problem
that I have,

and everybody sees it.

I tried being nice to him,
but at this point,

Mr. Nice Boatswain is gone.

I'm just tired of excuses.

Just say, "My bad,
next time we got it."

¶ ¶

- Can I get you a drink?
- Yes, please.

- Sure, gin and tonic?

- Diet, if you have it.
- Absolutely.

- Thank you.
You look so pretty.

- Thank you so much.

Did you want alcohol?

- That would be the gin part.

- Oh, okay.

- Okay, thank you.

- You ready, little man?
- Come on, man.

- Come on, bud.

- Well, how pretty is this?

- Look how beautiful you are.
- Thank you.

- We're about ready
for dinner, right?

- Yeah, I think so.
- That would be perfect.

- Okay.
- Thank you, Kate.

- What do you think
is the time, Ben,

until I can
bring a platter out?

- You didn't say
they were at the table.

- They're ready to eat,

so if you want
to put it on platters,

great, let's do it.

- Turkey bacon, crab cake,
truffle sauce.

- Okay, thanks.

So first, we have a crab cake

with a truffle
remoulade sauce.

And this is the turkey bacon.

- I knew I smelled
the turkey bacon.

- The food is really good.
- Oh, God, yeah.

- Very good.
- Good.

- Are they liking?

- I don't hover over them while
they take their first bite,

but I'll keep you posted.

- Okay, hon, like
just a..."Yes, they like it."

- I will let you know.

- As long as they're not
throwing it over the side

at this point, it's okay.

- I don't know,
they might be.

¶ ¶

- F---ing hell.

- Now we have a seared tuna

with a truffle balsamic glaze.

- He must have been
real pissed at you, Kate.

- How could you tell?

- Exactly.

- I mean, you guys
only have two nights.

I don't fault you at all

for wanting to have
a nice sit-down dinner.

I'm more than tired of this.

Have I spoiled Ben too much
by being, like, accommodating?

Now, for dessert, we have
a deconstructed blueberry pie.

- Oh, there you go.

- What we want you to do now is,
we want you to go in

and tell him we want
a full breakfast at 6:00 a.m.

- Eggs Benedict.
- He hates that, right?

- He needs to learn a lesson
like a toddler.

Like, he needs
to be put in time-out.

He clearly has lost sight
of how to behave.

- Great job, little man.

- Scuffer,
we're going this way.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- This has been one of the most
exhausting days of my life,

mentally and physically.

Kate's been a bloody nightmare,

and I'm really over it
right now.

¶ ¶

Breakfast is at 9:00.

¶ ¶

- You guys want me
to take one with you?

I can cheers one with you
if it's the last night.

Fair winds
and following seas.

¶ ¶

- Attention all deck crew,

let's get ready
for departure.

- Roger that.

- We got to get the gangway in.

I'm gonna go to the bow.

- Nice morning.

- Go down a little bit
more your way.

- See that spacer on top?

- Let me know
when everybody's in position

so we can get
out of here, Kelley.

- On the bow, waiting to go.

- Roger that, Captain.

- Why the f--- did he radio
over the f--- mic?

- Who?
- Trevor.

- Once that's in,
go ahead and get your lines.

- All right.

- We're good.

- All right, let's start
with this, bow to stern.

- Roger, bow to stern.

- Bow line is in.

- Both stern lines in, Captain.

- Looks pretty good.
Good job.

¶ ¶

- Hello, good morning,
how'd you sleep?

- Good.
- Good.

- Good morning.
- Good morning, Kate.

- The dog doesn't
get seasick, huh?

- So far.
- Has it ever?

- Like, even when
he was a puppy?


- He doesn't like
smaller boats.

- Too restrictive.

- All right, people,
here we go.

Eggs Florentine
with turkey bacon.

- Okay.

So we have eggs Benedict
Florentine with turkey bacon.

- That looks beautiful.

- Wow, this is really good.

So good.
- It's delicious.

- Very good.

- Happy?

- The only person not happy
is you.

¶ ¶

- All right, Kelley, leads,
get this anchor dropped.

- Roger that.
We're on our way up.

- I need four sh*ts,
go ahead and drop.

- Roger that, four sh*ts,
dropping now.

¶ ¶

- Okay, lock it in.
- Roger that.

- I do feel a little ostracized,
a little alienated

with the whole deck crew
and everything.

And I really think Kelley
is the f---ing whole problem.

- Roger that.

Thank you, sir.

- Is it possible for us
to get Scupper off?

- Captain Lee, come in.

- What do you need?

- Guest was wondering if we
could take them to the beach

'cause Scupper needs
to use the restroom.

- Can you run them in?

- Copy that.

¶ ¶

- The guests are still
ashore, yeah?

- Yes, master.

- Yeah, we got to stop
this bullsh--, babe.

Can we both, like,
reach some kind of agreement?

- I don't know, but...
see you next Tuesday.

- You're a Tuesday.

It's no fun arguing with Kate,

because if I wind her up,
she won't show it.

And then she'll really
wind me up.

And, you know, okay, maybe
she's better at it than me.

But that's not something
I want to focus on in life,

is pissing people off.

- You're right, I'm a Tuesday
every day of the week.

- And you never take
a f---ing day off.

- Not a lot of grass.

- But you found a spot.

- All nice and new and shiny.

It's almost a shame
to put it in the water.

You're gonna need
another person.

- Nico, Nico,
get back here to the swim deck.

- Find a air port?

- You've got one
on each end, I'm sure.

- Oh, here's one, over here.

One, two...

No, no, no, no,
we don't want it on that side.

- Oh, boy, 'cause this
isn't sinking.

- That's not gonna be good,

- What a pain in the ass
this thing is.

- Hey, Nico,
we're gonna bring you

some shackles to put in there.

- On the center one here,

and on the center one
over there.

Are there any corners
that are still up at all?

Do you have any extra weight
in those back three?

- Nico, let's go, man.
Good job.

¶ ¶

- I thought it was supposed
to keep the critters out.

- Don't worry, there's a net
under us in the pool.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- How was it, guy?
- Very fun.

- They used it
for about five minutes

and realized they look
like babies

inside of a baby pen.

So glad I set that up for you.

¶ ¶

- I have to iron
Scupper's tuxedo.

- Wow.

- Hey, Kate, do you think
this would be okay

if I just steamed it?

- Just on the lowest setting,
and go real quick.

- Okay.

- Don't burn the baby's
clothes, Sierra.

Just don't burn
the baby's clothes.

- Look at this.

He's all set.

- Hey, Ben,
can I seat the guests?

- Yes, you may.

- Shellfish risotto.

- Ready?
- Yes, I am.

- Yay.
- Are you good with three?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, brilliant, cheers.

- And we have seafood risotto.

Lobster, mussels, and clams.

- Wow.

- Enjoy.
- Thank you.

- Hey, Kel.

- Hey, what are you doing?

- Oh, just at the house,
hanging out.

It's so good to talk to you!

- It's good to talk to you.

I've missed you.

- Oh, my gosh, I miss you too.

- My sister's on another boat

with a captain
that she's dating.

And I kind of wish
she was here right now.

- Did you poot?
- No.

- Oh, my gosh, Kelley.

That is so rank, seriously.

Okay, spill the beans.

Who is everyone?

- Okay, so I have one deckhand

who has been nothing
but a pain in my ass.

- Oh, gosh.

- My other two
are like golden children.

They're great.
He just gets so defensive.

First thing he does is he
comes out, gets in the hot tub.

Nico comes in,
and Trevor's like,

"Oh, cool tattoo, bro,
but the shading's sh--."

- So can I have it straight?

There's three dudes
in a hot tub

arguing about a tattoo?"

Wait a second.

- Oh, I hate you so much
right now.

Talking to my sister
is really good.

And she'll usually give me

a good opposite version
of what I would do.

F---, I love my sister.

She's the sh--.

- Tipping my hat to ya.

- All right.

- Okay, well, I miss you.

- Did you know that the Germans
had trained poodles

in the 17th century
to dive for lobster?

- Okay, Ben, we're ready
for dessert whenever you are.

- Emily, you're
gonna be late girl.

- Okay.

- Dinner goes surprisingly well

when Kate's not acting
like a mega bee-hatch.

I need more nights like this.

- Tiramisu.
- Oh, good.

- Thank you.

- I want to go in the hot tub.

- We're just
gonna take Scupper out.

You ready, buddy?

¶ ¶

- Here we go.

¶ ¶

- I just had a f---ing long day.

And what's one shot of liquor
gonna do to a guy like me

who can drink
a f---ing full bottle?


Fair winds
and following seas.

- You got it, bro.

- This is a total no-no.

But it's not my nature to tell
on another crew member.

I don't know
if you should have done that.

- I'm not worried about it.

Doesn't matter.

¶ ¶

- Did you just chug that?

- What are you doing, man?

- Just chill the f--- out.

- Ben being a d*ck,
you being a bitch.

- You know what?

You're done with that.

¶ ¶

- Ready to get some coffee, hon?
- Yeah.

- All right, guys, let's pull it
up and get out of here.

- Two sh*ts, there you go.

- Let's get it in
and get out of here.

- Sit, speak.

- Ooh!

¶ ¶

- It must be good
if no one's talking.

- I know.

- We're ready.

- All right,
we're coming all stop.

- Roger that.

- No traffic astern,

and plenty of room
on the channel marker, Cap.

¶ ¶

- Lock it in.

- F--- yeah.

- So when are we
coming back?

Soon, I hope.

- Next week.

- Attention all crew,

I need everybody
on the aft deck in five.

- Have to say good-bye.

Come on, we got to
say good-bye.

- There we go.

- Enjoy New York.

- Thank you for everything.

- See you later,
you come back.

- It was, like,
the greatest trip.

I didn't have to worry about
any boat problems whatsoever.

Thank you all.

Thank you so much,
really appreciate it.

- Bye.
- Bye, guys.

- Bye.
- Thank you.

- Bye, Scupper.

- Let's go to work.

¶ ¶

- Just see how hard
old maid's working right now.

He's loving life.

- Where is he?
- Where do you think?

- Having a ciggy?

- I just see him sitting
on the tender,

not doing jack sh--.

- What the f---?

- Attention all crew,

I need everybody
in the crew mess immediately.

¶ ¶

So I think this charter
was--thought it was okay.

You know, like kissing
your sister.

I think one of the things
we need to work on, though,

is a communication breakdown,

specifically about
the clambake.

- I did the best job
to the best of my abilities,

and I don't know
why I get dogged

for every frickin' tip meeting.

This communication thing,
yeah, it's diabolical.

- So we do have some money
to divvy up here.

It wasn't as much
as the last one.

A little under 12 grand.

$1,085 apiece.

- We do need to work
on our communication.

But I don't think
Captain Lee knows

the extent of Ben's freak-out,

and if he had, he would have
called him out a bit more.

- You can go out tonight.

But remember
that it's a work day.

We need to crank it today.

- Sounds good.
- Thanks, Captain.

- Thank you.

¶ ¶

- So what do you want to do?

What's the game plan
for tonight?

Get a little food,
get a little drinks?

- Make a little love,
get down tonight?

- Yeah...
- Yeah?

- Is this our
anniversary today?

- Yeah.
- Congratulations.

- Yeah, made it
to our first week.

- Oh, my God.

- It's so hard to believe

that I've only known Nico
for two charters,

'cause I feel like we've known
each other forever.

It's just really easy
on so many levels.

And he's--
I mean, yeah, he's cute.

- Ooh!

¶ ¶

- Did the girls go out
for tanning?

- They're, like,
meditating and sh--.

- So relaxing.

- Huh.

¶ ¶

- Ooh, Jesus.

¶ ¶

- Emily's cute.

She's got an amazing accent.

And it's been five months,

- What is she doing?
- They're trying to de-stress.

¶ ¶

¶ ¶

- When's Ro coming?

- Soon.

- I'm probably a better
soccer player, than him.

- He's probably
a better chef than you.

- These are cutie cute.

- Thanks.
Yeah, they're comfy too.

- Yeah, nice.

- Gimme some positive vibes.

Let's have some f---ing fun.

¶ ¶

- Oh, my.

¶ ¶

Can I get a painkiller?

- Can we get four total, please?

And then what do you guys want?

- Vodka, dirty, please.

- Can she get it filthy, please?

Make it hard.

- I want to say it is so much
fun working with all of you.

And, yeah, let's get weird.

- I hear that.
- As if we're not weird enough.

- Let's get weirder.

- I never thought of it
that way.

- That's why I don't drink
out of martini glasses.

- Did you just chug that?

- No, Trevor did.

- Your hair,
it's gorgeous, though.

You do a very good job
every time.

- Thank you.

- I could style your hair
f---ing phenomenally.

- Wow.

- I modeled for Paul Mitchell
for two years almost.

I could show you guys
some of my modeling pictures.

You go into a Paul Mitchell
catalog still to this day,

you'll see me in the long hair.

- All right,
let's get out of here.

- She's ready.
- Yes.

- Can I get a Bud Light,
a Stoli soda,

and two filthy martinis?

- Uh, what are you doing, dude?

Where do you think
this is gonna go?

- There's swings over there.

- Yeah, I think we should
switch over to those, huh?

- Yeah, look, come.

- Oh, my God, they're going
out there to f---.

- You got it?
- Yeah.

Oh, my God!

- I'm gonna shred her p----
on the f---ing rocks

while my d--- gets crabs.

- What are you talking about?

- I don't know how--
I don't know how to do

anything but talking about it.

- I think somebody's
asking for you over there.

- Oh, sh--.


- So, tell me...

- Kelley's quite cute
and good-looking,

but I'm very picky.

And I have to get to know
someone quite deeply

before anything happens.

- Don't touch our swing.

- Don't touch.

- Trevor is beyond

a certain
inebriated threshold.

He just acts
like a complete tosser.

You're sh--faced.

- I'm sh--faced?

- I think so.

- Because I'm telling you
something different?

- You're not
telling me anything.

- Ben being a d*ck,
you being a bitch?

- I'm actually a d*ck.

Choose your words,
be creative.

- That makes me annoyed,
when you call her a bitch.

It does.

I'm the only person that's
allowed to call her a bitch.

I'm sorry.
- Yeah, it's true.

- Hey, hey.

- What the f--- is it
with you, man?

- Dude, f--- off.
- Just chill out.

- F--- off, man.
- You need to chill out.

- You're crazy.
- I know.

- I f---ing love you, though.

- Okay, good.

Then keep loving me, baby,
and stop annoying me.

- You know what?

You're done with that.

Just chill the f--- out.

- Next time on "Below Deck."

- This is a group
of entrepreneurs.

- We're making more money
right now

than most people make
in a year.

- Ah!

- One guest doesn't eat meat.

Gluten-free, dairy-free,

And then they wanted a formal
dinner on the first night

with 12-course tasting menu.

- Sh--.

- I have not done
a 12-course service before.

Ben seems very stressed out
about this 12-course meal.

I could offer
to prepare something.

- Good.
- Okay.

- That tuna's f---ed.

I don't want
to serve it anymore.

Just deal with it, okay?

I have to get this food out.

- I can't deal with this.

I'm over it.

- ¶ Time to make that money ¶


- Shut the f--- up!
- Hey, bro.

- Got a PTSD f---ing Marine
as my f---ing boatswain.

- I think that once
is an accident.

Twice is a pattern.

Do I believe there'll be
a third time?

Without a doubt.

I know how to handle this.
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